Advanced Real English 2 - BALDER English -...

Advanced Real English 2 © B Burlington Books Glossary Advanced Real English 2 INTRODUCTION above /L'VJd/ encima de, sobre apple /'DUo/ manzana architect /'EYBWCYW/ arquitecto/a artist /'EWBgW/ artista athlete /'DeoAW/ deportista; atleta behind /VB'kOmX/ detrás de between /VB'WrAm/ entre (dos cosas) big /VBZ/ grande boots /VIWg/ botas bread /VpCX/ pan butter /'VJWL/ mantequilla cake /YMY/ tarta, pastel calm /YEl/ tranquilo/a cat /YDW/ gato chicken /'aBYBm/ pollo chimpanzee /aBlUDm'hA/ chimpancé clever /'YoCdL/ listo/a, inteligente coat /YNW/ abrigo computer programmer /YLlUqIWL'UpLHZpDlL/ programador/a informático/a corn /YGm/ maíz cow /YP/ vaca curly /'YKoi/ rizado/a dark /XEY/ oscuro/a; moreno/a dentist /'XCmWBgW/ dentista doctor /'XFYWL/ doctor/a; médico/a dress /XpCg/ vestido eagle /'AZo/ águila eggs /CZh/ huevos electrician /BoCY'WpBim/ electricista elephant /'CoBcLmW/ elefante evil /'Ado/ malvado/a fair /cCL/ claro/a; rubio/a fat /cæW/ gordo/a firefighter /'cOLcOWL/ bombero/a fish /cBi/ pescado; pez / peces fox /cFYg/ zorro friendly /'cpCmXoi/ simpático/a frog /cpFZ/ rana fruit /cpIW/ fruta fruit salad /cpIW'gDoLX/ macedonia funny /'cJmi/ gracioso/a good-looking /ZHX'oHYBn/ guapo/a, atractivo/a hard-working /kEX'rKYBn/ trabajador/a hat /kDW/ sombrero horse /kGg/ caballo in /Bm/ en, dentro de in front of /Bm'cpJmWLd/ delante de jeans /bAmh/ pantalones vaqueros kind /YOmX/ amable, atento/a lazy /'oCBhi/ perezoso/a, vago/a long /oFn/ largo/a meat /lAW/ carne milk /lBoY/ leche mosquito /lL'gYAWLH/ mosquito mouse /lPg/ ratón narrow /'mDpN/ estrecho/a nervous /'mKdLg/ nervioso/a next to /'mCYgWWL/ al lado de, junto a old /NoX/ viejo/a on /Fm/ sobre, en onion /'JmqLm/ cebolla pancakes /'UDmYMYg/ tortitas pig /UBZ/ cerdo plumber /'UoJlL/ fontanero/a potato /UL'WMWN/ patata rabbit /'pDVBW/ conejo rice /pOg/ arroz sailor /'gMoL/ marinero/a sandals /'gDmXoh/ sandalias sausages /'gFgBbBh/ salchichas serious /'gBLpiLg/ serio/a, formal shark /iEY/ tiburón shirt /iKW/ camisa short /iGW/ bajo/a, corto/a shorts /iGWg/ pantalones cortos skirt /gYKW/ falda small /glGo/ pequeño/a snake /gmMY/ serpiente, culebra socks /gFYg/ calcetines steak /gWMY/ filete straight /gWpMW/ liso/a strawberry /'gWpGVLpi/ fresa strong /gWpFn/ fuerte

Transcript of Advanced Real English 2 - BALDER English -...

  • Advanced Real English 2 B Burlington Books

    Glossary Advanced Real English 2


    above /L'VJd/ encima de, sobre

    apple /'DUo/ manzana

    architect /'EYBWCYW/ arquitecto/a

    artist /'EWBgW/ artista

    athlete /'DeoAW/ deportista; atleta

    behind /VB'kOmX/ detrs de

    between /VB'WrAm/ entre (dos cosas)

    big /VBZ/ grande

    boots /VIWg/ botas

    bread /VpCX/ pan

    butter /'VJWL/ mantequilla

    cake /YMY/ tarta, pastel

    calm /YEl/ tranquilo/a

    cat /YDW/ gato

    chicken /'aBYBm/ pollo

    chimpanzee /aBlUDm'hA/ chimpanc

    clever /'YoCdL/ listo/a, inteligente

    coat /YNW/ abrigo

    computer programmer /YLlUqIWL'UpLHZpDlL/ programador/a informtico/a

    corn /YGm/ maz

    cow /YP/ vaca

    curly /'YKoi/ rizado/a

    dark /XEY/ oscuro/a; moreno/a

    dentist /'XCmWBgW/ dentista

    doctor /'XFYWL/ doctor/a; mdico/a

    dress /XpCg/ vestido

    eagle /'AZo/ guila

    eggs /CZh/ huevos

    electrician /BoCY'WpBim/ electricista

    elephant /'CoBcLmW/ elefante

    evil /'Ado/ malvado/a

    fair /cCL/ claro/a; rubio/a

    fat /cW/ gordo/a

    firefighter /'cOLcOWL/ bombero/a

    fish /cBi/ pescado; pez / peces

    fox /cFYg/ zorro

    friendly /'cpCmXoi/ simptico/a

    frog /cpFZ/ rana

    fruit /cpIW/ fruta

    fruit salad /cpIW'gDoLX/ macedonia

    funny /'cJmi/ gracioso/a

    good-looking /ZHX'oHYBn/ guapo/a, atractivo/a

    hard-working /kEX'rKYBn/ trabajador/a

    hat /kDW/ sombrero

    horse /kGg/ caballo

    in /Bm/ en, dentro de

    in front of /Bm'cpJmWLd/ delante de

    jeans /bAmh/ pantalones vaqueros

    kind /YOmX/ amable, atento/a

    lazy /'oCBhi/ perezoso/a, vago/a

    long /oFn/ largo/a

    meat /lAW/ carne

    milk /lBoY/ leche

    mosquito /lL'gYAWLH/ mosquito

    mouse /lPg/ ratn

    narrow /'mDpN/ estrecho/a

    nervous /'mKdLg/ nervioso/a

    next to /'mCYgWWL/ al lado de, junto a

    old /NoX/ viejo/a

    on /Fm/ sobre, en

    onion /'JmqLm/ cebolla

    pancakes /'UDmYMYg/ tortitas

    pig /UBZ/ cerdo

    plumber /'UoJlL/ fontanero/a

    potato /UL'WMWN/ patata

    rabbit /'pDVBW/ conejo

    rice /pOg/ arroz

    sailor /'gMoL/ marinero/a

    sandals /'gDmXoh/ sandalias

    sausages /'gFgBbBh/ salchichas

    serious /'gBLpiLg/ serio/a, formal

    shark /iEY/ tiburn

    shirt /iKW/ camisa

    short /iGW/ bajo/a, corto/a

    shorts /iGWg/ pantalones cortos

    skirt /gYKW/ falda

    small /glGo/ pequeo/a

    snake /gmMY/ serpiente, culebra

    socks /gFYg/ calcetines

    steak /gWMY/ filete

    straight /gWpMW/ liso/a

    strawberry /'gWpGVLpi/ fresa

    strong /gWpFn/ fuerte

  • Advanced Real English 2 B Burlington Books

    Glossarysweater /'grCWL/ jersey, suter

    swimsuit /'grBlgIW/ baador

    tall /WGo/ alto/a

    thin /eBm/ delgado/a

    tiger /'WOZL/ tigre

    trainers /'WpMmLh/ zapatillas de deporte

    trousers /'WpPhLh/ pantalones

    ugly /'JZoi/ feo/a

    under /'JmXL/ bajo, debajo de

    unfriendly /Jm'cpCmXoi/ antiptico/a

    vegetables /'dCbWLVoh/ verdura/s

    waiter /'rMWL/ camarero/a

    weak /rAY/ dbil

    wide /rOX/ ancho/a

    wolf /rHoc/ lobo

    young /qJn/ joven

    unIt 1

    aeroplane /'CLpLUoCBm/ avin

    all the way /GofL'rM/ todo el viaje / recorrido

    another /L'mJfL/ otro/a

    backpack /'VDYUDY/ mochila

    by any means /VO'Cmi lAmh/ de cualquier forma, del modo que sea

    camera /'YlLpL/ cmara

    canoe /YL'mI/ canoa, piragua

    cockroach /'YFYpNWi/ cucaracha

    establish /B'gWDVoBi/ establecer, fundar

    family name /'cDlLoi mMl/ apellido

    ferry /'cCpi/ transbordador, ferry

    fill with /'cBorBf/ llenar(se) de

    first name /'cKgWmMl/ nombre

    fish /cBi/ pescar

    heavily /'kCdBoi/ mucho

    helicopter /'kCoBYFUWL/ helicptero

    highlights /'kOoOWg/ lo ms destacado

    Home Secretary /kNl'gCYpLWLpi/ Ministro/a del Interior

    including /Bm'YoIXBn/ incluido/a, inclusive

    incredible /Bm'YpCXLVo/ increble

    island /'OoLmX/ isla

    jeep /bAU/ todoterreno

    journey /'bKmi/ viaje; trayecto

    limousine /'oBlLhAm/ limusina

    look around /oHYL'pPmX/ echar un vistazo

    lose your way /oIhqG'rM/ perderse, extraviarse

    luckily /'oJYBoi/ afortunadamente, por suerte

    maiden name /'lCBXmmMl/ apellido de soltera

    map /lDU/ mapa

    middle name /'lBXomMl/ segundo nombre

    mistake /lB'gWMY/ error

    motorbike /'lNWLVOY/ motocicleta, moto

    motorboat /'lNWLVNW/ lancha motora

    name /mMl/ nombre

    nearby /mBL'VO/ cerca

    no way /mN'rM/ de ninguna manera; ni hablar

    on the way /FmfL'rM/por el camino

    once /rJmg/ una vez

    passport /'UEgUGW/ pasaporte

    population /UFUqI'oMim/ poblacin, habitantes

    programme /'UpNZpDl/ programa

    ride /pOX/ paseo, vuelta

    safe /gMc/ seguro/a

    scooter /'gYIWL/ vespa, scooter

    ship /iBU/ barco

    side /gOX/ lado

    sink /gBnY/ hundirse

    sleeping bag /'goAUBnVDZ/ saco de dormir

    soon /gIm/ pronto

    souvenirs /gIdL'mBLh/ souvenirs, recuerdos

    squirrel /'gYrBpLo/ ardilla

    stop working /gWFU'rKYBn/ dejar de funcionar

    suddenly /'gJXLmoi/ de repente / pronto

    suitcase /'gIWYMg/ maleta

    sun cream /'gJmYpAl/ crema (de proteccin) solar

    surname /'gKmMl/ apellido

    taxi /'WYgi/ tax i

    time /WOl/ vez

    torch /WGa/ linterna

    train /WpMm/ tren

    tram /WpDl/ tranva

    travel (n) /'Wpdo/ viaje

    travel (v) /'Wpdo/ viajar

    travel guide /'WpdoZOX/ gua de viaje

    trip /WpBU viaje; excursin

    true /WpI/ verdadero/a, cierto/a

    truth /WpIe/ verdad

    turtle /'WKWo/ tortuga

    underground /'JmXLZpPmX/ metro

    van /dDm/ furgoneta, camioneta

    wallet /'rFoBW/ cartera

    waterproof mat /rGWLUpIc'lW/ esterilla impermeable

    way /rM/ forma, modo, manera; camino

    ways of life /rMhLd'oOc/ estilos / formas de vida

  • Advanced Real English 2 B Burlington Books

    Glossarywhile /rOo/ mientras

    yacht /qFW/ yate

    your own way /qGNm'rM/ (a) tu (propia) manera / forma

    unIt 2

    a rise in temperature /LpOhBm'WClUpLaL/ una subida / un aumento de temperatura / fiebre

