ACME [Line Balancing]

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  • 7/25/2019 ACME [Line Balancing]



    Methodology: Line balancing method has been used with different heuristic to

    explore various ways of improving the production process efficiency and

    reducing the unit cost.

    Increasing the no. of shift per day is the second method used to reduce the

    cost per unit and increase the overall efficiency of the process plant.

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  • 7/25/2019 ACME [Line Balancing]


    Existing Process- Process Diagram

    C I P

    (Set up 1)UHT system

    Raw MaterialsBlending &

    preparation (Set Up )



    #septi! $illing










  • 7/25/2019 ACME [Line Balancing]


  • 7/25/2019 ACME [Line Balancing]



    The Production Process for Premium Mango Juice

    The Production process at AM! Agrovet " #everages is pretty much the

    same for the $%&ml' %&&ml' and the ( liter si)e of Premium Mango *uice.

    The se+uence of the production process for the $%&ml is:

    2.1.1 #efore commencing the actual production' there is IP,

    leaning in Process: the cleaning of the entire production process with

    a solution of cleaning agents dissolved in water which is preheated to

    -%&. The cleaning process taes (.% hours.

    2.1.2 Then the production process commences' form one side' mango

    pulp is extracted from cans and poured into a hopper which leads to a

    mixing vessel. At the same time' sugar' citric acid' and aseptic acid are

    dumped directly into the mixing vessel.

    2.1.3 In the mixing vessel /of capacity $&&g0' batches of $&&g of the

    mixture is taen and fed into the blending tan There is a continuous

    recycling between the mixing vessel and the blending tan. In the

    mixing vessel' the mixture is mixed with water preheated to %%&

    /enabled by using heat exchangers0' 1lucose is added in this mixture

    separately. In the blending tan' the final (& minutes is used for mixing

    by the agitator.

    2.1.4 2rom the blender' samples are taen for +uality testing' if the

    mixture to conform to specification' then the mixture goes through

    filtration pipes' where fibers " suspended matter are removed.

    2.1.5 Then the mixture is cooled initially then fed into the #uffer Tan

    where it is further to cooled to $&,$$3. 4ere the #alance Tan 5evice

    /#T50' having sensors that enable it to supply any deficiency in the

    supply of 6uice being fed into the #uffer Tan. The capacity of the

    #alance Tan 5evice is $%& ltr. This is the beginning of the 7ltra

    4eating Treatment /74T0 process.2.1.6 The mixture then goes to the preheating stage in the tubular

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    2.2.2. Precedence iagram Ta!"e 2

    Tas# Tas# Time$min%

    escri&tion Preceding'e(uence

    a $.% 74T ,,,,

    b 8.? Aseptic 2illing Machine a

    c 8.? oding Machine b

    d 8.? traw Applicator /1lue2illing0


    e 8.? traw Applicator /traw2illing0


    f 8.? hrin Crapping /Plastic



    g 8.? hrin Crapping /Crappinghec0


    h ? arton Dpening g

    i ? arton 2illing h

    6 ? arton 1luing i

  • 7/25/2019 ACME [Line Balancing]


    2.2.3. Precedence iagram ) *+isting Process

    2.5 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.3 3 3 3

    a + ! d e $ "g i ,

  • 7/25/2019 ACME [Line Balancing]


    2.2.4. ,euristic- The &recedence re"ationshi& shou"d not !e io"ated and c/c"e time shou"d not !e e+ceeded.

    !xisting ystem: Initially the cleaning in process /etup(0 is started. After that four labor prepares the raw material and Mixing,blending

    process /etup $0 is done. After setup ( and setup $ is completed' the main process started. 2or each tas one worer is engaged.

    Theses worers wor hourly basis. There are also some permanent staff that loo after the overall +uality' production' pacing and

    distribution. Total Tas Time: B=.? Minutes' ycle Time: 8.? Minutes' Theoretical minimum no. of stations B=.?;8.? 9.-? E -. o

    there is still scope of improvement in this present system. The following table details the data about the salary.

