Acid Neutral Gibberellin-Like Substances Potato Tubers · system containing isopropyl alcohol,...

PLANT PHYSIOLOGY Literature Cited 1. BULA, R. J. & D. SMITH. 1954. Cold resistanice & chemical composition in overwintering alfalfa, red clover, & sweet clover. Agron. J. 46: 397-401. 2. BULA, R. J., D. SMITH, & H. J. HODGSON. 1956. Cold resistance in alfalfa at two diverse latitudes. Agron. J. 48: 153-156. 3. JANSSEN, G. 1929. The relationship of organic root reserves & other factors to the permanency of alfalfa stands. J. Am. Soc. Agron. 21: 895-911. 4. JUNG, G. A. & D. SMITH. 1959. Influence of soil potassium & phosphorus content on the cold resist- anice of alfalfa. Agron. J. 51: 585-587. 5. JUNG, G. A. & D. SMITH. 1961. Trends of cold resistance & chemical changes over winter in the roots & crowns of alfalfa & medium red clover. I. Changes in certain nitrogen & carbohydrate frac- tions. Agron. J. 53: 359-364. 6. JUNG, G. A. & D. SMITH. 1961. Trends of cold resistance & chemical changes over winter in the roots & crowns of alfalfa & medium red clover. II. Changes in certain mineral constituents. Agron. J. 53: 364-366. 7. KESSLER, B. 195.6. Effect of methyltryptophan & thiouracil upon protein & ribonucleic acid synthesis in certain higher plants. Nature. 178: 1337-1338. 8. MEGEE, C. R. 1935. A search for factors deter- mining winter hardiness in alfalfa. J. Am. Soc. Agron. 27: 685-698. 9. STEINMETZ, F. H. 1926. Winiter hardiness in alfal- fa varieties. Minn. Agr. Ex. Sta. Tech. Bull. 38. 10. TOTTINGHAM, W. E., R. G. SHANDS, & E. D. DEL- WICKE. 1931. Tests of Chibnall's method of ex- traction for investigating winter hardiness of plants. Plant Physiol. 6: 167-176. 11. WANG, L. C., 0. J. ATTOE, & E. TROUG. 1953. Ef- fect of lime & fertility levels on the chemical com- position & winter survival of alfalfa. Agroni. J. 45: 381-384. 12. WIIDING, M. D., M. A. STAHMANN, & D. SA1ITH. 1960. Free amino acids in alfalfa as related to cold hardiness. Plant Physiol. 35: 726-732. Acid & Neutral Gibberellin-Like Substances in Potato Tubers 1,2 Fumihiko Hayashi, Shulamith Blumenthal-Goldschmidt3, & Lawrence Rappaport Department of Vegetable Crops, University of California, Davis Gibberellin-like substances occur in many higher plants (11). At least four gibberellins (A1, A5, A6, & A,) have been isolated from Scarlet Runner bean (Phaseolus coccineus L. [P. milultiflorus Lam.]) and identified (6). Characteristically, separation of gib- berellin-like substances is performed at low pH, below the pKa value of gibberellins A1 and A3. This is an heritage of the procedures used to extract gibberellins from cultures of Gibberella fujikuroi (Saw.) which are most productive of gibberellins at pH 2.5. Here- tofore, no gibberellins have been found in plant ex- tracts prepared at neutral or higher pH. However, Wierzchowski and Wierzchowska (18) recently found two gibberellin-like substances in the neutral fraction of an extract of the broth of Gibberella fiujikuroi 1 Received for publication April 23, 1962. 2 This investigation was supported by research grant EF-61 from the National Institutes of Health, U.S. Public Health Service. 3 Present address: Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics, University of Californiia, Davis. (Saw.) Wr. The greater gibberellic acid activity in extracts allowed to stand at low pH for 24 hours, as compared to 8 hours, led Lazer, Baumgartner, and Dahlstrom (4) to believe that gibberellic acid occur- red in a bound or derivative form. They suggested that this increase may be the result of hydrolysis of a precursor. Murakami (9) reported the formation of a GA, glucoside that is hydrolyzed by acid or emulsin. Naturally occurring gibberellins may be intimately involved in controlling rest period in potato (Solanum tuberosuim L.) tubers (1, 14, 15, 16). However, the research reported heretofore was based entirely oii the activity of gibberellin-like substances extracted at low pH. The fact that the pH of extracted potato tuber sap is about 6.5 spurred an investigation of the possible occurrence of gibberellins at higher pH. Previous research in this laboratory on gibberellin- like substances utilized orthodox methods of extrac- tion, essentially those of West and Phinney (17). However, the present study shows that peelings of potato tubers contain several gibberellin-like sub- 774 on March 10, 2020 - Published by Downloaded from Copyright © 1962 American Society of Plant Biologists. All rights reserved.

Transcript of Acid Neutral Gibberellin-Like Substances Potato Tubers · system containing isopropyl alcohol,...

Page 1: Acid Neutral Gibberellin-Like Substances Potato Tubers · system containing isopropyl alcohol, ammonium hy-droxide (specific gravity 0.90), and water (10: 1: 1 v/v). The chromatograms


Literature Cited1. BULA, R. J. & D. SMITH. 1954. Cold resistanice &

chemical composition in overwintering alfalfa, redclover, & sweet clover. Agron. J. 46: 397-401.

2. BULA, R. J., D. SMITH, & H. J. HODGSON. 1956.Cold resistance in alfalfa at two diverse latitudes.Agron. J. 48: 153-156.

3. JANSSEN, G. 1929. The relationship of organicroot reserves & other factors to the permanencyof alfalfa stands. J. Am. Soc. Agron. 21: 895-911.

4. JUNG, G. A. & D. SMITH. 1959. Influence of soilpotassium & phosphorus content on the cold resist-anice of alfalfa. Agron. J. 51: 585-587.

5. JUNG, G. A. & D. SMITH. 1961. Trends of coldresistance & chemical changes over winter in theroots & crowns of alfalfa & medium red clover. I.Changes in certain nitrogen & carbohydrate frac-tions. Agron. J. 53: 359-364.

6. JUNG, G. A. & D. SMITH. 1961. Trends of coldresistance & chemical changes over winter in theroots & crowns of alfalfa & medium red clover.

II. Changes in certain mineral constituents. Agron.J. 53: 364-366.

7. KESSLER, B. 195.6. Effect of methyltryptophan &thiouracil upon protein & ribonucleic acid synthesisin certain higher plants. Nature. 178: 1337-1338.

8. MEGEE, C. R. 1935. A search for factors deter-mining winter hardiness in alfalfa. J. Am. Soc.Agron. 27: 685-698.

9. STEINMETZ, F. H. 1926. Winiter hardiness in alfal-fa varieties. Minn. Agr. Ex. Sta. Tech. Bull. 38.

10. TOTTINGHAM, W. E., R. G. SHANDS, & E. D. DEL-WICKE. 1931. Tests of Chibnall's method of ex-traction for investigating winter hardiness ofplants. Plant Physiol. 6: 167-176.

11. WANG, L. C., 0. J. ATTOE, & E. TROUG. 1953. Ef-fect of lime & fertility levels on the chemical com-position & winter survival of alfalfa. Agroni. J.45: 381-384.

12. WIIDING, M. D., M. A. STAHMANN, & D. SA1ITH.1960. Free amino acids in alfalfa as related tocold hardiness. Plant Physiol. 35: 726-732.

Acid & Neutral Gibberellin-Like Substances in Potato Tubers 1,2Fumihiko Hayashi, Shulamith Blumenthal-Goldschmidt3, & Lawrence Rappaport

Department of Vegetable Crops, University of California, Davis

Gibberellin-like substances occur in many higherplants (11). At least four gibberellins (A1, A5, A6,& A,) have been isolated from Scarlet Runner bean(Phaseolus coccineus L. [P. milultiflorus Lam.]) andidentified (6). Characteristically, separation of gib-berellin-like substances is performed at low pH, belowthe pKa value of gibberellins A1 and A3. This is an

heritage of the procedures used to extract gibberellinsfrom cultures of Gibberella fujikuroi (Saw.) whichare most productive of gibberellins at pH 2.5. Here-tofore, no gibberellins have been found in plant ex-

tracts prepared at neutral or higher pH. However,Wierzchowski and Wierzchowska (18) recently foundtwo gibberellin-like substances in the neutral fractionof an extract of the broth of Gibberella fiujikuroi

1 Received for publication April 23, 1962.2 This investigation was supported by research grant

EF-61 from the National Institutes of Health, U.S. PublicHealth Service.

3 Present address: Department of Biochemistry andBiophysics, University of Californiia, Davis.

(Saw.) Wr. The greater gibberellic acid activity inextracts allowed to stand at low pH for 24 hours,as compared to 8 hours, led Lazer, Baumgartner, andDahlstrom (4) to believe that gibberellic acid occur-red in a bound or derivative form. They suggestedthat this increase may be the result of hydrolysis ofa precursor. Murakami (9) reported the formationof a GA, glucoside that is hydrolyzed by acid oremulsin.

Naturally occurring gibberellins may be intimatelyinvolved in controlling rest period in potato (Solanumtuberosuim L.) tubers (1, 14, 15, 16). However, theresearch reported heretofore was based entirely oiithe activity of gibberellin-like substances extractedat low pH. The fact that the pH of extracted potatotuber sap is about 6.5 spurred an investigation of thepossible occurrence of gibberellins at higher pH.

Previous research in this laboratory on gibberellin-like substances utilized orthodox methods of extrac-tion, essentially those of West and Phinney (17).However, the present study shows that peelings ofpotato tubers contain several gibberellin-like sub-


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Page 2: Acid Neutral Gibberellin-Like Substances Potato Tubers · system containing isopropyl alcohol, ammonium hy-droxide (specific gravity 0.90), and water (10: 1: 1 v/v). The chromatograms


stances that are extractable at low and neutral pH.Perhaps most significant is the activity shown in theneutral fraction (2).

Materials & Methods

- Extraction: The method of extraction and sepa-ration of gibberellin-like substances from potatotubers is shown in a flow diagram (fig 1). Potatopeelings and buds were reported by Okazawa (10)and Smith (16) to contain the bulk of gibberellin ac-tivity in the potato tuber. Therefore, buds and peel-ings from well-sprouted tubers were used in thisstudy.

Peelings (1,000 g fr wt) were homogenized in aWaring blendor and extracted in 3,000 ml of meth-anol for 48 hours at 0 C (fig 1). The methanol waschanged once after 24 hours. The combined meth-anol extract (final concentration: about 75 % meth-anol) was filtered through a Biichner funnel, evapor-ated to the water phase, and the pH adjusted to 7.5with NaHCO3. The residue was discarded. Thewater phase was extracted several times with alcohol-free ethyl acetate which was then separated from thewater phase.

The ethyl acetate fraction was washed with 1 %H2S04 and dehydrated with anhydrous sodium sul-fate. The ethyl acetate fraction contained neutral


Pototo peelings 8 buds (1000 gm fresh wt:)[ - Methonol 3000 ml (70 -757J

HomogenizeExtroct 24 bhrs 2 times, O*C

FilterMethonol Residue

Evoporate to woter phose discard|-NoHC03

pH 75|-Ethyl ocetote

Ethyl ocetote NoNCO; phoseWeshlwith 1%1H2SO4 I-H2SO4

pH 2.5Ethyl acetote froction Water phase - Ethyl ocetote(neutrol fraction) |.NOOH Ethyo cetote Wter phose

F-I pH .75 (oci fraction) l-ethefI-Ethyl ocetate froction evap. to dryness

Discd.I Ether froction Discord

Ethyl ocetote Discard Chromotography F-M(bosic froction) (cellulose powder)F-liI

Elute with

Petrdeum Chloroform n-Butonol Ethl acetote Ethonolether (3% NH40H)F-I F-NZ F-X F-N F-U11

Paper chromatogrophy

Fig. 1. Flow diagram showing procedure for extrac-tion and separation of gibberellin-like substances frompotato peelings and buds. Isopropyl alcohol, ammoniumlhydroxide, and water 10: 1: 1 v/v was used as developingsolvent.

substances (F-I). The water phase was adjustedto pH 7.5 with NaOH and extracted with ethyl ace-tate, yielding the basic fraction (F-II). The waterphase was discarded.