    ability /L'VBoLWi/ habilidad, capacidad

    advice /LX'dOg/ consejo/s

    affect /L'cCYW/ afectar a, influir en

    aquatics /L'YrDWBYg/ deportes acuticos

    at the beginning /DWfLVB'ZBmBn/ al principio

    behaviour /VB'kMdqL/ comportamiento, conducta

    believe /VB'oAd/ creer

    break a record /VpMYL'pCYGX/ batir un rcord

    carbohydrate /YEVN'kOXpMW/ carbohidrato, hidrato de carbono

    celebrate /'gCoBVpMW/ celebrar

    champion /'aDlUiLm/ campen/ona

    championship /'aDlUiLmiBU/ campeonato

    cloudy /'YoPXi/ nublado/a

    coach /YNWi/ entrenador/a

    cold /YNoX/ fro/a

    cool /YIo/ fresco/a

    disappear /XBgL'UBL/ desaparecer

    especially /B'gUCiLoi/ especialmente, sobre todo

    expect /BY'gUCYW/ esperar

    finish line /'cBmBioOm/ lnea de meta

    fresh water/cpCi'rGWL/ agua dulce

    from the beginning /cpLlfLVB'ZBmBn/ desde el principio

    get tired /ZCW'WOLX/ cansarse

    glacier /'ZoDgiL/ glaciar

    global warming /ZoNVo'rGlBn/ calentamiento global

    grow /ZpN/ cultivar

    have a temperature /kLdL'WClUpLaL/ tener fiebre

    high /kO/ alto/a, elevado/a

    hot /kFW/ caluroso/a, clido/a (its ~: hace calor); moderno/a

    in the middle /BmfL'lBXo/ en mitad

    increase /'BmYpAg/ aumento

    indoors /Bm'XGh/ en un lugar cubierto, dentro

    intelligence /Bm'WCoBbLmg/ inteligencia

    juice /bIg/ zumo

    kick /YBY/ dar una patada

    lightning /'oOWmBn/ rayo/s, relmpago/s

    lose /oIh/ perder

    match /lWi/ partido, combate

    melt /lCoW/ derretir(se), fundir(se)

    mountain /'lPmWLm/ montaa

    outdoors /PW'XGh/ al aire libre, fuera

    owner /'NmL/ propietario/a, dueo/a

    physical /'cBhBYo/ fsico/a

    quiz /YrBh/ prueba, test

    race /pMg/ carrera

    rain /pMm/ lluvia

    rainy /'pMmi/ lluvioso/a

    referee /pCcL'pA/ rbitro/a

    score goals /gYG'ZNoh/ marcar goles

    ski resort /'gYApBhGW/ estacin de esqu

    snow /gmN/ nieve

    snowboarding /'gmNVGXBn/ hacer / practicar snowboard

    snowy /'gmNi/ nevoso/a, de mucha nieve

    stormy /'gWGli/ tormentoso/a (its ~: hay tormenta)

    sunny /'gJmi/ soleado/a (its ~: hace sol)

    sweat /grCW/ sudar

    sweet /grAW/ dulce

    take your temperature /WMYqG'WClUpLaL/ tomar la temperatura

    team /WAl/ equipo

    temperature /'WClUpLaL/ temperatura; fiebre

    thunder /'eJmXL/ trueno/s

    together /WL'ZCfL/ juntos/as

    towards the end /WLrGXhfL'CmX/ hacia el final

    trouble /'WpJVo/ problema (in ~: en un apuro / aprieto)

    underwater /JmXL'rGWL/ debajo del agua

    wait for /rMWcL/ esperar

    warm /rGl/ clido/a, templado/a

    win /rBm/ ganar

    wind /rBmX/ viento

    windy /'rBmXi/ ventoso/a, de mucho viento (its ~: hace viento)

    unIt 3

    art /EW/ arte; dibujo

    ask for permission /EgYcLUL'lBim/ pedir permiso

    atlas /'DWoLg/ atlas

    biology /VO'FoLbi/ biologa

    bookshop /'VHYiFU/ librera

    browse the web /VpPhfL'rCV/ navegar por la web / Internet

    business studies /'VBhmLggWJXBh/ ciencias empresariales

    calculator /'YDoYqHoMWL/ calculadora

    chat with friends /aDWrBf'cpCmXh/ charlar / conversar con los amigos

  • Advanced Real English 2 B Burlington Books

    Glossarychemistry /'YClBgWpi/ qumica

    computer game /YLl'UqIWLZMl/ juego de ordenador

    definitely /'XCcBmLWoi/ seguro que

    dictionary /'XBYiLmpi/ diccionario

    drama /'XpElL/ teatro

    English /'BnZoBi/ ingls

    enjoy /Bm'bQ/ disfrutar (de)

    enterprise /'CmWLUpOh/ empresa

    exam /BZ'hDl/ examen

    fact /cYW/ dato; hecho

    fail a test /cMoL'WCgW/ suspender un examen

    fall /cGo/ bajar, descender

    feel /cAo/ sentir(se)

    French /cpCma/ francs

    geography /bi'FZpLci/ geografa

    get permission /ZCWUL'lBim/ obtener permiso

    give permission /ZBdUL'lBim/ conceder / dar permiso, permitir

    go dancing /ZLH'XEmgBn/ ir a bailar

    go ice skating /ZLH'OggYMWBn/ ir a patinar sobre hielo

    go to parties /ZLHWL'UEWih/ ir a fiestas

    have permission /kLdUL'lBim/ tener permiso

    history /'kBgWpi/ historia

    home economics /kNlAYL'mFlBYg/ ciencia del hogar, economa domstica / familiar

    ICT /OgA'WA/ TIC, Tecnologas de la Informacin y la Comunicacin

    improve /Bl'UpId/ mejorar

    laptop computer /oDUWFUYLl'UqIWL/ ordenador porttil

    lesson /'oCgm/ clase

    library /'oOVpLpi/ biblioteca

    literature /'oBWpLWiL/ literatura

    loud /oPX/ alto/a, fuerte; escandaloso/a

    mall (Am. Eng.) /lGo/ centro comercial

    maths /lDeg/ mates (matemticas)

    middle /'lBXo/ mitad, medio

    music /'lqIhBY/ msica

    notebook /'mNWVHY/ cuaderno

    notes /mNWg/ apuntes

    on a regular basis /FmL'pCZqLoLVMgBg/ de forma habitual, regularmente

    paints /UCBmWg/ pinturas

    pass a test /UEgL'WCgW/ aprobar un examen

    PE /UA'A/ educacin fsica

    physics /'cBhBYg/ fsica

    play the guitar /UoMfLZB'WE/ tocar la guitarra

    play volleyball /UoM'dFoiVGo/ jugar al voleibol

    practise the piano /UpYWBgfLUi'DmN/ practicar piano

    quiz /YrBh/ hacer preguntas, preguntar

    remember /pB'lLlVL/ recordar, acordarse de

    remind /pB'lOmX/ recordar (a)

    research /pB'gKa/ investigacin

    ride a bike /pOXL'VOY/ montar / ir en bici

    send text messages /gCmX'WCYgWlCgBbg/ mandar mensajes (de texto)

    shopping centre /'iFUBngCmWL/ centro comercial

    skill /gYBo/ habilidad, destreza

    skip /gYBU/saltarse

    spend /gUCmX/ gastar

    study for a test /gWJXi cLL'WCgW/ estudiar para un examen

    subject /'gJVbBYW/ asignatura

    take a test /WMYL'WCgW/ hacer un examen

    tennis racket /'WCmBgpDYBW/ raqueta de tenis

    test /WCgW/ examen, test; prueba

    textbook /'WCsWVHY/ libro de texto

    tip /WBU/ consejo

    tired /'WOLX/ cansado/a

    turn into /WKm'BmWL/convertir(se) en

    unIt 4

    ancient /'MmiLmW/ antiguo/a

    attractive /L'WpDYWBd/ atractivo/a, bonito/a

    branch /VpEma/ rama

    bright /VpOW/ brillante; vivo/a (color)

    bush /VHi/ arbusto

    busy /'VBhi/ ocupado/a; concurrido/a

    carat /'YDpLW/ quilate

    carob /'YDpLV/ algarrobo

    character /'YpLYWL/ personaje

    cheap /aAU/ barato/a

    colourful /'YJoLco/ colorido/a, de colores vivos

    conquer /'YFnYL/ conquistar

    crowded /'YpPXBX/ abarrotado/a, lleno/a (de gente)

    death /XCe/ (de la) muerte

    discovery /XB'gYJdLpi/ descubrimiento

    dry /XpO/ seco/a, rido/a

    dull /XJo/ soso/a; sin brillo, apagado/a

    elaborate /B'oDVLpLW/ elaborado/a, recargado/a

    expensive /BY'gUCmgBd/ caro/a

    exploit /BY'gUoQW/ hazaa, proeza

    fit /cBW/ encajar, pegar

    flower /'coPL/ flor

    forever /cLp'CdL/ para siempre

    gain control /ZMmYLm'WpNo/ hacerse con el control

  • Advanced Real English 2 B Burlington Books

    Glossarygold /ZLHoX/ oro

    gold rush /'ZLHoXpJi/ fiebre del oro

    golden /'ZLHoXLm/ dorado/a; de oro

    hard /kEX/ duro/a

    hardly /'kEXoi/ apenas

    heavy /'kCdi/ pesado/a

    in control /BmYLm'WpNo/ que manda / controla; sereno/a

    jewellery /'bILopi/ joyera, joyas

    land /oDmX/ tierra (~ animal: animal terrestre)

    last /oEgW/ durar

    lawn /oGm/ (jardn con) csped

    leaf /oAc/ hoja (planta)

    light /oOW/ ligero/a, liviano/a

    lively /'oOdoi/ animado/a, bullicioso/a

    look for /'oHYcG/ buscar

    lose control /oIhYLm'WpNo/ perder el control

    low /oLH/ bajo/a

    mining area /'lOmBnCLpiL/ rea / zona minera

    noisy /'mQhi/ ruidoso/a

    ordinary /'GXmpi/ normal, corriente

    out of control /PWLdYLm'WpNo/ fuera de control, descontrolado/a

    peaceful /'UAgco/ tranquilo/a

    perhaps /UL'kDUg/ quiz(s), tal vez

    plain /UoCBm/ sencillo/a

    pleasant /'UoChmW/ agradable

    reach /pAa/ alcanzar, llegar a

    real /'pALo/ autntico/a, verdadero/a

    reason /'pAhm/ razn, motivo

    recycle /pA'gOYo/ reciclar

    redwood /'pCXrHX/ secuoya roja

    right /pOW/ derecho

    rocky /'pFYi/ rocoso/a

    root /pIW/ raz

    sandy /'gDmXi/ arenoso/a, de arena

    search (n) /gKa/ bsqueda

    search (v) /gKa/ buscar

    seed /gAX/ semilla

    sequoia /gB'YrQL/ secuoya

    shady /'iMXi/ sombreado/a, umbro/a

    soft /gFcW/ suave; blando/a

    state /gWMW/ estado

    strong /gWpFn/ fuerte

    take control /WMYYLm'WpNo/ hacerse con el control; tomar las riendas

    tear /WBL/ lgrima

    tree /WpA/ rbol

    trunk /WpJnY/ tronco

    unattractive /JmL'WpDYWBd/ poco atractivo/a

    unusual /Jm'qIjHLo/ inusual, poco comn / corriente

    up to /'JUWL/ hasta

    valley /'dDoi/ valle

    valuable /'doqHLVo/ valioso/a

    weak /rAY/ dbil

    weight /rMW/ peso

    unIt 5

    adopt /L'XFUW/ adoptar

    alone /L'oNm/ solo/a

    Arctic /'EYWBY/ rtico/a

    bath /VEe/ baar

    be alone /VAL'oNm/ estar solo/a

    bounce /VPmg/ botar, rebotar

    bring /VpBn/ traer (~ back to life: devolver a la vida)

    by choice /VO'aQg/ por eleccin propia

    by yourself /VOqG'gCoc/ solo/a; sin ayuda

    catch /YDa/ coger, atrapar

    choice /aQg/ eleccin, preferencia, alternativa

    claim /YoMl/ afirmacin

    crash /YpDi/ chocar(se), estrellar(se)

    dig /XBZ/ cavar, excavar

    discover /XB'gYJdL/ descubrir

    dive /XOd/ bucear; sumergir(se)

