
© 2009 – Anderson Gray Worldwide Pty Ltd Telephone: 1300 069 932 VERSION: 1.0 SPECIFICATIONS DOCUMENT Affiliate Programme


SPECIFICATIONS DOCUMENT © 2009 – Anderson Gray Worldwide Pty Ltd http://www.anderson‐ Telephone: 1300 069 932 VERSION: 1.0

Transcript of Affiliate_Pro


© 2009 – Anderson Gray Worldwide Pty Ltd http://www.anderson‐ 

Telephone: 1300 069 932 VERSION: 1.0 










Affiliate Programme














© 2009 – Anderson Gray Worldwide Pty Ltd http://www.anderson‐ 

Telephone: 1300 069 932 VERSION: 1.0 

User Interface

Affiliate Pro has unique revolutionary user interface. We will try to list in this section most important features of user interface implemented in Affiliate Pro 4.

Multilingual support

Affiliate Pro is true multilingual application. Currently it is translated into about 16 languages and every month we add some new languages. Your affiliates will be able to use application in their mother language and understand easier all options and features.


First thing you’ll notice in the new version is it’s new revolutionary user interface. Our Blue Aero theme looks and behaves like a desktop application, with support for Start button & menu, sidebar, gadgets and quick launch.

Affiliate Pro allows you to choose between some predefined themes in merchant and affiliate panel or you can create custom theme based on your corporate design.


© 2009 – Anderson Gray Worldwide Pty Ltd http://www.anderson‐ 

Telephone: 1300 069 932 VERSION: 1.0 

Web 2.0 (Ajax) based Client-Server Architecture

Affiliate Pro is truly Web 2.0 web application. It is based on new modern framework (GwtPHP), which cover communication between client (javascript running in browser) and server (php application).

Customizable affiliate interface

Easily customizable Signup form and Affiliate panel allows you to fit look and feel of your corporate website design

Affiliates Features

You as a merchant can manage your affiliates in your own control panel, where you can review and approve/decline your partners, watch their performance and communicate with them.

Forced Matrix

Multilevel marketing is a marketing strategy that compensates affiliates not only for product sales they personally generate, but also for the sales of sub-affiliates they introduced to the affiliate program. With Forced Matrix you can define shape of affiliate tree, what could have positive influence on performance of your MLM schema.


© 2009 – Anderson Gray Worldwide Pty Ltd http://www.anderson‐ 

Telephone: 1300 069 932 VERSION: 1.0 

Multiple Merchants

Manage your affiliates with multiple merchant users in same affiliate program

Mass payments of affiliates

It was never easier and faster to pay all your affiliates at once.

Campaigns features

With even cheapest edition of Affiliate Pro you can define unlimited number of campaigns and track different campaigns running in your shop or web site. One installation of Affiliate Pro allows you to track campaigns running on unlimited number of websites (also different domains as is installed AFFILIATE PRO).

Multi Level Marketing (Multi Tiers Commissions)

Attract your affiliates with multi level marketing and motivate them not just refer sales to you, but also search for new affiliates. Affiliate Pro supports unlimited number of tiers.

Commission Groups


© 2009 – Anderson Gray Worldwide Pty Ltd http://www.anderson‐ 

Telephone: 1300 069 932 VERSION: 1.0 

Commission groups allow you to set different commissions for different users for the same campaign.

Performance Rewards

Motivate your affiliates to sell more. More selling affiliates can earn higher commissions with Performance rewards feature

Action Commissions

Define own events, when you want to give commissions to your affiliates. Virtually you can give to your affiliates commissions for anything, what happens on your web site. Affiliate Pro breaks all limits with this feature and you can track unlimited number of actions in your website or shop.

Recurring Commissions

Recurring commissions allow you to reward your affiliates for recurring payments, for example for hosting or membership.


© 2009 – Anderson Gray Worldwide Pty Ltd http://www.anderson‐ 

Telephone: 1300 069 932 VERSION: 1.0 

Private Campaigns

By default, all campaigns in Affiliate Pro are public, which means that all affiliates can view and promote them. Private campaigns feature allows you to create private campaigns, which will be visible only to selected affiliates.

Promotion materials

Affiliate Pro next to some standard banner types like Image, Link, HTML or Flash banners offer also some unique banner types, which you will not find in other affiliate softwares. Your campaigns can be now even more effective with new types of banners like Rebranded PDF files (Viral PDF files) or Replicated sites.

Image banners

Image banner is basic promotion material type, but still one of the most effective ways of promotion in your affiliate program.

Text link banners

Often your affiliates allows you to present your products only by simple text links. This type of promotion material allows you to create simple text link banners and distribute them for your affiliates.


© 2009 – Anderson Gray Worldwide Pty Ltd http://www.anderson‐ 

Telephone: 1300 069 932 VERSION: 1.0 

Flash Banners

A Flash banner is animation linked to an advertised web address (destination URL). Flash banners are rich media types, which alows you to promote your products in attractive way.

