ACKNOWLEDGMENTS - Higher Intellect...A Gardener’s Guide to Preventing Deer Damage 1...

1 A Gardener’s Guide to Preventing Deer Damage ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This booklet was prepared by the California Department of Fish and Game’s Wildlife Programs Branch, with assistance from the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Farmland Wildlife Resource Unit. FRONT COVER: Mule deer buck, Auburn, California. Photo by Peggy Mattison. Layout and Graphic Design: Lorna Bernard Plant Illustrations: Bob Hare Deer Illustrations: Paul B. Johnson Principal Authors: Bob Coey and Kenneth Mayer THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA Arnold Schwarzenegger, Governor RESOURCES AGENCY Mike Chrisman, Secretary for Resources DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME L. Ryan Broddrick, Director

Transcript of ACKNOWLEDGMENTS - Higher Intellect...A Gardener’s Guide to Preventing Deer Damage 1...

Page 1: ACKNOWLEDGMENTS - Higher Intellect...A Gardener’s Guide to Preventing Deer Damage 1 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This booklet was prepared by the California Department of Fish and Game’s Wildlife

1A Gardener’s Guide to Preventing Deer Damage


This booklet was prepared by the California Department of Fish and Game’sWildlife Programs Branch, with assistance from the Minnesota Department ofNatural Resources, Farmland Wildlife Resource Unit.

FRONT COVER:Mule deer buck, Auburn, California.

Photo by Peggy Mattison.

Layout and Graphic Design: Lorna BernardPlant Illustrations: Bob Hare

Deer Illustrations: Paul B. Johnson

Principal Authors: Bob Coey and Kenneth Mayer

THE STATE OF CALIFORNIAArnold Schwarzenegger, Governor

RESOURCES AGENCYMike Chrisman, Secretary for Resources

DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAMEL. Ryan Broddrick, Director

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2 A Gardener’s Guide to Preventing Deer Damage

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3A Gardener’s Guide to Preventing Deer Damage


INTRODUCTION ................................................................. 4

“DEER-RESISTANT” PLANTS.............................................. 5AQUATIC PLANT.................................................................5CROP/ORCHARD PLANTS ...............................................5GRASSES/FORBS .................................................................6SHRUBS .................................................................................9TREES .................................................................................. 12

DEER REPELLENTS............................................................ 15

FENCING APPLICATIONS ................................................ 16HIGH-TENSILE WIRE FENCE ......................................... 16ELECTRIFIED HIGH-TENSILE WIRE FENCE ............... 16MODIFIED ELECTRIC HIGH-TENSILE WIRE FENCE ................................................................. 17SQUARE-MESH WOVEN-WIRE GAME FENCE ........... 17V-MESH FENCE.................................................................. 17CONSTRUCTION ............................................................. 18

REFERENCES ...................................................................... 19

FENCE CONSTRUCTION DIAGRAMS ........................... 20

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4 A Gardener’s Guide to Preventing Deer Damage

Part of the appeal of living in rural or semi-rural California is the ability to watchwildlife in your own back yard. Deer are especially fascinating to observe, but manyhomeowners are dismayed to discover that deer can be very destructive to gardens.

In some areas the damage can be seasonal, peaking in the winter when food sourcesfor deer are at their lowest. Other areas, where deer habitat is heavily affected byresidential development, may experience problems year-round. Drought, wildfires,livestock grazing and other habitat-altering events also play a role because they affectfood sources for deer.

Rural dwellers frequently ask the California Department of Fish and Game how tominimize landscape damage caused by hungry deer. This booklet details threemethods:

- the use of landscape plants that deer don’t seem to like;- application of commercial deer repellents;- construction of deer-proof fencing.

All of the techniques are considered harmless to deer and other wild and domesticanimals.


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5A Gardener’s Guide to Preventing Deer Damage

Deer are attracted to many populargarden and landscape plants but avoidothers. The following list of deer-resistant plants should be considered aguide rather than the final word.Certain plants may not suffer deerdamage in some gardens and landscapes,yet might be completely destroyed inothers. This is due in part to theavailability of natural food sources andthe taste preferences of individual deer.If there is a severe shortage of naturaldeer browse, deer-resistant landscapeplants may suffer damage.

