Activity Report

Everything we’ve done in 2009 2010 droog


2009-2011 Report

Transcript of Activity Report

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Everything we’ve done in 2009–2010


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© 2011 droogText by Agata Jaworska, forword by Renny Ramakers, design by Simon Phillipson

About DroogCo-founded and directed by curator and author Renny Ramakers. Droog creates products, projects and events around the world in collaboration with designers, clients and partners. Droog has offices in Amsterdam and New York, stores in Amsterdam and Las Vegas, and retail partners worldwide.Droog pioneers new directions, new colaborations, creative tools and models for design, business and consumer culture. Driven by its unique perspective, Droog offers a selection of accessories, lighting, furniture and studio work that change your experience of daily life.

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In 1983, when I graduated with an Art History degree from Leiden University, the topic of discussion in the design world in The Netherlands was whether the profession should be focused on hard-core industrial design or whether it should have an artistic orientation—to be service–oriented or self–oriented. And there was the debate on style: should form follow function, as the modernists had proclaimed, or should form just be fun, as was the post–modernist reaction? It was a time in which design still had to establish itself.

The right styleLooking back, one sees how much the world of design has changed. We see young designers becoming famous right after graduating and companies recruiting designers who are just following their own view, with nobody seeming to care about the “right” style anymore. All this has given design an unprecedented amount of freedom and given rise to a multitude of approaches.

We also find ourselves in an era characterized by a surplus of product offerings, which still keeps growing, now to meet the growing demand of the expanding middle class in the emerging economies. Design is active in all layers of society.

Foreword Today the design world is taking on everything our exciting times are offering—environmental issues, social issues, technological developments, the digital world, not to mention human needs. The framework for design is captured by buzzwords such as environmental design, social design and open design. No longer is form about function or fun, but about society and the environment. Ethical, political, economic and social concerns have become the “right” style.

There are so many interesting (both negative and positive) things happening at the same time. The over–saturation of products, the downfall of economies, the environmental issues, the growth of virtual social networks, the sometimes uncontrollable spread of information, the rise of bio– and nanotechnology, the many new materials and urbanisation are only some of the dynamics impacting the way of designing, producing, selling and buying.

“Everything we’ve done in 2009–2010” is an opportunity for me, as co-founder and director of design company Droog, to reflect on our work in the last two years, in relation to these developments in design and in the world.

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This year Droog will turn eighteen. Over the years we have become clearer about our strengths. We are active in a numerous ways—with store and project initiatives in collaboration with designers, partners and clients worldwide—and the one thing that is consistent is that we pioneer new directions.

New productsThe store is our daily intersection with the public. Every day I come to the office, I walk through the store on the ground floor to see how we are doing with this. Visit today and you’ll see new products developed just upstairs (with designers and producers) and many brands selected by us as Friends of Droog.

In terms of product development, we’ve tried to go for the impossible: functional products with a twist that are also reasonably priced. A good example is ‘What you see is not’ by Fernando Brizio. What at first sight looks like a small cabinet, is in fact only a drawer with cabinet—mimicking sticker pasted on the wall behind it. A minimum of means creates an illusion of more, and a place for your keys or the book you are reading.

Of course the necessities of functional and reasonably–priced productions can dictate compromises. We find it equally important to give designers free space to realise their dreams. We love the experiment and cherish the unexpected outcome, which can lead to objects that are rich in content but a challenge to make, and consequently are offered as studio work.

At our first presentation at the Design Miami/Basel Fair in June 2010 we sold the prototype of the Darwin chair by Stefan Sagmeister to the Graphic Design Museum in Breda and Rietveld Lego chair by Mario Minale to the Centraal Museum in Utrecht. In partnership with Theo Theodorou I am setting up a mobile gallery of studio work which will pop up regularly all over the world.

Our storesIn November 2010 we closed our beautiful store in New York and six weeks later a 2500 square foot Droog store opened in The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas. For many it was an unexpected move. I must say we were also surprised when The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas approached Droog New York with the invitation to open a store at their new premise, but it did not take long before we became very excited... Las Vegas is all about

Pioneering new directions

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experience and so is Droog, though in a more understated way. I feel the time of mimicries is over in Las Vegas—its Eiffel tower looks so outdated—and the time seems to be ripe for new experiences. Come a little closer bench and Lucky cat are already among the most popular products. As a unique place in the world where reality can be wilder than fiction, Las Vegas offers us new opportunities to create events and projects.

New projectsInstead of the usual showcase of products, my curatorial projects focus on processes, performances, collaborations and interactions, bringing together designers who are pioneering new directions, and above all, encouraging the audience to have fun. In September 2009 I curated Pioneers of Change, a festival of Dutch fashion, design and architecture on Governors Island in New York that attracted over 25,000 visitors over the course of two weekends. During this event, fashion collective Painted learned techniques from Native American bead masters, Maarten Baas performed with his real-time clocks and Atelier NL went back to the source, celebrating the colours and textures of local clay. Other highlights included the repair workshop by Platform 21 and the

Droog Go Slow café which had been a success in Milan, Rotterdam, London and Tokyo in earlier years. The seniors of New York who prepared and served all the food reacted as enthusiastically as the seniors did in the other cities.

This made me wonder if we could redesign discarded products to create a continuous cycle of redesigning what does not sell. I envisioned a new model in which designers consider what is already there as their raw material for creative reinterpretation and in which production takes less time. In this model, styling is no longer considered as an old fashioned superficial practice but welcomed as a new kid on the block, as something that is necessary for revival. Perhaps this model can fulfil the growing demand for new products while saving waste and time. These considerations resulted in the project, Saved by Droog, which we presented in Milan in April 2010. We searched online liquidation auctions and purchased relatively small lots, such as 900 handkerchiefs, 20 dish towels and 80 folding chairs. We then invited designers to redesign the goods--not only product designers but also fashion, jewellery and graphic designers. The results were very surprising and production

Redesigning the existing

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time indeed turned out to be rather short. We published a manifesto in which we challenged ourselves to redesign what we don’t sell. And so when the folding chairs decorated by nail polishers, a concept by Marian Bantjes, did not sell at our show in Milan, we asked her to redesign them. Saved by Droog was the first step to a bigger undertaking. Our aim is to collaborate with companies that produce and process waste in order to make this waste accessible to designers and to create an alternative model of designing and producing. We have had our first brainstorms and the companies involved so far are enthusiastic. It needs to be stressed that this project is not only focusing on redirecting product lifecycle but on stimulating creativity as well.

Open designAnother current development we’re tapping into is open design. Digital platforms for uploading and downloading design are on the rise. Through their promise to democratise design, they unfortunately seem to produce an enormous amount of ugliness, or visual pollution, thus far. Many of the platforms are driven specifically by the possibilities of 3D printers and other tools for digital production. We are currently working on a system that makes high quality design accessible. Production is

not specially focussed on high-tech digital technologies, but also on simple carpentry, traditional crafts and do-it-yourself projects. We will create a network of workshops to stimulate handcraft all over the world, mixing high-tech with low-tech. As is always important for Droog, our aim is also to challenge designers to take new steps and create new business models for themselves in the realm of digital design.

Droog LabThe Droog Lab is an ambitious undertaking. The idea was born from the observation that current developments in design—whether they are linking with new technology or going back to basics—are capsulated by the system we live in. The Lab develops new directions for design by observing other ways of living, whether in remote areas or in metropolitan cities, translating the lessons into models with global relevance. In spite of the uniformity globalisation has brought us, we can still discern local differences everywhere. The Lab takes a certain distance from the system we live in to be inspired by mental or economic models we find in the localities we visit to create new concepts. It is like “taking one step back and two steps forward to create new ecologies in our age of cultural

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turmoil,” as strikingly remarked by one of our consultants, Ole Bouman. During a period of four years, the Droog Lab will complete eight projects. Presented in 2010 with a lively debate in the Arabic community, the first Lab project proposes a platform for collaborative design free from the immediate judgments of the real world, with aspects inspired by alternative currencies, anonymous design and family business structures. Current projects draw from the Canadian North, New York and Moscow and raise themes such as rural qualities for the urban world, public services in private spaces and the role of consumption and fantasy in uncertain times. Three projects will be presented and two new ones will be launched in 2011. They will be followed by a book in which the themes are deepened, creating a pool of ideas that open up debate and stimulate creativity for the next generation of design.

Currently in our projects we focus on processes, models and tools with the aim of finding new ways to design products, houses, cities, services and scenarios. Saved by Droog generated a range of new products which have been acquired by the Centraal Museum in Utrecht.

In our presentation in Milan we celebrated new owners by photographing them with the products they bought and by uploading these pictures on our website. The new owners were all excited to do so. However, an Italian scholar remarked that people should not own products anymore but rather, should share them. Certainly, for certain products like cars or lawnmowers, this might be a good idea. We explored the concept of sharing in 2002 in the project Me, myself and you, proposing a fence in which neighbours could share garden tools or a tennis table as designed by NEXT architects, for example. But this does not mean that all products should be shared. Celebrating ownership can create a bond with the product lowering the chance that the product will be thrown away.Downloadable design, up cycling dead stock, learning from the local context, producing and selling products—these are all things Droog is busy with. For me, these are all parts of the same story, facets of an exploration of what design can do. All of our activities are born from the same motivation: a sense of curiosity about the user, a drive to bring innovation into the field of design by developing fresh methods and perspectives, while never forgetting that for the audience and for us, design can also be something to be enjoyed.

Processes, models and tools

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12 highlights

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12. What you see is not

A new product that not only saves space, but also material.

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11. Download–able design

We’re exploring the new reality of design and participation in a digital age.

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10. New friends

Over 300 products by Friends of Droog are now available at Droog Amsterdam and at


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09. Darwin chair

Designed by Stefan Sagmeister, this chair was acquired by Graphic Design Museum in Breda.

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08. Dusk/dawn mirror

We presented this award–winning product at our first presentation in Basel, amongst other new products.

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07. Droog New York

The opening of this store strengthened our ties to United States and Canada.

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06. The Droog Lab

Four ambitious projects are exploring new directions for the future of design.

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05. saved by droog.

This presentation in Milan marked a more serious commitment to the potential of waste.

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04. Rietveld Lego buffet

A re–interpretation of Gerrit Rietveld’s 20th century Buffet made of over 26,000 Lego blocks.

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03. Our campaign

At our presentation in Milan, we created a campaign to celebrate new owners.

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02. Pioneers of Change

Curated by Renny Ramakers, the festival attracted over 25,000 visitors in two weekends.

