Adamantine Cosmic Love[2] - Adamantine Cosmic Love spans a wide spectrum that...

Adamantine Cosmic Love Copyright 2012 Anita L. Briggs All Rights Reserved 1 Adamantine Cosmic Love An Inner Mastery Tool/Activation for Accelerated Clearing, Healing, and Embodiment of Divine Love Activations conceived and developed by Anita Briggs and Greg LeMoine Manual written by Anita Briggs DCEd, MSc, MIMT, DAc.

Transcript of Adamantine Cosmic Love[2] - Adamantine Cosmic Love spans a wide spectrum that...

  • Adamantine Cosmic Love

    Copyright 2012 Anita L. Briggs All Rights Reserved


    Adamantine Cosmic Love

    An Inner Mastery Tool/Activation for Accelerated

    Clearing, Healing, and Embodiment of Divine Love

    Activations conceived and developed by Anita Briggs and Greg LeMoine

    Manual written by Anita Briggs

    DCEd, MSc, MIMT, DAc.

  • Adamantine Cosmic Love

    Copyright 2012 Anita L. Briggs All Rights Reserved


    Adamantine Cosmic Love............................................................................................... 3

    Cosmic Love ~ Agape Love ....................................................................................... 4

    First ACL ................................................................................................................ 4

    Higher Vibration ACL ............................................................................................ 5

    Meditation to Magnify the ACL Energy................................................................. 6

    Magnify This Activation......................................................................................... 8

    Vibrationally Encoded Images.................................................................................. 10

    Ocean of Adamantine Cosmic Love ..................................................................... 10

  • Adamantine Cosmic Love

    Copyright 2012 Anita L. Briggs All Rights Reserved


    Adamantine Cosmic Love

    Our initial goal with the Tool was to establish an ‘ocean of love’ environment or

    ‘bubble’ for the human body. We instinctively knew that this was necessary in order to

    become attuned to the ‘Wave of Love’ that was moving through the galaxy during these

    transformation times, and to become immune to the forces of chaos that have intensified

    on the planet since 2009 and were infiltrating every level of being and hindering all

    attempts at spiritualizing the members of our being.

    We felt that evolving in a substance of love was the only way that we could lift ourselves

    from under the density of the current human body that was making it difficult to feel our

    soul nature. We did establish this to some degree in our work last year, only to have it

    undone repeatedly by all manner of infiltration and travesties. We worked very hard to

    establish sovereignty, but we failed to realize that our bodies and members had been so

    separated and infiltrated in the ‘interspaces’ that our efforts fell short of the mark.

    We have since realized that the only true sovereignty comes for the Christ power within,

    but even that was not fail proof, as bodies were too broken to take in the Christ in fullness

    (and moreover the Christ power was very muted up until recently). In addition, because

    of the greater chaos that had become magnetized in our realm, the Christ impulse also

    had to expand in several ways…And that led us deeply on a journey in support of the

    Christ mission, leading us to ever deeper understanding of the events taking place at the

    present time.

    But the Christ power was not the only thing to consider. There was also the restoration of

    Primordial Mother as the power over the planet and the atomic matrix, and establishing

    deeper attunement at the body level to Father God. In short, we were working to support

    a living and palpable power of the Trinity in our body at all levels, in all systems—from

    the atom to the Atma level. This we did with a tremendous spiritual team that kept

    growing as we went deeper into the work.

    It quickly became clear that it was necessary also to ensure some level of sovereignty

    from devastating infiltration while a person was in the process of taking in the Christ and

    Trinity principles but not quite there yet. As we went deeper and deeper into things, it

    was finally apparent that we were working with such a flawed system that we would

    forever be ‘patching fixes’. And so we needed to break away from the old bodies and

    have created new potentials that would be a whole new platform inaccessible to the

    forces of chaos. We’d been chasing after resolution for this and that travesty…fixing this

    breach…only to find a worse one has appeared later.

    As result of our relentless and intensely frustrating work over the last two years to

    establish true sovereignty of being and have some true level of free will, we were given

    new body templates, the Adam-2 Template and beyond, that represented an entirely new

    platform for human evolution. This new pathway of evolution is beyond what was ever

    envisioned for humanity, and will lead the race that is undergoing its ‘human stage’

    presently to even greater powers of love in freedom. Those who embody the new

  • Adamantine Cosmic Love

    Copyright 2012 Anita L. Briggs All Rights Reserved


    Templates that have been seeded in the DNA in all of humanity that is choosing forward

    evolution will eventually move to a much higher order reality (in subsequent

    incarnations). We will already witness a move to the higher vibrational reality during

    2012 and into 2017, for all. And because this body platform represents much higher

    potential, many highly evolved souls will also choose to incarnate in years to come.