Some of the plants listed are, in additionto being deer-resistant, considerednoxious weeds. For example, bamboo isa pervasive grower and can become asignificant problem because of its

tendency to escape. Alternatively, nativeplants are better-adapted to the localclimate than their exotic counterparts,and should be considered first inlandscape planning.

Both native and introduced plants arelisted in this booklet. The designation“some native” means some subspecies ofthe plant are native to California.Always consult a local nursery to selectspecies which best fit your needs andyour local climate. The Department ofFish and Game encourages use of nativeplant species where feasible. Forexample, most native perennial bunch-grasses would be suitable candidates fordeer-resistant landscaping as well as beingdrought-resistant.


Asparagus falcatusSickle-thorn asparagus

Clivia miniataKaffir lily

Diospyros virginianaPersimmon

Ficus sp.Fig

Gymnocladus dioicaKentucky coffee tree

Helianthus spp. (some native)Sunflower

Leptospermum sp.Tea tree

Olea europaeaOlive

Punica granatum ‘Nana’Pomegranate

Rhubarb sp.(poisonous to livestock and humans)Rhubarb


Bamboo (noxious)Bamboo


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6 A Gardener’s Guide to Preventing Deer Damage

Cali forniapoppy

Acanthus mollisBear’s breech

Achillea sp. (some native)Yarrow

Aconitum sp. (native)Monkshood

Agapanthus sp.Lily-of-the-Nile

Ageratum houstonianumFloss flower

Ajuga sp.Bugle weed, Carpet bugle

Amaryllis belladonnaBelladonna lily, Naked lady

Aquilegia (some native)Columbine

Arabis sp.Rockcress

Arctosis sp.African daisy

Arum sp.Arum

Asarum caudatum (some native)Wild -ginger

Aster alpinusAster

Begonia tuberhybridaTuberous begonia

Calendula officinalisPot marigold

Campanula mediumBellflower

Catharanthus roseus (Vinca rosea)Madagascar periwinkle

Cerastium tomentosumSnow-in-summer

Chives sp.Chives

Chrysanthemum frutescensMarguerite, Paris Daisy

Chrysanthemum maximumShasta daisy

ClarkiaGodetia, Mountain garland,Farewell to spring

Coreopsis grandifloraCoreopsis

Coronilla variaCrown vetch

Crinum sp.Crinum

Crocosmia sp.Crocosmia


Cymbalaria muralisKenilworth ivy


Delphinium spp. (some native)Larkspur

DendromeconBush poppy

Dicentra (native)Bleeding heart


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Dietes vegetaFortnight lily

Digitalis (native)Foxglove

Duchesnea indicaIndian mock strawberry

Epimedium (native)Epimedium

Eschscholzia californica (native)California poppy

Festuca ovina (native)Sheep fescue

Fragaria chiloensis (native)Wild strawberry, Sand strawberry


Galium odoratum (Asperula odorata)Sweet woodruff

Gamolepis chrysanthemoidesGamolepis

Gerbera jamesoniiAfrican or Transvaal daisy

Helichrysum spp.Strawflower

Helleborus spp.Hellebore


Herbs, except Basil

Hippophae rhamnoidesSea buckthorn

Hosta (Funkia)Plantain lily

HypericumSt. Johnswort

Iris spp. (some native)Iris

Ixia maculataAfrican corn lily

Jasminum spp.Jasmine

Kniphofia uvariaRedhot poker, Torch-lily, Poker plant

Lamium maculatum (noxious)Dead nettle

Laurentia fluviatilisBlue star creeper

Leucojum spp.Snowflake

LiriopeLily turf

Lobelia (native)Lobelia

Lychnis coronariaCrown-pink, Mullein-pink

Lysimachia nummulariaMoneywort, Creeping jennie


Mirabilis jalapaFour o’clock

Moluccella laevisBells-of-Ireland

MonardaBee balm, Oswego tea


Douglasi r i s

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Soleirolia soleirolliBaby’s tears, Angel’s tears