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01. Droog Las Vegas

Believe it or not, there is now a Droog store on the Las Vegas strip.

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Here’s every–thing else.

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During Salone del Mobile in Milan, Droog introduced House of furniture parts by Studio Makkink & Bey, a development of Wall of furniture parts from the installation at Droog New York.

“It is a system that starts from the designer but grows into the culture where it is locally produced. It makes me very curious how it will look in five years,” says Jurgen Bey.Droog also presented Clock inlays and Tool inlays by FormaFantasma (Andrea Trimarchi & Simone Farresin), Seam chair and Seam bench by Chris Kabel, Skin by Studio Nacho Carbonell, Anamorphosis and 7 keyholes by Luc d’Hanis & Sofie Lachaert, Boombench by NL Architects (Michael Schoner), Chroma key by Minale–Maeda, Obsession table by Nadia Pedreschi and Ready made bookshelf by NEXT Architects. The presentation, also featuring a Droog pop-up store, attracted many visitors and members of the press.

Pioneers of Change was a festival of Dutch design, fashion and architecture celebrating 400 years of a Dutch-American friendship that took place on Governors Island in New York. The event, curated by Renny Ramakers, attracted over 25,000 visitors over the course of two weekends.

Visitors were tickled by a robot, they repaired broken tableware and moth–eaten sweaters, ate very slowly, watched real time pass by, and filled their backpacks and purses with Dutch design ware all under $100. All this and more took place in eleven former commanding Officer houses in Nolan Park transformed by Dutch designers, artists and architects in collaboration with elderly New Yorkers, local students and the public.

Pioneers of Change encourages a more responsible and sustainable approach to living. The event celebrates the blurring of low- and high–brow, establishing new collaborations, encouraging involvement and valuing handcraft and the local context. Pioneers of Change applies the luxury tag to qualities now hard to come by, including space, fresh air, silence and time. The festival can take place in other cities around the world, each time bringing in new participants and influences from the local context.

Milan 2009Salone del Mobile April 22th – 26th

The first project of the Droog Lab, Droog al Arab was launched. Droog New York opened in SoHo, with an interior by Studio Makkink & Bey. Co-founder Gijs Bakker resigned from Droog to concentrate on his independent work and Renny Ramakers continued as the sole director. Dutch jenever company Ketel One became a new client. Droog presented a series of new work in Milan together with a pop-up store. Droog presented Townhouse and Paper bone chair at Design Miami, amongst other studio works. New fashion items were introduced to Droog’s store. The second Lab project, Luxury of the North was launched. Chris Kabel won the DOEN prize for the Seam chair. Time Out Amsterdam awarded Droog best product design firm of 2009. Renny Ramakers curated a festival of Dutch design, fashion and architecture at Governors Island, New York, attracting over 25,000 visitors.

2009 summary Projects

Pioneers of ChangeGovernors Island, New YorkSeptember 11th – 20th

Participants included 2012Architecten, Atelier NL, Maarten Baas, Cooper-Hewitt, National Design Museum in New York, Franck Bragigand, Droog with Marije Vogelzang, Herman Verkerk, Rianne Makkink and Hansje van Halem, Experimental Jetset, Pascale Gatzen, Christien Meindertsma, MVRDV and The Why Factory with Work Architecture Company, Painted, Driessens & Verstappen, Arthur Elsenaar & Taconis Stolk, Parsons The New School for Design, Platform21 and Marcel Schmalgemeijer.

Pioneers of Change was initiated by Han Bakker under the authority of NY400, the result of an initiative by the Dutch Government in close co-operation with Dutch local and provincial authorities, with New York City and New York State, and with active participation of a great number of organizations from the private, cultural and non–profit sectors.

Pioneers of Change was supported by the Dutch Design Fashion Architecture program, which aims to strengthen the international position of these sectors trough a joined-up approach. Production was by Droog Design Foundation, Droog New York and Formavision. We thank our sponsors: The Premsela Foundation, Fine Paints of Europe, Wijzonol, Lensvelt, NgispeN and Ketel One.

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In 2009 the Droog Lab was launched. An initiative of Renny Ramakers, the aim of the Lab is to define the next generation of global design. With local partners and interdisciplinary teams of known and unknown designers, insiders and outsiders, professionals and non–professionals, the Lab is working on a series of projects each with a unique theme and location from 2009 until 2012. Lessons learned locally are translated into globally—relevant outcomes, such as products, business model, future scenarios, or software. Projects launched in 2009 include Droog al Arab and Luxury of the North. The Droog Lab is supported by the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, the City of Amsterdam and local partners worldwide.

Droog Lab: defining the next generation of global design2009 – 2012

Led by Jurgen Bey and Saskia van Drimmelen, the first Droog Lab project was kicked-off with a brainstorm with consulting experts and a trip to Dubai, in partnership with Rami Farook of Traffic design gallery.

Many know Dubai has the tallest skyscrapers, the biggest malls, luxury cars, indoor skiing and fake coastlines. Driven by an ambition to be the best in the world, Dubai’s unprecedented growth has reached a ceiling. Promoting a life of excess in today’s financially and ecologically sensitive climate, can certainly make one unpopular. Inspired by Dubai’s level of ambition and ability to build new worlds, the Lab’s aim was to create a new model for future development, one characterized by social intelligence and collaborative creation.

Led by Jurgen Bey and Saskia van Drimmelen, the design team was Nadine Sterk (Atelier NL), Daphnee Lanternier (Studio Makkink & Bey), Emmeline de Mooij, Ahmad Angawi, Omran Al Owais (CENTIMETERCUBE). Consulting experts were Marc Blaisse (Pilgrims) and Stephan Propper & Peter Clercx (TheBrandHotel). The local partner was Rami Farook (Traffic).

Droog al Arab kick-off and tripTheme: collaborationDubaiMay 3th – 9th

For Pioneers of Change, Renny Ramakers invited Franck Bragigand to paint and furnish the inside of one of the houses for Open Talks that were to take place on the opening day. Franck has a great capacity to transform the world using only a coat of paint. To seat the audience, used chairs were brought in from all over New York, and Franck had them painted by a team of volunteers. After the event, Franck returned the newly painted chairs to the streets of New York, sneaking them onto people’s front porches, neatly tucking them in front of the Guggenheim, or conveniently propping them in front of a public telephone in neighbourhoods from PSI and Guggenheim to the Bronx.

Chairs returned by Franck BragigandNew YorkSeptember 21st

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In partnership with University of Alberta, the second Droog Lab project, Luxury of the North was kicked-off with a brainstorm with consulting experts Ole Bouman and Ed van Hinte.

In the face of modernity, the North is losing its remoteness. Global warming is opening up international trade routes, the unique yet changing ecosystem brings scientists, tourists and protectionists, and prospects of natural resources bring the excavators. As humans are showing they can even colonize the North, the world is losing an ‘out there,’ a part of nature that seems stronger than us. Intrigued by how extreme conditions shape people’s daily lives and mindsets, the Lab suspects there are lessons on ‘how to sustain’ to be discovered there.

Project team includes Cynthia Hathaway, Winy Maas (MVRDV, The Why Factory), Christien Meindertsma (Flocks), Pirjo Haikola (The Why Factory) and Stuart Sproule (Red Flag Design). Consulting experts are Ole Bouman (Netherlands Architecture Institute) and Ed van Hinte. The local partner is Tim Antoniuk (University of Alberta). The outcome of the project will be presented in 2011.

Luxury of the North Theme: sustainabilityLocation: Pond Inlet, Canada

With the goal of global expansion, Dutch vodka company Ketel One approached Droog for a translation of the brand value into a concept to guide branded products and experiences. Droog developed a core concept founded on the rich family heritage of the company, while making the link to a modern consumer, who could partake in the notion of a club and spread the message in a viral way.

Our first manifestation was a pop–up venue for Ketel One bartenders, ambassadors and drinkers at World Class, a competition amongst the world’s top bartenders in London. The design integrated the rich heritage of Ketel One within a modern context, creating opportunity for intimate gatherings in what turned out to be a very lively and well-received event. One of the highlights was the family room, a place in which bartenders learned about the rich heritage, as personally told by the 11th generation owner. Artefacts dating back as far as the 1600’s were brought in from the distillery and the bartenders received a special edition Ketel House porcelain cup, made by Jan Broekstra.

World ClassClient: Ketel One LondonJuly 13th – 16th

Amsterdam housing association Ymere commissioned Droog for its first house. Designed by Tokyo-based Atelier Bow-Wow, an understated façade conceals an extraordinary interior furnished with Droog products.

Imagined for a single, a contemporary family or as a VIP guesthouse, the one–o–a–kind layout is essentially a seamless flow of spaces, each with its own functionality merging with circulation space. Private rooms such as the master and optional guest bed, the bath, the balcony and a sound–proof refuse are amply separated by shared space, creating a unique combination of contact and independence, spaciousness and intimacy. Eminent Droog products will animate an unassuming interior of light wooden floors and white walls. The house will feature the classic Rag chair and Milk bottle lamp by Tejo Remy and the Heat wave radiator by Joris Laarman. The 180 square meter interior along with aspects of its layout can be customized.

“In Amsterdam townhouse typology that is narrow and vertical, it is unavoidable for the staircase to dictate a layout that is clearly divided into floors and rooms. We break this by proposing a house without a staircase—instead the whole house becomes inhabitable steps. Each step performs as the place for Droog furniture and living.” —Atelier Bow-Wow

Droog Townhouse by Atelier Bow-WowClient: Ymere Amsterdam

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Droog Lab principles1. Celebrate differences. Though globalization has the tendency to make places seem more and more alike, in reality there are numerous differences. The differences are the Lab’s source of inspiration, and its projects start with the unique qualities of a place, whether positive or negative.

2. Visit to learn, not to change. We resist the temptation to re-design what we see and to solve the problems we encounter. The goal of the Lab is not to try to have a positive influence on the region as such, but to learn from the place and to bring this to a broader audience.

3. Observation is our greatest tool. The world is full of rich content. We start our projects not with introspection but by observing a particular place. New perspectives on what we see can bring new outcomes.

4. Take an optimistic perspective.Even so-called problems, when looked at with an optimistic perspective, can inspire new directions.

5. Listen to anyone. Input can come from official and unofficial sources. We talk to people on the street, and also call the experts. We consult all sorts of people—the hairdresser, the roofer, the taxi driver, the urban planner, the politician, the nursery teacher.

6. Experience the ordinary. What is ordinary in one place is extraordinary in another. During our visits to foreign places, we put special attention on experiencing day-to-day life.

7. Get used to mixing. Confrontation with the unfamiliar and dissimilar can be the start of something new. The Lab brings together insiders and outsiders, designers and non-designers, professionals and non-professionals.

8. Be open to the outcome. The design world has become product oriented, but its role is in fact much broader. Being context-driven, the Lab is open to any outcome, whether a product, a business model, piece of software or a city, for example.

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Glue coutureJanuary 24th – February 1st

Droog AmsterdamSecret natures May 16th – June 30th

Hidden clutter, hidden meaning, hidden functions and hidden value all became illuminated at Droog New York’s first event since its opening.

The presentation featured designs by FormaFantasma, Chris Kabel, Nacho Carbonell and Luc d’Hanis & Sofie Lachaert. The presentation was supported by Mondriaan Foundation and attracted over 700 visitors.

4 hours onlySeptember 17th

Heading from the Pioneers of Change festival on Governors Island to Droog New York on Greene Street, two festival participants, artist Franck Bragigand and fashion designer Desiree Hammen of fashion collective Painted, lead a pop-up workshop at Droog New York for four hours only. They made collections of tableware and jewellery. They made collections of tableware and jewellery.

On February 26th, 2009, Droog expanded its worldwide presence by opening a store at 76 Greene Street in SoHo, New York. The store featured a collection of studio works and smaller items and hosted numerous exhibitions. In line with the spirit of Droog, the 5,000–square–foot, two storey warehouse interior set itself apart from SoHo’s high-design district.

Droog partnered with Studio Makkink & Bey to conceptualize an interior that breaks the codes of store design, asking that all parts of the installation could be purchased. The Studio pushed the brief one step further by blending objects, store fittings and architecture. The store consisted of a house constructed of polyurethane foam. These pieces stood within the store as backdrops to the Droog collection. Customers could purchase the parts and even have those parts made to fit and function in their own house, for example a working chimney or a staircase in the size and material of one’s choice. House of Blue presented Droog as a retailer of conceptual objects, but also as a total interior outfitter, offering customized parts from its store to the home interiors of the United States.

The opening of Droog New York: more than a storeFebruary 26th

Droog New York On the lower level, the installation by Studio Makkink & Bey also blurred architecture and products. Part of the fixed architecture of the space, Wall of furniture parts is a shared wall for the staircase and hidden office beneath. The CNC cut decorative elements of the wall could be taken out and transformed into usable tables, benches and stools. They could also be flat-packed and shipped anywhere in the world.

Droog New York featured classics from the early ’90s like Chest of drawers by Tejo Remy and 85 lamps by Rody Graumans, high–tech pieces like Heavy lightweight by Bas Warmoeskerken, delicate items like Sugar cage by Sofie Lachaert and Luc d’Hanis, slowly emerging products like Slow glow lamp by NEXT architects and Aura Luz Melis, new work by new designers like Limited fungi by Katharina Mischer, mass–production pieces like Sticky lamp by Chris Kabel and editions like the Body table by Atelier van Lieshout.

The opening, with margaritas, a pop-up cocktail bar and a limited edition of Droog New York porcelain cups by Jan Broekstra, attracted over 400 people and members of the press. It also marked the start of a fruitful relationship with United States and Canada.

During the first Sunday of each summer month, Droog Amsterdam hosted Slow Sundays, offering extra treats for visitors, and the courtyard was open for lounging.

Slow SundaysSummer months

Droog presented Gluejeans by G+N designers as part of the public downtown programme of the Amsterdam International Fashion Week. With a revolutionary seam rather than the conventional stitch, Gluejeans is handmade in the Netherlands and is available in limited edition. G+N won a Dutch Design Award for Gluejeans and has been nominated for the Audi Design Award as well as the Fashion Award.

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Lace fence exclusive to Droog New York

Introducing a patch of embroidered wire within industrial fencing, Dutch design house Demakersvan combine the small and sensitive with the powerful, large and industrial. Lace fence is a customizable high-end metal fabric for outdoor and indoor use, suitable for anything from fencing, staircase railings, room dividers, to balcony railings and building facades. It is represented in the United States and Canada exclusively by Droog.

Representing Richard Hutten

Droog New York became the exclusive distributor of Richard Hutten products from the NgispeN line within New York City. A collaborator of Droog since its beginnings in 1993, Hutten has become one of the most internationally successful Dutch designers.

Exclusive Fashion

Droog New York introduced exclusive fashion items and accessories by Dutch fashion designers Corné Gabriëls, Pascale Gatzen, Gluejeans, Painted, orson + bodil and Jan Taminiau.

Design Miami MiamiDecember 1st – 5th

Droog presented Paper bone chair by Joris Laarman, a previously unreleased early study of the internationally acclaimed aluminum Bone chair. Made out of paper with laminated object manufacturing technology—the first rapid prototyping technique now superseded by laser sintering—the one–off piece is an example of ‘antique high-tech’. For both pieces, Laarman uses 3D soft kill optimization software used in the automobile industry to literally generate the shape of a chair as an evolutionary process.

Droog also presented Frame desk and Frame showcase by Studio Makkink & Bey. Starting with a simple frame, a whole desk and showcase has grown, with edges that remain open for the next piece of the Framed series, a never ending landscape of furniture.

Commissioned by Amsterdam housing company Ymere, Droog also presented its first house by Atelier Bow-Wow with a model and animation by Brooklyn Digital Foundry.

The presentation also featured Seam chair and bench by Chris Kabel, Clock inlays by FormaFantasma, Limited fungi by mischer’traxler, Crystal virus: Massive infection by Pieke Bergmans, Chest of drawers XS by Tejo Remy, Creatures by Tobias Rockenfeld, 8 unique brooches by Iris Nieuwenburg, Heavy lightweight by Bas Warmoeskerken and Kokon furniture by Jurgen Bey.

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Architecture, furniture and storage all in one. Studio Makkink & Bey took standard sheets

House of furniture parts by Studio Makkink & BeyCommissioned by Droog Amsterdam for Milan 2009


Frame desk and Frame showcase by Studio Makkink & BeyCommissioned by Droog New York for its store on Greene StreetPresented at Design Miami 2009

Starting with a simple frame, a whole desk and showcase has grown, with edges that remain open for the next piece of the Framed series, a never ending landscape of furniture. Part of Studio Makkink & Bey’s vision for a new world, where objects, furniture, interiors and spaces intersect, and where time and labour create a quality now hard to come by. A feat in handcraft, the Frame series is made without the use of any screws.

Clock inlays and Tool inlays by FormaFantasma Tool inlays commissioned by Droog Amsterdam for Milan 2009Presented at Droog in Miami 2009

Intruding on the standard production method, FormaFantasma introduces unexpected meaning and craft into a mass produced good. Intricately shaped inlays are incorporated into chip board—transforming the material from under- to Upperlayment™. Part of the Hidden inlays series, in Clock inlays, an inexpensive department store clock is preciously packed in chip board with integrated inlays of clock part shapes. It is an unusual reversal of value: the packaging becomes more precious than the mass produced object it contains. Tool inlays incorporates carefully cut inlays in the shape of the tools used to make the furniture.

Seam bench by Chris KabelCommissioned by Droog Amsterdam for Milan 2009Presented at Droog in Miami 2009

A continuation of Chris Kabel’s outcome of Droog’s Dry Tech III project, Seam bench is made of an inexpensive industrial packaging textile that is sewn into the form of the object. To gain rigidity, the textile outfit is filled with sand and placed in a high pressure high temperature oven (autoclave), in which the textile melts and cures. The sand is removed leaving a hollow interior and a strong yet lightweight bench.

of ply and with CNC cutting, created a miniature house to stand within larger interiors of offices, studios and lofts. With walls of stool, bench and table parts that easily come out and assemble, the functionability and character of the house can be changed as more or less furniture is used. A poetic vision for efficient production and material use, House of furniture parts can be produced locally, transports flat and can be made to suit different functions.

Skin by Studio Nacho CarbonellCommissioned by Droog Amsterdam for Milan 2009

The outermost layer of these pieces can be stretched over the things you keep around you, hiding yet revealing daily messes. With forms and their heights inspired by fantasy and dreams, Nacho Carbonell aims to change the point of view on things.

Anamorphosis by Luc d’Hanis & Sofie LachaertCommissioned by Droog Amsterdam for Milan 2009

When porcelain platters meet reflective object, the distorted drawings of precious birds on the platter become perfectly reflected on the bottles or cups. The awareness of the birds’ potential extinction emerges only when objects are carefully aligned as a pair.

7 keyholes by Luc d’Hanis & Sofie LachaertCommissioned by Droog Amsterdam for Milan 2009

Only one hole grants us access, a reference to the magic number seven.

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Readymade bookshelf by NL ArchitectsCommissioned by Droog Amsterdam for Milan 2009

A prototype in progress since 2003, Readymade bookshelf was released in a limited edition in leather with gold detailing. The bookshelf comes with a façade of all the ‘need–to–have’ books for status, even if the intention is not to read them. The façade gradually gets replaced by the actual books one is reading, for when one is ready to display them.

Obsession table by Nadia PedreschiCommissioned by Droog Amsterdam for Milan 2009

An outcome of Droog’s IM Masters at the Design Academy Eindhoven, Obsession table is a manifestation of peoples’ desire to create a sense of order. The perfect lines on the table make our common mental act of aligning visible.

Paper bone chair by Joris Laarman Commissioned by Droog Amsterdam for Milan 2009

Paper bone chair is a previously unreleased early study of the internationally acclaimed aluminum Bone chair. Made out of paper with laminated object manufacturing technology—the first rapid prototyping technique now superseded by laser sintering—the one-off piece is an example of ‘antique high-tech’. For both pieces, Laarman uses 3D soft kill optimization software used in the automobile industry to literally generate the shape of a chair as an evolutionary process.

In collaboration with Premsela, Dutch platform for design and fashion, Droog’s partners from Shanghai, Dubai, Athens and Tokyo discussed emerging markets and the crashing economy at the opening of Object Rotterdam. Panel participants included Renny Ramakers, Rami Farook (Traffic), Marco Bevolo (former Philips Design Director and author), Lyndon Neri (Design Republic in Shanghai) and Kou Hattori (Droog Tokyo).

Object RotterdamPanel discussionFebruary 3rd

Lectures, Awards and moreGijs Bakker resignedMay 1st

Co-founder Gijs Bakker resigned from Droog on May 1st to pursue independent activities, continuing to head the IM Master program previously headed by Droog. Co-founder Renny Ramakers continues as the director of Droog.

