adwords 1

Power of online advertising: - targeted - measurable - active Pricing models: - cost per impression – CPM – charged every time your ad is shown. Good for visibility or Brand Awareness. - cost per click – CPC. Good for direct response. - cost per acquisition – CPA – charged for every conversion tracked to your ad. Good for direct response. Ads: - text<headline+2 description lines+display url+destination url>; image; video; interactive. Google - Google Search Network - google search result pages - other search result pages: maps, shopping, aol - 2 add slots: at the top and on the right side - Google Display Network – youtube, food sites, etc. - can be displayed text, graphics, rich media - since there are no keywords typped, targets the website or the group of ppl looking for those sites. Remarketing = target the audience. Campaigns: - network - budgets - languages - locations - schedules Ad Group: - ads - keywords



Transcript of adwords 1

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Power of online advertising:- targeted- measurable- active

Pricing models:- cost per impression – CPM – charged every time your ad is shown. Good for visibility or Brand

Awareness.- cost per click – CPC. Good for direct response.- cost per acquisition – CPA – charged for every conversion tracked to your ad. Good for direct


Ads: - text<headline+2 description lines+display url+destination url>; image; video; interactive.

Google - Google Search Network - google search result pages - other search result pages: maps, shopping, aol

- 2 add slots: at the top and on the right side - Google Display Network – youtube, food sites, etc. - can be displayed text, graphics, rich media - since there are no keywords typped, targets the website or the group of ppl looking for those sites.

Remarketing = target the audience.

Campaigns: - network- budgets- languages- locations- schedules

Ad Group: - ads- keywords- display targets

Organizing AdWords Account:

1. Product or service types <ex of campaignes: cooking oil, cosmetics, hair care where we can have different ad groups specific for the group>

2. Brand names3. Website 4. Seasonal products or services5. Geographic location6. Theme or function

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Research keywords

- speak your customers language- Size of the market + Relevance + Competition and cost

Keyword match types:

- Broad – ex: Keyword: Athletic shoe; display when cx looking for athletic shoe store, athletic shoe comparisons, athletic kids shoe, discount athletic shoe, sport tennis shoe. CONS: e mult prea general, si se irosesc bani.Broad match modifier. Keyword: +athletic Shoe< youre telling adwords that the keyword directly

following that plus sign has to appear in the users search query exactly as targeted or as a very close variant in order for the system to display ur ad to that user.>- Phase – Keyword: “athletic shoe”. This tells adwords that the user query must contain your

targeted keyword in exactly the same order and the form that youre targeting. Will display discount athletic shoe, athletic shoe store but will not show for athletic kids shoe,

- Exact – Keyword: [athletic shoe] .

Negative keywords - help to filter out irrelevant traffic that u don’t want your ad to show up for. Can be placed either at campaign level or ad level.

- Keyword: / sau – in fata cuvantului

Options to find these negative keywords: a. Go on google and search for some of your keywords, we will then see ours used in different

context and co., so now we can exclude those related. b. Use google keyword planner tool.c. Search term report in the adword interface.

Evaluating keywords in terms of:- Frequency – we are actually talking about search volume: how often ppl are typing in a keyword

when searching. Must make sure that the keyword that were target have enough search volume that your ad is being triggered and show up in front of searchers eyeballs

- Relevance – the kw we are targeting must be relevant to our advertising goals, ads and landing pages, products and services. Make sure that the kw have been searched for, using kw planner tool!

- Competition – Longtail keywords: may not get lots of searches but they are extremely specific and extremely likely to convert. Ex: <order a dozen roses> compared to <roses>. Its cheaper using this.

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Creating campaign

Its preferred to have different campaigns for different languages or locations, to make sure that the ads shown are relevant for the cx.

Budget: CPC bid limit its good to be used by newbies in order to get data and study the market

Shared library???? Tab lateral stanga

Use as many extensions as possibly can!!

