Advance Boiler Control System

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Transcript of Advance Boiler Control System

  • 8/20/2019 Advance Boiler Control System


    GESTRA Steam SystemsGESTRA

    Intermittent blowdown valve MPA / PA up to PN250

    IntermittentIntermittent BlowdownBlowdown ValveValve Special Design

    -Radial Multi-stages Nozzle--Spring Closing Force

    Fail Safe Function Boiler Pressure closes Valve Pneumatic Actuator Possible

      . .

    PN 40-250 DN 20-50

    ENERGY TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.0-2721-3860

    GESTRA Steam SystemsGESTRA

    Boiler water discharge of different valves

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    GESTRA Steam SystemsGESTRA

    Automated intermittend blowdown system conventional

    ENERGY TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.0-2721-3860

    GESTRA Steam SystemsGESTRA

    Bottom Blowdown Range up to PN250

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    GESTRA Steam SystemsGESTRA

    The Benefits of the New GESTRA Intermittent Blowdown Valves

    Improved blowdown effectiveness through integrated pressure chamber in the outletsection of the body rea er g ness roug a ona w per r ngs e ween e pac ng sea s Longer service life and availability through radial stage nozzle downstream of the valveseat Insensitive to waterhammer through absence of large body cover  Reduced wear through new arrangement of the seals on the low pressure side ons s en mp emen a on o e wor sa e y regu a ons roug nove s ance u e Quick and easy installation thanks to multifunction parts Reduced maintenance and service effort throu h additional cu s rin s actin on the

    compression spring and through the possibility of tensioning the seals from outside Better checking functionally through relief vent for leak detection from outside


    ENERGY TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.0-2721-3860

    GESTRA Steam SystemsGESTRA

    Blowdown receiver  

    Cooling Water 

    Cooling Water  

    Mixed cooled water 


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    GESTRA Steam SystemsGESTRA

    Boiler blow down with sample cooler 

    For Safety


    [Result of Lab test from sampling

    high TDS, resulting in the excessive

    to atmosphere]

    ENERGY TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.0-2721-3860

    GESTRA Steam SystemsGESTRA

    Excessive Blowdown from sampling without sample cooler 

    Ex : Boiler Pressure 10 barg with boiler TDS = 3500 ppm (mg/l)or TDS / water = 3,500 / 1,000,000 = 0.0035

    Sample water from 10 barg to ATM will flash by 16%so wa er rom , , g w e , g o as s eamTDS / water new = 3,500 / 840,000 = 0.0042

    ev a on = . - . x . ~   g er an e ac

     boiler is by 2,916 ppm excessive blowdown Energy Loss

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    GESTRA Steam SystemsGESTRA

    Heat Recovery from Surface Blowdown

    ENERGY TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.0-2721-3860

    GESTRA Steam SystemsGESTRA

    Flash vessel

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    GESTRA Steam SystemsGESTRA

    Flash vessel

    GESTRA Steam SystemsGESTRA

    GESTRA Flash Vessel Design

    Velocity of evaporation rate is. - . m s o avo carry over.

    Condensate inlet over a

    Large diameter  

    the impact to the vessel.

    condensate inlet over

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    GESTRA Steam SystemsGESTRA

    Heat Recovery Skid

    ENERGY TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.0-2721-3860

    GESTRA Steam SystemsGESTRA

    Heat Recovery from Surface Blowdown

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    GESTRA Steam SystemsGESTRA

    Heat Recovery from Surface Blowdown

    ENERGY TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.0-2721-3860

    GESTRA Steam SystemsGESTRA

    Heat Recovery from Surface Blowdown

    Or conductivity (uS/cm)

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    GESTRA Steam SystemsGESTRA

    BA(E) 46 PN40 Surface blow down valve discharge capacity

    GESTRA Steam SystemsGESTRA

    (M)PA46 PN40 Bottom blow down valve discharge capacity

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    GESTRA Steam SystemsGESTRA

