February 2018 SOUTHEAST UPDATE Career Week During the week of February 26 th , SE students were treated to guest speakers from many different fields and businesses as part of our Career Week. This is part of our initiative to help students identify fields of interest and begin preparing for the education they will need to pursue these fields. A big thank you to Mrs. Walton for organizing Career Week and to our speakers who participated: Larry Loeper, Fire Chief Kate Doutrich, RN Wellspan Dr. McLaughlin John Salibar, Bayer Carol Saltzer, Lebanon Community Theatre Wendy Kalbach, Jennifer Leidtka, LVC Heather Eggert, Henry & Beaver Brian Weidman, PennDot Lindsey Seidel, Asics Brian Weidman, PennDot Folmer's Bakery Nate Smith, Ft Indiantown Jen Martin, RN Sarah Marino, MedExpress Teddybear Clinic Sarah Brandt, EMT Beth Brandt, Wertz Alison Alonso and Douglas, Dog Trainer/Groome Vanessa Rittenbaugh, RN Wellspan Amy Lane & Leighanne Shiffer Wellspan Judge Verna Christine Ferreira, WGAL Meteorologist Sharon Reigel & Dominique Krow, Humane Society Brenda Oren, Pennsy Supply Mayor Capello Patrolman Ayala Jeff Volosin, NASA Olivia Farbaugh, Singer/Songwriter/Hairstylist Michael Bechtold, Buzgon Davis Terri Marks, Wellspan Sarah Brandt, EMT Parking Lot Safety We have many cars arriving at SE for arrival and dismissal compared to the size of our parking lot. This has caused a lot of traffic congestion at these times, leading to frustration for many people, and, at times, unsafe situations for our students. To ensure a safe and orderly parking lot experience, please follow these guidelines at all times: There is now a STOP sign at the crosswalk. Always stop at the crosswalk to make sure no one is crossing in front of you. If you are dropping a student off and want to watch them come up to the door, please pull into a parking spot to do this. Cars sitting and watching students walk are creating traffic issues for those behind them. The parking lot allows room for 2 lanes of traffic. It is preferable to stay in the same lane you started in at all times. We understand that at times, it becomes necessary to change lanes – if this is the case, please do so cautiously. If you are parking in the Kindergarten Pod circle, please do not park on the inside of the circle. You may park in the outside part of the circle. This is necessary to keep traffic moving through the lot. Thank you for your cooperation. Please be courteous! Traffic is an inconvenience for everyone, but by working together and staying calm, we can minimize the inconvenience for everyone and maintain our focus on the safety of our students. Thank you in advance for your help in maintaining student safety during arrival and dismissal! Upcoming Events Date Event Time 5-Mar no school-Parent teacher conferences 6-Mar no school-Parent teacher conferences 7-Mar School is in session (snow make up day) 13-Mar PTT Meeting 6:00 PM 21-Mar Book Bingo 6:00 PM 29-Mar Early Dismissal 12:00 PM 28-Mar Spelling Bee 2:30 and 6:00 30-Mar No School 2-Apr No School (snow make up day) 3-Apr PTT meeting 3:45 PM




Career Week During the week of February 26th, SE students were treated to guest speakers from many different fields and businesses as part of our Career Week. This is part of our initiative to help students identify fields of interest and begin preparing for the education they will need to pursue these fields. A big thank you to Mrs. Walton for organizing Career Week and to our speakers who participated:

Larry Loeper, Fire Chief Kate Doutrich, RN Wellspan

Dr. McLaughlin John Salibar, Bayer

Carol Saltzer, Lebanon Community Theatre Wendy Kalbach,

Jennifer Leidtka, LVC Heather Eggert, Henry & Beaver

Brian Weidman, PennDot Lindsey Seidel, Asics

Brian Weidman, PennDot Folmer's Bakery

Nate Smith, Ft Indiantown Jen Martin, RN

Sarah Marino, MedExpress Teddybear Clinic Sarah Brandt, EMT Beth Brandt, Wertz

Alison Alonso and Douglas, Dog Trainer/Groome Vanessa Rittenbaugh, RN Wellspan

Amy Lane & Leighanne Shiffer Wellspan Judge Verna

Christine Ferreira, WGAL Meteorologist Sharon Reigel & Dominique Krow, Humane Society

Brenda Oren, Pennsy Supply Mayor Capello

Patrolman Ayala Jeff Volosin, NASA

Olivia Farbaugh, Singer/Songwriter/Hairstylist Michael Bechtold, Buzgon Davis

Terri Marks, Wellspan Sarah Brandt, EMT

Parking Lot Safety We have many cars arriving at SE for arrival and dismissal compared to the size of our parking lot. This has caused a lot of traffic congestion at these times, leading to frustration for many people, and, at times, unsafe situations for our students. To ensure a safe and orderly parking lot experience, please follow these guidelines at all times: • There is now a STOP sign at the crosswalk. Always stop at

the crosswalk to make sure no one is crossing in front of you.

• If you are dropping a student off and want to watch them come up to the door, please pull into a parking spot to do this. Cars sitting and watching students walk are creating traffic issues for those behind them.

