Africa CD Program - 2019 1st Half-year Report · 2019-08-19 · Participation in ITTF-Africa...

Continental Development Program in Africa 2019 First Half-Year Report "TABLE TENNIS. FOR ALL. FOR LIFE."

Transcript of Africa CD Program - 2019 1st Half-year Report · 2019-08-19 · Participation in ITTF-Africa...

Page 1: Africa CD Program - 2019 1st Half-year Report · 2019-08-19 · Participation in ITTF-Africa Development Program Activities Coaches Officials Athletes Administrators Women PTT 2 courses

Continental Development Program in Africa

2019 First Half-Year Report


Page 2: Africa CD Program - 2019 1st Half-year Report · 2019-08-19 · Participation in ITTF-Africa Development Program Activities Coaches Officials Athletes Administrators Women PTT 2 courses

Table of Contents SUMMARY ..................................................................................................... 3

CONTINENTAL DEVELOPMENT MANAGER DEBRIEF ...................................... 3

KEY FIGURES ............................................................................................ 4

CONTINENTAL DEVELOPMENT ....................................................................... 5

EDUCATION ............................................................................................... 5

MAURITIUS - ITTF-PTT LEVEL 1 COACH EDUCATION ............................................. 5

HIGH PERFORMANCE .................................................................................. 6

TUNISIA - AFRICA U15 TRAINING CAMP ............................................................. 6

GHANA - CONTINENTAL COACHING SEMINAR ........................................................ 7






PARA TABLE TENNIS ................................................................................. 13

EGYPT - NATIONAL CLASSIFICATION SEMINAR.................................................... 13

OLYMPIC SOLIDARITY .............................................................................. 14

NIGERIA - ITTF LEVEL 2 COACH EDUCATION...................................................... 14

SPECIFIC PROJECTS .................................................................................... 15

WORLD TABLE TENNIS DAY ...................................................................... 15

EQUIPMENT ................................................................................................ 17

EQUIPMENT PACKAGES ............................................................................ 17

MANUALS ................................................................................................. 17

SCHEDULE ................................................................................................... 18

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This year 2019 was started in the best possible way with the signing of the new 2019-2020 ITTF & ATTF Continental Development Memorandum of Understanding, which will strengthen the support given to National Associations by addressing their needs in an appropriate way, and thus give the green light for the preparation and implementation of the various activities. The implementation of this agreement was the result of extensive discussions and consultations that lead to a development project in accordance with the principles of the ITTF Strategic Plan. One of the most important new features of this MoU is undoubtedly the recruitment of new "Regional Development Officers" in each of the African Continent's 5 Regions. This position was created in the wake of the ITTF's Strategic Plan in order to provide all stakeholders with solid paths from community to High Performance, thus encouraging regional cooperation. As previously announced, we started with our Pilot Project in the West Region in April with the hiring of the first RDO, and we dare to hope that the expected results could be achieved. Also, in its desire to support African coaches in their High-Level approach, the ITTF continuously and increasingly supports initiatives that allow the development of African coaches. It was reflected in a considerable way at the beginning of this year by the appointment of the High Performance Manager within the ITTF to lead a Training Camp for African cadet players in Tunisia in January and the very first Continental Coaching Seminar in Africa hosted in Ghana in the wake of the African Youth Championships, which serves to encourage and to pool actions between National Associations. As part of the 2019 Continental Development Program, we have registered the organization of 4 of the 5 Regional "Hopes and Cadet Week & Challenge", intended for the training and competition of U12 and U15 players in each region as well as the education of their coaches. The Continental stage of "Hopes and Cadet Week & Challenge" also found its place during the first half of 2019. This event was the only qualifying event for the "2019 World Hopes Week & Challenge" in Oman for Hopes players. It is also important to note that during this quarter we experienced a problem of lack of responsiveness of the National Associations to respond to emails and various communications, with a very low response rate to Course Offers (only 67%), which delayed the programming of development activities which will take place in the great majority during the second semester. I would like to take this opportunity to warmly thank all African National Associations representatives and the presidents of Regions who have supported us in the elaboration and implementation of the new Development Program in Africa, and we hope to continue our efficient collaboration.