    In the new Adam Templates, the ego principle reaches into higher dimensions of being

    such that the Christ Ego may be embodied more deeply than originally possible, and

    three new higher spiritual bodies have become accessible at minimum. These three new

    higher bodies represent a higher form of love than was possible before: a higher

    sacrificial love that produces creative substance of benefit to cosmic evolution.

    The new Adam bodies have a greater level of inviolability even in those who have not

    deeply integrated the new A2 template. And the receptivity to the higher energies moving

    into the planetary realm is also increased. The vibration of love from the current

    Adamantine Cosmic Love spans a wide spectrum that reaches up to higher love

    vibrations than have ever been in existence. Through the Adam template work, the

    Godhead and the spiritual hierarchies have also expanded, and ‘new substance’ of love

    has appeared in this vibrational realm that was never there before.

    The Adamantine Cosmic Love Tool and attunement allows those who are striving to

    know God deeply through devotion and selfless love to channel these higher frequencies

    to the degree of receptivity. As you reach for deeper selfless love and follow the path of

    surrender, the ACL will support you to become receptive to even higher love. Surrender

    is a process of releasing your life and being into a larger ‘story’ and a larger sense of self,

    so that you support a higher order reality to incarnate into this realm.

    Cosmic Love ~ Agape Love

    First ACL

    In the first RHS1 in 2011, we received a download of the pure Cosmic Love ‘plasma’—

    the vibration of the God-wave that was moving through the Milky Way. We found that

    in the divine ideal state on the planet, this Cosmic Love vibration was present in nature

    and in animals, but that was not the case in human beings. We called it ‘adamantine’ to

    connote irreducible/inviolable, and relate it to the love particles of creation that are

    referred to as adamantine particles in Love Without End. We found also that this love

    energy was a higher and more pristine vibration that was Reiki. True reiki was no longer

    accessible to most people, and only a few practitioners who had achieved true

    selflessness were able to access that vibration.

    Sadly, most Reiki practitioners were working with a tainted energy. The distortion was

    sustained because the ‘lineage’ became tainted, and because practitioners themselves did

    not go through the rigorous self-transformation that was required of those initiated into

    Reiki years ago. There is woman who charges over ten thousand dollars for the Reiki

  • Adamantine Cosmic Love

    Copyright 2012 Anita L. Briggs All Rights Reserved


    training and attunements, and we found that she is one of the very few who are actually

    able to access the true Reiki. You may wonder at this, but she works with her pupils in

    such a way that they undergo deep self-transformation, and they receive the attunements

    when they are already accessing that level of pure divine energy in consciousness.

    This illustrates the fact that it is not the modality that heals; it is the healer as a

    consciousness attuned to the divine. All external modalities that are applied

    algorithmically are no longer appropriate at present—they may cause things to move

    around, but they do not effectuate true healing. And all modalities that originate from

    people who are egotistical in their motives are inherently tainted. And this may shock

    many, but it is what we have uncovered: the harm from misaligned healing energies or

    tainted modalities is seeded into the future. So there may be the spontaneous healing at

    the time, and it may well last for years or even a lifetime; but the piper will be paid with

    interest accrued.

    True healing is reserved for those who strive to commune with the divine, as all healing

    is a return to wholeness or to ever higher vibratory light. In the future there will be no

    ‘external’ modalities; rather there will be teaching about the mysteries of creation, soul

    evolution, and the members of the human being, and training will consist in supporting

    the unfoldment of inner faculties and healing gifts inherent to the soul. This is actually

    where our work is moving to presently. And healers will be those who are in communion

    with God and manifest wholeness within that is radiated outward. In this manner, healing

    will not force outcomes—it will unfold in accordance with divine will and with respect of

    soul lessons. And when we achieve this state, the power of healing on the planet will be

    tremendous indeed!

    We also programmed the ACL so that when we consciously entered into the state of love

    when engaged in creative activity, we would also be engaging the adamantine particles of

    creation (the pool of love particles that we each have agency over). Furthermore, with the

    ACL attunement we could flow this Cosmic Love to others (in healing sessions or just in

    life) or have it magnify in our lives around any issue we need support with.

    Higher Vibration ACL

    But as we worked more deeply with the Trinity over subsequent months, we found that

    the love vibration was changing too. The level of love emanating from the Christ and the

    inner planes overall has expanded considerably through the sacrifices that were enacted

    in order to turn the tides away from devolution to a higher order of evolutionary potential

    in creation. And recently, we’ve found that when we commune in love and are willing to

    pour ourselves out into it, a new etheric substance was being created. God gave the word

    ‘agape’ with respect to this, and we were guided to pour it out all over the spiritual

    creation. As we did this, it was augmented from ‘above’ and turned into a rainbow bridge

    of light substance that connected all levels of being within a person—filling up the

    interspaces or liminal spaces—, all planetary bodies, star systems, all levels of being for

  • Adamantine Cosmic Love

    Copyright 2012 Anita L. Briggs All Rights Reserved


    the planet, etc. And so our ‘ocean of love’ has finally manifested. And this substance is

    the new Adamantine Cosmic Love to which you have been attuned.

