Achievements - oriya.pdf · recognition of alphabetic characters of Oriya...

RC-ILTS-ORIYA Department of Computer Science & Application Utkal University, Bhubaneswar, Orissa – 751004 Tel. : 00-91-674-2585518 / 0216 E-mail : [email protected] Website : & Orissa Computer Application Centre Plot No.-N-1/7-D, Acharya Vihar Square RRL Post Office, Bhubaneswar-751013 Tel. : 00-91-674-2582490/2582850 E-mail : [email protected] Website : Resource Centre For Indian Language Technology Solutions – Oriya Utkal University, & OCAC, Bhubaneswar Achievements Achievements Achievements Achievements Achievements

Transcript of Achievements - oriya.pdf · recognition of alphabetic characters of Oriya...

RC-ILTS-ORIYADepartment of Computer Science & ApplicationUtkal University, Bhubaneswar, Orissa – 751004

Tel. : 00-91-674-2585518 / 0216 E-mail : [email protected] :

&Orissa Computer Application Centre

Plot No.-N-1/7-D, Acharya Vihar SquareRRL Post Office, Bhubaneswar-751013

Tel. : 00-91-674-2582490/2582850 E-mail : [email protected] :

Resource Centre ForIndian Language Technology Solutions – Oriya

Utkal University, & OCAC, Bhubaneswar


RCILTS-OriyaUtkal University, Bhubaneswar


Resource Centers (RC) for Indian LanguageTechnology Solutions (ILTS), under TechnologyDevelopment of Indian Language (TDIL) programsof the Ministry of Communication and InformationTechnology, Government of India, are establishedfor providing platform to disseminate knowledgeto common man through digital unites. One suchRC is established in Utkal University, Orissa tohandle the issues of Oriya language, the officiallanguage of Orissa. For the effective implementationof the idea, several technologies, such as ImageProcessing, Speech Processing and Natural LanguageProcessing are merged together towards thedevelopment of hardware and software under theproject for the services of Oriya people. This enablethem to be computer literate and thus to be aknowledgeable person. RC-ILTS-Oriya works forthe development of tools like

1. Bilingual E-Dictionary English<>Oriya)

2. Oriya Spell Checker

3. Oriya WordNet

4. Oriya Machine Translation System (English –Oriya)

5. Oriya Optical Character Recognition System

6. Oriya Text-To-Speech System

All these softwares are Copy Righted.

Besides this RC team members are also keen in thedevelopment of softwares like

1. Oriya Speech-To-Text System

2. Oriya Word Processor with trilingual (Oriya,English, Hindi) Word Processor with spellchecking capacity.

3. Sanskrit WordNet.

4. Jagannath Philosophy

1. Intelligent Document Processing (OCR) for Oriya

Document processing is a need for high-levelrepresentation of the contents present in the

document so that the content can be analyzed andunderstood clearly and unambiguously. Differentapproaches are made for optical recognition ofcharacters for different languages like English,Chinese, Japanese and Korean. Very little effortshave been made for the recognition of Indianlanguages. We have made an attempt for therecognition of alphabetic characters of Oriyalanguage using novel technique, which helps forefficient processing of text (document). Machineintelligence involves several aspects among whichoptical recognition is a tool, which can be integratedto text recognition and text-to-speech system. Tomake these aspects effective, character recognitionwith better accuracy is needed.

The process of Optical Character Recognition of adocument image mainly involves six phases:

1. Digitization

2. Pre-processing

3. Segmentation

4. Feature Extraction

5. Classification

6. Post Processing

The digitization phase uses a scanner or a digitalcamera that divides the whole document into arectangular matrix of dots taking into considerationthe change of light intensity at each dot. The matrixof dots is represented digitally as a two dimensionalarray of bits. Each dot can be represented by a singlebit for b/w image (0-black, 1-white) and for colorimage, needs 24 bits for its representation. The betterthe resolution, the better the image.

Preprocessing involves several activities, whichtransform the scanned image into a form suitablefor recognition. These activities are noise clearing,filtering and smoothing, thinning, normalization,and skew correction. But for the recognition ofprinted characters segmentation plays an importantrole in the activities of preprocessing. After noiseclearing phase, it needs individual characters to beextracted with better approximation so that nocharacters should loose its important features duringthe process of extraction. So efficient segmentation


algorithms should be employed which will lead tobetter recognition.

During the segmentation phase, the whole image isanalyzed and different logical regions in the imageare separated. The logical units consist of texts whichhas lines thus words thus characters. The error duringisolating characters changes their basic shapes. Sothe characters must be properly extracted so that itwill lead to better and accurate representation ofthe original character. Many algorithms exist forextracting characters from an image. But theproblem arises when some characters are connectedin the document image. So two characters whenconnected may be mistaken as a single character,thus erroneous extraction leading to misrecognition.

In the feature extraction phase, the features ofindividual characters are analyzed and representedin terms of its specialty or uniqueness. These featureshelp in classification and identification of thecharacters. The feature set needs to be small and thevalues needs to be coherent for objects in the sameclass for better classification.

Technology Involved

1. Literature survey done.

2. Gray tone converted to two-tone image bydynamic thresholding on intensity.

3. Skew correction implemented for easy handlingof documents.

4. Lines extracted from a document usinghistogram analysis.

5. Individual characters extracted using region-growing and histogram analysis method.

6. Matras extracted by region analysis.

7. Skeletonization for efficient processing, storing(less memory space allocation) and searching.

8. Connected characters handled by backward andforward chaining of appropriate mask.

9. Features extracted from isolated characters aswell as composite characters like jukta.

10. Analysis on Multicolored documents byapplying Hue, Saturation and Intensity (HSI)model.

11. The system tested on documents from book(Bigyandiganta) and also for some old Oriyabooks.

The system also integrated to text-to-speech systemfor Oriya.

(An input image in bmp format)

(The output text in our editor)

2. Natural Language Processing (Oriya)

Natural Language Processing is the technique ofengineering our language through machine (thecomputer) by which we can overcome the languagebarrier and the difference between man & machine.With that sincere motive we have taken several stepsin assisting the computer system behave like a personin exchanging our knowledge. Our efforts areconverted to product form and are mentionedbelow for the interest of researcher of this field andfor public interest.

In short our products already developed or underdevelopment are Oriya Machine Translation(OMTrans), Oriya Word Processor (OWP) supportmultilingual, Oriya Morphological Analyser(OMA), ORI-Spell, the Oriya Spell Checker (OSC),Oriya Grammar Checker (OGC), Oriya SemanticAnalyser (OSA), ORI-Dic, the bilingual E-


Dictionary (English ó Oriya), OriNet (Word-Netfor Oriya), and SanskritNet (Word-Net for Sanskrit)are under developing phase to produce a completeNatural Language Processing System.

2.1 Oriya Machine Translation System (OMTrans)

In OMTrans the source language is English andtarget language is Oriya. We have developed a parser,which is an essential part of Machine Translation.Our parser is capable in parsing various types ofsentence including complex types of sentence suchas:

I am going to school everyday for learning.He said that Ram is a hard working boy.

After the parsing phase the real translation is done.Our translation system is capable in doing thetranslation of various types of simple as well ascomplex sentences such as:

I am a good boy.I am going to school everyday.I will eat rice.Who is the prime minister of India?India is passing through financial crisis.He told that Ram is a good boy.

Our system is doing the translation of sentenceshaving all types of tense structure. In addition tothat our system is also capable of doing the sensedisambiguation task based on N-gram model suchas:

I am going to bank for money.I am going to bank everyday.I am going to bank. I will deposit money


In the above examples the meaning of underlineword (bank) is decided according to the context ofthe sentence. Presently it gives very good result forthis type of ambiguous sentences.

2.2 Oriya Word Processor (OWP) (Multilingual)

We have developed OWP, which facilitates OSP,OGC and OSA along with multilingual editing. TheOWP avails phonetic typing for Oriya character withhelp facility (Fig-1). All other basic features are alsoavailable in the OWP like other word processor (Fig-

2). The OWP edits OCR (Oriya CharacterRecognition) outputs and also the documents ofother editors.

Fig 1 : Help option of OWP.

Fig 2 : Multilingual processing of OWP.

2.3 Oriya Morphological Analyser (OMA)

Indian languages are characterised by a very richsystem of inflections (VIBHAKTI), derivationand compound formation for which a standardOMA is needed to deal with any type of text inOriya language. The number of words are beingderived from a given root word by some specificsyntactic rule. Our OMA deals with morphologyof pronoun, number itself (Nominal, Verbal),Number less and prefix (Fig-3). We have developedand implemented some decision tree of each typeof morphology, by which our OMA is runningsuccessfully. It can help to all the applicationsinvolved in MT, OriNet, OSC, and OGC etc.


Fig-3 : Out put of the OMA for the Oriya derivedword “baHiguDika” in OriNet.

2.4 Oriya Spell Checker (OSC)

The misspelled words are being taken care ofsuccessfully by our OSC. We have developed somealgorithms to perform our OSC in order to findout more accurate suggestion for a misspelled word.The searching algorithm of the OSC is so fast that itprocesses 170000 Oriya words simultaneously foreach misspelled word. The words are indexedaccording to their word length in our word databasefor effective searching. On the basis of the misspelledword, it (OSC) matches the number of (i) equalcharacter, (ii) forward character and (iii) backwardcharacter to give more accurate suggestive words forthe misspelled word. Moreover, it also takes helpfrom the Oriya Morphological Analyser forascertaining the mistakes of derived words. The OSCfunctions successfully in our Word Processor. ThisS/W supports both the Windows-98/2000/NT andthe Linux as well. Output of the Spell Checker isshown in Fig- 4.

Fig. 4 : Suggestive words for the misspelled word“bAsitAmAne” of OSC.

2.5 Oriya Grammar Checker (OGC)

The S/W for OGC has been developed to determinethe grammatical mistakes occurring in a sentenceby the help of the OMA and e-Dictionary. It firstparses the sentence according to the rule of Oriyagrammar and checks the grammatical mistakes.Presently, the OGC functions successfully in ourEditor (fig.-5, fig.-6). The OGC -S/W supports boththe Windows-98/2000/NT and the Linux as well.

Fig.-5 Suggestion of word sequence of OGC inour OWP.

Fig.-6:- Detection of grammar by OGC

2.6 Oriya Semantic Analyser (OSA)

It deals with the understanding procedure of thesentence for which it takes immense help from theKARAKA theory of NAVYA NYAYA philosophy,one of the most advanced epistemological traditionsof India. The OSA determines the semantic positionof Subject (KARTA), Object (KARMA) etc on thebasis of the verb (KRIYA). In other words, it at firstlinks to the verb of the Verb Table (VT) and from


verb it links to the subject. Other KARAKAs aredetermined on the basis of these two linkages (fig.-7). It also takes help from OriNet, OMA and OGCfor better understanding. We have worked out 100verbs in the VT determining their subjective,objective, locative categories etc with respect to theseverbs. Presently, with these verbs the OSA functionssuccessfully in our Editor (fig.- 8). The OSA S/Wsupports both the Windows-98/2000/NT and theLinux as well.

Fig-7:- Semantic Grammatical Model (SGM) andSemantic Extract Model (SEM)

(Here downward arrows represent the SGM andupward arrows along with down arrow from verbrepresent the SEM where nominative case acts aschief qualifier.)

Fig. 8:- Detection of semantic by OSA.

2.7 E-Dictionary (Oriya↔English)

It provides the word, category, synonymy andcorresponding English meaning of Oriya as well asEnglish words. The system is successfully functioningover 27000 Oriya words and 10000 English words.Help option also provides the keystroke for eachOriya character in phonetic form. Search enginehandles the misspelled word and gives some accuratesuggestive words. This S/W supports both theWindows-98/2000/NT and the Linux. We are also

in progress to include Hindi and Sanskrit words inthis system for the benefit of the users.

Fig. 9: Overview of the Oriya Word “AkAsha.”

Fig. 10 : Overview of the English Word “delay”.

Fig. 11 : Search Engine (SE) handles misspelledword and gives suggestion.

2.8 OriNet (WordNet for Oriya)-Online lexicaldictionary/ thesaurus.

One of the major problems in the implementationof Natural Language Processing (NLP) or MachineTranslation (MT) is to develop a complete lexicaldatabase containing all types of information ofwords. There are some difficulties in deciding thatwhat information should be stored in a lexicon andeven greater difficulties in acquiring this informationin proper form. The OriNet system is designed onthe basis of multiple lexical database and tools underone consistent functional interface in order to


facilitate systems requiring syntactic, semantic andlexical information of Oriya language. The systemis divided into two independent modules. Onemodule is developed to write the source filescontaining the basic lexical data and these files aretaken as the input for OriNet system. Lexicographertakes care the major work of this module. Secondmodule is a set of programs by which it accepts thesource files, processes it to display for the user andalso provides different interface to use otherapplications. System has been designed using Object-Oriented paradigm according to Oriya languagestructure with over 1100 lexical entries, which allowflexibility, reusability and extensibility. It alsoprovides X-windows interface to access the data fromthe OriNet database as per user’s requirement. Itcan be widely used in different application like, (i)Word Sense Disambiguation (WSD) in OriyaMachine Translation (ii) Oriya Grammar Checker(OGC) and (iii) Oriya Semantic Checker (OSC).Moreover, it helps as a lexical resource for Oriyalearners and also for expert scholars who areinvolved in the research in NLP. The system alsoconsists of Oriya Morphological Analyzer (OMA),which takes care of any type of word such as rootword or derived word and also provides syntacticinformation of the word. This S/W supports boththe Windows-98/2000/NT and Linux. Presently, weare adding more and more lexical entries in thesource file and developing different applicableprograms for use in wider range.

Architecture and Output

The architecture of the OriNet system is dividedinto five parts (Fig.-12) such as Lexical Source File(LSF), OriNet Engine (OE), OriNet Database(OD), Morphological Analyser (MA) and UserApplication (UA). The LSF is the collection ofdifferent sorted files according to their syntacticcategories, which are taken as the inputs to theOriNet system. The OE is a set of programs, whichcompiles the lexical source files into a databaseformat that facilitates machine-retrieved informationin proper manner. It also acts as the CPU of theOriNet system. It is used as a verification tool toensure the syntactic integrity of lexical files. All ofthe lexical files are processed together to build thefinal OD. It also provides sufficient information as

per user’s query or other application with the helpof MA.

At the heart of the OriNet system is the OD, whichstores the data in simple ASCII format, several easy-to-use interfaces have been devised to cope withvaried user requirements and the raw data extractedfrom the database are well formatted for displaypurpose. MA takes care syntactic analysis of any typesof lexicon and also provides the root words withother grammatical information. X- windowsinterfaces are also designed to access the databasewith different types of options (Fig.-13).

Fig. 12:- Architecture of the OriNet System

Fig. 13:- Overview of the word bþmþ (good).

2.9 SanskritNet (Word-Net in Sanskrit)-Onlinelexical dictionary/thesaurus.

Sanskrit language is the base for most of the Indianlanguages. It has link with foreign languages too.To study this language and also to use it forknowledge enhancement, effective MachineTranslation (MT) from one language to the other is


necessary for which online lexical resources areneeded. Towards making such resources we havetried to develop a Word-Net for Sanskrit languageusing the Navya-NyAya (xÉ´ªÉxªÉɪÉ) Philosophy andPaninian grammar. Besides Synonymy, Antonymy,Hypernymy, Hyponymy, Holonymy andMeronymy we have also introduced Etymology andAnalogy separately as they play important roles inNavya-NyAya (xÉ´ªÉxªÉɪÉ) Philosophy, which is thespecialty on this Sanskrit Word-Net for a betterclassification of words.

Presently, we have defined and analysed 300 Sanskritwords (200 nominal words and 100 verbal words)in the SanskritNet. On the basis of the analysis andthe definition of these words, we are on progress todesign and implement the SanskritNet and otherallied applications as well. Here the prototype modelof the SanskritNet is displayed (Fig.-14).

Fig. 14: - Output of the Nominal word “ºÉÚªÉÇ” (Sun)in SanskritNet

3. Speech Processing System For Indian Languages

In the age of fast technology, where informationtravels at the speed of light, we still rely on feedingour text inputs in typographical manner. SpeechProcessing System is an approach to provide a speechinterface between user and the computer. Basicallyour system zeros in on Hindi, Oriya and Nepalilanguages at the Resource Centre.

Broadly the system is classified into two sections.

• Text To Speech (TTS)

• Speech To Text (STT)


To design a system/algorithm, which worksefficiently, naturally and utilizes memory as less aspossible.


We have developed TTS for Oriya and Hindilanguage and the TTS for Nepali language is inprogress.

3.1 Text to Speech (TTS)

As the name signifies this system provides an interfacethrough which a user enters certain text/documentand it is the software that reads it as natural as ahuman. The basic approach followed here is, first toanalyse the document (language, font etc.), and thenextract words from the text, try to parse individualwords into vowels and consonants respectively. Thencorresponding to these vowels and consonantsexisting (previously stored in the database) “.wav”files are concatenated and played.

Technologies Behind :

• Creating the wave file database.

For creation of such a database we studied a lot ofrecorded words and sentences and try to break theminto vowels and consonants by minute hearing.Then we analyse those cut pieces and store theappropriate and generalised form in the database.

• Parse extracted exact words of a given sentence?

The same words in different sentences have differentstress due to its position in the sentence. Appropriatehidden vowels are detected form the words extracted.For example considering a word “jc¯“ ( SAMAYA)in Oriya is parsed as follows :-

jç + @ + c ç + @ + ¯çÆ + @

The format of vowel and consonant break point isshown in the fig1.

Again considering the same word in Hindi i.e., Þle;ß(SAMAY) is parsed as follows :-

l~ $ v $ e~ $ v $ ;~ $ v

• Choosing of appropriate ‘.wav’ file from thedatabase.


Considering the above example, may be thevowels we get after parsing are the same as ‘@’(for Oriya) or ‘+’ (for Hindi), but it is not exactlythe same ‘a.wav’ we concat in every case. Thus,we analyse vowels broadly in three categories asma:tra: in

• Beginning


• End

And this is observed that the duration of ma:tra:ssay ‘@’ here, varies from each other, i.e. ‘@’ in middleis not the same as that in the end. Again accordinglywe need to get the appropriate “.wav” files fromthe database.

As observed in the example

i) The durations of ‘@’(Oriya) are as follows:

Starting ma:tra: - 0.065 sec

Middle ma:tra: - 0.105 sec

End ma:tra: - 0.116 sec

ii) The durations of ‘+’(Hindi) are as follows :

Starting ma:tra: - 0.063 sec

Middle ma:tra: - 0.078 sec

End ma:tra: - 0.020 sec

• It is observed that concatenation of the wave filesis not that natural as expected. This is due to thecertain transitions between the characters in theactual pronunciation. Thus we are developing arobust algorithm for the generation of naturalnessin the TTS output.


# Helpful for the blinds and illiterates.

# Airways and Railways announcement system.

# Initial phase of Speech-to-Speech conversionsystem.

3.2 Speech to Text (STT)

The speech processing is a pattern recognitionproblem. The recognition of speech is defined asan activity whereby a speech sample is attributedto a person on the basis of its phonetic-acoustic

or perceptual properties. In our approach we studythe nature of spoken words by different speakers.From a continuous sentence the word boundariesare detected and the nature of utterance ofindividual consonants and vowels are marked tostudy their behaviour for a particular speaker. Weuse word spotting techniques and the variationsof pitch and intonation are marked. Thealgorithm makes the use of the properties of F


contours such as declination tendency, resettingand fall- rise patterns in the utterance. Once thepatterns are obtained it is mapped with a particularcharacter and the proper text output is obtained.The boundary and parameter detection is shownin fig2. After obtaining the parameters of anuttered word, they are standardise to maintain thespeech database. We also provide some tolerancein each parameter, so that little variation in theutterance doesn’t affect the recognition of theword for text conversion. Form each word thecharacters are obtained and when a speaker utters,the corresponding character is mapped to the textand the output is obtained.

wah kitna sunder hai !

´É½þ ÊEòiÉxÉÉ ºÉÖxnù®ú ½èþ !

The stress on the vowels (rising and falling) areshown in the pitch curve. The spectrograms of theuttered words show the content frequency andintensity of utterance. The word boundary isdetected by formant analysis. Though F

0 plays a

major role. The cepstral component of thecontinuous speech puts major emphasis in theutterance. Hance taking the word boundary intoconsideration the speech database show around 73%accuracy for hindi and 90% in Oriya speechrecognition.


# Speech password for security in banking sector.

# Foreign sic experts need for speech recognition& identification of criminals.

# For the blind and illiterate people, provides anintuitive interface with machine.


# Final phase of Speech-to-Speech conversionSystem.

j ç @ (starting ma:tra:)

c ç @ (middle ma:tra:)

¯ ç Æ @ (end ma:tra:)Fig. 1

wa ha ki t na sun da r h ai

Fig. 2

4. The Team Members

Khyamanidhi Sahoo [email protected]

Hemanta Kumar Behera [email protected]

Pravat Chandra Satapathy [email protected]

Suman Bhattacharya [email protected]

Ajaya Kumar senapati [email protected]

Pravat Kumar Santi [email protected]

Gour Prasad Rout [email protected]

Kabi Prasad Samal [email protected]

Krushna Pada Das Adhikary [email protected]

Courtesy : Prof. (Ms) Sanghmitra MohantyUtkal University

Department of Computer Science & ApplicationVani Vihar, Bhubaneshwar – 751 004

(RCILTS for Oriya)Tel: 00-91-674-2585518, 254086

E-mail: [email protected])

RCILTS-OriyaOCAC, Bhubaneswar

1. Product Developed at OCAC and the Targetdate of its Commercialization

1.1 Oriya Spell CheckerOriya Spellchecker has been developed in Linuxplatform. It consists of 60,000 base words. Thesebase words can be manipulated and stored indictionary in a scientific manner. Root words canalso be manipulated. This Spellchecker isincorporated in our Oriya word processor Sulekha.This project is developed for the smooth use ofnovice users.

Here we are concentrating with our suggestion andchecking of words. The checker checks the patternstring and suggests to the user more accurate andrequired suggestion. Like English Indian languagesare different in their nature. Indian languages arecomplex in their nature. For that we have designeda checker and that checks the pattern string. Wordsare stored in side the dictionary file line by line.Each line is terminated through an escape sequenceof new line character. All these Oriya words are storedinside a file having extension .txt.

FeaturesSpellchecker consists of several facilities like Prefix,Suffix, Add, Ignore, Change, Spellcheck, Suggestionand Cancel. Suggestion is accurate and match moreclosest word to the user requirement. It checks morewords within a fraction of seconds. Searching timeis minimum and complexity is less. Spellchecker canbe incorporated in any application for example itcan be incorporated in a word processor or an editoror a browser. It uses ISCII data stored in a file.ISFOC for display. Gets the input ISFOC datadisplayed the ISFOC data.

CommercializationWindows version has been completed andcommercialized and incorporated in LEAP Officeof CDAC Linux version Completed

1.2 Thesaurus in OriyaOriya Thesaurus has been developed in Linuxplatform. It consists of 40,000 base words. Thesebase words can be manipulated and stored indictionary in a scientific manner. Root words can


also be manipulated. This Thesaurus is incorporatedin our Oriya word processor Sulekha. This projectis developed for the smooth use of novice users. It isa tool for correct documentation. Words are storedin side the dictionary file line by line. Each line isterminated through an escape sequence of new linecharacter. All these Oriya words are stored inside afile having extension .txt.

FeaturesThesaurus consists of several facilities like hesaurus,Replace. Suggestion is accurate and matches closestword to the user requirement. It checks more wordswithin a fraction of seconds. Searching time isminimum and complexity is less.Thesaurus can beincorporated in any application for example it canbe incorporated in a word processor or an editor ora browser.


1.3 Bilingual Electronic LexiconThe dictionary for administration and officialcorrespondence has been entered for Oriya-Englishand English-Oriya. It is proposed to bring out anElectronic Dictionary as a commercial productwhich will have features such as phonetic key boardand user friendly functions for “add”, “delete”, “view”etc. After the availability of text to speech technologyin Oriya the same will be integrated to this productfor providing help in correct pronunciation ofwords. Lexical inputs from other domains such asculture, business, science are being collected.

CommercializationWords have been entered. As a product with morewords will be completed in June 2003.

1.4 Corpus in OriyaA large corpus has been developed consisting ofnearly 8 million words for analysis and use in spellchecker and thesaurus. Corpus creation has beentaken as a continuing activity as a part of this project.

CommercializationIt will be used for research and use in other productsand is not for commercialization,. (completed)

1.5 Bilingual Chat Server

Oriya Chat is a Standalone Chat Application inOriya Language developed in JAVA. Afterconnecting to the Server, one can chat in one’sfavorite room, send direct messages with emotionicons to other online users as well as send publicmessages.

FeaturesUser Log in to Chat Server with unique ID, Con-nect to the Server, with or without firewall/proxy,Phonetic Keyboard Layout to write in Oriya,SendOriya text with Emoticons (images), Private andPublic Chat With Friends, Domain specific Pre-defined Public Rooms.

System DescriptionOriya Chat has a client and a server module.Serversocket and SocksSockets are used for com-municating with remote machine. SocksSocket is aCustomSocket that extends Socket to be used withthe firewall or proxy.



1.6 Net EducationA Net Education System (NES) is being developedusing Bilingual Chat Server and Mail Server. Theeducational Content is being created for providingstudents, public for education on various aspectsthrough the net.

CommercializationThe Chat Sever with Interface has been completed.A full fledged system with content will be completedsoon.

1.7 XML Document Creation and ManipulationXML document creation technology in English andOriya language has been developed. It incorporatesusers defined tags, structures the document like adatabase providing real world meaning of thecontent. This provides more flexibility to thepresentation of the same document in different stylesheets and same style sheet for different documents.Also queries can be processed on the contents of theXML document. Content on Tourism has beencreated in XML. Agricultural content useful forfarmers are being created.

CommercializationA few documents have been completed. More workis in progress to be completed by August 2003.

1.8 Oriya OCROCAC is collaborating with ISI Calcutta to developand commercialization of Oriya OCR . All thelanguage inputs has been provided to ISI Calcutta.The software developed by ISI Calcutta is beingtested by OCAC. OCAC will commercialize theOriya OCR with know how from ISI Calcutta.

CommercializationWork in collaboration with ISI, Calcutta is inprogress. Will be completed in June 2003

1.9 Oriya E-MailA majority of Indian population cannot speak, readand write in English language. Oriya language basedtools helps the common man to benefit from e-governance and other applications of InformationTechnology.

In order to bridge the digital divide it is necessary toprovide Internet application such as e-mail and chatin Oriya language for use by the common man.

Varta is an e-mail solution, which enables people tosend and receive mail in Oriya language. It usesdynamic version of the OR-TTSarala font, createdusing Microsoft WEFT-III. Use of dynamic fontallows the client to read and compose the mailwithout downloading the Oriya font. The systemhas been developed using ASP technology, Java,JavaScript and HTML. Varta uses default SMTPServer on the Internet Information Server 5.0 ofWindow 2000 Server.

FeaturesMost of the basic e-mail features are available inVarta 0.2, which includes : Sending, Replying,Forwarding and Reading Oriya Mail using dynamicFont, Online Registration of unique user mailaccount, Password Security with Online Help toretrieve forgotten Password, Phonetic keyboardtyping in Oriya, Online typing help through akeyboard map to dynamically select appropriate keys.

Phonetic Keyboard EngineThe Oriya keyboard has been designed as per Indianphonetic standard. It is implemented as an appletin Java language. It is compiled in Java 1.0 JDK sothat it runs in MS Internet Explorer 5.0 onwards.


1.10 Oriya Word Processor with Spell Checkerunder LINUX

For the first time an Oriya word processor has beendeveloped on Linux operating system. It runs onany X-windows system. Two Keyboard engines(Inscript keyboard engine and Phonetic Keyboard


Engine) have been incorporated for the ease oftyping. All the texts will be displayed inGLYPHCODE. For display of a stored ISCII file,a converter engine automatically generatesGLYPHCODE equivalent of the file.

FeaturesMost of the basic editing features available instandard word processor have been incorporatedwhich includes : Opening new file, saving a file,closing window, cut, copy, paste, Single level Undoand Redo is provided, Keyboard engine for typingin Inscript layout, Keyboard engine for typing inPhonetic layout, The ISCII to GLYPHCODEconversion, The GLYPHCODE to ISCIIconversion, Storing content of a file in plain text aswell as in ISCII format, Other features such as Find,Find and Replace, Go To Line, File Information, ASpell Checker incorporated within the wordprocessor.

Keyboard EngineTwo Keyboard engines have been designed. Oneaccording to Indian script (Inscript) standard.Another according to Phonetic standard. All theconsonants, vowels and conjuncts and specialsymbols etc are displayed in Glyph Code format.Invalid word combinations according to OriyaGrammar are disallowed. Pressing the Scroll LockKey activates the Keyboard Engine.

Converter EngineAn Export file option is provided to convert 8-bitglyph code to 8-bit ISCII code format. The 8-bitISCII code can also be converted back to 8-bit glyphcode.


1.11 Computer Based Training (in Oriya)It is well known that multimedia CDs are highlyeffective medium of learning in many disciplines.The integration of text with hypertext links, speech,graphics, animation and video in an interactivemode makes the lessons easy to visualize andunderstand for self-learning. Computer BasedTutorial CDs for school children have beendeveloped to support the classroom teaching withinteractive self-learning program.

