Additional points · 2017. 3....


Transcript of Additional points · 2017. 3....

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Following additional information was sought from the project proponent for appraisal of the




1. Land possession documents and NA permission for the proposed project site.

The details for same is attached as Annexure 1

2. Project site specific details such as distance of the project site from the

nearest (1) Village-Nearest residential area (2) Water Body: Creek /

Nallah / Lake / Pond / Reservoir / Canal (3) National Highway (4) State Highway (5) Railway line (6) Heritage site (7) National Park / Wild Life

Sanctuary/ Eco Sensitive zone etc. (8)

Aanganwadi/School/College/Institute etc. and likely impact on them due to the proposed project along with the mitigation measures proposed to

minimize the likely impact. Give satellite image of 5 KM radius.

Railway line : Chalthan 5.3 Km

Nearest khadi (Water Body: Creek / Nallah /

Lake / Pond / Reservoir / Canal)

: Baleshwar khadi (approx. 50


National Highway

State Highway

: NH 8 : 0.16 Km

Palsana Baleshwar Road:

0.2 Km

Village-Nearest residential area : Baleshwar: 0.45 Km

Heritage site : None within 5 Km radius

National Park / Wild Life Sanctuary/ Eco Sensitive zone etc.

: None within 5 Km radius

Aanganwadi/School/College/Institute etc : At approx 2 Km from project


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The location of site with type of land and boundary coordinates is as below

3. Monthly production details with raw material consumption for each product.

Production details


Existing product

Filament yarn 55 MT/month

Air Texturised yarn 50 MT/month

Proposed product

First Phase Second phase Total

Polyester/ Nylon Mother yarn 135 MT/month 135 MT/month 270 MT/month

Raw Material details


Existing consumption

Polyester / Nylon yarn 105 MT/month

Proposed consumption

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First Phase Second phase Total

Polyester/ Nylon Chips 132.7 MT/month 132.7 MT/month 265.4 MT/month

Spin Finish oil 2.3 MT/month 2.3 MT/month 4.6 MT/month

4. Manufacturing process along with chemical reactions and mass balance.


Polyamide chips are emptied in extruder hopper under nitrogen atmosphere to

prevent from oxidation and moisture pick up. In the extruder the chips is melted

with electrical heaters and proper mixing is done to form molten polymer.


Molten Polymer coming out of extruder is mixed again with static mixer fixed inside

the piping and is metered as per the requirement of denier, by metering pumps.

Molten metered polymer is pumped to spin packs which are having filters to remove the impurities and then finally extruded through the various orifices of the

spinnerets. Number of holes is decided based on the requirement of filaments in

the yarn.


Filaments bundle coming out of spinneret is in the molten polymer form. Hence it

is quenched by cross flow cool air blowing from back side of bundle. Once the

molten filaments solidifies and their temperature comes down below their glass

transition temperature, spin finish oil emulsion is applied on the filament bundles

for removing static charges, proper cohesion and lubrication to form yarn.


Nylon yarn coming out after quenching and oil application is passed through

electrically heated hot godets for orientation. The final yarn is popularly known as

Polyester/ Nylon FDY mother yarn.


The final yarn produced is wound on take up winders on paper tube. These final

packages are sold in market after proper inspection, testing and packing for

weaving. During the above processes sometimes abnormality occurs like filament


Polyester/ Nylon 6 Yarn = 990 kg

Yarn waste = 10 kg

TOTAL =1000 kg


Polyester/ Nylon Chips = 884 kg

Spin Finish Oil = 17 kg

Water = 99 kg

TOTAL =1000 kg

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break, resulting into generation of yarn waste. Normally in Polyester/ Nylon FDY

spinning process it is 1-2%.

Finished product

Finished product shall be sold all over country and major portion shall be in and

around Surat. Some portion shall be exported also. Yarn waste price is normally at

half the price of raw material.

Process Flow Chart

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5. Exact source of water supply during the operational phase of the project

and permission of the concerned authority for water supply as per the requirement of the project.

