Advanced Simulations_tcm4-384100

Go strong. Advanced simulations DNV serving the energy industry


Advanced simulations DNV serving the energy industry Optimal solutions via

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Go strong.Advancedsimulations

DNV serving the energy industry

Optimal solutions via

The energy industry is entering new frontiers applying new designs and tech-nologies, often in extreme environments. These operations carry significant inherentsafety and environmental risks which can escalate into major accidents. As such,companies need to quantify those risks in an accurate way in order to avoid majoraccidents and determine cost-effective risk reduction measures that improve safetyand minimise production downtime.

Standard analytical techniques cannot always adequately capture the impact of noveland different designs, technology and operating environments. Computational FluidDynamics (CFD) analysis combined with advanced risk models can provide thehigh level of accuracy required and better insight into the physics of such complexproblems. With our deep technical expertise in advanced simulations and practicalexperience in technology solutions, DNV is ideally positioned to provide our cus-tomers with safe and cost efficient solutions that meet industry best practice.

cutting edge technology



PAGE 4 | DNV ENERGY | Service Overview | Services | Simulation Tools |

DNV – assisting companies in the energy industry along the entire life cycle to safeguard and improve business performance





















Advanced simulations, implemented viathe integration of Computational FluidDynamics (CFD), Finite Element (FE)structural analyses and advanced riskmodels, are routinely used today todetermine risks to people and key assetsarising from various events such as fires,explosions and toxic releases. DNV’shighly qualified and experiencedspecialists and engineers provide cuttingedge solutions to complex fluid flow andstructural problems that allow you tomake optimal risk based decisions.

Advanced simulations allow for the modelling of

complex geometries and scenarios based on con-

sideration of the relevant flow physics, providing

more accurate and detailed information than

simplified approaches. The output from the simu-

lations can be viewed using 3D visualisation capa-

bilities which provide engineers and designers

with detailed understanding of complex fires, ex-

plosions and flow patterns involved, as well as con-

fidence and assurance in the validity of proposed

solutions. By applying these advanced simulations

from feasibility and concept selection to life ex-

tensions, our customers obtain significant benefits

in terms of cost effective solutions and meeting

regulatory and industry best practice.


DNV provides bespoke solutions to support our

customers. Our approach is based on under-

standing our customer’s needs and combining our

wide area of technical expertise and our extensive

practical experience to provide our customers

with optimal solutions.

DNV is one of the pioneers in the provision of ad-

vanced simulation services within the areas of fires

and explosions. Our in-house research and devel-

opment work combined with our active participa-

tion in international Joint Industry Projects and

forums (Hysafe, FABIG) ensure that we are at the

forefront of technological development. For ex-

ample, following the Piper Alpha disaster, we par-

ticipated in the research work which led to pivotal

changes within the oil and gas industry.

Through extensive research and development

work, we have developed state-of-the-art procedures

for probabilistic analysis of explosions and fires.

DNV scientists and engineers regularly present at

major conferences and have articles published

widely in internationally recognised journals in the

field of advanced simulations.

Working with major oil and gas companies globally,

we have carried out a large number of projects on

various assets including:


► Jacket platforms

► Gravity based platforms

► Semi submersible platforms

► Drillships and drillrigs

► Onshore plants

► Refineries and petrochemical plants

► LNG plants and terminals

► Process industry plants

DNV’s approach differentiates us from our com-

petitors. Our advanced simulations expertise is

based on a holistic approach, where the probabilis-

tic loading and response can be systematically eval-

uated whilst considering a range of project-specific

variables, activities, their interdependence, and ef-

fects, thus allowing us to confidently make judg-

ments and provide value adding opinions and

recommendations with respect to gaps and poten-

tial areas for improvement.

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Our global in-house expertise in advanced simula-

tions provides our customers with con fidence and

assurance in our capability to deliver tailored cost

effective solutions.

