ADVANCE FOUNDBO 1861. Miss Levis Gouveraeur Summer...

Q U R oorpe of sorraepoitdents cover evtfy part of St Law- ranee County and you get tfio boat I la newe avary waak from reliable •ouroaa. (L SEE t J. 'I > y >;A\ * * T H E ADVANCE la a noma \ It stands for tha olean thfuga In life. It la for tha —for—mawt ef law and for a better Ogdene* burg. DEMOCRAT FOUNDED 18M ADVANCE FOUNDBO 1861. ST. LAWRENCE WEEKLY DEMOCRAT OGDJJNSBURO, N. Y., THURSDAY, JULY U, 192k Miss Levis Bride Of Mr. Earl Graves Wedding Celebrated at Home of Bride in Canton on Tuesday Will Live in Pieroefield. VOL. LVIV NO. 30 II. u\* Graduate of Qouverntr High and St. Lawranoa University. Canton. July II This afternoon at " oViiK'k lit. the home of Mr. and Mrs. riionuut W. I**VIM. r»l Must Main street, will «H<urr the marriage of their daughter Grace, ami Tarl DcFurent <;MIV«*M of PtercWlehl, N Y. The cere- tiiony will tnke plac* In the presence of only Immediate relatives and irietMlt <»f the bride and groom. The I*»*VIH home ha* been prettily dif-oratfvt with rut flower* and feme and the odor of these fill the air await- ing Hie playing of the welding march. The bride will look charming In a (IM«MH of blonde crepe Koumalno, trim- Tned wMh lace of the mum> color; »ltp- 1>»«IM and h<«Ho to match, and will oar- i v i hrldivl bouquet «»f blufth pinks and IOMIM The groom*, gift to the brkle will be pearls The bride's sinter. Miss Mary Ijevls <HH> i»r the Hrftnmlants, will wear flow- »»»MI orchid chiffon, and will carry ft I»<MH|IH i or orchid* and imwit peas. I'ho K'oom will he attended by his bro- thel Inland K Graven of Pleroefleld, N v Tito «»ffIrlatlna; clergyman will 1M> the lloy .1 Mauley Speivoer, pastor or the First Presbyterian cburoh of ('HUI.MI whoro the bride has attended divine wMvlct' lor several year*. The w^itiitiK march from Lohengrin will (»•• plavtM hy Miss A. Melba Oravea, wlster of the gr<K«n, of Yonkers, N. Y. Following the wadding a luncheon will h« served, hy Mrs. A. Milne cater- •MIH The young couple will make Huh home At iMoreofteld, N. Y. where Mi Grave* Hi day timekeeper lii the mill of I he Intornnl k>nad The hrWI«« la one of the in* of yomiK w(»moti rmwatly gradu- al »H! from Ht. Lawrence. 8ho waa wlu- <at<Ml m <hntvornour lllath achoul, Kiadinitlng in 191H .Mho *»nton«d iH. I jiwinico folUiwIiig thla and waa gitul- <iMt««<t from tho untvcMHtty In the olaaa or |ir.!;» Wullr atrtt.IjawrMnw* ah© aHllaiiMl with th«' llelta IhdtJi IH»lUi On^ok li«»tt«^r MH»rorlty. Sliw*4> Rniduat- IIIK fiom ^»ll««Ki» n\w hax onxngi'd In ftiuihliiK. t w o y«»ivrH In 1*1 onvfl«»ld HlKh nrhool tlurliifc which tiuio «h» tmi IOT fiitairo huntHind. Th« paM yt^ar «tho hiui IMMMI on !h*» t»«ar.lilng ataff or IJIIWVIIIO AriMlomy. Social And Personal Notes From Brasher Bra*ber FaQla, July 14.—Miss Ada Morse of New York is visiting her mother Mrs. Queemde (Morse.—J. R. Darby atate faotory Inspector of Plattsburg transactixl business hi town Wednesday.—Mr. and Mrs. George Kingston of Detroit MICh., are spend- itiK their vacation with Mr. Kingston's parents Mr. and Mrs. Allison Kings- ton -Henry McOuitu h'ft Thursday for Lake Placid where he will spend the Huiunur. Li. D. Rogers of Potsdam \ l s i u d I'riendd in town, 1 he pns>t week. Mm. Wlllhim McGuire spent Wed- noaday In Mai one.- Charles McNulty Is risking extennlve improvements in his tH>me here --Mrs. Daniel Kingston Him recently underwent an operation .it the Hepburn hospital at Ogdens- buig has returned home.—Ttie Bra- 8her Pa>Ma Imseball team played ball at Hajaawa Falni Sunday.™JMiss Ger- trude Larue who has 'been teaching at Wilmington, Del., Is home for the aum- mer. Dr, and Mrs. W. H. Culleh and family and Mlsa Alice iMoOuin spent Sunday at Chateaugay Lake—Dr. Fred Maeon of Great Neck. L. I., and Wil- liam Maaon of Norwood were In town on business taet week.—Misses Kath- erme MrOtOre and bucy F<oet>re of Ma* lone are tlfdtlng their aunt Mrs. Wm. McCkrtre.-*-'Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Crowley an<l Mr. and Mrs. Frank OoHLne and family spent dunday at Norwood. Kiieats of Mr. and Mrs. Richard MoCor- mlck.-Mrs. Currier is yls*ting her daughter <Mrs. Tyo at the Rackett.— Mrs. Nellie Hurley and Mrs. S. G. Wil- liams of Ogdensfburg were callers in town Sunday.—The remain* of Miss Kat'herlne Kennehan who died in New York, were brought here Saturday. Services were held In St. Potrick's church. Rev. J. C. Orowley officiating Gouveraeur Rejects Bid Power Plant Week's News Notes From Depeyster Oouverneur Oommiggioners Re- fuse Award—Failed to Meet Specifications. Board Will Advertise for More Bida Which Will Be Opened on Aug. 3 —Other Bida Accepted But Contracta Not Vet Signed. Depeyster, July 14.—Mafion and Au- brey Kinney of Watertown are spend- ing their vacation with their grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Burnham. —Messrs. Smith and Dodds of Qguv- erneur w.ere in town Saturday eve- ning.—Miss Bethany Steele has been visiting a few days with her grand- parents. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mason. —Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Townsehd of Morley, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Botting of Canton, Mr. and Mrs. Guy St. Den- ny and children and Mrs. Mary Town- send of Canastota were callers in town Friday evening.—Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wilson and family and his aunt, Miss Rachel Wilson of Black of Lake visited his sister and her has- Gouverneur, July 14.—The bid ~ . . %M , ^ T „ . - ~ -- the John W. VanDenburg company 5 and ' H r am l *i? B J ! " 'V e^^ 1 l n „., of New York for the construction of."^'-^; and Mr a 8 ' Arn0id "f^ 0 " the dam and power house for the pro- ?n d . fam JJ y 8 ? ent ^ P ^ at Eel WeIr ensburg Golfers Meet > At Potsdam Will Play Potsdam Saturday- Supper To Be' Held This Evening. Country Club If Gaining In Popularity and Provea Boon to Tired Men Potsdam, July 14.—A eupper will be served at the Potsdam Country okib at 6:30 Thursday, followed by an Inform- al evening of cards. It wiH be Impossi- ble to hold a dance at the club until r ^ .„. „.« K i«-. __,«" "| om „ wirt.'^ „^i ""I"" I the work on the addition now being posed municipal lighting plant here ' Park.—Mrs. James Wttherel and sons | ^ t ,^_ J tx ._ ^—, .u_. was rejeted last evening at a meet- 2[ an 1 ti M ™i n &T \$ W i Ue i cal S! ** ing of the lighting commiasloners. (Charles^Wnhereirs Monday.~-Depey. The reason given for the rejection is 8ter V? dge N u' 63 f L ° ?\ wV haV S that the terms of the bid did not con-1 recently purchased a pool table and form in every way to the specifies-' Installed!! Jn their hall ^tor the> pleas- tions. there being in it an option as' ure of th o lr » ember »-;r H - L ' RQUndB to whether the contractor would be ° f H«uvelton was a caller in town on required to work with the water at Sunjlay evening-Mr. and Mra C. B. its full height and stand the expense £ If Ji D accom P aDle j l ^ y *J r ; a f d MT *;J?- of a large coffer dam, or whetheVthe D - ° t rr * n d M i 8 S ^jdred Lytle motor- mill pond should be drained by the j f d t0 Cooper's Falls Sunday where village so that such a large dam ^ enjoyed a. picnic supper aitor would not be necessary. ! ,hl ^J^l J T con nued fc 0B tn # e K ,r way There were but two bids submitted ° ? e *? 1 * Junction where they at- for the dam and power house con-' i; Dded e T te °f meetings-Mr. and struction. the second being by the' M t r8 - £• A ' ^ l e ^ er « c JJ" er<, 2 ^ 2 Qh . nor/ , r- rt tia#r,,^i#iti /.tmn.fiir «f with Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Hall.—Mr. and• s5rac, se Tne^TanSenburg P bld^ was Mr8 - ^<> n Overacker and family, also Howard PerWns and Mlas Hlldegard r?naidP»hi«^ low!? ^ n ^ L ntw Mr. and Mrs.. Albert Haselton and Laione, both of t?hls village, were mar- considerably lower than the other. mot0 r^ to Pleasant Lake on I ried Thursday In Tapper Lake. Mr. | erected is completed. It la hoped that the work will be far enough advanced so that a lareg dinner dance will be held on Tuesday, July 28. The golf team of <the Country club went to Brockvllle, Saturday, where it played the Brockvllle team, losing $7 to 25. The local, golfera were en- tertained at luncheon and dinner by the Canadians. Next Saturday it le ex- pected that the Ogdenaburg Country ctab golf team will be here. A return game for Brockrille here may be play- ed Saturday, July 25. POTSDAM NOTES Automobilist Had Narrow Escape Dekalb Junction, July 13.—The 'Home Bureau met with (Mrs. Verda Powell Thursday. One dress form was made and several garments out and partly made. The next meeting, Thursday, July 23, will be at the home of Mrs. Georgia Miles. A business meeting will be called at 10:30 In the forenoon as in the afternoon, Miss Mil-, ham, the county manager and another lady will be present to give a health talk. Those who are *iot members, as well a* members are requested to come. Dinner will be served in the usual way.—Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Street- er and Mrs. eVrnilla Haven were call- ers in Gouverneur Bunday.—fiklward Bouchard son of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Bouchard narrowly escaped death Sun- Summer Visitors At Heuvelton Blany Attended Orangenwn'g Walk at Watertown on Saturday. Syracuse Visitors will Spend Four Days at Cacavajo'a Camp at Chippewa. 