Actin Filament Assembly by Arp2-3 and Formins

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  • 8/14/2019 Actin Filament Assembly by Arp2-3 and Formins


    Regulation of ActinFilament Assemblyby Arp2/3 Complexand Formins

    Thomas D. Pollard1,2,3

    1Departments of Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology, 2Cell Biology,

    and 3Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry, Yale University, New Haven,Connecticut 06520-8103; email: [email protected]

    Annu. Rev. Biophys. Biomol. Struct. 2007.36:45177

    The Annual Review of Biophysics and BiomolecularStructure is online at

    This articles doi:10.1146/annurev.biophys.35.040405.101936

    Copyright c 2007 by Annual Reviews.All rights reserved


    Key Words

    cortactin, profilin, Scar, WASp, WAVE


    This review summarizes what is known about the biochemical an

    biophysical mechanisms that initiate the assembly of actin filamenin cells. Assembly and disassembly of these filaments contribute

    many types of cellular movements. Numerous proteins regulate actassembly, but Arp2/3 complex and formins are the focus of this r

    view because more is known about them than other proteins thstimulate the formation of new filaments. Arp2/3 complex is a

    tive at the leading edge of motile cells, where it produces branchon the sides of existing filaments. Growth of these filaments pr

    duces force to protrude the membrane. Crystal structures, recon

    structions from electron micrographs, and biophysical experimenhave started to map out the steps through which proteins call

    nucleation-promoting factors stimulate the formation of brancheFormins nucleate and support the elongation of unbranched act

    filaments for cytokinesis and various types of actin filament budles. Formins associate processively with the fast-growing ends

    filaments and protect them from capping.


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    INTRODUCTION... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 452


    KINETICS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 454MECHANISM OF ACTION OF

    Arp2/3 COMPLEX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 455B a c k g r o u n d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 5 5

    Structure of the BranchJunction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 457

    Interactions of NPFs with Actin

    M o n o m e r s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 5 9Interactions of NPFs with Arp2/3

    C o m p l e x . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 5 9How Do NPFs Activate Arp2/3

    Complex? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 460Pathway of Branch Formation. . . . . 461

    Role of Nucleotides Boundt o A r p s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 6 2

    Role of ATP Hydrolysis by Arp2/3Complex in Branch

    Formation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 462Role of ATP Hydrolysis by Actin in

    Branch Formation

    and Stability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 463Technical Matters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 463


    NUCLEATION-PROMOTINGFACTORS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 464

    Regulation of WASp andN-WASP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 464

    Verprolin and WIP.... . . . . . . . . . . . 464PCH-Family Proteins . . . . . . . . . . . . 465

    Accessory Proteins that RegulateScar/WAVE Proteins . . . . . . . . . . 465

    Cortactin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 465FUNCTIONS OF Arp2/3


    CELLULAR LEVEL . . . . . . . . . . . . 466 MECHANISMS OF FORMINS. . . . . 466

    B a c k g r o u n d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 6 6Formin Structure and Influence on

    Actin Polymerization . . . . . . . . . . 466Nucleation Mechanism . . . . . . . . . . . 468

    Processivity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 468Gating of Elongation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 468

    Acceleration of Elongation byProfilin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 469

    Requirement for ATPHydrolysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 469

    Technical Matters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 469

    Actin: proteinbuilding block ofmicrofilaments

    Profilin: proteinthat binds actin and


    Actin-relatedprotein (Arp)2/3complex: proteinassembly that formsactin filamentbranches


    Actin filaments not only provide mechani-cal support for cells but also participate in a

    wide variety of biological movements, includ-ing amoeboid cell locomotionandcytokinesis.

    Actin polymerization is a classic example ofself-assembly, but to keep self-assembly from

    running amuck, cells tightly regulate all as-

    pects of actin assembly by using a fascinatingrepertoire of proteins. Regulation is essential,

    because cytoplasm contains a high concentra-tion of actin subunits that are capable of poly-

    merization. This is demonstrated in cell ex-tracts by simply adding some filaments with

    free barbed ends, which elongate rapidly un-til they are capped (81, 135). Multiple mech-

    anisms control the pool of assembly-ready

    actin, including sequestration by thymosin

    4, binding to profilin (which inhibits nucleation but allows barbed end growth), an

    capping proteins (which block most barbe

    ends).Cells use several mechanisms to genera

    actin filaments locally in response to signalI focus on the biochemical and biophysic

    mechanisms of proteins that initiate new actfilaments, especially actin-related prote

    (Arp)2/3 complex and formins (Figure 1Arp2/3 complex produces branched filamen

    to push forward the leading edge of moticells and for endocytosis (93). Arp2/3 com

    plex anchors the new filament to the prexisting actin network. The free end of th

    newfilament elongates until a capping prote

    452 Pollard

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    Figure 1Overviews of the functions of Arp2/3 complex and formins. Dendritic nucleation hypothesis for theassembly of actin filaments at the leading edge of motile cells. Nucleation-promoting factors such asWASp and Scar/WAVE bring together Arp2/3 complex with an actin monomer on the side of a filamentto nucleate a branch. The free barbed end of the branch grows until it is capped. Modified, withpermission, from References 91 and 93. Bottom left-hand corner: Formins nucleate unbranchedfilaments and remain attached to their barbed ends as they elongate. Processive actin polymerization inassociation with a formin FH2 domain. Modified, with permission, from Reference 58.

    terminates growth. Formins produce un-branched filaments for actin bundles found

    in filopodia and the cytokinetic contrac-tile ring (123). The formin remains associ-

    ated with the growing end of the filament,providing an anchor and protection against


    ticated quantitative assays are required to in-vestigate mechanisms. Routine applicationsof

    simple assays are not up to this task. Typically

    Formin: a membeof a family ofproteins with aformin homology-(FH2) domain thatinteracts with thebarbed end of theactin filament

    an investigator adds their proteins to unpoly-merized actin monomers (with a trace of the

    actin molecules labeled on cysteine 374 withpyrene) and records the change in fluores-

    cence over time. The fluorescence of pyrenyl-actin is 20 times higher when polymerized,

    so the signal-to-noise ratio is outstanding,but the only parameter directly available from

    this assay is the concentration of polymerizedactin. If one also knows either the concentra-

    tion of filament ends or the rate at which they Regulation of Actin Assembly 453

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    Leading edge: frontend of motile cells,pushed forward byactin polymerizationin the underlyingcytoplasm

    Actin-depolymerizingfactor(ADF)/cofilin: aprotein that bindsactin monomers andsevers actin filaments

    grow, the bulk polymerization rate will give

    the other parameter. Direct observation ofsingle filaments by fluorescence microscopy

    (2, 30) reveal elongation rates, but this ap-proach has not yet reached general use. This

    microscopic assay is not without its limita-

    tions and potential artifacts (61, 69). Some

    proteins such as cofilin quench the fluores-cence pyrenyl-actin fluorescence when theybind filaments, leading researchers to misin-

    terpret cofilin binding to actin filaments asdepolymerization.