    “Agape” (pronounced agápē) is sacrificial love—it is the force underlying all of creation

    and the love of God, the Christ, and Primordial Mother God. And as we poured

    ourselves out into the work out of sacrificial love for God, the Trinity augmented it with

    further sacrifice and this is the new substance of the spiritual creation.

    Those with the attunement are assured some level of connection to this pristine energy,

    and your ability to wield it will increase on your level of Heart expansion, selflessness

    and attunement to the Trinity.

    Meditation to Magnify the ACL Energy

    A wonderful meditation to increase the flow of ACL through you is as follows:

    • Go into a deeper state of meditation by whatever means you wish. I have

    presented a method here for your convenience.1 It is important to go deeply

    within when doing healing work, as the deeper you are within, the closer you are

    to the universal divine mind and the greater is the healing power that you may


    o Take three breaths, hold each one for a few moments before exhaling slowly.

    o Then image golden light entering through the Crown and into your head, then

    moving slowly into your body until it reaches your feet.

    o You may then image an elevator or escalator taking you down…down…deeper

    within. Feel yourself breathing in through all your pores…in and out. Feel

    yourself merging with your breath…becoming your breath. Then feel yourself

    breathing in through your pores, red light…in and out….next orange light…in

    and out….always going down, down further. Next yellow light…then green

    light…then blue light….violet light….and then gold light…..always going


    o Now exit the elevator or get off the escalator, and imagine that you are in a

    space filled with light. Begin breathing slowly, being aware of your breath.

    o Now feel that every pore of your body is breathing in the air, as once only your

    lungs were. Breathe in and out from every pore of your body, and start to feel

    that your consciousness is your breath…and you are moving in and out like a

    wave on the shore.

    o Next, give to your breath the quality of light. Imagine that instead of air, you

    are taking in and radiating out light from every pore.

    1 It is adapted from the work of Gerald O’Donnell, of the Academy of Remote Viewing/Remote Influencing.

  • Adamantine Cosmic Love

    Copyright 2012 Anita L. Briggs All Rights Reserved


    o Now consider that every atom in your body is surrounded by a vast amount of

    space…atoms are relatively very far apart, such that there is more space in

    your body than there is atomic matter. The matter portion is less than 1% of the

    projected body. Image this light breathed in and out is your consciousness that

    creates the body projection. Feel the consciousness pooling into a bright light

    in the heart area on the next breath….

    o Now feel the light pooling into the heart on the inbreath, and reaching out into

    the cosmos on the outbreath…projecting your whole being/consciousness out

    into the universe.

    o Breathe in deeper and deeper…going into deeper and vaster consciousness

    until you sense you are merging in God.

    • Now feel your love of God, the Christ, and Primordial Mother, who have poured

    Themselves out and given all that They are to the vibrational realm of creation.

    Go as deeply as you can, until you feel moved at the soul level.

    • Allow yourself to feel such depth of love that you are moved to surrender any

    personal desire and cultivate as sole desire to love the Trinity…in gratefulness, in

    reverence, in awe…and let yourself feel elevated in this. Feel yourself

    surrendering to higher love with your whole being…

    • Now imagine that you pour yourself out into creation out of pure love….that you

    give all of yourself in support of God’s Highest Vision for humanity and for

    creation. Feel a desire to serve God, with no regard for anything in return but

    doing it only out of love…love of the interplay between consciousness and the

    mirrored effect in life. Feel that interplay on the in and out breath. Feel yourself

    pouring out on the outbreath with ever greater devotion, and welcoming in

    greater creational energies and higher vibratory light on the inbreath…so that

    you can pour out ever greater love into the world as you take more of it in.

    • Immerse deeply in this imagination…feel it deeply. And as you are wholly

    immersed in this holy state, activate the ACL and feel it coursing through your

    bodies, filling your aura, and spreading out all around you. And feel the love from

    your Heart outpouring into this substance…flowing out and into whatever you are

    compelled to think about.

    • If you are doing physical healing, command the energy to flow out the palms of

    your hands and direct to your body or your client’s body. Or you may imagine it

    flowing out and all around your body, recycling inward to the zero-point of the

    Heart at it reaches the outer edge or your auric field…expanding the aura on

    each cycle.