    diver /'XOdL/ buceador/a; submarinista, buzo

    DNA /XACm'M/ ADN

    Earth /Ke/ la Tierra

    egg /CZ/ huevo; vulo

    explore /BY'gUoG/ explorar

    extinct /BY'gWBnYW/ extinto/a, extinguido/a, desaparecido/a (become ~: extinguirse, desaparecer)

    feed /cAX/ alimentar / dar de comer a

    first choice /cKgW'aQg/ primera opcin / alternativa

    floor /coG/ piso, planta

    focus /'cNYLg/ centro / foco de atencin

    for long /cL'oFn/ por mucho tiempo

    goat /ZNW/ cabra

    grapefruit /'ZpMUcpIW/ pomelo

    ground /ZpPmX/ suelo

    have no choice /kLdmN'aQg/ no tener opcin / alternativa

    hold /kNoX/ sujetar

    hole /kNo/ agujero, hoyo

    land /oDmX/ aterrizar, alunizar, amerizar; caer, ir a parar

    leave someone alone /oAdgJlrJmL'oNm/ dejar solo/a / en paz a alguien

  • Advanced Real English 2 B Burlington Books

    Glossarylight /oOW/ luz

    lonely /'oNmoi/ solitario/a, solo/a

    make a choice /lMYL'aQg/ elegir

    meteor /'lAWiL/ meteorito

    method /'lCeLX/ mtodo

    milk /lBoY/ ordear

    mixed /lBYgW/ diverso/a, variado/a

    on your own /FmqG'Nm/ solo/a; sin ayuda

    parachute /'UDpLiIW/ lanzarse / saltar en paracadas

    pool /UIo/ piscina; estanque

    prehistoric /UpAkB'gWFpBY/ prehistrico/a

    preserve /UpB'hKd/ preservar, conservar

    pull /UHo/ tirar (de)

    push /UHi/ empujar

    Pyrenean ibex /UipLmCLm'OVCYg/ cabra monts pirenaica

    recreate /pAYpi'MW/ recrear

    row /pN/ remar (en)

    sabre-toothed tiger /gMVLWIeW'WOZL/ tigre dientes de sable

    save /gMd/ salvar

    short-faced bear /'iGWcMgWVS/ oso de hocico corto / cara corta

    solo /'gNoLH/ solo/a, a solas

    spectacled bear /'gUCYWLYoXVS/ oso andino

    succeed /gLY'gAX/ dar resultado, salir bien

    survive /gL'dOd/ sobrevivir

    swim /grBl/ nadar

    touch /WJWi/ tocar

    train /WpMm/ amaestrar, entrenar

    trek /WpCY/ hacer senderismo, dar una caminata

    volunteer /dFoLm'WBL/ hacer voluntariado, ser voluntario

    whale /rMo/ ballena

    woolly mammoth /rHoi 'lDlLe/ mamut lanudo/a

    woolly rhino /rHoi 'pOmN/ rinoceronte lanudo

    unIt 6

    air conditioner /'CLYLmXBiLmL/ (aparato de) aire acondicionado

    alarm clock /L'oElYoFY/ despertador

    ambulance siren /'DlVqLoLmggOpLm/ sirena de ambulancia

    audience /'GXiLmg/pblico

    awake /L'rCBY/ despierto/a

    blender /'VoCmXL/ batidora, licuadora

    brain /VpMm/ cerebro

    break a heart /VpMYL'kEW/ partir / romper un corazn

    car horn /'YEkGm/ bocina del coche

    classical /'YoDgBYo/ (msica) clsica

    come out /YJl'PW/ salir

    coordination /YNGXB'mCBim/ coordinacin

    costume /'YFgWqIl/ de disfraces

    country /'YJmWpi/ (msica) country

    damage /'XDlBXj/ daar, perjudicar

    danger signal /'XMmbLgBZmLo/ seal de peligro

    decibel /'XCgBVCo/ decibelio

    drill /XpBo/ taladradora, taladro

    drums /XpJlh/ batera; tambores

    electric shaver /BoCYWpBY'iMdL/ mquina de afeitar

    environment /Bm'dOpLmlLmW/ ambiente, entorno

    find a solution /cOmXLgL'oIim/ encontrar una solucin

    find it in yourself /cOmXBWBmqG'gCoc/ animarse a / encontrar motivo para (hacer algo)

    find out /cOmX'PW/ averiguar; descubrir

    find the time /cOmXfL'WOl/ encontrar / sacar tiempo

    find your way /cOmXqG'rM/ saber llegar, orientarse

    greater /'ZpCBWL/ mayor

    guitar /ZB'WE/ guitarra

    hairdryer /'kCLXpOL/ secador de pelo

    hard rock /kEX'pFY/ rock duro

    heart /kEW/ corazn

    heart attack /'kEWLWDY/ ataque al corazn, infarto

    hip-hop /'kBUkFU/ hip-hop

    illegally /B'oAZLoi/ ilegalmente

    instrument /'BmgWpLlLmW/ instrumento

    iron /'OLm/ plancha

    jazz /bDh/ jazz

    keyboard /'YAVGX/ teclado

    Latin /'oDWBm/ (msica) latina

    lawnmower /'oGmlNL/ cortacsped

    learn by heart /oKmVO'kEW/ aprender de memoria

    live /oBd/ en vivo

    machinery /lL'iAmLpi/ maquinaria

    mark /lEY/ nota, calificacin

    measure /'lCjL/ medir

    MP4 player /ClUA'cGUoML/ MP4, reproductor de MP4

    musician /lqI'hBim/ msico/a

    noise-meter /'mQhlAWL/ medidor de ruido

    perform /UL'cGl/ interpretar

    pop /UFU/ pop

    public /'UJVoBY/ pblico

    R&B /pmX'VA/ R & B (Rhythm and Blues)

    rap /pDU/ rap

    reggae /'pCZM/ reggae

    rhythm /'pBfLl/ ritmo

    rock /pFY/ rock

    salsa /'gDogL/ salsa

  • Advanced Real English 2 B Burlington Books

    Glossarysaxophone /'gDYgLcNm/ saxofn, saxfono

    sound system /'gPmXgBgWLl/ equipo de sonido

    sudden /'gJXm/ repentino/a, inesperado/a

    the heart of the matter /fLkEWLdfL'lDWL/ lo esencial, el meollo de la cuestin

    UK /qI'YM/ Reino Unido

    vacuum cleaner /'dDYqHLlYoAmL/ aspirador/a

    vinyl record /'dOmopCYGX/ disco de vinilo

    violin /dOL'oBm/ violn

    wake up /rMY'JU/ despertar(se)

    zoom /hIl/ ir / pasar a toda velocidad

    unIt 7

    according to /L'YGXBnWL/ de acuerdo con, segn, conforme a

    after-world /'EcWLrKoX/ el ms all

    angry /'DnZpi/ enfadado/a

    apply for a job /L'UoOcLLbFV/ presentarse a / solicitar un trabajo

    bad luck /VDX'oJY/ mala suerte

    bless /VoCg/ bendecir

    bored /VGX/ aburrido/a

    break /VpMY/ romper

    bring /VpBn/ traer

    carry /'YDpi/ llevar; traer

    cave /YMd/ cueva

    century /'gCmaLpi/ siglo

    common /'YFlLm/ comn, corriente, frecuente

    confused /YLm'cqIhX/ confundido/a, confuso/a, desconcertado/a

    connection /YL'mCYim/ conexin, relacin

    crack /YpDY/ grieta

    dark /XEY/ oscuridad

    dead /XCX/ muerto/a

    deadly /'XCXoi/ mortal; mortfero/a

    death /XCe/ muerte

    die /XO/ morir

    die for /XO'cL/ morir por

    die of /XO'Ld/ morir de

    disappear /XBgL'UBL/ desaparecer

    dream /XpAl/ soar

    drop /XpFU/ dejar caer; tirar

    dying to /'XOnWL/ que se muere de ganas de

    early /'Koi/ primer/o/a

    embarrassed /Bl'VDpLgW/ avergonzado/a; violento/a, incmodo/a

    excited /BY'gOWBX/ emocionado/a, ilusionado/a

    exhausted /BZ'hGgWBX/ exhausto/a, agotado/a

    four-leafed clover /cGoAcW'YoPdL/ trbol de cuatro hojas

    frightened /'cpOWmX/ asustado/a, con miedo

    get a job /ZCWL'bFV/ conseguir un trabajo

    goddess /'ZFXCg/ diosa

    have a job /kLdL'bFV/ tener un trabajo

    hug /kJZ/ abrazar

    immediately /B'lAXiLWoi/ inmediatamente

    job /bFV/ trabajo, empleo

    jobless /'bFVoLg/ sin trabajo, desempleado/a

    kiss /YBg/ besar

    level /'oCdo/ nivel

    lose a job /oIhL'bFV/ perder un trabajo

    lucky charm /oJYi 'aEl/ amuleto de la suerte

    manufacturer /lDmqH'cDYWiLpL/ fabricantemercury /'lKYqLpi/ mercurio

    Middle Ages /lBXo'CBbBh/ Edad Media

    monk /lJnY/ monje

    pick /UBY/ coger, recoger

    prisoner /'UpBhmL/ prisionero/a

    proud /UpPX/ orgulloso/a

    put /UHW/ poner

    refuse /pB'cqIh/ negarse

    run away /pJmL'rCB/ escapar(se), huir

    sail /gMo/ navegar; zarpar, salir en barco

    salary /'gDoLpi/ salario, sueldo

    scratch /gYpDa/ rascarse

    scream /gYpAl/ gritar, chillar

    sneeze /gmAh/ estornudar

    sound /gPmX/ sonar

    spirit /'gUBpBW/ espritu, alma

    statue /'gWDaI/ estatua

    step /gWCU/ pisar

    still /gWBo/ an, todava

    superstition /gIUL'gWBim/ supersticin

    surprised /gL'UpOhX/ sorprendido/a

    sweep /grAU/ barrer

    symbol /'gBlVo/ smbolo

    take /WMY/ llevar

    thrilled /epBoX/ entusiasmado/a, contentsimo/a

    throw /epN/ lanzar; tirar

    throw away /epN'LrM/ tirar a la basura

    turn into (stone) /WKmBmWL'gWNm/ convertir(se) en (piedra)

    unlucky /Jm'oJYi/ desafortunado/a, de mala suerte; que trae mala suerte

    upset /JU'gCW/ disgustado/a, molesto/a

    village /'dBoBb/ pueblo, aldea

  • Advanced Real English 2 B Burlington Books

    Glossaryvisitor /'dBhBWL/ visitante

    wish /rBi/ desear

    witch /rBa/ bruja

    worried /'rJpiX/ preocupado/a

    unIt 8

    age /CBb/ edad

    alive /L'oOd/ vivo/a

    aquarium /L'YrCLpiLl/ acuario

    balcony /'VDoYLmi/ balcn, terraza

    blind /VoOmX/ ciego/a

    bowling alley /'VLHoBnDoi/ bolera

    buy tickets /VO'WBYBWg/ comprar entradas

    caf /'YcM/ cafetera, caf

    car park /'YEUEY/ aparcamiento

    ceiling /'gAoBn/ techo

    chemists /'YClBgWg/ farmacia

    Chinese /WiO'mAh/ chino/a; chino (idioma)

