Advice Process for Effective Organizational Decision-Making

@MichaelSahota Advice Process for Effective Organizational Decision-Making

Transcript of Advice Process for Effective Organizational Decision-Making

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Advice Process for Effective Organizational Decision-Making

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Michael Sahota

~20 Years IT~15 Years Agile




Toronto Canada

~5 Years Culture & Leadership

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How Do We Make Decisions?

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1 10

FEARCentralized Distributed

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1 10

FEARPredict & Control Emergent

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Decision-Making is the Genetic Code for Control

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“A camel is a horse designed by a committee.” - Sir Alec Issigonis

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The Boss Decides

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Advice Process

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Decisions = Power

Why? »Better Decisions! »Engaged People »On the Job


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“Any person can make any decision after seeking advice from: 1) Everyone who will be meaningfully affected, and 2) People with expertise in the matter.”

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“The most amazing and rewarding experience with Teal so far has been taking on an initiative of my own and

implementing the advice process.”- Carla Tancredi @Fitzii

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How to Give Away Power.

Who is the best person to make this decision?

What is their: Knowledge of

details? Context? Experience making


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Advice Cards

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Decision Poker

Boss: “You can handle it. I don’t need to be involved.”

Worker: “I am partly familiar with this. I want your expertise.”


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Core Protocols - Decider

Group Decision

»Progress »Consent

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Team Decisions - Decider

Hand Sign Fingers Agreement?

5 I am all in.  I completely agree

4 I like this idea, sounds good.

3 I will support the idea.

2I have some concerns, but I’ll go along and try it

1I have serious reservations with this idea: question or alternative.

0I am an absolute NO. (Exceptional, rare use)

“I Propose …”

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Decision-Making Models

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How to Decide?

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Lean A3 Process

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Delegation Poker

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Use “I INTEND to …” Develop: »Competence »Context

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Further Reading

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Really great source for understanding complexity of shifting (decision-making) culture.

See Video

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How I Can Help1. Certified Agile Leadership (CAL)

Training @ Scrum Alliance 2. 1:1 Coaching & Mentoring (Skype) 3. 1/2 day Executive Briefing 4. Training & Coaching

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The Expert in Agile Culture


Help You Grow Your Organization

Call me.

If you want …

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“We thought we were hiring Michael to teach our staff how to 'do agile' but he taught us so much more than that.

We started with an intense but stunningly effective Temenos session for the management team that was crucial to building the trust and connection we

needed to truly function as a team.

He facilitated a series of organizational development workshops that helped us understand and build towards a cultural and organizational context where

agility can thrive and be sustained.

Using a dynamic and highly engaging 'teach by modeling' style throughout, Michael helped us examine our team's values, mission and ambitions, adjust

our structure and move us towards an empowered model of decision-making.

When we finally rolled out Scrum and Kanban training, we were well positioned to support successful adoption.

Michael is a master facilitator who applied expertise, experience, compassion and courage to navigate complex problems with us and put us on the

path to transformation.”

- Soo Kim, Senior Director, Digital Operations, CBC

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Contact Michael

MichaelSahotaPhone:416.999.3297Email:[email protected]:hCp://