    Heat Recovery from Surface Blowdown

    261.82 x (781.66-450.51)/2236.86

    = . g

    = 38.76x 24 x 300 kg/year 

    = 279.07 ton/ ear 

    279,072 x4.18 x (107.434 - 30) kJ/year 

    = 90,328,384 kJ/year 

    ENERGY TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.0-2721-3860

    = , , . = . on year  

    GESTRA Steam SystemsGESTRA

    Heat Recovery from Surface Blowdown

    223.06 x 4.18 x (107.434 - 40) kJ/h

    = 62,874.41 kJ/h

    62,874.41/2236.86 kg/h

    = 28.11 kg/h

     = 28.11 x 24 x 300 kg/year = 202,382.7 kg/year 

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    GESTRA Steam SystemsGESTRA

    Heat Recovery from Surface Blowdown

    ENERGY TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.0-2721-3860

    GESTRA Steam SystemsGESTRA

    Heat Recovery from Surface Blowdown

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    GESTRA Steam SystemsGESTRA

    Heat Recovery from Surface Blowdown

    Sensible heat of blowdown water = 261.82 x 781.66 = 204,654.22 kJ/h

    at 10 barg (781.66 kJ/kg)Sensible heat of drain point of = 261.82 x 4.18 x 40 = 43,776.3 kJ/h

    ‘ (specific heat of water (C) ~ 4.18 kJ/kg)

    = - =  , . , . , .

    Equivalent to 0.3 barg steam = 160,877.92 /2,236.86 = 71.92 kg/h=  . , .

    Equivalent steam saving per year= 71.92 x 300 x 24 = 517,824 kg/year (steam cost = 985.12 B/t) = . x .

    ~ 510, 118 Baht + Water treatment cost

    ENERGY TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.0-2721-3860

    GESTRA Steam SystemsGESTRA

    Level Level Control Control 

    Monitor Monitor 


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    GESTRA Steam SystemsGESTRA

    Water Level Controls

    The regulations concerning the control of Boilers vary from

    .regulations require the Boiler to be fitted with :-

    • Two independent low water alarms

    • A device to control the boilerwater level

    os regu a ons a so requ re e o er arms o e

    tested daily.

    ENERGY TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.0-2721-3860

    GESTRA Steam SystemsGESTRA

    Extracted from Transaction Volume 4Page 43 of 74

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    GESTRA Steam SystemsGESTRA

    Water limiter – Mechanical Float



    magnet switch



    measuring chamber 


    ENERGY TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.0-2721-3860

    GESTRA Steam SystemsGESTRA


    Water limiter – Mechanical Float 

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    GESTRA Steam SystemsGESTRA

    Water limiter – Mechanical Float

    ro em no on y rom e mov ng par ualso the boiler water quality

    Float get struck from scale and dirt 

    Pitures extracted from other Safety Technology Bureau/ DIW

    ENERGY TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.0-2721-3860

    GESTRA Steam SystemsGESTRA

    Former German Re ulationWater limiter – Mechanical Float


    ma netmagnet switch


    Owing to the physical measurement principle

    and the experience obtained in practice, which


    rods a so re ec e n e amage a a es,additional requirements for the operation wereissued in the later develo ment of the technical

    measuring chamber  rules; these included a reduction of themaximum permissible boiler-water conductivity

    floatrom , o cm, regu ar rep acemenof the magnetic switches etc. – measureswhich were intended to revent boiler dama e

    but at the same time in-creased the operatingcosts

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    GESTRA Steam SystemsGESTRA

    Water limiter – Mechanical Float

    GESTRA Steam SystemsGESTRA

    Water limiter – Mechanical Float

    extracted from “National Board BULLETIN“ Issue : winter 1999

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    GESTRA Steam SystemsGESTRA

    Water limiter – Mechanical Float

    extracted from “National Board BULLETIN“ Issue : winter 1999

    ENERGY TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.0-2721-3860

    GESTRA Steam SystemsGESTRA

    Water limiter – Mechanical Float

    Test Requirement EN 1295-9 for Mechanical Float in EU

    Float Movement : min 250,000 test cyclesElectromechanical switches : min 100,000 cycleOutside float and inside chamber : min 10 mm 

    No float switches for LW in EU

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    GESTRA Steam SystemsGESTRA