  • Adamantine Cosmic Love

    Copyright 2012 Anita L. Briggs All Rights Reserved


    • If you wish, command the energy throughout creation, following its flows on

    rainbows of light that interconnect everything…If you want to send healing to the

    waters of the earth, to people at a distance, or to other galaxies, just intend that it

    be so and follow it with your imagination.

    If you are a healing practitioner, we suggest you access the ACL in all your sessions,

    immersing in it deeply before seeing clients so that you are attuned to highest cosmic

    love in all your work. You can also use it in your healing work with clients, as suggested

    in the above meditation. The more you use it, the more deeply you will be able to

    embody it, and the more powerfully you will experience it.

    Another wonderful and simple exercise once you have ACL activated, is to focus on an

    area that you wish to activate or heal (e.g. a gland, an organ, a body, body system, area of

    pain, emotional issue, etc.), and imagine focusing the breath into that area, until all your

    breath is exclusively nourishing, cleansing, transformation that area with ACL energies.

    You can do this on clients too. You can get the client involved by having them direct

    their breath to that area at the same time.

    With the attunement, you will now be immersed in this ACL energy to the maximum

    possible at any time—in other words, as you release lower energies, this higher Cosmic

    Love will fill the void, creating an ever increasing baseline of love in your bodies. So

    you will be ‘impregnated’ (this was the specific word that we heard) with it in your cells,

    fields, endocrine glands, etc. Interesting word, because once embodied, the ACL energy

    will cause regeneration and ‘birth’ of greater light.

    In addition, we asked that your Higher Self be empowered to utilize the energy as

    feedback, magnifying the pathways that are optimal for you. So the energy’s presence or

    magnification in you would act as a feedback mechanism to support you to stay on track

    in life.

    Magnify This Activation

    To magnify this energy use the trigger statement, “Impregnate my cells and being with

    Adamantine Cosmic Love”. Feel your Crown center to activate it, then use the trigger

    statement and take a few moments or minutes to feel your body being immersed in this

    Love energy. You may image it as a great wave of shimmering high vibrational energy

    flooding your being (first the brain area, then into the body). Alternatively, center at the

    Heart and zero-point (point of infinity or where microcosm can be turned inside out into

    the macrocosm and vice versa). Feel deepest love for God or the Trinity and state the

    trigger statement, imaging the energy raying out from infinity within, to all levels of your


  • Adamantine Cosmic Love

    Copyright 2012 Anita L. Briggs All Rights Reserved


    Now see yourself in the world, as herald of new potential…an agent and viral carrier of

    highest Love. Image yourself in life, and feel that in this high vibration there is no

    resistance or judgement about anything…you are establishing a higher order reality

    around you and are unconcerned about what may be out there. Feel your aura or magnetic

    power increasing around you, and being filled with this highest Love energy that is

    powerfully creative…and you floating through life, establishing order, beauty, and moral

    rule around you…

    * * * * *

    If you are doing hands on work with clients, use the same trigger and once your body

    and aura are filled, ask that it flow through your hand chakras as well as from all your

    higher dimensions to your client’s higher dimensional selves. Feel your being fully

    aligned in the Trinity and striving for deepest connection.

    When you are creating in life, whatever it may be (a document, a proposal, painting,

    meal, planting a garden, beautifying or ordering your home, etc.) use the same trigger,

    but now also mentally command your adamantine particles of love to come into

    manifestation in your creation. Connect to the love that you are as you do this, and feel

    your love flowing into your creation. Image your whole being emanating this high

    vibratory love energy.

    When faced with a decision or a challenge in life…tune into the situation and feel it

    with your whole body. Then bring in the ACL energy (as described in how to magnify it)

    and allow it to completely impregnate your body and mind. Mentally ask your Higher

    Self to keep you on track in alignment with Highest Will. Remain immersed in the ACL

    energy for as long as you like. Then tune into the situation again and feel it...feel one

    possibility, then another, etc. and let your body reveal what is best for you.

    The above are just ideas on how you might engage the energy consciously—please do

    whatever you feel inspired to do!

    You will be continually filled with an ever increasing baseline of this liquid Love in

    measure as you release less-than-love energies. And the more you magnify the energy,

    the more quickly you will integrate it. This process will support you whether or not you

    work in the healing field. As well, it will increase your overall health and vitality, and

    will support deeper integration of all the coding that you have received through other

    IMT work.

    * * * * *

  • Adamantine Cosmic Love

    Copyright 2012 Anita L. Briggs All Rights Reserved


    Vibrationally Encoded Images

    Ocean of Adamantine Cosmic Love

  • Adamantine Cosmic Love

    Copyright 2012 Anita L. Briggs All Rights Reserved


    Oneness with Creation and Birth of Cosmic Love