    Many investigators devise clever assaysto detect interactions between proteins but

    report only qualitative observations such asbinding or no binding. Usually the same as-

    say could be used to measure affinities or re-action rates. For example, if a receptor is im-

    mobilized on a bead, simply using a range ofconcentrations of bead-bound receptors andmeasuring the concentration of bound ligand

    in the bead pellet or free ligand in the super-natantwill often give the equilibrium constant

    (111). Similarly, if beads with bound ligandarediluted into buffer, the ligand will dissociate.

    The rate of dissociation can be measured bypelleting samples of the diluted beads at in-

    tervals. These two experiments, with materi-als already in hand in most labs, will also give

    the association rate constant from the ratio ofdissociation rate constant to the dissociation

    equilibrium constant.

    Understanding mechanisms is genuinelydifficult. Differencesin interpretations or the-

    ories are sometimes depicted as controversies,but the real issue is often the quality of the

    experimental design, the strength of the data,andtheassumptionsusedtointerpretthedata.

    On the other hand, some false or questionableconclusions have become beliefs through rep-

    etition in print rather than confirmation in thelaboratory. The field is blessed with a grow-

    ing number of mathematical models that al-low one to make quantitative comparisons of

    theory with experiment (76), but this strategy

    is still rarely used to test hypotheses regardingmechanisms.


    Nucleation of filaments by pure actmonomers is unfavorable owing to the e

    treme instability of small actin oligome(108), so cells initiate new actin filaments wi

    proteins including formins, Arp2/3 compleand Spire. On the other hand, elongation

    actin filaments is favorable, particularly at thfast-growing barbed end, where actin sub

    units associate with a diffusion-limited ra

    constant (90). ATP bound to each subunit hydrolyzed to ADP with a half time of 2

    (12), and -phosphate dissociates slowly wia half time of 6 min (11, 74). ADP-actin di

    sociates from barbed ends more rapidly thadoes ATP-actin (90), so ATP hydrolysis an

    -phosphate dissociation may prepare filments for disassembly in some circumstance

    ADP bound to actin filaments has nevbeen observed to exchange with ATP in th

    medium, so nucleotide exchange occurs onon actin monomers. Actin-depolymerizin

    factor (ADF)/cofilins and thymosin-4 in

    hibit nucleotide exchange; profilin promotnucleotide exchange.

    Wegner (126) predicted that ATP hydroysis in actin filaments would give the two en

    different critical concentrations (the actmonomer concentration with no net associ

    tion or dissociation) and showed that the subunits in filaments turn over in a way that

    consistent with treadmilling or subunit fluThe two ends have different critical concen

    trations in buffer with millimolar Mg2+ an

    ATP, 0.1M at the barbed end and 0.7 M the pointed end, so subunits are expected

    treadmill slowly (0.1 subunits per s) onto thbarbed end and off the pointed end at stead

    state (90). This treadmilling rate is so slothat it is unlikely to contribute to actin fil

    ment turnover in cells, but understanding thmechanism has fascinated the field for year

    A full set of rate constants for ADP-actiADP-Pi-actin, and ATP-actin (31) provi

    new insights into how the two ends behav

    454 Pollard

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    differently at steady state in buffer containing

    ATP (Figure 2). The simplest interpretationof the effects of phosphate on depolymeriza-

    tion is that phosphate binds and dissociates onADP-actin subunits at both ends of filaments

    much more rapidly than in the middle of the

    filament. In addition the affinity of pointed

    ends for phosphate appears to be lower thanthe rest of the filament. The mechanism ofthis surprising thermodynamic difference is

    not understood, but it must arise from co-operative interactions among the subunits

    near the end of the filament. Many featuresof this mechanism await investigation, such as

    the rates of phosphate binding and dissocia-tion on ADP-actin monomers and along the

    filament. The new parameters can be used with

    mathematical models (8, 121) to calculate thedistribution of nucleotide states along thelength of filaments and the flux of subunits

    through filaments at steady state. Depend-ing on the assumptions, the ends of filaments

    may also fluctuate in length at steady state(121). The small values of the rate constants

    for dissociation of ADP-actin and ADP-Pi-actin limit the steady-state behavior to slow

    treadmilling and small fluctuations in lengthcompared with the large fluctuations dur-

    ing dynamic instability of microtubules (23).One exception in the actin family is the bac-

    terial actin homolog ParM (32). At steady-

    state ParM filaments undergo dramatic fluc-tuations in length. ParM is expressed from a

    plasmid along with an adapter protein thatlinks ParM filaments to a DNA element sim-

    ilar to a centromere. Assembly and shorten-ing of the ParM filaments help to segregate

    copies of the plasmid into the two daugh-ter cells when they dividea stripped down,

    actin-based mitotic apparatus for plasmids. ADF/cofilins have been proposed to in-

    crease the rate of treadmilling (16). However,new work shows that these proteins inhibit

    subunit addition and dissociation at barbed

    ends and increase dissociation at pointed endsonly up to the ADP-actin rate (3).

    Nucleation-promoting factors(NPFs): proteinsthat bring togetheractin monomers anactin filaments with

    Arp2/3 complex tomake a branch

    Wiskott-Aldrichsyndrome protein(WASp): an NPFand product of thegene mutated in anX-linked humanimmunodeficiencyand bleedingdisorder





    Arp2/3 complex initiates actin filamentbranches on the sides of existing mother

    actin filaments. Arp2/3 complex anchors the

    pointed end of the daughter filament to themother filament as the free barbed end of the

    daughter grows away from the complex. Inmotile cells Arp2/3 complex generates a net-

    work of branched actin filaments that growslike twigs on a bush. The tips of the branches

    push the cell membrane forward to protrude apseudopod. Previous reviews provide the bi-

    ological context for the functions of Arp2/3complex (93) and a historic context for new

    work on mechanisms (91).

    Arp2/3 complex consists of seven subunits:two actin-related proteins, Arp2 and Arp3,stabilized in an inactive state by five other sub-

    units (Figure 3). The accepted nomenclature

    for these subunits is ARPC1 (for the 40-kDasubunit), ARPC2 (35-kDa subunit), ARPC3

    (21-kDa subunit), ARPC4 (20-kDa subunit),and ARPC5 (16-kDa subunit). Metazoans,

    fungi, amoebae, and plants express all of thesesubunits; none are present in the genomes of

    algae, microsporidia, or apicomplexa (80), all

    of which have at least one gene for a formin,another actin filament-nucleating protein (seebelow).

