Aedes and Dengue

Aedes and Dengue By: Siti Sufiah bte Abdul Razak As we all know, aedes is a type of mosquitoes that brings the deadliest disease ever. engue fever is an infe!tious disease !aused by aedes" bites. #rom ages until today, there was no finding of remedial medi !in e to tre at de ngue fever. So the publ i!s are e$pe!te d to do remedial measu res and take  pre!autionary steps. %he do!tors, in parti!ula r, have to work e$tra time as the rat e of dengue vi!tims are in!reasing day by day at a tremendous rate. &ven the 'ntensive (are )nit *'()+ rooms are not enough to !ater for dengue vi!tims. %hat shows the seriousness of dengue fever at the moment in ospital Besar -uala umpur. /e a!tually know about mosquitoes that they are abundant and some !an be deadly. A edes is ver y different from other mosquitoes be!ause it is one spe!ial breed. Aedes !an be identified from the white and bla!k stripes on it legs. 't is quite unique than other mosquitoes. o you know why our parents always remind us to !ome home before dawn0 1ne of the reasons is Aedes bites during the morning and dust hours. As parents, they do not want us to get infe!ted by dengue. Aedes breeds only in !lear and stagnant water. Su!h a !hoosy inse!t for a mosquito, don2t you think so0 Aedes breeds in stagnant water inside and outside the house. So, don2t feel too rel ief if you have already !lean the house !ompound. eath might be waiting inside. 'n the life !y!le of Aedes, it forms egg, larvae, pupa until adult mosquito stage lasts only one week but, their eggs !an last three to si$ months without water. %he symptoms of having dengue !an be known by a sudden and !ontinuous high fever. A normal fever usually last for three to four days only. Another visible symptom is the appearan!e of red spots on the skin. %he severe a!he in 3oints, bones, mus!les, eyes and head are also signs of dengue. A sudden loss of appetite, vomiting, and stoma!ha!he are also signs of dengue. 1ther instan!es may have hemorrhage of mouth, nose and body. 'f we have signs and symptoms of dengue fever, qui!kly seek treatment from a do!tor. o not hold it until the ne$t day, ' repeat, do not hold it until ne$t da y. 4es, dengue is one of the deadliest diseases but there are some ways we !an !ontrol and prevent it from happening. %here are two types of situation. #irst, we must eliminate mosquito2s breeding grounds. /e must !lose all !ontainers with water to prevent mosquitoes from laying eggs. /e also have to !hange water and !lean all pots, bathing tanks and drains like on!e a week. %his is be!ause mosquitoes !an lay eggs even if in a small amount of water. /e also need to !lean all rain gutters to prevent water stagnan!y. Apart from that, we need to ensure all materials whi!h !olle!t water su!h as old tires, glass or empty !ans are properly disposed of to eliminate Aedes breeding grounds. 't is better if we !an do the burying to all vessels and materials whi!h !an !olle!t water. /e also should use larvae killing inse!ti!ide su!h as ABA% & a!!ording to the given instru!tions, for e$ample, 56gm for every 76 gallons of water. %he se!ond situati on is elimin ating adult mosqu itoes. 't is a little bit hard in doing these be!ause adult mosquitoes !an fl y away. / e should use sprays inse!ti!ide like an aerosol. /e !an also fi$ mosquito net to the windows. %he fogging part will be undertaken by lo!al authorities. %hey will spray the fog along 766 meters far as we know, mosquitoes !an fly only 766 meters with their small wings. As a !on!lusion, prevention is better than !ure. %he steps given are there to save and prote!t us and help us to prote!t the peop le we love. &very one must play their part indeed to prevent dengue from spreading and kill many inno!ent people.

Transcript of Aedes and Dengue

8/17/2019 Aedes and Dengue 1/1

Aedes and DengueBy: Siti Sufiah bte Abdul Razak

As we all know, aedes is a type of mosquitoes that brings the deadliest disease ever. engue fever is an infe!tious disease !aused by aedes" bites. #rom ages until today, there was no finding of remedialmedi!ine to treat dengue fever. So the publi!s are e$pe!ted to do remedial measures and take

pre!autionary steps. %he do!tors, in parti!ular, have to work e$tra time as the rate of dengue vi!tims arein!reasing day by day at a tremendous rate. &ven the 'ntensive (are )nit *'()+ rooms are not enough to!ater for dengue vi!tims. %hat shows the seriousness of dengue fever at the moment in ospital Besar -uala umpur.

/e a!tually know about mosquitoes that they are abundant and some !an be deadly. Aedes is verydifferent from other mosquitoes be!ause it is one spe!ial breed. Aedes !an be identified from the whiteand bla!k stripes on it legs. 't is quite unique than other mosquitoes. o you know why our parentsalways remind us to !ome home before dawn0 1ne of the reasons is Aedes bites during the morning anddust hours. As parents, they do not want us to get infe!ted by dengue.

Aedes breeds only in !lear and stagnant water. Su!h a !hoosy inse!t for a mosquito, don2t youthink so0 Aedes breeds in stagnant water inside and outside the house. So, don2t feel too relief if you havealready !lean the house !ompound. eath might be waiting inside. 'n the life !y!le of Aedes, it forms egg,larvae, pupa until adult mosquito stage lasts only one week but, their eggs !an last three to si$ monthswithout water.

%he symptoms of having dengue !an be known by a sudden and !ontinuous high fever. A normalfever usually last for three to four days only. Another visible symptom is the appearan!e of red spots onthe skin. %he severe a!he in 3oints, bones, mus!les, eyes and head are also signs of dengue. A sudden lossof appetite, vomiting, and stoma!ha!he are also signs of dengue. 1ther instan!es may have hemorrhage of mouth, nose and body. 'f we have signs and symptoms of dengue fever, qui!kly seek treatment from ado!tor. o not hold it until the ne$t day, ' repeat, do not hold it until ne$t day.

4es, dengue is one of the deadliest diseases but there are some ways we !an !ontrol and prevent itfrom happening. %here are two types of situation. #irst, we must eliminate mosquito2s breeding grounds./e must !lose all !ontainers with water to prevent mosquitoes from laying eggs. /e also have to !hangewater and !lean all pots, bathing tanks and drains like on!e a week. %his is be!ause mosquitoes !an layeggs even if in a small amount of water. /e also need to !lean all rain gutters to prevent water stagnan!y.Apart from that, we need to ensure all materials whi!h !olle!t water su!h as old tires, glass or empty !ansare properly disposed of to eliminate Aedes breeding grounds. 't is better if we !an do the burying to allvessels and materials whi!h !an !olle!t water. /e also should use larvae killing inse!ti!ide su!h asABA%& a!!ording to the given instru!tions, for e$ample, 56gm for every 76 gallons of water.

%he se!ond situation is eliminating adult mosquitoes. 't is a little bit hard in doing these be!auseadult mosquitoes !an fly away. /e should use sprays inse!ti!ide like an aerosol. /e !an also fi$ mosquitonet to the windows. %he fogging part will be undertaken by lo!al authorities. %hey will spray the fogalong 766 meters far as we know, mosquitoes !an fly only 766 meters with their small wings.

As a !on!lusion, prevention is better than !ure. %he steps given are there to save and prote!t usand help us to prote!t the people we love. &veryone must play their part indeed to prevent dengue fromspreading and kill many inno!ent people.