adenovirus (2)

Topic: Adenovirus

Transcript of adenovirus (2)

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Alamdar Hussain&

Imran Atta


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Largest non enveloped viruses. linear, non-segmented double-

stranded DNA 90-100nm in diameter .

Characteristics of adenovirus

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Structure Of Adenovirus

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during coughing . sneezing. touching surface with the viruses on

it and touching the mouth, nose, or eyes before hand washing.

During diaper changing.

How is adenovirus infection spread?

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sore throat. sneezing. runny nose. cough. pneumonia. diarrhea

What are the symptoms of adenovirus infection?

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For respiratory infections, symptoms appear 2 to 14 days after exposure to the virus.

For intestinal tract infections, symptom appear 3 to 10 days after exposure to the virus.

How soon do symptoms appear?

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Molecular tests (such as PCR ,Elisa Test),blood tests, virus isolation.

Doctors diagnose adenovirus infection based on the patient’s symptoms.

How is adenovirus diagnosed?

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By taking rest.

drinking plenty of fluids.

use of medicines for fever/pain.

for weak immune systems may need

additional treatment.

What is the treatment for adenovirus infection?

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washing your hands with soap.

covering your mouth and nose during.

coughing and sneezing.

not touching your eyes, nose, or mouth.

avoiding close contact with people who

are sick.

staying home when you are sick.

Protect Yourself and Others