A version of the Droog website was launched for United States and Canada, making ordering from North America easier.

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PICNIC New York Panel discussionJune 29th

PICNIC Salon New York was a gathering of world-class creatives, brand innovators, thought–leaders and city officials from both Amsterdam and New York. Renny Ramakers was invited to contribute to a panel discussion and workshop on sustainability.

DOEN Material Prize

Seam chair and Seam bench by Chris Kabel, a development of Droog’s Dry Tech III project was awarded with the DOEN Material prize for its innovative approach to sustainability.

Royal visit Pioneers of Change

Crown Prince Willem–Alexander and Princess Máxima of the Nertherlands visited Pioneers of Change, stopping for a tea at the Go Slow café, and receiving a hand crafted gift from fashion design collective Painted.

Designed by Experimental Jetset, a satellite site for Pioneers of Change was launched, featuring a blog that was updated daily during the event.

Guest criticParsons The New School for Design December

Sheldon LaPierre of Droog New York was invited to participate as a guest critic for the end of term presentations at Parsons The New School for Design.

Time Out Amsterdam award

Time Out Amsterdam awarded Droog best product design firm of 2009.

Jury memberfifteen, AmsterdamNovember 25th

Renny Ramakers was invited to be a jury member for a graffiti design for the interior of the restaurant fifteen in Amsterdam.

Droog tweets

@rennydroog and @droogamsterdam started tweeting. At time of print, @droogamsterdam had 2508 followers.

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manifestowe need a new design integrity

we redirect creative energy.

we redefine the lifecycle.

we create ongoing value.

we start with what’s easily available.

we want sensible innovation.

we redesign until we find an owner.

we care about where it goes.

we invite everybody to participate.

we celebrate the new owners.

we enable you to share.

We published this manifesto at our Saved by droog presentation.

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Fast Company listed the year Droog opened in Amsterdam as one of the decade’s 14 biggest design moments. Droog invited designers to revive leftovers, presenting a new collection of products in Milan as ‘saved by droog.’ The exhibition was coupled with a manifesto and a Looking for a new owner photo campaign. The project Downloadable design was launched involving the development of an innovative business model and platform for downloadable design and local fabrication. Droog’s collaboration with Ketel One continued. For the first time Droog presented in Basel. The Thomas Eyck collection became available in New York exclusively at Droog New York and the work of Aldo Bakker was presented during the ICFF. The outcome of Droog al Arab was presented in Dubai with a lively debate. Two more Lab projects were launched—Serving NY and Russia consumes. The project New is the new new was launched. The store in New York closed while Droog Las Vegas opened at The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas.

2010 summary

During Salone del Mobile in Milan, Droog presented 5135 items saved from liquidation sales and other leftovers.

Every month about 500 companies in the Netherlands go bankrupt. Over several months prior to the presentation, Droog had been bidding on liquidation auction items ranging from handkerchiefs to dog baskets. Droog acquired a total of 5135 items, namely 1 water cooler, 1 dining table, 2 bar stools, 4 metal trays, 6 wooden trays, 8 mirrors, 10 small bowl sets, 11 cups, 14 dog baskets, 20 dish towels, 40 glass vases, 50 safety vests, 60 sets of cutlery, 80 folding chairs, 90 flower pots, 100 candy pots, 102 wooden spoons, 168 plates of glass, 200 saltshakers, 448 wallets, 500 matchboxes, 720 cola glasses, and 2500 handkerchiefs.Having invited 14 designers to consider these items as raw material for creative re–interpretation, the result was a new collection of 19 products, with outcomes ranging from folding chairs manicured by nail artists, to handkerchiefs that distribute selected news articles, to spoons with non–edible yet mouth-watering coatings. A pragmatic starting point with surprising outcomes, the presentation celebrates the re-use potential of leftovers as a valid approach to product design and development. All items were immediately available for sale in editions dictated by the

saved by droog. Salone del Mobile, MilanApril 14th – 18th

Projects limited liquidation lot quantities. The event was well attended and attracted many positive reviews by the public and the members of the press. New owners of the purchased items were photographed as part of a campaign, including Centraal Museum Utrecht, which acquired one item of each design.

The revivers included Atelier Remy & Veenhuizen, Atelier Ted Noten, Ed Annink, Eric Klarenbeek, Erna Einarsdóttir, Luc d’Hanis & Sofie Lachaert, Maison Martin Margiela, Marian Bantjes, Marije Vogelzang, Mieke Gerritzen, Minale–Maeda, Roelof Mulder, Stefan Sagmeister and Studio Makkink & Bey.

Droog al Arab Traffic, DubaiMay 30th

We presented the outcome of our first Lab project, Droog al Arab, a platform for collaborative creation and development, followed by a lively panel discussion moderated by Mishaal Al Gergawi with Renny Ramakers, Jurgen Bey (Studio Makkink & Bey), Saskia van Drimmelen (Painted), Rami Farook (traffic, LOCAL) and Agata Jaworska (Droog).

The project outcome was an online hub for collaborative content creation and development. On this platform, the leading designers, Jurgen Bey and Saskia van Drimmelen, can invite emerging designers, makers and other collaborators to contribute ideas and skills. The platform features a time bank—a place where time contributions

are collected and traded, and a library—a place for supportive material that anyone can add to. Proposals enter a catalogue that can be viewed by potential developers for realization. The platform brings together design, production and consumption, and can pop-up anywhere in the world as an alternative pop-up mall. Inspired by a closely knit family business model with new notions of hierarchy, this platform is about community thinking and its vast potential. The central theme of the discussion was whether or not the platform could be realized, and what role alternative currencies could play.

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Luxury of the North trip Pond Inlet and Iqaluit, CanadaJune 23rd – July 1st

Led by Cynthia Hathaway and Winy Maas, the design team visited Pond Inlet and Iqaluit in the far North of Canada for the second Droog Lab project, in partnership with University of Alberta. The outcome will be presented in Canada in 2011.

Serving NY kick-off and tripTheme: service economyNew YorkJuly 26th – 30th

Led by Diller Scofidio + Renfro, the third Droog Lab project, Serving NY was kicked-off. An epicentre of highly specialized service industries, New York is a place where most homes do not have irons or washing machines, where taxis outnumber cars, where restaurants hire water pourers, hotels designate door openers, grocery stores have shopping bag fillers and dog–sitters walk the dogs. Inspired by the astute service culture of New York, the Droog Lab is exploring the limitations and possibilities of

Russia consumes kick-off and tripTheme: consumptionMoscowSeptember 6th - 10th

Led by Daniel van der Velden and in partnership with Strelka Institute for Media, Architecture and Design, the third Droog Lab project, Russia consumes was kicked-off. Ranging from the conspicuous consumption of cars and jewellery by the New Russian to the reading of a Russian literary classic by a farmer on the train, Russia exemplifies extremes when it comes to consumption. Observing the divides between the rich, the intellectual, the average and the poor, the urban and the rural, Russia consumes seeks inspiration from different classes and habits in Russia to develop a new models of consumption that we can all learn from. The outcome will be presented in Moscow in 2011.

Led by Daniel van der Velden (Metahaven), the project team includes Totan Kuzaembaev, Pavel Milyakov, Digna Kosse and Michèle Champagne. The consulting experts are Russian art specialist and writer Sjeng Scheijen and economist and sociologist Olga Kuzina. The local partner is Strelka Institute for Media, Architecture and Design.

such a service-oriented mentality, with outcome to be presented in New York in 2011.Led by Diller Scofidio + Renfro, the project team is Claudia Linders, Frans Twisk and Hayley Eber and Frank Gesualdi (EFGH). Consulting experts are journalist Heleen Mees, Reinhold Martin (Columbia University) and Mark Wasiuta (Columbia University).

Downloadable designIn collaboration with Waag Society

No longer from the furniture store, but with a download from a website, design goods take the form of a digital blueprint that the consumer takes to the local manufacturer for customizable on-demand production.

In collaboration with Waag Society, Droog is working with a network of designers, digital distributors, manufacturers and material suppliers to develop a new business model and product designs for downloadable design. Possible benefits include lower product costs, less transport and less waste, new design concepts, more variation, possibility of co-creation, lower investment due to no warehousing, more responsive production chains, and involvement of the consumer in the design outcome. Not only for day-to-day goods, downloadable design can play a role in global urgencies.

The project is supported by Agentschap NL. Results will be presented in 2011.

A family of bartending tools and glasswareClient: Ketel One

Using only existing glassware and tools, Droog developed a family of bartending tools and glassware for Dutch vodka company Ketel One. Rolled out globally, the glassware and tools integrated the Ketel One logo and key messages in subtle ways.

Everything you need to know is on the bottle Client: Ketel One

Ketel One asked Droog to develop an animation for Ketel One agents and bartenders to learn and spread the message behind the bottle. Working with illustrator Clo’e Floirat, Droog developed a one minute animation to bring the story of Ketel One to life.

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Droog released the new Juxtapose collection by G+N, the makers of Gluejeans exclusively to the Netherlands. The presentation featured the collection of jeans, jackets and coats along with a lecture by designer Gerrit Uittenbogaard. Grolsch was served, courtesy of Grolsch.

Gluejeans juxtaposeJanuary 28th – February 28th

Droog Amsterdam

Visit by Danish CraftsMay 12th

Content and project manager of the Droog Lab, Agata Jaworska held a presentation and discussion with a group from Danish Crafts at Droog Amsterdam. Danish Crafts’ work is aimed at branding Danish craft and design at an international level and helping professional craft artists and designers gain a foothold in the international market.

Droog & Atelier Bow-WowJune 24th – July 18th

Two understated façades will conceal extraordinary interiors for living in Amsterdam—Droog presented the plans for Droog Townhouse and a Hotel by Tokyo–based Atelier Bow–Wow at Droog Amsterdam. The presentation also featured an introduction by Renny Ramakers and Atelier Bow–Wow.

Hotel by Atelier Bow-WowGroenburgwal 44, Amsterdam

Around the corner from Droog Amsterdam, a ten-room member—only hotel, concept restaurant and exhibition space is planned to open. Leaving the canal-facing front façade intact, Atelier Bow-Wow created an intricate inner courtyard façade inspired by Amsterdam’s historic architecture. The hotel restaurant will host new concept dinners by invited designers and chefs, improvising with local market left–overs and practicing the act of eating slowly yet attentively. The street level will house Droog exhibitions.

Individuals in the neighbourhood have protested the hotel, which has delayed construction. Currently the space at Groenburgwal 44 is being used for Droog Amsterdam events and exhibitions.