    Regulatory proteins called nucleation-promoting factors (NPFs), actin filaments,

    and an actin monomer cooperate to stim-

    ulate the intrinsically inactive Arp2/3 com-plex to nucleate a branch (reviewed in

    Reference 127). Wiskott-Aldrich syndromeprotein (WASp), Scar/WAVE, and other

    NPFs usually include three short functional

    segments: a V motif (verprolinhomology; alsocalled WH2 for WASp homology 2), a C mo-tif (connecting; erroneously called cofilin ho-

    mology in early work), and an A motif (acidic)(Figure 4).FreeVCAdomainsarelargelyun-

    folded (71) but assume secondary structurewhen bound to actin (20) or Arp2/3 complex Regulation of Actin Assembly 455

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    0.003 s10.3 s1

    2 M1s1


    1.5 mM



    Barbed end











    M1s10.2 0.2







    M2,3 60 30 mM


    Pointed end

    0.003 s1

    0.2 M1s1


    1.5 mM







    0.02 0.02





    M1s1 0.8 s1






    (0.16 s1)













    Figure 2

    Actin filament elongation reactions. Rate and equilibrium constants for association and dissociation ofATP-actin, ADP-Pi-actin, and ADP-actin subunits at both ends of actin filaments. Reproduced, withpermission, from figures in Reference 31.

    456 Pollard

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    Figure 3

    Ribbon diagramsof bovine Arp2/3complex. Left:Crystal structureof inactive Arp2/3complex. Right:Hypothesis for thestructure of activeArp2/3 complex withe Arps arrangedlike two subunitsalong the short-pithelix of an actin fil-ament. Reproducedwith permission,from Reference 99

    (86). By virtue of the affinity of VC for actin

    and of CA for Arp2/3 complex, VCA domainsbring together Arp2/3 complex and the first

    subunit in the daughter filament.A prime but unmet goal has been to estab-

    lish the pathway of branch formation. Reach-ing this goal requires structures of the reac-

    tants and the product (the branch junction) aswell as the rate and equilibrium constants for

    the steps on the assembly pathway. We knowthe structures of the reactants: actin monomer

    (50), actin filament (46), inactive Arp2/3 com-

    plex (99), and examples of activators (20, 54).Electron microscopy has provided the first

    views of the conformation of Arp2/3 complexin branch junctions. Crystallography and bio-

    chemical experiments have characterized in-teractions of NPFs with Arp2/3 complex and

    actin. Fragments of the branch assembly path-way have been characterized kinetically, but

    many key parameters are still unknown.

    Structure of the Branch Junction

    Two-dimensional reconstructions of electron

    micrographs of branches with molecular tagson subunits of Arp2/3 complex (27) con-firmed the hypothesis that Arp2 and Arp3

    are the first two subunits in the daughter fil-ament. The Arps are separated in the crys-

    tal structures of inactive Arp2/3 complex (82,99), so a substantial conformational change

    is required to bring them together like two

    subunits in an actin filament (Figure 3b).However, in the absence of a high-resolution

    structure of either active Arp2/3 complex orthe branch junction, the pathway from re-

    actants to a branch was merely a matter forspeculation.

    A new three-dimensional reconstructionof actin filament branches (105) provides the

    first glimpse of the rearrangements requiredto make a branch (Figure 5). A tilt series

    of electron micrographs of negatively stained

    branch junctions was used to make a tomo-graphic reconstruction with a resolution of

    2.5 nm. Crystal structures of the subunitsof Arp2/3 complex and actin filaments were

    used to build a model within the envelopeof density provided by the reconstruction. I

    assume for this discussion that the model ofthe branch junction is the structure of active

    Arp2/3 complex. Confirmation of some de-tails of this model requires a high-resolution

    crystal structure of the active conformation ofthe complex.

    The branch model confirms that Arp3 and

    Arp2 are the first two subunits at the pointedend of the daughter filament. The surfaces of

    Arp3 and Arp2 that bind the first and sec-ondsubunits in the daughter filament are con-

    servedandsimilartoactin(7),sotheseinterac-tions are favorable once the Arps are brought

    together in the active complex. Regulation of Actin Assembly 457

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    EVH1 Basic GBD


    Proline-rich V C




    PIP2 Cdc42Src, Btk,

    Nck, Grb2 Actin Arp2/3 complex


    Proline-rich V C A










    Activated WASp

    Autoinhibited WASp

    ActinArp2/3 complex

    Actin filament branch

    Plasma membrane

    Figure 4

    Domain organization and regulatory mechanisms of nucleation-promoting factors. Top: WASp, bottomScar/WAVE.

    Bringing the Arps together to initiate the

    daughter filaments requires a substantial con-formationalchange. The branch modelmoves

    Arp2 2 nm from its position in the crys-tal structure to overlap by 50% with Arp3

    similar to two successive subunits along theshort-pitch helix of an actin filament. Sub-

    domains 3 and 4 of Arp3 and ARPC3 rotate

    modestly from their positions in the cryst

    structure, whereas the rest of the complex fiinto the reconstruction in the conformatio

    of the inactive crystal structure. This movment of Arp2 requires dissociation of Arp

    from ARPC1 and ARPC4, but this is conceivable if the N terminus of ARPC5 ac

    like a flexible tether between Arp2 and th

    458 Pollard

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    rest of the complex. Alternatively, bending

    motions may reposition Arp2 next to Arp3without dissociating Arp2 from ARPC1 and

    ARPC4.Remarkably, all seven subunits of Arp2/3

    complex interact with the mother filament

    in the branch model. The interface between

    the complex and the mother filament buries9000 A2 of surface, consistent with the rigid-ity of the junction (10). The extensive con-

    tacts of ARPC2/ARPC4 with the motherfilament were anticipated by the demonstra-

    tion that this dimer binds actin filaments (38).The reconstruction shows that the conforma-

    tions of two of five mother filament subunitsthat interact with Arp2/3 complex are uncon-

    ventional. These changes open up surfacesfor Arp2/3 complex to contact the mother


    Interactions of NPFs with ActinMonomers

    V and C motifs of NPFs interact simulta-neously with an actin monomer. This actin

    monomer is believed to become the first sub-unit in the daughter actin filament. V motifs

    consist of approximately 20 residues, whichform a three-turn, amphipathic -helix fol-

    lowed by an extended chain.Crystal structuresshow that the -helix binds the barbed end of

    actin monomers between subdomains 1 and 3

    (20), where it competes with profilin and in-hibits nucleotide exchange on actin. The ex-

    tended chain C-terminal to the helix bindsalong thesurface of actin between subdomains

    2 and 4. Many actin-binding proteins have V motifs. WASp, Scar/WAVE, and WASp-

    interacting protein (WIP) have one V motifand N-WASP has two. The protein Spire has

    a tandem repeat of four V motifs that interactwith multiple actin monomers to nucleate fila-

    ments in vitro and in vivo (97). C motifs bindboth actin and Arp2/3 complex (71). These

    interactions are independent but mutually ex-

    clusive (53), so the C motif is not sandwichedbetween Arp2/3 complex and actin during

    branch formation.

    Figure 5

    Reconstruction from electron tomograms of an actin filament branchjunction formed by amoeba Arp2/3 complex. Reproduced, with permissiofrom Reference 105.

    WIP: N-WASP-interactingprotein

    N-WASP: isoformof WASp expressedin the nervoussystem and othertissues

    Interactions of NPFs with Arp2/3Complex

    Cross-linking and NMR experiments estab-

    lished that the CA segment of NPFs spansmultiple subunits of Arp2/3 complex. Cross-linking and NMR of spin-labeled VCA show

    that the C terminus of the A motif binds Arp3near to ARPC3 (60, 124, 133). This interac-

    tion may involve the insertion of the penulti-mate tryptophan of the A motif into a con-

    served hydrophobic hole on Arp3 near thebound nucleotide (7). Because the C motif can

    be cross-linked to ARPC1 (53), it must alsobind near the interface of Arp2 and ARPC1.

    Residues in the C motif that bindArp2/3 com-plex were identified by NMR and were inter-

    preted to form an amphipathic -helix on thebasis of the pattern of hydrophobic residues

    and the effects of mutagenesis (86).

    Three-dimensional reconstructions ofArp2/3 complex from electron micrographs

    show at low resolution that CA segments Regulation of Actin Assembly 459

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    Cortactin: anucleation-promotingfactor

    of WASp and Scar bind Arp2/3 complex

    differently than does cortactin (129). CAbridges the pointed ends of both Arps with

    a connection to ARPC1. Cortactin bridgesthe pointed end of Arp3 to ARPC2, ARPC4,

    and ARPC5, consistent with cross-linking

    and competition experiments (124). These

    interactions are appropriate to stabilize anactive conformation of the Arps, with theirbarbed ends ready to accept the first subunit

    in the daughter filament.

    How Do NPFs Activate Arp2/3Complex?

    An equilibrium exists among the various con-

    formations of Arp2/3 complex. The nucle-ation activity of bovine and amoeba Arp2/3

    complex differs by orders of magnitude inthe absence and presence of saturating NPFs(68), suggesting that less than one in a hun-

    dred complexes is active at equilibrium, butthe equilibrium constant has never been mea-

    sured. Several factors appear to contributeto the structural basis of this strong bias to-

    ward the inactive state. Extensive interactionswith ARPC2 and ARPC4 position Arp2 and

    Arp3 apart from each other. The residues atthe polymer interface between Arp2 and Arp3

    are divergent from actin and between species,so the Arps may have a low affinity for each

    other in the absence of NPFs (7). Further-

    more, Arp3 appears to interfere sterically withsubdomain 2 of Arp2, preventing closure of

    the cleft around a bound nucleotide in theinactive complex (83). Budding yeast Arp2/3

    complex may be an exception, because it hassubstantial nucleation activity without NPFs

    (37, 128).NPFs, mother filaments, and actin

    monomers cooperate to influence thisequilibrium, but individually none of them

    can activate the complex. Spectroscopyand electron microscopy have documented

    conformational changes, but the structural,

    thermodynamic, and kinetic details of theactivation process are still incomplete.

    Goley et al. (35) used fluorescence re

    onance energy transfer (FRET) to examinthe effect of NPFs on the conformation o

    human Arp2/3 complex. They tagged the termini of ARPC1 and ARPC3 with cyan flu

    orescent protein and yellow fluorescent prtein (both pairs). The tagged complex iso

    lated from SF9 cells was partially functionin polymerization assays and supported Literia motility in cell extracts. Binding of nu

    cleotides increased the energy transfer btween the fluorescence probes. Providing th

    ADPorATPwasboundtotheArps,VCAfuther increased the energy transfer. Binding

    nucleotides and VCA are coupled thermodynamically (21, 35, 63), such that nucleotid

    binding favors VCA binding and vice versBinding actin filaments or a CA constru

    with a mutation that allows binding but compromises activation (86) did not change th

    energy transfer. Therefore the FRET sign

    comes from a conformational change. Muttions showed that nucleotide binding to bo

    Arps is important for branch nucleation, bonly nucleotide binding to Arp3 is require

    for the change in energy transfer. Additioninformation is required to understand the n

    ture of these conformation changes. If ATbinding simply moved the fluorescent prob

    closer together, the conformational changwould have to be larger than the differenc

    observed between crystals of Arp2/3 complwithout nucleotide and with bound ATP

    ADP (82).

    Two studies used two- and thrdimensional reconstructions of sing

    particles of Arp2/3 complex from electromicrographs to examine the influence

    NPFs and mutations on the conformatioof the complex. Rodal et al. (101) examine

    budding yeast and bovine Arp2/3 compleXu et al. (129) compared budding yeast an

    amoeba Arp2/3 complex. Both sets of invetigators prepared the specimens by negativ

    staining. Rodal et al. found equal parts three populations of particles in preparation

    of wild-type yeast Arp2/3 complex: an ope

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    Actin patch: clusterof actin filamentsassociated withendocytosis in fungi

    reactants (including profilin) will be required

    to define the pathway.Because NPFs attached to the surface of

    bacteria (67) activate Arp2/3 complex to nu-cleate branched filaments and then stay be-

    hind as polymerization pushes the bacterium

    forward, the immobilized NPFs must dissoci-

    ate from Arp2/3 complex during branch for-mationor soon thereafter. Transient tetheringof Arp2/3 complex to the bacterium by the

    NPF may contribute to the drag observed be-tween these particles and the actin network

    (34, 119). Similarly, in yeast actin patches,Arp2/3 complex and actin move away from

    NPFs on the plasma membrane within sec-onds (51, 52, 111). The same is expected to

    be true at the leading edge of motile cells.VCA dissociates from both Arp2/3 complex

    and actin monomers on a subsecond timescale(71), but the timing of dissociation relativeto branch formation and ATP hydrolysis by

    Arp2/3 complex is not yet established.

    Role of Nucleotides Bound to Arps

    Both Arps have nucleotide-binding sites simi-lar to those of actin. When ATP or ADP binds

    to nucleotide-free Arp3, subdomains rotateabout two different axes (82). These motions

    close the nucleotide cleft by 6 to 8

    A, resultingin slight constriction of the complex. These

    subtle changes increase the affinity of Arp2/3

    complex for VCA by an order of magnitude(21, 35, 63). ADP and ATP bind to the sur-

    face of subdomains 3 and 4 in the nucleotide-binding cleft of Arp2, but their presence does

    not immobilize subdomains 1 and 2 in the in-active complex (82) or change energy transfer

    between ARPC1 and ARPC3 (35).

    Role of ATP Hydrolysis by Arp2/3Complex in Branch Formation

    ATP hydrolysis by Arp2/3 complex andactin influence the formation and stability of

    branches. Both Arps have a histidine compa-rable to a histidine implicated in hydrolysis

    of ATP by actin (122). Like monomeric actin,

    neither Arp hydrolyzes ATP in the inactiv

    complex. The mobility of subdomains 1 andof Arp2 may preclude ATP hydrolysis until

    branch is formed. The low ATPase activity Arp3 may result from the displacement of th

    catalytic histidine from its position in actin b

    a hydrogen bond to a neighboring histidin

    (82).Three groups have investigated the role ATP hydrolysis by Arp2/3 complex in branc

    formation (21, 22, 35, 63, 64, 72, 73). Thinvestigators agree that Arp2/3 complex wi

    bound ATP binds NPFs with higher affinithan does Arp2/3 complex with bound ADP

    They agree that ATP binding to Arp2/3 complex is required for nucleation of daughter fi

    aments and that Arp2 hydrolyzes ATP mucfaster than does Arp3. They disagree on th

    rate of ATP hydrolysis by Arp2 and the reltion of ATP hydrolysis to nucleation and di

    sociation of branches from mother filament

    Readers should appreciate that these experments are challenging, because ATP is free

    exchangeable between the buffer, actin, anArp2/3 complex and because ATP hydrol

    sis by actin exceeds by far ATP hydrolysis bArp2/3 complex in most experiments. Cons

    quently, these experiments are done with rdiolabeled ATP covalently cross-linked to th

    Arps and with unlabeled ATP in the buffand on actin.

    Le Clainche et al. (64) reported that bovin Arp2 hydrolyzes bound ATP on a minu

    timescale well after branches form, while ot

    ers found that amoeba and yeast Arp2 hydrolyze ATP rapidly in less than 1 min wit

    no lag in time relative to branch formatio(21, 22, 72). Dayel & Mullins (22) showe

    that binding Arp2/3 complex with an NPF a mother actin filament does not trigger AT

    hydrolysis by Arp2 until thedaughter filamestarts to grow. Addition of the first actin sub

    unit in the daughter filament stimulates Arpto hydrolyze ATP. This is similar to subun

    interactionswithin actin filaments stimulatinATP hydrolysis. No one has measured the a

    tual rate constant for ATP hydrolysis by Arp

    but if the reaction is similar to actin (half tim

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    of 2 s), only a short lag between the binding of

    the first subunit of the daughter filament andATP hydrolysis by Arp2 is expected. Martin

    et al. (72) agree that Arp2 hydrolyzes cross-linked ATP during the course of branch for-

    mation. They find that Arp2 with the H161A

    mutation is defective in ATP hydrolysis but

    nucleates branches, so, as in actin, hydrol-ysis is associated with but not required forpolymerization.

    Role of ATP Hydrolysis by Actinin Branch Formation and Stability

    Fluorescence microscopy showed morebranches on younger parts of mother fil-

    aments assembled from ATP-actin (2, 47).This might have resulted from the nucleotide

    in mother filaments influencing the branch-ing reaction. However, Arp2/3 complex, VCA, and actin monomers form branches

    at the same rate on ADP-actin motherfilaments, ADP-Pi mother filaments, and

    aging ATP mother filaments (69). The most common way to document

    branch dissociation is to assemble branchedfilamentsandthenstabilize(andstain)thefila-

    ments at intervals with rhodamine-phalloidinfor observation by fluorescent microscopy

    (10). In this assay the density of branches de-clines exponentially over time (13, 125), with

    the same half time (6 min) as that for disso-

    ciation of phosphate from ADP-Pi-actin fil-aments (74). Inorganic phosphate, or BeF3,

    slows the dissociation of branches. It was notknown if phosphate dissociation from Arp2/3

    complex, mother filaments, or daughter fil-aments was associated with debranching. Le

    Clainche et al. (64) observed that ATP hy-drolysis by Arp2 and branch dissociation took

    place over several hundred seconds, so theysuggested that they are causally related, but

    others found that Arp2 hydrolyzes ATP on

    a timescale of seconds during branch forma-tion (21, 22, 72). Martin et al. (72) reported


    and fivefold slower with an Arp2 mutant that

    is defective in ATP hydrolysis. None of these

    studies compared the number of branchesformed in solution to the number of branches

    observed in the microscope. This approach isalso complicated by the fact that phalloidin

    not only stabilizes actin filaments, but also in-teracts with both Arp2/3 complex and VCA

    NPFs and strongly promotes nucleation (70).A comparison of the polymerization timecourse in bulk samples with real time fluores-

    cence microscopy of single filaments showedthat many more branches form in solution

    than observed by microscopy (69). The dif-ference was attributed to rapid dissociation

    of branches that never grow long enoughto be distinguished from the mother fila-

    ment. One population of branches dissociatesrapidly from segments of mother filaments

    containing mixtures of ADP-Pi and ADP sub-units. Other filaments dissociate in parallelwith phosphate dissociation from ADP-Pi fil-

    aments. Consequently, more branches are ob-served on ATP and ADP-Pi mother filaments

    than on ADP mother filaments. More workis required to characterize these dissociation


    Technical Matters

    Mechanistic interpretation of some publishedworkislimitedbythreefactors.First,somein-vestigators report qualitative raw data rather

    than calculate quantitative parameters. Theyuse the fluorescence of pyrene-labeled actin

    to measure the concentration of polymer inbulk samples and report raw polymerization

    data in arbitrary units. This data should beused to calculate the concentration of barbed

    ends over time from the rate of polymeriza-tion (moles of polymer formed per s), the actin

    monomer concentration (from the differencebetween the total actin monomer at the start

    of the reaction and the concentration of poly-mer), and the barbed end elongation rate con-

    stant (10 M1 s1). Publications should also

    include the rate of end formation relative tothe concentrations of Arp2/3 complex, actin

    filaments (an essential activator), and NPF. Regulation of Actin Assembly 463

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    Second, the rates of spontaneous polymeriza-

    tion of some actin preparations are high, mostlikely due to the presence of oligomers. Low

    concentrations of truly monomeric Mg-ATP-actin nucleate at such a low rate that the back-

    ground polymerization is nearly zero. Third,

    many papers neglect the fact that mother fil-

    aments are required for Arp2/3 complex tonucleate new filaments. Instead of varyingthe concentration of polymerized actin in as-

    says, the influence of the filaments is usuallyneglected.