Sparaxis tricolorHarlequin flower

Stachys byzantinaLamb’s ears

Strelitzia reginaeBird of paradise

Teucrium fruticansBush germander

Tolmiea menziesii (native)Piggy-back plant

Tradescantia spp.Spiderwort, Wandering Jew

Trillium spp. (some native)Trillium, Wake-robin

Tulipa spp.Tulip

Valeriana officinalisValerian, Garden heliotrope

Vallota speciosaScarborough lily

Verbena ( native)Verbena

Vinca spp. (some native)Periwinkle

Zantedeschia spp.Calla lily


Abutilon (native)Flowering maple, Chinese lantern

Myosotis spp.Forget-me-not

Narcissus spp.Narcissus, Daffodil, Jonquil


Ophiopogon japonicusLily turf

Paeonia suffruticosaTree peony

Papaver rhoeasFlanders field poppy, Shirley poppy

Papaver orientaleOriental poppy

Papaver nudicauleIceland poppy

Penstemon spp. (some native)Penstemon, Beard tongue

Phormiam tenaxNew Zealand flax

Romneya coulteri (native and rare)Matilija poppy

Rudbeckia hirtaGloriosa daisy, Black-eyed Susan

Scabiosa spp.Pincushion flower

Scilla peruvianaPeruvian scilla

Silene acaulisCushion pink, Moss campion

Sisyrinchium (native)Blue-eyed grass

Blue-eyedg r a s s


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9A Gardener’s Guide to Preventing Deer Damage

Acer circinatum (native)Vine maple

Agave spp. (some native)Century plant

Alcea roseaHollyhock


Aralia spinosaDevil’s walking stick, Hercules’ club,Angelica tree

Arctostaphylos uva-ursi, and other species(some native)Bearberry, Kinnikinnick

Baccharis pilularis (native, also noxious)Coyote brush, Dwarf chaparral broom

Berberis (some native)Barberry

Bragmansia (Datura)Angel’s trumpet

Brodiaea (native)Brodiaea

Buddleia davidiiButterfly bush, Summer lilac

Buxus spp.Boxwood

Cactaceae (some native)Cactus, many species and varieties

Calliandra tweediiTrinidad female bush,Brazilian flame bush


Calycanthus occidentalis (native)Spice bush

Caragana arborescensSiberian peashrub

Carpenteria californica (native)Bush anemone

Cassia (some native)Senna

Ceanothus gloriosus (native)Wild lilac

Choisya ternateMexican orange

Cissus rhombifoliaGrape ivy


Clematis (some native)Clematis


Bush anemone

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10 A Gardener’s Guide to Preventing Deer Damage

Clianthus puniceausParrot-beak

Coleonema pulchrumPink breath of heaven

Coprosma repensMirror plant

Corokia cotoneasterCorokia cotoneaster

Correa spp.Australian fuchsia

Cotoneaster buxifoliusCotoneaster

Cycas revolutaSago palm

Daphne spp.Daphne

DaturaJimson Weed


Dodonaea viscosaHop bush, Hopseed bush

Echium fastuosumPride of Madeira

Elaeagnus pungensSilverberry


Eriogonum (some native)Wild buckwheat

Escallonia spp.Escallonia

Euonymus japonicaEvergreen euonymus


Euryops pectinatusEuryops

Fatshedera lizeiFatchedera

Fern, except Pellaea (some native)Fern


Gaultheria shallon (native)Salal, Lemon leaf

Gelsemium sempervirensCarolina jessamine

Genista monospermaBridal veil broom


Griselinia lucidaGriselinia


Halimium (native)Halimium

Hedera helix (noxious)English ivy

Heteromeles arbutifolia (native)Toyon, Christmas berry,California holly

Hibbertia scandensGuinea gold vine


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11A Gardener’s Guide to Preventing Deer Damage