New is the new new

With the aim to professionalize the principles introduced at saved by droog., the project New is the new new was launched.

The world has a growing number of consumers, and consumers always desire new things. At the same time, landfills are overflowing and resources are said to be limited. New is the new new aims to save dead stock from warehouses around the world, organizing it on an online platform as raw material for creative re-interpretation by designers. The stock—often functional yet for whatever reason left behind, consists of bankruptcy leftovers, production failures, unsold goods and other surpluses. By treating these leftovers as raw material, one can introduce new products while saving the waste.

New is the new new redirects creative energy from the design of new things from scratch, to the design of a new products by using existing stock. Such a design process raises questions on authorship and intellectual property, which is to be explored by this project. The project is supported by Agentschap NL. Results will be presented in 2011.

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Mirror MirrorJuly 15th – August 16th

Droog presented a new collection by Dutch fashion accessory designer Corné Gabriëls. Based on augmented reality, the installation consisted of several mirror displays from which each of the collection’s items literally emerged through laser cut openings. Each item was

Salon/1July 15th – 18th

Salon/1 invited visitors to participate in a new reflection on fashion and culture, where enlightenment starts at the beginning of the creative process. The event presented designers, fashion designers and artists at various locations in Amsterdam, including Droog Amsterdam. Participants included Corné Gabriëls, Yannick Bouillis, Studio Job, Fantastic Man/Gentlewoman & BUTT, MaisonDahlBonnema and Painted Series. The event was supported by Frozen Dutch, the Dutch galeteria and Bombai Sapphire.

Christophe CoppensSeptember 17th – October 17th

Droog Amsterdam presented the 2010 – 2011 Winter Collection, entitled Birdman-Birdwoman, by fashion designer Christophe Coppens with a special installation and opening party with Ketel One cocktails (served in Ketel One glassware designed by Droog). The collection includes felt and wool hats, velvet caps, woven silk scarves, necklaces and brooches. The event was supported by Ketel One.

Flower salon/October 13th – 24th

Salon/ presented flowers and culture at Droog Amsterdam and at various other locations in Amsterdam. The lively event brought in many visitors and was well received. The event was supported by Grand Marnier.

scaled down in size in order to allow the viewers to engage in an abstract dialogue with their reflected image making it appear as if he or she was actually wearing the item. As visitors became models as they attempted to find the right position, until it looked just perfect.

Woolfiller workstationNovember 27th – December 24th

Droog Amsterdam hosted a Woolfiller workstation where visitors could try out the ingenious repair kit. Woolfiller enables one to creatively repair holes and hide stains in woollen jumpers, cardigans, jackets and carpets. At the event, new colours especially created by Heleen Klopper for Droog were introduced.

Extra treats weekendDecember 18th – 19th

Droog Amsterdam held an extra treats weekend. Many items were offered at special prices, the Woolfiller station was open for trials, and we served hand blended ‘Today was Fun’ herbal teas. On Sunday, the designer—turned-baker, Bakker Baard, came by to bake and serve delicious Christmas clafoutis.

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Droog & Atelier Bow–Wow was presented at Droog New York including screenings of the animation of Townhouse by Brooklyn Digital Foundry and a model of a hotel by Atelier Bow–Wow.

Droog & Atelier Bow-WowMarch 17th – April 26th

Droog New York

In collaboration with Umami Food and Art Festival, Droog New York launched Tasteologie, a food and design initiative studying individual and collective tastes. Tasteologie presented CMYK Cocktail, an exploration of the intersection between food and design, taste and colour, by combining mixologists and designers for a night of ingesting colour in multiple mediums. CMYK Cocktail brought together mixologists

CMYK cocktailsMarch 28th

Orson Salicetti of Apothéke, Mayur Subbarao of Dram Bar, Tomas Delos Reyes, Brian Sullivan of MethodLabDesign, and Mihir Desai and surprise guests to present five tasting courses specially conceived for each of the CMYK colours accompanied by a unique signature cocktail. Before each tasting, designers including conceptual designer Tobias Wong and curator Josee LePage; Joshua Walton and James Tichenor of the Interaction Lab at Rockwell Group; interaction designer Renda Morton; and illustrator and graphic designer Seymour Chwast “toasted” one of the four CMYK colours, presenting their importance in shaping how and what we consume. Following the presentations, guests were invited to carry on their investigations of colour and taste with an open bar reception.

The Copper Collection by Aldo Bakker for Thomas EyckMay 15th – June 23rd

During ICFF, Droog New York presented The Copper Collection, a new series designed by Aldo Bakker for Thomas Eyck. The presentation attracted a lot of visitors and press attention.

The approach of Aldo Bakker can be best described as designing from the inside out. Bakker allows his products to take shape on the basis of analysis so that they can question their usage and, where necessary, give rise to new rituals or break existing patterns. The Copper Collection, a fresh and innovative approach to very old and new techniques like moulding, galvanising and lacquering has resulted in an

Cleanup soapJune 3rd

Droog New York held an opening to celebrate the addition of Cleanup soap to our collection. Cleanup is soap formed in the shape of landmines and sold to raise funds for landmine removal, survivor assistance and promoting awareness of the global landmine crisis.

Cleanup soap was developed by designer Hideaki Matsui as his thesis project at Parsons The New School for Design, and brought to market through an innovative social entrepreneurship program at Milano The New School for Management and Urban Policy. $2.00 from the sale of each bar is donated to The Cambodia Landmine Museum.

astonishing collection including a stool, watering can, soy pourer, candleholders, mixing bowl and saucepan.

“Silence creates space and therefore confronts. In the ideal situation it means that the object has the quality to grab your attention and to create this moment silence,” said Aldo Bakker in conversation about his designs.

Droog at Design Miami/Basel BaselJune 15th – 19th

At Droog’s first appearance in Basel, Droog presented Red blue Lego chair by Mario Minale, Rietveld Lego buffet and Dawn/dusk mirror by Minale–Maeda, Darwin chair by Stefan Sagmeister, Daily handkerchief by Studio Makkink & Bey, Second hand by Maarten Baas and Franck Bragigand, The Copper Collection by Aldo Bakker for Thomas Eyck, Accidental carpet by Atelier Remy & Veenhuizen, Clock inlays and Tool inlays by FormaFantasma and Chest box by Jan Konings.

The Graphic Design Museum in Breda acquired the chair prototype and Centraal Museum Utrecht acquired the artist’s proof #1 edition of Red blue Lego chair.

Vogue Magazine’s Fashion’s Night Out September 7th

With other retailers in SoHo, Droog New York participated in Vogue Magazine’s Fashion’s Night Out, attracting over 300 visitors. It turned out to be a very lively evening.

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Thomas Eyck collection in Droog New York

The Thomas Eyck collection became available in New York exclusively at Droog New York. Featuring products by Aldo Bakker, Christien Meindertsma, Scholten & Baijings and Studio Job, the collection grows slowly by commissioning one carefully selected designer to create a series of products in a one carefully selected material each year. In the view of Thomas Eyck, the union of design, material and a careful process of product development from the first idea until the finishing touch are very important.

Looking for a new location in NYCOctober 25th

After two successful years on 76 Greene Street in SoHo, Droog New York is investigating the possibility of a new concept store in NYC. Since the opening in 2009, Droog New York has participated in the local community, held many events and built long–term relationships with designers, institutions, clients and distributors, such as Parsons The New School For Design, Cooper–Hewitt, National Design Museum in New York, Diller Scofidio + Renfro Architects, Columbia University, NY Designs and more. Droog New York currently has a Manhattan office where all activities are based, as we are seeking a new store concept and location.

On December 15th, Droog opened a retail space in partnership with The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas. Prominently located on the Las Vegas Strip, the majestic 2500 square foot interior designed by Marcel Schmalgemeijer hosts the iconic Droog collection along with products by leading design brands from around the world selected by Droog.

“Droog has always pioneered new directions for design,” says Renny Ramakers. “We see our role as a design company in creating new content and also in setting new boundaries in how and where our work is encountered. Las Vegas is a new context for us and we are excited about the opportunities it will bring,” continues Ramakers.

The retail presence will be complemented by an active program of projects and events, establishing new collaborations with the local context.

“One sees a totally different type of design in Las Vegas. I believe the audience is ready for a new approach, one that establishes new borders between the design and the non-design world,” says Renny Ramakers. “Las Vegas is about experience and so is Droog.”

The Cosmopolitan of Las VegasDecember 15th

Droog Las VegasChristophe CoppensSeptember 7th – October 23rd

Droog New York presented the 2010-2011 Winter Collection, Birdman–Birdwoman, by fashion designer Christophe Coppens with a special opening featuring live models wearing the pieces. The event attracted over 200 visitors and members of the press.

Droog New York distribution

Droog New York began setting up distribution for the Droog collection and for other leading design brands in the United States and Canada.

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A still life centerpiece ready to host your edibles.

Glass arrangement by Atelier Remy & VeenhuizenCommissioned by Droog Amsterdam for saved by droog.


Three stars bomb! by Atelier Ted NotenCommissioned by Droog Amsterdam for saved by droog.

Get ready for a three– star–performance! Ignite this bomb and watch three bronze stars appear. A typical Atelier Ted Noten piece of democratic jewellery—from now on, anyone can become a general.

Fun-for-dogs trolley by Ed AnninkCommissioned by Droog Amsterdam for saved by droog.

Dogs are there to serve us? Sled dogs, guard dogs, hunting dogs, dogs for the blind… But what happens when our functional friends need a little help from us? This trolley helps all kinds of dogs—tired ones, old ones, disabled ones, blind or deaf ones. Roll one behind you and let him watch the rabbits. Arf!

Onno, Ed, Ms. Teaspoon and the King of Gold by Ed AnninkCommissioned by Droog Amsterdam for saved by droog.

Onno, Ed, Ms. Teaspoon and the King of Gold are part of a fairy tale, in which Onno, the spoon sometimes becomes a candle holder, Ed, the knife transforms into a little mirror for the eyes, Ms. Teaspoon, the little spoon becomes an icon for tools, and King of Gold, the fork with golden teeth. Who says you shouldn’t play at the table?

Roll-on scent by Eric KlarenbeekCommissioned by Droog Amsterdam for saved by droog.

An honest perfume bottle for synthetic-free masculine, feminine and ‘the odd one out’perfume. Roll the marble over your skin.

Knotted scarf by Erna EinarsdóttirCommissioned by Droog Amsterdam for saved by droog.

Dish towels have been dyed and knotted into a scarf.