Source of water: Ground water

The project is in the safe zone as per CGWA notification 2009. Hence withdrawal permission not applicable

6. Manufacturing process along with chemical reactions and mass balance.

As described in point no. 4

7. Detailed water balance (including reuse-recycle, if any) along with

qualitative and quantitative analysis of each waste stream to be generated from all sources including Boilers, Cooling Towers, D.M. Plant etc. Details

of methods to be adopted for the water conservation.

Water Balance

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Water Consumption




Cooling Water -- 5 5.0

RO & DM plant regeneration -- 1.0 1.0

Washing 0.2 -- 0.2

Drinking 0.2 0.1 0.3

Process -- 0.2 0.2

Total 0.4 6.3 6.7

Waste Water Generation

Description Quantity generated TDS Level Disposal plan

RO & DM reject 1.0 m3/Day 1800 mg/L Greenbelt development

8. Complete waste water management plan for existing as well as proposed

production. Characteristics of untreated and treated wastewater. Detailed effluent treat ability study vis-a-vis adequacy and efficacy of the

treatment facilities for existing as well as proposed for the wastewater to

be generated along with adequacy and efficacy report. The characteristic on which treatability is based shall also be stated.

RO & DM reject with TDS level of 1800 mg/L will be used in green belt.

9. Details of the ETP units including its capacity, size of each unit, retention time and other technical parameters and details about up-gradation in the

existing ETP (if any proposed) to take care of the wastewater to be generated after the proposed expansion.

Not applicable as the waste water generated will be in form of DM & RO reject and

the same shall be used in green belt development

10. Undertaking stating that a separate electric meter & flow meter will be

provided for the ETP & Reuse system.

Not applicable as the waste water generated will be in form of DM & RO reject and the same shall be used in green belt development

11. Economical and technical viability of the effluent treatment system to

achieve zero discharge.

Not applicable

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12. Application wise break-up of treated effluent quantity to be recycled /

reused in various applications like washing, domestic, gardening and plantation etc. Details about availability of open land for utilizing the

treated water for plantation / gardening. Suitability of use of treated

effluent / sewage on the land with respect to the soil characteristic and its capacity to take up effluent load etc. shall be studied and a report in this

regard shall be submitted.

1.0 m3/Day of water from RO & DM reject will be reused for green belt


Total area available for green belt is 6136.61 sq m

13. How it will be ensured that treated effluent/sewage won't flow outside

the premises linked with storm water during high rainy days. Treated

effluent management plan during monsoon season including detail on provision and capacity of a tank for storage of treated effluent during high

rainy days when utilization of treated effluent for gardening & plantation

purpose is not feasible. Detailed study report considering Percolation rate of the land available for gardening & plantation. Ensure that land is

suitable for utilization of treated sewage for plantation & gardening.

5 days storage tank shall be provided in order to store the waste water during

rainy days

14. Specific details of (i) Details of the utilities required (ii) Flue gas emission rate from each utility (iii) Air Pollution Control Measures proposed to each

of the utility along with its adequacy (iv) List the sources of fugitive

emission from the unit along with proposed measures to control it.

Only a single vent attached to stand by DG set.

15. Base line status of the noise environment, impact of noise on present

environment due to the project and proposed measures for noise reduction including engineering controls.

Baseline noise environment





Type of


Equivalent Noise

Level L(eq) in dB(A)

CPCB Limits

Day Time Night






NQ 1 Project site Industrial 60.2 44.7 75 70

NQ 2 Baleshwar Residential 53.5 41.6 55 45

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Mitigation Measure

1) High noise generating equipment such as engine etc to be provided

proper enclosures.

2) High noise area to be identified and while approaching to the area ear-

plugs to be used.

3) The duty hours will be rotated, so that noise exposure time is kept

within specified limits.

4) Periodic noise monitoring to be carried out in the premise.

16. Impact of the transport of raw material and finished product on the existing transport system should be assessed and provided. Whether any

additional infrastructure is required to be constructed, details thereof and the agency responsible for the same with time frame.

There will be increase in the movement of trucks for the transportation of raw

material and products. The total truck movement due to proposed project will be approximately 26 trucks/ month (approx 1 truck/day). No additional infrastructure


17. Details of management of the hazardous wastes to be generated from the project stating detail of storage area for each type of waste, its handling,

its utilization and disposal etc. How the manual handling of the hazardous

wastes will be minimized.

There is no hazardous waste generated from the proposed project

18. Copy of membership certificate of Common Environmental Infrastructure

like TSDF, if any taken, should be incorporated.

Not applicable

19. A detailed EMP including the protection and mitigation measures for impacts on human health and environment as well as detailed monitoring

plan and environmental management cell proposed for implementation

and monitoring of EMP. The EMP should also include the concept of waste minimisation, recycle/reuse/recover techniques, energy conservation,

and natural resource conservation. Total capital cost and recurring

cost/annum earmarked for environment pollution control measures.

There will be only waste water generated from the proposed project in form of DM

& RO reject and the same shall be reused in gardening.

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20. Occupational health impacts on the workers and mitigation measures

proposed to avoid the human health hazards along with the personal protective equipment to be provided to the workers. Provision of

industrial hygienist and monitoring of the occupational injury to workers

as well as impact on the workers. Plan for periodic medical check up of the workers exposed. Details of work zone ambient air quality monitoring plan

as per Gujarat Factories Rules.

Included in risk assessment study (Annexure 4)

21. Fire fighting arrangement and requirement of its strengthening due to

proposed augmentation. This should include details of automatic detection and control system & detailed control plan showing hydrant pipeline

network, provision of DG Sets, diesel driven fire pumps for operation

during power disruption, jockey pump, fire water monitor, toxic gas detectors, fire / foam tenders etc.

38 nos. of fire extinguishers are presently installed in the unit.

22. Detailed risk assessment report including prediction of the worst case scenario and maximum credible accident scenario along with damage

distances and preparedness plan to combat such situations and risk mitigation measures.

Risk assessment report is attached as Annexure 4

23. Submit checklist in the form of Do’s & Don’ts of preventive maintenance, strengthening of HSE, terminal staff for safety related measures.

The do’s and don’t is attached as Annexure 2

24. Detailed disaster management plan. This should include also scenario of natural catastrophe like earth quake, cyclone and tsunami in addition to

other disasters. The plan should include the details of (i) Emergency

lighting plan (ii) details of power back up system in the case of emergency (iii) fire fighting arrangements (iv) first aid arrangement (v) Training and

Mock drill (vi) Emergency announcement system (vii) Signages (viii)

location of emergency stair cases and pathways etc.

Disaster Management is attached as Annexure 4

25. Detailed five year greenbelt development program including annual budget, types & number of trees to be planted, area under green belt

development [with map], budgetary outlay; along with commitment of the

management to carry out the tree plantation activities outside the premises at appropriate places in the nearby areas and elsewhere.

The detail green belt plan for proposed project is as given below

Year No. of trees Budget

2017 240 35000/-

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2018 240 45000/-

2019 240 55000/-

2020 100 60000/-

2021 100 65000/-

26. Proposal for socio-economic development activities including community

welfare program most useful in the project area for the overall improvement of the environment. Submit a detailed plan for social

corporate responsibilities, with appropriate budgetary provisions for the

next five years and activities proposed to be carried out; specific to the current demographic status of the area.

The company is committed to contribute towards the socio economic activities in nearby villages

27. In case the existing project has not obtained environmental clearance,

reasons for not taking EC under the provisions of the EIA Notification 1994 and/or EIA Notification 2006 shall be provided. Copies of Consent to

Establish/No Objection Certificate and Consent to Operate (in case of

units operating prior to EIA Notification 2006, CTE and CTO of FY 2005-2006) obtained from the SPCB shall be submitted. Further, compliance

report to the conditions of consents from the SPCB shall be submitted.

The products in existing unit are not covered in EIA notification.

CCA & NOC copies with its compliance attached as annexure 3

28. Records of any legal breach of Environmental laws i.e. details of show- cause notices, closure notices etc. served by the GPCB to the existing unit

in last five years and actions taken then after for prevention of pollution.


29. Copies of Environmental Clearances obtained for the existing plant, its

point wise compliance report.

Not applicable

30. Copy of Consent to Operate (CC&A) obtained along with point wise

compliance status of all the conditions stipulated therein.

Kindly refer point no. 27

31. Being an expansion project, compliance of MoEF circulars vide No: J-

11011/618/2010-IAII(I) dated 30/05/2012 and J-11013/41/2006-IA-II(I) dated 20/10/2009

Not applicable

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EC was not applicable to existing unit.

32. Copies of XGN generated Inspection reports with analysis reports of the water/Air/Hazardous samples collected by GPCB (Last 2 years). Copies of

instructions issued by GPCB in last 2 years and point wise compliance



33. A tabular chart with index for point-wise compliance of above details.

As stated above

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Text Box
Annexure 1
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Annexure 2

Submit Checklist in the form of Do’s & Don’ts of preventive maintenance, strengthening of HSE, mfg

utility staff for safety related measures.


1. Identify the critical equipments

2. Plant periodic schedule after which preventive maintenance to be carried out.

3. Identify person who will carry out preventive maintenance

4. Prepare documents of PM & highlight time schedule or due date for carrying out

preventive maintenance.

5. Carry out regular safety meeting and discussed various issues related to safety.

Provide details of safety meeting to higher authorities.

6. Provide regular training to personnel related to safety and operations they carry out


7. Develop work permit system to carry out work in hazardous areas, work at height

and for excavation.


1. Do not start maintenance work without informing concern department.

2. Don’t carry out preventive maintenance without adequate PPE.

3. Don’t allow unwanted / unauthorized person in operation as well as flammable areas.

4. Don’t put obstruction in the way of emergency exit.

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Text Box
Annexure 3
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CTE Compliance

Sr. No. Condition Compliance status


1 The quantity of the industrial effluent to be generated from the

manufacturing process and other ancillary industrial operations shall

not be exceed 1600 lit/day which shall be completely reused after

primary and tertiary treatment


The water generated is reused

2 Unit shall be zero discharge unit Complied

3 The quantity of domestic waste water shall not exceed 0.5 KL/day Complied

4 Sewage shall be discharged into septic tank/ soak pit system Complied


5 There shall be no use of any fuel and no fuel emission sources Complied

6 There shall be no process emission from the manufacturing process

as well as any other ancillary operation


7 Stack monitoring facilities like port hole, platform/ ladder etc shall be

provided with stacks/ vents chimney in order to facilitate sampling of

gases being emitted into the atmosphere


8 Ambient air quality within the premises of the industry shall conform

to the following standards

Parameters Permission limit

Annual 24 hrs average

PM10 60 mg/m3 100 mg/m3

PM2.5 40 mg/m3 60 mg/m3

SO2 50 mg/m3 80 mg/m3

NOx 40 mg/m3 80 mg/m3

Compliance assured

9 All measures of the control of environmental pollution shall be

provided before commencing production


10 Condition under Hazardous waste

10.1 Applicant shall have to comply with provisions of Hazardous Waste

Management Handling & TM rules 2008 as amended from time to


Compliance assured

10.2 The applicant shall obtain membership of Common TSDF site for

disposal of Haz waste as categorized in Hazardous Waste

(Management, Handling and Transboundary Movement) Rules 2008

as amended from time to time

Compliance assured

10.3 The applicant shall obtain membership of common haz Waste

incineration for disposal of incinerable waste

Compliance assured

10.4 The applicant shall provide temporary storage facilities for each type

of Haz waste as per the of Hazardous Waste Management Handling &

TM rules 2003 as amended from time to time

Compliance assured


11 Unit shall develop green belt within premises as per CPCB guidelines.

However if adequate land is not available within premises, unit shall

tie up with local agencies like gram panchayat, school, social forestry

etc for the plantation at suitable open land in near by locality and

submit an action plan of plantation for next three years to GPCB.

Compliance assured

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Plantation should be started along with construction activity. For

plantation within the premises; a spacing of at least 4 m * 4 m shall

be kept i.e to say 250 plants per acre shall be planted. For plantation

outside the premises; a spacing of at least 2 m * 2 m will be kept i.e to

say 1000 plants per acre

12 Adequate plantation shall be carried out all along the periphery of the

industrial premises in such a way that the density of plantation is at

least 1000 trees per acre of land and a green belt of 10 meter width

are developed

Compliance assured

13 The applicant shall have to submit the returns in prescribed form

regarding water consumption and shall have to make payment of

water cess to the board under the water cess 1977. In case of change

of ownership/ management the name and address of the new

owners/ partners/ directors/ proprietor should immediately be

intimated to board

Compliance assured

14 In case of change of ownership/ management the name and address

of the new owners/ partners/ directors/ proprietor should

immediately be intimated to the board

Compliance assured

15 The applicant shall however, not without the prior consent of the

Board bring into use any new or altered outlet for the discharge of

effluent or gaseous emission or sewage waste or hazardous waste

from the proposed industrial plant. The applicant is required to make

applications to this board for this purpose in the prescribed forms

under the provision of the water act 1974, the air act 1981 and the

environment (protection) act 1986, 60 days before commencing the


Compliance assured

16 The applicant also comply with the general conditions as per

annexure 1 attached herewith

Compliance assured

17 The concentration of noise in ambient air at the periphery of

industrial unit shall not exceed following levels

Between 6 AM to 10 PM – 75 dB (A)

Between 10 PM to 6 AM – 70 dB (A)

Compliance assured

Applicant is required to comply with the manufacturing, storage and

import of hazardous chemical rules 1989 framed under the

environment protection act 1986

Compliance assured

If it is established by any competent authority that the damage is

abused due to their industrial activities to any person or his property

in that case they are obliged to pay the compensation as determined

by the competent authority

Compliance assured

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Annexure 4

Risk Assessment Report

Detailed Risk Assessment:


As per the requirements stated in the Terms of Reference of the EIA study, the risk

assessment study has been undertaken to address the following aspects:

• To identify hazards such as fire and explosion hazards arising from handling of

molten metal as well as storage of chemicals

• To predict various credible scenarios and develop maximum credible accident

scenarios with consequence

• To eliminate or reduce to as low as reasonably practical in terms of risk to human

health, risk of injury, risk of damage to plant, equipment and environment, business

interruption or loss etc.


• HSD should be stored in a suitable steel tank designed, constructed, and operated

according to standards for the prevention and control of fire and explosion hazards.

• HSD should be used in closed system. Employee handled HSD during unloading of

the tankers should be trained for standard operating procedures.

• HSD should be stored as per supplier’s instruction and MSDS should be made

available at site.

• Safety shower and Eye wash fountains should be made available nearby the area

for flushing in case of exposure.

• Personal Protective Equipments like apron, gloves, safety goggles, etc. should be

provided and ensured to be worn during working. Use of PPE is enforced 100%.

• Typical label, Warning and safety phrases such as 'flammable', etc should be

marked where applicable.

• Movement in HSD storage area should be restricted and smoking should be strictly


• Good Housekeeping is maintained at the facility.

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• The storage tanks should be secured in the open air, and sited at a distance of 5m

from adjacent building and the facility. Tanks are located away from other


• All measures should be taken to prevent potential heat and ignition sources

reaching the storage area.

• To avoid static electricity buildup proper grounding and bonding (including formal

procedures for the use and maintenance of grounding connections) should be

provided and other safety procedures for loading and unloading of product to

transport systems

• Facilities are properly equipped with fire suppression equipment that meets

recognized technical specifications for the type and amount of flammable and

combustible materials stored at the facility. Portable fire extinguishers are

maintained and readily available at the storage site. Fire buckets filled with dry

sand are provided for fire controls. Fire hydrants systems are also installed at the

facility. Fires are handled by trained firefighters.

• Special trainings are given to the employees regarding fire fighting through

demonstration and mock drills and in case of emergency only trained person are

permitted to handle the fire.

• Emergency telephone numbers are posted in a permanent place.


The other hazards possible at site are as given below:

Table 1: Other Hazards and Its Controls

Name of


hazard or


Its source &


Its effects on

person, property &


Place of effect Control measures





Any natural



Injuries & Fatalities

Building damage.

Building & sheds

of the company

Structure stability is by

competent person for

all structure.

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Over loading

No overloading of

structures and




failure like


PCC etc.


Loose contacts

Short circuit


Suffocation of

persons inside the




switch yard

Electrical MCC


Power plant

Installation as per

electricity rules.

Other Controls


Rubber mat provided

Earthing provision


The Organization Plan is a systematic list of persons in the emergency management team

and their functions before, during and after emergency. The disaster management

organization shall be capable of quick response at any time of the day or night to meet the

emergency condition, both for ON- SITE as well as OFF-SITE. The plan given a detailed

chain of command, area of responsibility of each personnel involved in the plan, the

information flow pattern to be followed and co-ordination activities required to tackle the




The emergency action plan consists of:

• First information;

• Responsibilities of Work Incident Controller;

• Responsibilities of Chief Incident Controller;

• Responsibilities for Declaration of Emergency;

• Responsibilities for Emergency Communication Officer;

• Responsibilities of key personnel;

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• Responsibilities and action to be taken by essential staff and various teams during

emergency; and

• Responsibilities for All Clear Signal.

The Disaster Management Organization and functions proposed for an emergency situation

is as follows:

It can be seen from Disaster Management Organization that Chief Emergency Coordinator

shall take charge of the whole situation and shall guide the various coordinators to contain

and control the incident. Various activities are to be carried out by pre- designated key

personnel (Coordinators) and their team in quickest possible time.

The names, residential addresses and telephone numbers of key personnel shall be clearly

written in Disaster Management Manual as well as widely circulated in ECC, different control

rooms. It is to be noted that first few minutes after start of the incident is most vital in

prevention of its escalation.

Pre-emergency Actions

The proposed preventive and pre-emptive measures are as follows:-

• Ensure implementation of Disaster Planning.

• Ensure that all drafted for emergency undergo regular training and are prepared for

tackling emergency/disaster.

• Ensure that Mock Drills are performed under simulated emergency condition at

regular intervals to assess the strength and weaknesses of the response team/plan.

• Ensure awareness among employees through regular training.

• Ensure good liaison with all agencies and industries in the neighborhood for getting

help if situation arises.

• Ensure adequate stock of safety, personal protective appliances in good working


• Ensure awareness amongst public in the neighboring areas.


An emergency control centre shall be provided at a safe place from where Chief Emergency

Co-coordinator shall function for ON-SITE emergency. The Emergency Control Centre (ECC)

shall be provided with following;

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• Adequate number personal protective equipment,

• Alarm and communication network (Siren, local as well as P&T Telephone, Public

Address system etc.),

• Route map,

• Map of the factory & surrounding areas, evacuation routes, fire hydrant network and

other important information

• Fire hydrant

• Copy of detailed Disaster Management Plan, where names, telephone numbers of the

response team members and their responsibilities are clearly written as well as names

and telephone numbers of key personnel from outside agencies and district authorities,

Fire Station, nearby Hospitals and doctors are provided.

