AdWords Key to Success from Pico Digital

Welcome to Pico Digital’s Discussion re Search Structure 1

Transcript of AdWords Key to Success from Pico Digital

Welcome to Pico Digital’s

Discussion re Search Structure



• Almost 16 years in the digital space

• Predominantly paid search, display and analytics during that time

• Prior agency experience // Location3 Media

• Recently moved out on my own

• Google AdWords Certified

• Google Analytics Certified

• Bing / Yahoo Certified

• DAA & UBC Award of Achievement in Web Analytics

Little bit about me…

3Where do we start?

Think Quality.

Quality defines everything in AdWords, from how much you pay to how your

ads perform. AdWords uses a formula called Quality Score to measure your

ads’ quality and rank your ads among other ads on a page.

Ads that relate to what your customers are looking for and that link to

relevant content get higher Quality Scores – and the higher the Quality

Score, the less you pay to show on the first page of search results.

Develop a well-organized account with relevant keywords and ads, and you’ll

have higher Quality Scores.

Why have Quality Score?

Quality Score is Google's way of balancing the interests of all parties in theonline advertising ecosystem.


What does Quality Score



Determines whether yourad is eligible to enter the

auction for that query


A better Quality Scorereduces the price you

need to bid to maintain agiven position


Determines the relativeposition of your ad in

relation to the other adson that result page

Top Slot

Only high quality adsare eligible to appear

above the naturalsearch results


What contributes to

Quality Score?

1-10 quality score is just an approximation of how Google expects akeyword to perform. Actual scores are unique for each query.


If ½ the impressions in your entire account are at QS 6.5 and higher

you’re in good shape

• 1 – 3 means you are barely showing

• 4 means you are showing up but paying more per click

• 5 -6 look at profit (CTR vs. Conversion Rate)

• 7 is good

• 10 is usually brand terms.

Quality Score: 1 through 10 7

Click through Rate (CTR)

By far, click through rate is the most important factor contributing toyour Quality Score.

Always check your ad copy report to ensure you have the right blend of CTR and CR (Conversion Rate).

What factors influence

Ad Rank?9

Maximum CPC, Actual Cost per Click and Relevancy = Ad Rank

Pay less than Competitors 10

Advertiser One is showing in a higher position even though he / she is bidding $1.15 less than Advertiser Two.

How to Improve your Quality Score

The best way to improve your Quality Score is to

focus on your key metrics

• Organize your account for maximum effectiveness

• Choose relevant keywords

• Create straightforward, targeted ads and use ad extensions

• Direct to relevant landing pages with quick load times


12Let’s get going…

AdWords success is still very dependent on proper organization of

keywords, landing pages, bids, and ad text.

Until you get that stuff right, everything else is a distraction!

13Query: boys cargo pants


15Mirror your Site Structure


• Settings drive campaign structure

• Geographic markets

• Budget allocation

• Location and Device bid adjustments (Campaign level) // remember the

impact of these on your base bid calculations

• Do not put search and display in the same campaigns – skews trending

data for impressions and CTR among other concerns.

• Match type performance // Exact verses broad

• Bidding implications

Segment campaigns by higher

level ideas


• Any seasonal implications // products

• Performance data // Create groups for promising keywords

• Traffic volume

• Brand names verses non-brand generic terms

• Products / services that you offer / taking into consideration returns

for each service for example if you offer hotel bookings and tours –

you might make a greater return from hotel bookings than tours.

• Consider themes for your adgroups

Segment campaigns by higher

level ideas




• A keyword is a word or phrase that a marketer buys on Google

• A query is a word or phrase that a user types into Google

• Google matches keywords to relevant queries

• Google WILL match your keywords to a lot of irrelevant queries

if you give them the latitude to do so.

A Keyword vs a Query

According to recent Google data, it has been said that in the last 6 months


20% of daily queries have never been seen on Google

70% of queries in the US have no exact matched keywords

54% of queries in the US have 3 or more words and that number is rising.

