Adding Spell Check Using Infragistics


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Transcript of Adding Spell Check Using Infragistics

Page 1: Adding Spell Check Using Infragistics

Adding Spell-check to your Application using Infragistics

1. Add a reference to the Infragistics WebSpellChecker component to the ASPX page

<%@ Register Assembly="Infragistics2.WebUI.WebSpellChecker.v8.2, Version=8.2.20082.1000, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7dd5c3163f2cd0cb" Namespace="Infragistics.WebUI.WebSpellChecker" TagPrefix="ig_spell" %>

2. Add a WebSpellChecker control for each input field that requires the spell-check feature.a. Set the TextComponentId property to the name of the input control to spell-checkb. Set the ButtonId property to the name of the button that initiates the spell-check

<ig_spell:WebSpellChecker ID="WebSpellChecker1" runat="server" TextComponentId="txtShortDescr" ButtonId="button1"></ig_spell:WebSpellChecker>

3. Add a button for each input field that is associated with a WebSpellChecker control (fig. 1)

<button id="button1" runat="server"><img src="../Images/spellcheck.gif" alt="Spell Check" />


Fig. 1; sample spell-check button

4. When the spell-check button is clicked, a word recommendation dialog is displayed if there are errors (fig. 2). The alert message is displayed once all spell-check errors have been addressed (fig. 3).

Fig. 2; Spelling errors dialog Fig. 3; Spell-check complete alert