Fractions F-III to F-VIII came from the waterphase which had been adjusted to pH 7.5 withNaHCO3. This phase was adjusted to pH 2.5 withH9SO4 and extracted three times with ethyl acetate.The ethyl acetate fraction was mixed with 2 g cellu-lose powder, and evaporated to dryness. The driedfraction was placed on a cellulose powder column(3.3 X 25 cm) which had first been purified with1 N HCl, distilled water, and methanol. The columnwas developed with 400 ml aliquots of petroleumether (F-III), chloroform (F-IV), n-butyl alcohol(F-V), ethyl acetate (F-VI), and 3 % ammoniumhydroxide in ethyl alcohol (F-VII). Fraction(F-VIII) was prepared by partitioning the waterphase with ether after separation of the ethyl acetatefraction.

All fractions were concentrated to a volume ofabout 2 ml and streaked on Whatman No. 3 mm paper(46 X 57 cm). They were then developed at 22 Cin a chromatographic cabinet by a descending solventsystem containing isopropyl alcohol, ammonium hy-droxide (specific gravity 0.90), and water (10: 1: 1v/v). The chromatograms were removed when thesolvent reached about 45 cm from the origin. A strip2 cm wide was cut from one edge and checked forfluorescence with a 275 myt ultra violet light, and forcolor development with bromcresol green (B.C.G.).Only GA3 is known to fluoresce, but only in the pres-ence of H2SO4. However, fluorescence was checkedin order to detect other substances, such as fluorescentinhibiting compounds, that migrate to the same Rf'sas gibberellin-like substances. Zones exhibiting dif-ferent colors of fluorescence are so indicated by dif-ferent shadings on the figures. Bromcresol green,an indicator in the pH range of 4.0 to 5.6, was usedin order to detect acid substances including possiblegibberellins. The remainder of the chromatogramwas cut into 10 sections according to Rf and eluted byshaking 5 hours with 150 ml of methanol. The elu-ates were filtered and evaporated to dryness. Thesefractions were then dissolved in 0.05 % Tween-20(polyoxyethylene sorbitan monolaurate) in 50 %aqueous ethanol solutions for bioassay.

- Bioassay: The primary bioassay used in this testwas the dwarf pea grown under red light. It wasdeveloped by Reinhard, Kato, and Lang (13), basedon the observation of Lockhart (5) that gibberellinsreverse the red light inhibition of elongation of dwarfpeas. The test is sensitive to all gibberellins (fig 3)but not to coumarin, trans-cinnamic, 3-indoleacetic(10-5 M), or myristic acids (Rappaport, unpublisheddata). Peas (cv. Morse's Progress No. 9) aresoaked for 6 to 8 hours in running water and thenplanted in the dark at 27 C. After 4 days, seedlings2.75 to 3.5 cm long (measured from the cotyledonarynode to the highest visible node) are transferred towater culture under red light. The radiation source,


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Page 3: Acid Neutral Gibberellin-Like Substances Potato Tubers · system containing isopropyl alcohol, ammonium hy-droxide (specific gravity 0.90), and water (10: 1: 1 v/v). The chromatograms



a( 1200

,.< 100o






130 F-TV





Rf 0 .1 .3 4 .5 .7 .9 1.0I ; I

a I I I

Fluorescence i iI Ih II;-iI iI

B.C.G u n.I i.I





1100- I I %I f

100 1

Rf 0 2 . 6 .



Figs. 2 through 9. Response of dwarf peas (cv. Morse's Progress No. 9) to gibberellin-like substances extractedfrom potato peelings and buds with different solvents (refer to flow diagram, fig 1).

Fig. 2 (upper left). Neutral fraction-F-I.Fig. 3 (upper right). Basic fraction-F-IH.Fig. 4 (lower left). Acid petroleum ether fraction-F-III.Fig. 5 (lozwer right). Acid chloroform fraction-F-IV.

45 cm above the plants, consisted of two 48-inch pinkfluorescent tubes above three sheets of red cellophaneon a frosted-glass plate. The plants are treated 24hours later with a measured droplet (usually 5, 10,or 20 Id) of extract or known gibberellin. After 5days the distance between the cotyledonary node andthe highest visible node is measured. Ten singleplant replications are used per fraction. Activity

greater than 120 % of the Tween-20 control is sig-nificant.

Dwarf maize d-1, d-3, and d-5 (hereafter referredto as d-1, d-3, or d-5) in ten single plant replicationswere also used for bioassay of gibberellin-like sub-stances (12). A measured droplet (usually 0.05 ml)containing extract or known gibberellin is deliveredinto the cup formed by the elongating leaf sheaths.

140ii30A F -lI







Io I .

* * I*vv U1-


Ivv I L-J

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Page 4: Acid Neutral Gibberellin-Like Substances Potato Tubers · system containing isopropyl alcohol, ammonium hy-droxide (specific gravity 0.90), and water (10: 1: 1 v/v). The chromatograms


The distances between the prop root and the ligulesof the first and second leaf sheaths are measured todetermine gibberellin-like activity.

ResultsFigures 2 through 9 show the activity on dwarf

peas of gibberellin-like substances in extracts of po-tato peelings and buds.

- Neutral Fraction F-I: Surprisingly, fraction F-Icontained at least two zones showing gibberellin ac-tivity on dwarf peas, at Rf 0.3 to 0.4 and Rf 0.5 to 0.7(fig 2). These zones will be provisionally termedpotato factors I and II. These fractions, however,were not active on d-1 or d-5 (table I). The Rf 0.3to 0.4 fraction showed fluorescence but no color de-velopment. It is not clear at present whether thisfluorescence is from potato factor I or from anothersubstance at the same Rf. This extraction was re-peated five times, with activity of the neutral sub-stances ranging from 20 to 50 % over the control.

Table IEffect of Neutral Fractions (Rf 0.3-0.6) on Elongation

of Dwarf Maize d-1 & d-5, & Dwarf Pea*

% Elongation

Dwarf maizeRf d-1 d-5 Dwarf pea

0.3-0.4 100.2 110.6 122.10.4-0.5 84.9 103.8 112.70.5-0.6 82.9 103.4 115.6

* Average of ten single plant replications.

- Basic Ethyl Acetate Fraction F-II: FractionF-Il (fig 3) contains several severely toxic zones

and no significantly active zones. Perhaps inhibitorsovercame stimulating effects of gibberellin-like sub-stances. Several fluorescent zones were seen, butno color development was found with bromcresolgreen.

- Petroleum Ether Fraction F-Ill: The columnwas first developed with petroleum ether to remove

substances that might be inhibitory or toxic to peas.

Experience has shown that potato tubers containmany toxic substances. The gibberellins are not

known to be soluble in petroleum ether, yet this frac-tion contains at least two active zones, at Rf 0.1 to

0.2 and 0.9 to 1.0 (fig 4). Activity at Rf 0.1 to 0.2was reported previously by Murakami (8) who usedthe same solvent system. Certainly, more informa-tion on the solubility properties of the gibberellinsis needed, especially of A5 to Ag. Fluorescence andcolor development were seen at Rf 0.9 to 1.0, but thelow activity on the plants discounts the likelihoodthat the color was due to the active compound.

- Chloroform Fraction F-IV: Strong gibberellin-like activity was seen in the chloroform fraction at

Rf 0.5 to 0.7 (fig 5). This was entirely unexpected

in view of the generalization that gibberellins are notsoluble in nonpolar solvents, including chloroform.Indeed, chloroform has been used as a backgroundsolvent for column chromatography of gibberellin-like substances.

This surprising activity prompted an investigationof the solubility of known gibberellins in chloroform(fig 10). Solutions of known gibberellins, exceptA9, which was not available, were dissolved in 0.1 Mphosphate buffer at pH 8.0, shaken three times for3 minutes with distilled chloroform, and partitioned.The water phase was sequentially adjusted to pH 6.0,5.0, and 2.5 and the same extraction procedure re-