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Participation in ITTF-Africa Development Program Activities Coaches Officials Athletes Administrators Women PTT 2 courses 0 course 6 courses 8 courses 0 course 1 course

Males Females M F M F M F M F M F 102 20 - - 84 57 7 1 - - 6 3

122 - 141 8 - 9 Total number of activities: 9

Total amount of beneficiaries: 280

Implementation of Agreement of Understanding between ITTF & ATTF

Activity Conducted Agreement Progress Grassroots Development

Projects 1 12 8,33%

Advanced Development Projects

0 2 0%

Regional Projects 0 5 0% Regional Hopes & Cadets 4 5 80%

Continental Hopes et cadets

1 1 100%

Women’s Activities 0 2 0% PTT Activities 1 2 50%

Grassroots Equipment Assistance

0 12 0%

Competition Equipment Assistance

0 5 0%


7 46 15,22%


29% Women


44% Coaches

0% URC

50% Athletes

3% Administrators0% Women3% PTT

Type of Activity

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Dates 20 – 29 June Expert Julien GIRARD (FRA) Budget 5500 US$ Funding: ITTF Continental Development Program

Coach Education Officials Education Athlete Development Para Table Tennis Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

14 1 - - 10 8 - - Full article | As part of the 2019 Continental Development Program, the Mauritius Table Tennis Association has organized from 20th to 29th June 2019 at the "Complexe sportif de Beau Bassin" an ITTF-PTT level 1 coaching course followed by a training camp for young players under the direction of the French expert Julien GIRARD. The Mauritian National Association preferred to opt for a Level 1 Coach Education instead of a Level 2 course initially offered by the ITTF on the basis of categorization system for National Associations, since they lack new coaches who are able to work with children, to teach basic table tennis techniques and knowledge to a novice and young public, and to promote the sport in provinces, schools and kindergartens. The 15 candidates who took part in this training, all from the host city, formed a beautiful mosaic composed of 9 Physical Education teachers, two specialized educators with experience to work daily with disabled people and 4 players eager to learn in order to ensure their retraining. Although the Mauritius TTA has provided all the necessary means to successfully train coaches and has provided all the essential elements for the smooth running of the activity, we nevertheless regret the fact that the number of participants could not reach the minimum number required for a Grassroots Development Activity, which is 20. In the wake of the coaching training, a 5-day training camp was organized for young Mauritian table tennis players to prepare them for the 2019 Indian Ocean Island Games to be hosted by Mauritius from 19th to 28th July 2019. The athletes benefited from the presence of the ITTF expert, renowned for his technical expertise and know-how, to assist in the preparation and provide them with advice and tips that could be important during the competitions. The Mauritius National Association has also invited players from China, France and Algeria to train and support their players in the final stage of the preparations.

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Dates: 4 – 11 January Expert Massimo COSTANTINI (ITA) Budget: 6452 US$ Funding: ITTF Continental Development Program

Coach Education Officials Education Athlete Development Para Table Tennis Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

5 1 - - 5 6 - - Full article | The Tunisian Table Tennis Federation hosted from 4th to 11th January 2019 in the specific table tennis Venue of the National Youth City of El Menzah a Training Camp for African Cadet Players. This activity was organized thanks to the remaining budget for the preparation and participation of the African Team in the "2018 World Cadet Challenge". During 8 days, African players relied on the advice and instruction of the ITTF High Performance Manager Massimo COSATNTINI (ITA), who was assisted by the Africa Development Manager, Ramzi B.H MABROUK (TUN). 7 of the 12 players invited took part in this training camp, with the participation of 2 Algerian players, 1 Congolese player, 1 South African player and 3 Tunisian players. We are sorry for the withdrawal of the 2 Egyptian boys and 2 girls for various reasons related to obtaining entry visas to Tunisia or for school commitments and exams, as well as for the absence of the Nigerian Player who was unable to attend this training camp. The training sessions were conducted with a frequency of 2 daily training sessions of 3 hours each, during which instructions, observations and above all advices were given to the players so that they could better understand the objectives and the means of evolution and progress. The coaches present were also able to take advantage of their presence by providing assistance during training sessions or for the "Many Balls" sessions, but above all by participating in the very beneficial and informative educational sessions, during which many things were clarified and facilitated.