    Biochemical assays of Arp2/3 complexwith muscle actin or without profilin may be

    misleading. Wen et al. (128) found that bud-ding yeast Arp2/3 complex nucleates poly-

    merization of yeast actin without NPFs butthatnucleationofmuscleactinrequiresNPFs.

    Bovine Arp2/3 complex requires NPFs to nu-cleate both muscle and yeast actin. With rareexceptions (21, 22), experiments with yeast,

    platelet, or brain Arp2/3 complex have beendone with muscle actin. The participation of

    profilin is also generally ignored. Profilin and VCA compete for binding actin monomers

    (26, 43), so profilin inhibits branching nucle-ation by Arp2/3 complex in vitro (68) and pre-

    sumably is an important factor in cells.


    Work on NPFs has advanced rapidly owing

    to the discovery and characterization of pro-teins that regulate their activity. Readers can

    consult recent reviews for additional details(4, 52, 115, 127).

    Regulation of WASp and N-WASP

    Intramolecular interactions of a GTPase-

    binding domain (GBD) with the C motif

    of VCA autoinhibit WASp and N-WASP(Figure 4). Rho-family GTPases (Cdc42

    and Rac) cooperate with phosphatidylinositol4,5-bis-phosphate (PIP2) to overcome autoin-

    hibition by binding the GBD and displac-

    ing VCA, which can then interact with act

    and Arp2/3 complex. Leung & Rosen (6put this mechanism on a firmer thermody

    namic basis. Cdc42-GTP is a better activtor of WASP than is Cdc42-GDP, becau

    the difference in its affinity for active and in

    active WASp is greater than that of Cdc42

    GDP. Even at saturation Cdc42-GDP onpartially activates WASp. In animals SHdomains of Nck and Grb2 are an alte

    native to Cdc42 to activate N-WASP (1102), but in budding yeast SH3 doma

    proteins Bbc1p and Sla1p inhibit Las17 which is otherwise constitutively act


    Verprolin and WIP

    A family of proline-rich proteins called veprolins in yeast and WASp-interacting proteins (WIPs) in animals bind WASp. In yea

    genetics, live-cell imaging and biochemistestablished that verprolin coordinates the a

    tivities of WASp with type I myosins to ativate actin assembly by Arp2/3 complex

    actin patches during clathrin-dependent endocytosis (111, 117). Animal WASp and N

    WASPalso interact with proteins that have etablished roles in endocytosis and podosom

    formation (52). Mammals have two proteins related

    verprolin, widely expressed WIP and brain

    specific CR16. These proteins have Nterminal WH2 domains, a central doma

    rich in proline, and a C-terminal domain thbinds N-WASP. WIP inhibits the nucleatio

    promoting activity of N-WASP. Cdc42, PIPand SH3 proteins overcome this inhibitio

    and allow N-WASP to stimulate actin assembly by Arp2/3 complex (44, 77). On the oth

    hand, CR16 binds actin monomers and fiaments but has no effect on actin assemb

    stimulated by N-WASP (with Cdc42-GT

    and PIP2) and Arp2/3 complex (45). Indrect evidence that WIP is required for WAS

    function in vivo comes from the finding thhuman WASp can replace Las17p (WASp)

    budding yeast only if WIP is coexpressed (98

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    PCH-Family Proteins

    The founding member of this family ofproteins is fission yeast Cdc15p, a protein

    that participates in both endocytosis at actinpatches during interphase and cytokinesis

    (18). The budding yeast PCH protein Bzz1pforms a complex with WASP (Las17p), type I

    myosins (Myo3p, Myo5p), and verprolin(Vrp1p), all of which are concentrated in

    actin patches (112). Bzz1p has an N-terminalFCH domain, two coiled-coils, and two

    C-terminal SH3 domains, which bind

    polyproline tracks of Las17p. Bzz1p is notrequired for viability, but deletion of both

    Bzz1p and Myo3p is lethal. The mam-malian family of PCH proteins includes

    Toca-1 (transducer of Cdc42-dependentactin assembly), FBP17 (formin-interacting

    protein), CIP4 (Cdc42-interacting protein),and syndapin-1 (an endocytosis protein).

    Toca-1 has an N-terminal FCH domain, tworegions of coiled-coils, an HR1 domain that

    binds Cdc42, and a C-terminal SH3 domainthat binds N-WASP (44). Toca-1 and Cdc42-

    GTP activate the N-WASP-WIP complex

    to stimulate actin polymerization by Arp2/3complex as part of a complicated regulatory

    network that is still being characterized.

    Accessory Proteins that RegulateScar/WAVE Proteins

    In contrast to the autoinhibited WASp family

    of NPFs, full-length Scar/WAVE proteins areconstitutively active (68). Regulation by the

    Rho-family GTPase, Rac, requires a complexof proteins (WAVE complex) originally iso-

    lated from brain along with WAVE1 (25). Thesubunits are Abi (Abl-interacting protein),

    Nap1 (Nck-associated protein), PIR121/Sra1(binds Rac), and HSPC300 (a 9-kDa pro-

    tein). The same proteins purify with mam-

    malian WAVE2 (33, 49) and WAVE3 (114)as well as with Scar proteins from plants (24)

    and Dictyostelium (9). Nearest-neighbor analy-sis shows that Abi andHSPC300 bind WAVE,

    Abi binds Nap1, andNap1 binds Sra1 (33, 49).

    Depletion of one WAVE complex subunit by

    RNAi results in the loss of the entire complex(49, 62).

    Eden et al. (25) found that the WAVEcomplex inhibits the ability of Scar/WAVE

    proteins to activate Arp2/3 complex in anactin polymerization assay and that Rac-GTP

    overcomes this inhibition by dissociating theWAVE complex from WAVE1. On the otherhand, Innocenti et al. (49) reported that Rac-

    GTP binds the WAVE complex without dis-sociating it from WAVE2. The nucleation-

    promoting activity of WAVE2 in their actinpolymerization assays with Arp2/3 complex

    was the same in the presence and absence ofWAVE complex or Rac-GTP. A third study

    (116) showed that another protein, IRSp53,enhanced the ability of Rac-GTP to stimu-

    late the nucleation-promoting activity of theWAVE complex. A complicating factor in all

    these studies is that the WAVE preparations

    had little activity, producing under-optimalconditions, only 0.3 to 2 barbed ends for every

    100 Arp2/3 complexes. Active NPFs producenearly 1 end per Arp2/3 complex under the

    conditions used (43).In HeLa cells most Abi is in the WAVE

    complex, but a small fraction is bound to N-WASP. This interaction of the SH3 domain

    of Abi activates N-WASP to stimulate actinpolymerization by Arp2/3 complex in vitro

    (48) and during the development ofDrosophilasensory organs (14).


    Cortactin and WASp function synergistically,because they can bind Arp2/3 complex simul-

    taneously. WASp is a stronger NPF, but cor-tactin also stabilizes branches (124) by virtue

    of binding sites on both Arp2/3 complex (129)and subdomain 1 of polymerized actin (87). A

    notable feature of actin filaments decorated

    with cortactin is a gap between long pitchstrands of the filament that possibly distort

    filament in preparation for binding of Arp2/3complex. RNAi has been used to deplete cor-

    tactin from several specialized mammalian Regulation of Actin Assembly 465

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    cells. Lossof cortactin in human fibrosarcoma

    cells reduces the persistence of their lamel-lipodia (15). Osteoclasts lose rings of actin fil-

    aments and podosomes, with the consequencethat they fail to resorb bone (118). HeLa and

    3T3 cells depleted of cortactin move normally

    and support the movement of Listeria in the

    cytoplasm, but uptake ofListeria by phagocy-tosis is compromised (5).


    Work on actin assembly directed by Arp2/3complex in cells is advancing rapidly in par-

    allel with the biochemical and biophysicalstudies reviewed here. Actin patches associ-

    ated with endocytosis in yeast are one of thebest-characterized examples. The combina-tion of genetics and time-lapse fluorescence

    microscopy of fluorescent fusion proteins hasmapped a detailed pathway associated with

    endocytosis (52). Proteins associated withclathrin-coated pits concentrate NPFs (in-

    cluding WASp and type I myosin) in an activa-tor patch inside the membrane. Arp2/3 com-

    plexinteractswiththeNPFsforafewseconds,moves away from the NPFs on the membrane

    as actin polymerizes, and then disassemblesover a few more seconds.

    Signaling pathways regulate the local con-

    centrations of active NPFs. Cells containhigh concentrations of inhibited NPFs (mi-

    cromolar range), actin monomers (tens ofmicromolar range), and Arp2/3 complex (mi-

    cromolar range). Stimuli such as chemoat-tractants create local signals to activate NPFs

    and produce actin filaments. The combi-nation of mRNA and protein depletion by

    RNAi and localization of fluorescent fusionproteins in live cells has been invaluable in

    helping researchersunderstandhow these sig-naling pathways function in systems lacking

    genetics. To cite just two of many examples

    in the literature, WAVE2 and WAVE com-plex localize together at the leading edge in

    response to Rac activation (113). Cells de-

    pleted of the WAVE complex do not pro

    duce ruffles in response to growth factoor active Rac. On the other hand, depl

    tion of N-WASP by RNAi has no effect oEGF-induced ruffles but compromises th

    formation of actin comet tails by intracellulendosomes (48).



    Since 2002, formins have emerged as kregulators of actin polymerization and the

    mechanisms are already understood in somdetail (see reviews in References 36, 42, an

    55). Cells depend on formins for the assembly of a subset of their actin filaments, in

    cluding actin filaments for the contractile rin

    that separates daughter cells during cytokinsis and for the unbranched bundles of act

    filaments in filopodia (reviewed in Referen123). The processive association of a form

    with a growing barbed end precludes cappinand allows persistent growth of these bundl

    of filaments (59, 79, 134).In some cases the cellular functions

    formin isoforms are so specific that they cannot substitute for each other. For example, th

    three formin isoforms of fission yeast nucl

    ate actin filaments exclusively for three diffeent structures: Cdc12p for the contractile rin(19), For3p for actin cables (29), and Fus1

    for mating (89). None of these formins ca

    substitute for each other, whereas Bni1p anBnr1p of budding yeasts are interchangeab

    for the assembly of actin filament cables emnating from the bud (28, 106). Yeast actin c

    bles assemble at spectacular rates, more tha100 subunits per s (131). The degree of sp

    cialization of the 15 vertebrate formins is le

    well understood (42).

    Formin Structure and Influenceon Actin Polymerization

    Formins are homodimers of polypeptides with several characteristic domai

    (Figure 6). FH2 domains form donut-shape

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    Figure 6

    Formin structure and mechanism. (a) Domains of a generic formin. (b) Ribbon diagram of the structureof the FH2 domain from Bni1p. Coordinates are from Reference 130. (c) Elongation mechanism withactin-profilin binding to multiple sites on the FH1 domains and transferring rapidly to the barbed endgrowing in association with the FH2 domain. Reproduced, with permission, from Reference 94.

    head-to-tail dimers (130) that nucleate actin

    polymerization and interact with the barbedends of actin filaments (96, 107). A crystal

    structure shows that linker polypeptidesconnecting the two subunits can extend far

    enough for the FH2 homodimer of budding

    yeast formin Bni1p to wrap around twoactin subunits, so FH2 dimers probably

    form a sleeve around the barbed end of thefilament (85). The conformations of the FH2

    domain on the end of a filament have yetto be established by electron microscopy or

    another approach.FH1 domains have one or more short

    polyproline sequences that interact with pro-filin (19). Because profilin can bind simultane-

    ously to polyproline andto an actin monomer,FH1 domains can tether multiple profilin-

    actin complexes near the end of a growing

    filament. The other formin domains appear

    to be more diverse. Crystal structures showthat the N-terminal domains of mDia1 form a

    dimer(84,104)that interacts intramolecularlywitha segment of the polypeptide distal to the

    FH2 dimer (1, 66, 109). This intramolecularinteraction autoinhibits the actin-nucleating

    activity of the paired FH2 domains. Rho-

    family GTPases activate formins by bindingthe N terminus, displacing the C terminus,

    and overcoming this autoinhibition.Formins appear to have a wide range of be-

    haviors, so it was possible that formin genesdiverged sufficiently during evolution from a

    common ancestor to encode fundamentallydifferent proteins. One documented differ-

    ence is that some formins cross-link actin fil-aments (75, 78, 40). However, direct compar-

    isonsofconstructsconsistingofFH1andFH2 Regulation of Actin Assembly 467

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    domains (56) showed that diverse formins

    have a common mechanism but with sub-stantial quantitative differences in some of

    the reaction parameters. The fission yeast cy-tokinesis formin, Cdc12p (19), lies at one

    extreme. Recombinant protein constructs

    consisting of the FH2 domain alone or both

    the FH1 and FH2 domains nucleate actinpolymerization, but filaments grow only attheir pointed ends (57). Including profilin

    inhibits nucleation to some extent but al-lows Cdc12p(FH1FH2) to nucleate filaments

    that grow at both ends, similar to free actinfilaments. This gating of capping requires

    that a profilin can bind both polyprolineand actin monomers. At the other extreme,

    mouseformin mDia1(FH1FH2)slows barbedend growth only 10% and profilin can in-

    crease the rate of elongation up to five timesthat of actin alone (56, 103). Elongation isprocessive with and without profilin. In be-

    tween these extremes, FH1FH2 constructsof mouse mDia2 and budding yeast Bni1p

    slow down elongation by actin alone and alsospeed up elongation with profilin. Thefollow-

    ing mechanistic matters remain under activeinvestigation.

