ADRC August Newsletter 2015

y: use Relay (711) Board meengs are open to the public. For meeng dates Have you ever wanted to aend a support group but felt you didn’t want alone at home or you feel you just don’t have the me, or you don’t feel comfortable talking in a group seng. educaon, addional resources, and guest speakers. It is an opportunity future. There are a number of other reasons to aend a support group: who had dealt with the same situaon. I discovered that it was important to have some me for myself hps:// hps://



Transcript of ADRC August Newsletter 2015

Page 1: ADRC August Newsletter 2015


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Board mee�ngs are open to the

public. For mee�ng dates ��,�-�$$$%&�% ���&��� %$�%�,��


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Have you ever wanted to a�end a support group but felt you didn’t want

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alone at home or you feel you just don’t have the �me, or you don’t feel

comfortable talking in a group se'ng. �� ������������ �����������

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educa�on, addi�onal resources, and guest speakers. It is an opportunity

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future. There are a number of other reasons to a�end a support group:�

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� who had dealt with the same situa�on.�

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!� I discovered that it was important to have some �me for myself

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Page 2: ADRC August Newsletter 2015



Nutri�on Program Supervisor�

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Op�ons Counselor�

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Op�ons Counselor�


Preven�on Program�















Op�ons Counselor�


Op�ons Counselor�


Op�ons Counselor�


Op�ons Counselor�

Liz Ne'�

Op�ons Counselor�


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Page 3: ADRC August Newsletter 2015


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� � Cerfied Social Worker�

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$�����$$������ Hospice/Palliave�

� � �Hospice/Palliave Nurses

� �

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� � Opons Counselor�

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• ������������������������ ��������!

• Obtain valuable informa�on and prac�cal advice

���� ��� ���������� ��!

• Clarify misconcep�ons������������������ ��!

• ��������������������������������

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�y: use Relay (711).�

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morning & a�ernoon refreshments & Final Affairs Guide. �

Cer!ficate of A�endance available upon request. �

Page 4: ADRC August Newsletter 2015

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corrected by ordinary prescrip�on glasses and s�ll


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��� %��Low vision affects daily rou�nes such as read-

ing, wri�ng, managing finances, walking, cooking,

leisure �me ac�vi�es including sewing, traveling and

,#�-� � �-,%��These consequences o0en lead �

# ,��,�$�-.���$���,����-��( &�� �&����, 2�'� ��

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�on are at greater risk of falling and injuring them-

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professional for a comprehensive examina�on.�

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Rehabilitaon Teaching Program services.

The mission of the Rehabilita�on Teaching Program

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provide systema�c instruc�on, assistance and �

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the adap�ve skills necessary to con�nue and �

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-�%��An assessment of the individual’s difficul�es and

abili�es at the present �me is completed and

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�C� demonstra�on and use of op�cal aids including

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�C� instruc�on in adap�ve skills and use of adap�ve

equipment in communica�on systems i.e.

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�C� food prepara�on including opera�ng appliances

� and adap�ve techniques for pouring liquids,

� cu'ng/slicing, measuring and �

�C� # ,�����.�� �����' � �-�� �,�,�&.��,�

� grooming/hygiene care, organiza�on skills,

� money iden�fica�on and learning how to thread

� ��� � %���-. �������(� �, ��& ,�������&�� �

� leisure �me ac�vi�es, orienta�on/mobility and

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� �� # � �-�-�� �2� � ���-��&������-�������

� resources and informa�on regarding vision loss.���

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� �( ,%��This can help the individual be be�er

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individual, o0en friends and par�cularly family

� �( ,�� ��E &- ����( &�� � # ,, ����

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For more informa�on contact Office for the Blind &

@�,��������#�� �2�����!�F�F������!!!�!�G�����% �


���� �����������●�Rehabilitaon Specialist for the Blind�

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parcipated in the Strategic Planning Listening

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input. The ADRC will share the informaon

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you for your connued support, and we will

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If you have any quesons about our strategic

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Page 5: ADRC August Newsletter 2015

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� Registra!on 8:30 am, Walk ceremony 10:00 am�

� ��'�$���� ���,���!��registra!on required��

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The Alzheimer’s Associaon Walk to End Alzheimer’s is the world’s largest event to raise awareness

and funds for Alzheimer’s care, support and research. When you parcipate in Walk, your fundraising

dollars further the care, support, and research efforts of the Alzheimer’s Associaon and help to raise

awareness of Alzheimer’s in our community. Walk unites the enre community in the fight against this

devastang disease. �!

Alzheimer’s disease is the naon’s sixth���%����#�"������%���� ����"�����'�� ���������(� ������

���#��)����&��*��� ��)��%���������%�������" ��������+��#��%��������������� ��'�����,� �����

�'�-�(� ��As the numbers of those with the disease connues to grow, so does Walk! ��������������

�� ������������������was a%ended by more than 500 people last year! �

Personal care services to all MEDICAID

recipients in Eau Claire & surrounding



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Page 6: ADRC August Newsletter 2015

You’re invited to a.end a�




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Public Hearing Op�ons Include:�!

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Wri�en comments will be accepted un�l August

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Page 7: ADRC August Newsletter 2015

Living Well with Chronic Condi�ons ►��� �����.�������

Learn informa�on and skills to help you manage chronic condi�ons on a daily �

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What did par�cipants say they accomplished or got

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• ac�on Plans�

• importance of staying ac�ve�

!�� �comple�ng my quilts�

!� . ���'��-. ,���#�-,�!� ��( �� ���'����� ����'��(��-�,�����

!� increased my ac�vity�

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� ��������-H�

Par�cipants receive a free copy of “Living a Healthy Life with Chronic Condi�ons”


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Healthy Ea�ng Workshop �

��,���$ )�Healthy Ea�ng for Successful Living�$�),.�#�$�,�. �����'���1����

4���2,�����./��at St. John’s Apartments. All par�cipants indicated that the

program met or exceeded their expecta�ons. This is what they liked best: �

!�� -. �,.���'�� �,����$.�-�$�),�����-. ,�

!� exercises were very important to me. I’m very glad I a�ended�

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!� -. �# �#� �J��� ���2�,.���'2�&��& � �

!� great ideas to help in healthy ea�ngK' �-�$�),.�#�

!� &���� � �J�,.���'�� �,�

A big “thank you” to St. John’s Apartments for hos�ng the workshop and Gordy’s

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4. �� �-�Healthy Ea�ng for Successful Living�$�),.�#�$����( �

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Stepping On Falls Preven�on Workshop�

4. �� �-�$�� ���%�$�),.�#�$����( �'���1����*�� �)�����2#� ����.��

./����2��)�-�3-� ��&�,��#�-� �-,2�!���L��� ,�-��+�� 2��������� %���

Classes are limited to 16 people. No fee, advance registra�on required at

$$$%�& � �-,%�'���&��������!�G�����2���!!!���!�4636, �y: use Relay (711).�


Personal Tes+monial(


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which is ge�ng harder all

the �me. �

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(Age doesn’t mean si�ng


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ma�on. I learned that I







Page 8: ADRC August Newsletter 2015

Adap�ve Equipment Loan Program ��Staying safe in your bathroom includes assessing your needs, making modifica�ons if necessary

and finding out whether adap�ve equipment could help. The Adap�ve Equipment Loan �

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�- �,����(�-.����,�� -�%����

A temporary grab bar that works by suc�on. The grab bar is only meant for balance, not to �

carry a person’s full body weight. Bath benches can be essen�al in preven�ng falls in the tub

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si'ng outside the tub then li0ing one leg at a �me over the side of the tub or shower. They �

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�������� �������home bathroom safety assessment, or for more informa�on on these and �

�-. ��- �,2�#� �, �&��-�&-�-. ��+����-�����!�G�����%�

A Demen�a Diagnosis? Do Not Wait for a Crisis to Happen….Prepare NOW��

Preparing for future care needs is an important first step in living well with demen�a. Planning and preparing in

the beginning can make changes and transi�ons less stressful. Here are a few �ps:�

� �� �-��,�&�&����-��' -�� '��2�?���&���2���� �������� �#���,����#��& %��4. ��'��'�B��

� � Disability Resource Center has a list of a�orneys who specialize in elder law �

� � $.��&���. �#%�

� ��Partner with your doctor and learn about the types of demen�a.�

� ��9������&� �- ���$.��$����#��� �. �#2�&� 2����,�##�-�-�����%��

� ��Create a plan for future care needs, hold a family mee�ng. The Aging & �

� � Disability Resource Center can help facilitate a mee�ng.4.��'.�-. ��

� � Memory Care Connecons program2������� ,�� -���& ������-.���������

� � ���-.,�-���,&�,,�&� �� ,2�&� '�� �,�##�-2� -&%�

� ��Learn as much as you can about the disease. The Alzheimer’s Associa�on is

� � ��� �& �� �-� ,��& �����,�-�$$$%��5%�'*��.�� ���5*I�,-%��'��, %�,#%�


� ��Safety in the home can become essen�al as the disease progresses. �

� �� > ����(��-�,�� -�����-. �.�� 2�����'2�$�� ��'2�,����$���'2� -&%���

Knowledge is power…know your op�ons! For more ideas on preparing and planning, pick up a copy of Living

Well with Demen�a or Taking Ac�on at the Aging & Disability Resource Center. You can also download the

(��)� -,������ ��-�$$$%�&-����5%�'*#�*>����'�� ��*#�����$$$%�&-����5%�'*#�*4�)��'�Ac�on.pdf%��

Demena is a progressive

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Page 9: ADRC August Newsletter 2015

Changing the Lives of People with Demen�a in Wisconsin Through Personalized Music��

����������������� ������������������������

is part of the na onal program designed to help �

people with Alzheimer’s and related demen as

find renewed meaning and connec on in their

lives through the gi� of personalized music.

Par cipants will be provided with a free iPod,

charger, headphones, and $50 iTunes gi�


The par(cipant must reside in their own


The project involves 3 mee ngs with a researcher for approximately 2���������

total me. The person with demen a will be asked to listen to personalized music on the iPod �


For more informa on, contact����

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(715) 832-6696 | WWW.AZURAMEMORY.COM

Residential Living • Living Services

Rehabilitation • Skilled Nursing

The Home with a Heart

(715) 286-2266

We are a skilled nursing facility offering physical

rehabilitation, occupational rehabilitation, speech

rehabilitation and long term care services.

FOR AD INFO CALL DENISE CANTERBURY 1-800-678-4574 • WWW.4LPi.COM Aging & Disability Resource Center of Eau Claire B 4C 02-1023

07-01-2015 11:21:51




814 First Ave. 1405 N. Clairemont Ave.

Eau Claire, WI 54703 Eau Claire, WI 54703

715-832-8301 715-834-4456

Proudly Serving Families at 2 locations

Caring for Older Parents

You care about your aging parents. And yet,

sometimes, you just don’t know the best way

to help them, especially when they are trying

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Seniors Helping Seniors® in-home services

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that matches seniors who want to provide

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• Meal prep/cooking

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• Yard Work

Call us today. Like getting a little help from your friendsTM.

If you’re interested in becoming a provider, we would like to hear from you too.

Phone: 715-514-4511

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©2010 Each office is independently owned and operated.

All trademarks are registered trademarks of

Corporate Mutual Resources Incorporated.



Call us today. Like getting a littlehelp from your friendsTM.

If you’re interested in becoming a provider, we would like to hear from you too.

Phone: 715-514-4511

Email: [email protected]

©2010 Each office is independently owned and operated.

All trademarks are registered trademarks of

Corporate Mutual Resources Incorporated.

Page 10: ADRC August Newsletter 2015


�For more informa�on on these supports group or for contact informa�on please visit $$$% ��&��� �&%�'�

The ADRC Op�ons Directory provides several resources.�

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Behavioral Health, Cancer Center, Demen�a Awareness, Epilepsy Founda�on, Family Caregiver, �

Grandparents as Parents, Lewy Body Demen�a, Mental Illness, Mul�ple Sclerosis, The Healing Place, United

� (���=��,�2�@�,��������#�� �= ,��,2�� ��� ,,�3.�&)� �

Page 11: ADRC August Newsletter 2015

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push of a bu�on and is usually worn on a neck pendant or wristband.

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systems are used when there is no land line and cost an addi�onal �

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Kathy’s Helping Hands, LLC

Providing SupportiveElderly Care Assistance

Companionship • HousekeepingLaundry • Meal Prep

Grocery Shopping & More

Kathy Doering • 715-864-5205

FOR AD INFO CALL DENISE CANTERBURY 1-800-678-4574 • WWW.4LPi.COM Aging & Disability Resource Center of Eau Claire C 4C 02-1023

07-01-2015 11:21:51

For Grocery Shopping

& Delivery Service, call

The Bag Ladiesat 715-836-9100

Shopping at ALL Gordy’s County

Market stores in Eau Claire. Delivering

in Eau Claire and Altoona city limits.