    Ta!"e 3

    Positions Monthly alary

  • 7/25/2019 ACME [Line Balancing]


    Total Tas Time: B=.?min

    2.2.6. 'ummar/ of *+isting '/stem Ta!"e 4

    'tations 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10Tas# ssigned a ! c d e f g h i

    ctiit/ Time 2.5 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.3 3 3 3d"e Time 3.8 0 0 0 0 0 0 3.3 3.3 3.3

  • 7/25/2019 ACME [Line Balancing]


    2.2.7. *fficient and d"e Time

    !fficiency /um of the activity times0 ; /

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  • 7/25/2019 ACME [Line Balancing]


    2.2.8. ost ana"/sis-

    ost' variable i0 electricity T. $9?'(9%;month

    T. (&'%&9;day T. B?9.-;hr

    ii0 1as T. B8'$&&;month T. ('8?-.%;day

    T. 8-.$9;hr

    iii0 Labor' hourly T. (&&&;day T. ($%;hour /woring

    hours - hrs;day0

    iv0 Labor ost' fixed T. =&'&&&;month T.


    v0 5epreciation T. $-?'8&$ T. =B%?.B;day / ?&

    days in a month0

    - The cost of ra materia"s hae !een e+c"uded due to discretionar/

    reasons and the fact that it aries on the aerage een"/ ith &roduction(uantit/.

    4ourly Fariable cost !lectricity cost H 1as ost H Fariable Labor ost

    B?9.- H 8-.$9 H ($%

    T. 8?(.&9;hr

    Time in (stshift B9%min 8& 9.=$hrs

    Fariable ost for (stshift 9.=$hrs x T. 8?(.&9 T. B==-.&9

    Fariable ost for weely production /8 days0 T. B==-.&9 x 8 T.$==--.B$

    2ixed labor cost per wee ?B8(.%B x 8 T $&98=.$B

    5epreciation ost per wee =B%?.B x 9 T 88(9?.-

  • 7/25/2019 ACME [Line Balancing]


    Total ost per wee Fariable ost H 2ixed labor cost H 5epreciation cost

    T/$==--.B$ H $&98=.$B H 88(9?.-0

    T ((8=?(.B8

    Ceely production 5aily Production x no. of days --& x 8 %$-& cartons

    7nit ost;arton T. ((8=?(.B8;%$-& T#. 22.15carton

  • 7/25/2019 ACME [Line Balancing]


    2.3. OPTION ONE

    ,euristic- The &recedence re"ationshi& shou"d not !e io"ated and c/c"e

    time shou"d not !e e+ceeded.

    old tart

    Total Tas Time: B=.? Minutes

    ycle Time: 8.? Minutes

    Theoretical minimum no. of stations B=.?;8.? 9.-? E -.

    o there is opportunities to increase the efficiency of the system. In this

    alternative' no. of stations has been reduced to =. arton 2illing and arton

    1luing tass have been assigned to only one station instead of two. Thus

    efficiency is increased to -8.=%@ and idle time is reduced to (?.&%@. As no.

    of wor stations is reduced' the variable labor cost is also reduced. o the

    ost;carton is reduced to $$.&? from $$.(%

    2.3.1. Precedence iagram Ta!"e 5 $&tion *%

    Tas# Tas# Time


    escri&tion Preceding

    'e(uencea $.% 74T ,,,,

    b 8.? Aseptic 2illing Machine a

    c 8.? oding Machine b

    d 8.? traw Applicator /1lue2illing0


    e 8.? traw Applicator /traw2illing0


    f 8.? hrin Crapping /Plastic2eeding0


    g 8.? hrin Crapping

    /Crapping hec0


    h ? arton Dpening g

    i ? arton 2illing h

    6 ? arton 1luing i

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    2.3.2. Precedence iagram : &tion *

    2.5 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.3 3 3 3

    a + ! d e $ "g i ,

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    2.3.3. 'ummer/ of &tion * Ta!"e 6