'Struck By Car With Scythe In His Hand WM. R. KENNY STANDING ON THE ROADSIDE WITH SCYTHE HIT BY AUTOMOBILE AND INJURED. which did not state under what ,„ . . x __ . *. conditions the work would be done.! S und . a ternoon.—Mr. and Mrs. Starting early Saturday morning, the' *J ar T 0,d R fce and f amUy of Lynnhnrst, flood gates in the dams here were ,N - J " arHved K ln / ow ; Frlday * a d Mr: William Forney and'son.Hubert | op. nj d «P with^ynamlte and t h e ^ £ ^ o^^^ iicx-ompanled the remains here—J. A. ter allowed to drain to a low level so ' sister Mr Carter of Saianac trammacted busi- that the contractors could Investigate, "JJ "JJJ e j o n ^ ^ nd -Mr and M M neaa hi town Wediieeday.-Tne Missea the conditions of the river bed where :i nd *! ri : Jo H f Hana . Mr ' and Mr8 ' Helen Kingston of Fredonia, Ina [ the new dam is to be constructed. It was after a meeting lasting near moat oTJartn- Pays $100 For Shooting A Wild Deer Kingston. New York and NJma Kings- ton of Syracuse are spending their va- cation at tlie home of their parents.— Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Donovan of Detroit, Mich, who "have been visiting relatives and friends here have returned home. Bernard Kennehan hae gone to Sar- anac for Ihe summer.—Mr. and Mrs. T. Dan Calnon, Jr., and daughter, Miss Lena. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Morris Perkins is the son of Mr. and Mrs. AI mon Perkins, formerly of this place and Mrs. Perkins Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs, R. J. Laione of Bay street # \ John F. Kellogg And William B. Smith of this villag#. Potsdam boys, who are at the Citizens Training Camp are members of. a band of 41 pieces Rensselaer Falls. July 13.— William R. Kenny was cut and bruised quite badly Friday forenoon as he was standing near the road and holding a hand scythe. In some way the F. F. Northrup car struck Mr. Kenny and threw him to the ground. It seems wonderful that he escaped with his life. Dr. Sanford was summoned and took five stitches in a wound in Mr. Kenny's arm, made by the scythe. The Northrups had been to Canton and were driving home. Mr. Kenny stepped into the road without seeing: the approaching car or noticing its horn. The car was stopped as soon as possible but not before Mr. Kenny was struck and thrown to the ground. Mr. Kenny although badly hurt is able to be about.—Among those who went to Watertown to attend the Orangemen's walk were Rev. and Mra. D. J. Westlake. Mr. and Mrs. C. Fred Poor, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest See ley, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Seeley, James Mc- Bride, Mrs. Elizabeth Kendrew. Mr. IfeuveHon. JIuy 14.—Mr. and Mrs. J. .u ^ u - Woodside left Thursday of last day afternoon when hia car turned 1 7 ^ ^ ?"* , l * ^T 111 ^ Syracuse over into the ditch going down the £i ^ u ^ visit relatives.-Mr .and steep bHl at Eddy pinning him under £ wJL2' AH ^. and Mrs Oairer were the car. He was taken directly to the JJKJS?!^ 1 Thur «lay—Mr. and Mrs. Hepburn hospital in the hospital am- iSJT Ie i Merrtm «* and family of Pitts- bulance that happened along at the ;J!l ' !rf? 8 - ar * flroenai nff their vaca- fcime. He wa* badly brulaed and etiak- JJ^L A 01 S e ?1 Mrs " Merr kaan's en up. He is reported as getting along Z^zT' RaJf>h 8W11*M-*V-At the Prea- nicely and will be home in about a ^H^ ??? mu ^ n 8erv1ce •»* Suo- weejc—Mrs. Jennie Brown and Mr*., S , . J y ^ Mr ,' Prank MadH? *** 8 ° n « Oora Witeon are at ^tar Lake for the jT'liff!* , a " k and Lk>vd became summer.—Mr. and Mrs. Henry DeFiah- S ~oTi . churcn Among those eV and son Leon of WUliamaon apeot ^ m , m th * plac fL7 ho attended Orange- the week end with Mrs. DeFieher's men8 Jay feelet>rations out of t o w n . --. c „. ».. mother Mrs. Lula Gotham. Sunday, 2 ™™ a y were (Rl(>bt - McKeever, i and Mrs. James R Daine and Lauren Mr. and Mrs. DeFlsher, Mra. Lula Qo Jr' « iS^L Wm 8 * 1M leraon, Mr. and , Bush—Among those who attended M »s. E. McBroom, MT«. Wm. Martin, j the evangelistic meeting at Dekalb Mlsa Hannah Hill, Mr. and Mrs. Nel- Junction Sunday evening were Rev son Mayne. Miss Beatrice Mayne, O. J. and Mrs. D. J. Westlake, Mr. and Mrs Best. D. W. Fleetham and Eugene C. F. Poor. MISB Lou McKee. Miss Gray at Watertown; Messrs Wlnfield I Ver a Dexter, Mr. and Mrs. C P Bristol. C. A. Moore, C. 8. Blood, Ctoaa. 1 Stiles, Mrs. H. S. Beal, Mr. and Mrs. Fleldson. Chaa. Townsend and Harold Bel » Crowe. Mrs. Blanche Bush. Mrs. O'Brien at Cornwall, Onrt.—Theodore ' Joh & Fisher CHne, Mrs. A. L. Dickin- and Edwin Hall of Syracuse, who «>». Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Wilstrop, Mrs. spent the week end at their aunt's. ' Charlotte Maloney. Mrs. Martha Mc- Mi-8. W. P. West's, left Monday for a Kfl y. Mr. and Mrs. George W. Cham- few week's sojourn with their cousin »ers, Mr. and Mra. N E. Bennett. Mrs. Mrs. Joseph Cacavajo at her cottage s - R McCreg. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. on tkdar Island. Miss Delight Hall, . **>&> E H. Dexter, C. W. Lent, Miss who accompanied her brothers to this ' Et hel Lent. Mra. Harry Sunderland, place will remain for a more extended 1 Mri - **l° r a V. Doty, Mr. and Mrs. S. visit with her aunt and cousin.—-Mf*. M. faxter, Mfu C. W. Newcombe, Mr. late hour, that the board of lighting ?? IIed al ^ <*i Fleetham's Sunday.— j tloipant in parades, reviews, band j m ;ton~nmrJulv stTbT ^ 1 ^ ot V ll ]m]wx ^ d m i e son ^^'^^^ ^o ^ ^ ^ «f«tS* f > e d Lytle and Mr. and commissioners decided to reject the JJ r f* MyrtIe Fleming, daughter Miss concerts and similar activities at the to g fthd jju fi i h P nine nUved the' K U e 8 t a o f Mre * Wilcox's "brother, Chas. jMrs. C. E. Sunderland—Principal G. VanDenburg bid and advertise for ? elen and 80 , n Dalton have returned | camp. Kellogg plays the drums and ! « t Reels Indians with' a rwultof a« Jenner and family returned to tfjedr Carl Alverson has returned from hia more, It being the hope that there ° ome aft 1 er voting 'or some Ume at [Smith the comet. j To 7tofavor of Hriena The batters home at Bro*™'* Bridge, N. Y. last Frl- Canadian fiEhing trip—Eric Brown of win be a greater numher of contrac- pioyersvllle with her daughter and Potsdam boys who are epending the t0 7 m I a V O r 0 I HeIena - Tne Dattery ^ _ ,^.._ a _. tham and Mrs. William Miles and son Frank motored to (Montreal to visit James Gotham who is a patient in the Shriner's hospital there. They found James improving,—-tor. and Mrs. Floyd Rugae and children returned to their home in Ormston Sumday.—-Mrs. Er- nest Frisco and children returned home Saturday from Oswego. HELENA Helena, July 13.—The baseball game here yesterday between Brush- and daughter, Miss Elsie, also Mr. I organised^ fromL the 1800 memebrs iii\^J^ ^ J ^ L ^ ! ^ ^ ! ^ t i »nrf Mra »««»« u A *,i* Z~A #-J7i« I ^"JTZZT «ir: ^__,. f T l - - ^ ^ 1 ___ ' favor of Helena, the score being 13-6 ly all or the forenoon Monday and an , . D «« M « _i^ * * , f !.^ « ^ * ; \. ;mvur 01 neitsun, me «uur« omug *o-o. other last night continuing until a and /•"»• T R ® nzo M "f^ 1 ®, and ? ni,ly i fcne X * JU *- The band 1s an active par- Qur ^y. alg0 defeat ed the Ft. Cov- of . n * ht !?« M" ed M a vVn« % J ^ ^ J j ^ i Z : I ^ ^ ±»S** .52SI5 .^ d I ington nine July 6th by a .core of 17 ll. Culhane spent Tuesday In Water- tors interested in the proposition a ' hu8band » Mr - and M/s. Otto Benja- j week at the Boy Scoot camp near Mor- IOWIK Several from here attended the second time. Advertising will be Sunday dinner at New Orchard done immediately and the bids will Beach *Mf. and Mrs. IJoyd Davis and be opened Ang. 3rd. little daughter spent Tuesday In Alex- | The specifications for the dam and undtia Bay-Mr. and Mrs. George Ha- power house will bo slightly changed ley of Brownvltle and Mr. William But- j this second time. For one thing, the ler; Mr. WllUnmiMoiseSr., and daugh-; village Itself Is to take out the old min.—Mr. and JMrs. M. W. Rounds of' rutown are as'follows: Barton Bullls, Rensselaer Falls recently visited at piranfc Sherburne, Richard: Parks, Wllltam QAllnra' «*»» D n t. J_. 1. A - - ~ _, ... Smitii, tor and Wm. Morse Jr., of Watertown were In town Saturday to attend the funeral of Miss Kat^ierine Kennehan. Mr. and "Mra. H. A. Quenell of Mas- sena milled on relatives Saturday even- lug «Mr. and Mrs. N. T. Fisk and fam- ily hnd John McNutty are on a week's auto trip through Montreal and other points of Canada. Alumni Of Brasher Falls Give Prizes wooden dam In preparation for the contractors to start their work, and this will be done shortly. Arrange William Sellers'.—Mrs. Betz, daughter Miss Marion and son Robert of New York city visited Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Day the past week.—At a stated meet- ing of Depeyster Lodge No. 536, I. O. O. F., July 13th, the Empire Lodge No. 65, I. O. O. *F. of Heuvelton con- ferred the first degree on a large „...o ™. *,« uwu« "i"'"'- Ar ™f*" class of candidates, also the semi-an- ments have been made whereby the nua , ln9ta ilatlon of officers was held two concerns on the river that want at th|s meetlng At the cloae of the power to use will be furnished by the tjn D a n t wag gerved t u village with sufficient electric cur- j t A lar d wag , t . rent o operate their plants while the teIl dance.-The play entitled "A Prii- dam is in Process of construction. It, rie Ro whlcn ^ ag t on b the is expected that this move will con- LIgDon D ramatlc club in Grange hall slderably lessen the cost of the work Ju , 10th wag u Uked ftl , who as only a small coffer dam will be re-j att ^ ded _ Mrg L , e Smitnerg alld quired under these circumstances. The . «— « u o—.