Africa U15 Training Camp


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Dates: 10 April Expert: Massimo COSTANTINI (ITA) Budget: Funding: ITTF Continental Development Program

Coach Education Officials Education Athlete Development Para Table Tennis Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

36 7 - - - - - - Full article |

In the wake of the African Youth Championships and under the aegis of the International Table Tennis Federation, the very first Continental Coaching Seminar was held on 10th April 2019, which was a great opportunity for attended African coaches to learn from the ITTF Staff present and to taste on Massimo COSTANTINI's experience, ITTF-High Performance Manager, and to share his expertise and vision to predict the future of Table Tennis in the world, and the means that can be put in place to enable Africa to achieve High Performance. The theme of this seminar was: "the Optimal training to reach the Highest Performance". We were very pleased to see such a large attendance of knowledgeable coaches and so interested in the topics to be discussed. We registered the participation of no less than 43 coaches, including 7 women. Such a seminar is useful, given the development of Africans' level. The exchanges were interactive and focused mainly on the themes related to Description of the world's top players, optimizing training to achieve High-Performance, and the means that can be put in place to develop a high-level practice in Africa. Many elements were highlighted during this seminar and many recommendations were drawn. We focused on what distinguishes Top level table tennis players and their attitudes: It is essential to give great importance to this aspect, as it encompasses all the other components of performance, whether technical, tactical, physical or mental. The attitude makes it possible to forge discipline to reduce the short circuit between technique and tactics. This is where the coach must intervene and be constantly present. Also, it was necessary to insist on the means of optimizing training by giving greater importance to the Bases. It is essential to optimize time, material, budget... according to the availability of players and playing conditions, in order to achieve reasonable and intermediate objectives. One of the recommendations to be drawn from this seminar is undoubtedly that we must create the necessary conditions in Africa to have world-class players, that we must start with the masses, in schools, kindergartens, youth centers, create pathways for progress, and work in unity, in collaboration, by promoting "Regional Cooperation".

Continental Coaching Seminar


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Dates: 14 – 21 April Expert: Ramzi B.H MABROUK (TUN) Budget: 8200 US$ Funding: ITTF Continental Development Program

Coach Education Officials Education Athlete Development Para Table Tennis Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

5 2 - - 11 5 - -

Full article |

Ghana Table Tennis Association hosted the "2019 West Africa Regional Hopes and Cadet Week & Challenge" from 14th to 21th April 2019, the first Talent Identification Program on Africa and during which we experienced the addition of the cadet category (under 15 years old) to fill the gap in supporting and monitoring the progress of the youngest African table tennis players, particularly in their transition from the Hopes category and their access to the juniors. This activity was led by the Tunisian expert Ramzi B.H MABROUK, ITTF Africa Development Manager. This event was designed to have 6 days of training and 2 days of competition during which 16 players (11 boys [8 U12 and 3 U15] + 5 girls [3 U12 and 2 U15]) in addition to 6 coaches (1 from SLE, 1 from NGR and 4 from GHA) were present. Nigeria participated with 4 players (3 boys and 1 girl) and a coach, Sierra Leone with 2 players (2 boys) and a coach. Ghana as host country participated with 9 players (5 boys and 4 girls) and 4 coaches including one woman. Another highlight of this event was the participation of the new West Africa Regional Development Officer, Paul TIENDREBEOGO, for his very first mission within the ITTF. That said, it is a pity that the largest region in Africa with 15 National Associations to its credit presents an event of such great importance with only 3 delegations. The Regional Hopes and Cadets Challenge offers to young table tennis players the opportunity to train and to compete. However, the event was not only focused on players, as coaching training was also a key aspect of the event. The training sessions generally consisted of working on the fundamentals, basic and linking techniques in addition to footwork. The Ghanaian National Federation provided a good number of balls which allowed to have a work in "many balls", essential in the individualization of the training. Nigeria is certainly at a higher level than the others in the region, as evidenced by the results recorded during the competitions, as well as a motion of honor for the young Ghanaian and Sierra Leonean players.

