Activity Number: Democratic European Citizenship_GR_PLATON_3 Title: And now…? Designed by: Primary...

Activity Number: Democratic European Citizenship_GR_PLATON_3 Title: And now…? Designed by: Primary School PLATON Area(s): (i) Intercultural Education/ (ii) Marginalization Reduction/ (iii) Democratic European Citizenship Objectives: C3. Promote children’s active citizenship (which draws upon the idea of active participation). C4. Encouraging children’s participation in constructing Europe united and enriched by its cultural diversity.

Transcript of Activity Number: Democratic European Citizenship_GR_PLATON_3 Title: And now…? Designed by: Primary...

Activity Number: Democratic European Citizenship_GR_PLATON_3

Title: And now…?Designed by: Primary School PLATON Area(s): (i) Intercultural Education/ (ii)

Marginalization Reduction/ (iii) Democratic European Citizenship

 Objectives: C3. Promote children’s active citizenship (which

draws upon the idea of active participation).C4. Encouraging children’s participation in

constructing Europe united and enriched by its cultural diversity.

Pupil’s are given a story in which … … a young Alban pupil, Arthur, in a greek school is

being treated in a racist manner. Athur’s friend wants to support him but her family is

the one to throw the first stone…

Art objectives

• To suggest songs or music themes that reflect the feelings of a character in the story

• To write an ending to the story

In all stories Arhtur’s friend takes her stand…

… and actively supports her Alban friend…

… despite her family’s objection.

In most cases the young writers mainly aimed for the emotion of the reader

In two cases the young writer aimed for the logic of the reader

In their stories Arhtur’s friend investigates the ancestors of the families who oppose Arthur…

…. only to find out that they are not “chosen ones” they believed they were…


Eminem – I’m not afraid (to take a stand…)

Johnny Orlando – Never give up (keep your head up)

Katy Perry – Roar (I used to bite my tongue and hold my breath… I stood for nothing, so I fell for everything… Get ready 'cause I’ve had enough, I see it all, I see it now)

Activity Number: Democratic European Citizenship_GR_PLATON_2

Title: From one mythology to another… and back again…

Designed by: Primary School PLATON Area(s): (i) Intercultural Education/ (ii)

Marginalization Reduction/ (iii) Democratic European Citizenship

 Objectives: C1. Foster a sense of European Union ownership and

a sense of European identity, based on common values, history and culture.

C2. Stimulate children’s awareness that Europe is/needs a shared vision.

• Make a drawing based on a Greek, Celtic, Scandinavian, Japanese myth, like the painters in Renaissance who were deeply influenced by Greek Mythology.

Art objectives

• Make human sculptures based on Renaissance paintings based on greek myths.


Celtic myth about life (wind, fire)

Hercules& Lernean Hydra

Golden fleece

Frixos & Elli, golden fleece

Jason & the golden fleece

Annibale Carracci, Ulesses before Circe saved by Hermes, 16th – 17th century

Girolamo Troppa, Apollo & Daphne, 17th century

Jacob Jordaens, Zeus & Hermes at Philemon & Baucis’s,

17th century

Activity Number: Democratic European Citizenship_GR_PLATON_1Title: Discussing and documenting.Designed by: Primary School PLATON Area(s): (i) Intercultural Education/ (ii) Marginalization Reduction/ (iii) Democratic European Citizenship Objectives: C5. Promote peace education. C6. Promote education for human rights.

• make a dramatization of the trial of the rich countries that have the power to help the poor ones, but don’t

Art objectives