Creating ad group

Text ads: - headline: 25 characters- 2 description lines: 35 characters each- Display url: 35 characters- Destination url: 1O24 characters – not shown in ad

Keythings to write great ads for your campaign:1. Be clear and specific – guarantees, promotions, unique features, competitive advantageex: Organic olive oil Love our oil or your money back Two Trees, Certified Organic

2. Include pricing and promotions - this way, if the cx agrees with price or finds it acceptable, will click the ad; avoiding ppl clicking the ad and leaving after seeing its not what they wanted

ex: $5.99 Organic olive oil Love our oil or your money back Two Trees, Certified Organic

3. Include a strong call to action – call today, etc. ex: $5.99 Organic olive oil Love our oil or your money back Shop our organic olive oil today!

4. Include a keyword in ad text – preferable in the headline5. Draw attention with the display URL 6. Select the best destination URL – if it doesn’t exist, consider building a new landing page on

your site7. Write more than one ad

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Its recommended to test only 2-3 ads at a time, so that well learn about what resonates with our perspective cx.Cu cat mai specific mesajul, cu atat mai bine. De aia e recomandat sa facem mai multe ad groups

Campaign – ad group – in dreapta + ad group avem automate unde avem optiuni pt a selecta sa ne fie trimis mail in cazul in care nu mai suntem pe pozitiile din top la afisari, sau de unde putem pauza campania in cazul in care depaseste o suma specifica de bani, etc!!!!

Campaign level – keywords – filter – create filter <if we wanna raise the bid for the kw that are the bellow the no 3 position and that have a pretty low quality score>. Ex: average position worse than 4 +quality score <= 5. !!!!! can save time and a lot of potential frustration

Bids adjustments1. Campaign – setari – Locations: if a locations index is bigger than the ones we have, we might want to bid a little higher for clicks cause theres a better chance for them to purchase our products

- add location – then we can click on bidding adjustments and set the amount we are willing to pay extra than our default did for our ad to be run in that particular location

2. campaign – setari – ad schedule/programarea anuturilor – putem pune bid-uri diferite pt zile/ore diferite

3. campaign- setari- devices – campaniile sunt afisate pe toate device-urile. Avand in vedere ca cei care folosesc tel nu au timp sa faca cercetari amanuntite despre anumite lucruri, putem selecta ca acestea sa nu fie afisate si pe mobile devices reducand bidul pana la 1oo%.Daca vrem sa facem un ad cu precadere pt telefoane, trebuie sa selectam mobile dupa ce facem setarile pt un nou ad. Este afisat fix sub destination url.

Understanding quality score

Ad rank = bid x click through rateAd rank = bid x quality scoreHigher ad rank = higher ad position

Max bid Quality score – still mostly CTR

AdRank Position Actual cost

Advertiser 3 $4.oo 6 24 1 $3.ooAdvertiser 2 $6.oo 3 18 2 $5.33Advertiser 4 $2.oo 8 16 3 $1.ooAdvertiser 1 $8.oo 1 8 Not ranked

Quality Score Components:- click through rate- relevancy –> more specific = more relevant- landing page quality

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Relevant Landing Pages:- theme and copy relate to ad- quick to load- clear menus and navigation

Tracking ad performance

Conversions. Ex: for online shop: online purchase, lead generation, newsletter subscriptions, contact form or call. Secondary conversions: social follows, file downloads, views, coupon downloads, driving directions.

In order to identity our conversions we have to ask ourselves <what do I want my visitors to do?>As soon as we realize the answer, its time to start tracking them.

How will I know when a conversion has happened?Ex: dupa ce s-a cumparat online sau s-a facut o abonare la newsletter, apare o pagina de multumire.

Dupa ce stim rasp la cele 2 intrebari, we can set up AdWords Conversion Tracking feature to measure campaigns. This will help us figure out if our campaigns are driven traffic or not.

Conversion tracking: 1. what is the conversion?2. on what page does the action happen?

Use conversion tracking to figure out cost per conversion!!