FeaturesInformative content with animated illustrations,Interactive quiz for evaluation of subjectunderstanding.

DescriptionThis project is aimed at the development of tutorialCDs based on School Curriculum, in Oriyalanguage. The content is based on textbooksprescribed by Board of Secondary Education, Govt.of Orissa. The lessons are illustrated with text, speech,and animation with facility to navigate throughvarious chapters using hyperlinks. At the end of achapter, the on line quiz helps in self-evaluation bythe student. It is based on Windows 98 OperatingSystem and Tools used are Macromedia Authorware6, Macromedia Flash 5.0, Adobe PageMaker 6.5, AdobeIllustrator 9.0. The minimum System Requirementsfor Installation is Pentium II or higher, 128 MB ormore RAM, Internet Explorer 5.5 or more

CommercializationTwo CD have been completed .Write up with colourbrochure enclosed. Work in more subject is inprogress.


1.12 Oriya Language Based E-GovernanceApplicationsA number of software modules have beendeveloped for enabling the common citizens toaccess government information and services inOriya and English languages from the Kiosks. Acitizen can submit grievance petition; can applyfor one or more certificates ( such as birth, death,caste, income etc; down load the application formsand know the rates of consumer commodities etc.These modules have been used as a pilot projecton improving citizens’ access to information inKalahandi district of Orissa.

CommercializationDevelopment of a number of applications has beencompleted and integrated with the project onCitizens’ Access to Information.

2. TOT done for various projects so far1. Spell Checking Grammar rules in Oriya Language

has been Transferred to CDAC.

2. Documents on Oriya Language Standards andPrinciples have been prepared and forUNICODE and sent to MIT.

3. The draft for the preparation of NationalLanguage Design Guide for Oriya has beenprepared and submitted to MIT

4. Oriya Script with Grapheme details have beenprovided to ISI, Calcutta for Oriya OCR.

3. Training programmes run for the officials forthe State Govt.OCAC had earlier trained 70 persons in variousgovernment offices on Oriya Language WordProcessing using LEAP Office in which the OriyaSpell Checker has been incorporated. The lastformal training course on “ Word processing inOriya Language using Leap Office and ISM “ wasconducted during January 17 - February 12 which only four officials attended the course.Again a course has been organized for 106 staff ofthe Board of Revenue during 29-07-02 to 3-08-02(first batch) and 5-08-02 to 10-08-02 (secondbatch). So far 180 officers have been trained. Weare developing course material on a CD for trainingon Oriya Language.

4. Core Activities

4.1 Web hosting of Oriya Language Classics

Three well known Oriya classics :

(1) “Chha Mana Atha Guntha” by Fakir MohanSenapati,

(2) “Chilika” by Radhanath Ray and

(3) “Tapaswini” by Gangadhar Meher - have beenhosted on Internet at

4.2 Hosting of Web Sites of Govt. Colleges in Orissa

Web sites have been hosted for the Khallikote College,Berhampur www.khallikotecollege.utkal.ernet.inand Ravenshaw College, The pagesinclude information on the college as well as formsfor students feed back. More dynamic informationwill be supported by the web sites in future, whichwill be undertaken for many colleges in Orissa.

5. Products proposed to be developed

1. CBT for all classes (std – 4th to 10th)2. OCR3. Upgradation of spell checker4. Grammar module development5. Machine Translation System (Oriya –English)6. Net Education System in Oriya Language

6. The Team Members

Biswa Ranjan Sahoo [email protected] Kumar Sahu [email protected] Shankar Sarangi [email protected] Kumar Panda [email protected] Das [email protected] Kumar Mohanty [email protected] Kumar Dey [email protected]

Courtesy : Shri S.K. TripathiOrissa Computer Application Centre

OCAC Building, Plot No. 1/7-D,Acharya Vihar Square, RP-O,

Bhubaneswar – 751 013(RCILTS for Oriya)

Tel: 00-91-674-2582484, 2582490,2585851, 2554230 (R)

E-mail: [email protected]


Indian Institute of Technology, GuwahatiDepartment of Computer Science & Engineering, Panbazar

North Guwahati, Assam-781031 India

Tel. : 00-91-361-2691086 E-mail : [email protected] Website :

Resource Centre ForIndian Language Technology Solutions – Assamese & Manipuri

Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati
