ACONCAGUA EXPEDITION NW route. Arrival at Mendoza airport or bus station from where private...


Transcript of ACONCAGUA EXPEDITION NW route. Arrival at Mendoza airport or bus station from where private...

Page 1: ACONCAGUA EXPEDITION NW route. Arrival at Mendoza airport or bus station from where private transportation will be arranged to take you to your hotel.


NW route

Page 2: ACONCAGUA EXPEDITION NW route. Arrival at Mendoza airport or bus station from where private transportation will be arranged to take you to your hotel.

Arrival at Mendoza airport or bus station from where

private transportation will be arranged to take you to

your hotel. We will all meet at the hotel so that team

members, guides and assistant guides can get to

know each other. Dinner on your own.


Day 01

Page 3: ACONCAGUA EXPEDITION NW route. Arrival at Mendoza airport or bus station from where private transportation will be arranged to take you to your hotel.

We will meet early to review each team member’s personal equipment. Should anyone be missing gear they can

rent or buy what ever they need from our stock of equipment. Once all the gear is packed we will load it onto the

vehicles and head to the Aconcagua Park offices to purchase the necessary climbing permits. From here we

begin our trip towards the mountains. First we will stop for lunch in the town of Uspallata, 100 km (62 miles) from

Mendoza, and then continue another 65 km (40 miles) to Penitentes located at 2,750 meters (9,030 feet) above

sea level, where we will spend the night. Sleeping at this altitude under comfortable conditions will help us

acclimatize. Separate the gear we will take with us on our hike to base camp from that which will be taken up by

mules. Dinner.


Day 02

Page 4: ACONCAGUA EXPEDITION NW route. Arrival at Mendoza airport or bus station from where private transportation will be arranged to take you to your hotel.

Have breakfast and take care of final details before leaving the Hotel. From here a vehicle will take us to the

Laguna de Horcones entrance of Aconcagua Provincial Park. At the trailhead there is a ranger’s station where we

will be asked to present our climbing permits before beginning the walk to our first camp, called Confluencia, at

3,300 meters (10,820 feet). Fifteen minutes into our hike we will pass the Laguna de Horcones with its reflection of

the stunning South Face of Aconcagua, of course, weather permitting. We hike on a narrow path along the

Horcones River at a leisurely pace so as not to tire ourselves out unnecessarily and to arrive at camp as relaxed as

possible. A quarter of the way up the trail we will stop for lunch. Then we continue to the confluence of the

Horcones River, which flows from the glaciers above the Plaza de Mulas Base Camp (4,250 meters/13,940 feet),

and the Lower Horcones River, with its source above the Plaza Francia Base Camp (4,200 meters/ 13,780 feet).

Our first camp, Confluencia, gets its name from its location near the junction of these two rivers. In total the hike

takes 3 ½ to 4 hours and climbs 600 meters (1,970 feet). Once in Confluencia, we’ll enjoy our famous state-of-the-

art base camp. Our camp attendants will be waiting for us with refreshments and a snack. After finding our beds,

we’ll get ready for dinner by scouting the surroundings with the Guide (optional), and learning abut the peaks that

enclose this narrow valley. This camp has the famous Geodesic Domes, design and build to withstand hurricane

winds, heavy snow loads, yet slick, spacious and warm. These Domes were custom ordered to provide special

care to our expeditioneers. The metallic frames are very resistant and the covers are made of special new

environmentally friendly PVC, treated against UB and IR rays, with a fire retardant coating. Big bay windows

provide the enjoyment of the great views. The interiors are carpeted, heated, and comfortably house real beds,

dinning tables, chairs, communications room, and other amenities. Also, this camp has an exclusive bathroom with

a hot shower, and toilet seat. The meals are superb. No wonder our camp is called the”Hilton” of Aconcagua.


Day 03

Page 5: ACONCAGUA EXPEDITION NW route. Arrival at Mendoza airport or bus station from where private transportation will be arranged to take you to your hotel.


Day 03

Page 6: ACONCAGUA EXPEDITION NW route. Arrival at Mendoza airport or bus station from where private transportation will be arranged to take you to your hotel.

Breakfast and then we prepare for a 4 or 5-hour hike to a great viewpoint not far from Plaza Francia. From here, if

weather conditions permit, we will be able to take great pictures of the South Face of Aconcagua. This 2,700-meter

(8,856-feet) wall is one of the biggest and most challenging in the world. We will have lunch here and then return to

camp where we will have time to relax and snack before it is time for dinner.


Day 04

Page 7: ACONCAGUA EXPEDITION NW route. Arrival at Mendoza airport or bus station from where private transportation will be arranged to take you to your hotel.

We will have breakfast very early before beginning our hike to Plaza de Mulas. This will be one of the

longer days of the whole trip; depending on our pace the hike can take between 8 and 9 hours. From

Confluencia we climb a steep hill to the first crossing of the Horcones River. If the river is running high

we may have to wet our feet for which sandals are recommended. After this crossing begins a long

walk in a wide, open valley called the Playa Ancha during which we will slowly gain in altitude. The

river meanders across the Playa Ancha so we may have to cross it a few times before arriving at a

small abandoned hut called Teniente Ibáñez at 3,700 meters (12,140 feet) where we will stop for

lunch. From here the trail climbs along a rolling moraine to the remains of an old lodge in Lower Plaza

de Mulas that was destroyed by an avalanche years ago. Following this is a steep rise called the

"Cuesta Brava" (what may be called ‘Misery Hill’ in English) – its name says it all – where we will

reduce our pace and slowly but surely climb up to the top of the slope. The segment that follows, and

the last before our arrival at base camp, is not as steep as the Cuesta Brava although just as

challenging being that by this point we will have reached a height of 4,000 meters (13,120 feet). At

Plaza de Mulas we will be greeted by our base camp host who will have prepared juice and tea to

quench our thirst and counter the dehydration our body will be experiencing after such a long, tiring

day. Once rested we will set up our tents and leisurely enjoy what is left of the day before it is time for



Day 05

Page 8: ACONCAGUA EXPEDITION NW route. Arrival at Mendoza airport or bus station from where private transportation will be arranged to take you to your hotel.

This day will be dedicated to resting. All the same we

will take a walk in the surrounding areas of base

camp. First we will go as far as the base of the Upper

Horcones Glacier, the source of the Horcones River.

Then we will go on to visit the hotel of Plaza de Mulas.

From the hotel, on a clear day, one has a complete

view of the Normal Route including the summit. We

return to base camp and organize gear and food for

the next day. We divide what has to be ferried up to

Plaza Canada (4,850 meters/15,900 feet). This climb

with minimal weight and some elevation gain will allow

us to see how we are adapting to the altitude and the

change in our metabolism as well as the state of our

physical fitness. Dinner.


Day 06

Page 9: ACONCAGUA EXPEDITION NW route. Arrival at Mendoza airport or bus station from where private transportation will be arranged to take you to your hotel.

Early breakfast and start our climb to Plaza Canada. In addition to the load we will have to carry, food and cooking

utensils, we will have to bring along some extra clothes in case of a changes in weather. During the hike we will

stop every 45 minutes or 1 hour to rest, drink and eat something. On average the climb takes 3 to 4 hours up a

trail with gently inclined switchbacks. At camp we stash the loads in large bags, which we then cover with rocks.

The walk down takes 1 to 1 ½ hours. Back |at camp we will have time to relax before it is time for dinner.


Day 07

Page 10: ACONCAGUA EXPEDITION NW route. Arrival at Mendoza airport or bus station from where private transportation will be arranged to take you to your hotel.

Another rest day. There are no arranged activities for this day. This is a free day for each member to do as they

wish. However, we don’t recommend spending too much time inside the tent. It is a good idea to go for a small

stroll around camp to get the blood flowing and further the acclimatization process. It is also important to stay

well hydrated and fed in preparation for our stay at higher altitudes. We will have dinner early so as to get a

good night sleep to be well rested for the following day’s activities.


Day 08

Page 11: ACONCAGUA EXPEDITION NW route. Arrival at Mendoza airport or bus station from where private transportation will be arranged to take you to your hotel.

Early breakfast and preparations for our move up to Plaza

Canada for the night. The climb is made at a slow pace

set by the guide. After 3 or 4 hours with regular breaks we

get to camp and set up the tents. Due to the fact that this

area doesn’t have running water we have to fill plastic

bags with snow that we will later convert into cherished

drinking water. The water we drink should always be

accompanied by juice, tea or some other infusion. After

dinner hot drinks will be offered so that we can get into

our sleeping bags with our bodies nice and warm. It is a

good idea to melt enough water to have some on hand to

quench our thirst at night. The view from camp offers

splendid sunsets over the Cordillera del Límite, which

separates Argentina from Chile. If one observes carefully

they will see lights at night of small villages embedded in

the mountains.


Day 09

Page 12: ACONCAGUA EXPEDITION NW route. Arrival at Mendoza airport or bus station from where private transportation will be arranged to take you to your hotel.


Day 10

We wake up early to have breakfast and break down

camp. Then we pack our backpacks and begin the

ascent to Nido de Cóndores (5.350 meters/17,550

feet). We start the hike on a trail that steepens

considerably after Camp Cambio de Pendiente (5,200

meters/17,060 feet). The last part of the trail is more

relaxed and brings us to Nido de Condores where we

set up our next camp. Here we will have to melt a

substantial amount of snow to stay well hydrated and

be able to cook a big dinner.

Page 13: ACONCAGUA EXPEDITION NW route. Arrival at Mendoza airport or bus station from where private transportation will be arranged to take you to your hotel.

We have breakfast and break down camp before heading up to Camp Berlin. On our climb we will have a terrific view of the

Cordillera de la Ramada, in the neighboring province of San Juan, with Mount Mercedario looming in its midst at 6,770 meters

(22,200 feet). The path climbs steeply after leaving Nido de Condores making the 450 meters (1,470 feet) up to Berlin a

challenging walk. The weather can change quickly during the climb for which it is advisable to have extra layers readily

available. It takes between 5 to 6 hours to reach camp depending on each member’s fitness and acclimatization. When we

arrive at camp we set up our tents and once again collect snow to be melted into the drinking water so essential for our bodies

during these last difficult stages of our expedition. First we have some hot drinks, then an early dinner to be able to get into our

sleeping bags as quickly as possible and rest as much as we can before the summit bid the next day.


Day 11

Page 14: ACONCAGUA EXPEDITION NW route. Arrival at Mendoza airport or bus station from where private transportation will be arranged to take you to your hotel.

Summit Day!!! We wake up at 4 a.m. for an early bite to

eat and prepare ourselves to face the bitter early morning

cold awaiting us, taking care to protect our extremities

(hands, feet and face), which are the most exposed to the

cold. We will have to use headlamps for the first part of the

climb until the sun comes up. As this will be the longest

day of the whole expedition we have to pack a lot of liquid.

It is a good idea to bring a thermos with some hot tea or

coffee. On average it takes 8 to 10 hours to reach the

summit and about 4 hours for the descent. The lead guide

will set a slow comfortable pace. With the sunrise,

conditions become much more comfortable depending

also on whether there is wind or not. We pass Piedras

Blancas and then zigzag our way up to the remains of the

shelter at Independencia (6,200meters/20,340 feet). Here

we take a break do drink, eat something sweet and

prepare to cross the Portezuelo del Viento (Windy Pass).

This is a key point in the climb, for as its name hints; the

wind and cold at this point can thwart our progress.

Following this pass is the long Travesía that takes us to

the base of a wide chute that ends at the summit ridge…


Day 12

Page 15: ACONCAGUA EXPEDITION NW route. Arrival at Mendoza airport or bus station from where private transportation will be arranged to take you to your hotel.