Nolina parryi (native)Nolina

Osteospermum fruticosumTrailing african daisy, Freeway daisy

Oxalis oreganaOregon Oxalis, Redwood sorrel

Pandorea pandoranaWonga-wonga vine

Phaedranthus buccinatoriusBlood red trumpet vine

Phlomis fruticosaJerusalem sage

Plumbago auriculataCape plumbago

Potentilla fruticosa (native)Shrubby cinquefoil

Raoulia australisRaoulia

Rhododendron—except azaleas (native)R. macrophyllum, R. occidentalis

Rhus ovata (native)Sugar bush

Ribes (native)Currant, Gooseberry

Rosmarinus officinalisRosemary

Ruscus aculeatusButcher’s broom

Sambucus (native)Elderberry


Impatiens walleranaBusy Lizzie

Iochroma cyaneumIochroma

Kerria japonicaJapanese rose

Lantana montevidensisTrailing lantana


Leonotis leonurusLion’s tail

Loropetalum chinenseLoropetalum

Lupinus (some native)Lupine

Mahonia spp. (some native)Mahonia, Oregon grape

Melianthus majorHoney bush

MimulusMonkey flower

Muehlenbeckia complexaMattress vine, Wire vine

Myoporum laetumMyoporum

Myrtus californicaWax myrtle

Nandina domesticaHeavenly bamboo

Nerium oleanderOleander


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12 A Gardener’s Guide to Preventing Deer Damage

Senecio cinerariaDusty miller

Symphoricarpos albus (native)Common snowberry

Syringa vulgarisCommon lilac

Syzygium paniculatumBush cherry, Australian brush cherry

Tecomaria capensisCape honeysuckle

Trachelospermum jasminoidesStar jasmine

Yucca spp. (some native)Yucca, Spanish bayonet

Zauschneria spp. (some native)California fuchsia,Hummingbird flower

Abies (some native)Fir

Acer macrophyllum (native)Bigleaf maple

Acer palmatumJapanese maple

Acer negundo (native)Box elder

Agonis flexuosaPeppermint tree

AlbiziaSilk tree, Plume acacia

Angophora costata (A. lanceolata)Gum myrtle

Araucaria spp.Araucaria

Arbutus unedoStrawberry tree

Arbutus menziesii (native)Madrone, Madrono

Beaucarnea recurvataPonytail, Bottle palm

Brachychiton populneusBottle tree

Calocedrus decurrens (native)Incense cedar

Casuarina strictaMountain or Drooping she-oak,Coast beefwood


Common snowberry


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13A Gardener’s Guide to Preventing Deer Damage

Catalpa bignonioidesCommon catalpa, Indian bean


Celtis australisEuropean hackberry

Ceratonia siliquaCarob, St. John’s bread

Cercis occidentalis (native)Western redbud

Chamaecyparis sp. (native)False cypress

Chamaerops humilisMediterranean fan palm

Cordyline australisDracaena palm

Cornus capitataEvergreen or Himalayan dogwood

Corylus cornuta californica (native)Western hazelnut

Cotinus coggygriaSmoke tree

Crataegus spp. (some native)Hawthorn

Cupressus spp. (some native)Cypress

Erythea edulisGuadalupe palm

Erythea armataMexican blue palm

Eucalyptus spp.Eucalyptus, Gum

Fraxinus velutina (native)Arizona ash

Gagetes spp.Marigold

Ginko bilobaMaidenhair tree

Hakea suaveolensSweet hakea

Ilex (except thornless)Holly

Jubaea chilensis (J. spectabilis)Chilean wine palm

Juniperus (some native)Juniper

Larix deciduaEuropean larch

Liquidambar styracifluaAmerican sweet gum

Lithocarpus densiflorus (native)Tanbark oak

Lyonothamnus floribundus (native)Catalina ironwood

Maclura pomiferaOsage orange

Magnolia spp.Magnolia

Maytenus boariaMayten tree

Melaleuca leucadendraCajeput tree

Melia azedarachChina-berry


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14 A Gardener’s Guide to Preventing Deer Damage

Metrosideros excelsusNew Zealand Christmas tree

Michelia figoBanana shrub

Myrtus communisTrue myrtle

Parkinsonia aculeataJerusaleum thorn, Mexican palo verde

Paulownia tomentosaEmpress tree

Phoenix spp.Date palm

Picea spp. (some native)Spruce

Pinus spp. (some native)Pine

Pittosporum spp.Pittosporum

Platanus racemosa (native)California sycamore

PodocarpusFern pine

Prunus caroliniana and other spp.(some native)Carolina laurel cherry

Quillaga saponariaSoapbark tree

Robinia pseudoacaciaBlack locust


Schinus molleCalifornia pepper tree

Thuja spp. (some native)Arborvitae

Trachycarpus fortuneiWindmill palm

Umbellularia california (native)California laurel, California bay,Oregon myrtle, Pepperwood

Washingtonia spp.Washington palm


Californiabay laurel

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15A Gardener’s Guide to Preventing Deer Damage


* Consult individual manufacturers forproper spray concentration andapplication.

