Addressing Trauma Utilizing Restorative Practices

Addressing Trauma Utilizing Restorative Practices Sherwynn Patton , (512) 297-3198 [email protected] Life Anew Restorative Justice Inc. Copyright 2016

Transcript of Addressing Trauma Utilizing Restorative Practices

Addressing Trauma Utilizing Restorative

PracticesSherwynn Patton , (512) 297-3198

[email protected]

Life Anew Restorative Justice Inc. Copyright 2016

Life Anew Restorative Justice

My Brothers Keeper:

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The Most Common in Schools

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a mental health condition that's triggered by a terrifying event — either experiencing it or witnessing it. Symptoms may include flashbacks, nightmares and severe anxiety, as well as uncontrollable thoughts about the event

Persistent depressive disorder (PDD) is a chronic (ongoing) type of depression in which a person's moods are regularly low. But, symptoms are not as severe as with major depression

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The Most Common Seen In Schools

Bipolar disorder is a dangerous and debilitating disorder that causes a person's mood, activity and energy levels to shift unexpectedly. People with bipolar disorder experience severe mania, and they may or may not have episodes of depression. They usually have some periods of partial or full stability as well.

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Relationships MatterLife Anew Restorative Justice Inc. Copyright 2016

Creating a Safe Space

Identify family needs

Sharing has to become the norm

Don’t try to fix it

We should come along side others

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Advantages of Restorative Practices

Relationship focus Social/emotional learning Provides moral clarity to complex issues Expression of feelings Addresses root causes of behaviors Helps to identify and address trauma It breaks down barriers of assumptions Addresses the needs Tool for team-building, addressing conflict,

behavior management, & classroom management.

Augments other prevention programs.

Life Anew Restorative Justice Inc. Copyright 2016


It takes time.

Big commitment in terms of intentionality.

Buy-in from teachers & staff-shift in punitive mindset.

Commitment of resources.

Requires strong administrative leadership.

Requires a 3-5 year process

Not all conferences seem to have a positive outcome.

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It Takes a Village:

Get Your Staff Bought Into Restorative Practices

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Train Your Staff

Get trained in Restorative Practices

Have some staff meetings in circle

Share ways that circles can be utilized for instruction

Solve Problems in circle

Bring your needs/concerns to the circle

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It Takes a VillageLife Anew Restorative Justice Inc. Copyright 2016

The Family Conference

The conferences allow us to identify specific needs for students and their family

Planning of the COSA is the most important part of the process

Identify the student that may need to have a family group conference

Connect with the parent or parents of the students to find out what their needs are in regards to supporting their student.

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Family Group Conferencing

Meet with the student to find out what his felt needs are

List the names of service providers on or off your campus that may need to be in the Family Group Conference

Mobilize the service providers on and off of your campus to support the family’s needs

Meet with each person that will attend the conference to briefly discuss what is expected of them in the conference.

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Creating Safe Space

◦ Explain the purpose of the conference

◦ Inform the attendees about the service providers that will be in the conference

◦ Go over the makeup of the circle (the opening, icebreaker, values round, body and closing).

◦ Emphasis the need to listen to the needs that are spoken in the room.

◦ Reassure every participant that there will be a clear plan established at the conclusion of the circle

◦ Remind the participant that the conference is a process and the first COSA is just the beginning of the process.

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Creating A Safe Space

Ask the student who she would like to be in the conference for peer support.

Meet with the student and her peer supporter so that they will trust the process.

Make sure that you have prepared the opening, ice breaker, what you will do to establish values, know what questions you will ask in the body and make sure you have an encouraging closing.

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Experiencing The Process

Experience is the best teacher Go slow in order to go (You will not stick with the

process if it doesn’t become a lifestyle) Allow them to experience the process Introduce them to the process Remember Building relationships takes time Give them literature to read and discuss it during

your community building Equip the staff to facilitate the process in staff

meetings and during PD Practice having intentional conversations with

one another

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Restorative Center

A space that belongs to everyone on the campus

A space where everyone can connect (students, parents, staff) can build relationships

A safe space that is safe to listen and disclose A safe space where everyone feels that they

belong A safe space to explore beliefs and values A space where everyone feels heard

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BeliefsLife Anew Restorative Justice Inc. Copyright 2016

Restorative Coordinators Role

Build healthy relationships in the school and community

Support the teachers to do community building in the classrooms

Facilitate various circle types

Help to reduce exclusionary practices

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Beliefs: Recycle PainLife Anew Restorative Justice Inc. Copyright 2016

Beliefs: Discover PurposeLife Anew Restorative Justice Inc. Copyright 2016

Beliefs: Invest in OthersLife Anew Restorative Justice Inc. Copyright 2016

Values: Establishing BoundariesLife Anew Restorative Justice Inc. Copyright 2016

Focus: Being Change AgentsLife Anew Restorative Justice Inc. Copyright 2016

Deal with the question of Time

Human need must trump time

Give teachers the freedom to utilize circles in the classroom

Provide suggested times to do community building circles

Set aside time to do check in, check up and check out circles

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You need your staff to buy in

You must trust the process

It is imperative that you allow your staff to experience the process

If you fail to plan, you plan to fail

It will take TIME

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Restorative Discipline Practices: A Journey in Implementation by a Community of Texas Educators

Chasing Smoke Documentary:

Restorative Practice and Special Needs: A Practical Guide to Working Restoratively with Young People by Nick Burnett and Margaret Thorsborne

Life Anew Restorative Justice Inc. Copyright 2016