Acer Extensa 57x Series Maintenance Manual

 Maintenance Manual  Extensa  57x Series Notebook Computers 9811323-0001 May 1996

Transcript of Acer Extensa 57x Series Maintenance Manual

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Maintenance Manual


57x SeriesNotebook Computers9811323-0001

May 1996

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Copyright (©) 1 99 6 Texas Inst rum en ts Inc orporate dAll Rights Reserved — Printed in U.S.A.

Extensa ™ 57 x Ser ies Notebook Compute rsMainte nanc e Manual

TI Part No. 98 11 32 3-00 01Original Issue: May 1996

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Conten t s


1 General Descript ion1 .1 . . . . In t r od u c t ion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1

1 .2 . . . . Produ ct Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1

1 .3 . . . . In tern a t iona l Produ ct Vers ions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 -2

1 .4 . . . . P roduc t Ove rview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3

1 .4 .1 . . . E xt er n a l P or t s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5

1 .4 .2 . . . Glidep ad Poin ting Device . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 -6

1 .4 .3 . . . Keyboar d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 -61 .4 .4 . . . S t anda rd Power Fea tu re s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 -7

1 .4 .5 . . . Wireless Conn ection With S erial In frar ed Port . . . 1-8

1 .4 .6 . . . Preloaded Softwar e. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-8

1 .4 .7 . . . Notebook Expa ns ion Ca pa bili t ies . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-8

1 .5 . . . . Sta nd ard Test Featu res . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-9

1 .6 . . . . Notebook Assem blies and Su bas sembl ies . . . . . . . . . 1-9

1 .6 .1 . . . Cover-Display Assembly. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 -10

1 .6 .2 . . . System Base Assembly. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 -11

1 .7 . . . . Extens a 57x Ser ies Notebook Specifica t ions . . . . . . . 1-11

1 .8 . . . . Agen cy App rovals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1 3

2 Insta l la t ion

2 .1 . . . . In t rodu ct ion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 -1

2 .2 . . . . Unpacking Ins t ru c t ions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 -1

2 .3 . . . . Installing Notebook Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 -1

2 .3 .1 . . . Ins ta l ling Expan s ion Memory Modules . . . . . . . . 2-1

2 .3 .2 . . . Ins tal ling PCMCIA Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2

2 .3 .3 . . . Ins ta l ling th e Opt ional Nu mer ic Keypad . . . . . . . 2-2

2 .4 . . . . In sta l lin g the Battery Pack(s) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 -2

2 .5 . . . . Installing External Devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 -3

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2 .5 .1 . . . Ins ta l ling an Extern a l Keyboard/ Mouse . . . . . . . 2-4

2 .5 .2 . . . Ins tal ling Extern al Para l lel Prin ter . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-6

2 .5 .3 . . . In st allin g Exter n al Serial Port Device . . . . . . . . . 2-7

2 .5 .4 . . . Ins ta l ling Extern a l SVGA Monitor . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-8

2 .5 .5 . . . In st allin g SIR Devices. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 -9

2 .6 . . . . In sta lling th e AC Power Ada pter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 -10

2 .7 . . . . In it ial System Ch eckout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 -10

2 .8 . . . . Configuring th e System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 -11

2 .9 . . . . Making Backu ps of System Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 -11

2 .1 0 . . . Loading Applicat ion Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 -11

3 Operat in g Ins t ruct ion s

3 .1 . . . . In t rodu ct ion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 -1

3 .2 . . . . Notebook Contro ls a nd Indica tors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 -1

3 .2 .1 . . . LCD Con t r a s t Con t rol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 -2

3 .2 .2 . . . Butt on Switches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 -2

3 .2 .3 . . . Cover Releas e Latch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 -2

3 .2 .4 . . . G lidepad Con t ro ls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 -2

3 .3 . . . . Operat ing Procedu res . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2

3.3.1 . . . F loppy Dr ive Opera t ing Procedu res . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2

3 .3 .2 . . . Ins tal ling/ Removin g PCMCIA Option s . . . . . . . . . 3-4

3 .3 .3 . . . Compu ter Hot Keys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4

3 .3 .4 . . . Respond in g to Low Battery Cond it ions . . . . . . . . . 3-4

3 .3 .5 . . . Min imizing Power Usa ge. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4

3 .3 .6 . . . Rechar gin g the Battery Packs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 -5

3 .3 .7 . . . Condit ioning the Primary Battery. . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-5

3 .3 .8 . . . Res tor ing Miss ing Sys tem Fi les . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-5

3 .3 .9 . . . Rebuilding the System Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 -5

4 Theory of Operat ion4 .1 . . . . In t rodu ct ion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 -1

4 .2 . . . . Notebook Fu n ctiona l Descript ion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 -1

4 .2 .1 . . . Processor / Memory Su bsys tems . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 -1

4 .2 .2 . . . I/ O Subsys tem. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-5

4 .2 .3 . . . Video Su bsystem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-6

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4 .2 .4 . . . H a r d D is k Su b s ys t em . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-6

4 .2 .5 . . . Floppy Diskette Drive Su bsystem . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-7

4 .2 .6 . . . CD-ROM Su bsys tem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 -7

4 .2 .7 . . . PCMCIA Su bsystem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-7

4 .2 .8 . . . Soun d Su bsys tem (Model Depend ent ) . . . . . . . . . 4-8

4 .2 .9 . . . Power Su bsystem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-8

5 Troublesh oo t in g Proc e dures

5 .1 . . . . Genera l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 -1

5 .2 . . . . Overview of Fau lt Isolat ion Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-1

5 .3 . . . . Trou bleshoot ing Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-3

5 .3 .1 . . . Troublesh ootin g a Power Su pply Problem . . . . . . . 5-3

5 .3 .2 . . . Troubleshooting a Display Problem . . . . . . . . . . . 5-5

5 .3 .3 . . . Fau lt Isolation Us ing Self Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-5

5 .3 .4 . . . PCMCIA Modem Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-5

5 .3 .5 . . . Fault Isolation Using Diagnostics . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-6

6 Field Servic e

6 .1 . . . . In t rodu ct ion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 -1

6 .2 . . . . Preventive Main tena n ce. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 -1

6 .2 .1 . . . C lean ing the Compu te r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 -1

6 .2 .2 . . . Protec t ing the Disk Dr ives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 -1

6 .2 .3 . . . Hand ling the Compu ter Bat te ry Pack . . . . . . . . . . 6-2

6 .2 .4 . . . Restoring System Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-2

6 .3 . . . . Required Tools an d Equ ipmen t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 -2

6 .4 . . . . Notebook Field-Replacea ble Parts an d Ass emb lies . . . 6-3

6.4.1 . . . Cover -Disp lay Ass em bly. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-3

6 .4 .2 . . . System Bas e Ass emb ly. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 -5

6 .5 . . . . FRU Removal and Replacement Procedures. . . . . . . . 6-8

6 .5 .1 . . . Removing/ Replac ing the Notebook Bat te ry Pack . 6 -86 .5 .2 . . . Removing/ Replac ing the Floppy Dr ive / CD-ROM . 6-8

6 .5 .3 . . . Removin g/ Replacing th e Hard Drive . . . . . . . . . . 6-9

6 .5 .4 . . . Removin g/ Replacing DIMM Modu les . . . . . . . . . . 6-9

6 .5 .5 . . . Removing/ Replac ing the Keyboard Assem bly . . . 6-10

6 .5 .6 . . . Removing/ Replac ing the Display Assem bly . . . . . 6-11

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6 .5 .7 . . . Removin g and Replacing the LCD Statu s. . . . . . . Ass em bly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-11

6 .5 .8 . . . Removin g/ Replacing the Top Cas e Ass emb ly . . . . 6-12

6 .5 .9 . . . Removing/ Replac ing the Glidepad Assem bly . . . . 6-12

6 .5 .1 0 . . Removing/ Replac ing th e IR/ Soun d Assem bly . . . 6-12

6 .5 .1 1 . . Removing/ Replac ing the Power Supp ly Board . . . 6-13

6 .5 .1 2 . . Removin g/ Replacing the CMOS Battery . . . . . . . 6-136 .5 .1 3 . . Removin g/ Replacing the Main Board . . . . . . . . . . 6-13

6 .5 .1 4 . . Removin g/ Replacing HDD Conn ector Boar d . . . 6-14

6 .5 .1 5 . . Removin g/ Replacing Inverter Board . . . . . . . . . . 6-15

A Se lf Te st Error Me s sage s

A.1 . . . . In t rodu ct ion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-1

B PC-Doctor Diagnostics

B .1 . . . . In trodu ction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-1

B .2 . . . . S t a r t ing PC-Doctor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-1

B .3 . . . . Keyboar d Navigation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-2

B .4 . . . . Mouse Navigat ion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-2

B .5 . . . . P C- Doc tor Me n u s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-3

B .5 .1 . . . On lin e Help (?) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-3

B .5 .2 . . . D ia gn o s t ic s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-3

B .5 .3 . . . Int eract ive Tests Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-4

B .5 .4 . . . H a r dwa r e In fo Me n u . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-4

B .5 .5 . . . Utility Men u . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-5

B .6 . . . . Quitting PC-Doctor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-6

B .7 . . . . Remote Opera t ion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-6

vi Contents

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In t roduct ionThis m an u al provides ins tal lat ion, operat ion an d ser vicing da ta for th eExtensa ™ 57x Series Notebook Compu ters.

In tended AudienceTh is m an u al is p rimari ly in tend ed for u se by qu alified s ervice techn ician sbu t conta ins informa t ion u sefu l to non- techn ica l users .

Conten t sThis m an u al conta ins s ix sect ions an d r eference app endices inc lu ding:

• Section 1: General Descript ion — Introdu ces the m ain fea tu res of thenotebook; provides a list of physical and electrical specifications.

• Sect ion 2 : Ins ta l lat ion — Descr ibes h ow to un pack, ins ta ll opt ions an dcable up th e notebook compu ter in a desk top environmen t .

• Sect ion 3 : Opera t ing Ins t ruc t ions — Describes the n otebook opera t ing cont ro ls an d indica tors an d ba s ic opera t ing procedures .

•Sec tion 4 : The ory of Operat ion — Describes th e th eory of opera t ionfor Extensa 57x Series Notebook Compu ters.

• Sect ion 5 : Troublesh oot ing Procedures — Provides guidelines forperforming fau lt isolat ion on th e Extens a 57x Ser ies Notebook Compute r s .

• Sec t ion 6 : Fie ld Service — Provides preven tive an d corr ectivema inten an ce procedures for the n otebook compu ter.

• Appen dix A: Se lf Tes t Error Mes sage s

• Appen dix B: PC-Doct or Diagnos t ics

Preface vii

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1General Descript ion

1 .1 Introduct ionThis manual contains field and factory level servicing information for theTexas Ins t ru men ts Extens a ™ 57x Series of Notebook Computers (Figure1-1).

This section provides a general overview and specifications for the Extensa57x Series Notebook Compu ters.

1 .2 Produ c t Mode lsTable 1-1 summarizes the features shipped with the notebook for theproduct models initially available in the Extensa 57x family of notebook compu ters. The produ ct models offer a ch oice of eith er 11.3 inch , du al scancolor or 10 .4 inch act ive m atrix color LCD an d a choice of eith er th e ba sicWindows ® 95 opera t in g system or Win dows 95 plus ap plicat ion software.Other options includ e ch oice of 810 mill ion b yte or 1200 million b yte ha rddrive.

Figure 1-1 Extensa 57 xSer ies Notebook Compute r

General Description 1 -1

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Table 1 -1 Extensa 5 7x Ser ies Note book Compute rs

Fe atu re s Mo de l5 7 0 C D

Model5 7 5 C D

Model5 7 0C D T


11.3" Du al Scan , SVGAColor LCD


10 .4 " Act ive Ma tr ix (TFT),SVGA Color LCD


1.44 MB Floppy DriveModule


CD-ROM Drive Modu le X X X X

Windows 95 X X X X

Ap plica t ion Softwa re X X

1 6-Bit S ter eo Sou n d X X X X

HDD 810 Million Bytes X X

HDD 1 20 0 Million Bytes X X

1 .3 International Product VersionsTh e Extens a 5 7x Series Notebooks a re availab le in domes tic an dint ern ational configura t ions as l is ted in Tab le 1-2.

Table 1-2 Note book Domes t ic / In te rnat ional Conf igura t ions

Co n figurat io n P/ N Su ffix Co n figurat io n P/ N Suffix

Dom es t ic -00 01 Swed is h -0010

UK -0002 Swis s / Fren ch -0011

Ger m a n -0003 Da n is h -0012

Fren ch -0004 Norwegia n -00 13

Spa n is h -0005 Fin ish -0014

Swis s / Ger m a n -0006 Belgiu m -00 15

Ita lia n -0007 Au s t r ia n -00 16

Por tu gu es e -00 08 La tin Am er ica n -0018

Wes ter n Eu ropea n -0009

1 -2 General Descript ion

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1 .4 Product OverviewAll mem bers of th e Extens a 57 x Series ar e high perform an ce notebookspowered by th e Pentium ™ Processor an d Wind ows 95 Operat ing Systemsoftware.

As a sta nd ar d featu re, al l mem bers of th e Extensa 57x fam ily also conta inth e followin g feat u res :

• 100 MHz Pentiu m Process or with 16K In tern al Cach e Memory.

• 8 MB of RAM memory sta n da rd, u ser-expan da ble to 40 MB (eas y accessvia d oor at b ottom of notebook).

• 256 KB L2 Ca che.

• 128 bytes of ba t tery-backed u p CMOS RAM.

• High p erforma n ce PCI (Periph eral Compon ent Int erconn ect) Bus

Arch itectu re; PCI Bu s Expa ns ion p ort for u se with option al Expan sionSystem.

• Removable Har d Disk Dr ive (81 0 or 12 00 m illion b yte capa city).

• Removable 1.44 MB Floppy Drive (interchangeable with optionalCD-ROM Drive or Lithium-Ion secondary battery pack).

• Two PCMCIA option s lots (on e slot accep ts one Type I/ II option a n d th esecond slot accepts either a Type I, II, or III device).

• Ergonomic keyboard with pa lm rest (2.7 mm travel); bu ilt- in glidepa d

poin ting device an d pa lm rest b elow th e keyboard.• Bu ilt-in s u pp ort for a CD-ROM dr ive (4X or 6X speed ).

• Built- in 16-bit s tereo sound system (including stereo speakers andin tern a l m icrophone)

• Removable 3.5 inch, 1.44 MB Floppy Drive (interchangeable withsecond Lithium-Ion battery or CD-ROM option).

• Ch oice of LCD d isp lays: 1 0.4 inch Active Matr ix (TFT), S VGA Color LCDor 1 1.3 inch , du al s can , SVGA color LCD; 1 MB video RAM.

• Su pp ort for in tern al SVGA LCD disp lay only, extern al SVGA Mon itoronly, or simultaneous SVGA LCD and external SVGA monitor.

• LCD Statu s Pan el displays icons to ind icate wh en AC ad apt er is pluggedin, power savings mode is on, battery in use (blinks if battery is low),floppy drive in use, hard disk activity indicator, PCMCIA cards installed,CD-ROM drive activity, an d k eyboard m odes (e.g.. Nu m Lock, CapsLock, Scroll Lock, Pad Lock etc.).

General Description 1 -3

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• AC Ada pter with au tosen sin g (10 0 VAC to 2 40 VAC, 50 to 60 Hz); 36Watts of DC outpu t power.

• 8.4 Volt, 4200 mAH capacity, Nickel-Metal Hydride (NiMH) primarybat te ry pack .

• Provisions for secondary 10.8 Volt Lithium-Ion Battery Pack in FloppyDrive cavity (if Floppy Dr ive or CD ROM Pla yer n ot in st a lled).

• Power m an agemen t featu res for longer porta ble opera t ion away from ACpower.

• Fu ll ran ge of externa l ports in clu ding: EPP/ ECP Paral lel Port , SerialPort , Externa l VGA Port , PS/ 2 ™ Port, and Serial Infrared Port. AllModels of th e 57x family includ e Au dio In / Out an d Microphon e In jacks .

Full function Keyboard

Power ON/OFFButton

Status LCD Display

Cover Release Latch

GlidepadMouse Device

PCMCIA Type I/IIOption

Power Inputfrom AC Adapter

TFT or Dual Scan ColorDisplay Assembly

Mouse SelectSwitches

PCMCIA Type III ortwo PCMCIA Type I/II Options

Rear Connector Doors

Audio Connectors

Floppy Driveor CD-ROMor Lithium-IonBattery Pack

Removable HardDisk Drive

Figure 1-2 Extensa 57X Series Fea tures

1 -4 General Descript ion

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1 . 4 . 1 External PortsAs s h own in Figure 1 -3, the n otebook compu ter conta ins th e followin gexternal ports:

• Serial Infra red (SIR) Port for wireless conn ection with a similarlyequipped pr in ter or compu ter

• 9-Pin Serial Port for a t tach ing an y RS-232 type s erial device to th eNotebook

• 15-Pin Externa l VGA Monitor Port for a t tach ing an externa l monitor

• 6-Pin PS/ 2 Por t to a t tach an externa l Keyboard or Mou se

• Au dio In / Out a nd Externa l Microphone Inp u t

• Expans ion Bu s Por t for a t tach ing an externa l expans ion sys tem


Audio LineIn/Out/Mic InParallelPort


ExternalVGA Port

Connector forExternal ExpansionSystem

PS/2 Port

Figure 1-3 Not ebook Exte rnal Ports

General Description 1 -5

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1 . 4 . 2 Glidepad Point ing Devic eAll mem bers of th e Extens a 57x family featu re a bu il t-in glidepa d p oin tingdevice located n ea r th e cent er of th e keyboar d’s pa lmres t. With light fin gerpress u re, the cu rsor can qu ickly be posi t ioned to the des ired poin t; a qu ick dou ble tap on th e glidepad a nd you ha ve selected a n object . Two selectbu ttons (switches) are located along the front edge of th e n otebook for u se inthe tra dit iona l select / dra g featu res of a m ous e device.


1 . 4 . 3 KeyboardTh e Extens a 57 x Series Keyboard is a fu ll fu nction keyboard with th es tan dard ch ara c ter and fu nct ion keys p lu s 12 programm able fu nct ion keys(F1 th rou gh F12 ).

Using th e Special Fu nction ( Fn ) key which as sign s m u lt iple fu n ctions to

keys , the keyboard can emu la te IBM ® 101 / 102 keyboa rds .

The notebook keyboard is available in two ba sic versions:

• U.S. English - This version (also known as the domestic version) isgenera lly used in th e Uni ted Sta tes an d Cana da .

• U.K. English / Cu stom Int ern ational Version - This version is ad ap ted(u sing app ropriate keycap cha n ges) for the intern ational coun tries lis tedin Table 1-2.

Glidepad Select Buttons

Figure 1-4 Extens a 5 7X Series Glidepad

1 -6 General Descript ion

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1 . 4 . 5 Wire les s Con ne ct ion With Se rial Infrare d PortThe Extens a S eries n otebooks ar e equipped with a S erial In frar ed (IR) portthat offers wireless communication with a variety of IRDA ™ compliantdevices mad e by other m an u fac tu rers .

nNote : Prior to comm u n icating with an externa l device equipped with a serialinfrared inter face, th e appr opriate third-pa rty drivers m u st be insta lled onyou r n otebook.

1 . 4 . 6 Prelo ade d So ftwareAll mem bers of th e Extens a 57x Notebook fam ily are preloaded with th eWindows 95 Operat ing System. In addit ion, Extensa 575CD and 575 CDTmodels come sta n dar d with th e following applicat ion pack ages ins tal led:

• Microsoft ™ Works

• Quicken SE

• Lotus ™ Organizer

• Microsoft En tertainm ent Pack No. 4

1 . 4 . 7 Note book Expansio n Capabil i t ies

Expan sion ca pa bili t ies bu ilt in to the Extens a n otebook series in clu de:

• User ins tal lable expan sion RAM mem ory (to a ma ximu m of 40 MB)

• By removin g the floppy drive, you ca n ad d ei ther a second b attery pa ck or CD -ROM Drive.

• Cable Conn ect PS/ 2 Nu mer ic Keypa d option, TI Part No. 2581 381 -0001 ,or other PS/ 2 type device (e.g. keyboard or m ous e) can be at ta ched tothe PS / 2 Por t .

• A par al lel device can be a t tach ed to th e n otebook’s extern al 25-pinpa ral lel port (EPP/ ECP comp atible).

• With one of th e DockMate desk top expan sion system s ins tal led,ad dit iona l expan sion ports a re availab le

1 -8 General Descript ion

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1 .5 St andard Te st Featu re sThe Extensa Series Notebook Computers use modular design and buil t- intest featu res to reduce th e mean t ime to repair. A power on self testprogram au toma tical ly verifies th e operat ional s ta te of th e prima ry circu its .Also, the n otebook con tains a powerfu l su i te of diagnostic tests cal ledPC-Doctor, (described in detail in Appendix B) that can perform additionallevels of diagnos tic tes ting.

1 .6 Not ebook Ass em bl ies andSubassembl ies

The Extens a Ser ies Notebooks a re m odular in des ign an d can bedisa ssem bled for ma inten an ce pur poses u s ing a s ta nda rd s e t of fla t -b laded,Phill ips-h ead a nd h exagona l screwdrivers. Th e ma jor as sem blies th atcomprise a typical notebook in th e Extens a family ar e sh own in Figure 1-6

an d b riefly described in th e followin g par agrap hs .

General Description 1 -9

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1 . 6 . 1 Cover-Display AssemblyThe Cover -Display Ass emb ly cont ains th e LCD screen a n d a ss ociated highvoltage power supply and video circuitry. The Cover-Display Assemblyconta in s s everal field-replaceab le compon ent s includ in g:

• LCD Ass em bly

• In verter Board

• Bezel

• Hinge Covers

• In tern al cables

Keyboard Assembly

Glidepad Assembly

IR/Sound Board

Power Supply Board

Display Cable InterfaceBoard

Main Board

Inverter Board

Display Assembly


Status LCDAssembly

Display Assembly

Figure 1 -6 Note book Ass em blies

1 -10 General Description

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1 . 6 . 2 Sys tem Base Asse mblyAs s h own in Figur e 1-6, th e ma jority of th e n otebook’s field replacea bleu n its (FRUs) are located in th e system b as e ass emb ly. Th ese FRUs in clu de:

• Main Board Ass emb ly

• Hard Disk Drive Assembly

• Up to two Du al Inlin e Memory Modu les

• LCD Statu s Ass emb ly

• Floppy Drive Module

• IR/ Soun d Board Assem bly

• Power Su pply Board Ass emb ly

• Battery Pack Ass emb ly

• Top Case Assembly

• Glidepad Assembly

• Keyboard Assembly

• CMOS Battery Assembly

• HDD Con nector Board Ass emb ly

1 .7 Exte nsa 5 7 x Series Note bookSpeci f ica t ions

Specificat ions for th e Exten sa 57x S eries Notebooks are provided in Table1-3 .

General Description 1 -11

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Table 1 -3 Extens a 57 x Notebook Features

Spe c ific at io n s Mo de ls 5 70 CD/ 5 75 CDModels

5 7 0 CDT/ 5 7 5 CDT

Processor Pen t iu m 1 00 MHz Pen t iu m 100 MHz

Memory :

Standard: 8 MB 8 MB


40 MB256 KB L2 Ca che

40 MB256 KB L2 Ca che


LCD Type: 11.3 inch , SVGA, Du alScan Color

10.4 inch , SVGA, Du alSca n Color/ ActiveMatr ix Color

Simul taneous


Yes Yes

Video RAM Size : 1 MB 1 MB

Video Bus PCI Bus with Graph icsAccelerator

PCI Bus with Graph icsAccelerator

Keyboard/ Poin t ingDevice

Ergonom ic Key board Yes Yes

Built-In Glidepad Yes Yes


Floppy DriveModule:

3 .5 in ch , 1 .44 MB 3.5 in ch , 1 .44 MB

Hard Drive : 81 0 Million Bytes 12 00 Million Bytes

CD-ROM Drive 4X or 6X Speed 4X or 6X Speed


Se rial (RS-23 2 ) Port Yes Yes

Parallel Port(EPP/ ECP)

Yes Yes

Ext e rnal VGA Port Yes Yes

External PS/ 2 Port Yes Yes

Serial Infrared Port Yes Yes

Expansion Bus PCI, su pports PortReplicat or option

PCI, su pports PortReplicat or option

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Spe c ific at io n s Mo de ls 5 70 CD/ 5 75 CDModels

5 7 0 CDT/ 5 7 5 CDT

Battery Pack Nickel-Metal Hydride,optiona l Lithiu m -Ionseconda ry ba t te ry pack option

Nickel-Metal Hydride,optiona l Lithiu m -Ionseconda ry ba t te ry pack option

Sound Features 16-bit Stereo Soun d, Au dioin / out an d Microphone In

jacks , bu ilt in stereospeake r s an d m ic rophone

16-bit S tereo Soun d,Aud io in / ou t an dMicrophon e In jacks ,buil t in stereo speakersand microphone

PCMCIA Support Typ e I/ II, or III (O p tion a l ) Typ e I/ II, or III (O p tio n a l)

Windows 9 5 Yes Yes

Windo ws forWo rkgrou ps

Yes (Mod el 5 70 CD on ly) Ye s (Mod el 5 70 CDT on ly)

Phys ica lCharacterist ics

We igh t : App rox. 6 .2 Pou n d s* Approx. 6 .2 Pou n ds *

Dimens ions : 11 .7” (L) X 1 .7” (H) X 8 .2”(W)

11.7” (L) X 1.7” (H) X 8.2”(W)

*NOTE : Only one m odu le (Flopp y Drive, CD-ROM or secon d Ba tter y) m ay beinsta l led in th e notebook at an y given t ime.NOTE : Weight specifications do not include Floppy Drive, CD-ROM drive, ACAda pter or second ba ttery option.

1 .8 Agency ApprovalsAll Extens a 5 7x Series produ cts m eet the followin g stan da rds :

Und erwriter ’s Lab (UL) Sta n da rd 1 95 0 (sa fety)• Can ad ian Sta n dar ds Ass ociat ion (CSA) Sta nd ard 220 (safety)

• FCC CFR 47, Par t 15 , Su bpa rt J , FCC Level B (EMI)

• Can ad ian Departm ent of Comm u n ication s (DOC) Cert ificat ion

• VDE 0 87 1, Clas s B (EMI)

• CE Mark

General Description 1 -13

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2Insta l la t ion

2 .1 Introduct ionThis sec t ion conta ins u npa cking an d pr epara t ion for us e ins t ruc t ions forthe Extensa 57x Series Notebook Computers.

2 .2 Unpacking Ins t ruc t ionsUnpack the computer using the fol lowing instructions:

1 . Carefu lly cu t th e tape th at s eals the top f lap of th e sh ippin g car ton.

2 . Remove the compu ter an d th e accessor ies from th e ma in sh ippingcar ton .

3 . Remove all protective coverings from the computer.

4 . Remove the h olding tape an d open u p th e accessory box; remove th econtents .

n Note: Save the s h ipping conta iners a nd packaging for la te r reu se .

2 .3 Ins tal l ing Not e boo k Optio nsIf you ha ve n o option s to insta ll at th is t ime, sk ip to Para graph 2.4.Otherwise , cont inu e with Paragraph 2 .3 .1 .

2 . 3 . 1 Ins tal l ing Expansion Mem ory Modules

n Note: If n ot insta l ling RAM Expan sion option at th is t ime, skip to th e n extpa rag raph .

cCaution: The Dual Inl ine Memory Module contains components thatare se ns i t ive t o s t a t ic e lec t r ic i ty. When handling the m odule and the in-te rna l part s of the c ompute r, pro te c t agains t s ta t ic e lec t r ic i ty by us ingwrist or ankle grounding s traps and grounded working mats . Whe n m ov-ing or s to ring i tems , use t he ant i - s ta t ic bags suppl ied wi th the i tem s.

Installation 2 -1

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1. En su re th at the n otebook is powered off an d th at th e AC Adap ter an dint ern al ba t tery pa ck(s) is (are) rem oved from th e n otebook.

2. Remove th e Expa n sion RAM Modu le (Du al In lin e Memory Modu le orDIMM) from its s h ipping con ta iner.

3. Tu rn the Notebook over an d locat e th e RAM Access Door (h eld in

place b y two screws ).4 . Re m ove t h e tw o Ph illip s - h ea d s c r ews t h a t h o ld t h e RAM a c ce s s d oor

an d rem ove the door.

5. In ser t th e edge of th e first DIMM Boar d int o the r ea r of either a vailab leconn ector . Use a rocking m ot ion a nd ins er t the board a t a n an gle toth e su rface of th e Main Board . Fully insert th e modu le. Pushdownward s on ea ch s ide of the DIMM modu le u n ti l i t sna ps in p lace.Repeat th e procedure for th e second m odule.

6. Re p la c e t h e RAM Ac ce s s Door a n d a l l c om p o n en t s r e m ove d in S t e p 1 .

This completes the expansion memory module instal lat ion procedure.

2 . 3 . 2 Installing PCMCIA OptionsTh e Notebook h as pr ovisions for two Type I or II options or on e Type IIIPCMCIA option car d.

1. Review th e ins ta llat ion ins tru ction s su pp lied with th e PCMCIA optioncard(s).

2. Open th e PCMCIA compa rtm ent cover on th e r igh t s ide of thenotebook.

3. To insert a PCMCIA card , al ign th e card with th e socket an d sl ide th ecard into the s ocket un ti l it locks into place.

4. To eject a PCMCIA card , firs t ens u re th at th e notebook is n otaccess ing the m emory card or device. Under Win dows 95, go to th eControl Pan el, PC Card select ion a nd direct the ca rd to stop b eforeremoving car d.

2 . 3 . 3 Ins tal l ing the Option al Num e ric KeypadAn opt ional nu mer ic keyboard can be a t ta ched to th e n otebook v ia th enotebook’s PS/ 2 conn ector (refer to Figure 2-2).

2 .4 Ins tal l ing t he Bat t e ry Pac k(s)The Exten sa Notebook is sh ipped with a single bat tery pack th at is insertedfrom the front left side of the computer. A second battery pack (option) can

2 -2 Installation

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be insta l led in th e rem ovab le Floppy/ CD-ROM ba y. Two switches th at u sedto rem ove devices from th e option ba y are ph ysical ly located on th e bottomof th e Notebook. Th e left-m ost switch con trols rem oval of th e Prim ar yBattery Pack a n d th e r ight -most s witch con trols rem oval of th e deviceins tal led in th e Floppy/ CD-ROM/ Seconda ry Battery bay.

To remove or replace the battery pack, follow the steps below.

1. Save any data , th en Power off the n otebook. Disconn ect the ACada pter i f ins tal led.

2. Turn the notebook over and press the battery release switch whilepress ing outwards on the pr ima ry ba t te ry pack . Remove the b a t te ryfrom the Notebook.

3. Ins er t a n ew or recha rged ba t te ry pack in to the ba t te ry compar tm entbay. Make su re tha t th e conta c ts a re fac ing up a nd to the rear of thecompar tmen t .

cCaution : The re is danger of explosion if th e batte ry is inco rrec t ly re-p laced . Replace t he ba t te ry only wi th t he s ame or an equiva lent typerec om me nded by the m anufacturer. Disc ard used batt eries acc ording tothe manufac turer’s ins t ruc t ions .