** Deer Away is not approved forapplication on edible crops.

Various types of devices and chemicalshave been used to repel deer includingscare devices, over-the-counter repellentsprays and powder, and home remedies.Scare devices such as exploders, radios,lights, and even a dog on a leash haveshort-term limited effectiveness at best.Home remedies such as hanging bags ofhair, soap, rotten eggs or animal urineare not trustworthy, long-termrepellents. Over-the-counter repellentshave been the most successful deterrentfor non-commercial users experiencing

light to moderate damage. However,repellents must be applied frequentlyand vigilantly prior to and during theperiod of anticipated damage in orderto be effective. For example, repellentsshould be applied to plants prior toplanting and reapplied during thegrowing season.* ‘Hinder,’ which is amixture of ammonium soaps, and ‘DeerAway,’ made from putrescent whole eggsolids have been the most widely usedand effective repellent sprays. Otherrepellents available are:

REPEL ANIMAL REPELLENTFarnam Co. Inc.301 W. Osborn Rd.Phoenix, AZ 85013(800) 825-2555

HOT SAUCE ANIMALREPELLENTMiller Chemical & Fertilizer Corp.P.O. Box 333Hanover, PA 17331

HINDERCrompton ChemicalUAP Great LakesLa Crescent, MN(507) 895-2103

**DEER AWAYIntagra, Inc.8500 Pillsbury Ave. SouthMinneapolis, MN 55420(612) 881-5535

NATIONAL DEER REPELLANTNational ScentP.O. Box 667San Jacinto, CA 92581(909) 654-2442

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16 A Gardener’s Guide to Preventing Deer Damage


In areas experiencing persistent andsevere deer damage, the same fencediscussed above can be electrified usingAC current (See FIGURE C, page 21).DC battery or solar/battery chargers areused where electricity is unavailable. Themodern-type fence chargers currentlyavailable have a strong shocking power(up to 8000 volts) but low impedance.Thus, they are extremely effective butsafer than older-type chargers becausethey don’t cause a burning effect.Construction is similar althoughinsulators are used in lieu of staples,fewer wires are needed, and wires are

By far, the most effective and mostmaintainable new fencing used are theNew Zealand-designed high-tensile wirefences (See FIGURE A, page 19).Although the initial cost is high, this typeof fence requires the least maintenance,and thus the cost per ft/yr is the lowestof all discussed. The fence uses smoothwire instead of barbed wire which istensioned using a ‘strainer’ device. Thestrength of this type of fencing is in thetension applied. Animals cannot“squeeze” through the fence.

Although construction is somewhattechnical, the fence actually takes lesslabor to install because line posts are

only needed every 25-50 ft. Properconstruction of the “H-brace” corners iscritical since the twelve wires used exerttremendous pressure on the corners (SeeFIGURE B, page 20). The horizontalwires can be spaced varying distancesapart (usually from 4-6 inches) andseparated by fiberglass or wooden‘droppers’ (similar to stays) every fivefeet. The bottom wire is placed 6 in. offthe ground. Tension is applied using arachet tool and must be periodicallyadjusted for the fence to functioneffectively. Because construction is highlyspecialized, the manufacturer shouldsupply instructions when purchasingmaterials.


For nurseries, orchards, pastures, andlarge gardens, fencing is often the onlyway to prevent damage from animals.Many of the fencing options discussedon the following pages also work well forsmall gardens because they are easy to


build and very cost-effective. Thefollowing fencing designs are the primarymethods being used by professionalgame managers and many state andfederal agencies to control damage fromboth livestock and wild animals.

alternating negative and positivelycharged (with a positive wire on thebottom and top). This is important inthat the animal will always be in contactwith the ground-wire even when standingin deep snow or in a mid-air jump. Thefence functions as more of a psychologi-cal barrier than a physical one afteranimals have experienced the shock, thuseven a low fence (+ or - 24") can beeffective in keeping the majority ofanimals out. The fence can be baited bytying aluminum foil flags covered withpeanut butter on to the charged wire toaid in training animals to the fence.