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Sad hanky by Luc d’Hanis & Sofie LachaertCommissioned by Droog Amsterdam for saved by droog.

Innocence is lost as peaceful scenes are hit with a sombre reality.

XX Chair by Luc d’Hanis & Sofie LachaertCommissioned by Droog Amsterdam for saved by droog.

Two chairs brought together, just to make things a little easier.

Moustache guard by Maison Martin MargielaCommissioned by Droog Amsterdam for saved by droog.

Care for some Victorian elegance with your cup of coffee? This cup addition was inspired by the original 19th century moustache guard invented by Englishman Harvey Adams. A call for the return of the moustache!

Manicured chair by Marian BantjesCommissioned by Droog Amsterdam for saved by droog.

Folding chairs manicured by nail artists bring delicacy, precision and utmost care to a new purpose.

Read before you eat table by Marian BantjesCommissioned by Droog Amsterdam for saved by droog.

A personal message from Marian Bantjes to your table.

Mouth-watering spoon by Marije VogelzangCommissioned by Droog Amsterdam for saved by droog.

A wooden spoon with a mouth–watering coating, invented by eating designer MarijeVogelzang. It’s for stirring, not for eating!

Beware of software vest by Mieke Gerritzen with text by Geert LovinkCommissioned by Droog Amsterdam for saved by droog.

These vests warn the wearer of an environment increasingly composed of information. The danger in a media-centric environment is a failure to distinguish fact from fiction, objects from media, software from culture.

Wannabe mirror by Minale - MaedaCommissioned by Droog Amsterdam for saved by droog.

Glorify yourself and your surroundings by looking into this mirror.

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Thirsty glasses by Roelof MulderCommissioned by Droog Amsterdam for saved by droog.

Special ornamentation and real piercings turn these three thirsty couples into jewels for drinking. Aren’t they charming?

Happy wallet by Stefan SagmeisterCommissioned by Droog Amsterdam for saved by droog.

A reminder that the joy of instant credit can turn to sorrow.

Daily handkerchief by Studio Makkink & BeyCommissioned by Droog Amsterdam for saved by droog.

1000 handkerchiefs are ready to be embroidered with selected articles from 30 days of news. Pick the news you want to keep in your pocket.

100 blue containersCreated by Droog Amsterdam for saved by droog.

A special treatment to the items that were not selected by a designer.

Twin stopper by Sam HechtCommissioned by Droog Amsterdam for the Droog collection

Simply clever, Twin stopper has asymmetrical ends to deal with varying gaps between doors and floors in a compact way. Whatever you are using now, this will certainly be more elegant, not to mention safer.

Rietveld Lego Buffet by Minale-MaedaCommissioned by Droog New York for Design Miami/Basel

What you see is not by Fernando BrízioCommissioned by Droog Amsterdam for the Droog collection

A cabinet has been reduced to its two-dimensional image, leaving only one three-dimensional detail intact—an open drawer, perfect for a book or two. A playful combination of function and illusion that saves material too.

A playfully charming yet serious piece of adult furniture, Rietveld Lego Buffet is a re-interpretation of Rietveld’s 20th century buffet made of approximately 26,000 Lego bricks. In line with Rietveld’s manifest for a do-it-yourself method of building furniture from standardized parts, the Minale-Maeda interpretation by its own qualities becomes autonomous and divorced from its parents—the iconic Rietveld and the iconic Lego brick. By using toys to make real furniture for grown-ups, an industrial process of standardization starts to feel more human.

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Dusk/dawn mirror by Minale–MaedaCommissioned by Droog New York for Design Miami/Basel

Inspired by a reflection on a pool of water of the sky at dusk or dawn—the archetypical mirror—has become the basis for this mirror. Hung one way, it reflects dusk, and hung the other, it is dawn.

Renny Ramakers gave an intimate lecture at SoHo House, sparking a discussion with the audience.

Lecture SoHo House, New York March 3rd

Lectures, Events and more

Lecture Parsons The New School For Design March 4th

Renny Ramakers presented to students of Parsons The New School for Design on the past and future of Droog.

Creativities Unfold, Bangkok 2010 BangkokMarch 21st

As part of the Play: From Passion to Business symposium, Renny Ramakers presented how and why Droog came to be, and how the original themes evolved over time into a current philosophy on new collaborations, true luxury, the human touch and a diminishing border between the normal and the design world.

Looking for a new owner campaignsaved by droogApril 14th – 18th

We celebrated new owners that purchased products at saved by droog. Everyday, new posters and postcards featuring the latest owners and products still looking for new owners were hung at the presentation and throughout Milan. The campaign was conceived by CMK1 and the on-site photographer was Stefanie Grätz with styling by Marjo Kranenborg.

Guest criticParsons The New School for Design May

Sheldon LaPierre of Droog New York was invited to participate as a guest critic for the end of term presentations at Parsons The New School for Design.

Darwin Chair by Stefan SagmeisterCommissioned by Droog New York for Design Miami/Basel

The Darwin chair utilizes a free swinging structure that includes about 200 sheets of attached prints. As the top sheet gets dirty or tired, the user can simply rip it off thereby transforming the chair’s appearance (and the remaining perforation eventually forms a comfortable head rest). All sheets are printed with intricate patterns abstracting the creation of the universe, making their way through the creation of the world, the beginning of plant, animal and human life, all the way to the digital revolution. Developed and produced by Grenswerk.

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Jury memberDesign as reform competition, Traffic, Dubai June 1st

Renny Ramakers participated as jury member of the Design as reform competition initiated by Traffic. The design competition aimed to foster a provincial sense of design through the re-application of existing Arab art forms on contemporary projects. Candidates explored ways in which Arab culture should preserve authenticity in light of mass production and exportation.

Greek green greet by DroogBenaki Museum, Athens, Greece June 4th – July 25th

Workshop Dionisis Sotovikis and Mariolopoulos Kanaginis Foundation for the environmental sciences, in collaboration with the Benaki Museum presented the largest retrospective Droog exhibition in the world since 2007. The presentation explored the concepts of recycle, re–use, recreate, reinvent, clarity of concept, memory and nostalgia.

Lecture at Design, Architecture and Sustainability ConferenceBenaki Museum amphitheatre, AthensJune 5th

In tandem with the retrospective Green green greet by Droog at the Benaki Museum in Athens, Renny Ramakers presented a lecture at the Design, Architecture and Sustainability Conference.

TechnoCRAFTYerba Buena Center for the Arts, San Francisco July 10th – October 3rd

Yerba Buena Center for the Arts presented TechnoCRAFT, a major design exhibition charting current movements blurring the boundary between designer and consumer. Curated by acclaimed industrial designer Yves Béhar, TechnoCRAFT looked at the different ways that consumers are personalizing design in efforts to assert creativity and individuality in an age of mass-production. The presentation featured Do hit by Marijn van der Poll for Droog.

Lecture D-day, ZagrebJune 12th

Agata Jaworska, content and project manager of Droog Lab presented a lecture at D-Day, a 24-hour design event for students and young designers. D-Day was for the first time organized at the abandoned industrial complex of Zagrepčanka Old Slaughter–house in Zagreb

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saved by droog. Centraal Museum UtrechtJuly 17th – October 10th

The saved by droog. collection, acquired by the Centraal Museum at Salone del Mobile in Milan, was exhibited at the Centraal Museum, attracting many visitors and press attention.

Jury memberTokyo Design Award July 22nd

Renny Ramakers was invited to participate as a jury member for the Tokyo Design Award.

Lecture Strelka Institute for Media, Architecture and DesignSeptember 9th

In combination with the Lab trip to Moscow, Agata Jaworska presented past and current Droog activities, including the ambitions of the Droog Lab.

Droog pop-up storeSpaces and Places, LondonSeptember 21st – October 10th

Exclusive distributor of Droog in the UK, Places and Spaces hosted a Droog pop-up store during the London Design Festival.

Via Milano New Dutch DesignOude Kerk, AmsterdamSeptember 18th – October 17th

Featured in the 10 years Via Milano New Dutch Design exhibition at the Oude Kerk in Amsterdam was St. Petersburg chair by Jurgen Bey, Heat wave radiator by Joris Laarman and Highchair by Maartje Steenkamp, amongst other pieces from the Droog collection.

European Design Since 1985: Shaping the New Century Milwaukee Art MuseumOctober 9th – January 9th

The Milwaukee Art Museum’s newest exhibition, European Design Since 1985: Shaping the New Century featured the Milk bottle lamp, Chest of drawers and Rag chair by Tejo Remy. The exhibition was the first encompassing, critical assessment of contemporary Western European design from 1985 to 2005.

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Rietveld’s UniverseCentraal Museum Utrecht October 20th – January 30th, 2011

Centraal Museum Utrecht acquired the artist’s proof #1 edition of Red blue Lego chair from the Droog collection. It was exhibited at Rietveld’s Universe as part of Rietveld Year organized by the Centraal Museum in Utrecht to celebrate the life and heritage of Gerrit Rietveld.

Discussion Centraal Museum UtrechtOctober 31st

Director of the Centraal Museum, Edwin Jacobs, talked with Renny Ramakers and Jurgen Bey. The lively discussion revealed just how many projects Ramakers and Bey have collaborated on since the 1990s.

Lecture Parsons The New School for Design November 19th

As part of the Fashionable Technology Event Series at Parsons The New School for Design, Sheldon LaPierre of Droog New York gave a talk on Gluejeans and the innovative use of new technology.

Guest criticParsons The New School for Design December

Sheldon LaPierre of Droog New York was invited to participate as a guest critic for the end of term presentations at Parsons The New School for Design.

The Droog website was re–designed to make it easier to see what’s new and popular in the store, what kinds of projects we’re working on, and what events are coming up. The site also features a new blog, on which we have published many interviews with designers, including Mieke Gerritzen, Marian Bantjes, Ed Annink, Maison Martin Margiela, Atelier Ted Noten, Marije Vogelzang, Stefan Sagmeister, Minale-Maeda, Christophe Coppens, Sam Hecht, Peter van der Jagt and Marcel Schmalgemeijer, amongst other content.

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New photography

Working with photographer Stefanie Grätz and stylist Marjo Kranenborg, Droog launched new product photography capturing everyday use in normal life.

Droog products in NYC subway

To promote tourism in the Netherlands, images of Droog products, including 85 lamps, Sticky lamp and Bowls plus were featured on the inside of New York City subway cars amongst images of Dutch windmills and fields of tulips.