peated at each pH. The combined chloroform frac-tions from each pH extract were evaporated to dry-ness and the residue dissolved in 0.05 % Tween-20.Measured droplets were applied to dwarf peas andthe comparative activity (solubility) of gibberellinsin chloroform after partitioning from phosphate bufferwas determined. Both gibberellins A5 and A7 werepartially extractable with chloroform at pH 2.5 and5.0, and A7 was partially extractable at pH 6.0. Gib-berellins A1, A3, and A5 migrate to Rf 0.5 to 0.7 inthe standard solvent system. The comparative activi-ty of the chloroform fraction on dwarf peas and d-1,d-3, and d-5 was studied in the following experiment.N Comparative Activity of Acid Chloroform Frac-tion F-IV on Dwarf Peas & Dwarf Maize d-1, d-3,& d-5: The data of figure 10 are from a chloroformfraction prepared in a separate experiment. Theaim was to study the comparative effect of Rf 0.5 to0.7 of the chloroform fraction on bioassays sensitiveto gibberellin-like substances. Dwarf maize d-1, d-3,and d-5 and Morse's Progress No. 9 dwarf pea wereused to detect activity of gibberellin-like substances.The chromatographic method was different from thatalready described in that isopropyl alcohol, ammoni-um hydroxide, and water were used in the ratio of8: 1: 1 instead of 10: 1: 1 v/v. In addition, one-half(A) of the extract was streaked on Whatman No. 3mm paper, eluted immediately, and the eluates testedfor activity on dwarf peas and d-1 (fig 11A). Theother half (B) was stored at -10 C for about onemonth, chromatographed, and the eluates tested ondwarf peas and d-3 and d-5 (fig liB). Thus directcomparisons are difficult to make except as they maybe related to the activity on dwarf peas in the dataof figure 11A. As seen in figure 11A, the chloro-form fraction contained a zone between Rf 0.5 and0.7 that was active on dwarf peas, but not on d-1.The complete lack of activity on d-1 is surprising inview of the relatively high activity on the peas.However, the fraction was not diluted and inhibitorsmay have obscured activity on d-1, although no symp-toms of toxicity were seen on the maize. The chloro-form fraction (B) contained activity at Rf 0.45 to0.55 on dwarf peas, and d-3 and d-5 (fig liB). Theactivity was noticeably different from that of (A)after 1-month's storage at -10 C. The Rf of theactive fraction in (B) was slightly lower than in(A), and a portion of the active zone disappeared.

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Page 5: Acid Neutral Gibberellin-Like Substances Potato Tubers · system containing isopropyl alcohol, ammonium hy-droxide (specific gravity 0.90), and water (10: 1: 1 v/v). The chromatograms








1 F-VZ

l--1- C-;fI -


L ~ ~

70 LiRf 0 2 3 4 5 6 i7 8 9 10

|~~~ ~I


B C.G.

130- F-V[[


o-- 1200

C> 110



rw r

1301 F-VIC

o 1200'o- 1120

> I0

InrIUU0 .IRf 0

iI.2 .3 4 5 6


FluorescenceI l I 1

7 8

2\;. ;K





9 1.0

- I0 *i Jo|I


L . . sB CGG

F -

,_ 1.c0!I-o

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1.0

9u i1|III II II

Fluorescence TFluorescencejT T~~~~~~~~~~~~_T" t T

B C .G _A __A_

Fig. 6 (upper left). Acid n-butyl alcohol fraction-F-V.Fig. 7 (upper right). Acid ethyl acetate fraction-F-VI.Fig. 8 (lower left). Acid ethanol, 3 % ammonium hydroxide fraction-F-VII.Fig. 9 (lower right). Acid ether fraction-F-VIII.Chromatograms developed with isopropyl alcohol, ammonium hydroxide, anid water (10: 1: 1 v/v). Data are

average of ten single plant replications. Differences in colors of fluorescence and color detection were shown by dif-ferences in shading.

