Br. J. Anaesth. (1987), 59, 46-60 ADVERSE EFFECTS OF NEUROMUSCULAR BLOCKING DRUGS J. M. HUNTER Neuromuscular blocking drugs are not as notori- ous for producing adverse reactions as the i.v. induction agents; nevertheless, to a varying degree they all produce unfavourable or harmful effects. The newer non-depolarizing neuromuscular blockers, atracurium and vecuronium, have been developed in an attempt to overcome the disad- vantages of the earlier drugs, but although much more specific agents, they are not completely free from side-effects. The adverse effects of the neuromuscular blocking drugs available in Great Britain today will be discussed in this paper. Those which are not available in this country (such as pipecuronium and metocurine), and obsolete agents (such as decamethonium) will not be discussed. Although what follows is concerned mainly with the non-depolarizing agents, suxa- methonium is included where appropriate, whilst what might be regarded as the unique features of the drug are discussed later in the article. DIRECT CARDIOVASCULAR EFFECTS With the possible exception of vecuronium, all the neuromuscular blocking drugs have some effect on the cardiovascular system. Such effects are JENNIFER M. HUNTER, M.B., F.F.A.R.C.S., University Depart- ment of Anaesthesia, Royal Liverpool Hospital, Prescot Street, P.O. Box 147, Liverpool L63 3BX. described usually in terms of the degree of ganglionic blockade, sympathetic stimulation, vagal stimulation and vagolytic effect, and are summarized in table I. It must be emphasized, however, that histamine release caused by admini- stration of a blocking agent may well have a much greater effect on the cardiovascular system than any direct effect of the drug itself; this is particularly pertinent in the case of tubocurarine. The ganglionic blockade caused by tubocura- rine and the synthetic derivative of tubocurarine, alcuronium, results in a decrease in peripheral vascular resistance and hence a reduction in arterial pressure. This effect is dose related and is probably of clinical significance only when using larger doses of the drugs (such as tubocurarine 0.6 mg kg" 1 ) and in a hypovolaemic patient. As tubocurarine also releases histamine to a signifi- cant degree, the two unrelated effects may combine, even when using smaller doses of this drug to produce a decrease in arterial pressure, an effect which is often used to clinical advantage when hypotension is desired. The sympathomimetic effect characteristic of some neuromuscular blocking drugs is thought to be an indirect response attributable to release of noradrenaline from adrenergic nerve endings in the heart; it has been demonstrated with both gallamine (Brown and Crout, 1970) and pancuro- nium (Nana, Cardan and Domokos, 1973). The TABLE I. The pharmacological effects of each of the nturomuscular blocking drugs which produce cardiovascular changes. (From Norman (19S5)) Ganglion Sympathetic Vagolytic Vagal Histamine blockade stimulation effect stimulation releate Suxamethonium + + Vecuronium Atracurium + Alcuronium + + Gallamine + + + + + + Tubocurarine ++ + + + Pancuronium + + + +


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Br. J. Anaesth. (1987), 59, 46-60



Neuromuscular blocking drugs are not as notori-ous for producing adverse reactions as the i.v.induction agents; nevertheless, to a varying degreethey all produce unfavourable or harmful effects.The newer non-depolarizing neuromuscularblockers, atracurium and vecuronium, have beendeveloped in an attempt to overcome the disad-vantages of the earlier drugs, but although muchmore specific agents, they are not completely freefrom side-effects. The adverse effects of theneuromuscular blocking drugs available in GreatBritain today will be discussed in this paper.Those which are not available in this country(such as pipecuronium and metocurine), andobsolete agents (such as decamethonium) will notbe discussed. Although what follows is concernedmainly with the non-depolarizing agents, suxa-methonium is included where appropriate, whilstwhat might be regarded as the unique features ofthe drug are discussed later in the article.


With the possible exception of vecuronium, all theneuromuscular blocking drugs have some effecton the cardiovascular system. Such effects are

JENNIFER M. HUNTER, M.B., F.F.A.R.C.S., University Depart-ment of Anaesthesia, Royal Liverpool Hospital, Prescot Street,P.O. Box 147, Liverpool L63 3BX.

described usually in terms of the degree ofganglionic blockade, sympathetic stimulation,vagal stimulation and vagolytic effect, and aresummarized in table I. It must be emphasized,however, that histamine release caused by admini-stration of a blocking agent may well have a muchgreater effect on the cardiovascular system thanany direct effect of the drug itself; this isparticularly pertinent in the case of tubocurarine.

The ganglionic blockade caused by tubocura-rine and the synthetic derivative of tubocurarine,alcuronium, results in a decrease in peripheralvascular resistance and hence a reduction inarterial pressure. This effect is dose related and isprobably of clinical significance only when usinglarger doses of the drugs (such as tubocurarine0.6 mg kg"1) and in a hypovolaemic patient. Astubocurarine also releases histamine to a signifi-cant degree, the two unrelated effects maycombine, even when using smaller doses of thisdrug to produce a decrease in arterial pressure, aneffect which is often used to clinical advantagewhen hypotension is desired.

The sympathomimetic effect characteristic ofsome neuromuscular blocking drugs is thought tobe an indirect response attributable to release ofnoradrenaline from adrenergic nerve endings inthe heart; it has been demonstrated with bothgallamine (Brown and Crout, 1970) and pancuro-nium (Nana, Cardan and Domokos, 1973). The

TABLE I. The pharmacological effects of each of the nturomuscular blocking drugs which producecardiovascular changes. (From Norman (19S5))

Ganglion Sympathetic Vagolytic Vagal Histamineblockade stimulation effect stimulation releate

Suxamethonium — — — + +Vecuronium — — — — —Atracurium — — — — +Alcuronium + — — — +Gallamine + + + + + — +Tubocurarine + + — — — + + +Pancuronium — + + + + — —

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subsequent development of tachycardia andhypertension is potentiated by the vagolytic effectof these two drugs, for they also produce anatropine-like blockade of the cardiac muscarinicreceptors (Goat and Feldman, 1972).

In contrast, of all the neuromuscular blockingdrugs, suxamethonium is most likely to produce areduction in heart rate as a result of stimulation ofthe cholinergic receptors in the heart, eitherdirectly or indirectly from reflex activity followingstimulation of peripheral sensory receptors in thecarotid body. There has been much discussion inthe literature over these alternative mechanismsand the relative importance of each is still not clear(Goat, 1972). Bradycardia and asystole have beendescribed clinically after a single dose of suxa-methonium (Sorenson et al., 1984), but this effecton muscarinic receptors is more pronounced afterrepeated dosage, in the presence of an inhalationagent and in the younger patient (Leigh et al.,1957). In such circumstances, the resultantbradycardia frequently necessitates the use of ananticholinergic drug such as atropine.

In a patient with severe cardiovascular diseasethe cardiovascular effects produced by a neuro-muscular blocker can be of clinical importance: forinstance gallamine might be contraindicatedbecause the combination of a vagolytic effect withsympathetic stimulation may cause an unaccept-able increase in heart rate and hence cardiacrate-pressure product (Stoelting, 1973). The sameeffect, to a lesser extent, may also be seen withpancuronium.

Atracurium and vecuronium are free fromdirect cardiovascular effects within the clinicaldose range (Crul and Booji, 1980; Sokoll et al.,1983), although the histamine releasing propertiesof atracurium may produce some degree ofhypotension and tachycardia, especially whenused in large bolus doses, greater than 0.6 mg kg"1

(Hughes and Payne, 1983). Only when very largedoses (2 mg kg"1) were used in animal work has avagolytic effect been reported with atracurium(Hughes and Chappie, 1980). Because of thepossibility of histamine release with atracurium,vecuronium is the neuromuscular blocking agentcausing the least cardiovascular side effects. It istherefore the best drug when considering the mostsuitable form of anaesthesia for the patient withsevere myocardial disease.

The virtual absence of direct cardiovasculareffects associated with vecuronium and atracur-ium, however, does allow other anaesthetic agents

such as halothane and the opioid analgesics toexert an unopposed effect on the myocardium. Inaddition, surgical manoeuvres which result invagal stimulation such as peritoneal traction orcervical stimulation may lead to an unopposedreduction in heart rate. These factors probablyexplain the occurrence of bradycardia which hasbeen reported during the use of both atracurium(Carter, 1983) and vecuronium (Robertson, et al.,1983) which provoked much debate in theliterature (Madden, 1983; Macrae, 1985). It ispertinent that a similar case of sinus arrest duringperitoneal traction has also recently been reportedwhen tubocurarine was the neuromuscular block-ing agent used (Nandi and Astley, 1985); thereis always the possibility of a bradycardia duringvagal traction, whatever the anaesthetic techniqueused.


Most neuromuscular blocking agents cause hista-mine release and the results of this release are seenin three ways: first, by a local erythematousreaction, like nettle rashing, sometimes accom-panied by a widespread flush but without areduction in arterial pressure; second by systemiceffects such as tachycardia and hypotension, whichmay well be of clinical importance; and third,and rarely, as a life threatening anaphylactic oranaphylactoid reaction.

Basic compounds are more disruptive of mastcells, and thus more prone to release histaminethan are acidic substances. Of the neuromuscularblocking agents, tubocurarine is the most potentin this respect: the free hydroxyl groups on themolecule are thought to enhance histaminerelease. Atracurium (Hilgenberg, 1983), alcuron-ium and gallamine have only about one-third ofthe histamine releasing potency of tubocurarine.However, several severe anaphylactic reactions toall these agents have now been described (Salem,Kim and El Etr, 1968; Fisher, 1978; Fisher,Hallowes and Wilson, 1978; Mercer, 1984).Although pancuronium and vecuronium, whichare acidic compounds, are relatively free fromhistamine releasing properties, cardiovascularcollapse has been reported following the admini-stration of pancuronium, as has an incident ofacute bronchospasm following administration ofthe drug (Heath, 1973; Mishima and Yamamura,1984). More recently, localized histamine release

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has been reported after an injection of vecuronium(Spence and Barnetson, 1985).

It has been suggested that atracurium does notcause histamine release when doses of less than0.6 mg kg"1 are used. It has also been demon-strated that histamine liberation is less likely tobecome evident when the speed of administrationof atracurium is reduced and when pretreatmentwith Hx and Hj-receptor antagonists is used;cimetidine 4 mg kg"1 and chlorpheniramine0.1 mg kg"1 i.v. were given successfully for thispurpose (Scott et al., 1985). It is probable that thesame histamine antagonists would have .similarbeneficial effects with the other histaminereleasing neuromuscular blockers, especiallytubocurarine.

The incidence of the localized erythema andurticaria occasionally produced when atracuriumis injected to a peripheral vein may be reduced byinjecting the drug separately from the inductionagent, either by flushing the needle used withsaline between the administration of two drugs orby injecting them both to a free flowing peripherali.v. infusion. This observation suggests that theprecipitate formed by the mixture of the two drugsis responsible at least in part for the localizedresponse (Hughes, 1985).

There is some evidence that allergic crossreactivity between different myoneural blockerscan develop, exposure to a second blocker morecommonly producing any abnormal reaction whensensitivity to another relaxant has already oc-curred (Harle, Baldo and Fisher, 1985).

There are isolated reports of anaphylactoidreactions to suxamethonium (Assem, Frost andLevis, 1981; Royston and Wilkes, 1978), but theseare generally considered to be much less commonthan with tubocurarine (Lim and Churchill-Davidson, 1981).


Any pathological process which impairs the routeof metabolism or excretion of a neuromuscularblocking drug may result, not only in prolongationof the effect of the drug, but also in difficulty inantagonizing the residual neuromuscular block-ade. Apart from the enzymatic or spontaneousbreakdown of suxamethonium and atracuriumthat occurs in plasma and extracellular fluid, theliver and kidney are the two main organs involvedin metabolism and excretion of neuromuscularblockers. (The metabolism of suxamethonium

TABLE II. The percentage of each neuromuscular blockerexcreted in the urine (Miller, 1985)

Neuromuscular blocker

GallamineAlcuronium, pancuroniumTubocurarineVecuroniumSuxamethonium, atracurium

Percent excreted

> 9 560-9025-60


TABLE III. The percentage of each neuromuscular blockerrecovered in the bile over 24 h after a bolus dose (Duvaldestin,

Lebrault and Chauvin, 1985)

Neuromuscular blocker


Percent recovered



may be prolonged either by inherited abnormali-ties of pseudocholinesterase or by several acquiredfactors which will be discussed later.)

Non-depolarizing neuromuscular blockers arehighly ionized, water soluble substances which arefiltered by the renal glomerulus and, unlikelipid-soluble substances, are not reabsorbed in theproximal tubule. The kidney is, therefore, themain route of excretion of gallamine, tubocura-rine, alcuronium and pancuronium (table II). Inaddition, some excretion of all these drugs (exceptfor gallamine) occurs into the bile (table III)together with metabolic transformation to morewater soluble, less pharmacologically activebreakdown products in the liver, the resultantmetabolites also being excreted both into the bileand through the kidney. In contrast, vecuroniumis mainly metabolized in the liver by deacetylation,in a manner similar to the metabolism ofpancuronium, but much more extensively. Soextensively, indeed, that the proportion of freedrug excreted in the urine is much smaller than inthe case of other conventional non-depolarizingneuromuscular blocking agents (Upton et al.,1982).

Hepatic diseaseThe need for abnormally high doses of competi-

tive blockers such as tubocurarine in cirrhotic liverdisease to obtain a satisfactory effect (resistance)has long been recognized (Dundee and Gray,1953). A similar phenomenon has been reported

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in cirrhotic patients, together with difficulty inantagonism of block following pancuronium(Duvaldestin et al., 1978) and following the use oflarge doses of vecuronium (0.2 mg kg"1) (Hunter,Parker et al., 1985; Lebrault et al., 1985).Resistance to atracurium has also been encoun-tered in a patient with a large liver abscess andabnormal liver function (Gyasi and Naguib,1985).

In obstructive liver disease an increased volumeof distribution of pancuronium has been shownwith consequent prolongation of effect (Westra,Keulemans et al., 1981; Westra, Vermeer et al.,1981). In contrast gallamine, which is excretedentirely by the kidney, was found by the sameworkers to have a pharmacokinetic profile inobstructive liver disease similar to that of healthysubjects.

In clinical practice, the difference in thepharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of non-depolarizing neuromuscular blocking drugs inpatients with cirrhotic as opposed to obstructiveliver disease is probably unimportant. It seemsprobable that, in all these oedematous patients, anincreased volume of distribution of the loadingdose of the drug results in apparent initialresistance to the effects of the blocker. Theimpairment of liver function in these cases, how-ever, results in a decreased rate of metabolismof any drug metabolized in that organ. Prolongedaction of the blocker thus ensues as the eliminationof the agent then depends mainly on the kidney,although redistribution, perhaps to non-specificreceptors, will influence clinical antagonism. Suchredistribution is usually sufficient to ensureclinical recovery after a single dose of blocker, butafter repeated incremental doses difficulty inobtaining satisfactory antagonism of residualblockade frequently ensues.

In addition to the altered pharmacodynamics ofnon-depolarizing neuromuscular blocking agentsin the presence of liver disease, a great variationbetween patients in the duration of action ofequivalent doses of such drugs is recognized. Formany years attempts have been made to relatealtered plasma protein concentrations, and thedegree of plasma protein binding, to this markedvariation. Unfortunately, different methods ofassay appear to give widely different results and itnow seems that there is little difference in thepercentage of plasma protein binding of eithertubocurarine, pancuronium or vecuronium incirrhotic patients compared with healthy controls


(Meijer et al., 1979; Duvaldestin and Henzel,1982).

Renal disease

With the exception of suxamethonium andatracurium, which are broken down in plasma, allneuromuscular blocking drugs are excreted atleast in part by the kidney (table II).

Before the advent of atracurium and vecuron-ium, tubocurarine was widely considered to be thedrug of choice in patients with renal failure, albeitin reduced dosage, because this was the only agentfor which biliary excretion had been shown to beincreased in the absence of renal function (Cohen,Brewer and Smith, 1967). The obvious problemwith all the neuromuscular blockers which arelargely excreted by the kidney is that prolongedcurarization may be seen after their use, and thisis particularly so after repeated incremental doses(Gibaldi, Levy and Hayton, 1972). This manifestsitself as a poor antagonism of residual neuromus-cular blockade in the presence of a residual amountof the relevant blocker in the plasma, withresultant respiratory embarrassment and acidosis.

There is a wide range in the degree of residualblockade that may remain: in some patients it maybe minimal, being manifest only as diplopia(Hunter, Jones and Utting, 1984) or it may beextreme and require artificial ventilation forseveral hours, or even days (Riordan and Gilbert-son, 1971). As gallamine is almost totally excretedby the kidney, it is not surprising that there arereports in the literature of renal failure patientsreceiving artificial ventilation for several days aftera single dose of the drug (Churchill-Davidson,Way and de Jong, 1967). It is contraindicated inthe anephric patient.

Atracurium and laudanosine. There are nowseveral reports of the successful use of atracuriumin anephric patients (Hunter, Jones and Utting,1982b; Fahey et al., 1984). Concern has beenexpressed, however, that the major break-downproduct, laudanosine, which in large doses isknown to produce epileptiform seizures in dogs(Chappie, Miller and Wheatley, 1985) may havesimilar adverse effects in humans, especially inrenal failure patients, since it is excreted mainlyby the kidney (Fahey et al., 1985). The concen-trations of laudanosine detected by these workersin renal transplant patients were, however, muchsmaller than those necessary to induce seizures inexperimental animals. Prolonged infusions of

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atracurium to patients in renal failure, forexample, in the intensive therapy unit might resultin high blood concentrations of laudanosine,however. A recent report suggests that suchinfusions can be used safely, even in patients withrenal failure, for up to 36 h (Griffiths, Hunter andJones, 1986). Nevertheless, further study isneeded to establish the safety of long-terminfusions of atracurium in such patients, particu-larly with regard to serum laudanosineconcentrations.