    'tations 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9Tas# ssigned a ! c d e f g h i;

    ctiit/ Time 2.5 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.3 3 3

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    2.3.4. *fficient and d"e Time

    !fficiency Total tas time ; /

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    2.3.5. ost ana"/sis

    ost' variable i0 electricity T. $9?'(9%;month

    J T. (&'%&9;day J T. B?9.-;hr

    ii0 1as T. B8'$&&;month J T. ('8?-.%;day

    J T. 8-.$9;hr

    iii0 Labor' hourly T. =&&;day J T. (($.%;hour /woring

    hours - hrs;day0

    Labor' fixed T. =&'&&&;month J T. ?'B8(.%B;day

    - The cost of ra materia"s hae !een e+c"uded due to discretionar/

    reasons and the fact that it aries on the aerage een"/ ith &roduction


    5epreciation T. $-?'8&$ J T. =B%?.B;day / ?& days in a month0

    4ourly variable cost !lectricity cost H 1as ost H Fariable Labor ost

    B?9.- H 8-.$9 H (($.%0

    T. 8(-.%9;hr

    Time in (stshift B9%min 8& 9.=$hrs

    ost for (stshift 9.=$hrs x T. 8(-.%9 T. B-==.&9

    Fariable ost for weely production /8 days0 T. B-==.&9 x 8 T.$=?=B.B$

    2ixed labor cost per wee ?B8(.%B x 8 T $&98=.$B

    5epreciation ost per wee =B%?.B x 9 T 88(9?.-

  • 7/25/2019 ACME [Line Balancing]


    Total ost per wee Fariable ost H 2ixed labor cost H 5epreciation cost

    $=?=B.B$ H $&98=.$B H 88(9?.-


    Ceely production %$-& cartons

    7nit ost;arton T. ((8??9.B8;%$-& T#. 22.03carton

  • 7/25/2019 ACME [Line Balancing]


    2.4. Option TWO

    ,euristic- The &recedence re"ationshi& shou"d not !e io"ated and c/c"e

    time shou"d not !e e+ceeded.

    If ycle time is taen as ($.8 minutes.

    Theoretical minimum no. of stations Total tas time;ycle time


    ?.=( E B

    In this option effort is made to reduce the no. of stations by increasing the

    ycle time. 4ere it can be seen that the wor stations are unbalanced with no.

    1stations having (&.( minutes of idle time while no. 2'3and 4having )ero idle

    time. The efficiency of the process is also reduced to 9-.$% which is less than

    the existing process. The unit cost could be reduced to T $(.%- in this option

    which is $.8@ lower than the existing cost per carton.

    2.4.1. Precedence iagram Ta!"e 7 $&tion T>%

    Tas# Tas# Time


    escri&tion Preceding

    'e(uencea $.% 74T ,,,,

    b 8.? Aseptic 2illing Machine a

    c 8.? oding Machine b

    d 8.? traw Applicator /1lue2illing0


    e 8.? traw Applicator /traw2illing0


    f 8.? hrin Crapping /Plastic2eeding0


    g 8.? hrin Crapping/Crapping hec0 f

    h ? arton Dpening g

    i ? arton 2illing h

    6 ? arton 1luing i

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    2.4.2. Precedence iagram : &tion T>

    2.5 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.3 3 3 3

    a + ! d e $ "g i ,

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    2.4.3. 'ummer/ of &tion T> Ta!"e 8

    'tations 1 2 3 4 5

    Tas# ssigned a !;c d;e f;g h;i;ctiit/ Time 2.5 12.6 12.6 12.6 9

    d"e Time 10.1 0 0 0 3.6

    2.4.4. *fficient and d"e Time

    !fficiency Total tas time ; /

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    2.4.5. ost ana"/sis

    Total time for shift B9%min.

