
Shot This is an eye level, mid shot, cutting the top of her head off, this crease a stringer focus towards her face, her accessories and her emotion. From this shot we can see she’s not wearing a lot, just a fur rap over, revealing the top of one of her breast (showing her feminine body). Text – Her name and the album name is the only large printed wards. A little section advertising the fact that there is a new album with her latest Mode of address – In both images of Rihanna’s face, she’s looking away from the camera, looking shy. From the amount of flesh that’s showing and the hint of pink that’s shaded over the advert, it isn’t aimed at men but aimed at woman. Layout – The background is a large image of the singer, her name and the album’s name is printed over her, making it clear to the viewers who it is and what it’s called. There is a pink strip that blends in well with the other images, explaining what this advertisement if for and what’s involved in it what might appeal to fan’s. Small Colour – The main focusing is on her red hair (symbolises sex, danger, love, romance, also used an attention source), her style of hair is quite unique with in the music world because the public recognise her on this album by her red, flower looking hair. The whole piece has a tint of very light pink over the top, blending in the backdrop more in with her. Font – The font type is extremely thin, this symbolises her figure, Poteet, thin, curves and very feminine. Language – The language that’s used is informing, it’s giving information but not demanding or drawing in the viewers by using any personal pronouns, making there eye’s and mind to be free on what they focus on.

Transcript of Adverts

Shot –This is an eye level, mid shot, cutting the top of her head off, this crease a stringer focus towards her face, her accessories and her emotion. From this shot we can see she’s not wearing a lot, just a fur rap over, revealing the top of one of her breast (showing her feminine body).

Text –Her name and the album name is the only large printed wards. A little section advertising the fact that there is a new album with her latest hits “love the way you lie” and “ only girl”.

Mode of address –In both images of Rihanna’s face, she’s looking away from the camera, looking shy. From the amount of flesh that’s showing and the hint of pink that’s shaded over the advert, it isn’t aimed at men but aimed at woman.

Layout –The background is a large image of the singer, her name and the album’s name is printed over her, making it clear to the viewers who it is and what it’s called. There is a pink strip that blends in well with the other images, explaining what this advertisement if for and what’s involved in it what might appeal to fan’s. Small image of the album in the bottom right hand corner.

Colour –The main focusing is on her red hair (symbolises sex, danger, love, romance, also used an attention source), her style of hair is quite unique with in the music world because the public recognise her on this album by her red, flower looking hair.The whole piece has a tint of very light pink over the top, blending in the backdrop more in with her.

Font –The font type is extremely thin, this symbolises her figure, Poteet, thin, curves and very feminine.

Language –The language that’s used is informing, it’s giving information but not demanding or drawing in the viewers by using any personal pronouns, making there eye’s and mind to be free on what they focus on.

Shot –This is a mid, eye level shot, it is also the same image that is pasted onto the album cover. By doing a long mid shot, we are able to see exactly what he’s wearing and we can also notice that his arms are coloured in back, and look quite comical but artistic.

Text –The text is white, placed on a black strip that’s placed on the image of the rapper. They have used this black and white style to make the text stand out as there is a lot of white in the background.

Mode of address –From the black, white and blue background, plus having a tough male figure as the main image, this is advertising the album more towards men.

Language –The language used is advertising and informative, telling viewers about the guests involved, when it’s out, stores that will cell it and what it’s called.

Layout –A larger size image of the album cover has be spread across the background with added bits of information . There’s a small version of the album in the bottom left hand corner and there are company logo’s such as “HMV” that are going to sell the album on the bottom right hand corner

Colour –Different shades of blue mixed in with black and white. Together these colours design quite a masculine feel to the whole advertisement.

Font –The font slowly goes down in size as you travel down the page. The title starts off bold and then becomes thin . The thick side is on the side where an image of a city is, this could symbolize people having to change in this environment, to have thicker skin to get through a normal day to day life in a tough environment.

Shot –This is an eye level, mid shot, showing part of her leather and metal based outfit. Her head is slightly tilted down by she has her eye set on the camera, giving the impression that she is looking at the viewers.

Text – Text has been used to tell people that this is Rihanna, a new album is being released and

Mode of address –From a woman's point of viewer the only thing feminine about her on this image is her makeup style and shapely face. She gives off quite a modern woman vibe with all of the black, covered up outfit. This is aimed towards female to buy the album.

Language –The language that is used us informative language, giving information and names.

Layout –A large image of the singer is spread over the background to inform people that Rihanna (name also spread across quite largely) has released another album. It’s big because it’s noticeable, people can see the image from a distance. Rihanna’s sign is also in the top right hand corner, this shows that this advertisement has been designed by the same artists that design her albums.

Colour –This is a black and white based advertisement, but the lower text is coloured in red, this gives off an old fashion horror book style . The red text symbolises blood because the words used for it is “Russian Roulette”, a killing game. The main black and white look brings out her facile features and her bold makeup design.

Font –The font that has been used is in the style of a newspaper, or a old horror book as everything has been layered and printed on.

Shot –A mid, eye level , eye contact shot has been used to feel closer to the public that see’s this advertisement, making him seem more with them. If the camera was a a low angle, that would make him look powerful and better then everyone else. But he doesn’t he wants' look like he mixes in with the right sort of crowd.

Text –“heart attack” looks like the words have been scratched at, like they literally have been attacked to suit the title. The artist’s name is the first piece of text that you focus on because it’s the most important piece of wording on there. The second is the deep violate date, so people will remember when it’s coming out. A quote from a magazine with three stars shows the public that it’s worth buying.

Mode of address -With all of these beige and red colours hanging over a stern male singer, it’s attracting men that tend to have it rough or has had to fight to where they are now.

Language –Informing language is used, giving information towards when it’s coming out and who it’s by.Layout –A large image of the artist is stretched across the background, making it clear to people who the artist is. The titles are at the top, his name and album name.

Colour –On the background, light beige colours have been mixed in to give off a war feel, his jacket also symbolizes war with the “blending in” war pattern. The text “heart attact” is coloured in red, symbolising blood as it’s got hear with in the title.

Font – There are three types of fonts being used, one is a bold and slicked up at the corners, the second one is in a flowing , gentle style. These are right after each other and could symbolize that he looks hard and tough but inside he is soft, gentle and warm.

Evaluation on advertisement's

From researching and analysing all of these advertisements for digipaks, I have found out that in our background me and my group will places an image of our main singer/ singers, stretching it across, making it become the background.

Depending on the mood we settle for, we will place a coloured hint over the top to create that curtain mood (e.g. Blue for depression, Red for hot and attractive etc).

The language will be informative, giving information but not trying to persuade the viewers, allowing them to decide without any big flashy deals.

On the front we have to include the artists name, the album cover’s name, when it’s out and possibly where it’s being sold.

The title will be big, bold and sharp looking, this will give off the impression that this type of music is tough and hard core.