Instrumente – conversii – pagina web+nume – salvati si continuati

Pentru a utiliza Urmărirea conversiilor, va trebui să introduceți un mic fragment de cod HTML și JavaScript în pagina pe care o văd clienții după ce efectuează o acțiune valoroasă pe site. De exemplu, ați putea adăuga codul în pagina de confirmare a achiziției, care este pagina pe care o văd utilizatorii după ce au efectuat o achiziție. Pentru a putea configura această funcție, aveți nevoie de următoarele:un cont AdWords: nu aveți încă? Creați un cont la adresa;un site: acesta este locul în care veți introduce fragmentul de cod;posibilitatea de a modifica site-ul: dacă nu știți să lucrați cu HTML și JavaScript, nu vă faceți griji; veți putea, totuși, să generați fragmentul de cod în programul AdWords și să îl trimiteți persoanei care se ocupă de modificarea site-ului.

În câmpul „Contorizare”, alegeți dacă doriți să contorizați toate conversiile sau conversiile unice. Opțiunea „Toate” este potrivită pentru vânzări, iar opțiunea „Unice” este potrivită pentru clienții potențiali.

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Optimizing for performance

ROI = Profit – Costs$3O = $45 - $15

Cost Per Conversion = Conversions / Clicks

Net profit tells us our true winners and losers.

View through conversion = conversion where the cx was exposed to the ad, but they didn’t click on it, and then they got to the site through other way and they converted.

Use the Conversion Optimizer when uve accumulated at least 15 conversions over the last 3o days.

Campaign level – bidding setting – to find conversion optimizer/bid strategy

When u choose the C.O., you no longer bidding for clicks or imppresions, instead youre telling the system to get you as many conversions as possible according to your cost per acquisition or the amount u pay for a conversion.

Max CPA bid: maximum you would pay for a conversion.

Target CPA bid: a payment goal for a conversion.

Split testing.If we have 2 or more ad groups in a campaign, we have to make sure were telling adwords to randomly display each of them evenly. To do that, we must head to campaign setting, ad rotation, and select either of the rotate options there.

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CTR = Impressions / clicks?? - PPC AD TESTING TOOL - tool that does all the statistical calculation quickly and for free.

How do we get out and get more conversions and still remain profitable?1. take a look at what share of the market ure already capturing. This can be done by going to

the customize columns area and adding ur impression share columns<competitive metrics> = search impression share, search exact match IS, search lost IS rank. This way well be able to see how often our ad comes up when its eligible to show.

2. change your bods to get a better average position. 3. add more keywords 4. relax some of your targeting settings.


1. Add users cookies to a target list2. Create a campaign based on that user list. Target who instead of what

Creating RM listShared library – Audiences - +Remarketing ListEx RM list name: put smth in shopping chartBetter to be done in analytics. More criteria to choose from, plus we don’t have to put in the html code anymore.

We must create the RM list before creating the RM campaign!!!

Display formatImage ads: jpeg, png, gif files only. Under 15O kb in size.Animation: gif format and less than 3O sec length at max 5 frames/sec.

Rules ab graphical ads:- only use one format- ads have to be right-side up and use the full space - images must be clear and legible- ads can not imitate strobe light or include flashing backgrounds- ads cant imitate something else- ads cant be camouflaged

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Video ads:1. video is engaging2. video is another way to reach your audience3. you only pay for video that users actually view4. videos can be used for more than just ads – can continue to be used on youtube channel5. video advertising has all the benefits of online advertising

TrueView ads – on youtube:- in – stream – only pay if at least 3o sec are watched. If less than 3o sec, only pay if video is

watched entirely- in – display – dreapta sus- in – search

Creating video campaign – similar to text camp, except that this time we select the last option -> online video. De la advanced setting, inainte sa cream camp, putem selecta un anumit system de operare, un anumit device model, wi-fi.Video ads are linked to youtube channel. We must have the video uploaded to youtube first.Dupa ce se uploadeaza video, alegem daca vrem sa fie instream,insearch….sau toate.

Check advanced ad attribution as well!!

We can target different ages, sex, when ppl look at certain categories.

La target ppl who are searching putem alege keywords mai generali like food festivals, coocking,etc

Video reports: