Advay personl Narative

Think.......... you+Junk food = :) or you + junk food = : By Advay Koranne


Me and my cousin

Transcript of Advay personl Narative

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Think.......... you+Junk food  = :)  or you + junk food = :

By Advay Koranne

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(        WARNING     Hey! Are you hungry? If so sorry, but you are a unhealthy eater now if you are hungry, If  not you're an apple and vegetable person. This is a story that may be able to change your appetite. Under any

circumstances do not eat this much junk food! I WARN YOU!                                                                       10/9/12 Last warning! If you hate Junk Food please stop reading. IF NOT PLEASE READ ON.

“Nasty,” I thought as I inhaled the bad smell of cow dung. I was in India. I went over to my grandma’s apartment and hauled all my luggage into the elevator and plopped on the bed and fell into a deep sleep.

After a day or two of jet lag and sleeping until 1:00 in the afternoon, I went over to my cousins house to surprise him. We didn’t tell his family that we were coming to India, so when we knocked on the door they were shocked! Their face dropped and my Grandma started hugging my mom. I walked into the the warm house and I sat in my cousin’s room on the chair. We laughed and laughed until we exploded out like a  volcano holding it’s lava in for 10,000,000,000 years. We burst out laughing until our stomach roared so we named out a list of places where we should go for dinner: Junk food + me and cousin = :). Translation: Junk food, my cousin and myself equals happy! My

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cousin and I do not eat much Junk food!!! (It’s 50% true.) Here’s the list we created:1.Mcdonalds (some think that  oooooooozzzyyyy grease  is falling out of the burgers but I think for some strange reason when I eat an Indian burger it tasted  bland. No grease, Mcdonalds may seem unhealthy to some people But India’s seems a lot different in fact the whole menu is different.  

2.subway (always tastes the same)3.Mod(Mad Over Donuts)4.KFC(Never tried don’t no how it  tasted)5.Cinnabon (It’s ok not the best but tastes good when you don’t have it in a while)                                                                                                                                                                 6.Pizza Hut(exactly the same)7.Dominoes(same)8.Cafe Yum9.Hilton(It’s a hotel with  a breakfast place in india. it has cinna rolls ,omelet and cheerios in the buffet  etc..........)

My cousin and I love to eat donuts at MOD and of course junk food and my cousins sister loves Pizza Hut. She eats pizza without the sauce. My Cousin and I Skarsh always get annoyed when she has pizza with no sauce. How can pizza be called pizza without any sauce? Talking about that made us so hungry so we ran like cheetahs to go ask my cousins mom if she can take us to go eat junk food? Of course she said no, not right now, and said‘’I will take you

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tomorrow.’’ Just to make sure we made her sign a contract. I declare that on October 7 you will treat us to momos(dumpling like thing that they sell on the street) and pizza and MOD. So since we were so hungry we walked down to a chip stand near by while we yelled to each other. “No I want Lays

no I want Bloomer. Advay we only have $5”. In India $5 can buy you a lot. But beware when you’re walking down on the street, dogs can come and bark at you “Roof roof bark bark’’Crazy

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dogs bark everywhere. they come and wag there hanker tails just to say hi but beware they might growl and they even might have rabies.I walked down the dusty road with my hollering cousin yelling brands of chips.’’Lays Kurkure (indian Cheetos) and Boomer (Indian bubble gum.)” When we saw the stand we exploded running down a dusty narrow road with cars and motorcycles going by with their hand on the horn. Me and my oh so sugar high cousin bought 3 bags of chips and 15 pieces bubble gums. When we got home my cousin’s sister screeched when we said “we brought you nothing.” My cousin’s sister was annoying but highly sensitive, if she does not get what she wants her voice turns almost like a stampede of rhinos she screamed until her throat hurt. We had to sprint back to go and buy her something then we came home and started eating our bubble gum. Then she said in a sassy tone how dare you get more then me(with the silly hand motions). She flipped her hair, when she was done we rolled our eyes. My cousin and I had 9the extremely Weird day and the annoyingest,funniest day ever. Uh I gotta go my cousin got a little bit overwhelmed by eating junk food.