Adobe Customer Story Digital automation drives a proactive ... · Digital automation drives a...

Adobe Customer Story Digital automation drives a proactive sales culture. Access Intelligence reduces administration with integrated Adobe Sign, Salesforce, and Conga solution. “With the Adobe Sign, Salesforce, and Conga integration the savings are huge. e time to complete a contract has been reduced by half, delivering a beer experience to our customers and freeing our sales representatives to generate leads.” Jennifer Good, Director, Business Operations, Access Intelligence RESULTS SOLUTION Adobe Sign, an Adobe Document Cloud solution Salesforce CRM Conga Composer and Conga Workflow REDUCTION in contract completion time Sales team freed to GROW the business Digital integration drives EFFICIENCY Pages of paper SAVED per year 50 % 4 K+

Transcript of Adobe Customer Story Digital automation drives a proactive ... · Digital automation drives a...

Adobe Customer Story

Digital automation drives a proactive sales culture.Access Intelligence reduces administration with integrated Adobe Sign, Salesforce, and Conga solution.

“With the Adobe Sign, Salesforce, and Conga integration the savings are huge. The time to complete a contract has been reduced by half, delivering a better experience to our customers and freeing our sales representatives to generate leads.”

Jennifer Good, Director, Business Operations, Access Intelligence


SOLUTIONAdobe Sign, an Adobe Document Cloud solution

Salesforce CRMConga Composer and Conga Workflow

REDUCTION in contract completion time

Sales team freed to GROW the business

Digital integration drives EFFICIENCY

Pages of paper SAVED per year



Adobe Customer Story

Fostering a proactive sales cultureFor global marketing services leader Access Intelligence, the pursuit of new business is vital for stability and continuity. To be effective, the company’s sales representatives need to be in the field, networking with prospects and building a rich pipeline of leads.

In the dynamic world of marketing services, this isn’t easy. Access Intelligence provides business intelligence and integrated marketing solutions to customers in eight global market sectors. In each sector, the company delivers events, webinars, data and digital products, awards programs, and digital and print communications. Potential advertisers, sponsors, and exhibitors can contact any one of Access Intelligence’s 37 sales representatives to place an order or request information. The downside of all this activity? Administration.

With more than 100 client offerings, managing contracts for advertisers, exhibitors, and sponsors had become time-consuming for Access Intelligence’s sales team. This was particularly true at seven key trade shows the company manages globally, where exhibitors sign up for the following year’s show by selecting a booth and signing a contract. Exhibitors filled in contract information by hand. Then, a sales representative would manually enter the information into Salesforce to create an opportunity. Fax machines, scanners, and email were used to complete the documents and the sales rep would upload them to Salesforce. Once finalized, contracts had to be hand-delivered to Access Intelligence’s accounting department for billing.

“After every event, there would be up to 300 new contracts to finalize, requiring multiple steps and stacks of paper,” says Jennifer Good, Director, Business Operations, Access Intelligence. “It could take up to a month to process contracts from a single show. The administration was undermining the proactive sales culture we wanted. Our sales team should be selling, not bogged down in paperwork.”

An integrated IT solutionAccess Intelligence looked to technology to tackle the administrative burden. With Salesforce in place, the company deployed Conga Composer software to make better use of stored data—for example, merging information or populating document fields. Meanwhile, ExpoCad software was added to ease the management of floorplans for events. To add further efficiency, Access Intelligence chose Adobe Sign, an Adobe Document Cloud solution, to provide electronic signature capabilities.

“We selected Adobe Sign because it integrated easily with other solutions,” says Good. “The ability to digitally sign contracts and other legal documents has transformed our business processes.”

CHALLENGES• Reduce administration to build a

proactive sales culture

• Cut the time required to complete contracts

• Improve the service experience for customers

• Eliminate paper waste

Access IntelligenceEstablished in 1977

Employees: 300

Rockville, Maryland

USE CASES• Sales Acceleration

Adobe Customer Story

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Today, the integrated systems produce seamless workflows that simplify processes and save time. For example, when booking a trade show booth, the sales rep now selects from ExpoCad, which triggers an opportunity in Salesforce. Based on the event, the corresponding contract template is automatically selected and populated with information pulled from the opportunity in Salesforce, via Conga. Using Conga Workflow, Salesforce then automatically converts the Conga document to an Adobe Sign electronic contract, which can be digitally signed in seconds. Once a contract is finalized and signed, a copy is emailed to the customer and attached to the Salesforce opportunity for record-keeping and audit purposes.

“With the Adobe Sign, Salesforce, and Conga integration the savings are huge,” says Good. “The time to complete a contract has been reduced by half, delivering a better experience to our customers and freeing our sales representatives to generate leads. Overall, we are saving weeks of administrative time following events.”

Good also says that the faster completion of contracts is enabling the accounting team to invoice more quickly, improving Access Intelligence’s cash flow. At the same time, the company is moving closer to its goal of going as paperless as possible. With Adobe Sign, paper waste has been significantly reduced, with more than 4,000 pages per year saved.

No more guessingIn addition to the efficiency benefits of Adobe Sign, Access Intelligence gains value from the solution’s security features that help safeguard credit card information collected for exhibitor agreements. This gives customers confidence that their data is more secure. Audit trails can now be accessed by back-office employees, who no longer need to track down sales representatives to determine where a contract stands. This is a welcome development as Access Intelligence issues an average of 140 electronic contracts per month.

“Rather than sending and receiving dozens of emails to check status, our production managers can simply pull a report from Salesforce and access contracts from Adobe Sign via the Salesforce interface,” says Good. “This has cut down the volume of messages exchanged between our sales and administration teams, allowing workloads to be better managed.”

The quality of contracts is also improved now that fields are populated by Conga, using Salesforce data. Fewer errors mean Access Intelligence’s staff spends less time clearing up misunderstandings and more time building relationships with advertisers, customers, and sponsors.

“Adopting Adobe Sign was a great decision,” says Good. “It’s affordable, more secure, easy to use, and offers full integration with Salesforce and Conga. It gives us more freedom to go out and build our business.”

For more information

SOLUTION AT A GLANCE Adobe Document Cloud

• Adobe Sign

Salesforce CRM

Conga Composer and Conga Workflow