    ost' variable i0 electricity T. $9?'(9%;month

    J T. (&'%&9;day J T. B?9.-;hr

    ii0 1as T. B8'$&&;month J T. ('8?-.%;day

    J T. 8-.$9;hr

    iii0 Labor' hourly T. %&&;day J T. 8$.%;hour /woring

    hours - hrs;day0

    Labor' fixed T. =&'&&&;month J T. ?'B8(.%B;day

    - The cost of ra materia"s hae !een e+c"uded due to discretionar/

    reasons and the fact that it aries on the aerage een"/ ith &roduction


    5epreciation T. $-?'8&$ J T. =B%?.B;day / ?& days in a month0

    4ourly variable cost !lectricity cost H 1as ost H Fariable Labor ost

    B?9.- H 8-.$9 H 8$.%0

    T. %8-.%9;hr

    Time in (stshift B9%min 8& 9.=$hrs

    ost for (stshift 9.=$hrs x T. %8-.%9 T. B%&?.&9

    Fariable ost for weely production /8 days0 T. B%&?.&9 x 8 T.$9&(-.B$

    2ixed labor cost per wee ?B8(.%B x 8 T $&98=.$B

    5epreciation ost per wee =B%?.B x 9 T 88(9?.-

  • 7/25/2019 ACME [Line Balancing]


    $9&(-.B$ H $&98=.$B H 88(9?.-


    Ceely production %$-& cartons

    7nit ost;arton T. %-'B?8.8-;%$-& T#. 21.58carton

    etup time ( =& minutesetup Time $ =& minutes

  • 7/25/2019 ACME [Line Balancing]


    2.5. Option THREE

    ,euristic- The &recedence re"ationshi& shou"d not !e io"ated and c/c"e

    time shou"d not !e e+ceeded.

    old tart

    Total Tas Time: B=.? Minutes

    ycle time: 8.? Minutes

    Theoretical minimum no. of stations B=.?;8.? 9.-? E -.

    #ecause there is fractional part' (&&@ efficiency is not attainable. #ut there is

    good chance of improving the process if theoretical minimum no. of stations

    could be reali)ed. In this option precedence diagram $ has been followed.

    There is no preceding tas for tas h/carton opening0 in precedence diagram

    $. o tas aand tas hhas been assigned in station 1while tas iand tas

    have been assigned in station 8. This way it was possible to balance all the

    worstations and idle time could be reduced to only $.$@. The cost per carton

    is also reduced to T $(.=$ which is (.&B@ lower than the existing cost per


    2.5.1. Precedence iagram Ta!"e 9

    Tas# Tas# Time$min%

    escri&tion Preceding'e(uence

  • 7/25/2019 ACME [Line Balancing]


    b 8.? Aseptic 2illing Machine a

    c 8.? oding Machine b

    d 8.? traw Applicator /1lue2illing0


    e 8.? traw Applicator /traw



    f 8.? hrin Crapping /Plastic2eeding0


    g 8.? hrin Crapping /Crappinghec0


    h ? arton Dpening ,,,

    i ? arton 2illing h'g

    6 ? arton 1luing i

  • 7/25/2019 ACME [Line Balancing]


    2.5.2. Precedence iagram : &tion T,?**

    2.5 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.3 3 3


    a + ! d e $


    g i ,

  • 7/25/2019 ACME [Line Balancing]


    2.5.3. 'ummar/ of &tion T,?** Ta!"e 10

    'tations 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

    Tas# ssigned a;h ! c d e f g ;ctiit/ Time 2.5

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    2.5.4. *fficient and d"e Time

    !fficiency Total tas time ; /

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    2.5.5. ost ana"/sis

    Total time for shift B9%min.