    Nucleation Mechanism

    The effect of FH2 dimers on spontaneous as-sembly of actin can be simulated by a mech-

    anism in which the formin stabilizes actindimers during the nucleation process (95).

    This mechanism is supported by the abilityof FH2 dimers to form a stable complex with

    two actins and by the association of a formindimer with two actins in the crystal structure

    (85). Thenucleation mechanism should be re-visited now that the elongation mechanism is

    better understood.


    The pioneering papers on formin-mediated

    actin polymerization suggested that forminFH2 domains remain bound to the grow-

    ing barbed end of the filament (96, 107,

    134). This was called processive capping. Th

    persistent association of FH2 domains wigrowing barbed ends was confirmed by d

    rect observations of GFP-tagged formins ogrowing actin filaments (41) and of actin fil

    ments growing on the surface of microscop

    slides coated with FH1FH2 domains (58

    Bleaching of the fluorescent actin revealethat new (bright) subunits added at the barbeend of the filament associated with the form

    on the surface. Formins remained associatewith a single barbed end during the additio

    of thousands of subunits over 1000 s or morOne consequence of this processivity is th

    the presence of a formin FH2 dimer on thbarbed end precludes binding of capping pr

    tein (39, 59, 79, 134). We still do not knohow actin subunits insert themselves betwee

    a formin and the barbed end of a filament.Zigmond et al. (134) and Xu et al. (13proposed that formins walk in a stair-ste

    fashion along actin filaments. However, whea filament grows between a formin FH1FH

    dimer and an inactivated myosin, both which are immobilized on a glass slide,

    buckles but never supercoils (58). Hence thgrowing actin helix must rotate relative

    the formin similar to a shaft in a bearinor the formin must rotate relative to th

    substrate. A theory exists to explain how aFH2 dimer might rotate on the end of a fil

    ment (110), but we still do not know how aFH2 dimer remains bound to an elongatin

    barbed end without tracking with the act


    Gating of Elongation

    A formin FH2 dimer on the barbed end of aactin filament slows down theaddition of act

    subunits, but the degree of inhibition variwidely from only 10% for mDia1 to near

    100% for Cdc12p (56). One interpretation

    that the FH2 domain has at least two staton the end of a filament: an open state th

    allows an actin subunit to bind and a cappestate that does not. The equilibrium betwee


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    for mDia1. A formin may have to visit the

    capped state transiently after the addition ofeach new subunit in order to maintain its po-

    sition on the end of the filament. Otomo et al.(85) proposed plausible models of the open

    and capped states, but additional work is re-

    quired to understand the structures, kinetics,

    and thermodynamics of FH2 domains on theend of the filament.

    Acceleration of Elongationby Profilin

    Profilin increases the elongation rate of

    filaments associated with formin FH1FH2dimers (57, 103). The maximum rate of elon-

    gation occurs when the actin monomer poolis saturated with profilin (56). Elongation

    is slower at higher concentrations of pro-filin owing to free profilin competing withprofilin-actin for binding to FH1 sites. The

    extent of acceleration by profilin depends onthe number of profilin-binding sites in the

    FH1 domain (88). Romero et al. (103) dis-covered that actin filament elongation with a

    formin and profilin can exceed the rate of afree barbed end, a remarkable finding con-

    sidering that elongation is a diffusion-limitedprocess. For mDia1 the elongation rate at the

    optimal profilin concentration is four to fivetimes higher than the elongation rate at the

    same concentration of actin (56). One model

    for this mechanism is that multiple profilin-binding sites on flexible FH1 domains allow

    profilin to concentrate actin near the FH2domain and to transfer actin rapidly to the

    barbed end. A mathematical model based on

    this hypothesis is consistent with the available

    data (120). Understanding how profilin accel-erates growth will depend on further insights

    into processive elongation and on a deeperunderstanding of FH2 interactions with the

    end of the filament and of profilin itself(132).

    Requirement for ATP Hydrolysis

    Romero et al. (103) presented evidence thatprocessive elongation with mDia1p is coupled

    to ATPhydrolysis bythe actin, but Kovaret al.(56) found that ADP-actin supports proces-

    sive elongation by mDia1 and Cdc12p. Ad-ditional work is required to understand how

    ATP hydrolysis contributes to elongation.

    Technical Matters

    Because formins not only stimulate the for-

    mation of new filaments but also affect therate of elongation of barbed ends, interpre-

    tation of bulk polymerization assays is dif-ficult or impossible. Without knowledge of

    the number of growing ends, it is impossi-ble to calculate elongation rates from the time

    course of polymerization in bulk samples. Theonly reliable way to know the elongation rate

    is by direct observation of single filamentsby fluorescence microscopy. The nucleation

    rate (the change in filament ends over time)

    can be calculated from the time course ofpolymerization in a bulk sample if the elon-

    gation rate as a function of actin monomerconcentration (and profilin concentration) is



    1. Proteins called NPFs bring together Arp2/3 complex, an actin monomer, and an actinfilament to initiate an actin filament branchthat grows by theaddition of actin subunits

    to the newly formed barbed end. Growing actin filaments power cellular movementsby pushing against the inside of the plasma membrane at the leading edge of the cell.

    The branching process builds the new filaments into the pre-existing network of actin

    filaments, providing a scaffold to support the forces produced by their polymerization. Regulation of Actin Assembly 469

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    2. Signaling pathways regulate actin filament assembly temporally and spatially in cells

    by activating NPFs. NPFs are held in an inactive state by autoinhibition or accessory

    proteins and activated locally in cells by Rho-family GTPases, SH3 domain proteins,and polyphosphoinositides.

    3. A family of proteins called formins initiate and regulate the growth of unbranched

    filaments by a mechanism different than the Arp2/3 complex. A donut-shaped dimer

    of formin FH2 domains remains attached to the growing barbed end of the filamentfor hundreds of seconds as actin subunits add at rates up to at least 100 subunits per

    second. Profilin enhances the rate of elongation well beyond the diffusion limit byconcentrating actin on multiple sites located on flexibleFH1domains andtransferring

    the actin rapidly to the end of the filament.


    I thank Brad Nolen for his helpful suggestions on a draft of this paper. The authors work o

    this topic is supported by NIH grants GM026132, GM026338, and GM066311.


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