Shopping at ALL Gordy’s County

Market stores in Eau Claire. Delivering

in Eau Claire and Altoona city limits.

Page 12: ADRC August Newsletter 2015

Heat Awareness

Never leave a vulnerable adult, children or

pets in a parked car. Temperatures inside

a vehicle can become life threatening within


Keep your living space cool. Cover

windows from the sun. Use fans to blow hot

air out of the window rather than to blow

hot air on your body.

Slow down and limit physical activity.

Plan outings or exertions early morning or

after dark

Drink plenty of water and eat lightly. Drink

plenty of water throughout the day. Avoid

alcohol, caffeine & hot, heavy meals.

Wear lightweight, loose-fitting,

light-colored clothing. Add a hat or

umbrella to keep your head cool. … Use

sunscreen (30 SPF).

Don’t stop taking medication unless your

doctor says you should. Ask your doctor or

pharmacist for any special heat advice.

Taking a cool shower or bath will cool

you down. A shower or bath will

actually work faster than an air conditioner.



Heat Cramps: cramps or muscle

spasms. Solution: Stop activity. Cool

down, drink clear juice or sports


Heat Exhaustion: heavy sweating2�

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could do be�er!�


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Suggested donaon is

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Reservaons are necessary


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Page 13: ADRC August Newsletter 2015

Sedentary Par�cipants Wanted for (PALS) program�Physical Ac�vity for Life for Seniors �

Ge+ng regular physical ac vity is one of the most important



muscles grow stronger so you can con nue to do your daily �

ac vi es without becoming dependent on others. �


mo va on? PALS may be for you. The program focuses on sim-



designed to be prac cal as well as physically beneficial. For �

example, exercises that involve li�ing the hands over the head



The group exercise program, led by a health educator, meets three mes a week for ten weeks. Looking

to start with 10 par cipants next month. For more �

Participation Criteria

! Age 60 and older

!� Currently exercising less

than one hour per week

!� Commitment to program


!� Able to do exercises

(having a chronic health

condition does not make

you ineligible if you are

able to complete the circuit

of exercises.)

FOR AD INFO CALL DENISE CANTERBURY 1-800-678-4574 • WWW.4LPi.COM Aging & Disability Resource Center of Eau Claire C 4C 02-1023

07-01-2015 11:21:51

We Offer:

• Income Based Rent• No Asset Limit• One-Bedroom Apts. • Pets Allowed With Restrictions• Secured Building/Security Entrance• Emergency Call System• Coin-Operated Laundry Facilities• Tenant Driven Activities• Community Room• Cable Ready Outlets• Air Conditioners Provided• Garbage & Water Included• Elevator Service• On-Site Maintenance• Off Street Private Parking

HUD Subsidized Rent for Low Income Persons55 or Over OR Disabled

300 William St.Eau Claire, WI 54703

For Applications, Contact the Housing Authorityof the City of Eau Claire

(715) 839-4943

Tours AvailableCall for an Appointment

(715) 839-8154

Handicapped Accessible Apartments Available

Downsizing Made Easy• What is my home worth?

• What will I need to do to sell my home?

• What do I do with all this ‘stuff’?

• Who can I trust to make repairs and move my things?

• How do I coordinate all these details?


Bruce Hayhoe, Sr. • 715-202-3868

Colony Park West Colony Park East 2818 Augusta Street • 840 W. MacArthur St. Stein Boulevard & Steven Lane

841 Richard Drive Augusta Street

• One bedroom HUD Section 8 rental assisted apartments

for persons 62+ or persons with handicap or disability

• One bedroom apartments with range & refrigerator.

• Rent: 30% of monthly adjusted income including all

utilities except telephone and cable T.V.