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17A Gardener’s Guide to Preventing Deer Damage


A nice feature of the above design is thatit can be used with an existing fence in avariety of applications, and can beutilized even on a small scale for theaverage garden grower. The electric high-tensile fence discussed above can actuallybe constructed on top of an existingfence (such as a square or v-mesh wire orwood fence) using extensions, such asstand-off insulators for a single wire, or a2" x 4" board attached to the existingpost with lag screws for multiple wires.High-tensile fencing manufacturers donot recommend combining electricfencing with barbed wire however assevere injury and fatalities to animalshave resulted. With the multiple wiredesign, positive wires should be alter-nated with grounded wires.

An advantage to this type of fencing overthe completely electrified high-tensilefence is that this one will not oftenground out due to vegetation growthand thus will require less maintenance.Much of this equipment can also easilybe erected on a temporary basis duringthe height of the growing season if theproblem is only a seasonal one. Adisadvantage is that it will probably notbe 100% effective in keeping out allanimals. ‘Polywire,’ which is basically anelectrified plastic tape can also be usedfor higher visibility (a bright orangecolor) and doesn’t require tensioning.


Square-mesh fence has been usedprimarily to control damage to orchardsand nurseries (See FIGURE D, page22). The fence is constructed similar tothe high-tensile design, is considerablylighter than the V-mesh wire fence and iseasier to construct. The fence is con-structed using 10 ft. posts set 4 ft. in the

ground and spaced 20 ft. apart. Wirefencing is available in 6-ft. and 8-ft.heights. This fence design has beenproven to repel deer and elk. The fence isalso effective against coyotes, pigs andrabbits when the wire is buried one footin the ground.


The V-mesh wire fences have been usedprimarily to control damage to hay-stacks. The V-mesh wire fence is con-structed using 10 ft. wood posts set 4 the ground at 12 ft intervals. The V-

mesh wire comes in heights of 42 in. to96 in. with the 72 in. being the mostcommonly used to control deer. Thisfence is difficult to build because of theheavy wire.

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18 A Gardener’s Guide to Preventing Deer Damage

CONSTRUCTIONAll fence designs utilize double bracedcorner posts set in concrete or ‘tamped’in gravel, with line-posts in betweencorners and fence-stays in between line-posts to maintain wire position. Aconstruction manual or the fencemanufacturer should be consulted onhow to build particular fence types.Several are listed on page 25. Cost perfoot and fence lengths may vary

depending on the manufacturer (See“PLANNING,” page 23). Manufactur-ers and other pertinent regulatoryagencies should be contacted when usingany treated wood products, particularyaround groundwater. Except wherenoted, longer posts and taller wire canbe used with each design with minormodifications to control elk effectively aswell.

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19A Gardener’s Guide to Preventing Deer Damage

FENCE CONSTRUCTION:Fences For Controlling Deer Damage. California Agricultural Experiment Station

Extension Service Circular 514.How to Design and Build Gates and Fences. Ortho Books.How to Build Fences and Gates. Sunset Books.How to Build Fences With High-Tensile Fence Wire. U.S. Steel Cat. T-111575. U.S.

Steel, Pittsburgh, Pa. 75pp.Control Big Game Damage in Northwest Colorado. E.A. Byrne, Biologist, Colorado

Div. of Wildlife, 1989. A paper presented at the Ninth Great Plains WildlifeDamage Control Work Shop, Fort Collins, Colorado.

Wildlife Pest Control Around Gardens and Homes. Salmon, T.P. and R.E. Lickliter,1984. Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California,Cooperative Extension, Publication #21385.

Fence diagrams provided by Minnesota Department of Natural Resources.


PLANTS:The Standard Encyclopedia of Horticulture. Bailey, L. H. 1949. The MacMillan

Company, New York, 3 vols., II, pg. 1786.A New List of Deer Resistant Plants for the Garden. Pacific Horticulture, November

1990.Deer-Resistant Plants for Ornamental Use. University of California Cooperative

Extension. 1980. Leaflet 2167.Sunset Western Garden Book. Fifth Edition. Lane Publishing Company, California.

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