2019 West Africa Regional Hopes and Cadet Week & Challenge


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Dates: 19 – 26 April Expert: Hisham ISMAIL (EGY) Budget: 8200 US$ Funding: ITTF Continental Development Program

Coach Education Officials Education Athlete Development Para Table Tennis Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

7 2 - - 14 9 - - Full article | The Tunisian Table Tennis Federation hosted the "2019 North Africa Regional Hopes and Cadet Week & Challenge" which took place at the specific table tennis Venue of the “Cité Nationale de la Jeunesse d'El Menzah” from 19th to 26th April 2019 under the direction of the Egyptian expert Hisham ISMAIL, a coach with great know-how and experience in leading ITTF's Talent Identification Programs. The event recorded the participation of Egypt with 4 boys and one girl in addition to 2 coaches, Algeria with 3 boys, one girl and one coach, as well as the host country, Tunisia, with 7 boys, 7 girls and 5 coaches (including 1 woman). Should it be mentioned that a Libyan player wanted to take part in this event but was unable to attend because he was not registered by his National Association. The objective of the training camp was to train and to contribute to the progress of young players from the Northern Region in order to develop a new generation of Hopes and Cadet players. The focus was on service-return and footwork. The 6 days of training, “Many balls” training was organized to also improve speed and control, as well as physical training. The last two days, a tournament opposing players of the same gender and age category was organized during which Egypt was crowned in the 4 events, those of the Hopes (boys and girls) and the Cadets (boys and girls). Tunisia was awarded second place.

2019 North Africa Regional Hopes and Cadet Week & Challenge


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Dates: 21 – 28 April Expert: Hechmi ABID (TUN) Budget: 8200 US$ Funding: ITTF Continental Development Program

Coach Education Officials Education Athlete Development Para Table Tennis Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

5 2 - - 15 7 - - Full article | For two years now, the DR of Congo has been organizing Talent Identification Programs and Training Camps, which shows great interest and support for young players, especially cadets and Hopes. It is in this dynamic that the Congo Table Tennis National Association hosted the "2019 Africa Central Region Hopes and Cadet Week & Challenge" from 21st to 28th April 2019 in Kinshasa under the direction of the Tunisian expert Hechmi ABID, Tunisia's assistant national coach and who has been working daily for 2-3 years with young Tunisian players aged 12-15. It should be noted that the expert's mission was shortened by one day due to the failure to obtain an entry visa to the DR of Congo, which forced the number of days of competition to be reduced from 2 to 1 day. In order to encourage the participation of several delegations from the Centre region, the DR Congo TTA offered free air tickets for 1 player from each National Association wishing to participate in the Regional H&CC. This initiative, which we warmly welcome, has ensured the participation of Burundi (1 player), Congo-Brazzaville (with 2 players), Gabon (1 player) and the DR of Congo, host country (with 16 players). The general training program was built on consistency and serve-receive. The training sessions were prepared mutually between the ITTF expert and the coaches the day before, in order to make them more responsible and ensure their involvement. Beyond the ITTF mission, the expert had some exchanges and meetings with the COD National Association Board during which they discussed the difficulties that table tennis is experiencing in the region and were able to propose that all players from the Centre region can participate in any national competition in their region, in order to improve their competitiveness. Also, Hechmi had an exchange with a journalist. Their discussion focused on the importance of the media in promoting table tennis in the country and region and encouraging young people to discover and practice the sport.