We assist our customers to understand and design

for risks posed by extreme events throughout the

entire lifetime of their assets. Our deep theoretical

understanding of the flow physics and structural

behaviour combined with our extensive techno-

logical knowledge allow us to work closely with our

customers to develop practical risk-based solu-


DNV’s global reach with CFD teams based in Oslo,

Bergen, London, Rio, Houston and Kuala

Lumpur means that we can understand and ad-

dress our customer’s local requirements. The var-

ious teams work collaboratively within a global

network to share the latest developments and pro-

vide quality assurance to project work worldwide.


Our services include:

► Probabilistic explosion analysis

► Probabilistic fire analysis

► Integrated probabilistic fire and explosion analy-


► Ventilation studies for hazardous area classifica-


► Helideck turbulence analysis

► Exhaust gas dispersion

► Fire radiation, smoke and gas dispersion

► Gas detector studies

► Integrated wind chill and ventilation analysis

► H2/LNG/CO2 dispersion analysis

► Structural response analysis

► Accident investigation

We use a range of commercial and in-house soft-

ware packages that provides the flexibility to tailor

our approach.


► Deeper level of detail allows engineers to un-

derstand the real physics of the problem and

thereby devise optimal solutions.

► Impact of various mitigating measures can be in-

vestigated via sensitivity studies.

► Avoids excessive conservatism by modelling the

complex physics of the problem thereby lower-

ing design loads which leads to potentially sig-

nificant savings in material costs.

► Identification of key explosion issues at early

stages leads to cost-effective layout manage-


► Risk communication via the 3D visualisation ca-

pabilities provides confidence and assurance to

all stakeholders that the results are based on

sound physics.

► Solid foundation for decision making.

► Reduced risk and avoidance of hidden pitfalls.

► Identification of cost-effective mitigation meas-

ures and development of optimal solutions.

Working with major oil and

gas companies globally,

we have carried out a large

number of projects on

various assets.

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Explosion analyses were carried out for a newonshore plant that will process unstabilised oilextracted from wells in order to produce sta-bilised oil, sales gas, LPG and by-products for ex-port. The facilities included wellheads, centralplant facility and associated utilities, storage area,LPG facility, building/administrative area and atechnical building near the process units.

The main concern for the client was the loads onthe pipe rack and key equipment from an explo-sion in the process areas.

DNV carried out 3D explosion modelling to de-termine the maximum credible explosion hazardand associated peak overpressure/ impulse/dragloads on key elements.

DNV illustrated the variation of the maximum ex-plosion load within the key congested volume(s)with elevation within the process area (primarilywith respect to the pipe rack) and also in thenear-field to far-field transition, ac counting forthe sloping and changing topography just out-side the main process equipment areas.





► PROBABILISTIC EXPLOSION ANALYSIS DNV routinely carries out probabilistic explosion analyses to assist our customers with determining design

accidental loads (DAL) on their blast walls and other key structural elements and also to assess the effective-

ness of mitigating measures. DNV recommends following the NORSOK Z-013 procedure, which involves a

fully transient assessment and 3D FLACS ventilation, gas dispersion and explosion simulations, as well as a

probabilistic assessment using DNV’s in-house program “EXPRESS.”

► PROBABILISTIC FIRE ANALYSIS DNV has developed a state-of-the-art procedure for safe design of process areas against fires. The procedure

is probabilistic (ExpressFire) and also utilises detailed Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations of

fires in the actual geometries as well as detailed dynamic structure heat up and collapse simulations. The

procedure is well received by operators in the North Sea and Brazil as the risk is controlled by optimising

flare and emergency shutdown systems together with significant savings in the use of Passive Fire Protection

(PFP) on structure, process pipes and equipment. The programs PFPro, FAHTS and USFOS are used to

perform structural response analyses. The increased detail in this novel procedure ensures that the weak links

and risk drivers are identified with much higher confidence than in earlier procedures thereby ensuring that

safe and cost optimal solutions are found.