    collect /YL'oCYW/ coger, recoger; coleccionar

    curious /'YqHLpiLg/ curioso/a

    customer /'YJgWLlL/ cliente

    department store /XB'UEWlLmWgWG/ grandes almacenes

    electronics shop /BoCY'WpFmBYgiFU/ tienda de electrnica

    extraordinary /BY'gWpGXLmpi/ extraordinario; increble, inslito/a

    floor /coG/ piso; suelo

    football field /'cHWVGocAoX/ campo de ftbol

    frightening /'cpOWmBn/ aterrador/a, espantoso/a

    garage /'ZDpEj/ garaje

    get a haircut /ZCWL'kCLYJW/ cortarse el pelo

    glass /ZoEg/ cristal, vidrio

    go bowling /ZLH'VLHoBn/ ir a jugar a los bolos

    go on rides /ZLHFm'pOXh/ montar(se) en las atracciones

    hairdressers /'kCLXpCgLh/ peluquera

    hang out /kn'PW/ pasar el tiempo / rato

    have a look at /kLdL'oHYLW/ echar un vistazo a

    have fun /kDd'cJm/ divertirse, pasarlo bien

    high up /kO'JU/ arriba

    hire /'kOL/ alquilar; contratar

    hotel /kN'WCo/ hotel

    ice hockey /'OgkFYi/ hockey sobre hielo

    ice rink /'OgpBnY/ pista de hielo

    ice-skate /'OggYMW/ patinar sobre hielo

    ice skating /'OggYMWBn/ patinaje sobre hielo

    indoor /'BmXG/ cubierto/a, interior

    Indian Ocean /BmXiLm'Nim/ Ocano ndico

    join /bQm/ unirse

    kid /YBX/ nio/a

    live /oBd/ en vivo / directo

    Maldivian /lGo'XBdiLm/ maldivo/a; maldivo (idioma)

    market /'lEYBW/ mercado

    meeting /'lAWBn/ reunin, encuentro

    Middle East /lBXo'AgW/ Oriente Medio

    move around /lIdL'pPmX/ moverse / trasladarse de un sitio a otro

    odd /FX/ raro/a, extrao/a

    oil /Qo/ petrleo; petrolfero/a

    Olympic-sized /L'oBlUBYgOhX/ de tamao olmpico

    order a pizza /GXLL'UAWgL/ pedir una pizza

    outdoor /'PWXG/ descubierto/a, al aire libre, exterior

    own /Nm/ propio/a

    peculiar /UB'YqIoiL/ extrao/a, raro/a; peculiar

    pub /UJV/ pub

    rent /pCmW/ alquilar

    reservation /pChL'dMim/ reserva

    ride /pOX/ atraccin

    roof /pIc/ techo, tejado

    sky /gYO/ cielo

    sorbet /'gGVM/ sorbete

    stay at home /gWMLW'kNl/ quedarse en casa

    step /gWCU/ escaln, peldao

    store /gWG/ guardar

    strange /gWpMmb/ extrao/a, raro/a

    take a nap /WMYL'mDU/ echarse la / una siesta

    take photos /WMY'cNWNh/ hacer fotos

    tank /WDnY/ acuario

    theme park /'eAlUEY/ parque temtico

    underwater (adj) /JmXL'rGWL/ submarino/a, subacutico/a

    underwater (adv) /JmXL'rGWL/ debajo del agua

    unusual /Jm'qIjHLo/ inusual, poco comn

    video game /'dBXiLHZMl/ videojuego

    wait in a queue /rMWBmL'YqI/ esperar en una / hacer cola

    walk through /rGY'epI/ atravesar andando

    wall /rGo/ pared

    weird /rBLX/ raro/a, extrao/a

    worker /'rKYL/ trabajador/a

    zoo /hI/ zoo, zoolgico

    unIt 9

    actually /'DYWiToi/ en realidad, realmente

    ADHD /MXAMa'Xi/ TDAH (Trastorno por Dficit de Atencin con Hiperactividad)

  • Advanced Real English 2 B Burlington Books

    Glossaryalone /L'oNm/ solo/a; nicamente, solo (by women ~: solo

    por mujeres)

    armour /'ElL/ armadura

    aunt /EmW/ ta

    Amazon /'DlLhLm/ amazona

    be born /VAVGm/ nacer

    become /VB'YJl/ llegar a ser, hacerse; convertirse en

    boarding school /'VGXBngYIo/ internado

    bow and arrow /VPLmX'DpN/ arco y flechas

    capture /'YUWiL/ apoderarse de

    changing /'aMmbBn/ cambiante

    commit /YL'lBW/ cometer

    cousin /'YJhm/ primo/a

    cry /YpO/ llorar; gritar

    daughter /'XGWL/ hija

    deal with /'XAorBf/ ocuparse / encargarse de

    destroy /XB'gWpQ/ destruir

    die /XO/ morir

    fact /cYW/ hecho

    fall in love /cGoBm'oJd/ enamorarse

    father-in-law /'cEfLBmoG/ suegro

    female /'cAlMo/ mujer

    fight /cOW/ luchar

    get a job /ZCWL'bFV/ conseguir un trabajo

    get along /ZCWL'oFn/ llevarse bien

    get divorced /ZCWXB'dGgX/ divorciarse

    get married /ZCW'lDpiX/ casarse

    god /ZFX/ dios

    granddaughter /'ZpDmXGWL/ nieta

    grandfather /'ZpDmcEfL/ abuelo

    grandmother /'ZpDmlJfL/ abuela

    grandparents /'ZpDmUSpLmWg/ abuelos

    grandson /'ZpDmgJm/ nieto

    have children /kDd'WiBoXpLm/ tener hijos

    howl /kPo/ dar alaridos; aullar

    human /'kqIlLm/ humano/a

    humane /kqI'lCBm/ humano/a, humanitario/a

    husband /'kJhVLmX/ marido, esposo

    legend /'oCbLmX/ leyenda

    male /lCBo/ varn

    meet /lAW/ encontrarse; conocerse

    moan /lNm/ gemir; quejarse

    mother-in-law /'lJfLBmoG/ suegra

    move /lId/ mudarse, trasladarse

    murder /'lKXL/ asesinato

    myth /lBe/ mito

    nephew /'mCcqI/ sobrino

    niece /mAg/ sobrina

    notice /'mNWBg/ darse cuenta de

    only /'Nmoi/ solo, solamente

    punishment /'UJmBilLmW/ castigo

    put down /UHW'XPm/ dejar, soltar

    put off /UHW'Fc/ aplazar, posponer

    put out /UHW'PW/ sacar; apagar

    put up /UHW'JU/ subir; levantar (~ with: soportar, aguantar)

    reader /'pAXL/ lector/a

    (be) related to /(VA)pB'oCBWBXWI/ (estar) emparentado/a con, (ser) pariente de

    review /pB'dqI/ resea, crtica

    run /pJm/ gobernar

    scream /gYpAl/ gritar, chillar

    set /gCW/ plat (be ~: desarrollarse, estar ambientado/a)

    shout /iPW/ gritar

    shriek /ipAY/ chillar

    siblings /'gBVoBnh/ hermanos/as

    skeleton /'gYCoBWm/ esqueleto

    son /gJm/ hijo

    stepfather /'gWCUcEfL/ padrastro

    stepmother /'gWCUlJfL/ madrastra

    stepson /'gWCUgJm/ hijastro

    study /'gWJXi/ estudiar

    Trojan War /WpNbLm'rG/ Guerra de Troya

    tribe /WpOV/ tribu

    trouble /'WpJVo/ problema/s, lo/s (get into ~: meterse en problemas / los)

    turn around /WKmL'pPmX/ darse la vuelta

    turn into /WKm'BmWL/ convertir(se) en

    turn out /WKm'PW/ resultar

    uncle /'JnYo/ to

    warrior /'rFpiL/ guerrero/a

    weep /rAU/ llorar

    widow /'rBXN/ viuda (become a ~: enviudar, quedar viuda)

    widower /'rBXNL/ viudo

    wife /rOc/ mujer, esposa

    yell /qCo/ gritar, chillar

  • 1010Advanced Real English 2 B Burlington Books




    CONTRASTEpresent simple / present continuous ElPresent Simpleexpresahbitosyrutinas,peroel

    Present Continuousindicaloqueestocurriendomientrassehabla.

    They usually have lunch at home, but today theyre eating at a restaurant.(Normalmentecomenencasa,perohoyestncomiendo enunrestaurante.)

    Paraformarla3personadelsingulardelPresent Simplelamayoradeverbosaaden-s:

    like - likes walk - walksread - reads sit - sits

    Enlossiguientescasos,seaade -es enlugarde-s:

    -Siacabaenss,sh,chox: pass - passes watch - watcheswash - washes mix - mixes

    -Siacabaeno: do - does go - goes

    -Siacabaenconsonante+y,secambialayporunai: study - studies carry - carries

    ParaformarelPresent Continuoushayquefijarseenestasreglasortogrficasparaaadir -ing alverbo:

    -Siacabaene muda,sepierdelae: live - living

    -Siesde1slabayacabaen1 vocal+1 consonante,sedoblaestaconsonante: run - running sit - sitting

    -Siesde2slabasytieneelacentoenlaltima,sedoblalaltimaconsonante: prefer - preferring begin - beginning

    -Siacabaenl,sedoblaesaletra: travel - travelling

    -Siacabaenie,secambiaieporunay: lie - lying die - dying

    Losverbosestticosseutilizanparaexpresargustos,deseos,sentimientosyemociones,actividadesdelamenteyopiniones,percepcinyposesinynosesuelenutilizarconelPresent Continuous.







    own posesin

    He wants a new computer.(lquiereunordenadornuevo.)

    Do you think hes ill?(Creesqueestenfermo?)

    I dont hear you.(Noteoigo.)

    They own a house on the beach.(Ellostienenunacasaenlaplaya.)

    EL past simple

    Afirmativa Negativa Forma contrada

    Ishouted I did not shout I didnt shout

    Youshouted Youdid not shout You didnt shout

    Heshouted He did not shout He didnt shout

    Sheshouted She did not shout She didnt shout

    Itshouted It did not shout It didnt shout

    Weshouted We did not shout We didnt shout

    Youshouted You did not shout You didnt shout

    Theyshouted They did not shout They didnt shout

    InterrogativaRespuestas breves

    Afirmativa Negativa

    Did Ishout ...? Yes,I did. No,I didnt.

    Did youshout ...? Yes,you did. No,you didnt.

    Did heshout ...? Yes,he did. No,he didnt.

    Did sheshout ...? Yes,she did. No,she didnt.

    Did itshout ...? Yes,it did. No,it didnt.

    Did weshout ...? Yes,we did. No,we didnt.

    Did youshout ...? Yes,you did. No,you didnt.

    Did theyshout ...? Yes,they did. No,they didnt.

  • 1010 1111Advanced Real English 2 B Burlington Books

    GrammarAppendix Afirmativa:seformaaadiendo-edalosverbosregulares


    I watched TV last night.(Vilatelevisinanoche.)


    -Siacabaene muda,soloseaade: dance - danced arrive - arrived

    -Siesde1slabayacabaen1 vocal+1 consonante,sedoblaestaconsonante: stop - stopped plan - planned

    -Siesde2slabasytieneelacentoenlaltima,sedoblalaltimaconsonante: prefer - preferred permit - permitted

    -Siacabaenl,sedoblaesaletra: travel - travelled

    -Siacabaenconsonante + y,secambialayporunai: study - studied try - tried


    Negativa:sujeto+did notodidnt+verboenlaformabase.

    She didnt eat ice cream yesterday.(Ellanocomiunheladoayer.)


    Did your friend like his present?(Atuamigolegustsuregalo?)

    Respuestas breves:seponeelpronombrepersonalsujeto+didodidnt.

    Did you drink your tea? Yes, I did. / No, I didnt.(Tebebisteelt?S./No.)

    Los usos del past simpleExpresaraccionespasadas

    He enjoyed the party.(ldisfrutdelafiesta.)


    The teacher gave us an exam last Tuesday.(Elprofesornospusounexamenelmartespasado.)


    I had breakfast. Then I went for a walk.(Desayun.Luegofuiadarunpaseo.)


    In the past, people didnt use computers. (Enelpasado,lagentenoutilizabaordenadores.)

    ConelPast Simplesesuelenusarestasexpresiones temporales:lasquellevanago(hace)alfinaldelaexpresin,last night / week / year(anoche,lasemanapasada,elaopasado),at+unahora,on+undaofecha,in+unao,in the past(enelpasado),yesterday(ayer),etc.


    He slept at Toms house on Saturday.(ldurmiencasadeTomelsbado.)

    Neil Armstrong walked on the moon in 1969.(NeilArmstrongpislalunaen1969.)

    EL past continuousAfirmativa Negativa Forma contrada

    Iwas doing Iwas not doing Iwasnt doing

    Youwere doing Youwere not doing Youwerent doing

    Hewas doing Hewas not doing Hewasnt doing

    Shewas doing Shewas not doing Shewasnt doing

    Itwas doing Itwas not doing Itwasnt doing

    Wewere doing Wewere not doing Wewerent doing

    Youwere doing Youwere not doing Youwerent doing

    Theywere doing Theywere not doing Theywerent doing

    InterrogativaRespuestas breves

    Afirmativa Negativa

    WasIdoing? Yes,Iwas. No,Iwasnt.

    Wereyoudoing? Yes,you were. No,youwerent.

    Washedoing? Yes,he was. No,he wasnt.

    Wasshedoing? Yes,she was. No,she wasnt.

    Wasitdoing? Yes,itwas. No,itwasnt.

    Werewedoing? Yes,wewere. No,we werent.

    Wereyoudoing? Yes,you were. No,you werent.

    Weretheydoing? Yes,they were. No,they werent.


    I was cooking in the kitchen. (Estabacocinandoenlacocina.)

    Lasreglasortogrficasparaaadir-ing seencuentranenlapg.10.

    Negativa:sujeto+was/were +not o nt +unverboterminadoen-ing.

    It wasnt raining this morning.(Noestaballoviendoestamaana.)


    Were they driving to work?(Estabanconduciendohaciaeltrabajo?)

    Respuestas breves:seponeelpronombrepersonalsujeto+was / weresincontraerenafirmativaocontradoconlapartculanotennegativa.

    Was he studying with his friend? Yes, he was. / No, he wasnt.(lestabaestudiandoconsuamigo?S./No.)

  • 1212Advanced Real English 2 B Burlington Books

    ConelPast Continuoussesuelenusarlassiguientesexpresiones temporales:lasquellevanago(hace)alfinaldelaexpresin,at +unahora, yesterday morning / afternoon (ayerporlamaana/tarde), last night (anoche),etc. Puedeniralprincipiooalfinaldelafrase,perosesuelenponeralfinal.

    We were playing football yesterday afternoon. (Estbamosjugandoalftbolayerporlatarde.)

    You were doing your homework two hours ago. (Estabashaciendolosdebereshacedoshoras.)

    Los usos del past continuous

    Expresarloqueestabaocurriendo enelpasado

    They were taking pictures of animals at 3 oclock. (Estabanhaciendofotosdeanimalesalas3enpunto.)


    We were talking on the phone while / as you were reading a magazine. (Estbamoshablandoportelfonomientrasestabasleyendounarevista.)


    CONTRASTE past simple / past continuous ElPast Simpleindicaquelaaccinocurriyterminenel

    tiempoindicadoenlafrase,mientrasqueelPast Continuoushabladeaccionesprolongadasqueestabanocurriendoenelpasado.

    Jack travelled to China in 1988. (JackviajaChinaen1988.)

    I was riding a bike yesterday morning. (Estuvemontandoenbiciayerporlamaana.)

    ConelPast Continuoussesuelenutilizarlasconjuncioneswhileoasparahablardeaccionessimultneas.

    While / As we were waiting for my mother, she was buying some fruit. (Mientrasestbamosesperandoamimadre,ellaestabacomprandoalgodefruta.)

    Seusawhile owhen parahablardeunaaccinprolongadainterrumpidaporotraenelpasado.

    While Jack was sleeping, the telephone rang. (MientrasJackestabadurmiendo,eltelfonoson.)

    I was cleaning the kitchen when he arrived. (Estabalimpiandolacocinacuandollleg.)

    ConelPast SimplesesueleutilizarwhenyconelPast Continuouswhile.



    Afirmativa Forma contradaIwill play Ill play

    Youwill play Youll play

    Hewill play Hell play

    Shewill play Shell play

    Itwill play Itll play

    Wewill play Well play

    Youwill play Youll play

    Theywill play Theyll play

    Negativa Forma contrada

    Iwill not play Iwont play

    Youwill not play Youwont play

    Hewill not play Hewont play

    Shewill not play Shewont play

    Itwill not play Itwont play

    Wewill not play Wewont play

    Youwill not play Youwont play

    They will not play Theywont play

    InterrogativaRespuestas breves

    Afirmativa Negativa

    WillIplay...? Yes,Iwill. No,Iwont.

    Willyouplay...? Yes,youwill. No,youwont.

    Willheplay...? Yes,hewill. No,hewont.

    Willsheplay...? Yes,shewill. No,shewont.

    Willitplay...? Yes,itwill. No,itwont.

    Willweplay...? Yes,wewill. No,wewont.

    Willyouplay...? Yes,youwill. No,youwont.

    Willtheyplay...? Yes,theywill. No,theywont.


    He will become a good doctor one day. (lseconvertirenunbuendoctoralgnda.)

    Negativa:sujeto+willnot owont+verboenlaformabase.

    They wont score any goals. (Nomarcarnningngol.)


    Will you help me?(Meayudars?)

    Respuestas breves:seponeelpronombrepersonalsujeto+willowont.

    Will it be sunny at the weekend? Yes, it will. / No, it wont.(Harsolelfindesemana?S./No.)


  • 1212 1313Advanced Real English 2 B Burlington Books


    Los usos del futuro con willPredecirloquesecreequeocurrir

    I think they will travel to Ireland.(CreoqueviajarnaIrlanda.)


    Its hot. Ill wear my sandals.(Hacecalor.Mepondrmissandalias.)


    Ill take you home. (Tellevaracasa.)

    Conwillsesuelenusarexpresiones temporales comolater(mstarde),soon(pronto),in an hour(dentrodeunahora),tomorrow(maana),next week / month / year(lasemana/elmes/elaoqueviene),etc.Tambinseusanotrasqueindicanunfuturolejano:in ten years(endiezaos),in+unao,one day(algnda),in the future(enelfuturo),etc.Todaspuedeniralprincipiooalfinaldelafrase,perosesuelenponeralfinal.

    We will arrive in an hour.(Llegaremosdentrodeunahora.)

    El futuro con be going toAfirmativa Forma contrada

    Iam going to travel Im going to travel

    Youare going to travel Youre going to travel

    He is going to travel Hes going to travel

    Sheis going to travel Shes going to travel

    Itis going to travel Its going to travel

    Weare going to travel Were going to travel

    Youare going to travel Youre going to travel

    Theyare going to travel Theyre going to travel

    Negativa y forma contrada

    Iam not/Im not going to travel

    Youare not/Youarent/Youre not going to travel

    Heis not/Heisnt/ Hes not going to travel

    Sheis not/Sheisnt/Shes not going to travel

    Itis not/Itisnt/ Its not going to travel

    Weare not/Wearent/Were not going to travel

    Youare not/Youarent/Youre not going to travel

    Theyare not/Theyarent/ Theyre not going to travel

    InterrogativaRespuestas breves

    Afirmativa Negativa

    AmIgoing to travel? Yes,I am. No,Im not.

    Areyougoing to travel? Yes,you are. No,you arent.

    Ishegoing to travel? Yes,he is. No,he isnt.

    Isshegoing to travel? Yes,she is. No,she isnt.

    Isitgoing to travel? Yes,it is. No,it isnt.

    Arewegoing to travel? Yes,we are. No,we arent.

    Areyougoing to travel? Yes,you are. No,you arent.

    Aretheygoing to travel? Yes,they are. No,they arent.

    Afirmativa:sujeto+to beenpresente+ going to+verboenlaformabase.

    Jack is going to compete in the championship next summer.(Jackvaacompetirenelcampeonatoelveranoqueviene.)

    Negativa:sujeto+ to beenpresente+ not o nt+going to+verboenlaformabase.

    They arent going to play tennis next Friday.(Novanajugaralteniselviernesqueviene.)

    Interrogativa:to beenpresente+sujeto+going to+verboenlaformabase.

    Is she going to join the team?(Ellavaaunirsealequipo?)

    Respuestas breves:seponeelpronombrepersonalsujeto+elverboto be,sincontraerenafirmativaocontradoconlapartculanotennegativa.

    Are you going to watch the match on Saturday? Yes, I am. / No, Im not.(Vasaverelpartidoelsbado?S./No.)

    Los usos del futuro con be going to


    Im going to meet them at the cinema.(Voyaquedarconellosenelcine.)


    Look at the score! Theyre going to win.(Miraelmarcador!Vanaganar.)

    Conbe going tosesuelenusarlassiguientesexpresiones temporales:later(mstarde),soon(pronto),in an hour(dentrodeunahora),tomorrow(maana),next week / month / year(lasemana/elmes/elaoqueviene),etc.


    Im going to buy a new shirt next week.(Voyacomprarunacamisanuevalasemanaqueviene.)

    They are going to study for the exam later.(Vanaestudiarparaelexamenmstarde.)

    El present continuous con valor de futuro ElPresent Continuousexpresaloqueestocurriendoen


    Were playing volleyball tomorrow.(Jugamos/Jugaremosalvoleibolmaana.)[yasehadecidido]

    ElPresent Continuousconvalordefuturodebeiracompaadodeunaexpresintemporalqueindiquecundovaaocurrirlaaccin:soon(pronto),later(mstarde),tomorrow(maana),tonight(estanoche),next week/month/year(lasemana/elmes/elaoqueviene),etc.

  • 1414Advanced Real English 2 B Burlington Books

    He is running a race next weekend.(lcorre/correrunacarreralasemanaqueviene.)

    We are flying to Paris this evening.(Volamos/VolaremosaParsestanoche.)


    EL PRIMER CONDICIONALSeusaparahablardeunaaccin(oresultado)queocurrirsisecumplelacondicinsealada.

    Afirmativa:lacondicin(oracinsubordinada)seexpresaconif+Present Simple,yelresultado(oracinprincipal)sueleirenfuturoconwill.


    If he studies hard, he will get good marks. (Silestudiamucho,obtendrbuenasnotas.)

    He will get good marks if he studies hard.(lobtendrbuenasnotassiestudiamucho.)


    If she doesnt go to the party, I will stay at home. (Siellanovaalafiesta,mequedarencasa.)

    If she goes to the party, I wont stay at home.(Siellavaalafiesta,nomequedarencasa.)

    If she doesnt go to the party, I wont stay at home.(Siellanovaalafiesta,nomequedarencasa.)


    Will they go to the beach if it rains?(Irnalaplayasillueve?)

    Respuestas breves:seponeelpronombrepersonalsujeto+willowont.

    Will you play the guitar if he sings? Yes, I will. /No, I wont.(Tocarslaguitarrasilcanta?S./No.)


    Paraexpresarquealgoocurrironoocurrirsinosecumplelacondicin,lasubordinadaesintroducidaporlaconjuncinunless,queequivaleaif not (anoserque,amenosque,sino).

    Unless you concentrate, you will fail the exam.(Sinoteconcentras,suspenderselexamen.)

    Con when hablamossobrealgoqueocurrirconseguridad.

    When I arrive home, I will call you.(Cuandollegueacasa,tellamar.)

    EL SEGUNDO CONDICIONALSeusaparahablardeaccioneshipotticasreferidasalpresente,esdecir,queespocoprobablequeocurran,yparadarconsejo.

    Afirmativa:lacondicinseexpresaconif+Past Simple,yelresultadoconwould(olacontraccind)+elverboenlaformabase.

    If I understood the problem, Id solve it.(Sientendieraelproblema,loresolvera.)

    Sielverbodelacondicinesto be,sesueleusarwere entodaslaspersonasdelsingularydelplural.

    If he were rich, hed buy a new car. (Silfueserico,secomprarauncochenuevo.)

    ParadarconsejosseemplealafrmulaIf I were.

    If I were you, Id send him a text message. (Siyofuerat,leenviaraunmensajedetexto.)


    If I didnt have money, I would work hard. (Siyonotuvieradinero,trabajaramucho.)

    If I had money, I wouldnt work hard.(Siyotuvieradinero,notrabajaramucho.)

    If I didnt work hard, I wouldnt have money.(Siyonotrabajaramucho,notendradinero.)


    Would you ride a camel if you were in the desert?(Montarasencamellosiestuvieraseneldesierto?)

    Respuestas breves:seponeelpronombrepersonalsujeto+wouldowouldnt.

    Would you play the piano if you didnt play the guitar? Yes, I would. / No, I wouldnt. (Tocaraselpianosinotocaraslaguitarra?S./No.)






    The silver necklace is cheaper than the gold one.(Elcollardeplataesmsbaratoqueeldeoro.)


  • 1414 1515Advanced Real English 2 B Burlington Books


    -Sitiene1slabayacabaen1 vocal+1 consonante,sedoblaesaconsonante:

    thin - thinner big - bigger

    -Sitiene2slabasyacabaenconsonante+y,secambialayporunai: heavy - heavier

    easy - easier

    -Siacabaenl,seduplicaesaletra: cruel - crueller

    -Siacabaenemuda,soloseaade-r: nice - nicer


    Paul is more attractive than Jim.(PaulesmsatractivoqueJim.)


    Modern jewellery is less elaborate than ancient jewellery.(Lajoyeramodernaesmenoselaboradaquelaantigua.)


    This picture is as colourful as that one.(Estecuadroestancoloridocomoese.)

    La forma superlativaSeusaparacompararmsdedoscosas,animalesopersonasydecirqueunadestacasobrelasdems.


    -Siescorto,seutilizathe +adjetivo+-est.

    These are the lightest clothes in the shop.(Estaeslaropamsligeradelatienda.)


    big - biggest sad - saddest pretty - prettiest happy - happiest wide - widest large - largest cruel - cruellest

    -Sieslargo,seutilizathe most+adjetivo.

    This beach is the most peaceful place in the world.(Estaplayaesellugarmstranquilodelmundo.)

    Paraindicarquealguienoalgoesinferiorqueelrestoenalgnaspectoseutilizalaestructurathe least+adjetivo.

    This is the least lively market in the city.(Esteeselmercadomenosanimadodelaciudad.)


    Hes the most intelligent boy in the class. (leselchicomsinteligentedelaclase.)

    Next Friday is the longest day of the year.(Elviernesquevieneeseldamslargodelao.)

    Which is the highest mountain on Earth?(CuleslamontaamsaltadelaTierra?)

    Los adjetivos irregularesNosiguenningunaregla,yporeso,hayqueaprendersusformascomparativaysuperlativadememoria.

    Adjetivo Comparativo Superlativo


    better than the best


    worse than the worst


    farther / further than the farthest / furthest


    less than the least

    too,(not) ... enough Toovadelantedeladjetivoeindicaquelacualidad


    This ring is too bright.(Esteanilloesdemasiadobrillante.)


    That football player is good enough for our team.(Esejugadordeftboles(lo)bastante/suficientementebuenoparanuestroequipo.)

    She is not old enough to drive. (Ellanoes(lo)bastante/suficientementemayorparaconducir.)

  • 1616Advanced Real English 2 B Burlington Books

    EL COMPARATIVO DE LOS ADVERBIOS Losadverbiosnosdanmsinformacinsobrelosverbos.


    She walks slowly. (Ellacaminalentamente.)


    She walks more slowly than her sister. (Ellacaminamslentamentequesuhermana.)


    I drive less carefully than my father. (Yoconduzcoconmenoscuidadoquemipadre.)


    She walks as slowly asher sister.(Ellacaminatanlentamentecomosuhermana.)

    Los adverbios irregularesNosiguenningunaregla,yporeso,hayqueaprenderestosadverbiosysuformacomparativadememoria.

    Adjetivo Adverbio Forma comparativa

    fast (rpido/a)fast (rpidamente,deprisa)

    faster than

    hard (duro/a;difcil)

    hard (duramente,mucho)

    harder than

    high (alto/a)high (alto,agranaltura)

    higher than

    far (lejano/a) far (lejos) farther / further than

    good (bueno/a) well (bien) better than

    bad (malo/a) badly (mal) worse than


    EL present perFect simple

    Afirmativa Forma contradaIhave washed Ive washed

    Youhave washed Youve washed

    Hehas washed Hes washed

    Shehas washed Shes washed

    Ithas washed Its washed

    Wehave washed Weve washed

    Youhave washed Youve washed

    Theyhave washed Theyve washed

    Negativa Forma contrada

    Ihave not washed Ihavent washed

    Youhave not washed Youhavent washed

    Hehas not washed Hehasnt washed

    Shehas not washed Shehasnt washed

    Ithas not washed Ithasnt washed

    Wehave not washed Wehavent washed

    Youhave not washed Youhavent washed

    They have not washed Theyhavent washed

    InterrogativaRespuestas breves

    Afirmativa Negativa

    HaveIwashed...? Yes,Ihave. No,Ihavent.

    Haveyouwashed...? Yes,youhave. No,youhavent.

    Hashewashed...? Yes,hehas. No,hehasnt.

    Hasshewashed...? Yes,shehas. No,shehasnt.

    Hasitwashed...? Yes,ithas. No,ithasnt.

    Havewewashed...? Yes,wehave. No,wehavent.

    Haveyouwashed...? Yes,youhave. No,youhavent.

    Havetheywashed...? Yes,theyhave. No,theyhavent.


    We have explored this area.(Hemosexploradoestazona.)


    I have eaten soup and sausages for dinner.(Hecomidosopaysalchichasparacenar.)

    Negativa:sujeto+has/have +notont+unverboenparticipio.

    The plane hasnt landed.(Elavinnohaaterrizado.)


  • 1616 1717Advanced Real English 2 B Burlington Books

    GrammarAppendix Interrogativa:Has/have+sujeto+unverboen


    Have you studied this unit?(Hasestudiadoestaunidad?)

    Respuestas breves:seponeelpronombrepersonalsujeto+has / havesincontraerenafirmativaocontradoconlapartculanotennegativa.

    Have they received a letter? Yes, they have. / No, they havent.(Hanrecibidounacarta?S./No.)

    ConelPresent Perfect Simplesesuelenusarlossiguientesadverbios y expresiones temporales:



    Have you ever trekked through the jungle?


    I havent ever rowed a boat


    She has never visited Paris.

    always siempreTheyve always listened to their mother.

    already afirmativa:yaWeve already discovered the truth.


    I have just cleaned my room.



    She hasnt completed her homework yet.


    Have you found your ring yet?

    recently recientementeHave they travelled to London recently?

    lately ltimamenteHe hasnt watered the plants lately.

    several times variasveces

    They have dug for treasure several times.

    so farhastaelmomento

    Ive done five exercises so far.





    for /sinceConelPresent Perfect Simple tambinseutilizanlasexpresionestemporalesquecomienzancon:

    - Lapreposicinforseguidadeunperiododetiempoqueindicaladuracindelaaccin.Setraducecomoduranteonosetraduce.

    Her mother has worked here for 15 years.(Sumadrehatrabajadoaqudurantequinceaos.)

    - Lapreposicinsince,queindicaelmomentoenqueempezlaaccin.Setraducecomodesde.

    I havent watched a film since Sunday. (Nohevistounapelculadesdeeldomingo.)

    Los usos del present perfect simple

    Accionesqueempezaronenelpasadoyancontinan(llevaforosince ysetraduceenpresente)

    She has lived in Germany since 1998.(EllaviveenAlemaniadesde1998.)


    They have moved to a new house.(Ellossehanmudadoaunacasanueva.)


    She has survived the accident.(Ellahasobrevividoalaccidente.)


    He has just fallen on the ground.(lseacabadecaeralsuelo.)

    CONTRASTE present perFect simple / past simple

    ElPresent Perfect Simpleindicaqueloocurridoenelpasadoguardarelacinconelpresente,aunquenoseespecificacundosucedi.Encambio,elPast Simplehabladeaccionespasadasqueyanoafectanalmomentoactualeindicacundoocurrieron,conexpresionesdetiempotalescomoyesterday,last night,etc.

    They have parachuted many times.(Elloshansaltadoenparacadasmuchasveces.)

    She parachuted yesterday.(Ellasaltenparacadasayer.)

  • 1818Advanced Real English 2 B Burlington Books



    a / an


    un/a a guitar, an ambulance




    There are some concerts this month. Weve got some chocolate.




    We havent got any hip-hop CDs. He hasnt got any butter.


    Do you play any musical instruments? Have you got any time for me?


    a lot ofmucho/a/os/asunmontnde


    A lot of students play football. There is a lot of food.

    many muchos/as


    Many people like pop music.



    I havent got much work.Was there much noise?

    a fewunospocos/asalgunos/as


    The plane landed a few hours late.

    a littleunpocode


    I have got a little money for you.

    How many ...?Cuntos/as...?


    How many MP4 players have you got?

    How much ...?Cunto/a...?

    Connombresnocontables.Cuandovaconelverboto be sirveparapreguntarelpreciodeunacosa.

    How much time do you need? How much is the hairdryer?




    can / cantAfirmativa Negativa Forma contrada

    Ican sail Icannot sail Icant sail

    Youcan sail Youcannot sail Youcant sail

    Hecan sail Hecannot sail Hecant sail

    Shecan sail Shecannot sail Shecant sail

    Itcan sail Itcannot sail Itcant sail

    Wecan sail Wecannot sail Wecant sail

    Youcan sail Youcannot sail Youcant sail

    Theycan sail Theycannot sail Theycant sail

    InterrogativaRespuestas breves

    Afirmativa Negativa

    CanIsail? Yes,Ican. No,Icant.

    Canyousail? Yes,youcan. No,you cant.

    Canhesail? Yes,hecan. No,hecant.

    Canshesail? Yes,shecan. No,shecant.

    Canitsail? Yes,it can. No,it cant.

    Canwesail? Yes,we can. No,wecant.

    Canyousail? Yes,youcan. No,youcant.

    Cantheysail? Yes,theycan. No,theycant.


    He can speak German very well.(lsabehablaralemnmuybien.)

    I can come to your party.(Puedoveniratufiesta.)

    You can watch TV now.(Puedesverlatelevisinahora.)


    They cannot do any magic tricks.(Ellosnosaben/puedenhacertrucosdemagia.)

    Interrogativa:Can +sujeto+verboenlaformabase.

    Can they write good stories?(Saben/Puedenescribirbuenashistorias?)

    Respuestas breves:seponeelpronombrepersonalsujeto+canocant.

    Can you pick a flower? Yes, I can. / No, I cant.(Puedescogerunaflor?S./No.)


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    Los usos de can / cantHabilidadocapacidadparahaceralgo:saber

    She can sing beautifully.(Ellasabecantarmaravillosamente.)


    You can break the mirror. Be careful.(Puesromperelespejo.Tencuidado.)


    Can you put the eggs in the fridge? Yes, I can.(Puedesponerloshuevosenlanevera?S.)

    could / couldntAfirmativa Negativa Forma contrada

    Icould ski Icould not ski Icouldnt ski

    Youcould ski Youcould not ski Youcouldnt ski

    Hecould ski Hecould not ski Hecouldnt ski

    Shecould ski Shecould not ski Shecouldnt ski

    Itcould ski Itcould not ski Itcouldnt ski

    Wecould ski Wecould not ski Wecouldnt ski

    Youcould ski Youcould not ski Youcouldnt ski

    Theycould ski Theycould not ski Theycouldnt ski

    InterrogativaRespuestas breves

    Afirmativa Negativa

    CouldIski? Yes,I could. No,I couldnt.

    Couldyouski? Yes,youcould. No,youcouldnt.

    Couldheski? Yes,hecould. No,hecouldnt.

    Couldsheski? Yes,she could. No,she couldnt.

    Coulditski? Yes,it could. No,itcouldnt.

    Couldweski? Yes,we could. No,we couldnt.

    Couldyouski? Yes,youcould. No,you couldnt.

    Couldtheyski? Yes,they could. No,they couldnt.

    Afirmativa:sujeto+could+ verboenlaformabase.

    I could play basketball when I was seven.(Yosabajugaralbaloncestocuandotenasieteaos.)

    In the past, mirrors could make people feel ill.(Enelpasado,losespejospodanhacerquelagentesesintieraenferma.)

    Negativa:sujeto+could notocouldnt+verboenlaformabase.

    They couldnt play outside because it was raining.(Nopodanjugarfueraporqueestaballoviendo.)

    Interrogativa:Could +sujeto+verboenlaformabase.

    Could he sail on Friday?(lpudonavegarelviernes?)