    ost' variable i0 electricity T. $9?'(9%;month

    J T. (&'%&9;day J T. B?9.-;hr

    ii0 1as T. B8'$&&;month J T. ('8?-.%;day

    J T. 8-.$9;hr

    iii0 Labor' hourly T. -&&;day J T. (&&;hour /woring

    hours - hrs;day0

    Labor' fixed T. =&'&&&;month J T. ?'B8(.%B;day

    - The cost of ra materia"s hae !een e+c"uded due to discretionar/

    reasons and the fact that it aries on the aerage een"/ ith &roduction


    5epreciation T. $-?'8&$ J T. =B%?.B;day / ?& days in a month0

    4ourly variable cost !lectricity cost H 1as ost H Fariable Labor ost

    B?9.- H 8-.$9 H (&&0 T. 8&8.&9;hr

    Time in (stshift B9%min 8& 9.=$hrs

    ost for (stshift 9.=$hrs x T. 8&8.&9 T. B-&&.&9

    Fariable ost for weely production /8 days0 T. B-&&.&9 x 8 T.$--&&.B$

    2ixed labor cost per wee ?B8(.%B x 8 T $&98=.$B

    5epreciation ost per wee =B%?.B x 9 T 88(9?.-

  • 7/25/2019 ACME [Line Balancing]


    Total ost per wee Fariable ost H 2ixed labor cost H 5epreciation cost

    $--&&.B$ H $&98=.$B H 88(9?.-


    Ceely production %$-& cartons

    7nit ost;arton T. ((%9B?.B8;%$-& T#. 21.92carton

  • 7/25/2019 ACME [Line Balancing]


    2.6. Option O!R

    ,euristic- The &recedence re"ationshi& shou"d not !e io"ated and c/c"e

    time shou"d not !e e+ceeded.

    &erating 2 shifts in one da/-etup Time ( is re+uired only for cold start

    and et up $ can be done during process time of first shift. o for second

    shift process time is substantially reduced. This will also allow the system to

    run for only three days per wee to meet the weely demand of %$-& cartons

    of mango 6uice. The other four remaining days in a wee could be utili)ed for

    producing (liter and %&& ml products. Three extra supervisors are employed

    for the extra shift: one +uality supervisor' one production supervisor and one

    pacing supervisor. #y using this option the cost per carton could be reduced

    to T $(.&$ which is %.(@ lower than the existing cost per carton.

    Dperating $ shifts in one day

    Time for (stDperating ycle B9% minutes

    Time for $ndDperating ycles /etup one is re+uired only for cold start' et

    up $ can be done during process time of first batch.0' J

    Process time B& x 8.?min $%$min. / for B& batches of $$ cartons0

    Total time for $ shifts B9%min H $%$min 9$9min. J ($.($hrs.

    5aily output is --& x $ ('98& cartons

  • 7/25/2019 ACME [Line Balancing]


    2.6.1. Precedence iagram Ta!"e 11

    Tas# Tas# Time$min%

    escri&tion Preceding'e(uence

    a $.% 74T ,,,,

    b 8.? Aseptic 2illing Machine a

    c 8.? oding Machine bd 8.? traw Applicator /1lue 2illing0 c

    e 8.? traw Applicator /traw 2illing0 df 8.? hrin Crapping /Plastic 2eeding0 e

    g 8.? hrin Crapping /Crapping hec0 f

    h ? arton Dpening ,,,i ? arton 2illing h'g

    6 ? arton 1luing i

  • 7/25/2019 ACME [Line Balancing]


    2.6.2. Precedence iagram : &tion @?

    2.5 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.3 3 3


    a + ! d e $


    g i ,

  • 7/25/2019 ACME [Line Balancing]


    2.6.3. ost na"/sis

    ost' variable i0 electricity T. $9?'(9%;month

    T. (&'%&9;day

    T. B?9.-;hr

    ii0 1as T. B8'$&&;month

    T. ('8?-.%;day

    T. 8-.$9;hr

    iii0 Labor' hourly T. (&&&;day J T. ($%;hour /woring

    hours - hrs;day0

    iv0 upervisors /?0 T/%&&&H 9&&& 9&&&0;month each

    T (=&&&;month

    T 9?&.99;day

    T =(.?%;hr

    iv0 Labor' fixed T. =&'&&&;month J T.



    - The cost of ra materia"s hae !een e+c"uded due to discretionar/

    reasons and the fact that it aries on the aerage een"/ ith &roduction


    ost' fixed 5epreciation T. $-?'8&$ T. =B%?.B;day

    4ourly variable cost

    !lectricity cost H 1as ost H Fariable Labor ost

    B?9.- H 8-.$9 H ($%

    T. 8?(.&9;hr

    Fariable ost per day ($.($hrs x T. 8?(.&9

    T 98B- %9

  • 7/25/2019 ACME [Line Balancing]


    Ceely variable cost 98B-.%9 x ?