► INTEGRATED PROBABILISTIC FIRE AND DNV provides customers with integrated fire and explosion analysis using DNV ExpressFire software. Fires

EXPLOSION ANALYSIS and explosions often have conflicting mitigating measures. By weighting the different risks from the same

tool, we can help you make the right decisions about the configuration of decks and walls as well as optimi-

sation of flare and emergency shutdown systems.

► VENTILATION STUDIES FOR For process areas which are potentially poorly ventilated, an analysis to find the natural ventilation conditions

HAZARDOUS AREA CLASSIFICATION is recommended. DNV provides customers with this analysis to show compliance with the requirements for ven-

tilation conditions as well as give advice on how to improve the ventilation, if needed. Detailed CFD simu-

lations are used for this study together with a probabilistic assessment using the DNV program ACH.f.

► HELIDECK TURBULENCE ANALYSIS When the helideck is surrounded by large structures which can create shear layers and highly turbulent

wind flows, an analysis to determine the impact of these conditions is recommended. The aim of the analysis

is to compare turbulence levels and downdrafts with requirements and give recommendations for im-

provements and restrictions for operations, if needed.

A total riskbased approach

At DNV, we assist customers in finding the optimal solution to address their specific needs. More importantly, we combine ourservices to provide a total risk based approach that encompasses both the fluid flow aspects and the structural response tomaximise potential for cost efficient solutions.


The effect of modifications arising from newwells and process equipment on fire and explo-sion risks needed to be assessed. A completestate-of-the-art fire and explosion risk analysis forall process modules in the platform was per-formed. The fire and explosion risk model wasdeveloped to reflect the changes to the processand geometry.

The computer programs FLACS, KFX and Express-Fire were used for the consequence and risk assessment. This ensured that new knowledgeabout fires and explosions was utilised. The fireand explosion risk drivers were found togetherwith effects of alternative mitigating measures.

The study highlighted areas where it was bene-ficial to protect against fires with optimal PFPprotection and also allowed for the reduction ofboth fire and explosion risks by addressing nat-ural ventilation in critical areas.





► EXHAUST GAS DISPERSION To locate exhaust stacks on offshore installations can be challenging due to limited space and complex

wind flow patterns. CFD is used to analyse releases from exhaust stacks and investigate concentration levels

at working areas, air intakes, crane cabins, helicopter deck, etc. Concentration levels and temperatures

at different target areas are compared with requirements and the resulting wind flow patterns are examined

to give clues as to how to improve the exhaust pipe design and location.

► RADIATION, SMOKE AND GAS ANALYSIS Fire analyses are offered with the CFD tool KFX in order to provide advice as to how to best protect against

fire impact on critical areas such as escape routes, bridges, muster stations, etc. Leak and subsequent dis-

persion of flammable gases are simulated with FLACS or KFX providing solutions as to where to best locate

air intakes and other critical ignition sources and the routing of escape routes. These analyses can form a part

of the overall Quantitative Risk Analyses (QRA) as well.

► GAS DETECTOR STUDIES DNV offers analyses to optimise the number and location of flammable gas detectors in process areas. The

DNV developed program GDOZ utilises a probabilistic approach to decide on the best gas detector location.

CFD tools are used to obtain the gas dispersion for potential gas leaks in the area, and results are used as

input to GDOZ to obtain a detailed map of where it is most likely that gas is detected earliest. The solution

is then used to recommend optimal locations for the placement of gas detectors.

► INTEGRATED WIND CHILL AND These analyses provide the optimal wind protection arrangement for both acceptable workers comfort and

VENTILATION ANALYSIS the lowest possible fire and explosion risk. The analyses are also performed with the same risk tools as our

other services providing a consistent approach to all analyses. The program WCI.f is used for the wind chill

analysis, and the fire and explosion assessment is performed with KFX, FLACS and ExpressFire.