As a result of animal studies it has also beensuggested that, in the presence of plasma concen-trations of laudanosine comparable to those foundin humans after the administration of a bolus doseof atracurium, the MAC value for halothane isincreased (Shi et al., 1985). These workers suggestthat laudanosine may increase cerebral irritabilityand be responsible for an increase in anaestheticrequirement. There are at present, however, noclinical reports of experience in humans to supportthis hypothesis.

Vecuronium, which is only excreted unchangedto a small extent in the urine (Upton et al., 1982),also offers a significant advance in the treatment ofpatients with renal failure (Fahey et al., 1981;Hunter, Jones and Utting, 1984). There has,however, been a report of two cases of resistanceto the drug in renal failure patients, both of whomwere very sick; this phenomenon has not beensatisfactorily explained (Hunter, Jones andUtting, 1984). Atracurium is probably the bestdrug for use in patients in renal failure.

AgeThe duration of action of non-depolarizing

neuromuscular blocking agents varies with the ageof the patient. Neonates have been shown to besensitive to tubocurarine (Bush and Stead, 1962),alcuronium (Bush, 1965) and pancuronium (Ben-nett et al., 1975) and, to a lesser extent, toatracurium and vecuronium (Brandom et al.,1983; Nightingale and Bush, 1983). Comparedwith adults, children of school age appear to beresistant rather than sensitive to non-depolarizingneuromuscular blocking drugs, and then withadvanced age an increasing sensitivity develops.In the elderly this increased sensitivity is probablyaccounted for by slower metabolism and excretionof drugs, in contrast to the neonate, in whom it ismore likely to be related to a decreased number ofpost-synaptic receptors. Thus a decreased clear-ance of pancuronium (McLeod, Hull and Watson,

1979), alcuronium (Stephens et al., 1984) andtubocurarine (Matteo et al., 1985) have all beendemonstrated in the elderly. Both the onset andthe duration of action of vecuronium 0.07 mg kg"1

have been shown to be prolonged in old age(d'Hollander et al., 1982; d'Hollander, Nevelsteenet al., 1983). D'Hollander's group did not findsuch prolongation with atracurium (d'Hollander,Luyckx et al., 1983), for which the responseswere compatible with those reported clinically inthe elderly for atracurium by Rowlands (1983). Arecent pharmacokinetic study of single dose-response curves for vecuronium, using smallerdoses of the drug (up to 0.04 mg kg"1) has,however, suggested that there is no significantdifference between the younger and older patientwithin this lower dose range (O'Hara, Fragen andShanks, 1985). It would seem that the sensitivityto vecuronium in old age is probably partly relatedto dosage. It is possible, therefore, that atracuriumis the drug of choice in elderly patients, but it isimperative that, with any neuromuscular blocker,care is exercised, particularly in respect to the needfor a reduced dose in this age group.


Neuromuscular blocking agents act primarily atthe post-synaptic membrane of the neuromuscularjunction. It is therefore to be expected thatpatients who have a pathological process at thissite, such as myasthenia gravis or those withmuscle disorders, frequently show an abnormalresponse to neuromuscular blocking drugs. Theprimary problem in patients with these diseases isthat the response to both depolarizing andnon-depolarizing blockers is unpredictable. Inaddition, worse problems may occur when thedisease is undiagnosed in the patient beinganaesthetized. The subject has been fully reviewedby Azar (1984).

Myasthenia gravisIn this disease, which occurs more commonly in

females, patients frequently present with weaknessof cranial muscles, especially the ocular andoro-pharyngeal groups. Typically, this muscleweakness gradually spreads throughout the body,involving not only the limbs, but also the musclesof respiration. The degree of weakness varies fromday to day, but is associated with excessivefatiguability of the muscle groups involved. Noneurological deficit is demonstrable and patients

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show consistent improvement after therapy withcholinergic drugs. There is great variability in therate of progression of the disease, and if resistanceto cholinergic agents develops, steroids or otherimmunosuppressant drugs such as azathioprineare often introduced. Myasthenia gravis is fre-quently associated with hyperplasia of thethymus and, if tolerance also develops to immuno-suppressant agents, thymectomy may beperformed.

In pathological terms, myasthenia gravis is anautoimmune disease affecting the neuromuscularjunction, in which the patients develop antibodiesto the post-synaptic acetylcholine receptors,leading to a decrease in both their number andhalf-life. As the disease progresses, presynapticreceptors sites may also become affected and fadeof the train-of-four twitch response may then beseen even before any blocking agent is given. Theresponse of such patients to both depolarizing andnon-depolarizing neuromuscular blocking drugsis unpredictable, depending to a certain extent onthe degree and duration of the disease process.Churchill Davidson and Richardson (1953) werethe first to report that myasthenia patients showedinitial resistance to depolarizing neuromuscularblockers, followed by a dual block; this was latersubstantiated by Foldes and McNall (1962). Incontrast, marked sensitivity was demonstrated tonon-depolarizing blocking agents; for example, itwas found that tubocurarine, in doses as small as2 mg, produced a clinical block (Foldes andMcNall, 1962).

It seems, however, that when myasthenicpatients are in remission they may tolerate normaldoses of non-depolarizing blockers; certainly thishas been demonstrated in the case of pancuronium(Blitt, Wright and Peat, 1975). This may explainthe normal response of some myasthenic patientsto suxamethonium. Because of this variability inresponse, continuous neuromuscular monitoringis necessary when a neuromuscular blocking drugis required in the myasthenic patient.