    T $$=B%.9(

    upervisors daily cost =(.?% x B.($

    T ?98.?8

    upervisors weely cost ?98.?8 x ?

    T (($=.&-

    2ixed Labor ost T. =&'&&&;month

    T. ?'B8(.%B;day

    T ?B8(.%B x 8

    T $&98=.$B;wee

    5epreciation ost per wee =B%?.B x 9 T 88(9?.-

    Total Ceely ost weely variable cost H upervisors cost H weely fixed

    labor cost H Ceely 5epreciation ost

    $$=B%.9( H (($=.&- H$&98=.$B H 88(9?.-

    T (((&(9.-?

    Ceely production (98& x ?

    %$-& cartons

    7nit cost per carton T. (((&(9.-?;%'$-&

    T#. 21.02carton

  • 7/25/2019 ACME [Line Balancing]


    2.". Option I#E

    ,euristic- The &recedence re"ationshi& shou"d not !e io"ated and c/c"e

    time shou"d not !e e+ceeded.

    &erating 6 shifts consecutie"/-etup Time ( is re+uired only for cold

    start and et up $ can be done during process time of previous shift batch.

    o from the second shift onwards process time is substantially reduced. This

    will re+uire the system to run for only $-.=$ hours in a wee to meet the

    weely demand of %$-& cartons of mango 6uice. The other six remaining days

    in a wee could be utili)ed for producing (liter and %&& ml products. ix extra

    supervisors are employed for the extra shifts: Two +uality supervisor' two

    production supervisor and two pacing supervisor. Three supervisors' one

    from each department will be woring for - hours. Then the other three

    supervisor will tae over and wor till permanent supervisors tae over at

    -Kcloc in the next morning. #y using this option the cost per carton could be

    reduced to T $&.(= which is -.-%@ lower than the existing cost per carton.

    Time for (stshift B9% minutes' Time for $ndshift $%$min' ?rdshift $%$min'

    Total time for 8 shifts B9%min H $%$min H $%$min H$%$min H$%$min

    H$%$min ('9?%min. J $-=.(9 min;shift J$-.=$hrs.

  • 7/25/2019 ACME [Line Balancing]


    2.".1. P$%&%'%n&% Di()$(* T(+,% 12

    Tas# Tas# Time $min% escri&tion Preceding 'e(uence

    a $.% 74T ,,,,b 8.? Aseptic 2illing Machine a

    c 8.? oding Machine bd 8.? traw Applicator /1lue 2illing0 ce 8.? traw Applicator /traw 2illing0 d

    f 8.? hrin Crapping /Plastic 2eeding0 eg 8.? hrin Crapping /Crapping hec0 f

    h ? arton Dpening ,,,

    i ? arton 2illing h'g6 ? arton 1luing i

  • 7/25/2019 ACME [Line Balancing]


    2.".2. P$%&%'%n&% Di()$(* - Option I#E

    2.5 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.3 3 3


    a + ! d e $


    g i ,

  • 7/25/2019 ACME [Line Balancing]


    2.7.3. ost ana"/sis

    ost' variable i0 !lectricity T. $9?'(9%;month

    T. (&'%&9;day

    T. B?9.-;hr

    ii0 1as T. B8'$&&;month

    T. ('8?-.%;day

    T. 8-.$9;hr

    iii0 Labor' hourly T. (&&&;day J T. ($%;hour /woring

    hours - hrs;day0

    iv0 upervisors /?0 T/%&&&H 9&&& H 9&&&0;month T


    T 9?&.99;day

    T =(.?%;hr

    iv0 labor' fixed T. =&'&&&;month J T.