Design Museum Gent acquired Glass Arrangement

Design Museum Gent acquired Glass Arrangement #13/15 by Atelier Remy & Veenhuizen. This still life centrepiece was originally presented at the saved by droog. presentation.

10 Great design stores in NYC

Huffington Post listed Droog New York as one of the top ten design stores in New York City

14 biggest design moments in the decade

Fast Company listed the year Droog Amsterdam opened as one of the decade’s 14 biggest design moments.

Droog 2 magazine

Droog published the second issue of the Droog magazine, featuring saved by droog., Droog Townhouse, Pioneers of Change and more. The magazine can be viewed on our website and is distributed through Droog Amsterdam.

Droog on Facebook

Droog opened a Facebook page, which at time of print had 1993 friends. The site attracts many views and comments from the public.

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Many are surprised to hear Droog is opening in Las Vegas. Why Las Vegas?

The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas approached us. Initially it’s hard to see the common ground between Droog and Las Vegas, but for both, experience is important. For us it is interesting to reach a new audience, and Las Vegas is truly a unique place in the world. Sometimes reality can be wilder than fiction.

What do you think of the kind of design you see there?

One sees a totally different type of design. I believe the audience is ready for a new approach, one that establishes new borders between the design and the non-design world.

What about the themed approaches in Las Vegas?

The themed experiences are old-fashioned. You can see Las Vegas is looking for new experiences, and The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas is breaking some new ground. But it was already happening in 2002, for example with the Guggenheim Hermitage Museum by Rem Koolhaas. Perhaps then it was too early, and now might be a better time for new developments.

Q&AWhat are your impressions of Las Vegas?

Whether you are eating, watching a performance at a theatre, shopping or gambling, everything in Las Vegas is about entertainment. Such a concentration of entertainment is an interesting model for me.

Any thoughts on gambling?

If one can restrict oneself, gambling can be very playful.

Can you tell us about the store design?

With each store location we take a different approach. For Droog Las Vegas, our brief to the designer, Marcel Schmalgemeijer, was that it should be a strong gesture but at the same time, be very functional. Seems obvious, but it is important that the store looks and functions like a store. We want the design to allow the products to speak for themselves and to create an experience.

Are there any future plans for the store?

There will be a program of events and new collaborations with the local context. We have some ideas so far, but are also looking forward to what Las Vegas will inspire.

with Renny Ramakers

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s Ve


s Sto


Page 54: Activity Report


PublicityBasics Product Design

Dérivé, Zeitschrift für




The King of Future Design




Electronic Beats Magazine


Swiat Taziene i Kuchini




Idea Searching

Urban Play- Catalyst for

Urban Creativity

Die Stadt als Spielplatz

Hau dir dein Unikat

Droog Design

Wohnen wie..

Thinking hands, speaking things

Denken met je handen

Amsterdam , the true

global village


Republika Natury


Power to the People

Fantastic design



am New York

Juli B

New York edition


Holland Herald


ELLE Decoration


Casa e Jardim







Financieel Dagblad

Entwöhnung von der Haltlosigkeit

Coming Soon

New York droog testing

Droog Design Comes to SoHo

A sneak peek inside droog’s new

New York store

Where Amsterdam meets

New Amsterdam

Stuck on design

Topesigners trekken de wereld in

Down the drain

Ralph Weiden


Tudo aqui é design


Hoe groener hoe beter!

Filigranes zum basteln und kaufen

Old Masters New Design All Dutch

Basic Projects & Idee metalliche

Idées charmantes & rétro chic

Droog Voortrekkers van

Dutch Design


Paper Magazine

I Saloni


Vorm Berichten


Julliette&Victor Magazine

ELLE Dekor



de Volkskrant

ELLE Dekor

Brabants Dagblad wonen

Booty Call

Droog debuts in New York

Hotel Droog

Half an our ago Pieke Bergmans

was supposed to turn right

Droog debat

Export van Droog Design

Droog at Home met Glue

Jeans talk

Amsterdam Autrement

Novi Zivot

Passie in de keuken


De gloeilamp verdwijnt, leve

het peertje!

Swing with the plants

Dunne lijn tussen kunst en design


Time Out



Paper Magazine



Going Places (Malaysia airlines)



The National

Elsevier thema


Third Base

Milano/Droog Design: House of

furniture Parts

Conversation with James


Booty Call

Ontwerper & De juiste formule

A new Dutch Settlement


Gluejeans & Textiel in Desing:

Weg met stoffig imago

Bloemen in Beijing

Bizarre and beautiful

Het blauwe dorp, Herboren

vokloren & Wanders is overal

Do Piraet


Page 55: Activity Report





The Scout


The New York Times


The Nationa;


House&Home (FT)






Arts Magazine

Eigen huis & interieur

and mag

Eigen Huis & Intereur

Vlaggenschip voor

Nederlands Design

Sticky Lamp

Secret Natures

Secret Natures exhibition—

Droog Design New York

Renny Ramakers

Off-Center Framing

Made in… Amsterdam

Designing the future of our world

Secret Natures exhibition- Droog

Design New York

An affair with flair

Tips NL in NY

Double Vision & Salone Rangers

We got a smal map.. And we dug

Objects of desire & Gadgets

Marije Vogelzang

Droog Design, Campana…

les détourneurs


Droog New York

Droog landt naast de Hudson


Casa Brutus

Life Element Magazine

I.D magazine



The New York Times



Eigen huis & Interieur


The Bund culture


de Architect


From Droog’s Blue House to ours

Design With Recycled Materials


Trendn News

Die Sonne scheint!

How Clever of the Dutch


Mapping NYC’s Future Icons


Made in the Shade: Droog’s

Shadylace Umbrella

Obsession Table & New tables

Pioneers in international business


Crisis! Maar dan?

Jorislaarman “Heatwave”



Verzameld werk + Mat&Rob


Hamptons Cottages and Garden



Vogue Living

New Style Woman

Le monde



new Style man

Frame (#69)


New Style men

Scrabble to Cradle






L’économie sociale, une

résponse au capitalisme


Haal de boomstronken in huis

New in Milan

De ambachtelijke signatuur van

Hella Jongerius

The New Bazaar

Special Salone









Vogue Living

Archtecture interieur

Droog, La ideología de lo neuvo

To Dining Room

Hollandia zaprasza na tawecske

I am the virus

Zo, even bijkomen

Perfect cut

Milanse fare






Art + Auction

Le monde

Deco Home


Gala style


De Architect

The taste of life


Droog Design de Dutch Touch




Psychose de la grippe, miroir des


Kunst Stucke

Grune Freunde

Home sweet home

Grune Freunde

Tussen commercie en experiment

Mix & Match & Design om van

te smullen


Page 56: Activity Report


Tenerife Design Festival

La Opinion


Gobierno de Canarias: notas

de prensa

Esfera de Canarias


Elsevier thema

Time Out

Eigen huis & Interieur




Mintel Creapac

Linda wonen

101 woonideeen






Tenerife Design Festival


Muestra de objetos para vivir y

sonar en La Recova


Tenerife Design Festival … en la

calle como en casa

Tenerife Design Festival … en la

calle como en casa


Fantasia & Jullie hebben droog

design, wij maken Wet Design

Best product design

Jungle Fever

De idealen van Studio

Makkink & Bey

Blank Hout

Joris Laarman’s Bone Chair


Poppen aan het dansen


CO2 oke & Bed & breakfast

Droog Design na gijs Bakker

Droog Desgn de Dutch Touch

De idealen van Studio

Makkink & Bey



The NY Times




Trend Hunter

Eigen huis & Interieur

Eigen huis & Interieur



NRC Weekblad


Rays of light amis the gloom

Droog Townhouse by Atelier

Bow Wow



Butterfly Seating

Mondo Exotica/Badkamer

Bravacasa, Lími Voque, WGSN.

com, FT-house & home UK,


Knotted Chair & Bound by Blood,

chi ha paura

Tienda Droog en NY

Sinterklaas cadeau’s

Meer dan een winkel

Trendspot Hout & Dutch

Design ABC



Modem online

Desenho B

LSN global

Art Krush

The Independent

Miseteli Belevingscomunicatie

Alt om resor

Chic Report



NY mag


Amsterdam Tourism & Covention


The Number 4 blog

Minesterie OCW


Eigenhuis & interieur


Art das kunstmagazin


Köningin der Lüfte

Focus: Droog at Art Basel Design

Miami 2009


Talk of the townhouse: Design

residence opens its doors

Design Miami

Design brand to unveil house at

Design Miami

15 creative hotspots


Droog Delights

Gratis Tanken

Cultuur moet leren ondernemen

Glue Jeans Featured in droog

fashion collection

Droog introduces Dutch fashion


Droog Design NY toont mode

Nederlandse designers

Droog Design

Droog design introduceert mode

Droog Design

Talk of the townhouse: Design

residence opens its doors

2,1 miljoen voor innovatie cultuur

Extraatje voor innovatieve cultuur

2,1 miljoen voor 6 innovatieve

culturele organisaties

Fifteen start


Innovatiesubsidie uit nieuwe

subsidieregeling aan zes

projecten toegekend

Zes projecten toegekend bij

Innovatie cultuuruitingen

Droog Design shows first

architectural project

Interieur jaren ‘30 woonhuis

Reclaiming drawers as New

Modern Furniture

Januari Marcel Wanders


50 junge klassiekers

Statement of content


Page 57: Activity Report


Marketing Facts


The New York Times


Holland Agenda

International Herald Tribune


Design Miami

Design Miami

Design Miami

Design Miami

Eigenhuis & interieur

Eigenhuis & interieur

Eigenhuis & interieur


Business Punk



Designdecennium 2000-2009

Droog design introduceert mode

100 jaar verlichting in

Gorcums Museum

High Design in D.C.