Small doses of both atracurium (Baraka andDajani, 1984; Bell et al., 1984) and vecuronium(Hunter, Bell et al., 1985) have been used safelyin myasthenic patients and these agents appear tooffer a substantial advantage over tubocurarine.The new blocking drugs may become thepreferred agents in patients with myastheniagravis in whom a neuromuscular blocker isrequired; certainly there is no longer an indicationfor deep inhalation anaesthesia in these patients.

There is a wide variation amongst clinicians inregard to the question of continuation or otherwiseof anticholinesterase therapy immediately beforesurgery in the myasthenic patient. If therapy isstopped before operation then the patient is oftenvery weak on presentation for surgery and,therefore, is less likely to need a blocking drug, orwill need less of it. By the end of surgery, however,the patient is even weaker, and then larger dosesof anticholinesterase may be indicated. It isprobably preferable, therefore, to continue routinetherapy until induction of anaesthesia.

Myasthenic syndrome

The appearance of proximal muscle weakness,having many of the features of myasthenia gravis,in patients with advanced carcinoma was firstdescribed by Henson, Russell and Wilkinson(1954) and the particular association of oat-cellcarcinoma of the bronchus (in up to 1 % ofpatients) with a similar myopathy was then notedby Eaton and Lambert (1957). In this syndrome,unlike myasthenia gravis, the patients are verysensitive to suxamethonium, in addition to thenon-depolarizing neuromuscular blocking drugs,and they respond poorly to treatment with anti-cholinesterase. Also in contrast to myastheniagravis, a growth in electromyograph potential onlow frequency tetanic stimulation is seen, togetherwith marked post-tetanic facilitation (Wise,1962). This pattern probably explains the transi-ent increase in muscle strength which may be seenon exertion in this condition, although this may befollowed by a prolonged period of excessivefatigue. A typical anaesthetic presentation of sucha case consists of a male patient undergoingbronchoscopy for possible carcinoma of thebronchus with failure to resume effective respira-tory muscle action in the normal way following asingle dose of suxamethonium.

Myotonic dystrophyThis is the commonest muscle dystrophy of

adult life which also varies greatly in severitybetween patients, the mild form being associatedwith few symptoms or signs. It presents typicallywith facial weakness, producing an expressionlessfacies, ptosis, dysarthria, wasting and weakness ofthe sternomastoids and initially of the proximalmuscle groups, followed later by progressive distalmuscle involvement. Classically, the myotoniaproduces an inability to relax the grip. Myotoniadystrophia is a multisystem disease: other features

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include premature frontal balding and cataracts,testicular atrophy, low intelligence and myocardialconduction defects.

The use of neuromuscular blocking drugs inthis inherited condition (autosomal dominant) hasbeen recently reviewed by Aldridge (1985).Suxamethonium should be avoided as it mayaccentuate the myotonia, causing respiratorymuscle spasm and subsequently airway problems,because the rigidity may make endotrachealintubation impossible. It has been suggested thatthe increase in serum potassium concentrationproduced by suxamethonium may be responsiblefor this increased rigidity, as marked hyperkal-aemia has been shown experimentally to producespontaneous myotonic discharges. As neostigminehas been reported to worsen the myotonia inmyotonic dystrophy, it is probably more appro-priate to allow spontaneous recovery after the useof a non-depolarizing neuromuscular blocker(Buzello, Krieg and Schlickewei, 1982). It has,therefore, been suggested that atracurium orvecuronium, which have shorter half-lives thanthe conventional myoneural blockers, are veryuseful agents in this condition (Nightingale, Healyand McGuinness, 1985). Finally, it must beremembered that these patients have a reducedmuscle mass and therefore smaller doses of allblocking drugs are still indicated if excessiveblockade is to be avoided.

Duchenne muscular dystrophy

This is another inherited condition, resultingfrom a sex-linked recessive gene and, therefore,seen mainly in males. It presents early in life,usually between 2 and 6 years, initially with aclumsy gait which gradually progresses to acomplete inability to walk and confinement to awheel-chair by 8—11 years. In addition to theprogressive musculo—skeletal deformity, whichspreads to the shoulder girdle muscles and causesfatty replacement of muscle tissue, obstructivecardiomyopathy frequently develops, evidence forwhich is detectable on the electrocardiogram andis accompanied by evidence of cardiac enlarge-ment on the chest x-ray. The resting plasmacreatinine phosphokinase concentration is fre-quently increased.

Affected patients often require orthopaedicsurgical procedures (e.g. for the associatedkyphoscoliosis) or surgery for incidental opera-tions such as dental extraction. Following admini-stration of suxamethonium or halothane they may

develop a hyperpyrexic response similar to thatcharacteristic of malignant hyperthermia, associa-ted with a further increase in serum creatininephosphokinase concentration, myoglobinuria anda metabolic acidosis which may lead to cardiacarrest. Not only may this occur during anaesthesia,but delayed respiratory insufficiency may occurseveral hours after a full recovery from ananaesthetic (Smith and Bush, 1985).

Malignant hyperthermia

It is now well accepted that suxamethoniumshould be avoided in this condition (Gronert,1980). For many years pancuronium was con-sidered to be the drug of choice in susceptiblepatients (Cain and Ellis, 1977), although, asneostigmine may precipitate a cholinergic crisis, itis considered preferable to allow spontaneousrecovery from any non-depolarizing neuromuscu-lar blocking agent (Ellis, 1980). In the case of theolder non-depolarizing agents, this practice mayprolong anaesthesia inconveniently and atracur-ium and vecuronium possess advantages in thisrespect. Satisfactory use of both agents has beenreported in patients susceptible to malignanthyperpyrexia (Buzello et al., 1985; Michel andFronefield, 1985), although prolongation of theduration of action of vecuronium has beenobserved in a susceptible patient pretreated withdantrolene (Driessen, Wuis and Gielen, 1985).Dantrolene, which mainly acts by interfering withcalcium uptake into or release from the sarco-plasmic reticulum, has been shown, when givenalone, to produce a dose-dependent depression ofthe mechanical twitch response and a prolongeddecrease in grip strength (Flewellen et al., 1983).It is possible that similar problems may beencountered when other neuromuscular blockingagents are administered in the presence of thisdrug.