• The parking lot allows room for 2 lanes of traffic. It is preferable to stay in the same lane you started in at all times. We understand that at times, it becomes necessary to change lanes – if this is the case, please do so cautiously.

• If you are parking in the Kindergarten Pod circle, please do not park on the inside of the circle. You may park in the outside part of the circle. This is necessary to keep traffic moving through the lot. Thank you for your cooperation.

• Please be courteous! Traffic is an inconvenience for everyone, but by working together and staying calm, we can minimize the inconvenience for everyone and maintain our focus on the safety of our students.

Thank you in advance for your help in maintaining student safety during arrival and dismissal!

Upcoming Events

Date Event Time

5-Mar no school-Parent teacher conferences

6-Mar no school-Parent teacher conferences

7-Mar School is in session (snow make up day)

13-Mar PTT Meeting 6:00 PM

21-Mar Book Bingo 6:00 PM

29-Mar Early Dismissal 12:00 PM

28-Mar Spelling Bee 2:30 and 6:00

30-Mar No School

2-Apr No School (snow make up day)

3-Apr PTT meeting 3:45 PM



Semana del profesional Durante la semana del 26 de febrero, los estudiantes de SE tendrán como invitados a profesionales en diferentes campos y empresas como parte de nuestra semana de profesionales. Esto es parte de nuestra iniciativa para ayudar a los estudiantes a identificar los campos de interés y comenzar a prepararse para la educación que necesitarán para seguir estos campos. Muchas gracias a la Sra. Walton por organizar Career Week y a nuestros participantes:

Larry Loeper, jefe de bomberos Kate Doutrich, enfermera Wellspan

Dr. McLaughlin John Salibar, Bayer

Carol Saltzer, Lebanon Community Theatre Wendy Kalbach,

Jennifer Leidtka, LVC Heather Eggert, Henry & Beaver

Brian Weidman, PennDot Lindsey Seidel, Asics

Brian Weidman, PennDot Panadería de Folmer

Nate Smith, Ft Indiantown Jen Martin, enfermera

Sarah Marino, MedExpress Teddybear Clinic Sarah Brandt, EMT Beth Brandt, Wertz

Alison Alonso y Douglas, Entrenador /Estilista de caninos Vanessa Rittenbaugh, enfermera Wellspan

Amy Lane y Leighanne Shiffer Wellspan Juez Verna

Christine Ferreira, meteoróloga WGAL Sharon Reigel y Dominique Krow, Sociedad Protectora de

Animales Brenda Oren, Pennsy Supply

Alcalde Capello Patrullero Ayala

Jeff Volosin, NASA Olivia Farbaugh, cantante / compositora / estilista

Michael Bechtold, Buzgon Davis Terri Marks, Wellspan

Sarah Brandt, EMT

Seguridad en el estacionamiento Tenemos muchos autos que llegan al SE a la hora de entrada y salída en comparación con el tamaño de nuestro estacionamiento. Esto ha causado mucha congestión de tráfico en estos momentos, lo que lleva a la frustración de muchas personas y, a veces, a situaciones inseguras para nuestros estudiantes. Para garantizar una experiencia de estacionamiento segura y ordenada, siga estas pautas en todo momento: • Ahora hay una señal de “STOP” en el cruce de peatones. Siempre pare en el cruce de peatones para asegurarse de que nadie cruce frente a usted. • Si va a dejar a un alumno y quiere verlos acercarse a la puerta, por favor vaya a un lugar de estacionamiento para hacer esto. Los autos que se detienen a mirar a los estudiantes caminar crean problemas de tráfico para quienes están detrás de ellos. • El estacionamiento permite espacio para 2 carriles de tráfico. Es preferible permanecer en el mismo carril en el que comenzó en todo momento. Entendemos que, en ocasiones, es necesario cambiar de carril; si este es el caso, hágalo con precaución. • Si está estacionando en el círculo de Kindergarten Pod, no se estacione en el interior del círculo. Puedes estacionarte en la parte exterior del círculo. Esto es necesario para mantener el tráfico en movimiento a través del lote. Gracias por su cooperación. • ¡Se cortés! El tráfico es un inconveniente para todos, pero al trabajar juntos y mantener la calma, podemos minimizar los inconvenientes para todos y mantener nuestro enfoque en la seguridad de nuestros estudiantes. ¡Gracias de antemano por su ayuda para mantener la seguridad de los estudiantes durante la llegada y el despido! Próximos eventos

Fecha Evento Hora

5-marzo NO HABRÁ CLASES- Conferencias de padres y maestros

6-marzo NO HABRÁ CLASES- Conferencias de padres y maestros

7-marzo HABRÁ CLASES (Día de reposición por motivos climáticos)


Reunión PTT 6:00 PM


Book Bingo 6:00 PM


Los estudiantes serán despachados temprano

12:00 PM


Concurso de deletreo 2:30 and 6:00



2-abril NO HABRÁ CLASES (Día de reposición por motivos climáticos)

3-abril Reunión PTT 3:45 PM