The challenge was organized on the last day of the ITTF mission and was broadcast live on the DRC's national channel, RNTC.

2019 Africa Central Region Hopes and Cadet Week & Challenge


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Dates: 21 – 28 April Expert: Passant OSMAN (EGY) Budget: 8200 US$ Funding: ITTF Continental Development Program

Coach Education Officials Education Athlete Development Para Table Tennis Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

7 1 - - 10 11 - - Full article | After having organized the previous year the Eastern Region Championships in Kigali, the Rwandan Table Tennis Association hosted the East Africa Regional Hopes and Cadet Week & Challenge" from 21st to 28th April 2019 under the direction of the Egyptian expert Passant OSMAN. The Host National Association is eager to continue the path of organizing sports events, talent identification programs and training for coaches and officials, and to strengthen regional cooperation so that the Eastern National Associations can take advantage of opportunities, fill gaps and move forward together. During this regional event, we recorded the participation of only 3 National Associations from the Region, of which Uganda participated with 6 players (3 boys and 3 girls) and 2 coaches, Tanzania with 2 players (2 girls), and Rwanda as the host country with 13 players (7 boys and 6 girls) and 5 coaches (4 men and 1 woman). The training sessions and the "Challenge" took place in the Sports Hall of the Kigali National Stadium. The training program focused on basics and consistency. In parallel with the training, many exchanges took place between the expert and the Ugandan and Rwandan coaches who wanted to learn and deepen their knowledge and skills. The discussions revolved around several themes such as the basic technique and the importance of practicing, physical work, training planning, but also table tennis' rules. The Ugandan players were the big winners of the Challenge held over the last two days, winning the respective events of Cadet Boys Singles and Cadet Girls Singles and Boys Singles Hopes. The only exception was Rwanda's Hirwa KELIA, who won the Hopes Girls Singles event.

2019 East Africa Regional Hopes and Cadet Week & Challenge


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Dates: 8 – 15 June Experts: ITTF: Eva JELER (GER) / Africa: Ramzi B.H

MABROUK (TUN) Budget: 13300 US$ Funding: ITTF Continental Development Program

Coach Education Officials Education Athlete Development Para Table Tennis Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

5 2 - - 19 11 - - Full article | The first edition of the "Continental Hopes & Cadet Challenge" was held in DR of Congo. Kinshasa, the capital of the DRC, hosted this event from 8th to 15th June 2019 which was led by ITTF expert Eva JELER (GER), an internationally renowned coach with extensive experience in conducting ITTF talent identification programs, and which was assisted by Ramzi B;H MABROUK (TUN), ITTF Africa Development Manager. This continental H&CC has registered the participation of 6 African National Associations (TUN, EGY, RWA, UGA, NGR, and COD as host country) and with a good participation rate of players, for a total of 30 athletes including 11 girls, as well as 7 coaches including two women. Unfortunately, due to difficulties in obtaining entry visas to the DR Congo, the two experts were forced to postpone their arrivals in Kinshasa for two days, thus losing two full days on the training camp, which is the first part of the mission. The training camp was divided into two shifts for each training session. As there were too many players for only 8 tables to train together, two groups of players and coaches were formed at different times. Although the sports facilities and equipment were not that much convenient (balls, tables, floor...). Players and coaches tried to train well, benefiting from Eva's expertise, and all the participants were eager to learn something new, to develop their own style and to prepare themselves well for the "Challenge". All coaches were involved during the training sessions, and the exchange of knowledge between them was an enriching experience for all. On 14th and 15th June was held the "Challenge" which is the only qualifying event on Africa for the "2019 ITTF-World Hopes Week & Challenge", took place in the "Céline MAYANI" studio of the Congolese National Radio and Television (RTNC), in a very pleasant setting and with a generous attendance of the Congolese public who added charm to this event.