BurnsA variety of causes were initially postulated for

the cardiac arrests that were recognized to occur,albeit rarely, when the severely burned patientwas anaesthetized; these included vagal stimula-tion, acidosis, fluid depletion, reduced concentra-tions of pseudocholinesterase, and overdosage ofanaesthetic agents. Gradually it became apparentthat hyperkalaemia induced by suxamethoniumwas the usual cause; in burned patients suxa-

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methonium causes a more marked increase inserum potassium concentrations than in thehealthy control, probably because of the extensivecellular damage produced by the thermal injury(Bush, 1964; Tolmie, Joyce and Mitchell, 1967).For this reason suxamethonium should be avoidedin the severely burned patient.

The burned patient may show an increasedrequirement for non-depolarizing muscle relax-ants. This has certainly been reported repeatedlywith tubocurarine (Bush, 1964; Martyn et al.,1980), but the phenomenon has proved difficult toexplain. Resistance appears not to result from anincreased volume of distribution of tubocurarine,or from an increased plasma protein binding,leakage through the burned area or increased renalexcretion of the blocker. It is possible that theremay be an increased number of acetylcholinereceptors at the neuromuscular junction followingthermal injury which have an increased affinity fornon-depolarizing neuromuscular blocking drugs(Martyn et al., 1982).

Acid—base disturbances

It has long been accepted that respiratoryacidosis potentiates the neuromuscular blockadeproduced by tubocurarine and pancuronium(Baraka, 1964; Norman, Katz and Seed, 1970),whilst respiratory alkalosis had a slight antagonisteffect (Payne, 1958). There is more controversy,however, about the effect of metabolic acidosis onthe duration of neuromuscular blockade producedby non-depolarizing neuromuscular blockingdrugs: it was thought that potentiation couldoccur in this condition too (Brookes and Feldman,1962; Bush and Baraka, 1964), but more recentlythis has been denied (Miller et al., 1978); theseworkers found more marked potentiation oftubocurarine and pancuronium in conditions ofmetabolic alkalosis and a similar picture wasreported with gallamine in animals (Hughes,1970).

In a fashion similar to the older agents, theduration of action of vecuronium has also beenshown to be increased by respiratory acidosis andreduced by respiratory alkalosis (Gencarelli et al.,1983). Although the breakdown of atracurium ispH dependent, the range of plasma pH is smallwhatever the disease state, compared with thatrequired to have an effect on the degradation ofthe drug sufficient to be of clinical significance.Indeed, the clinical significance of any change inacid-base status on the duration of action of a


non-depolarizing neuromuscular blocking agentis probably slight.

Electrolyte disturbanceThe normal resting membrane potential is

dependent primarily on the distribution ofpotassium ions between the intracellular andextracellular compartments. A reduction in extra-cellular potassium results in hyperpolarization ofthe cell membrane and, therefore, a potentiationof neuromuscular blockade. This hyperpolariza-tion would not occur if the intracellular potassiumdecreased to the same extent. Unfortunately theserum potassium, measured clinically, gives noindication of the changes in trans-membranepotential and Feldman (1963) has suggested that,in chronically depleted states, such as occur withregular diuretic therapy, it is probable that bothextracellular and intracellular potassium concen-tration is reduced and therefore there is minimaleffect on neuromuscular blockade. However,Miller and Roderick (1978) have demonstratedpotentiation of pancuronium induced paralysis incats in a state of diuretic-induced potassiumdepletion. Care must, therefore, be exercised inthe use of a non-depolarizing neuromuscularblocking agent in the hypokalaemic patient toavoid a prolonged effect.

Release of acetylcholine from the nerve endingis reduced by an increase in magnesium ion and areduction in calcium ion concentration and hencethese electrolyte changes may well potentiatenon-depolarizing neuromuscular blockade(Ghoniem and Long, 1970; Waud and Waud,1978). This has been demonstrated clinicallywhen magnesium sulphate has been used to treatpre-eclampsia patients (de Silva, 1973).

HypothermiaIn this state, both the degree and duration of

block produced by the conventional non-depolarizing neuromuscular blocking agents suchas tubocurarine and pancuronium are augmented(Park and MacNamara, 1979) and hypothermiahas also been demonstrated markedly to prolongthe action of atracurium in patients undergoingcardiac by-pass surgery (Flynn, Hughes andWalton, 1984). This is to be expected, since thespontaneous breakdown of this drug in the plasmais temperature dependent, even within the clinicalrange of body temperature.

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A wide range of antibiotics is well recognized topotentiate the neuromuscular blockade producedby non-depolarizing neuromuscular blockers.Aminoglycosides, including streptomycin, neo-mycin, gentamycin and kanamycin were first tobe incriminated and have now all been shown toreduce presynaptic quantal release of acetylcho-line, although this effect can be reduced by theadministration of calcium ions (Rawlins, 1978).Other antibiotics, including the polymyxins,lincosamides and tetracyclines have been shownto have not only pre-junctional, but also post-synaptic effects which, by decreasing the sensiti-vity of the receptor site to acetylcholine, willpotentiate the action of neuromuscular blockingagents (Singh, Marshall and Harvey, 1982). Therehas even been a suggestion that metronidazolemay augment neuromuscular blockade producedby vecuronium, although any such effect isprobably of limited clinical significance, as only atexceptionally high concentrations has it beendemonstrated that metronidazole may have a weakanticholinesterase effect. Certainly, such inter-action has not been demonstrated to occur betweenmetronidazole and pancuronium (Mclndewar andMarshall, 1981).