► H2/LNG/CO2 DISPERSION ANALYSIS DNV is pioneering the way of modelling dispersion from novel substances such as CO2, LNG and Hydrogen.

The modelling techniques, ranging from empirical correlations to CFD simulations, are frequently validated

against available measurements in order to provide our customers with reliable solutions. DNV is also actively

participating in research projects and international JIPs (EU project HYSAFE) where the development and

validation of prediction models is performed in order to provide our customers with reliable results.

► STRUCTURAL RESPONSE ANALYSIS DNV offers both simplified and detailed structural analysis based on our customers requirements. Simplified

structural response analyses can be performed according to DNV-RP-C204 for explosion loads

or Eurocode 3 for fire. Refined analysis of structural response to fire is performed with FAHTS/USFOS.

Refined analysis of structural response to explosions can be performed by USFOS or by ABAQUS depending

on the structural design.

► INCIDENT INVESTIGATION In the unfortunate event of a fire and/or explosion, it is often important to carry out the investigation as early

as possible after the incident in order to obtain valuable clues as to its origin. DNV’s team of experts offer to

perform accident investigations at short notice worldwide. Simulation programs are also applied in order to

determine the immediate cause of the accident and possible preventive actions.

PAGE 12 | DNV ENERGY | Service Overview | Services | Simulation Tools |



► FLACS (FLAME ACCELERATION FLACS is a commercially available software which is recognised within the industry as the leading software

SIMULATOR) for explosion analysis. FLACS is developed by Gexcon and is an advanced CFD tool for the modelling of

ventilation, gas dispersion and vapour cloud explosions in complex process areas. DNV uses FLACS in

combination with the in-house tool EXPRESS to deliver probabilistic explosion analyses as well as ventila-

tion studies, wind chill analyses for work environment, gas detector optimisation, helideck, gas and

exhaust dispersion studies.

► KFX (KAMELEON FIREEX) KFX is one of the most advanced CFD tool for process plant fire simulations, gas dispersion and flare

simulations and is becoming an industry standard. DNV uses KFX for the Passive Fire Protection (PFP) opti-

misation analyses, fire Design Accidental Load (DAL) analyses, ship smoke spread analyses, dispersion ana-

lyses for release and air intake location optimisation.

► FAHTS/USFOS FAHTS is a specialised tool for structural response analyses. It has an interface to the CFD tool Kameleon

Fire Ex. FAHTS prepares temperature data for structural response analysis with USFOS. USFOS is a special-

ised tool for ultimate resistance evaluation of typical offshore structures providing:

►Models for entire physical member: Column buckling, local buckling, denting, and membrane action

is detected even for only one finite element per physical member.

►Models for Accidental Loads: Boat impact, explosion, earthquake, fire, dropped objects, etc.

► ANSYS CFX CFX is a versatile CFD tool with capability for unstructured meshing which makes it better suited to coping

with complex terrain effects for dispersion studies, fires in tunnels, and multi and single phase flow in

complex geometries. DNV recommends applying CFX for LNG and CO2 dispersion studies as well as for

flow assurance.

► ABAQUS ABAQUS/Standard is a general tool for linear and nonlinear Finite Element analyses. It employs solution

technology ideal for static and low-speed dynamic events. It gives implicit solutions for a range of contact and

nonlinear material options for static, dynamics, thermal, and multiphysics analyses. ABAQUS/Explicit can

be used for high-speed, nonlinear, transient response and multiphysics applications. This is appropriate for

many applications such as drop test, collision studies, crushing and manufacturing processes.

Flexibilitythrough tools

DNV uses a range of commercial and in-house software packages that provides the flexibility to tailor our approach to meetour customers needs.




► EXPRESS EXPRESS is a code for calculation of explosion risk in process platforms/plants. It is a well established code

within DNV to deliver probabilistic explosion analyses following the NORSOK Z-013 Annex G procedure.

The EXPRESS program includes consequence models for a transient general gas leak, leak rate calculations,

ventilation, gas dispersion modelling, gas detection, ignition, as well as explosion pressure models. The

ventilation, gas dispersion and explosion consequence models are directly linked to the results from the

FLACS CFD simulations providing detailed information of the actual design at hand. This allows the pro-

gram to investigate effects of design changes providing hands-on decision basis for the safety design team.

Due to its general consequence model and the inclusion of explosion mitigation efforts in the models,

EXPRESS is ideal to determine the most effective explosion mitigation strategy.

► EXPRESSFIRE ExpressFire is a tool which is integrated with EXPRESS for the calculation of fire risks to oil and gas plat-

forms/plants. It uses the same consequence models for everything from the release to ignition as EXPRESS,

and adds on a new model for fires. The fire model is also linked to results from KFX fire simulations.

The main advantage using ExpressFire is to obtain realistic Dimensioning Accidental Loads (DAL) fire loads

where the effects of mitigating measures on safety design (firewalls, blowdown, Emergency Shut Down (ESD))

are included. The optimal protection can be found by first designing a good blowdown system and installing

PFP only on the pipes and structures where it is needed.

► PFPRO PFPro is a tool used for optimisation of Passive Fire Protection on process pipes. The DAL fire load from

ExpressFire or other sources is used as input together with the characteristics of the pipes and inside fluid and

flow conditions. A solution is first found where the flare and ESD systems are fully utilised in order to reduce

the need for PFP on pipes. The amount of PFP needed on pipes is further minimised by the dynamic re-

sponse analysis in PFPro ensuring that only pipes which can collapse in a DAL fire will have PFP applied.

► THOREXPRESSLITE ThorExpressLite is a simplified tool to find DAL explosion pressures and optimise the design against explo-

sions and select mitigating measures in the concept phases of a development. The code is similar to Express

but does not use CFD results to obtain the consequences. The explosion results are replaced with DNV’s

experience based explosion prediction tool (Thor) and a database of results from ventilation and dispersion

simulations in typical offshore modules.

► ACH Air Changes per Hour (ACH.f) is a tool for the calculation of the probability distribution of the ventilation rate

in a module. It uses results from ventilation simulations from FLACS to give the ACH rate for different wind

directions and speeds. The combination with the wind rose gives the overall yearly probability distribution

of the ventilation rate.

► WCI Wind Chill Index (WCI.f) is a tool for the calculation of contour plots in a working area showing the per-

centage of time with conditions above and below acceptable limits. The code uses detailed results from

FLACS CFD calculations of the wind field inside the area for all wind directions. The CFD wind field data is

combined with wind and temperature statistics in order to find the local probability distribution of wind

cooling effect on humans.

► GDOZ Gas Detector OptimiZation (GDOZ.f) is a tool for finding the probability of having flammable gas in a

detailed contour plot overlaying the process area. It uses a large number of gas dispersion simulations from

FLACS integrated with the wind rose to determine the more and the less likely areas where flammable gas

can be present. These results are subsequently used in an assessment to decide where the gas detectors should

be optimally located.

PAGE 14 | DNV ENERGY | Service Overview | Services | Simulation Tools |

DNV locationsDNV serves the energy industry from more than 40 primarylocations worldwide. In addition, we draw on DNV´s entireworldwide network of 300 offices in 100 countries.


