Addition of Name of Child in Birth Certificate


Transcript of Addition of Name of Child in Birth Certificate

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Addition of Name of Child in Birth Certificate/ ਜਨਮ  ਦਰਜ


1.  Residence Certificate Type /

2.  Name of the child to be added / ਦਰਜ  

3.  Late Reason /

4.  Grandfather's Name /

5.  Address of Parents at the time of Birth /

Original Birth Certificate Data / ਜਨਮ 

1.  Birth Certificate No. / ਜਨਮ  

2.  Birth Certificate Issuance Date / ਜਨਮ  

3.  Place of birth / ਜਨਮ  

Registration Details /

1.  Registration Office / ਦਫਤਰ  

2.  Registration No. /

3.  Date of Registration /

4.  District /

5.  Tehsil /

6.  Police Station /

--Select--/ਚਣ  ਕਰ 


--Select--/ ਚਣ  ਕਰ 

--Select--/ ਚਣ  ਕਰ 

--   e ect--/ ਚਣ  ਕਰ 

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Information Corrected by Dealing Clerk / Computer Clerk (EOMC)/

ਲਰ ਲਰ ਗ

1.  Police Station /

2.  Date of birth / ਜਨਮ  

3.  Verification Record ID /

4.  Citizen First Name in Punjabi /

 5.  Citizen Middle Name in Punjabi /

6.  Citizen Last Name in Punjabi /

7.  Father's First Name in Punjabi /

8.  Father's Middle Name in Punjabi /

9.  Father's Last Name in Punjabi /

10.  Mother's First Name in Punjabi /


  Mother's Middle Name in Punjabi /

12.  Mother's Last Name in Punjabi /

Part – 2 Personal Details /

Personal Data /Fill in English

1. Salutation / Mr. / Mrs. / Ms./

2.  Citizen First Name /

3.  Citizen Middle Name /

4.  Citizen Last Name /

5.  Gender / Male/ Female/  

6.  Date of birth /

7.  Father's First Name /

8. Father's Middle Name /

9.  Father's Last Name /

10.  Mother's First Name /

11.  Mother's Middle Name /

12.  Mother's Last Name / 

13.  Place of Birth /

--   e ect--/ ਚਣ  ਕਰ 

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14. Marital Status /

15.  Spouse Name /

16.  Email ID /

17.  Phone Number /

18.  Mobile Number /

Permanent Address / 

1.  Address is Out of state? /

2.  State /

3.  District /

4.  Tehsil /


  Block /

6.  Village /

7.  PIN Code /

8.  Street Address or any other landmark /

Current Address /1.  Address is same as permanent address? /

2.  Address is Out of state? /

3.  State /

4.  District /

5.  Tehsil /


  Block /

7.  Village /

8.  PIN Code /

9.  Street Address or any other landmark /

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List of Required Documents /

Category of Document /   Mandatory/ Optional /

Application From parent or Guardian/ Mandatory /

Birth Certificate in Original / ਜਨਮ   Mandatory /

Self Declaration / Mandatory /

School certificate(attested copy)/Passport/Driving

License /

, ,

ਜਨਮ   ਦਰਜ  

Mandatory /

Note: At the time of upload/submission of e-Form, please make sure to attach the mentioned documents.

, ,


;t? x PDk gZso

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 fibQ k  _______________________________________ dk$dh t;Bhe jK ns/ j/ m fby/ nB[ ;ko fpnkB eodk$eodh jK fe :- 

1  fJj fe w/ o/ gZ[ so$g[ Z soh dk iBw ________________________________________________ fty/ fwsh B{ z j' fJnk ;h.

2  fJj fe w? A pZ u/ dk BkweoB ohsh fotkIK nB[ ;ko eo fbnk j? ns/ T[ ; dk BK  _______________________  oZ y fbnk j? 

3  fJj fe T[ ;d/ iBw ofi;Nq  / PB foekov ftZ u pZ u/ dk Bkw doi eoe/ ;oNhfce/N ikoh ehsk ikt/.

4  fJj fe w/ o/ tZ b' A T[ go' es fdZ sk fpnkB ;jh dk do[ ;s j?.




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 w? A fJj x' PDk eodk$eodh jK fe T[ go' es gs/  ns/  Bkb BZ Eh d;skt/ IK ftZ u ;{ uBk w/ oh ikDekoh ns/  ftPtk;

 nB[ ;ko do[ ;s j? ns/ fJ; ftZ u e[Z M th S[ gkfJnk Bjh frnk j?. w? A fJ; rZ b s' A ikD{ jK fe i/eo w/ o/ d[ nkok fdZ sh

 rJh ;{ uBk M{ mh ;kfps j[ z dh j? sK w? A ekB{ z B nB[ ;ko ;Ik dk$dh Gkrhdko j' tKrk$j' tKrh ns/ nfijh M{ mh ;{ uBk d/ 

 nXko s/ w? B{z fwb/ bkG ;o;oh s" o s/ ysw j' ikDr/.




;/ tk fty/ 

 fIbQ k$b' eb ofi;Noko iBw ns/ w" s, Bro e" ;b, ;kfjpikdk nihs f;z x Bro.

ftPk iBw ;oNhfce/ N ftZ u pZ u/ dk BK doI eoB ;pz Xh.

;q hwkB ih,

 p/ Bsh j?  fe w/ o/  gZ  [ so$g[ Asoh dk

iBw  ____________________________________  fty/ fwsh  ______________  B{ z j' fJnk ;h. T'  [ ;d/ iBw foekov ftu

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Bkw doI Bjh j' fJnk ;h. j[ D w? A nkgD/  pZ u/  dk BkweoB ohsh fotkIK nB[ ;ko eo fbnk j?  ns/  T[ ; dk

BK  ______________________________  oZ y fbnk j?.

feogk eoe/ T[ go' es iBw ofi;Nq  / PB foekov ftZ u pZ u/ dk Bk doI eoe/ iBw ;oNhfce/ N ikoh ehsk ikt/ ih.

 Xz Btkd ;kfjs,

 nkg ih dk$dh ftPtk;gkso, 