• First aid kit,

• Material safety data sheets of chemicals

Medical Services

The doctors in the nearby hospitals should be trained for treatment of personnel affected.

Necessary apparatus and drugs should also be available in first aid post and in State

Hospitals and also other Nursing Homes nearby. Manager (HR-Welfare) should have good

liaison with authorities of nearby hospitals and Nursing Homes as well as doctors outside so

that help may be available when required.

Transport and Communication

Ambulance Van will be available inside plant premises. The disaster management cell will

have the contact number of nearby hospitals or nursing home with Ambulance facility to call

them in case of emergency.

Assembly Point

Assembly points shall be set up near to the likely hazardous event sites where pre-

designated persons from the disaster response team should assemble and meet the Site

Incident controller. This may be regarded as Site Incident Control Room where Incident

Controller will receive instruction and furnish information to the Chief Emergency Co-

ordinator. The site incident control room shall be provided with efficient communication

system, adequate personal protective equipment, copy of Disaster Management Manual etc.

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Emergency Shelter

Emergency shelter places shall be chosen sufficiently away from likely affected site.

Employees who are not in the emergency management team shall be asked to take shelter.

The place is chosen such that the employees taking shelter are not affected by fire or

explosion. More than one emergency shelter shall be designated so that proper shelter point

can be chosen depending on wind direction and other factors.

Wind Socks

Windsocks shall be provided on the top of tall buildings to indicate the wind direction.


The task of preparing the Off-Site Emergency Plan lies with the district collector; however

the off-site plan will be prepared with the help of the local district authorities. However, it

can be observed from the risk modeling that the damage contours will be within the plant

boundary and therefore on-site emergency plan has more significance.

8. Occupational health impacts on the workers and mitigation measures proposed

to avoid the human health hazards along with the personal protective equipment

to be provided to the workers exposed.

Maintenance of occupational safety and health is very closely related to productivity and

good employer-employee relationship. In addition to these, safety of employees during

construction, operation and maintenance of plant and equipment shall be achieved by

following proper safety measures.

The following occupational health and safety issues are specific to proposed plant activities:

• Physical hazards: Potential physical hazards in proposed plant are related to handling

heavy mechanical transport (e.g. trucks), work at heights (e.g. platforms, ladders,

and stairs during construction phase), lifting and moving of heavy load during

construction and operation phase and other man machine interrelated hazards

• Electrical hazards: Workers may be exposed to electrical hazards due to the

presence of heavy-duty electrical equipment in plant

We proposed following measures to prevent above Hazards.

• Physical hazards:

1) Internal transport of heavy trucks to be controlled and their speed inside the

premise to be controlled.

Page 30: Additional points · 2017. 3. 14. · break, resulting into generation of yarn waste. Normally in Polyester/ Nylon

2) During the construction phase and during maintenance while working on height

workers are properly supervised by their contractors and safety belts, helmets to

be used.

3) Adopting safe working procedure for operation and maintenance, and use of

proper tools.

4) Maintaining safe and comfortable working environment and good


5) Avoidance of human errors by proper supervision. Personal protection to be


6) Timely inspection / testing of lifting tools and tackles as per Gujarat

Factories Act /rules.

• Electrical Hazard:

1) Use safe working practice while working on heavy duty electrical equipments.

2) Proper preventive maintenance to be carried out.

• Noise:

1) High noise generating equipment such as engine etc to be provided proper


2) High noise area to be identified and while approaching to the area ear-plugs to

be used.

3) The duty hours will be rotated, so that noise exposure time is kept within

specified limits.

4) Periodic noise monitoring to be carried out in the premise.

• Skin burnt due to fire:

1) During the fire instructions to be followed properly.

Regular medical checkup for the employees shall be done.

All workmen employed in hazardous working conditions will be provided with adequate

personal protective equipments as applicable to the work like: -

• Industrial safety boots

• Industrial helmets

• Hand gloves

• Ear muffs

• Welder’s screens and aprons

• Gas masks

• Respirators