2019 Africa Continental Hopes and Cadet Week & Challenge


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Dates 23 – 27 June Experts Juraj STEFAK (SVK) / Lisa LUNDELL (SWE) Budget 5000 US$ Funding: ITTF Continental Development Program

Coach Education Officials Education Athlete Development Para Table Tennis Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

- - - - - - 6 3

Full article |

The PTT Level 1 National Classification Seminar was held in Alexandria (EGY) from 23rd to 27th June 2019 under the guidance of PTT experts Juraj STEFAK from Slovakia and Lisa LUNDELL from Sweden, preceding the PTT African Championships hosted by Egypt from 30th June to 2nd July 2019, an event where winning could almost mean qualification for 2020 Tokyo Paralympic Games. Egypt is undoubtedly the African country with the largest number of table tennis players with a disability. Preparation is an important element in any table tennis tournament, but of course, in a competition for players with disabilities, there is an additional ingredient: ranking to ensure that competitors are in the appropriate category is of vital importance. It was in this context that the 9 participants from Egypt, Jordan, Germany and Slovenia were present and attended 5 intense days of theoretical presentations, classification and observation. Egypt's willingness to organize this activity comes from the fact that their national championships bring together nearly 200 players and some of them are not classified at the international level or their classification is exceeded. The need for classification in the country was obvious; not only did the classifiers perform their usual international classification tasks, but they went further by classifying 20 other players who could not participate in the African Championships. 58 players were classified throughout the week.

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Dates 12 – 19 May Expert Ahmed DAWLATLY (EGY) Budget 10 000 $ Funding: Olympic Solidarity

Coach Education Officials Education Athlete Development Para Table Tennis Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

18 2 - - - - - - Full article | The Nigerian Table Tennis Association, in collaboration with its National Olympic Committee, hosted an ITTF Level 2 Coaching Course as well as a Course Conductor Training, funded by Olympic Solidarity, from 12th to 19th May 2019 under the guidance of Egyptian expert Ahmed DAWLATLY. A total of 20 candidates representing four African countries attended this activity. In addition to the 15 local participants, five other trainees took part in the courses, including 3 from Ghana, the ITTF Africa Development Manager from Tunisia as well as the West Africa Regional Development Officer from Burkina Faso. The courses were held at Liberty Stadium-Ibadan, one of Nigeria's oldest sports venues, which was not very well maintained, and which had an impact on the organization of the courses through electricity cuts and the very hot temperature in the classroom and practice area. Also, it should be mentioned that the organization was very modest with a considerable lack of equipment (lack of tables, balls...). During the first 6 days, the ITTF Level 2 Coaching Course took place with theoretical and practical sessions. Only 8 candidates were able to pass the assessments and were retained by the ITTF expert to participate and submit to the evaluation for the next two days on the occasion of the Course Conductors Training. Unfortunately, only 1 candidate was able to pass the assessments and thus officiate as a new ITTF Level 2 Course Conductor, and only 1 other candidate was given the opportunity to also become an ITTF-PTT Level 1 Course Conductor. We believe that the late arrival of the manuals prevented the trainees from consulting in depth and becoming familiar with the different topics presented during the Education and evaluation.

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The 6th of April is a day dedicated to Table Tennis acolyte to spread their love of table tennis and arouse people's interest in the sport. It's the World Table Tennis Day! The celebration of this Table Tennis Day emphasizes that Table Tennis is not only a matter of competition, of sport; it is also a game for pleasure but also a vehicle for positive social change, a healthy and valuable use of past-time and an opportunity to bring people together, an excellent means for social inclusion. This sport has a unique value where people of different ages, sexes, abilities or physical condition can play together. The 2019 World Table Tennis Day, which recorded 922 events in 107 countries around the world, truly fulfilled its role as a global celebration of sport in society. It has been established as a fundamental mission to promote sport worldwide to be practiced in every corner of the world in order to make Table Tennis popular, universal and inclusive. WTTD is a special day when the Table Tennis family can come together to celebrate and promote everything that makes our sport great. There were more than 63 events in 22 countries in Africa, and that hosted more than 2000 participants, made possible by the selfless efforts of many volunteers and committed supporters from National Associations, regions and leagues. The World Table Tennis Day in Africa was celebrated by organizing activities such as tournaments and exhibitions in streets, clubs, schools, workplaces, shopping malls, etc.