    - The cost of ra materia"s hae !een e+c"uded due to discretionar/

    reasons and the fact that it aries on the aerage een"/ ith &roduction


    ost' fixed 5epreciation T. $-?'8&$ T. =B%?.B ;day

    4ourly variable cost !lectricity cost H 1as ost H Fariable Labor ost

    B?9.- H 8-.$9 H ($%

    T. 8?(.&9;hr

    Fariable ost per wee $-.=$hrs x T. 8?(.&9 T.(-$%&.%B

    upervisors weely cost =( ?% x (8 T (B8( 8

  • 7/25/2019 ACME [Line Balancing]


    Labor' fixed T. =&'&&&;month J T. ?'B8(.%B;day

    ?B8(.%B x 8


    5epreciation ost per wee =B%?.B x 9 T 88(9?.-

    Total Ceely ost weely variable cost H upervisors cost H 2ixed labor

    cost H Ceely 5epreciation ost

    (-$%&.%B H (B8(.8 H $&98=.$BH 88(9?.-

    T (&88%%.(-

    Ceely production --& x 8 %$-& cartons

    7nit cost per carton T. (&88%%.(-;%'$-& T#. 20.19carton

  • 7/25/2019 ACME [Line Balancing]


    2.. E/i0tin) #0. P$opo0%' Option0

    2.8.1. 'tations; *fficient time; d"e Time; a"ancing; ost om&arison Ta!"e 13


  • 7/25/2019 ACME [Line Balancing]

    46/52 Ara&hica" Presentation f 'tations n "" Process

  • 7/25/2019 ACME [Line Balancing]

    47/52 Ara&hica" Presentation f *fficient Time om&arison f n "" Process

    *fficienc/ om&arison



    =9.- =9.- =9.-








    ( $ ? B % 8




  • 7/25/2019 ACME [Line Balancing]

    48/52 Ara&hica" Presentation of the d"e Time om&arison f n "" Process

    d"e Time om&arison




    $.$ $.$ $.$&






    ( $ ? B % 8



  • 7/25/2019 ACME [Line Balancing]

    49/52 Ara&hica" Presentation of the ost@nit om&arison f n "" Process

  • 7/25/2019 ACME [Line Balancing]

    50/52 Ara&hica" Presentation of the B hange in costcarton om&arison f n "" Process

  • 7/25/2019 ACME [Line Balancing]


    2.8.2. ause) and)effect diagram

    Guality Mango Pulp Cater


    Dther hemicals itric Acid



    Training Age

    Ability Maintenance



    0uality and

    "ig" !ost

    Met"od( Produ!ing ui!e)



  • 7/25/2019 ACME [Line Balancing]


    3. C@' ?*MM*T'

    The preceding discussions briefly covered the existing salient features of AM!

    Agrovet and #everage Limited a growing food processing local company. The

    existing manufacturing process of Premium Mango *uice has been analy)ed and

    examined to find further improvements in cost' operational efficiency. everal

    approaches; alternatives to see and find more efficient and cost effective line

    balancing of the process. !ach approach has been analy)ed in terms of

    percentage utili)ation' cycle time' throughput time' percentage idle time and cost

    per unit of the products. Three line balancing approaches and followed by a two

    shift and a six shift approaches have been considered. The idea was to balance

    the production process by reducing the number of stations. 2inally an approach

    of line balancing with =9.-@ efficiency has been found with minimum number of

    eight stations. Thereafter in an attempts to reduce the per unit cost a two shifts

    and then a six shifts have been suggested increasing the capacity per day. 4ere

    the elimination of set up time has been found to be useful in reducing the cost

    per unit.

    ?.(. >ecommendations

    Dption ? is recommended because option ? is found to be balanced with =9.-@

    efficiency and comparatively lower costs. Dverall productivity enhancement by

    increasing the number of shifts according to the demand per wee will further

    reduce the unit cost. 4owever' option $ is recommended for lean period of winter

    season as the demand is low at that time. #ut low per unit cost will help capture

    substantial maret share by offering special discount which would in turn help

    gain competitive advantage. Dption B and % may also be considered during pea

    season of summer when production rate is much more important than the price.