4 . If in sta llin g a s econda ry battery pack, insert th e battery pack into th efront r igh t s ide of th e n otebook u nt il the ba ttery pack clicks in place.

2 .5 Instal l ing External DevicesMost extern al devices conn ect to the Notebook via the con n ectors on th erear of th e n otebook a s s h own in Figure 2 -1. Addit iona l conn ectivi ty can beobtained by insta lling an optiona l Port Expa n der to t he Notebook’s PCIExpan s ion Bu s .

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2 . 5 . 1 Ins tal l ing an External Key board/ Mous eAs sh own in Figu re 2-2 , the notebook h as one externa l PS/ 2 por t on therear of the Notebook for ins tal ling a PS/ 2 compa tible device (keyboard,

mou se, etc.). Addit iona l PS/ 2 devices m ay be insta l led u sing the PortExpan der option. Pin outs for the PS/ 2 port on th e rear of th e Notebook arealso provided in Figure 2-2.


Audio LineIn/Out/Mic In


ExternalVGA Port

Connector forExternal ExpansionSystem

PS/2 Port

Figure 2-1 I/ O Conne ct or Loc ations

2 -4 Installation

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To ins ta l l an externa l keyboard or ex tern a l PS/ 2 m ouse on the n otebook,use the following procedure:

1. En su re th at th e notebook is powered off.

2. Locate the extern al PS/ 2 port at t he rea r of th e notebook (refer toFigu re 2 -2).

3. Attach th e PS/ 2 cable from you r mou se an d/ or keyboard cable to thePS / 2 p o rt .

4. Power on a ny other p eriph eral devices you m ay ha ve conn ected to thenotebook, an d then power up the n otebook.

F igu re 2 -2 PS/ 2 Po rt Ass ignmen t s / P inou t s

Installation 2 -5

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2 . 5 . 2 Ins talling Exte rnal Parallel Print erThe Notebook is equ ipped with a bidirect iona l, ECC/ EPP compa tible, 25-pinpar al lel printer port . The conn ector pinou ts an d conn ector location ar eshown in Figure 2-3.










Figure 2-3 Paral lel Port Loc ation/ Pinouts

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2 . 5 . 3 Ins tal l ing External Se rial Port Devic eThe n otebook conta in s an RS-232 serial port with a m ale DB-9 con nector assh own in Figu re 2-4. Th e serial ports a re u sed to int erconn ect su ch d evicesa s :

• Externa l Modem

• Serial Printer

• Any device tha t u ses an RS-232 interface

To conn ect a pr in ter to the n otebook, ensu re tha t both th e notebook and thepr in ter a re tur ned off.

cCaution : Neve r co nne ct a paral lel devic e t o a serial port or a serial de-

v ice t o a para lle l port o r v ideo por t ; th is m ay cause damage to the Note -book and/ or peripheral devic e. If you are unce rtain of what typeconne cto r the exte rnal device has , re fer to th e te chnica l manual forthe ex t e rnal dev ice .

1 2 3 4 5

6 7 8 9









Figure 2-4 Serial Port Locat ion/ Pinouts

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2 . 5 . 4 Ins talling Exte rnal SVGA Mon ito rThe notebook is capa ble of driving both i ts inter na l LCD display a nd anextern al SVGA m onitor (LCD on ly, s imu ltan eou s, or SVGA only). Theexterna l moni tor connector p inou ts a nd conn ector loca t ions are sh own inFigure 2-5. To insta l l an externa l mon itor with th e notebook, use th efollowing steps:

1. Ens ure th a t both the notebook and the externa l moni tor a re tur nedoff.

2. Locate the 15-pin female SVGA port on the Port Adapter.

3. Attach th e ap propriate en d of the mon itor ca ble to the SVGA port onyou r n otebook. If th e mon itor cable con nectors h ave retaining screws,t ighten them down.

4. If neces sa ry, conn ect the m onitor power cable to th e mon itor, andplug the mon itor power cab le into an electr ical outlet .

5. Power on th e mon itor, as well as a ny oth er periph eral devicesconn ected to th e notebook; then power u p th e notebook.


567891011, 12131415









78910 6


Figure 2-5 Conn ec ting an External SVGA Monit or

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2 . 5 . 5 Ins tal l ing SIR Device sTh e Serial In fra red (IR) port offers wireless comm u n ica tion with a variety of IRDA-compl ian t devices ma de by o ther ma nu fac tu rers . En su re th a t th eth i rd-par ty ma nu fac tu rer s u ppl ies you with the appr opr ia te IR dr iversbefore at tem pting conn ection. As s hown in Figure 2 -6, th e Notebook SIRport is located ju st a bove th e serial port conn ector on t h e rear of thenotebook. Align th is p ort with th e SIR port on a printer, notebook or otherdevice equipped with an SIR port .



Figure 2-6 Com mun icatin g with SIR-Equipped Device s

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2 .6 Ins t alling t he AC Powe r Adapte rUse th e followin g procedur es to conn ect th e AC Adap ter to th e system :

c Caution : Use only t he AC Adapter supplied with t he com pute r; oth eradapters can damage the uni t .

1 . Remove the AC ada pter from th e packa ging. Con nect th e roun d coaxialconn ector on th e AC Ada pter to th e power receptacle on th e left s ide(rear corner ) of th e notebook as sh own in Figure 2 -7.

2. C on n e c t th e fe m a le s id e of t h e AC Pow er c or d t o t h e AC Ad a p t er a n dconn ect the m ale end to a grou n ded AC ou tlet .

2 .7 In i t i al Sys te m Che ckou tAfter you’ve inst alled all inter n al options a n d exter n al cab lin g, you’re rea dyfor system ch eckout a nd software configura t ion.

To check out th e system, set th e power switch on t he n otebook to the Onposit ion wh ich in it iates th e n otebook s elf test . Du ring self test execution,the comp u ter checks th e operat ion of al l cr i t ical har dware includingmem ory an d CPU (an d d isp lays copyr ight an d vers ion nu mber d a ta du r ingtest execution).

AC Adapter

AC Power(120VAC to 230 VAC,50 to 60 Hz)

Figure 2 -7 AC Adapte r Ins tallatio n

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Upon su ccessful conclus ion of self test , th e compu ter au toma tically loads itsoperat ing s ystem an d Win dows en vironm ent . If self test fai ls to completean d an error mes sa ge is displayed, t ry powerin g down th e comp u ter for acouple of minu tes a n d tu rn ing power back on to repeat s elf test . If th e errormes sa ge persists , s ee Section 5 for t roub lesh ooting inform ation (also refer toApp en dix A for self tes t err or m ess age des criptions).

2 .8 Conf iguring th e Sys te mTh e first t ime you p ower u p th e notebook, i t au toma tical ly run s th e SetupProgram which prom pts you for coun try na me a n d printer type. You exitWind ows an d th e notebook begins u nzippin g files an d prep aring thesoftware for u se. After ini t ial in sta llat ion, a n d th e t imeout occurs , th e dem oma y begin. To stop the d emo, move th e cur sor to the cen ter of th e screenan d click th e left mou se bu tton. A nu mb er of dem o options a re thenavailable.

2 .9 Making Backups of System SoftwareThe Notebook is p reloaded with Wind ows 95 operat ing s ystem software.Prior to extend ed u se of th e notebook, create a ba cku p set of systemsoftware u sing th e Backu p Uti lity un der Wind ows 9 5. In th e event of a d isk problem, you ca n r estore you r system u sing the Restore Utili ty an d th e setof ba cku p d iskettes you ’ve ju st cr eated.

2 . 1 0 Loadin g Applicat ion So ftwareFor as sistan ce in loading Applicat ion Software, refer to Chap ter 5 in th e

Extens a S eries Notebook Comp uter Us er ’s Reference Manua l.

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3Ope rat in g In s t ruc t ion s

3 .1 Introduct ionThis s ect ion des cribes th e Extens a 5 7x Series Notebook opera t ing con trolsan d indica tors .

n Note: For add it ion al operat ing ins tru ctions , refer to the Extensa 5 7x S eries Notebook Com puter Users Guide .

3 .2 Not e boo k Con trols and Indic ato rsThe Extens a Series Notebooks ar e equipped with th e following con trols a ndindicators:

• Altern ate a ct ion Power Button in th e u pper left corner a bove th ekeyboard

• Sta tu s LCD centered a bove the keyboard - ICONs a re u sed to conveysta tu s inform ation (refer to Figu re 3-1)

• Em bedded s pecial fu nction keys in th e keyboard ( in clu ding Con tras tan d Brightn ess Contr ol) are a ct ivated b y th e Fn key


Status LCD Display

Glidepad(Mouse) Mouse Select

Bu t tons

Figure 3-1 Exten sa Series Cont rols and Indicat ors

Operat ing Instructions 3 -1

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3 . 2 . 1 LCD Contrast ControlTh e TFT version of th e n otebook con tains no opera t in g controls orindica tors . Use th e fu nct ion keys to ad jus t th e cont ras t an d br ightn ess . TFTversion s ar e un affected by contra st "key" adju stm ents .

3 . 2 . 2 But ton Switche sThe notebook contains one button switch above the keyboard: the PowerOn/ Off Switch. This button is an al ternate act ion type switch that controlspower to th e un it . Pressing the Power bu tton cau ses p ower to be applied tothe n otebook, power up s elf test to be ru n a nd Win dows 95 to be loaded.When the Power bu t ton i s pressed a gain , th e Notebook powers down an d a lldata in RAM memory is lost.

3 . 2 . 3 Cove r Release Latc hThe Notebook conta in s a Cover Releas e latch nea r th e center of th e topcover. To open th e notebook, lift u p on t he r eleas e mech an ism alon g the

front edge of the notebook.

3 . 2 . 4 Glidepad Con trolsThe E xtensa 57x Series Notebook Compu ters a re equipped with a b u il t-inmou se d evice cal led th e glidepad p h ysical ly located a t th e ba se of th ekeyboar d (refer to Figur e 3-1 ).

Th e cur sor is posi t ioned b y touch ing an d dra ggin g your finger in thedirect ion you wan t the cu rsor to go. Th e select fu n ctions a re per form edeith er by tap ping the glidepad or by pr essing th e two button s (switches) atthe b ottom of th e keyboard.

You can cha nge the opera t ion of th e pad b y ch an gin g valu es in the m ous esection of th e Win dows 95 Contr ol Pan el. Once your cu rsor is in th e properplace an d you wan t to select , u se th e left bu tton to cl ick or dou ble-click jus tas you would with a mou se .

3 .3 Ope ratin g Proc e dure sSome of th e operat ing featu res u sefu l for notebook m ainten an ce areprovided in th e following pa ragrap hs . For add it iona l opera t ing in stru ctions ,refer to th e Extens a 57 X Se ries Notebook Compu ter Us er ’s Man ua l .

3 . 3 . 1 Floppy Drive Operating ProceduresTo avoid damaging the floppy drive, and to protect data, take the followingprecaut ions :

• Never tu rn off or res et th e n otebook wh ile th e floppy a ctivity indicat or islit.

• Keep th e AC ada pter a t least 6 inch es a way from your drive.

3 -2 Operating Instructions

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• In sert th e floppy into th e floppy drive slot with th e label s ide u p a n d th emeta l-sh u tter en d f irst . Gen tly pu sh th e floppy into th e floppy drive slotuntil the floppy clicks into place.

• To remove a f loppy diskette, pres s th e eject bu tton u nti l the f loppy popsou t .

• Never force open the a ccess s hu tter on a floppy.

• Always rem ove a flopp y from th e floppy d rive b efore tu rn ing off thecomputer.

• Never tra n sport the compu ter with a floppy in th e floppy drive. Doing s ocan d am age the dr ive head .

• If a f loppy app ears to be da ma ged, t ry to mak e a copy of i t , andimmed iately disca rd it .

• Keep al l floppies when not in u se in a disk s torage box to protect themfrom da ma ge or loss.

Operat ing Instructions 3 -3

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3 . 3 . 2 Ins talling/ Rem ovin g PCMCIA Optio nsPCMCIA cards are inser ted a nd e jec ted in m u ch th e sam e way as d iske t tes :

• Up to t wo Type I or Type II PCMCIA options m ay b e ins ta lled in th ecompa rtm ent on th e r igh t s ide of th e notebook. One Type III Option m aybe installed in the lower slot.

• To ins ert a PCMCIA card , al ign th e card with th e socket a nd sl ide th ecar d into th e socket u n til it locks in to place. To ins ta ll a Type III option,you mu st r emove the Floppy Drive.

• To eject a PCMCIA car d, go to th e Win dows 9 5 Con trol Pan el, select PCCard an d se lec t the card to s top; then press th e re lease bu t ton an dremove the PCMCIA option.

3 . 3 . 3 Com pute r Hot Key s• Refer to th e User ’s Guide s hipped with th e n otebook for a descript ion of

th e recogn ized hot k eys.

3 . 3 . 4 Respo nding to Low Batt ery Con dit ionsTh e compu ter genera lly wil l n otify you when you ar e rea ching a low batterycondition by performing the following actions:

• One beep every 10 secon ds (u n less b at tery warn ing is disab led)

• Th e ba ttery low war ning is au toma tical ly disa bled when th e AC Ada pteris ins tal led on t h e notebook regardless of th e cha rge con dit ion of thebat te ry pack .

• If th e AC ada pter is n ot plu gged in with in th ree minu tes of a d etectedba ttery low condit ion, th e notebook enters Sta nd by mode.

• The Notebook returns to the normal operat ing mode when the powerswitch is a ct ivated. Unit th en recovers RAM inform ation from th e h arddrive an d res tores u nit to previous "On" con dit ion.

3 . 3 . 5 Minimizing Power UsageThe following a ct ions can minimize power u sa ge an d pr otect your work du r ing the cr it ica l minu tes before you s hu t the sys tem down or rep lace oneof th e battery packs with a ful ly cha rged pa ck:

• Press Ctrl-Standby to sh u t off th e alar m (if it’s en ab led)

• Save RAM Disk (if using RAM Disk feature)

• Power down th e system if you do not need th e com pu ter

3 -4 Operating Instructions

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3 . 3 . 6 Recharging the Battery PacksA sta n da lone ba ttery char ger option is availab le to char ge notebook ba tterypa cks. The batter y packs m ay also be cha rged in t he n otebook as follows:

1. In s t a l l t he ba t t ery pack (s ) in your compu te r (if no t a lr eady in s t a l led ).

2. Con n e ct th e AC Ad a p te r a s d es cr ib ed in S ec tion 2 .

3. To fu l ly cha rge the ba t t ery pack , leave it cha rg ing in t he No tebook fo ra t l ea s t an o the r 90 m inu te s .

4 . Per iod ica lly r econd i t ion the p r imary ba t te ry (Nickel Me ta l Hydr ide ) a sdescr ibed in Para graph 3 .3 .7 .

3 . 3 . 7 Con dit ionin g th e Prim ary Batte ryThe prima ry batt ery pack is a Nickel-Metal Hydride type th at requ ires

periodic deep disch arge an d rech arge in ord er to accept a ful l cha rge(ap proxima tely every 5 or 6 cha rge/ recha rge cycles). To cond it ion th e m ainba ttery, us e th e followin g procedu re:

1. Remove the s econda ry ba t t e ry (if in s t a l led in t he F loppy Dr ive bay )and AC Adapter (if installed).

2. Powe r u p t h e com p u t er a n d le a ve it on u n t il t h e pr im a r y b a t te ry iscompletely disch arged; then reconn ect the AC ada pter a n d fu llycha rge the bat tery. Reins tal l th e seconda ry battery in th e Floppy Bay(if u sing a seconda ry batter y pack).

3 . 3 . 8 Resto ring Miss ing Sys te m FilesWh en you p ower u p th e Notebook, i t au toma tical ly checks for certain k eyfi les th at mu st b e pres ent for n orm al system operat ion. If an y of thes e filesare accidental ly erased, as indicated by error message, insert theWindow s95 Startup d iske t te an d r eboot the system . Th is will al low you toboot u p an d t roub leshoot your sys tem.

3 . 3 . 9 Rebui ld ing the Sys t em Sof twareIn th e event of a h ar d drive replacem ent or system board r eplacemen t whichresu lted in loss of system software, you ma y need to rebu ild th e entiresys tem software s t ru c ture .

The following i tems are requ ired to rebu ild the system software:

• Set of ba cku p diskettes of th e system s oftware

• Operational Notebook

Ins er t the Window s 95 S tartup disk ette in th e Notebook’s floppy dr ive an dpower up the sys tem.

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nNote : For ad dit iona l opera t ing procedur es, refer to to the Extensa 500 Series

Notebook Com puter User ’s Manua l , Texas Ins t rum ents Par t No.9803942-0001 .

3 -6 Operating Instructions

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4Th e o ry o f Ope rat ion

4 .1 Introduct ionThis s ect ion d escribes th e n otebook th eory of operat ion.

4 .2 Not ebook Func t ion al Desc rip t ionFu nctionally, the n otebook com pu ter con sists of the followin g ma jorsubsys t ems :

• Processor an d Memory Subs ys tem

• I/ O Subsys tem

• Video Su bsystem

• Hard Disk Su bsys tem

• Floppy Disk S u bsystem

• CD-ROM Sub system

• PCMCIA Su bs ystem

• Soun d Su bsys t em

• Serial Infrared Subsystem

• Power Subsystem

A fu n ctiona l block diagram of th e Extens a 57x Series Notebook is s hown inFigure 4 -1.

4 . 2 . 1 Proce ssor/ Mem ory Subsys te ms

Th e Process or fu n ction, h ous ed on th e Main Board, is imp lemen ted with th eIntel ™ Pentium Processor (P54C/ LM). The processor opera tes inconjun ction with RAM an d ROM Memory on t h e Memory Board a nd othercontrol logic on th e Main Board to process software ins tru ctions (BIOS,Windows 95, and Applications).

Prima ry con trol for the Processor/ Memory su bsystem is imp lemen ted withthe Pentiu m Ch ipset (Opti Viper 82C55 6/ 82C55 7).

The m emory subs ys tem, implemented on th e Memory Board an d opt ionalDu al Inlin e Memory Modu les, provides 8 MB (expa n da ble to 40 MB) of fas t

Th eory of Operat ion 4 -1

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DRAM mem ory, 128 b ytes of CMOS RAM (ba tter y back ed u p) an d 2 56 KB of Flas h ROM for system an d video BIOS s torage.

The ba s ic 8 MB mem ory sys tem can be expanded to a ma ximu m of 40 MBby th e a ddition of two DIMM m emor y modu les (refer to Section 6 forinstallation details).

Tables 4-1 throu gh 4-3 conta in the Notebook I/ O address ma p, DMA

channel assignments and IRQ interrupt level assignments respectively.





Super I/OController


Drivers/ Receivers

Expansion BusConnector

PCMCIA AdapterUM8365A


PCMCIA Option Slot(s)



DRAM(2 Bank)




Audio IN/OUTMic In

CPU Data


CPU Address




Input FromAC Adapter

Battery Packs



1 MBVideo RAM

640 X 480SVGA LCD






SIMM MemoryExpansionModules





Figure 4-1 Not ebook Funct ional Bloc k Diagram

4 -2 Th eory of Operat ion

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Table 4-1 Exten sa Series I/ O Addres s Map

Addre s s Ran ge De vic e

000-00 F DMA Con troller 1

020-021 In ter ru pt Con troller 1

022-023 M1 42 9 Regis ters

04 0-043 Tim er 1

06 0-06E Keyboa rd Con troller 8 74 2 Ch ip Select

070-07 1 Rea l Tim e Clock a n d NMI Ma sk

080-08 F DMA Pa ge Regis ter

0A0-0A1 In ter ru p t Con troller 2

0C0-0DF DMA Con troller 21F0-1F7 Ha rd Dis k Select

178 , 17A 637 7 Regis ter s

1F0-1F7 Ha rd Dis k Select

3F6, 3F7

278-27F Pa ra llel Por t 3

35 F, 36F Specia l I/ O Por ts

378 , 37A Pa ra llel Por t 2

3BC-3BE Pa ra llel Por t 1


3C6-3C9 Video DAC

3C0-3CF En h a n ced Gra p h ics Dis pla y

3D0 -3DF Color Gra p h ics Ada p ter

3E0-3E1 PCMCIA Con tr oller

3F0-3F7 Floppy Dis k Con troller

3F8-3FF Ser ia l Por t 1

Th eory of Operat ion 4 -3

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Prio rit y In t e rruptNumber

Int errupt Source

17 IRQ7 Pa ra llel Por t

n Note: A PCMCIA card can u se IRQ 3, 4, 5, 7 , 9 an d 11 as long a s i t does n otconflict with th e interru pt a ddres s of any other device.

4 . 2 . 2 I/ O Subsys te mThe I/ O sub sys tem, implemented with a n SMC37C655IR Super I / OController Ch ip, p rovides for su ch fu nctions as intern al floppy dr ive contr ol,serial an d pa ral lel ports a n d su pport for the Serial Infrared port . Th e Su perI/ O Contr oller includ es the following featu res:

• 100 percen t compa tible with ISA, EISA, an d m icro-chan nel arch itectu res

• Bu ilt-in flopp y disk cont roller

• Two UARTs

• Software comp atible with th e PC16550A an d PC1645 0

• MIDI compatible

• Infrared support on UART2 (IRDA-compliant)

• Bidirectiona l Para llel Port

• Enhanced Parallel Port (EPP) compatible

• Exten ded Cap ab ilities Port (ECP) comp at ible, inclu ding level 2suppor t

• Bidirect iona l u nd er eith er software or ha rdwar e con trol

• Compa tbile with ISA, EISA, a nd Micro Ch an nel a rch itectu res

• Ability to m u ltiplex FDC sign als on pa ra llel port pin s forexterna l FDD

• Inc ludes pro tect ion c i rcu it aga ins t dam age cau sed whenprinter is powered u p, or operated at h igh er voltages

• In tegral addres s decoder- provides select ion of al l prima ry an dsecond ary ISA add ress es includ in g COM1-4 a n d LPT1-3.

• Enh an ced Power Management Fu nct ion

• Enhanced programmable power-down and wake-up modes

Th eory of Operat ion 4 -5

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cCaut ion: Format t ing the d isk drive e rases any da ta tha t may be s toredon th e d isk . Therefore do no t a t te mpt a format of the hard d isk unlessthe c ompute r se l f tes t and diagnos t ics con f irm tha t the d isk has notbee n format t ed .

A Hard Drive a ct ivity ICON is located on th e Sta tu s LED ben eath th eDisplay Ass embly. Th is ICON is visible du ring h ar d d river rea d/ write

accesses .

c Caution : The n ote book should not be mo ved when t he HDD ICON is l i tto prevent acc ident a l damage to the hard drive .

4 . 2 . 5 Floppy Disket t e Drive Subsys te mThe Floppy Diskette Drive Subsystem consists of a Floppy Controller (part of the S u per I / O Chip, SMC37C65 5IR) an d th e removable Floppy Diskett e

Drive. Th e Floppy Diskett e Drive can read / write s ta n da rd 3 .5-inchminidiskettes. The floppy drive insta lls in th e Media Bay an d ca n beremoved to install a CD-ROM drive or a second battery pack (Lithium Ion).

4 . 2 . 6 CD-ROM SubsystemMan y of the Exten sa 57x models are equ ipped with a rem ovable 5.25 inch ,CD-ROM dr ive (4X or 6 X sp eeds ). Th e dr ive u ses th e st an da rd ATAPIinterface.

The CD-ROM sub system is control led b y the IPC (which a lso contr ols th eha rd d r ive su bsys tem).

4 . 2 . 7 PCMCIA Subs ys te mThe n otebook is equipped with a n on-board PCMCIA hos t ad ap ter(UM836 6F) PCMCIA Cont roller) an d sockets to s u pp ort Type I, II, or IIIoptions . Th e PCMCIA Contr oller ha s t h e followin g feat u res :

• Single-chip PCMCIA host adapters

• Direct c on n ection to ISA (PC AT) Bu s

Direct con n ection to PCMCIA 2.0 Bu s• PCMCIA 2.0 - an d J EIDA 4.1-com plian t

• 82365SL-compatible register set, ExCA-compatible

• Automatic Low-power Dynamic Mode for lowest power consumption

• Programm able Sus pend Mode

• Five program ma ble memory win dows per s ocket

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• Two I/ O wind ows p er socket

• Program ma ble card a ccess cycle t iming

• 8- or 16-bit CPU interface

• 8- or 16-bit PCMCIA interface support

ATA disk interface s u pp ort• Au toma tic flas h m emory t imin g su pport

• Easy h os t in ter face u s ing ISA I/ O address es 03E0h , 03E1h

• Mixed-voltage (3.3 V or 5V) oper a tion

• Dua l-socket- in terface, 20 8-pin QFP

4 . 2 . 8 Sound Subsys te m (Model Dependen t)

Some m odels of th e Extensa 57x Series notebooks ar e equipped with a16-bit s te reo sou nd sys tem inc lu ding:

• Bui lt - in microphon e an d s te reo speakers

• Stereo line input (5-pin jack, DIP)

• Stereo Lin e Ou tpu t (5-pin jack, DIP)

• Externa l microph one inpu t (5-pin jack, DIP)

• Audio chipset

The sou nd su bsys tem is phys ica lly implemented on th e IR/ Soun d Board .

4 . 2 . 9 Power Subsys te mTh e Power Su bsystem consists of the following m ajor par ts:

• Power Mana gemen t (ha rdware a nd software compon ents )

• AC Ada pt er

• Power Su pply Board

• Nickel Meta l Hydride (NiMH) Ba tte ry Pa ck

• Optional Secondary Battery Pack (Lithium Ion) if not using the MediaBa y for a floppy d rive or CD-ROM Drive

4 .2 .9 .1 Po we r Man age me nt

The n otebook i s equipped with a p ower m an agement funct ion tha tminimizes ba ttery usa ge for prolonged battery operat ion an d au toma tical lyrecharges the b a t te r ies when the n otebook i s us ed with an AC ada pter.

4 -8 Th eory of Operat ion

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Th e power ma n agemen t modes a nd warn in gs in clu de th e followin g:

• LCD standby mode

• Hard d isk / CD-ROM stan dby mode

• S ys t em s t a n d b y/ s u s p e n d m o d e

Battery-low warn in g• Standby / su spend u pon ba t t e ry low

4 .2 .9 .2 AC Adapt e r

The n otebook u ses an AC ada pter with bu ilt in over voltage an d s hort circu itprotect ion.

The a dapter can with s tan d a cont inu ous s hor t -c ircui t to DC outp u t withou tdam age to the notebook logic components an d rese ts to the n orma l powermode a fter th e fau lt cond it ion is rem oved.

4 .2 .9 .3 Prim ary Bat te ry Pac k

The E xtensa 57x Series Notebooks u se a Nickel Metal Hydride ba ttery as th eprima ry battery pack. Sp ecificat ions for the prima ry battery pack a reprovided in Table 4-4.

Table 4 -4 Primary Battery Pack Spe cif icat io ns

Fun c t ion Spe c ific at io n s

Ba t tery typ e NiMH (Nickel Meta l-Hydr ide)

Cell Type A

Nom in a l volta ge 8 .4 V

Cell en ergy ca pa city 42 00 m AH

Nomina l ratedcapacity

27 Watt-hours

Charge and d ischa rgecycles

500 (minimum )

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4 . 2 . 9 . 4 DC-DC Co n v e rt e r/ Ba t t e ry Ch a rg e r Ci rc u i t

The p ower s u pply boar d includes two DC-DC Converter circu its an d abat te ry charging c ircui t tha t opera te the n otebook an d cha rge the in tern a lba tteries wh en th e AC Ada pter is at ta ched t o the n otebook. The convertersoperate from a n inpu t voltage between 7 VDC an d 2 0 VDC (from th e ACada pter) an d generat e the regulated voltages requ ired to power al l in tern allogic circu its an d ch arge the intern al bat teries. When th e AC ada pter is not

us ed , the DC-DC conver ters a re powered by the outpu t of the in tern a lba ttery pa ck (s) (n omin al 8.4 V).

4 -10 Th eory of Operat ion

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5Trou ble s h oo t ing Proc e dure s

5 .1 GeneralTh is sect ion pr ovides th e followin g in form at ion :

• Overview of th e fau lt isolat ion pr ocess

• Gu idelin es for isolat ing compu ter m alfu nctions to replaceablesubassembl ies

• Instructions for executing diagnostics and interpret ing error messages.

5 .2 Ove rvie w of Fault Iso lat io n Proc e ssThe fau lt isolat ion pr ocess (su m ma rized in Figure 5-1 ) consists of th efollowin g:

• Qu ick Ch eck of th e followin g:

• Notebook power s ystem (includ in g battery pa cks an d ACAdap ter conn ections )- refer to Para graph 5.4.

• Switch set t ings (ensure Power switch i s On, an d press

Standby switch to ensu re tha t Notebook i s not in S tan dbymode; press Shift to ensu re the notebook i s n ot inAu to-Su spend mode.

• All exter n a l cab lin g (if a n y).

• Check LCD Cont ras t adju stm ent (Du al Scan version only).

• Record an d a t tempt to resolve an y d isp layed er ror mess ages / LEDindications (refer to Para graph 5.3 a nd Tab le 5-1).

• Record a n d at temp t to resolve an y series of beeps em itted from th en otebook ind icating tes t failure (refer to Tab le 5-2).

Troub lesh ooting Procedures 5 -1

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SE EPARAGRAPHS5.3.1 & 5.3.2




See Appendix B(PC-Doctor)

When Power buttonis pressed, no indicationof power is present (darkLCD, no Status icons lit,no disk drive activity, etc.)

Press Power button;Selftest automaticallyruns when power turned on.

Figure 5 -1 Troublesho otin g Flowchart

5 -2 Troub lesh ooting Procedures

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• Try rebooting th e system ( Ctrl-Alt-Del ); restore s ystem from diskettes, if necessary.

• If the compu ter is ca pable of ru nn ing the Setup program ; check theser ia l an d pa ra l le l por t conf igura t ions , an d o ther fea tu res th a t m ayaffect system operat ion.

• Run Diagnost ics to fu rth er isolate p roblem area (refer to Para graph

5.3.5).• For ind icated h ard ware fai lu res, cycle power an d repea t self test to

verify th at a h ard fai lu re ha s occur red.

• Remove an d replace su spect h ard ware (as described in S ection 6 of th isma nu al ) an d re tes t th e sys tem u s ing the d iagnos t ic tes t s as descr ibed inParagraph 5 .3 .5 .

Th e detai led block diagram , sh own in Figu re 5-2, is u sefu l in p erform ingfau lt an alysis of various inter na l su bsystem s. For exam ple, an LCDha rdwar e problem ca n b e traced to ei ther th e LCD, Inverter Board, or Power

Su pply Board . Oth er su bsys tem problems can be i sola ted in a s imilarfas hion u sing the d etai led block diagram as a trou bleshooting tool.

5 .3 Troubles ho ot ing Proc e dure sThe bu ilt- in s elf test pr ogra m a n d th e disk res iden t diagn ostics program(PC-Doctor) ar e u seful tools in com pu ter tr ou blesh ootin g. However, if th ecompu ter h as a p ower, keyboard or display problem, you f irst solve th isproblem before run n in g diagnostics. If th e comp u ter powers up a nd displaysmes sa ges on th e LCD or emits a series of beeps, s kip to Para graph 5.3.3 forfu r ther ins t ruc t ions .

5 . 3 . 1 Troubleshooting a Power Supply ProblemIf th e com pu ter does n ot power u p when th e Power Switch is set to th e ONposit ion, you m ost l ikely ha ve a ma lfu nction in th e power su bsystem (loss of power at the AC Outlet, faulty AC Adapter, discharged Battery Pack, orfau lty Power Su pply Board). With a power problem, th e sta tu s s creen a ndthe LCD are both b lank , an d n o drive act ivi ty can be hea rd. Th e com pu ter isunable to load software and displays no visible signs of activity.

To fau lt isolate a power pr oblem, ch eck th e followin g:

• AC Ada pter an d Battery- Plu g in t he AC ada pter a nd doub le check a llconnect ions on the adapter an d compu ter. Ens ur e tha t the notebook Power bu t ton is s e t to the On pos i tion an d th a t th e sys tem is n ot ins tan dby or s leep m odes .

• Meas u re th e voltage at th e AC outlet or plu g in a k nown good app lian ce(e.g. a lam p) to verify th at voltage is pre sen t. If th e volta ge is okay, tr yreplacing the AC ada pter.

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• Check to s ee tha t th e ba ttery pack is ins tal led correct ly (try us ing arech arged battery pa ck if bat tery is discha rged)

• If th e AC outlet voltage, AC Ada pter, a nd bat tery pack s tes t n orma l butthe compu ter will not power u p , rep lace th e Power Su pply Board an d/ orBattery Board a s descr ibed in Section 6.





Super I/OController


Drivers/ Receivers

Expansion BusConnector

PCMCIA AdapterUM8365A


PCMCIA Option Slot(s)



DRAM(2 Bank)




Audio IN/OUTMic In

CPU Data


CPU Address




Input FromAC Adapter

Battery Packs



1 MBVideo RAM

640 X 480SVGA LCD






SIMM MemoryExpansionModules





Figure 5 -2 Troublesho otin g Bloc k Diagram

5 -4 Troub lesh ooting Procedures

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5 . 3 . 2 Troubleshooting a Display Problem

If the LCD rema ins b lank when you tu rn on the compu ter, and the s ta tusICONs l ight on th e Statu s display pan el ab ove the keyboard, ch eck th efollowin g contr ols on th e disp lay:

• LCD sta n dby m ode - If th e LCD back light r ema ins off, even with th eContra st Con trol set to i ts highest pos it ion , th e LCD ma y be in StandbyMode . Press th e Power bu t ton to power u p the sys tem.

• Notebook Set for Externa l Monitor - us e CMOS Setu p to res et n otebook.

• LCD - Replace t he cover-display a ss emb ly as described in Section 6 of t h i s man ua l.

• Low battery - Use a fully charged battery.

5 . 3 . 3 Fault Iso lat ion Usin g Se lf Tes tWh en th e compu ter is firs t p owered u p, i t au toma tical ly perform s a self testof its cen tra l h ard ware an d m emory fu n ctions . During self test (which lastsfor a few seconds ), th e display shows copyright a nd version n u mb erinformation.

n Note: Some procedu res in th is pa ragraph requi re you to u se keys t roke se-quences , su ch a s Ctrl-Alt-Del . To execute a keys t roke sequence su ch a s

th is , you m u st pr ess a ll three keys s imu ltan eous ly.

5 . 3 .3 . 1 S e lf Te s t Erro r Me s sage s

Upon su ccessful comp letion of th e self test , th e compu ter au toma tical lyloads its operat ing system an d oth er b u il t-in u t i lit ies . If th e self test fai ls t ocomplete su ccessfu lly, the display sh ows on e of th e error m essa gesdes cribed in App en dix A.

5 . 3 . 4 PCMCIA Modem ProblemsIf an optiona l PCMCIA m odem does n ot work pr operly, check th e followin gitems:

• Proper installation of any PCMCIA options (check Modem settings underCont rol Pan el).

• Dialin g problem or wrong nu m ber - Try dial ing a n u mb er tha t you h avepreviously dialed successfully.

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• Fau lty ph one l ine - Conn ect a teleph one to the l in e an d l is ten for a dialtone .

• Software program - Check to ensu re tha t you ha ve ins ta l led th esoftware corr ectly.

• I/ O Addr ess Con flict - Th e mu lt imed ia s oun d cap abili ty of th e Extensau ses I / O addres s 220 . However, this ma y confl ict with s ome third-pa rty

PCMCIA card s l ike th e IBM Token Ring ca rd. In t his ca se, res et th eExtens a mu lt imedia sound to I/ O address 240 a s sh own in Figure 5-3 .

5 . 3 . 5 Fault Isolat ion Using Diagnos t ic sPC-Doctor s u pplied with the Extens a Series Notebooks is a p owerfuldiagnostics tool th at ca n h elp you sca n a n in tern al RAM system for viru ses ,determ ine th e ha rdwar e configura t ion of a local or remote system,bench ma rk i t s per forman ce , ana lyze the per forma nce of a l l su bsys tems,an d per form a su ite of in terac t ive an d n on- in tera c t ive tes t s on a t ta cheddevices. Th e test resu lts a re stored in a log which can be printed out (bypress ing F2 ) or sa ved in a d isk file (by pr ess ing F3 ).

Features of the d iagnos t ic program are a ccessed throu gh a ser ies of pu ll-down m enu s a nd ba sic keyboard k eys (cur sor keys to move highlightedpoin ter, Enter k ey to select a h ighlighted featu re, Es c key to can cel afunction and move back one level. PC-Doctor is typically user friendly but if you don’t u n derst an d a featu re, context-sens it ive help inform ation isavailab le at a ny t ime by pressing th e F1 fu n ction key; pres sing the F1fu n ction k ey twice access es th e onlin e Technical Reference Manual for PC-Doctor.

A powerful se t of u tilities with in PC-Doctor (th at can be r u n locally orremotely) s implify th e tas k of determ in in g system configura t ion dat a,

I/O Address 220(Both switches inlower position)

I/O Address 240(Both switches inupper position)

NOTE: Lift keyboard to access IR/Sound BoardDIP Switch

Figure 5 -3 I/ O Addres s Set t ing (IR/ Sound Board)

5 -6 Troub lesh ooting Procedures

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• Oth er devices (Soun d ca rd, PCMCIA options, et c.)

In te rac t ive Tes t s

The PC-Doctor d iagnostic test includ es a su i te of seven Intera ct ive tests th atrequi re opera tor inp ut du r ing th e cou rse of the tes t . The Inte rac t ive Tes t scategory in clu des:

• Keyboard - tes t s the k eyboard keys , LEDs an d repeatfunction

• Video - tests th e LCD an d externa l SVGA cha racter s ets , an dcolors.

• Speaker - tests th e volu me res pons e at differen t frequ encies.

• Mouse - tes t s th e mou se dr iver, bu t tons a nd fun ct ional ity

• J o y s t i c k - cal ibra tes th e extern al joyst ick conn ected to thesys tem an d tes ts th e joys t ick bu t tons

• Diskette Drive - ch ecks diskette dr ive fu nctionality

• Maximum Syste m Load - thorou ghly exercises s ystem to th ema ximu m extent poss ib le for per forming sys tem bu rn - in an dtes t

• Printer Test - tests th e operat ion of a conn ected printer

• SCSI Test - sen ds tes t codes to at ta ched SCSI devices(requ ires u se of a Docking System with SCSI)

• CD-ROM Test - checks out a n y at tach ed CD-ROM Drive(requ ires at ta chm ent of a Docking System with CD-ROMcapability)

Support ing Onl ine docum ent a t ion

The PC-Doctor Diagnostic contains the following online information sources:

• Onlin e Techn ical Man u al - selected at a n y t ime b y pressing F1 keytwice or by clicking on th e Qu estion Mark in t h e up per left h an d corner

of an y PC-Doctor Menu

• On-line Help s ystem th at provides context sen si t ive inform ation fromevery PC-Doctor screen - accessed by press ing F1 key once (pres sing F1twice gets you into the on line ma nu al)

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5 .3 . 5 .1 Us e r In te rfac e t o PC-Do c to r

PC-Doctor is s tru ctu red a s a text mode, win dow us er interface withpu ll-down m enu s. Program operat ion requ ires the u se of th e followin g keys:

• Cur sor Keys - move the h ighlighted point er

• Enter Key - Selects the highlighted option

• Esc Key - Cancels cu r rent fun ct ion a nd goes back one s tep

• F1 Key - Activates the context-sensitive help feature (pressing F1 twicein a row calls u p th e onlin e Technical Reference Manual for PC-Doctor )

Scroll in g win dows, which s h ow th e resu lts of various operat ions, u se th efollowing keys:

• Page Up/ Page Down - m oves th e screen one pa ge a t a t ime

• F2 - Prin ts t h e log to PRN

• F3 - s aves t h e log to a file

You can also u se th e mou se or glidepad t o int eract with PC-Doctor. Theleftmost Se l ec t key is u sed to choose objects (men u ent r ies an d act ioncodes typically enclosed in brackets). The rightmost Se l ec t key is equivalentto the Es c key which ta kes you ba ck to your pr evious s tep.

5 . 3 .5 . 2 Cre at in g a Bo o table Flo ppy Dis ke t t e

Prior to u sing PC-Doctor, crea te a bootable floppy diskette u sing th efollowin g p rocedu re:

1. Power u p the un it ; when u ni t d isp lays mess age , "Star t ingWindows 95", press F8 . Choose Com m and Prom pt Only from men u .

2 . Using DOS, format a floppy diskette.

3. From the A: promp t, copy th e ba sic MS-DOS files to th e diskette u singthe following command:

Forma t A: / F :14 40 / S

Wh ere th e value 1 440 is the ca pa city of th e diskette (1.44 MB in th isexample).

4. Get into th e PC-Doctor directory ( type CD C:\ PCDR and p re s s Enter ).

5 . Copy the PC-Doctor files to th e bootab le disk ette u sin g the followin gcommand :


After completion of this procedu re, you sh ould h ave a b ootab le diskettecontaining PC-Doctor.

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5 .3 .5 .3 Run nin g PC-Doc to r

PC-Doctor i s a DOS-res ident pr ogram tha t can be ru n from e i ther h ard d isk or from th e bootable diskette you previous ly created.