The benefits of Table Tennis for children at school in Uganda

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JTG School Table Tennis in South Africa celebrates the 2019 World Table Tennis Day

Tunisia celebrates 2019 World Table Tennis Day

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EQUIPMENT ASSISTANCE EQUIPMENT PACKAGES We are currently working on the follow-up of the 2018 order with a shipment made for Djibouti during this first half-year. Several other packages are currently being cleared through customs (Niger, Zambia...).

As part of the Africa Continental Development Program, the Equipment Assistance has grown, both quantitatively and qualitatively.

In the approach to offer an appropriate response to National Associations' needs, two types of packages are currently proposed: being one for development and the other for competition. This will mean 17 packages to be allocated each year, instead of 10 in the previous Olympic cycle, thanks to a 90% increase in the dedicated budget. We have also selected the 12 National Associations that will benefit from basic equipment assistance, and identified most of the 5 hosts of Regional Championships which will benefit from the Competition equipment packages, such as Uganda for the Eastern Region, Algeria for the Northern Region and Lesotho for the Southern Region.



National Association

Coaching Manuals Manuals Costs Level 1 Advanced

Nigeria 20 500 $ Mauritius 30 600 $ Burundi 30 600 $

Total 60 20 1.700 $

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You can follow weekly update of ITTF activities here: Follow news from Table Tennis Development in Africa and throughout the world on:

Dates Association Activity Expert

04/01 11/01 Tunisia Africa U15 Training Camp Massimo COASTANTINI (ITA)

01/03 05/03 Egypt Self-funded Course:

ITTF-PTT Level 1 Coaching Course Mohamed RASHAD (EGY)

04/04 09/04 Egypt Self-funded Course:

ITTF Level 2 Coaching Course Ashraf ABDELFATTAH (EGY)

10/04 Ghana Continental Coaching Seminar Massimo COASTANTINI (ITA)

14/04 21/04 Ghana 2019 West Africa Regional Hopes and Cadet Week & Challenge Ramzi MABROUK (TUN)

19/04 26/04 Tunisia 2019 North Africa Regional Hopes and Cadet

Week & Challenge Hisham ISMAIL (EGY)

21/04 28/04 DR Congo 2019 Africa Central Region Hopes and Cadet Week & Challenge Hechmi ABID (TUN)

21/04 28/04 Rwanda 2019 East Africa Regional Hopes and Cadet Week & Challenge Passant OSMAN (EGY)

12/05 19/05 Nigeria Olympic Solidarity:

ITTF Level 2 Coaching Course Ahmed DAWLATLY (EGY)

08/06 15/06 DR Congo 2019 Africa Continental Hopes and Cadet Week & Challenge


20/06 29/06 Mauritius ITTF-PTT Level 1 Coaching Course Julien GIRARD (FRA) 22/06 28/06 Egypt PTT National Classification Seminar Juraj STEFAK (SVK)

12/07 16/07 Mauritius Self-funded Course:


08/07 18/07 Burundi Olympic Solidarity:

ITTF-PTT Level 1 Coaching Course Kaka LAWSON (TOG)

04/09 08/09 Egypt Self-funded Course:

ITTF-PTT Level 1 Coaching Course Mohamed RASHAD (EGY)

13/09 22/09 Guinea-Conakry ITTF-PTT Level 1 Coaching Course Paul TIENDREBEOGO (BUR) 23/09 30/09 Chad BCU + BCR + TOC Said LANASRI (ALG) 20/10 27/10 South Africa ITTF Level 2 Coaching Course Ahmed DAWLATLY (EGY)

TBC Egypt Self-funded Course:

ITTF Level 2 Coaching Course Mohamed GHARIB (EGY)