Colour update by droog

Droog bij ‘grootste’ 14

Waar alles vandaan komt

Chest of Drawers by Tejo Remy

nominated for Best Dutch Design

Holland Agenda

Daring to play with a rich palette

Stick & Stitch

Happy Makkink & Bey Familiy


Limite da arte

Quoi de neuf a Miami

Casa Brutus




Á Table

Toll und Haben

Einfach nicht wegschmeissen






Elle Wonen

Elle Wonen

Elle Wonen



Dutch design huis

A look inside the Droog


Droog design

Arty Rotterdam bruist

1997 …1994


Inside design Amsterdam 2010

New Technologies

New Technologies



Sunprising Holland

Eigenhuis & interieur

Eigenhuis & interieur

Pure by premiumpark



PM Branchevreemd

Iedereen blij tijdens lezersreis

wonen en co

Dutch design, contaxt

en ontwerpers

Chinese astrologie

De hollandse keuken

Where to from postmodernism

Design is van ons

Auf dem Holzweg

Expositie Nederlandse

vormgevers in Hilversum

Instant design

Submit a chat topic

Design shops amsterdam

Stick en Stitch

Droog presenteert glue jeans

Wie is Marcel Wanders

Droog design talk at soho

house new york city

The droog at the end

of the tunnel

Digital downloading with droog

Visions from the drawing board

Voor hippe vogels


Be magazine


Programma designworld


Amsterdam travel guide


Coolhunt Instant Gratification

Furtiniture designers are

shifting focus

Everything old is Droog again

Un week-end royal en Hollande

Milan 2010 furniture fair preview

Saved by Droog

Designweek Milaan op

gang getrapt

Designer special Studio

Makkink & Bey

Milan 2010 furniture fair preview

Milan 2010 furniture fair.


Page 58: Activity Report


Be magazine



De Volkskrant

een mooi ding

Programma designworld


Amsterdam travel guide


Coolhunt Instant Gratification

Furtiniture designers are

shifting focus

Everything old is Droog again

Un week-end royal en Hollande

Milan 2010 furniture fair preview

Saved by Droog

Designweek Milaan op

gang getrapt

Designer special Studio

Makkink & Bey

Milan 2010 furniture fair preview

Milan 2010 furniture fair.

De crisis voorbij?


Meubelbeurs milaan:

Highlights 2010

droog’s massive liquidation sale

Amsterdam special:saved by

droog- rediscovering

unwanted objects

Milan furniture fair 2010: saved

by Droog part2

Saved by droog

Utrecht koop Droog

Salone gaat terug naar de basis

The force of design according

to droog

Net critique by Geert Lovink

thegraffik design and illustration

The design salad

Saved by Droog

Nieuwe collectie Droog Design

naar centraal museum

Salone del mobile 2010

The force of design according

to droog

Milan ‘10 :CMU saved by Droog

een mooi ding

Milan report saved by Droog

Droog eventarchitectectuur,

Marjan van Aubel

Saved by Droog

Salone milan 2010 saved

by droog

Saved by Droog; liquidated

Nrc handelsblad

de morgen magazine

Inzicht nv


products get a second chance

to shine

Modern lightning goes green

Dish table oddly similar to

Droog’s work

Open design: samen ontwerpen

en fabriceren

Milan design week 2010: Saved

by droog

Droog gives liquidated products

new life at Milan Design Week

Mooi + droog dutch design

Fun. Conceptual. Droog

In the garden

Droog gives liquidated products

new life at Milan Design Week

Saved by droog

Centraal museum koopt gehele

nieuwe collectie droog design

Saved by droog

A recycled author signed droog

Saved by droog

Saved by Droog roll on scent

Saved by droog

Ceiling lamp 85 lamps

Milan report saved by Droog

Jaar van het anti product

in Milaan

CS-recensent het jaar van het

antiproduct in Milaan

Droog:Dutch for dry

Fun. Conceptual. Droog

Centraal museum nieuwste

collectie Droog aan.

Droog hotel Amsterdam by

Atelier Bow-Wow

Saved by Droog

New york city’s dutch treats

and historic sites

Zero dix

Stefan Sagmeister: is happy,

with or withouw money

Studio Makkink Bey:

furniture house

Atelier Remy & Veenhuizen: stack

unwanted glassware

Page 59: Activity Report



Anne-Christine Hartman

Eigenhuis & Interieur

Eigenhuis & Interieur

Eigenhuis & Interieur

Lookbook Wohnen

Lookbook Wohnen

Diseno Interior

Zo wonen we in de toekomst


Astro design


Wie im Him


Droog Townhouse by Atelier


Droog at Benaki Museum

in Athens

In the mind and heart of

Droog design

LEGO Buffet by Droog

Darwin chair by Stefan


Highchair by Droog

Droog Al Arab

Droog & Ateliers Bow-Wow


Greek green greet by Droog at

Benaki Museum

Greek green greet by Droog at

Benaki Museum

Herbruiksels: creatief met Leog

Droog at design Miami/Basel

Minale-maeda: Rietveld LEGO

Buffet for Droog

Marian Bantjes; Saved by Droog

I mean really, who doesn’t need

a LEGO Buffet Table!

Minale-maeda: Rietveld LEGO

Buffet for Droog

Rietveld LEGO Buffet by Minale-

Maede for Droog

Do-It-Yourself Chair by Droog


The 25,000 LEGO Brick Buffet

Design Miami Basel

Onder deze parasols is het

altijd vakantie

Saved by Droog, the video….

Saved by Droog: Wooden

Spoons by Marije Vogelzang

Droog al Arab - premier viewing

& panel discussion

Greek green greet by Droog

Greek green greet y Droog

Milan 2010


Het Parool




Trends and Living

Icon Magazine Online

Saved by Droog milan 2010

Logeren in stijl op

de groenburgwal

Felle aanval op de goede smaak

Wat eet….Renny Ramakers

Droog Design Hotel Amsterdam

Droog Design

Saved by Droog milan 2010

Saved by Droog milan 2010

Saved by Droog milan 2010

Schitteren in Milaan

Droog Design start hotel in


Het nieuwe ontwerpen in

Milaan 2010

Fur outsider

Je suis dada

Droog in Dubai

Droog in Dubai

Liquidated Designs

Milan Droog

Droog Design

Home at Droog by Ateliers


Droog plans to open Small Hotel

in Amsterdam

Droog Design opent hotel om de


Slapen en eten bij Droog

Dutch Design in overgang

Nacho Carbonell: animals

and spaghetti

Powerhouse Museum Object

of the Week

Dutch Design met Richard Hutten

en Lensvelt

Page 60: Activity Report


Milan Droog Design 2010

Centraal Museum presenteers

recente aanwins Saved

by Droog.




De Architect

Eigenhuis & Interieur

Mirror Mirror at Droog Amsterdam

Warm hout Zomerrood






Rot Gute-Laune-Kick

De Trend van 2011

Dutch Design



Kado en designwinkel in


Saved by Droog


Stoelencollectie TU Delft

Een parfum dat ruikt

als boekenkast

Mode accessoiretrends

American Bargains

New Dutch design

Ellen Mandemaker

De Woonbeurs - Het genot

Hoe kan ik een ‘Boomstam’ zo

goed mogelijk benutten!







The Word

The Word



Design Hollandais

Marcel Wanders

Huis, tuin & helden

Pizza & Love Barcelona

NO LABEL in het CM


Richard Hutten

Saved by Droog

Club Donny

Some like it rough

Immaculate imperfection

Looking for the source

Place within a place





De Architect

De Architect


Tea Party

Getrouwd met een kast


Mark Forbo flooring


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Page 63: Activity Report

Index10 Great design stores in NYC

100 blue containers

14 biggest design moments

in the decade

2009 Summary

2010 Summary

4 Hours only

7 Key holes by Luc d’Hanis &

Sofie Lachaert

A family of bartending tools,

Ketel One

Anamorphosis by Luc d’Hanis

& Sofie Lachaert

Beware of software vest by

Mieke Gerritzen with text

by Geert Lovink

Chairs returned by

Franck Bragigand

Christophe Coppens

Cleanup soap

Clock inlays & Tool inlays

by Formafantasma

CMYK Cocktails

Creatives Unfold, Bangkok 2010

Daily handkerchief by Studio

Makkink & Bey

Darwin chair

Design Miami

Design Museum Gent acquired

Glass Arrangement

Discussion, Centraal

Museum Utrecht

DOEN Material prize

Downloadable design

Droog 2 Magazine

Droog al Arab

Droog at Design Miami/Basel

Droog Lab principles

Droog Las Vegas

Droog New York

Droog New York Distribution

Droog on Facebook

Droog pop-up store

Droog products in

NYC Subway

Droog Townhouse

Droog tweets

Dusk/dawn mirror

European Design Since 1985:

Shaping the New Century

Everything you need to know is

on the bottle, Ketel One

Exclusive fashion

Extra treats weekend

Flower salon

Frame desk & Showcase

by Studio Makkink & Bey

Fun–for–dogs trolley by Ed Annink

Gijs Bakker resigns

Glass arrangement by Atelier

Remy & Veenhuizen

Glue couture

Glue jeans Juxtapose

Greek green greet by Droog

Guest critic, Parsons The New

School For Design

Happy wallet by Stefan


Hotel by Atelier Bow-Wow

House of furniture parts

by Studio Makkink & Bey



















42 23,35,38


Jury member, Design as reform


Jury member, Fifteen Amsterdam

Knotted scarf by Ema Einarsdottir

Lacefence exclusive

Lecture at Design, Architecture

and Sustainability Conference

Lecture, D–day Zagreb

Lecture, Parsons The New

School For Design

Lecture, Soho House New York

Lecture, Strelka Institute for Media

Looking for a new location

in NYC

Looking for a new

owner campaign

Luxury of the North

Manicured chair by Marian



Milan 2009

Mirror mirror

Moustache guard by Maison

Martin Margiela

Mouth–watering spoon

by Marije Vogelzang

New friends

New is the new new

New photography

Object Rotterdam

Obsession table by

Nadia Pedreschi

Onno, Ed, Ms Teaspoon and the

King of Gold by Ed Annink

Opening of Droog New York

Our Manifesto











Page 64: Activity Report

Paper bone chair

by Joris Learman

Picnic New York

Pioneers of change

Q&A with Renny Ramkers

Read before you eat table

by Marian Bantjes

Readymade bookshelf

by NL Architects

Representing Richard Hutten

Rietveld Lego Buffet

Rietveld’s Universe

Roll-on scent by Eric Klarenbeek

Royal visit

Russia consumes

Sad Hanky by Luc d’Hanis

& Sofie Lachaert


saved by droog.

saved by droog. Centraal

Museum Utrecht

Seam bench by Chris Kabel

Secret natures

Serving New York

Slow Sundays


The copper collection by Aldo

Bakker for Thomas Eyck

The Droog Lab

Thirsty glasses by Roelof Mulder

Thomas Eyck collection in

Droog New York

Three stars bomb! By

Atelier Ted Noten

Timeout Amsterdam award

Twin stopper by Sam Hecht

Via Milano New Dutch Design

Visit by Danish crafts

Vogue Magazine’s Fashion’s

Night Out

Wannabe mirror by


What you see is not

Woolfiller workstation

World class, Ketel One

XX Chair by Luc d’Hanis

& Sofie Lachaert