    Developement of GESTRA boiler control equipment


    NRG 261981

    ER 961978ER 55


    1980ER 83-3


     MR 16First self monitoring

    ER 14 

    ENERGY TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.0-2721-3860

    GESTRA Steam SystemsGESTRA

    Measuring Principals

      Low level limiters


    Conductivity Control

    apac ance: or mo u a ng eve on ro Level control

    n egra e g eve arm

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    GESTRA Steam SystemsGESTRA


    PN 6 Tmax: 156°C / 313°F Pmax: 6 bar 

    PN 10 Tmax: 180°C / 356°F Pmax: 10 bar 

    PN 40 Tmax: 238°C / 460°F Pmax: 32 bar 

    ° °  max   max  

    PN 160 Tmax: 311°C / 592°F Pmax: 100 bar 

    PN 320 T 400°C /752°F P 183 bar 

    ENERGY TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.0-2721-3860

    GESTRA Steam SystemsGESTRA

    Conductive - Simple low level alarm

     Isolator insulator 



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    GESTRA Steam SystemsGESTRA

    Concept Design of Conductivity Electrode

    ENERGY TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.0-2721-3860

    GESTRA Steam SystemsGESTRA

    Possible danger of limiter with ‘‘conventional design“



    Probe tip

    easur ng c am er  

    Short curcuit by means of deposits1

    condensationafter steam penetration2

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    GESTRA Steam SystemsGESTRA

    Simple low level alarm

     Isolator insulator 

    Meßspitze Electrode rod is covered byPTFE to protect the short circuit


    **spacer to lock for multipleElectrode tip

    ENERGY TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.0-2721-3860

    GESTRA Steam SystemsGESTRA

    Selection of Controller 

    extracted from “National Board BULLETIN“ Issue : winter 1999

    Spacer to lock electrode tips

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    GESTRA Steam SystemsGESTRA

    Water level limiter ”special design” self monitoring

    monitoring electrode

    rs nsu a or 

    second insulator 

    Monitoring electrodeinsulator 


    Probe tip

    ENERGY TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.0-2721-3860

    GESTRA Steam SystemsGESTRA

    State of the Art Technology - Self Monitoring Level Limiter 




    Watch Dog)

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    GESTRA Steam SystemsGESTRA

    Basic of Self Monitoring : Wheatstone bridge

    RST = R of insulation across monitoring electrode

    IG => 0and boiler shell => insulation checkRK = R across monitoring electrode and boiler shell=> scale check

    RP1, RP2 = Fixed R of the design circuit

    ENERGY TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.0-2721-3860

    GESTRA Steam SystemsGESTRA

    Failure Dianogsis of Periodic Self-Checking Controller 

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    GESTRA Steam SystemsGESTRA

    Boiler Equipment acc. TRD

    For boiler operation TRD 604 (max. 72 hrs without supervision)two self-monitoring low –level limiters are required and for boiler operation toTRD602(max. 2 hrs) only one self-monitoring low-level limiter is necessary

    Boiler Equipment PED, EN 12952 and EN12953

    e -mon or ng equ pmen w per o c-se c ec ng s requ re or o erswith temperature/pressure rating > 1 bar and > 120’C and a volume > 50 l

      - -

    ENERGY TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.0-2721-3860

    GESTRA Steam SystemsGESTRA

    Function Safety PED, EN 12952 and EN12953

    Since the international standards IEC 61508 and IEC 61511 for functionalsafet came into effect there has been an ever-increasin demand foranalysing equipment and process instruments that meet the requirements

    accordin to SIL Safet Inte rit Level classification. The Euro ean directivesEN12952 and 12953 demand that a hazard analysis shall be carried out foreach limiting device function and appropriate levels of functional safety beImplemented.Note 1 states :” Typical Safety Integrity Level (SIL) requirements for boilerprotective systems are not less than 2”

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    GESTRA Steam SystemsGESTRA

    Safety Integrity Level (SIL) Overview

    ENERGY TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.0-2721-3860

    GESTRA Steam SystemsGESTRA

    Safety Integrity Level (SIL) Overview


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    GESTRA Steam SystemsGESTRA