    Respuestas breves:seponeelpronombrepersonalsujeto+couldocouldnt.

    Could you carry the bags? Yes, I could. / No, I couldnt.(Podrasllevarlasbolsas?S./No.)

    Los usos de could / couldntHabilidadparahaceralgoenelpasado

    Sam could speak at the age of two.(Samsabahablaralosdosaos.)


    They couldnt see the beach from the window.(Nopudieronverlaplayadesdelaventana.)


    Could I have a glass of water?(Podratomarunvasodeagua?)

    must / mustntAfirmativa Negativa

    Imust sweep Imustnt sweep

    Youmust sweep Youmustnt sweep

    Hemust sweep Hemustnt sweep

    Shemust sweep Shemustnt sweep

    Itmust sweep Itmustnt sweep

    Wemust sweep Wemustnt sweep

    Youmust sweep Youmustnt sweep

    Theymust sweep Theymustnt sweep

    Afirmativa:sujeto+must+ verboenlaformabase.

    I must play the piano three times a week.(Debotocarelpianotresvecesalasemana.)

    Negativa:sujeto+must not omustnt+verboenlaformabase.

    People mustnt feed animals in the zoo.(Lagentenodebedardecomeralosanimalesenelzoo.)

    You mustnt tell me his secret. (Nodebescontarmesusecreto.)

    Interrogativa:Must +sujeto+verboenlaformabase.Enestecaso,mustexpresaobligacinonecesidad,aunqueesteverbomodalnosesueleusarenlaformainterrogativa.

    Must we speak to the doctor?(Debemoshablarconeldoctor?)

    Respuestas breves:seponeelpronombrepersonalsujeto+mustomustnt.

    Must I call the police? Yes, you must. / No, you mustnt.(Debollamaralapolica?S./No.)

  • 2020Advanced Real English 2 B Burlington Books

    El uso de must


    I must work harder.(Debotrabajarmuchoms.)

    El uso de mustnt


    You mustnt eat in the classroom. (Nodebescomerenlaclase.)

    should / shouldntAfirmativa Negativa

    Ishould buy Ishouldnt buy

    Youshould buy Youshouldnt buy

    Heshould buy Heshouldnt buy

    Sheshould buy Sheshouldnt buy

    Itshould buy Itshouldnt buy

    Weshould buy Weshouldnt buy

    Youshould buy Youshouldnt buy

    Theyshould buy Theyshouldnt buy

    InterrogativaRespuestas breves

    Afirmativa Negativa

    ShouldIbuy? Yes,I should. No,I shouldnt.

    Shouldyoubuy? Yes,you should. No,youshouldnt.

    Shouldhebuy? Yes,heshould. No,heshouldnt.

    Shouldshebuy? Yes,sheshould. No,sheshouldnt.

    Shoulditbuy? Yes,it should. No,it shouldnt.

    Shouldwebuy? Yes,we should. No,weshouldnt.

    Shouldyoubuy? Yes,you should. No,you shouldnt.

    Shouldtheybuy? Yes,they should. No,theyshouldnt.

    Afirmativa:sujeto+should+ verboenlaformabase.

    You should go to the dentist tomorrow.(Deberasiraldentistamaana.)

    Negativa:sujeto+should notoshouldnt+verboenlaformabase.

    She shouldnt believe in superstitions.(Ellanodeberacreerensupersticiones.)

    Interrogativa:Should +sujeto+verboenlaformabase.

    Should I be angry?(Deberaestarenfadada?)

    Respuestas breves:seponeelpronombrepersonalsujeto+shouldoshouldnt.

    Should we take an umbrella with us? Yes, you should. / No, you shouldnt.(Deberamoscogerunparaguas?S./No.)

    Los usos de should / shouldnt

    Darconsejos She should bring a coat. Its cold.(Deberatraerunabrigo.Hacefro.)


    You shouldnt eat too many sweets. (Nodeberascomerdemasiadoscaramelos.)

    Have to / Dont have toAfirmativa Negativa

    Ihave to go Idonthave to go

    Youhave to go Youdont have to go

    Hehas to go Hedoesnt have to go

    Shehas to go Shedoesnt have to go

    Ithas to go Itdoesnt have to go

    Wehave to go Wedont have to go

    Youhave to go Youdont have to go

    Theyhave to go Theydont have to go

    InterrogativaRespuestas breves

    Afirmativa NegativaDoIhave to go? Yes,I do. No,I dont.

    Doyouhave to go? Yes,you do. No,youdont.

    Doeshehave to go? Yes,hedoes. No,hedoesnt.

    Doesshehave to go? Yes,shedoes. No,shedoesnt.

    Doesithave to go? Yes,it does. No,it doesnt.

    Dowehave to go? Yes,we do. No,wedont.

    Doyouhave to go? Yes,you do. No,you dont.

    Dotheyhave to go? Yes,they do. No,theydont.

    Afirmativa:sujeto+have /has to+ verboenlaformabase.Significatenerqueycomomust,expresalaobligacinonecesidaddehaceralgo.LadiferenciaesquemustsolosepuedeutilizarenPresent Simpleyporeso,enelrestodetiempos,seusahave to.

    We have to put the chicken in the oven.(Tenemosqueponerelpolloenelhorno.)

    Negativa:sujeto+dont /doesnt + have to+verboenlaformabase.Significanotenerque/porqu.

    You dont have to help me. I can do it alone.(Notienesporquayudarme.Puedohacerlosolo.)

    Interrogativa:Do/Does+sujeto+have to+ verboenlaformabase.

    Do they have to come with you?(Tienenquevenircontigo?)

    Respuestas breves:seponeelpronombrepersonalsujeto+do/doesodont/doesnt.

    Does she have to study for the exam? Yes, she does. / No, she doesnt.(Ellatienequeestudiarparaelexamen?S./No.)


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    El uso de have to


    I have to bring my sister to the party. (Tengoquellevaramihermanaalafiesta.)

    El uso de dont have to


    You dont have to buy me anything. (Notienesquecomprarmenada.)




    I dont like salads which / that have got onions in them.(Nomegustanlasensaladasquetienencebolla.)


    Lospronombresrelativossonwho,which,that,where, when ywhose:


    These are the girls who / that I met at the caf.(Estassonlaschicasquemeencontrenlacafetera.)


    I was wearing a new skirt which / that was quite long.(Llevabaunafaldanuevaqueerabastantelarga.)

    He has got a dog which / that eats vegetables. (ltieneunperroquecomeverduras.)


    The penguins that I saw at the zoo were swimming.(Lospinginosquevienelzooestabannadando.)

    The woman that was sitting at the desk was beautiful.(Lamujerqueestaba(sentada)enelescritorioeraguapa.)


    We went shopping at a market where you can find everything.(Fuimosdecomprasaunmercadodondepuedesencontrardetodo.)


    He took this photo on the day when we went to the theme park.(Hizoestafotoeldaenquefuimosalparquetemtico.)


    Shes got a friend whose father is Irish. (Ellatieneunamigocuyopadreesirlands.)



    La voz pasiva en presente

    Afirmativa Negativa

    Iam accepted Im notaccepted

    Youare accepted Youarent accepted

    Heis accepted Heisnt accepted

    Sheis accepted Sheisnt accepted

    Itis accepted Itisnt accepted

    Weare accepted Wearent accepted

    Youare accepted Youarent accepted

    Theyare accepted Theyarent accepted

    InterrogativaRespuestas breves

    Afirmativa NegativaAmIaccepted? Yes,I am. No,Im not.

    Areyouaccepted? Yes,you are. No,youarent.

    Isheaccepted? Yes,heis. No,heisnt.

    Issheaccepted? Yes,sheis. No,sheisnt.

    Isitaccepted? Yes,it is. No,it isnt.

    Areweaccepted? Yes,we are. No,wearent.

    Areyouaccepted? Yes,you are. No,you arent.

    Aretheyaccepted? Yes,they are. No,theyarent.

  • 2222Advanced Real English 2 B Burlington Books

    La voz pasiva en pasado

    Afirmativa Negativa

    Iwas accepted Iwasntaccepted

    Youwere accepted Youwerent accepted

    Hewas accepted Hewasnt accepted

    Shewas accepted Shewasnt accepted

    Itwas accepted Itwasnt accepted

    Wewere accepted Wewerent accepted

    Youwere accepted Youwerent accepted

    Theywere accepted Theywerent accepted

    InterrogativaRespuestas breves

    Afirmativa NegativaWasIaccepted? Yes,I was. No,Iwasnt.

    Wereyouaccepted? Yes,you were. No,youwerent.

    Washeaccepted? Yes,hewas. No,hewasnt.

    Wassheaccepted? Yes,shewas. No,shewasnt.

    Wasitaccepted? Yes,it was. No,it wasnt.

    Wereweaccepted? Yes,we were. No,wewerent.

    Wereyouaccepted? Yes,you were. No,you werent.

    Weretheyaccepted? Yes,they were. No,theywerent.

    Afirmativa:sujeto+to becomoauxiliareneltiempocorrespondiente+elparticipiodelverboprincipal.

    Ben Stiller is known in many countries. (BenStilleresconocidoenmuchospases.)

    They were given new computers.(Selesdieronnuevosordenadores.)


    The Lightning Thief was written by Rick Riordan.(El ladrn del rayofueescritoporRickRiordan.)

    Negativa: sujeto+to becomoauxiliareneltiempocorrespondiente+notont+elparticipiodelverboprincipal.

    They arent expected to fly to London next week. (NoseesperaquevuelenaLondreslasemanaqueviene.)

    This meal wasnt prepared at home.(Estacomidanosepreparencasa.)

    Interrogativa:to becomoauxiliareneltiempocorrespondiente+sujeto+elparticipiodelverboprincipal.

    Are these biscuits sold in the supermarket?(Sevendenestasgalletasenelsupermercado?)

    Was the film based on the novel?(Lapelculaestababasadaenlanovela?)

    Respuestas breves:seponeelpronombrepersonalsujeto+to becomoauxiliareneltiempocorrespondiente,sincontraerenafirmativaocontradoconlapartculanotennegativa.

    Was he chosen for president? Yes, he was. / No, he wasnt.(lfueescogidopresidente?S./No.)

    Los usos de la voz pasiva


    Clothes are washed in a washing machine.(Laropaselavaenunalavadora.)


    The glass was broken.(Elvasoserompi.)

    Cmo pasar una frase activa a pasivaSeponeto beenelmismotiempoquetenaelverboprincipalenactiva,yesteverboenparticipio.Activa: They clean the building every morning.Pasiva: The building is cleaned every morning.

    Seponecomosujetoelprimercomplementoquehayadetrsdelverboenlavozactiva,yaseaeldirectooelindirecto.Activa: My brothers share a bedroom. Pasiva: A bedroom is shared by my brothers.

    Sielcomplementoesunpronombrepersonal,secambiaporsucorrespondienteformadesujeto.Activa: My friends told me the secret.Pasiva: I was told the secret.

    Sepasaelsujetodelaoracinactivaalfinaldelapasivaprecedidodelapreposicinby.Activa: My aunt bought a pair of jeans.Pasiva: A pair of jeans was bought by my aunt.

    Sielsujetoesunpronombrepersonal,secambiaporelpronombreobjetocorrespondiente.Activa: They care for my grandmother.Pasiva: My grandmother is cared for by them.

    Lasexpresiones temporalesqueseempleanenlavozpasivasonlasmismasqueenlaactiva.Sielverboestenpresente:every day/week/year,once/twice a year,on+dadelasemanaenplural,oadverbioscomousually,sometimes,etc.Sielverboestenpasado:last night / week,at+unahora,in+unao,on+undaofecha,in the past,yesterday,etc.