Google: 34,000 searches per second (2 million per minute; 121 million per

hour; 3 billion per day; 88 billion per month, figures rounded)

The facts…….

• Start with your website to get an idea of what is considered important

• Brainstorm keywords and phrases

• Check your own server logs / analytics

• If you have site search setup take a look at those keywords

• Use product names, brand names, model numbers, codes

• Use Google’s Keyword suggestion tool

• Think laterally: misspellings, quirky phrases, even URLs

• Check competitor keyword data

• Check organic search data in analytics

• Use additional third party tools such as, TagCrowd,

• Are there any seasonal terms like “Thanksgiving”, “Valentines Day”, events

How do I create a Keyword list?

• Think of slang terms like socal for Southern California

• Use the auto suggest features in the engine

• Use the Adgroup Ideas tool

• Think like your customer

• Group keywords into thematic clusters with adcopy and DKI in mind

• Scrub: filter through the list and remove irrelevant terms (add as negatives)

• Keep an eye on negatives e.g. if you’re a cruise liner you might want to add a

negative for something like fire. Airlines – negative crash.

• Mine search query reports consistently particularly during a new launch

…. continued

Match Types


Matching in diagram form

Broad: formal shoes

Matches: formal footwear, evening


Modified Broad: +formal +shoes

Matches: frmal shoes, formal evening shoes etc.

Phrase: “formal shoes”

Matches: black formal shoes, formal shoes for


Exact: [formal shoes]

Matches: formal shoes

• Use modified broad match to discover new queries

• Use exact match to isolate top performers

• Negative to exclude unprofitable queries – this is key to

ensure that exact match terms are not bumped by broad

match terms.

• Broad and phrase I hardly use these days (sparingly)

What Match Types to use…

Ads and Extensions


27• Ad Extensions – USE THEM

• Targeted ad

• Good user experience

• Higher CTR

• Top verses side layout

• Extended headlines

• Mobile specific ads and extensions

• CTA // differentiate yourself // What are competitors saying?


• Display URL

• Geography

• ® // TM // Price in ad copy?

• Bolding in Ad Copy

• =LEN(cell reference)

• The keyword insertion wording may look awkward and not read correctly – e.g.

flowers buy baby online.

• It could end up with trademark violations

• Do not use it on misspellings, makes it look like you cannot spell, poor

reflection on the brand.

• Do not use it if you are advertising on competitor keywords.

• Remember it’s all about relevance so make sure the keywords in your ad group

that would be inserted do not leave a misleading message.

One element to take into account when utilizing dynamic insertion is to ensure

your account structure allows for it to function as it is intended. Realistically you

should utilize a blend of DKI and no DKI.

When not to use dynamic keyword insert

Case sensitive KW insertion

The keyword dynamically inserted has to be less than 25 characters otherwise it

defaults to the default entry.

If every advertiser on the page is using dynamic keyword insert you won’t stand

out at all. Monitor your strategy. Note that dynamic keyword insertion can also

be applied to your descriptions.

Landing Page


• Should be designed for Keywords / ad groups / Ad copy

• Keyword level is best and they also overwrite ad level URL’s

• Content should match the promise of the ad

• Should contain “substantial relevant content” to the keyword

• Monitor analytics – in particular bounce rate for the page your directing to.

• Can you rapidly build and tweak these pages in order to fine-tune results?

• The page should be easily navigable

• Should conform with Google’s guidelines for site layout in order to maximize

Quality Score

• The speed the page loads is also important to quality score

Tips to a successful landing page

Create keywords

Identify Query

Winners and Losers

Move Query


Negative match losers

Identify new

Keywords20% of daily queries

have never been seen on


The only way to stay

ahead of the curve is to

go back to where you

started and continue to

build out negatives and

new keywords regularly.

Rinse & Repeat


Recognize value = track and measure the full value of

digital. This includes the entire path to conversion and the

value of different points along the way.

Nothing without proper tracking


Any questions on what we just

covered… Please email me

[email protected]