*i -- - ©larence 'Murton k Roewell Spencer Wilkine, Raymond Ames, Mer- lon Carr, Frank Austin, Richard Van- Oamp, James Williams, Carlton Cole, John Cole, Frank Mathews, William Cubley, George (Murray, James Page, Warner LIndley, Paul Tucker. The camp is open to all boys of the coun- ty, but those going from Potsdam are all s court8. SUMMER SCHOOL STUDENTS TO HOLD PICNIC JULY 18 ,~ ««i-«o K»I«^ n«w.«« .«/rrr ida y-- Mr8 - HeJcn Lowry is very ill of Syracuse is a guest of G. Carl Alver- f^ H ™«t ^M?°? h f t innia^ heart trouble. Her son Elmer and wife son.-Mr. and Mrs. Martin Fletcher ill'w. Z«% RnnLv L rn,'.rll were ««**«•* and came immediately and son Alton of Plattsburgh are vla- S!i ? w« w ^ t ^ !LJ£X,!.£ ^r » to ««*« «<> r »«•• M ^- l*™j »as many King relative. here.-Henry and Wfl- „lne on Thl «c«ll^nt woS tlev a% ' frtend « hei ^ who n « * to soon hear <5 "am Sprye motored to Pierrepont Ji?n. ThJ \Zl« t i m«t n^sat«> l her iniprovement, but her recovery is Manor Sunday to visit Mr. and Mrs. 221 «rR?^h«r F X a^^ Sprye.-Mrs. Mildred Edgera. " t w £25«r^?or roaJ? work ' new sal<18 mana « w for the Heuvelton Miss Dorothy Edgers and Mrs. Watia f" %i? » a «n° „f nr.l«r R.ZX ^^' P»"« «"<! ^ r s Inc., arrived Carney of Watertown spent the week- m^JZ^il^^I'^S^^ h *' w " h hi8 ^"y Monday. They «"° with A. C. Powell and Miss Doris ! £ ho^fh r l ^ / Mrr H vil1 r^e in Ogdensburg.-Mr. and «• Powell-Miss Doris Whiteford of A LanSrTand Mrs W A 'iSwtad Mr8 L C Bart>er and Mr •** Mre ' A - 'u &nt °l and Br °° k,Vn visited fTieodJI A. Lantry and Mrs. W. A. wowiand w Roulffto oallinir on relatives her e the past week—Thursday, July nr^JamerLin/anSfTn BobK « « ^ £ S h ^ i n ' S L S S S d t a S L ^ S " t h . Group One ot the Metho/ist ul SatoneTere to to£!f sltSrda? 2L5?' *«»«»— T - p - * l l . Ml« Delight Hall lies' Aid society will serve a 25 cent "t ".".TT^Ki 0 *"^" r « y 0r ! ^ ' E!. M. Hall, Mr*. W P W e * and Miss ™W r Sn tne M E <*»"» P***™ «* ?i« ^ - ~ ™ . . - T clrcu J n " 8n s - | no , M r 8 . Harold Smith were In bideai- h *>d on «"• oM «<>" g w m * <» *rt- Jte?S^r?tt,TS^liS5lirtS lta W Monday-ir. Ind Mrs 0 * W. »««ay aftwiwon Juiy 18 Orer 100 inc power are me J. &: MCAllaster n J ~# » •- ^ .. . <>r a wiMAtAif Thora will H* A nriv Reed of Brasie Corners were In town «... r i I* A* - «««, ' & Son8 K rJst mJ H and the Frank Liv- »*««^ OA . Brasher Falls, July 13 ~ A a « • , , nggtone machlne and wooaworking Monday evenlng^-St. Lawrence Chap- ilttee meeting of the alumni of Bra- gn0D ° j ter No. 60, O. E. S., will serve home- Saturday evening, Potsdam, July 14.—Arrangements are being made for a picnic for the students of the summer aohool to be Canton. Jnly U ('harlos M. Davis, A r<irm«r HTIIIK on the outskirts of Canton, made a compromise settle- ment of flOo and costs Friday for the Hhooilng of a wild deer on his prem- in««ri Two deer had been seen recent-j mlttee meeting oi me aiumm ui «i»- 8nop ly feeding In the pasture of HenTy sher and Stockholm High school, it t Tne Wdg ^ the JameB ^ff^ co m . | made ,ce cream w <;rav. near the Davis farm and a few was decide^ that the following prises pRny of Sprlngfleld Q of $ 7 7 5 0 f July 18th, in the Masonic Temple. AH dayn ago shots were heard. Corporal would be awarded In June, 1926: the water wheels and hvdrajiTlle «niil-n- mem0er8 ftre r «Q«ested to furnish' - - _, _ . Flovd Vinson and Trooper Thaller I $10 00 the senior with the highest £ ^ ^ 0 ^ ^ Everyone cordially Invited to Seren or eight carloads are expected made an inveallgallon and found a Regents scholarship during all four ° n j £ ^ 2 n i ^ 0rm * e No ' 1049 ^ ""^ ^ deer partially cut up In th« ^ l - ^ l - I p r . of b l f ^ SESTfSr ' S »r Mr Davlrt then was brought he-; her of the Class Of 18»^. fo.UU Benior . . . . . ... fore JiiHtlce of Ihe Peace I^oon t'uuv >n<l made an affidavit stating 1 mnii, *u i"^ v^nv. v-.»«« .. - . — r~- , a | thoit - h th rn n<tmota vt » n«f h«w»n thai the deer WIIH shot by his sonjeent. regents, 25 per cent, character, a ;! ho «* n the contracts have not been , d | ally lnvited to atteJla< _ Mr and Mrg < hu e m . On vis. and (Jeorge Hheard. 25 per cent, co-operation and service will hold a dance in their hall Satur ;w- ; ner ui m« «u»r.» «» *«"- T««- awltnhliftorH wnnrotero n n ^ U . «i B « day evenI Dg, July 18th. Music, Messrs. O. citizenship prize; 50 per cent, "holsr-, ^ ' ^ ^ ^ Wilson and Thornton will fur ng ship. 25 per cent, class work, 25 per tr cal tWtpmeM ^ the mtisic. The public is cor Signed. lie ui -died h. Mritle the ease and a $2.r»0. the b0st English student In the «'ivli < cinpn.mi... wan made whereby high school. $2.50, the best arithme- tic student In the grades, class work DELAY MOVE TO hr p.ii'l fluo ami id;tts His son, fhti.-uii- l>.i\is, and (ieorge Sheard hiiv. IH'CII -.iihpoenard '<<• apjtear he- fin •• ilif j u t i< .< C: i r it. Piotertor (lark Kutchinsou <l* < > den .Inn»: iiinl Herbert Keed of <'t>lti>u .» v-.i'.t i d the troopeis in the in V e I' If ,l I Hill Miss Sykcs To Be OUST COMPANY ing sig>3 for the People's Oil and n , _ r 4 A mm Fuel company.-Mr. and Mrs. John ^ l ^ \ we ? oal,er8 at 0 ' Mr - and Burns are rejoicing over the arrival J*™- J- J * " 08 '" Sermon Sunday — of a young son which came to their! Mr V « W « * Smithers and Mra. M. home on Friday last—A number of Boothroid were dinner gueats of Mr. our people attended the funeral of aad Mrs. Everett Smithers of Ogdens- John Daly at Hogansburg on Sat- i ^ ul * la f t €l *f ttrda r~" Mr l^. aild Mrs ' urday. To the sorrowing family we. OIenn Mc£jatney have returned from are expected. There will be a pro-(extend our sincere sympathy.-Mrs.j « « * t ^ ed ^ n « J ^ S n f f l ^ S f gram of sports and games in the Lida Sullivan was home from Saranac J * J ^ S X * ^ ^ *!J*? *** a couple of days the past week, re-' s - R - McBrattney for the present until turning on Friday. Miss Marion Foy tn © lr apartment which Is being arrang- accompanied her home and returned ed tn the same house, is ready for>oc- with her on Friday .—John Mclntyre,' ctfpancy.—Mrs. W. J. Dixon is visiting: who was seriously ill the past week, l relaitlvee in Iroquois.-—W. E. Leeson is reported about the same this morn- of Gouverneur is in charge of the A. ing.—Miss Ruth Tryon still remains & P- store during L. W. Day's absence, about the same. Her sister, Miss —Gilbert Clark is erecting a fine new Ethel Tryon, who was attending sum- j residence on the lot recently purchas- mer school at Potsdam, came home «d by him from H. Scott on Rensselaer on Friday evening and will remain street. course of the afternoon. Saturday of next week the members of the summer school will be given an opportunity for a motor trip through the Adlrondaoks. to make the trip. OHAflElOLLB 6 o'clock. There will be served baked beans, potato salad, white and brown bread, cake, doughnuts and coffee. The ladies will sew in the afternoon. —The Eades family will be back from their vacation so regular services will be resumed in the Methodist church next Sunday.—Mervln easier of Crog- han, who has been making cheese at the Sheffield farms plant here, re* turned to his home Saturday.—Mr. and Mrs. Frank Crary and daughters of Antwerp, Mrs. Truman Crary ot Cooper's Falls and Mrs. W. A- Burlin- game were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Veio Friday.—Mra. W. J. i L. Millar and daughter Beulah motor* ed to North Lawrence to spend the week-end with the family of Lucian and resents. BUOKTON Ituckton. July 13 Mrs Archie Tower entertained the Home Makers* club Saturday afternoon. All mem- bers were present hut three. The afternoon was enjoyed by music on the vlctrola and short readings by the members, after which wo were ln- Gouverneur, July 14—In the sum nmry proceedings brought hy the vil- lage of Gouverneur for the ousting the Oswegatchie Light & Pow er company rfom the pumping station L H. Washburn and daughter Virginia and Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Washburn mo- tored to Rensselaer Falls Sunday aft- ernoon and called on Mrs. H. G. Washburn's father, Hugh Johnsdn — j ^^^ & Mr a nd Mrs George Wilson W. Humill and daughter Catherine Mr, and Mrs^ C. G. Hall motored to,® fa „, ,,„,,„ T„^ „,^u L n ^ « « n w » i ~ ' «i«.~ « t? «« ~* r.-„-u^» <*-»- ™. »„.,. , . „ », ^v. , > ™ , j , J- •.» * ^~^t Millar.—The library has received a Chase Mills, July 6.—Mrs. Charles on Friday evening and will remain street. ^ o { t W Q f m e Dookg trom Mrg p«i or _ Manville and children Betty, Frances j for a short time tyere. We hope for j . ence oatman of Adams —Mr and Mrs and Mary spent the past week with the speedy recovery of both.—Mrs. L. A Unce rtain.-Mrs. Bing-Oh, I R. J. Backus of Watertown spent Sun- Mrs. ManviUe's parents Mr. and Mrs. R. Blanchard has four fresh air chil- reciDes would be more' day with Mrs. Mary J. Backus.—Mrs. F. C. Fooare and family^-Carl Force dren from New York.-Mrs. C R redpes * OU,d be more B . A. Ackley of Syracuse is visiting and daughter Edna of Theresa were Mahoney and daughter Eileen, Mrs. \ ^™ Bing—Wliat'8 the difficulty, Mrs - M » UI da Perry .-Mr. and Mrs. Ed- E. Murray of Brasher Falls my dear? E. i Mrs. Bing—This one tells how to „j i..^ ... Q 0uverneur Friday t 0 attend the fu ! a few day8 ^ aiSt weelc -— f ^ eOT ^ e Tuttle also P. purpose of nera j of Judson Grandy.