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    IrregularVerb List

    BASE FORM (V1) PAST SIMPLE (V2) PAST PARTICIPLE (V3) CASTELLANObe /VA/ was/were /rFh/rK/ been /VAm/ ser, estarbeat /VAW/ beat /VAW/ beaten /'VAWm/ golpearbecome /VB'YJl/ became /VB'YMl/ become /VB'YJl/ llegar a ser, convertirsebegin /VB'ZBm/ began /VB'Zm/ begun /VB'ZJm/ empezarbend /VCmX/ bent /VCmW/ bent /VCmW/ doblar(se)bet /VCW/ bet /VCW/ bet /VCW/ apostarbite /VOW/ bit /VBW/ bitten /'VBWm/ morderbleed /VoAX/ bled /VoCX/ bled /VoCX/ sangrarblow /VoLH/ blew /VoI/ blown /VoLHm/ soplarbreak /VpMY/ broke /VpLHY/ broken /'VpLHYLm/ romperbring /VpBn/ brought /VpGW/ brought /VpGW/ traerbuild /VBoX/ built /VBoW/ built /VBoW/ construirburn /VKm/ burnt/burned /VKmW/VKmX/ burnt/burned /VKmW/VKmX/ quemarbuy /VO/ bought /VGW/ bought /VGW/ comprarcatch /Ya/ caught /YGW/ caught /YGW/ coger, agarrarchoose /aIh/ chose /aLHh/ chosen /'aLHhm/ elegircome /YJl/ came /YMl/ come /YJl/ venircost /YFgW/ cost /YFgW/ cost /YFgW/ costarcut /YJW/ cut /YJW/ cut /YJW/ cortardig /XBZ/ dug /XJZ/ dug /XJZ/ cavardo /XI/ did /XBX/ done /XJm/ hacerdraw /XpG/ drew /XpI/ drawn /XpGm/ dibujardream /XpAl/ dreamt/dreamed /XpClW/XpAlX/ dreamt/dreamed /XpClW/XpAlX/ soardrink /XpBnY/ drank /XpnY/ drunk /XpJnY/ beberdrive /XpOd/ drove /XpLHd/ driven /'XpBdm/ conducireat /AW/ ate /CBW/ eaten /AWm/ comerfall /cGo/ fell /cCo/ fallen /'cGoLm/ caer(se)feed /cAX/ fed /cCX/ fed /cCX/ alimentarfeel /cAo/ felt /cCoW/ felt /cCoW/ sentir(se)fight /cOW/ fought /cGW/ fought /cGW/ luchar, pelear find /cOmX/ found /cPmX/ found /cPmX/ encontrarfly /coO/ flew /coI/ flown /coLHm/ volarforget /cL'ZCW/ forgot /cL'ZFW/ forgotten /cL'ZFWm/ olvidarforgive /cL'ZBd/ forgave /cL'ZMd/ forgiven /cL'ZBdm/ perdonarfreeze /cpAh/ froze /cpLHh/ frozen /'cpLHhm/ congelar(se)get /ZCW/ got /ZFW/ got /ZFW/ conseguir; llegargive /ZBd/ gave /ZMd/ given /ZBdm/ dargo /ZN/ went /rCmW/ gone /ZFm/ irgrow /ZpN/ grew /ZpI/ grown /ZpNm/ crecer; cultivarhang /kn/ hanged/hung /knX/kJn/ hanged/hung /knX/kJn/ colgarhave /kd/ had /kX/ had /kX/ tener; haberhear /kBL/ heard /kKX/ heard /kKX/ orhide /kOX/ hid /kBX/ hidden /'kBXm/ esconder(se)hit /kBW/ hit /kBW/ hit /kBW/ golpear, pegarhold /kNoX/ held /kCoX/ held /kCoX/ sujetarhurt /kKW/ hurt /kKW/ hurt /kKW/ herir, hacer dao; dolerkeep /YAU/ kept /YCUW/ kept /YCUW/ guardar, mantenerknow /mN/ knew /mqI/ known /mNm/ saber, conocerlay /oCB/ laid /oCBX/ laid /oCBX/ poner; extenderlead /oAX/ led /oCX/ led /oCX/ guiar, conducir

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    learn /oKm/ learnt/learned /oKmW/oKmX/ learnt/learned /oKmW/oKmX/ aprenderleave /oAd/ left /oCcW/ left /oCcW/ dejar; irse, salirlend /oCmX/ lent /oCmW/ lent /oCmW/ prestarlet /oCW/ let /oCW/ let /oCW/ permitir, dejarlie /oO/ lay /oCB/ lain /oCBm/ tumbarse, echarselie /oO/(regular verb) lied /oOX/ lied /oOX/ mentirlight /oOW/ lit /oBW/ lit /oBW/ encenderlose /oIh/ lost /oFgW/ lost /oFgW/ perdermake /lCBY/ made /lCBX/ made /lCBX/ hacer, fabricarmean /lAm/ meant /lCmW/ meant /lCmW/ significar, querer decir meet /lAW/ met /lCW/ met /lCW/ conocer a; quedar conpay /UM/ paid /UMX/ paid /UMX/ pagarput /UHW/ put /UHW/ put /UHW/ ponerread /pAX/ read /pCX/ read /pCX/ leerride /pOX/ rode /pLHX/ ridden /'pBXm/ montarring /pBn/ rang /pn/ rung /pJn/ llamar (por telfono)rise /pOh/ rose /pLHh/ risen /'pBhm/ elevarse, alzarserun /pJm/ ran /pm/ run /pJm/ corrersay /gM/ said /gCX/ said /gCX/ decirsee /gA/ saw /gG/ seen /gAm/ versell /gCo/ sold /gLHoX/ sold /gLHoX/ vendersend /gCmX/ sent /gCmW/ sent /gCmW/ enviarset /gCW/ set /gCW/ set /gCW/ colocarshake /iMY/ shook /iHY/ shaken /'iMYLm/ agitarshine /iOm/ shone /iFm/ shone /iFm/ brillarshoot /iIW/ shot /iFW/ shot /iFW/ dispararshow /iLH/ showed /iLHX/ shown /iLHm/ mostrar, ensearshut /iJW/ shut /iJW/ shut /iJW/ cerrarsing /gBn/ sang /gn/ sung /gJn/ cantarsink /gBnY/ sank /gnY/ sunk /gJnY/ hundirsesit /gBW/ sat /gW/ sat /gW/ sentarsesleep /goAU/ slept /goCUW/ slept /goCUW/ dormirsmell /glCo/ smelt/smelled /glCoW/glCoX/ smelt/smelled /glCoW/glCoX/ olerspeak /gUAY/ spoke /gULHY/ spoken /gULHYLm/ hablarspell /gUCo/ spelt/spelled /gUCoW/gUCoX/ spelt/spelled /gUCoW/gUCoX/ deletrearspend /gUCmX/ spent /gUCmW/ spent /gUCmW/ gastar; pasar (tiempo)stand /gWmX/ stood /gWHX/ stood /gWHX/ estar de piesteal /gWAo/ stole /gWLHo/ stolen /'gWLHoLm/ robarstick /gWBY/ stuck /gWJY/ stuck /gWJY/ pegarsweep /grAU/ swept /grCUW/ swept /grCUW/ barrerswim /grBl/ swam /grl/ swum /grJl/ nadartake /WMY/ took /WHY/ taken /'WMYLm/ coger; llevarteach /WAa/ taught /WGW/ taught /WGW/ enseartear /WCL/ tore /WG/ torn /WGm/ romper, desgarrartell /WCo/ told /WLHoX/ told /WLHoX/ decir, contarthink /eBnY/ thought /eGW/ thought /eGW/ pensarthrow /epN/ threw /epI/ thrown /epNm/ tirar; lanzarunderstand /JmXC'gWmX/ understood /JmXC'gWHX/ understood /JmXC'gWHX/ comprender, entenderwake up /rMY'JU/ woke up /rLHY'JU/ woken up /rLHYLm'JU/ despertar(se)wear /rCL/ wore /rG/ worn /rGm/ llevar puesto; ponersewin /rBm/ won /rJm/ won /rJm/ ganarwrite /pOW/ wrote /pLHW/ written /'pBWm/ escribir

  • 2525Advanced Real English 2 B Burlington Books





    History of Tennis










    Laintroduccinoprimeraoracin(opening sentence),quepresentaeltema.

    Eldesarrolloocuerpo(body of the paragraph),queamplalaideaprincipalconinformacinimportante.

    Laconclusinoltimaoracin(closing sentence),queresumeeltemayrepitelaideaprincipalconotraspalabras.

    LAS MAYSCULAS (Capital letters)



    Mrs Sandra Bennett, Dr Perry, Ray Mears

    losnombresdelugarescomociudades,pases,continentes,edificiosfamosos,museos,etc.:London, Italy, Asia, the Eiffel Tower, the Guggenheim Museum

    lasnacionalidades:English, Chinese, Peruvian

    losdas: Saturday, Tuesday, Friday

    losmeses:January, July, October

    laprimerapalabradeunaoracin:My sister is 13 years old.

    elpronombrepersonalI:I paint and I play the guitar.

    losidiomas:French, Thai, Arabic


    Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince


    California Dreamin


    Tomb Raider II

    LA PUNTUACIN (Punctuation)


    Mary is 14 years old.


    I had chicken, chips and an apple for lunch today.


    Do you like sport?


    I love football!

    opening sentenceIlovemusic.









    body of paragraph

    closing sentence

    EscribEUN PrrAfo>>Writing a paragraph

    ANTES DE ESCrIBIr>>Brainstorming rEPASA Lo ESCrITo>>Checking your work

  • 2626Advanced Real English 2 B Burlington Books


    EL orDEN DE LAS PALABrAS: SUJETo - VErBo (Word order: Subject Verb)


    David walks to

    David is riding a new


    Where is my diary?vs

    Does David walk to school? auxsv

    EL orDEN DE LAS PALABrAS: LoS ADJETIVoS (Word order: Adjectives)

    Normalmentevandelantedelossustantivos. warm sweater

    adj n

    Ytambindetrsdelverboto be. The sweater is warm. v adj


    He was wearing a long purple coat.

    t c

    EL orDEN DE LAS PALABrAS: LoS ADVErBIoS (Word order: Adverbs)


    Anna is sitting very quietly.

    adverbofdegree adverbofmanner


    He usually takes the bus to school.

    adv v

    Perosielverboesto be,eladverbiovadetrs.

    She is never lazy.

    v adv

    LoS CoNECTorES DE SECUENCIA(Connectors of Sequence)





    after that(luego,despusdeeso)


    I had a fun day on Saturday. First, I made pancakes for breakfast and my family loved them. Then, we watched some old video films of my family. They were very funny. Next, we went to the beach and had a picnic. After that, we visited my grandparents and played Monopoly together. Finally, in the evening I went to a party with my friends. Saturday was a great day.

    LAS CoNJUNCIoNES (Linking Words)



    I sailed to Greece and I flew to Australia last year.


    We walk to school or we take a bus.


    David likes travelling but he doesnt like flying.


    Janice doesnt go on a motorboat because she doesnt like water.

    LAS PrEPoSICIoNES DE TIEMPo (Prepositions of Time)

    Seusandistintaspreposicionesdelantedelashorasylosperiodosdefiesta,losdasylasfechas,losmeses,lasestaciones,losaosylaspartesdelda.Esmuyimportantequesepasutilizarlacorrectaencadacaso.Prestaatencin aestosejemplos:

    at +horas: at two oclock

    +festividades: at Christmas

    on +dasdelasemana: on Sunday

    +fechas: on 10th May

    on Christmas Day

    in +meses: in June

    +estaciones: in winter

    +aos: in 2010

    +partesdelda: in the evening

    Excepciones: at the weekend

    at night

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    LAS CoNJUNCIoNES CAUSALES Y CoNSECUTIVAS (Connectors of Cause and Effect)

    Lasconjuncionescausalesseusanparaexpresarlacausaporlaquealgoocurri. Laconjuncinmscomnesbecause.

    He cant come because his sister is ill.


    The baby was hungry, so my mother gave him his food.

    LoS ADJETIVoS PoSESIVoS Y LoS ProNoMBrES(Referencing)


    My school is in this village. It is next to the supermarket.

    I went to the party with my friends. I had fun with them.

    Cindys CDs are on the table. Those are her CDs.



    We went to see a frightening film at the new cinema.

    01-09 ARE2 SPA Gloss.pdf10-22 ARE2 SPA GrApp.pdf23-24 ARE2 Irr Vbs.pdf25-27 ARE2_WG.pdf