Day 12

Page 16: ACONCAGUA EXPEDITION NW route. Arrival at Mendoza airport or bus station from where private transportation will be arranged to take you to your hotel.

This chute of loose rock and snow is the famous Canaleta (6,600metes/21,650 feet) and requires extra concentration

and care. By this point we will be feeling the effects of the long climb and the altitude, for which the loose rock up this

part of the trail will be of no help. After this strenuous stretch we come out onto the summit ridge at a point called Filo

del Guanaco. This ridge divides the Normal Route form the South Face; looking over the edge gives one a dizzy feeling

of vertigo from the long vertical drop down the other side. Although by now we are so close to the peak, we much take

care to maintain our slow steady pace, as the excitement of almost being on the top of the Western hemisphere’s tallest

mountain can ruin our rhythm and complicate the final part of the climb. Once on the summit we will stay long enough to

take some excellent photos and share this singular moment with the other members of the expedition, after the day’s

long struggle and group effort. The length of our stay on the summit will depend on the weather though we will not stay

more than 30 to 45 minutes. The descent is made along the same route. Very often this is the most difficult part of the

climb since many use up their last supply of energy to get to the peak. We must pay attention to each step we take. It is

here that one observes the true work of the guides, especially when we have to put all our trust in their competence and

experience to be able to get back down to Berlin and the next day to base camp. Often the group advances very slowly

and arrives at camp when it is already dark, in which case the headlamps will have to be taken out again. Once back in

Berlin we drink to replenish our dehydrated bodies and try to digest some food. Often the exhaustion one feels impedes

proper hydration and food intake, however we must make an effort to at least drink something hot like soup or tea.


Day 12

Page 17: ACONCAGUA EXPEDITION NW route. Arrival at Mendoza airport or bus station from where private transportation will be arranged to take you to your hotel.


Day 13

This day is reserved as an extra summit day should the weather the previous day have been too bad to make an attempt.

Page 18: ACONCAGUA EXPEDITION NW route. Arrival at Mendoza airport or bus station from where private transportation will be arranged to take you to your hotel.

After breakfast we break down camp and begin the descent along the same route we

came up on. We will surely be feeling our previous day’s efforts so we will go down at a

slow pace. The trip will take about 3 to 4 hours. Once back at Plaza de Mulas we will

have our summit celebration. We will take advantage of this day to recuperate calories

and liquids for the walk out to Penitentes the next day, for which a nice big dinner will

be called for.


Day 14

Page 19: ACONCAGUA EXPEDITION NW route. Arrival at Mendoza airport or bus station from where private transportation will be arranged to take you to your hotel.


Day 15 Breakfast and break down camp. We Breakfast and break down camp. We

prepare our equipment in loads to be prepare our equipment in loads to be

taken back down by mules and set off on taken back down by mules and set off on

our descent. The hike back to the our descent. The hike back to the

Laguna de Horcones trial head takes 6 to Laguna de Horcones trial head takes 6 to

7 hours where a vehicle will be waiting to 7 hours where a vehicle will be waiting to

take us to Penitentes for a fabulous take us to Penitentes for a fabulous

celebratory feast as well as a hot shower celebratory feast as well as a hot shower

and a nice cozy bed.and a nice cozy bed.

Page 20: ACONCAGUA EXPEDITION NW route. Arrival at Mendoza airport or bus station from where private transportation will be arranged to take you to your hotel.

We have breakfast and travel from Penitentes to Potrerillos where a fun rafting experience awaits us. We will need

clothes that can get wet and something to change into for when we come off the river. Finally, we head back to

Mendoza and the hotel. Farwell diner at The Familia Zuccardi Winery.

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Private transport to Airport/Bus Station


Day 16 & 17

Page 21: ACONCAGUA EXPEDITION NW route. Arrival at Mendoza airport or bus station from where private transportation will be arranged to take you to your hotel.