    Safety Integrity Level (SIL) Overview

    ENERGY TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.0-2721-3860

    GESTRA Steam SystemsGESTRA

    Safety Integrity Level (SIL) of GESTRA low water limiter 

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    GESTRA Steam SystemsGESTRA


    Pump on/off 

    Pump off 


    Low Alarm 2 

    ENERGY TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.0-2721-3860

    GESTRA Steam SystemsGESTRA

    Inside the Spector Compact NRGS 16-2

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    GESTRA Steam SystemsGESTRA

    On- Off level control with self monitoring low level alarm

    ENERGY TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.0-2721-3860

    GESTRA Steam SystemsGESTRA

    On/Off Level ControlAdvantages 

    Sim le suitable for low ca acit boiler

  • 8/20/2019 Advance Boiler Control System


    GESTRA Steam SystemsGESTRA

    Comparison: Intermittend / Continous

    Intermittend with fixed switch points Continuous with variable switch points

    High level -Alarm

    Pump Off 

    High level-Alarm

    Pump OnSet point

    Low level -Alarm Low level - alarm

    ENERGY TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.0-2721-3860

    GESTRA Steam SystemsGESTRA

    Capacitance level probe

    Measuring pipe20 mA

    insulator 4-20 mA adjustablefor the whole probelength

    Measuring chamber 

    4 mA


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    GESTRA Steam SystemsGESTRA

    Principle capacitance measurement

    ENERGY TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.0-2721-3860

    GESTRA Steam SystemsGESTRA

    Principle capacitance level measurement


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    GESTRA Steam SystemsGESTRA

    Principle capacitance level measurement

    Capacitive Reactance XC

    ENERGY TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.0-2721-3860

    GESTRA Steam SystemsGESTRA

    Measurement with Capacitance Probes

    Low Voltage

     AC Supply



    Less CurrentFlows



    in a



    Probe Deeply Immersed Lower Water Level 

    between Probe rod and Water Less Current Flows


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    GESTRA Steam SystemsGESTRA

    Level Calibration of Capacitance Probe


    = Dielectric





    W = Water 

    T = Teflon

    L = Air 

    Probe tip cannot be cutD  

    Durch den Einfluß des Druckes wird derLuftspalt zwischen Teflonisolation undMeßrohr verdrängt


    Durch den Einfluß der Temperatur längtsich der Teflonschlauch und wird somitdünner 

    ENERGY TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.0-2721-3860

    GESTRA Steam SystemsGESTRA

    Modulating level control-conventional

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    GESTRA Steam SystemsGESTRA

    Pump speed control with compact probe NRGT 26-1

    Frequency driven feedwater control

    4...20 mA

    Speise-wasser Feed water 

    ENERGY TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.0-2721-3860

    GESTRA Steam SystemsGESTRA

    Modulating Level Control

    van ages

    Economic Operation (economizer)

    Higher steam quality (reduce carry over)

    Steady steam pressure and flow rate. No strongly modulating operation of burner and more efficient

    burner operation.

    Less thermal stress on the boiler shell.

    Less wear and tear on the feed pump and burner.

    Capability of adapting to difficult situations regarding the

    controlled system e.g. sudden change of steam consuption


    Less suitable for ‘stand b ’ o eration. 

    ENERGY TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.0-2721-3860Page 63 of 74

  • 8/20/2019 Advance Boiler Control System


    GESTRA Steam SystemsGESTRA

    Influence of the boiler capacity on the low level switchpoint

    Main steam valve Main steam valveLow level limiter Low level limiter

    Steam area Steam area

    Combustion tube

    Fire tube

    Shell boiler without steam production Shell boiler with steam production

    ENERGY TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.0-2721-3860

    GESTRA Steam SystemsGESTRA

    Sudden increasing steam consumption in the boiler leads to :

    Pressure drop in the boiler 


    Increasing water level

    Closure of the control valve

    Pressure drop leads to increasing burner output

    Steam bubbles are compressed


    Boiler is shut down due to low level alarm !

    Remedy ????