Landmark Company 715-834-3411

“Providing Safe Home Solutions”

CAPS certi!ed company that has 18 years experience in the industry

HandyPro of Western Wisconsin

715.737.9090Find more out about

HandyPro in the

website link below



Gunderson & Associates• MEDICARE ADVANTAGE





Local Independent Licensed Insurance Agents

1316 Fairfax Street (Heritage Plaza) Eau

Katie Gunderson, ownerG-YP-8-2012-1

Connect With Us Online Contact Us

Page 14: ADRC August Newsletter 2015

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decora�ng these great

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If you are 60 years old and be�er meals are offered

on a suggested dona�on basis of $3.75. If you are

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dona�ons help assure no senior goes hungry in Eau

Claire County. Par�cipants at Senior Dining Meal

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dona�on. �

For more informa�on, contact the Nutri�on Office


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on our Addi�onal Services �

program! The Addi�onal �

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Wheels par�cipants that needed more than just a

meal in their homes. Star�ng in July, volunteers from

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cards & other communica�on

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contact informa�on, if it

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change in contact informa�on please send update �

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Page 15: ADRC August Newsletter 2015

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older. Younger individuals who live at St. Johns Apts. are also eligible. Reserva�ons are needed. To make a reserva�on at S���

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or older or the spouse of someone age 60 and older and homebound. For informa�on about meals on wheels or senior

dining or if you want to make a reserva�on, call 715#$�%#&$$���'#$$$#��$#4636, )y: use Relay 711. If you are 60 years and

older meals are offered on a dona�on basis of $3.75 per meal.� � (� ���� �������������� ��� ��������� �� �� � �)$�$�����

������ �All dona�ons help assure no senior goes hungry in Eau Claire County. Quest Cards accepted. !"#$%& '()*+,",& -.&

Sacred Heart Hospital. All meals served with 1% milk. *Carbohydrate Foods. Meals subject to change without noBce.&


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!"#"$%�available every Wednesday at St John’s Meal Site as an alterna�ve to hot meal. �

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Page 16: ADRC August Newsletter 2015

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and homebound. If you are 60 years and older meals are offered on a donaon basis of $3.75 per meal.

7%��������1��/������%���)������ ��;���/���)����All donaons help assure no senior goes hungry

in Eau Claire County. Quest Cards accepted. For informaon or to apply, call 715 8392�����2���2���2���

4y: use Relay 711.

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Page 17: ADRC August Newsletter 2015

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Transporta�on Service !��������*+�,-*.�

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County in conjunc�on with Abby Vans Inc. has been

opera�ng a transporta�on service for adults with

disabili�es and seniors age 60 and older. This �

par�cular service is available on Sundays 7:00 am �


This transporta�on program is con�ngent on the

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ta�on program, it will soon exceed the allo�ed

funding. This funding situa�on is forcing us to make

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con�nue to offer this Sunday transporta�on.�

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rides at the same �me the City of Eau Claire buses

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Q�%���# ��� �way trip effec�ve ����� ��./��%���!

For more informa�on, contact Aging & Disability �

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We Offer:

• Income Based Rents• No Asset Limits• Rents Based on 30% of Income• Heat, Garbage, Water and Sewer included• Tenant Driven Activities• Emergency Pull Stations in Every Apartment with Direct Link to City Fire and Ambulance• On-Site Manager and Maintenance• Coin Operated Laundry Facilities• Bus Stop Nearby• Card Access Security Entrances• Off Street Private Parking• Vending Machines• Pets Allowed With Restrictions• On-Site Beauty Salon• Community Room

Handicapped Accessible Apartments Available

HUD Subsidized Rent for Low IncomePersons 55 or Over OR Disabled

901 S. Farwell St. • Eau Claire, WI 54701For Applications, Contact the Housing

Authority of the City of Eau Claire(715) 839-4943

Tours AvailableCall for an Appointment

(715) 839-8602

Subsidized Housing - One Bedroom Apartments


health care

right in

your own

communityHome Health & Hospice

Whether it is aging, coping with recovery

from a recent hospitalization or living with

a chronic illness, we are here to help.

Call 1-800-236-8406 (toll free)

for more information.

• Spacious Rooms • Activities

• Close to Town • Universal Design

• Meals/Snacks included • Lovely Rural Setting on 5 acres

• Housekeeping included

Take advantage of the concerned professional staff to ensureyour peace of mind. For more information, call Steve at 726-1113

FOR AD INFO CALL DENISE CANTERBURY 1-800-678-4574 • WWW.4LPi.COM Aging & Disability Resource Center of Eau Claire D 4C 02-1023

07-01-2015 11:21:51

Page 18: ADRC August Newsletter 2015

Page 19: ADRC August Newsletter 2015

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!� A cer�fica�on or naturaliza�on (issued no earlier than two years before the date of the elec�on)�

!� An iden�fica�on card issued by a federally recognized Indian tribe in Wisconsin�

!� ���� ���& �, � & �#-��,,� �(����,&��,���+�4�Y�������������,�����-. ��- ��,,� C�

!� An iden�fica�on card receipt issued by Wisconsin DOT (valid for 45 days from the date issued)�

!� A photo iden�fica�on card issued by a Wisconsin accredited university, college, or technical college

� that contains the following: date the card was issued, signature of student and expira�on date no later

� than two years a0er date of issuance. The university or college ID must be accompanied by a separate

� document that proves enrollment, such as a tui�on fee receipt, enrollment verifica�on le�er, or class

� ,&. �� %�

Obtain a free ID for purposes of vo�ng from the DMV. Apply for the ID as soon as possible. You do not receive

the ID immediately; it will be mailed to you. For more informa�on, contact S�� -�7�>����,2��������� �����-��

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FOR AD INFO CALL DENISE CANTERBURY 1-800-678-4574 • WWW.4LPi.COM Aging & Disability Resource Center of Eau Claire E 4C 02-1023

07-01-2015 11:21:51

Page 20: ADRC August Newsletter 2015


of the


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60 and older. If you are 60 years and older meals are offered on a donaon basis of $3.75 per meal.7%���

�����1��/������%���)������ ��;���/���)����All donaons help assure no senior goes hungry in Eau

Claire County. Quest Cards accepted. For informaon or to apply, call 715 8392���� �2���2���24636, 4y:

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Hamburger Pa�y 7�


Bu�ered Corn*�












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Le�uce Salad�

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Garlic Breads�ck*�




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Peanut Bu�er Pie*�


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Bu�ered Spinach�

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More Fruits & Vegetables The key is to get more in your grocery cart! Imagine a line

divides your cart in half. Fill at least half of the cart with

fruits & vegetables and the remaining portion with the

rest of your groceries.

Page 21: ADRC August Newsletter 2015

1���!���� �!�“Demen�a Aware” �

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Financial Ins�tu�ons

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559 N. Has�ngs Way

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Fes�val Foods�!

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Faith Communi�es�

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Service Organiza�ons�

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challenge your brain. A�end this interac�ve session

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Page 22: ADRC August Newsletter 2015

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Be4y Harper Farmstand:A������+9��)�&���A��(��� ��1�&��!�����

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The best time to dry herbs is just before they bloom, at the peak of their flavor.

John G. Tavare CSA, CLTC - Agency Manager

[email protected]

Office: 715-831-1311 • Toll Free: 866-336-9545

Health – Life – Long Term Care – Annuities

“Our Clients Deserve To Know All Their Options!”

Is Your Medication Planning Too Much of a Hassle?

Let us take the challenge out of your medicine planningwith our Weekly Medication Planners!

Free delivery to Eau Claire and the surrounding cities!

To See How Our Weekly Medication Planners Can Help YouContact Us Today!

715-723-9192 603 N Bridge St Chippewa Falls

Cremation Society of Wisconsin

535 S. Hillcrest Parkway

Altoona, WI 54720

715-834-6411 or 888-317-3794

Wisconsin’s Cremation Specialists

• Prearrangement & Preplanning Services

• Basic Cremation Starting At $1595.00

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• Serving Wisconsin Since 1982

• On-Site Crematory

I am interested in receiving a no-obligation informational brochure:

Name: ___________________________________________________________

Address: _________________________________________________________

City/State/Zip: ____________________________________________________


SHELTER & SUPPORT SERVICES for victims of financial, emotional, physical and sexual abuse

throughout the life span.

PO Box 482 • Eau Claire, WIPhone: 715-834-0628


Medical & Charter Transports

FOR AD INFO CALL DENISE CANTERBURY 1-800-678-4574 • WWW.4LPi.COM Aging & Disability Resource Center of Eau Claire G 4C 02-1023

07-01-2015 11:21:51

Lake Hallie Memory Care Chippewa Falls, WI

Offering Assisted Living &Specializing in Dementia Care

For a private tour and FREE evaluationCall Keith Tompkins at 715-797-6027

For a virtual tour, go to

Lake Hallie Memory Care

Page 23: ADRC August Newsletter 2015

Medicare and You Presentaon

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Par�cipants must have basic �

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;��&�,-2� '�,- �����!�G��G�G%���

Stout Vocaonal Rehabilitaon Instute Wheelchair Clinic


UW Stout Voca�onal Rehabilita�on Building Room 120. No appointment

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Page 24: ADRC August Newsletter 2015

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