Afraid to Embrace

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  • 8/13/2019 Afraid to Embrace


  • 8/13/2019 Afraid to Embrace


    LaVey. But , I have to agree , that is an extremists book , that somehow makes a lot of sense. At least

    some of it anyway.

    Okay , having clarified stuff on the Norwegian Scene , let me talk about India.

    Man , when I read the history of India, only one feeling cropped up to summarize the entire epic saga of

    strugglethat is our history.

    The Word is Lament.

    We were the first true civilization to emerge out of the darkness of barbarism .We were progressive ,

    advanced and brilliant in our lifestyle than any other civilization. Then , i t all went downhill..

    All throughout our history , we ve been robbed , plundered , invaded , captured , annexed , divided ,

    ruled over and pretty much RAGGED.

    Almost all the countries picked on us. And what once was the golden child of Earth , is now reduced to

    low-paid call centre clerk at the BPO that is The Middle East.

    This debate has endless arguments but two conclusions are undeniable from this trajectory of ourhistory.

    1.Indians always liked to be secluded kingdoms , doing their own thing , in their land. Never did they

    think of expanding , organizing and collaborating. If anything , they ll jump in to fight over stuff.

    Divided we already were , everyone else just exploited that fact.

    2.Indians were basically whimps at first. I mean , not until theyre really truly oppressed will they let

    their inner beast out.

    Having recognized such loopholes in our history, I wonder whether that was the reason why students

    resent history as a subject , or maybe they just dontlike it!

    Nevertheless , all the history that India is made up of is glorious in content and values. Its got the

    brightest minds and the darkest practices. Its got everything anyone is looking for. Its comprehensive

    and vibrant. It is truly, amazing.

    I draw these conclusions to support the following conclusions about modern India.

    1.Modern India has the most ridiculously conformist attitude there ever can be. We are nave to the

    extent that our tempers can be easily tickled and we d almost agree or disagree to anything. We are not

    very practical or straightforward. This simplistic and linear thinking basically slows the rate of progress.

    2.Modern India , especially the youthis heavily disassociated with the past , the heritage or the

    patriotic pride that this country deserves. Again , we are conformists to such an extent that even in our

    pathetic acts of rebellion , we are just doing the milder versions of more bad-assrebellions that have

    taken place.

    Hence , Modern India can never have Anarchy. Ever! We re so afraid of changethat it is almost


    Eg. Some wanabe-badass teen with a Megadeth t-shirt on (who probably listens to BSB or LP) can grow

    a little pony and color it blonde to be all cool. But you wont see a total punk kid with a large Mohawk

  • 8/13/2019 Afraid to Embrace


    and tattoos all over. Okay , im not saying , go .. copy other people..copy west ,do a Mohawk, wear

    piercings and be all western punk/emo/goth whatever.

    On the contrary , stop copying west , compete with them!

    Which brings me back to the title of the topic : Afraid to Embrace.

    We cannot embrace the darker aspect of anything in life. We dontrecognize it and hence we mourn

    over it for eternity. Having said that , most Indians live a hell , far worse than any darkthemes explored

    by any progressive nation around the world. We accept it to be a bitter truth of life and move on. We

    have been so suppressed by the expectations of our society that our creativity is choked and we

    basically live like drones. Its asad sad life. You are ridiculed if you are different or take a stand , not to

    be conformist.

    On the AbsurdHistory blog , I made this comment :

    Im wondering does Black Metal exclusively have to be Anti-Christian? I mean , India is mostly Hindu ,and I wonder that would a group of atheists form a band to make Black Metal.. but I dont see that

    happening since our generation is very disconnected with the religious ideologies of Hinduism or

    Christianity. I mean , there are so many myth beings to rip on , but the extent of imagination is so far-

    fetched that any attempts at tarnishing it will be a mockery of itself.Hmm.. cant imagine a band singing

    about Rakshas (Demons) and Devas (Gods) stuff like that. Nevertheless .. the darker elements in

    Indian Subculture are more black than anything EuroBlack could offer , just that.. no one wants to dig

    deep. :p

    When I was in school , I took a lot of interest in history , and we had these chapters about Indus valley ,

    and post vedic Hindu era , and the dark stuff I came across .. was way worse than any satanic rituals. I

    mean , Indian Dark arts do not dwell on magical incantations , they rather dwell on chemically abrasive

    capabilities , and using actual sciences to bring the fragility of human form in most grotesque manners.

    Thatshow Black Metal should sound

    We must first EMBRACE what is rightfully ours , before adopting the ideologies of other cultures..

    Think about it.. maybe someday , someone will implement it.

    In Service to my motherland and the Metal in it..

    Shreyas Gune