B n-Butyl Alcohol Fraction F-V: The n-butyl alco-hol fraction (fig 6) contained many substances thatinhibited elongation of peas. Therefore, the presenceof gibberellin-like substances was not ascertained.Both fluorescence and color development were seen

in this fraction at several Rfs.- Ethyl Acetate Fraction F-VI: That ethyl ace-

tate is an excellent solvent for gibberellins is con-

firmed by the amount of activity seen in differentzones in the F-VI fraction (fig 7). Activity is seen

at Rf 0.4 to 0.5, 0.6 to 0.7, and 0.9 to 1.0 In addi-tion, other fractions (0.2-0.4 & 0.7-0.8) approachedsignificant activity. Whereas the gibberellin-likesubstances found at Rf 0.3 to 0.5 and 0.6 to 0.7 are

reminiscent of Rf's of known gibberellins, the activityat 0.9 to 1.0 cannot be attributed to that of any knowngibberellin. None are known I-o migrate with thesolvent front. The fluorescence at Rf 0.35 and 0.45is likely net due to the gibberellin-like substance be-cause of the relatively lox activity on the bioassay.




Ll-I ,, 11 . 1 \ L'.\ V





www.plantphysiol.orgon March 10, 2020 - Published by Downloaded from Copyright © 1962 American Society of Plant Biologists. All rights reserved.

Page 6: Acid Neutral Gibberellin-Like Substances Potato Tubers · system containing isopropyl alcohol, ammonium hy-droxide (specific gravity 0.90), and water (10: 1: 1 v/v). The chromatograms


- Ethyl Alcohol-3 % NH4OH Fraction F-VII:One peak of activity, at Rf 0.5 to 0.6, wvas detectablein this fraction. It corresponds to gibberellins A3and A1 (fig 8).

- Ether Fraction F-VIII: After ethyl acetate ex-

traction at pH 2.5. the water phase was reextractedwith ether (F-VIII) as a check on the conmpletenessof extractioin of gibberellin-like substances by ethylacetate. Obviously, the initial ethyl acetate extrac-tion only partially dissolved the gibberellin-like sub-stances, since the ether fraction contained activity atRf 0.1 to 0.2 and 0.7 to 0.9 (fig 9).

DiscussionNumerous papers describe gibberellin-like sub-

stances in many higher plants. Okazawa (10) re-

ported an active substance from potato tubers at thesanme Rf as gibberellin A1 or A3, and Smith andRappaport (14, 15) and Smith (16), using Mitchell'ssolvent (7), detected activity in potato peelings ofacicl gibberellin-like substances at Rf's comparable tothose of gibberellins A1 or A3, andl A, Activity was

also seen at Rf 0.1 to 0.2 and 0.9 to 1.0.However, the array of gibberellin-like substances

(lescribe(l in this naner has not been dletected frompotato tuber extracts before. Most sidiscovery of gibberellin-like substancespotato peelings at neutral pH (fig 2).

Control _ _ _ pH 8.(-2






pH 6(

pH 5.(

pH 25



GAl 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

0.1 0.1 .05 0.1 0. 0.1 0.1 0.1GIBBERELLI N-fug/ PLANT

Fig. 10. Solubility of gibberellins Ain chloroform after separation from wate5.0, and 2.5. The bottom histogram shethe different gibberellins on elongation o

ress No. 9 dwarf pea. Average of ten sications.

Chloroform Froction- pH 5.5




223 -




K2- B


0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10Rf

Fig. 11A. The response of dwarf pea and dwarfmaize d-1 to gibberellin-like substances extracted at pH5.5 with choloroform. Extracts applied immediately afterpreparation to ten single plant replications.

Fig. 11 B. The response of dwarf pea and dwarfmaize d-3 and d-5 to the same extract applied one monthafter storage at -10 C. Average of ten single plantreplications.

gnificant is the failure of potato factors I and II to stimulate elonga-extracted from tioIn of dws arf maize requires explanation. This fail-However, the ure may simply be due to low concentration, although

the partially purified extract from as much as 50 g

of peelings was applied per plant, enough for markedo stimiiulationl of pea plants by acid gibberellins from

the samiie amount of tissue. Hayashi and Rappaport(3) have shown the chemical conversion of potatofactor I to an acitl gibberellin-like substance. Thislprompts the speculation that (lwarf peas may possess

°an efficient mlechainismii for converting this neutralsubstance to an acid substance. whereas d-1 and( d-5