HTML Banners

HTML banner allows you to fully customize the look of your banners. You can even define forms, tables, graphs, multiple images as one banner

Simple PDF (HTML to PDF)

Simple PDF banners will convert text written in WYSIWYG editor directly to PDF document. It was never easier to create PDF document customized for all your affiliates.

Rebrand PDF (Viral PDF)

Rebrand PDF is an advanced tool (feature) for Affiliate Pro. It allows you to create a special type of promo materials - rebrandable e-books. You can create your PDF e-book only once and upload it to Affiliate Pro.


© 2009 – Anderson Gray Worldwide Pty Ltd http://www.anderson‐ 

Telephone: 1300 069 932 VERSION: 1.0 

Banner Rotator

Special banner that can randomly rotate other banners with propability defined for each sub banner.

Hover Banners

Hover Banner is in fact simple Image banner presented to visitors in more offensive way

Site Replication

Replicated site is a feature that allows you to create Replicated sites for your affiliates. This means that you create one site, use variables like {$firstname}, {$lastname} and AFFILIATE PRO will create personalized page for each of your affiliates.

Peel Banners

Page Peel Banners is effective way how to offer special promotions to your customers.


© 2009 – Anderson Gray Worldwide Pty Ltd http://www.anderson‐ 

Telephone: 1300 069 932 VERSION: 1.0 

Coupons - Offline/Online Marketing

Give to your visitors option to buy your products cheaper! Coupon banners can be used in your stone shop (for offline marketing) as well as in your online shop.

Zip Banners

Zip Banner is special type of content, which can deliver merchant to his affiliates. Content of zipped files can be customized for each affiliate.

Tracking features

Affiliate Pro is powerful affiliate tracking software with multiple unique tracking features. Tracking is most important feature of every affiliate software and Affiliate Pro defines new standards of visitors tracking with state of the art tracking methods like flash cookie tracking or direct link tracking.

Tracking methods

Affiliate Pro implements multiple unique tracking methods, which results in most accurate affiliate tracking software on market.


© 2009 – Anderson Gray Worldwide Pty Ltd http://www.anderson‐ 

Telephone: 1300 069 932 VERSION: 1.0 

Affiliate Link Styles

Affiliate Pro supports all types of affiliate links. Just choose what format of link will best fit your needs.

Direct links tracking

Direct link click tracking method is advanced feature of Affiliate Pro, which you will not find in other affiliate softwares.

Fraud Protection

Protect your affiliate program against fraudulent transactions

Multiple Currencies

Track sales in multiple currencies and recompute them into one default currency.


© 2009 – Anderson Gray Worldwide Pty Ltd http://www.anderson‐ 

Telephone: 1300 069 932 VERSION: 1.0 

LifeTime Commissions

Unique feature of Affiliate Pro, which allows you to assign to your affiliate all commissions of customer, which he referred, even if customer will buy new computer (tracked without cookies).

SubId / Channels Tracking

Affiliate Pro allows your affiliates to use advanced tracking of the traffic. This is sometimes called SubId tracking, or Ad channel tracking, and it is used to know exactly with of your promotion efforts pay off and which do not.

Custom Affiliate Tracking Codes

Allow your affiliates to track their sales in own tracking systems


Affiliate Pro offers multiple comprehensive reports. It gives you power to see in effective way performance of your affiliate program. You can compare side by side performance of affiliates, banners or campaigns and much more. Below you can review some types of reports implemented in Affiliate Pro.


© 2009 – Anderson Gray Worldwide Pty Ltd http://www.anderson‐ 

Telephone: 1300 069 932 VERSION: 1.0 

Trends Report

This report displays trend of your transactions in chart as well as in data field. You will have clear picture where is your affiliate program going

Online Users Report

Watch in real time, who is logged in in your system. With GeoIp and Google Maps plugin you can even locate position of logged in user on Map.

Top Affiliates Report

Compare performance of your affiliates. Search for your Super Affiliates.

Top URLs Report

Identifying of best traffic sources in your affiliate program will help you to optimize marketing on your sales page.


© 2009 – Anderson Gray Worldwide Pty Ltd http://www.anderson‐ 

Telephone: 1300 069 932 VERSION: 1.0 

Quick Report

Quick Report is a snapshot of your affiliate program performance. It is summary of all most important parameters in your affiliate program.

Campaign, Banner, Affiliate Report

Affiliate Pro offers strong reporting capabilities about all important entities of affiliate program: Campaign, Banner and Affiliate


© 2009 – Anderson Gray Worldwide Pty Ltd http://www.anderson‐ 

Telephone: 1300 069 932 VERSION: 1.0 



full featured affiliate program

limitation: max 50 affiliates

no other limitations

SEO friendly, reliable tracking

extendability with plugins

Self customisation

$ 440 (excl. GST) OR 2 CREDITS


full featured affiliate program

unlimited affiliates

no other limitations

SEO friendly, reliable tracking

extendability with plugins

Self customisation

$ 880 (excl. GST) OR 4 CREDITS


functionality of Xpress

recurring commissions

commission groups

performance rewards

private campaigns

other advance features

Customised for you, by us including all banner, page layouts and designs.

$ 1,760 (excl. GST) OR 8 CREDITS