—Mrs. W B was a bu8ine88 caller Jn Waddington were callers here on Friday.—A gar McKee of Waddington called on Miss Luella McKee Sunday.—Evan- gelist Gipsey Simon Smith will begin ••• Ogdensburg AVednesdav — • HH - . . _ ^»»^ . . v . . v»v. v»»^ ^<ui.uvu. here, a hearing was scheduled to be mpm hp rs nf * h n(1 ., OVH(ail xil ma Ji" I Thursday.—<Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Rev- and wife, Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Blanch-, The ProereRRive Grocer hel.n.efore the referee, A. H. AbboU, j ^ \ ^ t ^ me erThur7dayTven?ng ' ^ and ^lldren .Harley^ and Ruth ard, at^ the Junctlon.-Mrs. D. Hicks j The Progressive Grocer Married July 28 vtd to the dining room where a Cint«.n, lulv II Invitation have lieell i' UK- I heir tii| the :i pptoacb i tig tiiur i I .»**.•* of Italidi Hatohls Michaels to MIM.I Kl)/.abetb |llan<-be Sykes of |hm vill i»'.e The Wedding Wilt take pliM e TIM >td.iv .lulv 'JN. at II ;i m , at the l«'ii t Univoi H.ilbvt (huroh in Can- ton lli»tb Mr Miihneln and Mls« Hykes ,v\ r ^ell known in Canton. He Is em ploved in on«> ot the l(Mji| banks Mine S\k»«> I-, the voungent daughter of Dr. mill Mi". Kb-haid Kddy Hyk»»s of ('an ton Hi Svke IM president of Ht. Uiw i em i- u HI ver lit \ j bounliful supper was served by the 'hostess and her daughter Norma. All present enjoyed a pleasant afternoon, f Mr. and Mrs. Ethan Allen from in his offices here yesterday. The matter was adjourned to Thursday of , un jj the present week, a move which was j agreeable to the attorneys represent- ' answer of the Oswegatchle Light & • ' ing both parties to the action. The 8, . b followln 8 the meeting Thursday Power company to the action has been visitors of Mr. and Mrs. John 'kouri- ftled with the referee through the com- ! han.—Harvey Gooshaw is visiting In .«.-.- ..... _ M , a All£m . a „, a P* 11 *"' 8 attorney, Earl Bancroft, of Ed- J Maesena.—Rev. and Mrs. U. B. Grant both Man"«» "™ J, ,Rlt J n f MrB , AUe !i! v I war(ls - Attorney Kimball of Water- and family of Moira visited George ter. Mrs. J. H. Kelsey; also Mrs. V. town |fl representing the village. I . - - - u uwr8 " H. Ballou and Floyd Allen, brother j and sister of Mrs. Allen.—Mrs. O. T Hardy entertained the Riverside Clr cle Friday afternoon.—Mrs. S. P. j Grantvllle, July 10.—Lyle and Sam-; the home of c . n„«h p « » "rnT«*i Wolcott and Mrs. Mobel Powers visit- uol Grant visited their friend, Ralph ' BOn «hn >«• h««« m ! i T ! • * ed at M. J. Beaver's last Tuesday.- Bush, Saturday.-Mr. and Mrs. Parley j "moro^ed ia^heaUh IL r«?« 2S'if Frank Hhatraw has a car-Mr. and Bush and son Ralph and Donald | ^ ^ n g H n g h « ? * £ ^ £ ? E £ Fleetham and Mrs S C Bush "were" Frid ay—Mr. and Mrs, A. T. Martin House and two children of Spring- use up old potatoes, but it does not services in a tent on the Congrega In Ogdensburg Wednesday —The ' £ ere in Montreal la8t Wednesday and field, Vt., are guests of her brother say how old the potatoes must be.— tional church grounds August 2nd and continue two weeks.—Twenty-nine of .. «. D ...... _. . . , . « ., , ^ . *. . ,. i — — j the Wilson family held their annual for a business, meeting The local spent Monday night and Tuesday with spent Friday in Canton-Mr. and Mrs.' reunion at Pleasant Lake. Mr. and expects to start the work of' Ml " and M m Charle8 S 00 " and tami] y H - A ' Lantry 8pent Frida > r i n Malone. Hollis J. Doty .-Miss Helena Ginn, I M rs. Robert L. Wilson and Mr. and making dress forms as soon as DOS- I at °«~densburg and Wednesday and —Mr. and Mrs D. P. Haley of Win- who has taught many years in Ossin- J Mrs. John F. Wilson, all of Syracuse, p ' Thursday with relatives in Watertown. throp were callers here on Thursday , ln#, has discontinued teaching al- ] were among those present.—Miss Fan —John Joyce visited his brother and Drs. Cullen and Meeker of Wlnthrop though increased salary and other in ton last week.—The Methodist Ladies' Aid society of the Kendrew church GRANTVILLE and Clara Bush Tuesday.—Henry and Gordon McGregor spent Wednesday with relatives In Brasher.—Ruth and Marion Grant of Moira are visiting at Blond* Bens Opines. Mrs Fltteld of Potsdam called ] at the home of Richard at J. W. Chambers' Sunday.—Norma worth recently.—Lyle Grant injured Towers Is vUlttng her sister, Mrs.: his hand quite seriously last Saturday. Maynard Hartson, and family of Mas-j—Several from here enjoyed a picnic Mena for a few days—Mrs. Jennie on the St. Lawrence last Sunday.— •• " * — i nie Fletcher spent a few days in Can- family in Potsdam Wednesday night | were professional callers here the ducements were offered Miss Ginn if had a very well attended ice cream social at the home of D. C. Weatherup M. J. and Thursday.—Mr. and Mrs. William ' past week, also Dr. Elklns of Massena,' she would continue in the Ossining Bardon visttted Mr. and Mrs, Reufben also D. W. Kingston of Moira.—Mr. j schools.—Bertram Teepel of Indian- HatTiman at Madrid from Friday un- ,and Mrs. W. A. Donavan and children apolls has been visiting relatives here. „ ww . w . „ v v w w t u c V l „. ^. til Monday night. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd and mother, Mrs. A. Lebarge, of Tup-!—Mrs. Bdssie O'Horo Sherman and i as t Tuesday evening.—Mrs Wlgglna and family were in Canton per Lake were callers here on Thurs- daughter of Rochester have been vis-j Johnson of Dekalb Junction spent Monday.—Several from here enjoyed] day enroute to Massena to yisit his iting her mother, Mrs. Margaret j Wednesday here. Miss May Price of picnic suppers on the St. Lawrence mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Donavan, who O'Horo—Mrs. A. R. Wall and Miss ( Watertown called here Friday. Miss- Sunday—G. W. Tuttle has purchased Is in . -?oor health.—Mr. and Mrs. Helen Wall accompanied by Mr. and' e s Rowena and Elmer Weatherup of a new Overland six coach.—Mr. and"' ^"^" ,r ,T ™* , ~ # XT "~ v ~" , - "~— ****" ™ r,,,t — ° ~ " v ~~ J J ~ ~" ' Mrs. A. T. Martin were in Ogdenaburg Monday.—Mrs. B. J. McNulty la oare- ing for Mrs. John Tiernan and baby, fn a ^n T / r ?L°^ eW Jv.° r K W6re ^ j e ^ r s W Uliam Smith and daughter Bet-, ogdensburg, who have been visiting to spend the 4th with her parents, ty of Ogdensburg will spend about their grandmother Mrs James Weath- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Myers, left for ten days motoring. They will visit e ruJ> Tester horn; lwt W^nesdSv- their home on Tuesday.-J. C. Lantry, Lowell Smith at Walton, N. Y. They j M 7 fl P ' Mary Gilbert sptnt Frtdav with onri n n DAOU <.».«<• « .•—. «~ »»^<i . .,iit v (.f» iik. K . *-j x AI L ' «"»• Mary uuoen speni. rxiuay wiin nay cr0 p—Qeorge Bush and sister'and Mt. and Mrs. B. Nowland attend- and Chasm Falls the past week.—B.i the Adirondack^ home.—The Hills of j__Th<» manv fH«»nHs of Mr <m/t M « nio».o were , n Norfolk on business! ed church at Waddington Sunday.— |B. Nowland spent Tuesday In Masse-1 Heuvelton and daughter Gladys, ' irienas oi wr. ana «rs. Mr. and Mrs. F. last Wednesday.—Hugh Wiles of Mas- sena is spending a few days with , George Bush.—Ruth and Marlon lohnson of Wlnthrop Is visiting her Mr. and Mrs. Lester Grant and family' Grant of Moira and Clara Bush visit irother. Robert Balrd, for a few days, j visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. ed Mra. Parle* tttiafc «rfc«»-^— m#- Mrs. ('. W. Newtown and Mrs, Clara ——— ^.»*. n .UUDU f IOII* ed Mrs. Parley Bush Thursday.—Mr. tor Age. ly Telegraph Ross^cifbv o T S r ^ n x \ £ ? rJZSi EiiS? **»F* t ™*«** of Ray-' Ula were oaJtar. at WMiam OlarVs, Ross Colby of Norfolk were recent mondville on business Wednesday.- NorJOlk. Sunday afternoon. , - a: g, j , Todd here are very sorry to P Fobare, Mrs. | na.—Mrs. Orpha Hasen is spending a nurse in training in New York city, | i ea rn of Mr. Todd's continued serious Charles Manvllje and children were few days at Ogdensburg visiting her * visited Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Baxter and ; illness.—Mrs. Garlich of Ellenburg De- guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Oastle husband and sister at Allen's Falls.' Hugh Johnson last week.—Mr. and po t is visiting her daughter. Mrs. De- and* Mr. and Mrs. George Madlin at'—Mrs. Frank Myers and son William, Mrs. A. B. VanDyke received a mes- Forest Clarke. Miss Greta Garlich their camp at Terrace Park Saturday. ! Mrs. L. R. Blanchard, Mrs. A. E. sage Saturday that the families of has also been visiting the Clarkea.— J '- their children would drive out from, ««A Prairie Rose" played by the Syracuse for Sunday. Those expect- j young people of Lisbon brought out a were Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Johnson,' packed house here in U-No-Us theater and Mrs. Curtis E. Van Dyke and t Wednesday evening. The players won and Mrs. Francis Van Dyke and the highest praise and brought a nice families.—Miss Thelma Hep ton-' 8um to the fire department treasury. B visiting friends in Ogdensburg. I —Mr. and Mrs. Louis Rothberg and U Perry has a new Dodge se- sons Rudolph and Maurice went to —Glenn Perry is visiting his rel- Gloversville Friday to apend a few the Bulsons, in Lisbon.—Mrs. days with relatives.—Mr. and Prof.—"Name three things thst n«or*e Dodda haa h«,»*h#T»*. * £ days V 1 * ^a"™*-—Mr. and Mrs. contain sstfar." i S ! ^ ^ - a t t L ^ S i f - K T ?™ lc * JnmB * Le * t of Watertown spent Frl StraeuT^Mk. ].r and bowl." ' t t L ? J ^ S * '" **" »««.-»«„ Betty SbSer of Gouverneur is a guest ot Mr. and Mra.

Transcript of ADVANCE FOUNDBO 1861. Miss Levis Gouveraeur Summer...

Page 1: ADVANCE FOUNDBO 1861. Miss Levis Gouveraeur Summer … · Pays $100 For Shooting A Wild Deer Kingston. New York

Q U R oorpe of sorraepoitdents cover evtfy part of S t Law-

ranee County and you get tfio boat I la newe avary waak from reliable



t • J. ' I

> y >;A\

* * T H E ADVANCE la a noma

\ It stands for tha olean thfuga In life. It la for tha —for—mawt ef law and for a better Ogdene* burg.



Miss Levis Bride Of Mr.

Earl Graves Wedding Celebrated at Home of

Bride in Canton on Tuesday Will Live in Pieroefield.


I I . u\* G r a d u a t e of Q o u v e r n t r H i g h a n d St. L a w r a n o a U n i v e r s i t y .

Canton. July II This afternoon at " oViiK'k lit. the home of Mr. and Mrs. riionuut W. I**VIM. r»l Must Main street, will «H<urr the marriage of their daughter Grace, ami Tarl DcFurent <;MIV«*M of PtercWlehl, N Y. The cere-tiiony will tnke plac* In the presence of only Immediate relatives and irietMlt <»f the bride and groom.

The I*»*VIH home ha* been prettily dif-oratfvt with rut flower* and feme and the odor of these fill the air await­ing Hie playing of the welding march.

The bride will look charming In a (IM«MH of blonde crepe Koumalno, trim-Tned wMh lace of the mum> color; »ltp-1>»«IM and h<«Ho to match, and will oar-i v i hrldivl bouquet «»f blufth pinks and IOMIM The groom*, gift to the brkle will be pearls

The bride's sinter. Miss Mary Ijevls <HH> i»r the Hrftnmlants, will wear flow-»»»MI orchid chiffon, and will carry ft I»<MH|IH i or orchid* and imwit peas. I'ho K'oom will he attended by his bro­

thel Inland K Graven of Pleroefleld, N v Tito «»ffIrlatlna; clergyman will 1M> the lloy .1 Mauley Speivoer, pastor or the First Presbyterian cburoh of ('HUI.MI whoro the bride has attended divine wMvlct' lor several year*. The w^itiitiK march from Lohengrin will (»•• plavtM hy Miss A. Melba Oravea, wlster of the gr<K«n, of Yonkers, N. Y.

Following the wadding a luncheon will h« served, hy Mrs. A. Milne cater-•MIH The young couple will make Huh home At iMoreofteld, N. Y. where Mi Grave* Hi day timekeeper lii the mill of I he Intornnl k>nad

The hrWI«« la one of the in* of yomiK w(»moti rmwatly gradu­al »H! from Ht. Lawrence. 8ho waa wlu-<at<Ml m <hntvornour lllath achoul, Kiadinitlng in 191H .Mho *»nton«d iH. I j iw in ico folUiwIiig thla and waa gitul-<iMt««<t from tho untvcMHtty In the olaaa or |ir.!;» Wullr at rtt. IjawrMnw* ah© aHllaiiMl with th«' llelta IhdtJi IH»lUi On^ok li«»tt«̂ r MH»rorlty. Sliw*4> Rniduat-IIIK fiom »̂ll««Ki» n\w hax onxngi'd In ftiuihliiK. two y«»ivrH In 1*1 onvfl«»ld HlKh nrhool tlurliifc which tiuio «h» tmi IOT fiitairo huntHind. Th« paM yt^ar «tho hiui IMMMI on !h*» t»«ar.lilng ataff or IJIIWVIIIO AriMlomy.

Social And Personal Notes From Brasher

Bra*ber FaQla, July 14.—Miss Ada Morse of New York is visiting her mother Mrs. Queemde (Morse.—J. R. Darby atate faotory Inspector of Plattsburg transactixl business hi town Wednesday.—Mr. and Mrs. George Kingston of Detroit MICh., are spend-itiK their vacation with Mr. Kingston's parents Mr. and Mrs. Allison Kings­ton -Henry McOuitu h'ft Thursday for Lake Placid where he will spend the Huiunur. Li. D. Rogers of Potsdam \ l s i u d I'riendd in town, 1 he pns>t week.

Mm. Wlllhim McGuire spent Wed-noaday In Mai one.- Charles McNulty Is risking extennlve improvements in his tH>me here --Mrs. Daniel Kingston Him recently underwent an operation .it the Hepburn hospital at Ogdens-buig has returned home.—Ttie Bra-8her Pa>Ma Imseball team played ball at Hajaawa Falni Sunday.™JMiss Ger­trude Larue who has 'been teaching at Wilmington, Del., Is home for the aum-mer. Dr, and Mrs. W. H. Culleh and family and Mlsa Alice iMoOuin spent Sunday at Chateaugay Lake—Dr. Fred Maeon of Great Neck. L. I., and Wil­liam Maaon of Norwood were In town on business taet week.—Misses Kath-erme MrOtOre and bucy F<oet>re of Ma* lone are tlfdtlng their aunt Mrs. Wm. McCkrtre.-*-'Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Crowley an<l Mr. and Mrs. Frank OoHLne and family spent dunday at Norwood. Kiieats of Mr. and Mrs. Richard MoCor-mlck . -Mrs . Currier is yls*ting her daughter <Mrs. Tyo at the Rackett.— Mrs. Nellie Hurley and Mrs. S. G. Wil­liams of Ogdensfburg were callers in town Sunday.—The remain* of Miss Kat'herlne Kennehan who died in New York, were brought here Saturday. Services were held In St. Potrick's church. Rev. J. C. Orowley officiating

Gouveraeur Rejects Bid Power Plant

Week's News Notes From Depeyster

Oouverneur Oommiggioners Re­fuse Award—Failed to Meet

Specifications. Board Will Advertise for More Bida

Which Will Be Opened on Aug. 3 —Other Bida Accepted But

Contracta Not Vet Signed.

Depeyster, July 14.—Mafion and Au­brey Kinney of Watertown are spend­ing their vacation with their grand­parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Burnham. —Messrs. Smith and Dodds of Qguv-erneur w.ere in town Saturday eve­ning.—Miss Bethany Steele has been visiting a few days with her grand­parents. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mason. —Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Townsehd of Morley, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Botting of Canton, Mr. and Mrs. Guy St. Den­ny and children and Mrs. Mary Town-send of Canastota were callers in town Friday evening.—Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wilson and family and his aunt, Miss Rachel Wilson of Black

o f Lake visited his sister and her has-Gouverneur, July 14.—The bid ~ . . %M , ̂ T „ . - ~ - -the John W. VanDenburg company 5 a n d ' Hr a m l *i?B J ! " 'Ve^^

1ln• „ . ,

of New York for the construction o f . " ^ ' - ^ ; a n d Mra

8' A r n 0 i d " f ^ 0 " the dam and power house for the pro- ? n d . f a m J J y 8 ? e n t ^ P ^ a t E e l W e I r

ensburg Golfers Meet


At Potsdam Will Play Potsdam Saturday-

Supper To Be' Held This Evening.

Country Club If Gaining In Popularity and Provea Boon to Tired Men

Potsdam, July 14.—A eupper will be served at the Potsdam Country okib at 6:30 Thursday, followed by an Inform­al evening of cards. It wiH be Impossi­ble to hold a dance at t h e club until

r — ^ . „ . „.« K i « - . __,«" " | o m „ w i r t . ' ^ „^i ""I"" I the work on the addition now being posed municipal lighting plant here ' Park.—Mrs. James Wttherel and sons | ^ t , ^ _ J tx ._ ^—, . u _ . was rejeted last evening at a meet- 2 [ a n

1t i M ™ i n &T\$ W i U e i c a l S ! **

ing of the lighting commiasloners. (Charles^Wnhereirs Monday.~-Depey. The reason given for the rejection is 8 t e r V ? d g e N u ' 6 3 f L ° ?\ wV h a V S that the terms of the bid did not con-1 recently purchased a pool table and form in every way to the specif ies- ' Instal led!! Jn their hall t̂or the> pleas-tions. there being in it an option a s ' u r e „ o f t h o l r » e m b e r » - ; r H - L ' R Q U n d B

to whether the contractor would be ° f H«uvelton was a caller in town on required to work with the water at Sunjlay e v e n i n g - M r . and Mra C. B. its full height and stand the expense £ I fJiD a c c o m P a D l e j l ^ y *Jr; a f d M T * ; J ? -of a large coffer dam, or whetheVthe D - °t

rr * n d M i 8 S ^ j d r e d Lytle motor-mill pond should be drained by the j fd t 0 Cooper's Falls Sunday where village so that such a large dam ^ enjoyed a. picnic supper aitor

would not be necessary. !,hl^J^lJ T

c o n n u e d fc

0B tn#


,r w a y

There were but two bids submitted ° ?e*?1* Junction where they at-for the dam and power house con- ' i ; D d e d "»e

Tte°f m e e t i n g s - M r . and

struction. the second being by the ' Mtr8- £• A ' ^ l e ^ e r « cJJ"er<, 2 ^ 2

Q h . n o r / , r-rttia#r,,^i#iti /.tmn.fiir «f with Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Hall.—Mr. and• s5rac, se Tne^TanSenburg Pbld^ was M r 8 - ^<>n Overacker and family, also Howard PerWns and Mlas Hlldegard r?naidP»hi«^ low!? ^ n ^ L n t w Mr. and Mrs.. Albert Haselton and Laione, both of t?hls village, were mar-considerably lower than the other. • mot0r^ to Pleasant Lake on I ried Thursday In Tapper Lake. Mr.

| erected is completed. It la hoped that the work will be far enough advanced so that a lareg dinner dance will be held on Tuesday, July 28. •

The golf team of <the Country club went to Brockvllle, Saturday, where it played the Brockvllle team, losing $7 to 25. The local, golf era were en­tertained at luncheon and dinner by the Canadians. Next Saturday it le ex­pected that the Ogdenaburg Country ctab golf team will be here. A return game for Brockrille here may be play­ed Saturday, July 25.


Automobilist Had Narrow Escape

Dekalb Junction, July 13.—The 'Home Bureau met with (Mrs. Verda Powell Thursday. One dress form was made and several garments out and partly made. The next meeting, Thursday, July 23, will be at the home of Mrs. Georgia Miles. A business meeting will be called at 10:30 In the forenoon as in the afternoon, Miss Mil-, ham, the county manager and another lady will be present to give a health talk. Those who are *iot members, as well a* members are requested to come. Dinner will be served in the usual way.—Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Street-er and Mrs. eVrnilla Haven were call­ers in Gouverneur Bunday.—fiklward Bouchard son of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Bouchard narrowly escaped death Sun-

Summer Visitors At

Heuvelton Blany Attended Orangenwn'g

Walk at Watertown on Saturday.

Syracuse Visitors will Spend Four Days at Cacavajo'a Camp at


'Struck By Car With Scythe In His Hand



which did not state under what ,„ . .x __ . *. conditions the work would be done.! S u n d . a 7 « ternoon.—Mr. and Mrs. Starting early Saturday morning, t h e ' *Jar

T0,d R f c e and famUy of Lynnhnrst,

flood gates in the dams here were , N - J " a r H v e d K

l n / o w ; F r l d a y * a ? £ d

Mr: William F o r n e y and'son.Hubert | o p . n j d «P wi th^ynamlte and t h e ^ • £ ^ o ^ ^ ^ iicx-ompanled the remains here—J. A. ter allowed to drain to a low level so ' • sister Mr Carter of Saianac trammacted busi- that the contractors could Investigate, "JJ "JJJe j o n ^ ^ n d - M r and M M neaa hi town Wedi ieeday.-Tne Missea the conditions of the river bed where : i n d * ! r i : JoHf H a n a . M r ' a n d M r 8 ' Helen Kingston of Fredonia, Ina [ the new dam is to be constructed.

It was after a meeting lasting near

moat oTJartn-

Pays $100 For Shooting A Wild Deer

Kingston. New York and NJma Kings­ton of Syracuse are spending their va­cation at tlie home of their parents.— Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Donovan of Detroit, Mich, who "have been visiting relatives and friends here have returned home.

Bernard Kennehan hae gone to Sar-anac for Ihe summer.—Mr. and Mrs. T.

Dan Calnon, Jr., and daughter, Miss Lena. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Morris

Perkins i s the son of Mr. and Mrs. AI mon Perkins, formerly of this place and Mrs. Perkins Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs, R. J. Laione of Bay street # \

John F. Kellogg And William B. Smith of this villag#. Potsdam boys, who are at the Citizens Training Camp are members of. a band of 41 pieces

Rensselaer Falls. July 13.— William R. Kenny was cut and bruised quite badly Friday forenoon as he was standing near the road and holding a hand scythe. In some way the F. F. Northrup car struck Mr. Kenny and threw him to the ground. It seems wonderful that he escaped with his life. Dr. Sanford was summoned and took five stitches in a wound in Mr. Kenny's arm, made by the scythe. The Northrups had been to Canton and were driving home. Mr. Kenny stepped into the road without seeing: the approaching car or noticing its horn. The car was stopped as soon as possible but not before Mr. Kenny was struck and thrown to the ground. Mr. Kenny although badly hurt is able to be about.—Among those who went to Watertown to attend the Orangemen's walk were Rev. and Mra. D. J. Westlake. Mr. and Mrs. C. Fred Poor, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest See ley, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Seeley, James Mc-Bride, Mrs. Elizabeth Kendrew. Mr.

IfeuveHon. JIuy 14.—Mr. and Mrs. J. .u ^ u - Woodside left Thursday of last

day afternoon when hia car turned 1 7 ^ ^ ?"* , l * ^ T 1 1 1 ^ Syracuse over into the ditch going down the £ i ^ u ^ visit re lat ives . -Mr . a n d steep bHl at Eddy pinning him under £ w J L 2 ' A H ^ . a n d M r s Oairer were the car. He was taken directly to the J J K J S ? ! ^ 1 ™ T h u r « l a y — M r . and Mrs. Hepburn hospital in the hospital am- i S J T I e i M e r r t m « * and family of Pitts-bulance that happened along at the ;J!l ' ! r f ? 8 - a r * flroenainff their vaca-fcime. He wa* badly brulaed and etiak- J J ^ L „ A 0 1 S e ?1 M r s " M e r r k a a n ' s en up. He is reported as getting along Z^zT' R a J f > h 8W11*M-*V-At the Prea-nicely and will be home in about a ^ H ^ ? ? ? m u ^ n 8 e r v 1 c e • » * Suo-weejc—Mrs. Jennie Brown and Mr*., S , . J y ^ Mr,' P r a n k M a d H ? *** 8 ° n « Oora Witeon are at ^tar Lake for the jT'liff!* , a " k a n d L k > v d became summer.—Mr. and Mrs. Henry DeFiah- S ~ o T i . c h u r c n Among those eV and son Leon of WUliamaon apeot ^m,m

th* p l a c f L 7 h o attended Orange-the week end with Mrs. DeFieher's m e n 8 Jay feelet>rations out of t o w n . - - . c „ . » . . mother Mrs. Lula Gotham. Sunday, 2 ™ ™ a y w e r e (Rl(>bt- McKeever, i and Mrs. James R Daine and Lauren Mr. and Mrs. DeFlsher, Mra. Lula Qo Jr' « iS^L Wm 8*1Mleraon, Mr. and , Bush—Among those who attended

M »s. E . McBroom, MT«. Wm. Martin, j the evangelistic meeting at Dekalb Mlsa Hannah Hill, Mr. and Mrs. Nel- Junction Sunday evening were Rev son Mayne. Miss Beatrice Mayne, O. J. and Mrs. D. J. Westlake, Mr. and Mrs Best. D. W. Fleetham and Eugene C. F. Poor. MISB Lou McKee. Miss Gray at Watertown; Messrs Wlnfield I V e r a Dexter, Mr. and Mrs. C P Bristol. C. A. Moore, C. 8 . Blood, Ctoaa. 1 Stiles, Mrs. H. S. Beal, Mr. and Mrs. Fleldson. Chaa. Townsend and Harold B e l » Crowe. Mrs. Blanche Bush. Mrs. O'Brien at Cornwall, Onrt.—Theodore ' J o h & Fisher CHne, Mrs. A. L. Dickin-and Edwin Hall of Syracuse, who «>». Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Wilstrop, Mrs. spent the week end at their aunt's. ' Charlotte Maloney. Mrs. Martha Mc-Mi-8. W. P. West's, left Monday for a K f l y . Mr. and Mrs. George W. Cham-few week's sojourn with their cousin »ers, Mr. and Mra. N E. Bennett. Mrs. Mrs. Joseph Cacavajo at her cottage s - R McCreg. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. on tkdar Island. Miss Delight Hall, . **>&> E H. Dexter, C. W. Lent, Miss who accompanied her brothers to this ' E t h e l Lent. Mra. Harry Sunderland, place will remain for a more extended 1 M r i - **l°ra V. Doty, Mr. and Mrs. S. visit with her aunt and cousin.—-Mf*. M. faxter , Mfu C. W. Newcombe, Mr.

late hour, that the board of lighting ? ? I I e d a l ^ <*i Fleetham's Sunday.— j tloipant in parades, reviews, band j m ; t o n ~ n m r J u l v s t T b T ^ 1 ^ otVll]m]wx ^ d m i e son ^^'^^^ ^o ^ ^ ^ «f«tS* f>ed Lytle and Mr. and commissioners decided to reject the JJrf* M y r t I e Fleming, daughter Miss concerts and similar activities at the t o g fthd j j u fiih ™ P nine nUved t h e ' K U e 8 t a o f M r e * Wilcox's "brother, Chas. jMrs. C. E. Sunderland—Principal G. VanDenburg bid and advertise for ? e l e n a n d 8 0 , n Dalton have returned | camp. Kellogg plays the drums and ! « t Reels Indians with' a r w u l t o f a« Jenner and family returned to tfjedr Carl Alverson has returned from hia more, It being the hope that there ° o m e a f t

1e r v o t i n g 'or some Ume at [Smith the comet. j To 7 to favor of Hriena The batters • h o m e a t Bro*™'* Bridge, N. Y. last Frl- Canadian fiEhing trip—Eric Brown of

win be a greater numher of contrac- pioyersvllle with her daughter and Potsdam boys who are epending the t 0 7 m I a V O r 0 I H e I e n a - Tne Dattery ^ _ , ^ . . _ a _ .

tham and Mrs. William Miles and son Frank motored to (Montreal to visit James Gotham who is a patient in the Shriner's hospital there. They found James improving,—-tor. and Mrs. Floyd Rugae and children returned to their home in Ormston Sumday.—-Mrs. Er­nest Frisco and children returned home Saturday from Oswego.


Helena, July 13.—The baseball game here yesterday between Brush-

and daughter, Miss Elsie, also Mr. I organised^ fromL the 1800 memebrs i i i \ ^ J ^ ^ J ^ L ^ ! ^ ^ ! ^ t i »nrf Mra »««»« uA*,i* Z~A #-J7i« I ^ " J T Z Z T «ir: ^__,. f T l - - ^ ^ 1 ___ ' favor of Helena, the score being 13-6 ly all or the forenoon Monday and an , . D « « M « _ i ^ * * ,f ! .^ « ^ * ; \. ;mvur 01 neitsun, me «uur« omug *o-o. other last night continuing until a a n d / •"»• T

R ® n z oM " f ^ 1 ® , a n d ? n i , l y i fcne X*JU*- The band 1s an active par- Q u r ^ y . a l g 0 d e f e a t e d the Ft. Cov-

o f . n * h t ! ? « M"edMavVn« % J ^ ^ J j ^ i Z : I ^ ^ ± » S * * . 5 2 S I 5 . ^ d I ington nine July 6th by a .core of 17

ll. Culhane spent Tuesday In Water- tors interested in the proposition a ' h u 8 b a n d » M r - and M/s. Otto Benja- j week at the Boy Scoot camp near Mor-IOWIK Several from here attended the second time. Advertising will be Sunday dinner at New Orchard done immediately and the bids will Beach *Mf. and Mrs. IJoyd Davis and be opened Ang. 3rd. little daughter spent Tuesday In Alex- | The specifications for the dam and undtia B a y - M r . and Mrs. George Ha- power house will bo slightly changed ley of Brownvltle and Mr. William But- j this second time. For one thing, the ler; Mr. WllUnmiMoiseSr., and daugh-; village Itself Is to take out the old

min.—Mr. and JMrs. M. W. Rounds of' rutown are as'fol lows: Barton Bullls, Rensselaer Falls recently visited at piranfc Sherburne, Richard: Parks, W l l l t a m Q A l l n r a ' « * » » D n t . J _ . 1. A - - • ~ _, . . .


tor and Wm. Morse Jr., of Watertown were In town Saturday to attend the funeral of Miss Kat^ierine Kennehan.

Mr. and "Mra. H. A. Quenell of Mas-sena milled on relatives Saturday even-lug «Mr. and Mrs. N. T. Fisk and fam­ily hnd John McNutty are on a week's auto trip through Montreal and other points of Canada.

Alumni Of Brasher Falls Give Prizes

wooden dam In preparation for the contractors to start their work, and this will be done shortly. Arrange

William Sellers'.—Mrs. Betz, daughter Miss Marion and son Robert of New York city visited Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Day the past week.—At a stated meet­ing of Depeyster Lodge No. 536, I. O. O. F., July 13th, the Empire Lodge No. 65, I. O. O. *F. of Heuvelton con­ferred the first degree on a large

„...o ™ . *,« uwu« " i " ' " ' - A r ™ f * " class of candidates, also the semi-an-ments have been made whereby the n u a , l n 9 t a i l a t lon of officers was held two concerns on the river that want a t t h | s m e e t l n g A t t h e c l o a e o f t h e power to use will be furnished by the t j n D a n t w a g g e r v e d t u village with sufficient electric cur- j t A l a r d w a g , t . rent o operate their plants while the t e I l d a n c e . - T h e play entitled "A Pri i -dam is in Process of construction. It , r i e R o „ w h l c n ^ a g t o n b t h e is expected that this move will con- L I g D o n Dramatlc club in Grange hall slderably lessen the cost of the work J u , 1 0 t h w a g u U k e d „ ftl, w h o as only a small coffer dam will be re-j a t t ^ d e d _ M r g L , e S m i t n e r g a l l d quired under these circumstances. The . « — « u o—.*i -- -

©larence 'Murtonk Roewell Spencer Wilkine, Raymond Ames, Mer­lon Carr, Frank Austin, Richard Van-Oamp, James Williams, Carlton Cole, John Cole, Frank Mathews, William Cubley, George (Murray, James Page, Warner LIndley, Paul Tucker. The camp is open to all boys of the coun­ty, but those going from Potsdam are all s court8.


,~ « « i - « o K » I « ^ n«w.«« . « / r r r i d a y - - M r 8 - H e J c n Lowry is very ill of Syracuse is a guest of G. Carl Alver-f ^ H ™ « t ^ M ? ° ? h f t i n n i a ^ heart trouble. Her son Elmer and wife s o n . - M r . and Mrs. Martin Fletcher i l l 'w. Z«% R n n L v L r n , ' . r l l w e r e ««**«•* and came immediately and son Alton of Plattsburgh are vla-S ! i ? w « w ^ t ^ ! L J £ X , ! . £ ^ r » t o ««*« «<>r »«•• M ^ - l*™j »as many King relative. h e r e . - H e n r y and Wfl-„lne on Thl « c « l l ^ n t w o S t l e v a% ' f r t e n d « h e i ^ who n « * to soon hear <5 "am Sprye motored to Pierrepont J i ? n . T h J \ Z l « t i m«t n^sa t«> l h e r iniprovement, but her recovery is Manor Sunday to visit Mr. and Mrs. 221 « r R ? ^ h « r F X a ^ ^ Sprye . -Mrs . Mildred Edgera.

" t w £25«r^?or roaJ? work ' n e w s a l < 1 8 m a n a « w f o r the Heuvelton Miss Dorothy Edgers and Mrs. Watia f" %i? »a«n° „f n r . l « r R . Z X ^ ^ ' P » " « «"<! ^ r s Inc., arrived Carney of Watertown spent the week-m^JZ^il^^I'^S^^ h*' w " h h i 8 ^ " y Monday. They «"° with A. C. Powell and Miss Doris ! £ h o ^ f h r l ^ / M r r H

v i l 1 r^e i n Ogdensburg.-Mr. and «• P o w e l l - M i s s Doris Whiteford of A LanSrTand Mrs W A ' i S w t a d M r 8 L C B a r t > e r a n d Mr •** M r e ' A - 'u&nt°l a n d B r ° ° k , V n v i s i t e d f T i e o d J I

A. Lantry and Mrs. W. A. wowiand w R o u l f f t o oallinir on relatives h e r e the past week—Thursday, July n r ^ J a m e r L i n / a n S f T n B o b K « « ^ £ S h ^ i n ' S L S S S d t a S L ^ S " t h . Group One ot the Metho/ist u l S a t o n e T e r e to t o £ ! f s l tSrda? 2 L 5 ? ' * « » « » — T - p - * l l . M l « Delight Hall l i e s ' Aid society will serve a 25 cent " t " . " . T T ^ K i 0 * " ^ " r « y „ 0 r ! ^ ' E!. M. Hall, Mr*. W P W e * and Miss ™Wr S n t n e M E < * » " » P***™ «*

? i « ^ - ~ ™ . . - T c l r c u J n " 8 n f « s - | n o , M r 8 . Harold Smith were In b i d e a i - h*>d o n «"• o M «<>" g w m * <» *rt-J t e ? S ^ r ? t t , T S ^ l i S 5 l i r t S l t a W M o n d a y - i r . I n d M r s 0 * W. »««ay aftwiwon Juiy 18 Orer 100 i n c power are me J. &: MCAllaster n J ~# » •- ^ .. . <>ra wiMAtAif Thora will H* A nriv Reed of Brasie Corners were In town « . . . r i I* A* - «««, ' & S o n 8 KrJs t m JH and the Frank Liv- »*««^ OA .

Brasher Falls, July 13 ~ A a « • , , n g g t o n e m a c h l n e a n d w o o a w o r k i n g Monday evenlng^-St . Lawrence Chap-ilttee meeting of the alumni of Bra- g n 0 D ° j ter No. 60, O. E. S., will serve home-

Saturday evening,

Potsdam, July 14.—Arrangements are being made for a picnic for the students of the summer aohool to be Canton. Jnly U ('harlos M. Davis,

A r<irm«r HTIIIK on the outskirts of Canton, made a compromise settle­ment of flOo and costs Friday for the Hhooilng of a wild deer on his prem-in««ri Two deer had been seen recent-j mlttee meeting oi me aiumm ui « i » - 8 n o p

ly feeding In the pasture of HenTy sher and Stockholm High school, it t T n e W d g ^ t h e J a m e B ^ f f ^ c o m . | m a d e , c e cream w

<;rav. near the Davis farm and a few was decide^ that the following prises p R n y o f S p r l n g f l e l d Q o f $ 7 7 5 0 f July 18th, in the Masonic Temple. AH dayn ago shots were heard. Corporal would be awarded In June, 1926: the water wheels and hvdrajiTlle «niil-n- m e m 0 e r 8 ftre r«Q«ested to furnish' - - _, _ . Flovd Vinson and Trooper Thaller I $10 00 the senior with the highest £ ^ ^ 0 ^ ^ Everyone cordially Invited to Seren or eight carloads are expected made an inveallgallon and found a Regents scholarship during all four ° n j £ ^ 2 n i ^ 0rm*e N o ' 1 0 4 9 ^ " " ^ ^ deer partially cut up In th« ^ l - ^ l - I p r . of b l f ^ S E S T f S r ' S »r Mr Davlrt then was brought he-; her of the Class Of 18»^. fo.UU Benior . . . . . . . . fore JiiHtlce of Ihe Peace I^oon t'uuv >n<l made an affidavit stating 1 mnii, *u i"^ v^nv. v-.»«« .. — - . — r~- , a | t h o i t - h t h rnn<tmota h«vt» n«f h«w»n thai the deer WIIH shot by his s o n j e e n t . regents, 25 per cent, character, a ; ! h o « * n the contracts have not been , d | a l l y l n v i t e d t o a t t e J l a < _ M r a n d M r g

< hu em. On vis. and (Jeorge Hheard. 25 per cent, co-operation and service

will hold a dance in their hall Satur ;w- ; ner ui m« «u»r.» «» *«"- T « « - awltnhliftorH wnnrotero n n ^ U . «iB« d a y e v e n I D g , July 18th. Music, Messrs. O. citizenship prize; 50 per cent, " h o l s r - , ^ ' ^ ^ ^ Wilson and Thornton will fur ng ship. 25 per cent, class work, 25 per tr cal tWtpmeM ^ the mtisic. The public is cor


lie ui -died h. Mritle the ease and a $2.r»0. the b0st English student In the «'ivli < cinpn.mi... wan made whereby high school. $2.50, the best arithme­

t i c student In the grades, class work


h r p. i i ' l f l u o a m i i d ; t t s H i s s o n , f h t i . - u i i - l > . i \ i s , a n d ( i e o r g e S h e a r d h i i v . I H ' C I I - . i i h p o e n a r d '<<• a p j t e a r he-f i n •• i l i f j u t i< .<

C: i r it. P i o t e r t o r ( l a r k K u t c h i n s o u • <l* < > den . Inn»: i i i n l H e r b e r t K e e d o f <'t>lti>u .» v-.i'.t i d t he t r o o p e i s i n t h e in V e I ' I f ,l I H i l l

Miss Sykcs To Be


ing sig>3 for the People's Oil and n , _ r 4 „ A mm

Fuel company.-Mr. and Mrs. John ^ l ^ \ w e ? o a l , e r 8 a t0 ' M r - a n d

Burns are rejoicing over the arrival J*™- J- J * " 0 8 ' " Sermon Sunday — of a young son which came to their! M r V « W « * Smithers and Mra. M. home on Friday las t—A number of Boothroid were dinner gueats of Mr. our people attended the funeral of aad Mrs. Everett Smithers of Ogdens-John Daly at Hogansburg on Sat- i ^ u l * l a f t „ € l * f t t r d a r ~ " M r l ^ . a i l d M r s ' urday. To the sorrowing family we. O I e n n Mc£jatney have returned from

are expected. There will be a pro-(extend our sincere sympathy . -Mrs . j « « * t ^ e d ^ n « J ^ S n f f l ^ S f gram of sports and games in the Lida Sullivan was home from Saranac J * J ^ S X * ^ ^ *!J*? * * *

a couple of days the past week, r e - ' s - R - McBrattney for the present until turning on Friday. Miss Marion Foy t n © l r apartment which Is being arrang-accompanied her home and returned ed tn the same house, is ready for>oc-with her on Friday .—John Mclntyre,' ctfpancy.—Mrs. W. J. Dixon is visiting: who was seriously ill the past week, l relaitlvee in Iroquois.-—W. E. Leeson is reported about the same this morn- of Gouverneur is in charge of the A. ing.—Miss Ruth Tryon still remains & P- store during L. W. Day's absence, about the same. Her sister, Miss —Gilbert Clark is erecting a fine new Ethel Tryon, who was attending sum- j residence on the lot recently purchas-mer school at Potsdam, came home «d by him from H. Scott on Rensselaer on Friday evening and will remain street.

course of the afternoon. Saturday of next week the members of the summer school will be given an opportunity for a motor trip through the Adlrondaoks.

to make the trip.


6 o'clock. There will be served baked beans, potato salad, white and brown bread, cake, doughnuts and coffee. The ladies will sew in the afternoon. —The Eades family will be back from their vacation s o regular services will be resumed in the Methodist church next Sunday.—Mervln eas ier of Crog-han, who has been making cheese at the Sheffield farms plant here, re* turned to his home Saturday.—Mr. and Mrs. Frank Crary and daughters of Antwerp, Mrs. Truman Crary ot Cooper's Falls and Mrs. W. A- Burlin-game were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Veio Friday.—Mra. W. J.

i L. Millar and daughter Beulah motor* ed to North Lawrence to spend the week-end with the family of Lucian

and resents.

BUOKTON Ituckton. July 13 Mrs Archie

Tower entertained the Home Makers* club Saturday afternoon. All mem­bers were present hut three. The afternoon was enjoyed by music on the vlctrola and short readings by the members, after which wo were ln-

Gouverneur, July 14—In the sum nmry proceedings brought hy the vil­lage of Gouverneur for the ousting the Oswegatchie Light & Pow er company rfom the pumping station

L H. Washburn and daughter Virginia and Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Washburn mo­tored to Rensselaer Falls Sunday aft­ernoon and called on Mrs. H. G.

Washburn's father, Hugh Johnsdn — j ̂ ^^ & M r a nd Mrs George Wilson W. Humill and daughter Catherine Mr, and Mrs^ C. G. Hall motored to ,® f a „ , ,,„,,„ T„^ „ ,^u L n ^ « « nw»i~ ' «i«.~ « t? «« ~* r.-„-u^» <*-»-

™. »„.,. , . „ », ^v. , > ™ , j , J- •.» * ^~^t Millar.—The library has received a Chase Mills, July 6.—Mrs. Charles on Friday evening and will remain street. ^ o { t W Q f m e D o o k g trom M r g p«ior_

Manville and children Betty, Frances j for a short time tyere. We hope for j . e n c e oatman of Adams —Mr and Mrs and Mary spent the past week with the speedy recovery of both.—Mrs. L. A U n c e r t a i n . - M r s . B i n g - O h , I R. J. Backus of Watertown spent Sun-Mrs. ManviUe's parents Mr. and Mrs. R. Blanchard has four fresh air chil- • reciDes would be more' day with Mrs. Mary J. Backus.—Mrs. F. C. Fooare and family^-Carl Force dren from New York. -Mrs . C R ™ r e d p e s * O U , d b e m o r e

B . A. Ackley of Syracuse is visiting and daughter Edna of Theresa were Mahoney and daughter Eileen, Mrs. \ ^™ Bing—Wliat'8 the difficulty, M r s - M » U I d a Perry . - M r . and Mrs. Ed-

E. Murray of Brasher Falls my dear? E. i Mrs. Bing—This one tells how to

„j i..^ . . . Q 0 u v e r n e u r Friday t 0 attend the fu ! a f e w d a y 8 ^aiSt w e e l c -— f ^ e O T ^ e Tuttle also P. purpose of n e r a j o f Judson Grandy.—Mrs. W B • w a s a b u 8 i n e 8 8 caller Jn Waddington were callers here on Friday.—A

gar McKee of Waddington called on Miss Luella McKee Sunday.—Evan­gelist Gipsey Simon Smith will begin

••• Ogdensburg AVednesdav — • HH • - . . _ »̂»̂ ..v.. v»v. v»»̂ ^<ui.uvu. here, a hearing was scheduled to be m p m h p r s n f *h„ n ( 1 . ,O V H ( a i l xilma Ji" I Thursday.—<Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Rev- and wife, Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Blanch-, The ProereRRive Grocer hel .n.efore the referee, A. H. AbboU, j ^ \ ^ t ^ m e erThur7dayTven?ng ' ̂ a n d ^ l ldren .Harley^ and Ruth ard, at^ the Junctlon.-Mrs. D. Hicks j T h e Progressive Grocer

Married July 28 vtd to the dining room where a

C i n t « . n , l u l v I I I n v i t a t i o n h a v e lieell i' UK- I heir tii| the :i pptoacb i tig tiiur i I .»**.•* of Italidi Hatohls Michaels to MIM.I Kl)/.abetb |llan<-be Sykes of |hm vill i»'.e The Wedding Wilt take pliM e TIM >td.iv .lulv 'JN. at II ;i m, at the l«'ii t Univoi H.ilbvt (huroh in Can­ton

lli»tb Mr Miihneln and Mls« Hykes ,v\ r ^ell known in Canton. He Is em ploved in on«> ot the l(Mji| banks Mine S\k»«> I-, the voungent daughter of Dr. mill Mi". Kb-haid Kddy Hyk»»s of ('an ton Hi Svke IM president of Ht. Uiw i em i- u HI ver lit \

j bounliful supper was served by the 'hostess and her daughter Norma. All • present enjoyed a pleasant afternoon, f Mr. and Mrs. Ethan Allen from

in his offices here yesterday. The matter was adjourned to Thursday of , u n j j the present week, a move which was j agreeable to the attorneys represent- '

answer of the Oswegatchle Light & • ' ing both parties to the action. The 8 , .b!° f o l l o w l n 8 the meeting Thursday

Power company to the action has been visitors of Mr. and Mrs. John 'kouri-ftled with the referee through the com- ! han.—Harvey Gooshaw is visiting In

.«.-.- . . . . . _ M , a A l l £ m . a „,a P*11*"'8 attorney, Earl Bancroft, of Ed- J Maesena.—Rev. and Mrs. U. B. Grant both Man"«» "™ J, ,RltJnf M r B , A U e ! i ! v I w a r ( l s - Attorney Kimball of Water- and family of Moira visited George

ter. Mrs. J. H. Kelsey; also Mrs. V. t o w n |fl representing the village. I . — - - - u u w r 8 " H. Ballou and Floyd Allen, brother j and sister of Mrs. Allen.—Mrs. O. T Hardy entertained the Riverside Clr cle Friday afternoon.—Mrs. S. P. j Grantvllle, July 10.—Lyle and Sam-; t h e h o m e o f c . n„«h p«» "rnT«*i Wolcott and Mrs. Mobel Powers visit- uol Grant visited their friend, Ralph ' B O n « h n >«• h««« m ! i T ! • * ed at M. J. Beaver's last T u e s d a y . - Bush, Saturday.-Mr. and Mrs. Parley j "moro^ed ia^heaUh IL r«?« 2 S ' i f Frank Hhatraw has a c a r - M r . and Bush and son Ralph and Donald | ^ ^ n g H n g h « ? * £ ^ £ ? E £

Fleetham and Mrs S C Bush "were" F r i d a y — M r . and Mrs, A. T. Martin House and two children of Spring- use up old potatoes, but it does not services in a tent on the Congrega In Ogdensburg Wednesday —The ' £ e r e i n M o n t r e a l l a 8 t Wednesday and field, Vt., are guests of her brother say how old the potatoes must be.— tional church grounds August 2nd and

continue two weeks.—Twenty-nine of .. « . D . . . . . . _. . . , . « . , , ^ . *. . , . i — — — j the Wilson family held their annual

for a business, meeting The local spent Monday night and Tuesday with spent Friday in C a n t o n - M r . and Mrs.' reunion at Pleasant Lake. Mr. and expects to start the work of' M l" a n d M m C h a r l e 8 S 0 0 " a n d tami]y H - A ' L a n t r y 8 p e n t F r i d a > r i n Malone. Hollis J. Doty . - M i s s Helena Ginn, I M r s . Robert L. Wilson and Mr. and

making dress forms as soon as DOS- I a t °«~densburg and Wednesday and —Mr. and Mrs D. P. Haley of Win- who has taught many years in Ossin- J Mrs. John F. Wilson, all of Syracuse, p ' Thursday with relatives in Watertown. throp were callers here on Thursday , ln#, has discontinued teaching al- ] w e r e among those present.—Miss Fan

—John Joyce visited his brother and — Drs. Cullen and Meeker of Wlnthrop though increased salary and other in ton last week.—The Methodist Ladies' Aid society of the Kendrew church


and Clara Bush Tuesday.—Henry and Gordon McGregor spent Wednesday with relatives In Brasher.—Ruth and Marion Grant of Moira are visiting at

B l o n d * Bens Opines .

Mrs Fltteld of Potsdam called ] at the home of Richard at J. W. Chambers' Sunday.—Norma worth recently.—Lyle Grant injured Towers Is vUlttng her sister, Mrs.: his hand quite seriously last Saturday. Maynard Hartson, and family of Mas-j—Several from here enjoyed a picnic Mena for a few days—Mrs. Jennie on the St. Lawrence last Sunday.—

— •• " * — i nie Fletcher spent a few days in Can-family in Potsdam Wednesday night | were professional callers here the ducements were offered Miss Ginn if

had a very well attended ice cream social at the home of D. C. Weatherup

M. J.

and Thursday.—Mr. and Mrs. William ' past week, also Dr. Elklns of Massena,' she would continue in the Ossining Bardon visttted Mr. and Mrs, Reufben • also D. W. Kingston of Moira.—Mr. j schools.—Bertram Teepel of Indian-HatTiman at Madrid from Friday un- ,and Mrs. W. A. Donavan and children apolls has been visiting relatives here. „ww.w. „v v„w „ w t u c V l „ . ^. „ til Monday night. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd and mother, Mrs. A. Lebarge, of Tup-!—Mrs. Bdssie O'Horo Sherman and i a s t Tuesday evening.—Mrs Wlgglna and family were in Canton per Lake were callers here on Thurs- daughter of Rochester have been v is - j Johnson of Dekalb Junction spent Monday.—Several from here enjoyed] day enroute to Massena to yisit his iting her mother, Mrs. Margaret j Wednesday here. Miss May Price of picnic suppers on the St. Lawrence mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Donavan, who O'Horo—Mrs. A. R. Wall and Miss (Watertown called here Friday. Miss-Sunday—G. W. Tuttle has purchased Is in . -?oor health.—Mr. and Mrs. Helen Wall accompanied by Mr. and' e s Rowena and Elmer Weatherup of a new Overland six coach.—Mr. and"' ^"^",r ,T™* , ~# XT"~ v ~" , - "~— ****" ™ r , , , t — ° ~ " v ~~ J J~ ~" ' Mrs. A. T. Martin were in Ogdenaburg Monday.—Mrs. B. J. McNulty la oare-ing for Mrs. John Tiernan and baby,

f n a ^ n T / r ? L ° ^ e W Jv.°rK W 6 r e ^ j e ^ r s W Uliam Smith and daughter Bet - , ogdensburg, who have been visiting to spend the 4th with her parents, • ty of Ogdensburg will spend about their grandmother Mrs James Weath-Mr. and Mrs. Frank Myers, left for ten days motoring. They will visit eruJ> Tester horn; l w t W ^ n e s d S v -their home on Tuesday . -J . C. Lantry, Lowell Smith at Walton, N. Y. They j M7 f l

P' Mary Gilbert sptnt Frtdav with onri n n DAOU <.».«<• « .•—. «~ »»̂ <i . .,iit v(.f» i i k . K . * - j x AI L ' «"»• Mary u u o e n speni. rxiuay wiin

nay c r 0 p—Qeorge Bush and s i s ter 'and Mt. and Mrs. B. Nowland attend- and Chasm Falls the past week.—B.i the Adirondack^ home.—The Hills of j__Th<» manv fH«»nHs of Mr <m/t M « nio».o w e r e , n N o r f o l k o n business! ed church at Waddington Sunday.— |B . Nowland spent Tuesday In Masse-1 Heuvelton and daughter Gladys, ' irienas oi wr. ana « r s .

Mr. and Mrs. F. last Wednesday.—Hugh Wiles of Mas­sena is spending a few days with

, George Bush.—Ruth and Marlon lohnson of Wlnthrop Is visiting her Mr. and Mrs. Lester Grant and family' Grant of Moira and Clara Bush visit irother. Robert Balrd, for a few days, j visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. ed Mra. Parle* tttiafc «rfc«»-^— — m#-

Mrs. ('. W. Newtown and Mrs,


— — — ^ . » * . n . U U D U f I O I I *

ed Mrs. Parley Bush Thursday.—Mr.

tor Age. ly Telegraph Ross^c i fbv oT S r ^ n x \ £ ? rJZSi E i i S ? **»F*t™*«** of Ray- ' U l a were oaJtar. a t WMiam OlarVs, Ross Colby of Norfolk were recent mondville on business W e d n e s d a y . - NorJOlk. Sunday afternoon.

, - a : g, j , Todd here are very sorry to P Fobare, Mrs. | na.—Mrs. Orpha Hasen is spending a nurse in training in New York city, | i e a rn of Mr. Todd's continued serious

Charles Manvllje and children were few days at Ogdensburg visiting her * visited Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Baxter and ; illness.—Mrs. Garlich of Ellenburg De-guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Oastle husband and sister at Allen's Fal ls . ' Hugh Johnson last week.—Mr. and p o t is visiting her daughter. Mrs. De-and* Mr. and Mrs. George Madlin a t '—Mrs . Frank Myers and son William, Mrs. A. B. VanDyke received a mes- • Forest Clarke. Miss Greta Garlich their camp at Terrace Park Saturday. ! Mrs. L. R. Blanchard, Mrs. A. E. sage Saturday that the families of has also been visiting the Clarkea.—

J — ' - their children would drive out from, ««A Prairie Rose" played by the Syracuse for Sunday. Those expect- j young people of Lisbon brought out a

were Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Johnson,' packed house here in U-No-Us theater and Mrs. Curtis E. Van Dyke and t Wednesday evening. The players won and Mrs. Francis Van Dyke and the highest praise and brought a nice • families.—Miss Thelma Hep ton-' 8 u m to the fire department treasury.

B visiting friends in Ogdensburg. I —Mr. and Mrs. Louis Rothberg and U Perry has a new Dodge se- sons Rudolph and Maurice went to

—Glenn Perry is visiting his rel- Gloversville Friday to apend a few the Bulsons, in Lisbon.—Mrs. days with relatives.—Mr. and Prof.—"Name three things thst n«or*e Dodda haa h « , » * h # T » * . * £ d a y s V1* ^ a " ™ * - — M r . and Mrs.

contain sstfar." i S ! ^ ^ - a t t L ^ S i f - K T ?™ l c* JnmB* L e * t o f Watertown spent Frl S t r a e u T ^ M k . ] . r and bowl." ' t t L ? J ^ S * ™ ' " * * " * » » « « . - » « „ Betty S b S e r of

Gouverneur is a guest ot Mr. and Mra.