DNVVeritasveien 1NO-1322 Høvik, NorwayTel: +47 67 57 99 00Fax: +47 67 57 99 11


AberdeenCromarty House67-72 Regent QuayAberdeenAB11 5ARUnited KingdomTel: +44 1224 335000

Abu DhabiPlot No. 252/Area W4723rd StreetAl Mushrif AreaAbu DhabiUnited Arab EmiratesTel: +971 2 447 5915

AntwerpDuboisstraat 39 b12060 AntwerpBelgiumTel: +32 3 206 65 40

BeijingRoom B2107Hanwei PlazaNo.7 Guanghua RoadChaoyang DistrictBeijing 100004ChinaTel: +86 10 6561 7076

BergenJohan Berentsensvei 109-111P.O.Box 7400NO-5020 BergenNorwayTel: +47 55 94 36 00

Buenos AiresCarlos Pellegrini 1023, 4th floorC1009ABU Cdad. Buenos AiresBuenos AiresArgentinaTel: +54 11 4021 4200

CalgarySuite 1232340 Pegasus Way NECalgary, AB CanadaT2E 8M5Tel: +403 250 9041

Columbus5777 Frantz RoadDublin, Ohio 43017-1386USATel: +1 614 761 1214

CopenhagenTuborg Parkvej 8, 2nd FloorDK-2900 HellerupDenmarkTel: +45 39 45 48 00

EssenSchnieringshof 1445329 EssenGermanyTel: +49 201 7296 414

Houston1400 Ravello DriveKaty, Texas 77449USATel: +1 281 396 1000

Ho Chi Minh CityUnit 2, 5th FloorLawrence S Ting Building801, Nguyen Van Linh ParkwayTan Phu Ward, District 7Ho Chi Minh CityVietnamTel: +84 8 54135 128

JakartaGranadi Building11th Floor (North Wing)Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said kav. X-1 no. 8-9Jakarta 12950IndonesiaTel: +62 21 252 6233

Kuala Lumpur24th Floor, Menara Weld76, Jalan Raja Chulan50200 Kuala LumpurMalaysiaTel: +603 2050 2888

LondonPalace House3 Cathedral StreetLondon SE1 9DEUnited KingdomTel: +44 207 357 6080

LuandaEdificio MonumentalRua Major Kanhangulonº 290, 2º AndarLuandaAngolaTel: +244 222 390335

MacaéRua Acapulco, 24CavaleirosCEP 29720-150MacaéBrazilTel: +55 22 2757 1480

ManchesterHighbank HouseExchange StreetStockport SK3 0ETUnited KingdomTel: +44 161 477 3818

OsloVeritasveien 1NO-1322 HøvikNorwayTel: +47 67 57 99 00

ParisTour AREVA, Centre BFI92084 Paris-La Defense CedexFranceTel: +33 1 47 96 46 36

Port of Spain7th FloorAlbion Plaza Energy Centre22-24 Victoria AvenuePort of SpainTrinidad & TobagoW.I.Tel: +1 868 623 0023

MoscowBusiness Centre “Tagansky”3 Marksistskaya st.bld.2Office 2.3.4109147 MoscowRussian FederationTel: +7 495 739 4833

MumbaiEmgeen Chambers10, C.S.T. RoadVidyanagari, KalinaSantacruz EastMumbai 400098IndiaTel: +91 22 26650909

Rio de JaneiroRua Sete de Setembro, 11112º andar - CentroCEP 20050-006Rio de JaneiroBrazilTel.: +55 21 3722 7232

SalvadorRua Dr.Jose Peroba149 – sala 1101Ed.Centro EmpressarialEldorado-Stiep41770790 SalvadorBrazilTel: +55 71 3273 3700

São PauloAv. Alfredo Egydio de SouzaAranha, 1003º andar, Bloco D, Vila CruzeiroCEP 04726-908, São PauloCondomínio CentroAdministrativoSanto Amaro, CASATel: +55 11 3305 3305

Seattle1809 7th Avenue, Suite 900Seattle, WA 98101USATel: +1 206 387 4200

ShanghaiHouse No. 91591 Hong Qiao RoadShanghai 200336ChinaTel: +86 21 3208 4518

SingaporeDNV Technology Centre10 Science Park DriveSingapore 118224Tel: +65 6508 3750

StavangerBjergstedveien 1NO-4007 StavangerNorwayTel: +47 51 50 60 00


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