Potentiation of the action of non-depolarizingneuromuscular blocking agents has been reportedwith a wide range of other drugs. Lithiumcarbonate has been shown to reduce pre-synapticrelease of acetylcholine, especially potentiatingthe neuromuscular blocking properties of pancu-ronium in comparison with gallamine and tubo-curarine (Hill, Wong and Hodges, 1977). Localanaesthetic agents such as lignocaine and bupiva-caine, barbiturates, magnesium and quinidine notonly reduce acetylcholine release, but in additionthey stabilize the post-synaptic membrane for, byblocking the end-plate ionic channel which opensafter acetylcholine has combined with the end-plate receptor, they prevent propagation of theaction potential from the end-plate to the musclefibre and thus potentiate neuromuscular blockade.

Calcium ions are essential for presynapticrelease of acetylcholine and it is not surprising,therefore, that prolonged neuromuscular blockadehas been reported after the administration ofcalcium antagonists to treat cardiac arrhythmiasin an anaesthetized patient who has received anon-depolarizing neuromuscular blocking drug.The interaction of calcium antagonists and

non-depolarizing blockers has recently beenreviewed by Jones (1985).

A range of other drugs has been shown inoccasional reports to potentiate non-depolarizingneuromuscular blockers. In animal studies, tri-metaphan has been shown to enhance the blockadeproduced by tubocurarine (Deacock and Har-grove, 1962) and it has been suggested thatnitroglycerine is able to potentiate the blockproduced by pancuronium, although the mechan-ism of action is not clear (Glisson, El-Etr andLim, 1979).

Diuretics too have been incriminated. Largedoses of frusemide (1 mg kg"1) have been shown topotentiate the action of tubocurarine, probably bypresynaptic inhibition of transmitter release(Miller, Sohn and Matteo, 1976), althoughmannitol seems to be free of such side effects.

In contrast, azathioprine and corticosteroids,which are used as immunosuppressants in trans-plantation surgery, have both been shown toreduce the potency of non-depolarizing myoneuralblockers, necessitating the administration of largerdoses of the drugs to produce satisfactoryparalysis. The mechanism of action of these drugsin this respect is not, however, clear (Vetten, 1973;Hall, 1983), although it is possible that, liketheophylline, they facilitate calcium transportacross the cell membrane, thus potentiatingmuscle contraction.

It is also well recognized that the combinationof two or more non-depolarizing neuromuscularblockers may produce a prolonged effect either bysimple additivity, as with gallamine and tubocur-arine and gallamine and pancuronium, or by truepotentiation, as with pancuronium and tubocura-rine (Waud and Waud, 1985). These effects areprobably attributable to the multiple sites foracetylcholine binding on the post-synaptic mem-brane which the different blockers combinewith and compete for to differing extents. Thecomplexity of the effect is such as to suggest thatthe use of only one non-depolarizing neuromus-cular blocker during the course of an anaestheticis preferable.

Prior administration of a depolarizing agentsuch as suxamethonium is known to potentiate theduration of action of tubocurarine (Katz et al.,1969) and pancuronium (Katz, 1971), but thiseffect, although still present, is less marked whenvecuronium (Kreig, Hendrickx and Crul, 1981) oratracurium is used (Hunter, Jones and Utting,1982a).

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The interaction between neuromuscularblockers and other drugs has recently beenreviewed by Viby-Mogensen (1985).


This is now the only depolarizing neuromus-cular blocking agent available in Great Britain and,although it is undoubtedly the drug of choice insome situations, for example when rapid endo-tracheal intubation is required or difficulty isanticipated, it is certainly not an ideal agent. It hascertain side effects which are peculiar to itself andthese will be discussed separately in this section.

Muscle pains. Patients commonly complain ofaching and painful muscles following administra-tion of the drug (Churchill-Davidson, 1954). Thecomplaint is especially likely to arise in theunpremedicated young patient who is allowed outof bed soon after surgery, although they may occurin virtually any patient. Such pains act as a relativecontraindication to the use of the drug, especiallyin the day case patient. As the likelihood ofdevelopment of these pains is worsened byrepeated doses of the drug, the use of intermittentboluses of suxamethonium must be of limitedbenefit, especially since the introduction of theshorter acting non-depolarizing agents makes thetechnique largely obsolete. Symptoms can be verydistressing and the patient should be forewarnedabout them, and told that they may occur in suchunexpected sites as the shoulders, the middle ofthe back and the upper abdomen.

The cause of the muscle pain is unknown andthis makes prophylaxis difficult. Small doses ofnon-depolarizing neuromuscular blocking drugsare frequently used for this purpose and it hasbeen suggested that an adequate interval, of theorder of 3 min, must be allowed for significantreceptor occupancy to occur after administrationof the small dose of tubocurarine or gallaminebefore suxamethonium is given (Miller and Way,1971). The efficacy and reliability of suxametho-nium is unfortunately reduced when this tech-nique is used and thus a larger dose of depolarizingagent is required. Recent work has suggested,however, that when atracurium and the nowobsolete fazadinium are used for this purpose,there is no reduction in the incidence of suchpains (Budd et al., 1985). Large doses ofthiopentone with lignocaine have been suggested(Haldia, Chatterji and Kackar, 1974), as haspretreatment with benzodiazepines, but a recent


report has questioned their efficacy (Chestnuttet al., 1985). Magnesium sulphate, which is knownto have post-synaptic neuromuscular blockingproperties and theoretically therefore may be ofbenefit, has also been used to prevent thedevelopment of the pains, but unsuccessfully(Chestnutt and Dundee, 1985). In fact, the onlydrug shown to have any significant beneficial effectis calcium gluconate which, when injected beforesuxamethonium, decreases both the incidence andthe severity of the myalgia, possibly because, bystabilizing cell membranes, it reduces the extentof the increase in serum potassium usually seenafter suxamethonium (Shrivastava et al., 1983).

It is interesting to note that the frequency ofmuscle pains is lower in the pregnant state,possibly because of the neuromuscular blockingproperties of progesterone, the plasma concentra-tion of which is increased at this time (Crawford,1971; Thind and Bryson, 1983).

Prolonged apnoea. Suxamethonium is metabo-lized in the plasma by the enzyme pseudocholin-esterase, usually resulting in 90% recovery ofneuromuscular function within 10 min of admini-stration of a 50-mg dose (Hunter, Jones andUtting, 1982a). Inherited abnormalities of thechemical structure of pseudocholinesterase canresult in delayed metabolism of suxamethonium,however, and the prolonged apnoea which follows,although not life-threatening, represents a markedbut uncommon inconvenience. Artificial ventila-tion must be adequately maintained in suchcircumstances and it is also essential to keep thepatient anaesthetized throughout the apnoeicperiod.

Several different genetic defects cause the actionof suxamethonium to be prolonged, because theserum cholinesterase enzyme is polymorphic innature. The molecular structure is determined byseveral different genes, abnormalities of which canproduce an abnormal chemical structure ofpseudocholinesterase. Phenotyping, that is thedetermination of any abnormality produced bythe different genes, is based on the inhibition ofactivity of pseudocholinesterase by differentsubstances, such as cinchocaine, fluoride, chlorideand suxamethonium itself. The genes responsibleare known as the normal (Ej") or usual, atypical(E,a), fluoride-resistant (E/) and silent (E,s) gene,respectively. Inheritance of these genes is auto-somal in nature, with heterozygote patients mani-festing less sensitivity to suxamethonium than

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homozygotes. Thus approximately 94% of thepopulation are homozygote for the normal genes(E^, E^), 4% are atypical heterozygotes (E^,Ex

s) in whom suxamethonium 50 mg would lastapproximately 30 min and less than 2 % of thepopulation have one of the other heterozygote orhomozygote abnormalities which result in prolon-gation of the action of the drug, of which beingheterozygote for the fluoride (Eju, E,f) or silentgene (E^, Ej8) are the most common (Lim andChurchill-Davidson, 1981).

Non-inherited (acquired) factors can result inlow plasma concentrations of pseudocholinester-ase of normal molecular structure; for example,this occurs in pregnancy and the puerperium.Indeed, it may take as long as 6 weeks afterdelivery for the plasma concentrations of pseudo-cholinesterase to return to normal, although thisis probably exceptional, a return usually occurringwithin 2 weeks (Whittaker and Selwyn-Crawford,1983). Reduced concentrations have also beenreported in chronic liver disease, malignancy,burns, hypothyroidism, blood dyscrasias and renalfailure and such factors are thought to account forup to 17% of cases of prolonged apnoea (Bauldet al., 1974). The problem has been reviewed byLim and Churchill-Davidson (1981).

Several drugs may also interfere with theactivity of serum cholinesterase; these includeamethocaine, phenothiazines, ketamine, oralcontraceptives, propanidid, and trimetaphan inaddition to the often quoted, but now rarely usedecothiopate iodide eye drops. Tetrahydroamino-acrine (tacrine) and hexafluorenium should bementioned: both inhibit pseudocholinesterase andwere once used deliberately to prolong the actionof suxamethonium, but mis technique is nowobsolete. It should be added that, whether thecause of the prolonged apnoea is an inherited oracquired defect in the plasma cholinesterase, thereis linle evidence to suggest that administration offresh frozen plasma which contains some cholin-esterase, is of any practical benefit.

Increased intraocular and intracranial pressure.There is much debate about the degree andduration of the increased intraocular pressure(IOP) produced by suxamethonium, an increasenow thought to be explained by sustainedcontracture of the extraocular muscles which,having a large number of end-plates, respond tosuxamethonium in a manner different from othermuscle groups which show fasciculations, but

similar to the contracture described in avianmuscle.

This increase in intraocular pressure can bedamaging, especially in the case of a penetratingeye injury, where expulsion of the vitreoushumour can ensue. The subject has recently beenreviewed by Adams and Salt (1985). Non-depolarizing neuromuscular blocking drugs donot increase the IOP and are therefore lessdamaging to the open eye, but in patients with afull stomach requiring emergency surgery suxa-methonium may still be the safest drug. It isimportant to note that the effect of endotrachealintubation in increasing the IOP in an in-completely paralysed patient can be much greaterthan that produced by suxamethonium (Wynandsand Crowell, 1960).

The effect of suxamethonium on intra-cranialpressure (ICP) is less clear: some studies havedemonstrated an increased ICP after the drug wasadministered (Marsh et al., 1980), but others havenot (Bormann et al., 1980). Although non-depolarizing neuromuscular blocking drugs donot increase ICP directly, the tachycardia pro-duced by gallamine and pancuronium may haveadverse effects on intracranial vascular pathology.Furthermore, the potent histamine releasingproperties of tubocurarine may produce cerebralvasodilatation. Thus suxamethonium may not becontraindicated if blocking agents are required.Atracurium has been shown to have little effect onICP in patients with a cerebral tumour (Mintonet al., 1985). This subject has recently beenreviewed by Murphy (1985).

Increased intragastric pressure. This occursduring the voluntary muscle fasciculations whichfollow the administration of suxamethonium,pressures of up to 40 mm Hg being recorded.However, as the lower oesophageal sphincterpressures have also been shown to increase to aneven greater extent at this time, the risk ofregurgitation is probably reduced. This subjecthas been reviewed by Smith, Dalling and Williams(1978).

Hyperkalaemia. Injection of suxamethonium1 mg kg"1 in humans increases the serum potas-sium concentration by approximately 0.5 mmollitre"' (Paton, 1959). In patients with an alreadyincreased serum potassium concentration, such asthose in renal failure, the administration of thisdrug may therefore precipitate life-threatening

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cardiac arrhythmias. In addition to the hyperkal-aemia caused by suxamethonium in patients withmuscle disorders, to which reference has alreadybeen made, marked hyperkalaemia has also beenreported to occur following suxamethonium in arange of neurological disorders in which muscledenervation and atrophy occurs. These includehemiplegia, following diffuse head injury, en-cephalitis, ruptured cerebral aneurysm, tetanusand paraplegia (Azar, 1984) and, as has beenmentioned previously, in burned patients.


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