CHLOROFORM may not. However. differences in absorption of the


compound by the two plants cannot be overlooked.The nature of the neutral substances is unknown

at present; however, their possible significance can-

not be overlooked. It is unlikely that gibberellinsoccur as free acids in plants because of tlheir low

pKa values, and it is not original to speculate thatthev occur in a boundl or precursor form. In factLazer, Baumigartner, anti Dahlstronm (4) hav e sug-

gested this possibility, and it cloes not comle as a

comiiplete surprise that MIurakami (9) showedl the invitro formlation of a comlplex between glucose aind

GIBBERELLSIN GA... The glucoside moiety x-as hydrolyzable \vithSTANDARDS I-

tlilute HCI or emiiulsin (fi glucosidlase). The neu-tral substalnce at Rf 0.3 to 0.4 is at the saimie Rf as

'TWEEN-20 Murakami's GA3 glucoside. Partial idlentification of

tw-o neutral gibberellin-like substances was presente(din a note by \NVierzchowski and( \Wierzchowska (18).However, jucdging freomi their technique, it seems pos-

!r at pH 8.0, 6.0, sible that their comlpound(ls are basic, rather than neu-

)ws the effect of tral. The chemiiical nature of neutral substances in

xf Morse's Prog- potato tubers is under investigation, an(d reports ofingle plant repli- ttheir clhemiiical and physiological properties will follow.

The gibberellin-like actixvity of the chloroform



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Page 7: Acid Neutral Gibberellin-Like Substances Potato Tubers · system containing isopropyl alcohol, ammonium hy-droxide (specific gravity 0.90), and water (10: 1: 1 v/v). The chromatograms


fractions in the data of figures 1lA and 11B was un-

expected, since heretofore gibberellins had not beenshown to be soluble in chloroform. Both gibberellinsA5 and A7 are soluble in chloroform (fig 10). Frac-tion (A) contained substances that stimulated dwarfpeas but not d-1, and fraction (B) contained sub-stances active on dwarf peas, and d-3 and d-5. Smithand Rappaport (14) and Smith (16) showed thatsome acid extracts of potato peelings were more ac-

tive on d-5 than d-1, while Smith and Rappaport (15)found others that were equally active on d-1, d-3, andd-5. West and Phinney (17) showed that bean fac-tor IT (GA,) was more active on d-5 than d-1. Mac-Millan, Seaton, and Suter (6) found gibberellin A5

but not A7 in runner beans. Based on Rf, greateractivity on d-5 than d-1 and solubility of gibberellinsA5 and A7 in chloroform, the gibberellin found inthe chloroform fraction may be A5 or A7, most likelyA5. The possibility of using chloroform to separatecertain gibberellins should not be overlooked (see fig10).

Two differences were seen in chloroform fractions(A) and (B) after storage for one monthat -10 C:the Rf of the active zone was lower in (B), and partof the activity was lost. Since the chromatogramswere prepared a month apart, environmental differ-ences during chromatography may account for thedifferences in Rf. However, the loss of activity issurprising, since in our experience gibberellins A3

and A1 are stable for long periods when stored at-10 C. The nature of this change is worthy offurther investigation.

The other active substances found in potato peel-ings are also under investigation, with the special aimof determining their identity and, hopefully, physio-logical action.


Gibberellin-like substances were found in extractsof potato peelings and buds made with various organicsolvents at low (2.5) and neutral (7.3) pH. A solu-tion of isopropyl alcohol, ammonium hydroxide, andwater (10: 1: 1 v/v) was used as developing solvent.Dwarf peas grown under red light and dwarf maized-1, d-3, and d-5 were used for bioassay. A neutralfraction contained a zone at Rf 0.3 to 0.4 that was

active on peas but not on d-I or d-5. Gibberellin-likesubstances at Rf 0.5 to 0.7 in a chloroform extract wereactive on dwarf pea, and d-3 and d-5 but not on d-1.Gibberellins A5 and A7 were soluble in chloroform atpH 2.5 and 5.0, and A7 was soluble at pH 6.0. Thepossible significance of neutral gibberellin-like sub-stances is discussed.

AcknowledgmentsWe are grateful to Dr. B. 0. Phinney, department of

botany, University of California, Los Angeles, for pro-viding seed of dwarf maize mutants, and to Dr. J. Mac-Millan, Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd., Welwyn,Herts, England, for samples of gibberellins A1, A3, A4,

A5, A6, A7, A8, and A9.

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