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    GESTRA Steam SystemsGESTRA

    Mode of Boiler Operation

    Sudden increase in steam consumption



    Three elements control for sudden change of steam

    ENERGY TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.0-2721-3860

    GESTRA Steam SystemsGESTRA

    Three element control





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    GESTRA Steam SystemsGESTRA

    Boiler equipment with SPECTORbus

    GESTRA Steam SystemsGESTRA

    Recommendation for installation 40 mm

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    GESTRA Steam SystemsGESTRA

    Recommendation for installation 40 mm

    ENERGY TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.0-2721-3860

    GESTRA Steam SystemsGESTRA

    „Self monitoring“ External Low Level Limiter 

    Risks with externalmeasuring pots :

    • Sto -valve blockin

    • Mud inside level pot

    • a ure n c ang ng evedetection


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    GESTRA Steam SystemsGESTRA

    Level probe installed in an external measuring pot with SRL

    ENERGY TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.0-2721-3860

    GESTRA Steam SystemsGESTRA

    Level probe installed in an external measuring pot with SRL

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    GESTRA Steam SystemsGESTRA

    Compact Design and compatible to conventional systemsEasily accessible connection terminalsCompact Design and compatible to conventional systemsSupply voltage 24 VDC, improved EMC control (other voltages with separate power unit)Switchable sensitivity : 0.5 or 10 µS/cm

     Intuitive operating using rotary pushbutton or color touch displaySPECTORmodule Touch with separate control unit and greatly extended

    functionalityNow also as modulating controller and three-element controlAll limiter systems with SIL3 certification

    GESTRA Steam SystemsGESTRA

    SPECTORmodul TOUCHContinous level controller 


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    GESTRA Steam SystemsGESTRA

    Screen shots of NRR 2-52 operating unit URB 50

    ENERGY TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.0-2721-3860

    GESTRA Steam SystemsGESTRA

    Screen shots of NRR 2-52 operating unit URB 50

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    GESTRA Steam SystemsGESTRA

    Condensate Monitoring

    ENERGY TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.0-2721-3860

    GESTRA Steam SystemsGESTRA

    Diffuse or stray light in water 

    90° Streulicht Scattering light


    15° Streulicht O to reciver 


    Lichtempfänger Durchlicht Opto reciver 

    O to transmitter 

    Streuung von Fe ststoffen, daher Hauptanwend ungsgebiet in der Scattering of solids 90°Trinkwasser-Aufbereitung / -Versorgun g

    Streuung von Öltropfen, daher Anwendung desScatterin of oil 15°  teu c tver a rens zur er ennung

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    GESTRA Steam SystemsGESTRA

    Functional principle of the OR

    Automatische Kompensation von Störgrößen wie:  Verfärbung


    Lam enalterun

    Automaticly compansation of

    Variable disturbance  Verschmutzung der Gläser   


    AlarmTV AlarmValve switch over 

    3 – 12 V

    X Actual valueSollwert

    W Setpoint

    Lampenspannung12 V Voltage 12 V

    ENERGY TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.0-2721-3860

    GESTRA Steam SystemsGESTRA

    Saving from Condensate Return

    Condition : Condensate 1 t/h, P1 = 5 barg, P2 = 0.3 barg

    Sensible heat of blowdown water = 1,000 x 671 = 671,000 kJ/h

    at 5 barg (671 kJ/kg)

    Feed water tem 30’C = 1 000 x 4.18 x 30 = 125 400 kJ/h (specific heat of water (C) ~ 4.18 kJ/kg)

    = - =  , , ,

    Equivalent to 0.3 barg steam = 545,600 /2,236.86 ~ 244 kg/h  . , .

    Equivalent steam saving per year= 244 x 300 x 24 = 1,756,800 kg/year 

    (if steam cost = 1,000 B/t) = , . x ,~ 1,756, 800 Baht + Water treatment cost

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    GESTRA Steam SystemsGESTRA

    Example of saving from condensate return

    ENERGY TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.0-2721-3860

    GESTRA Steam SystemsGESTRA

    Example of saving from condensate return

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    GESTRA Steam SystemsGESTRA