1 . Fr om th e C:\ p rom p t ch a n ge d ir ec tor y (t yp e CD C:\ PCDR ) an d pressEnter

.2 . Th e Diagnost ics Progra m loads in to system mem ory, an d th e LCD

displays the d iagn ostics Head er.


Note: There are a nu mber of comma nd- l ine swi tches th a t can be enteredwhen s ta r t ing u p PC-Doctor to enable au tomat ic viru s scan ning , enableloopback tes t ing of serial / par al lel ports , work from th e rem ote men u if per-form ing remote opera t ions , etc. To get a lis t ing of the availab le comm an d-lin e switches, s tartu p PC-Doctor with th e followin g comma n d: PCDR / ? a n d

pres s Enter .

n Note: If PC-Doctor detects a virus , it will stop with a n err or m ess age. Youmu st then u se one of the s ta nda rd viru s de tec t ion an d removal programs toremove the viru s.

5 .3 .5 .4 Quit tin g PC-Do ct or

To exit PC-Doctor, select t h e Quit pu ll down m enu an d then s e lec t the Quitto DOS option.

n Note: For add it ion al inform ation, pres s F1 twice to access th e onlin e Refer-en ce m an ua l for PC-Doctor.

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6 . 2 . 3 Handling the Com pute r Batt ery PackThe ba t te ry pack fu rn ish ed with th e compu ter requires reas onable care an dha n dling to en su re efficient operat ion a nd ma ximu m life. Periodical lyins pect the ba ttery termina ls a nd th e batteries for eviden ce of corrosion an doxide b u ild-u p; clean if necessa ry.

To ensu re th at th e battery pa ck endu res a n orm al li fe cycle, always observethe following preca u tions when ha nd lin g th e battery pa ck:

• Do not drop th e batt ery pack or su bject i t to excess ive sh ock an dvibration.

• Do not expose th e battery pack to direct sun light , moistu re, or ch emicalcompounds .

• Do not d isas semble the ba t te ry pack .

• Do not us e the b attery pa ck to power other d evices.

• Do not sh ort the ba ttery leads or conn ect the ba ttery with r eversedpolarity.

• Never a t tempt to cha rge the b a t te ry pack in an y way o ther th an asdescr ibed in th is ma nu al .

• Always cha rge the ba ttery pack a s s oon as possible after a low batteryindicat ion.

6 . 2 . 4 Resto ring Syst em Sof tware

Th e ha rd d rive on th e n otebook comp u ter is factory loaded with Windows 95an d r eady for operat ion. Su pplied with th e Win dows 95 system is a faci li tyfor creat ing ba cku p diskettes of th e system software. In th e event of a d isk crash or other problem, you can u se the Window s 95 S tartup diskette toboot th e u ni t an d per form t r oublesh oot ing .

6 .3 Require d Too ls and Equipme ntAll notebook computer correct ive maintenance procedures can be performedu sin g th e followin g tools:

• Tweezers

• Small flat-blade screwdriver

• Sm all Phillips scr ewdriver

• Hexagonal Screwdriver

• Plas tic Stick

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cCaution: All boards, options and peripherals contain components thatare se ns i t ive to s ta t ic e lec t r ic i ty. When handl ing any of these i te ms ,protect against s tat ic electr ici ty by using wrist or ankle groundingstraps and grounded working mats. When moving or s toring i tems, usethe ant i -s ta t ic bags supplied wi th the i te ms .

6 .4 Notebook Field-Replaceable Partsand Ass em bl ies

All mem bers of th e Extens a 5 7x Series Notebook Compu ters con tain twoma jor a ss emblies includ ing the Cover Display Ass emb ly (u pper h alf of notebook compu ter) an d th e System Base Ass emb ly (lower h alf of th enotebook). Each of th ese two ass emblies conta in FRUs a s des cribed in th efollowin g su bpa ragrap hs .

6 . 4 . 1 Cover-Display AssemblyAs s h own in Figure 6 -1, th e Cover -Disp lay Ass emb ly con tains th e LCDscreen , Power Inverter Board, Tran sfer Board an d cables.

Th e Field-Replacea ble Units (FRUs) within th e Cover Display Ass em bly areprovided in Table 6-1.

Bezel (Removed

for Clarity)

Power InverterB o a r d

LCD Cover


Bezel Nameplate(not shown)Cables

(not visiblein this view)

Figure 6 -1 Cove r Display Ass em bly FRUs

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Table 6 -1 Cove r Display Ass em bly, Field-Replace able Units (FRUs)

I temNo .

FRU De s c ript io n TI Part No . Re fe re n c eParagraph

No .

01 In ver ter Boa rd , TFT/ DSSTN 981 13 10 -0 00 1 6.5 .15

02 11 .3 ", DSTN SVGA LCD Pa n el 9 81 1312-0001 6.5 .6

03 10 .4 " TFT SVGA LCD Pa n el 9811313-000 1 6 .5 .6

04 11 .3 " DSTN SVGA Ca ble 9811314-0 00 1 6 .5 .6

05 10 .4 " TFT SVGA Ca b le 9811315 -0 00 1 6 .5 .6

06 Disp la y In ter con n ect Boa r d , TFT 98048 00 -0001 6.5 .6

07 Disp la y In ter con n ect Boa r d , DSSTN 9804024 -0 00 1 6.5 .6

08 TFT Pa n el Tra n s fer Boa r d 9 80 48 01 -0001 6.5 .609 DSSTN Pa n el Tra n s fer Boa rd 9804803-000 1 6 .5 .6

10 Bezel, 1 1 .3" DSSTN 9811320 -0 00 1 6 .5 .6

11 Bezel, TFT 10 .4 9 81 13 21 -0 00 1 6 .5 .6

12 Bezel Na m ep la te, 5 70 CD 9 81 13 22 -0 003 Ref

13 Bezel Na m ep la te, 5 75 CD 9 81 13 22 -0 004 Ref

14 Bezel Na m ep la te, 570CDT 98113 22 -000 5 Ref

15 Bezel Na m ep la te, 575CDT 98113 22 -000 6 Ref

16 Hin ge Cover s 98057 13 -0 00 1 Ref

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6 . 4 . 2 System Base AssemblyAs s h own in Figure 6-2, th e System Bas e Ass emb ly h ous es a variety of fie ld- replaceable sub ass embl ies a nd compon ents . The FRUs an d pa ragraphreferences for removal/ replacemen t procedu res a re l is ted in Table 6-2.Tab le 6-3 con tains a l is t ing of Cus tomer (n on-techn ical u ser) replacea bleunits (CRUs) and associated TI Part numbers.


Keyboard Assembly

Glidepad Assembly

IR/Sound Board

Power Supply Board

Display Cable InterfaceBoard

Main Board

Inverter Board

Display Assembly


Status LCDAssembly

Display Assembly

Figure 6 -2 Base Ass em bly FRUs

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Table 6 -2 Base Ass em bly, Field-Replace able Units (FRUs)


FRU De s c ript ion TI Part No . Ref. Para.No .

1 10 0MHZ Ma in Boa rd w/ CPU 98 11 305-0001 6 .5 .1 3

2 Power Su pp ly, CPU 98 11 31 7-0001 6 .5 .1 3

3 Sou n d\ IR Boa rd As s em bly (Addr. Sel.) 9811306-0001 6 .5 .10

4 Power Su pp ly Ass em bly 98 04 02 0-0001 6 .5 .11

5 HDD Boa rd As s em bly, Gold Con ta ct 980480 5-0002 6 .5 .1 4

6 Sta tu s LCD Boa rd As s em bly 98 04 80 8-0001 6 .5 .7

7 4X CD-ROM Kit 9803982-0002 6 .5 .2

8 6X CD-ROM Kit 9803982-0003 6 .5 .2

9 81 0 Million Byte HDD 9786285-80 01 6 .5 .3

10 1200 Million Byte HDD 97 86285-80 02 6 .5 .3

11 FDD Mod u le (W/ O FDD) 9804 81 8-0001 6 .5 .2

12 1.44 MB FDD 98 04819-0001 6 .5 .2

13 US Keyboa r d As sem bly 9804820-00 01 6 .5 .5

14 UK Keyb oa rd As s em bly 98 04 82 0-0002 6 .5 .5

15 Ger m a n Keyboa r d As sem bly 98 04820-0003 6 .5 .5

16 Fren ch Keyboa rd As s em bly 9804820-00 04 6 .5 .5

17 Spa n ish Keyboa rd As sem bly 9804820-00 05 6 .5 .5

18 Swis s Keyboa rd As s em bly 9804820-0006 6 .5 .5

19 Ita lia n Keyboa rd As sem bly 9804820-00 07 6 .5 .5

20 Por tu gu ese Keyboa rd As s em bly 9804820-00 08 6 .5 .5

21 Swed is h Keyb oa rd As s em b ly 9804820-0010 6 .5 .5

22 Da n ish Keyboa rd As s em bly 98 04 82 0-0012 6 .5 .5

23 Norwegia n Keyboa rd As s em bly 98 04 82 0-0013 6 .5 .5

24 Belgiu m Keyboa rd Ass em b ly 9804820-00 14 6 .5 .5

25 Fin is h Keyboa rd As s em bly 98 04820-0015 6 .5 .5

26 CPU, P54C-10 0, SPGA, 2 .9V 98 11 73 3-0001 6 .5 .13

27 Glidepa d Modu le 98 04 82 1-0001 6 .5 .9

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6 .5 FRU Rem oval and Replace m en tProcedures

Th e followin g pa ra grap h s conta in field service-level rem oval/ rep lacem en tprocedu res for th e Notebook.

c Caution : Prior to rem oving any o f the in te rnal FRUs in t he n ote book,rem ove th e AC Adapter, bat te ry, f loppy and hard drives and al l ext ernalopt ions ins ta l led on the note book.

6 . 5 . 1 Remo ving/ Replac ing the Note book Bat teryPack

The procedu re for r emovin g an d r eplacin g the bat tery pack (s) is a s follows:

1 . Tu r n off t h e c om p u t er a n d dis con n e ct t h e AC a d a p te r a n d an yexterna l devices from th e notebook.

2 . Tu rn the n otebook over an d lay th e n otebook on a flat su rface.

3 . Locate th e ba ttery releas e bu tton on th e bottom of th e n otebook.Press t he b u tton in th e direct ion of th e ar row wh ile sl iding thebat tery ou t of its b at tery ba y.

n Note : Refer to Step 2 in Pa ragrap h 6 .5.2 for in form ation on r emoving a sec-ondary battery pack from the floppy drive cavity.

6 . 5 . 2 Rem oving/ Rep lac ing the F loppyDrive / CD-ROM

To remove and replace the Floppy Drive or CD-ROM Drive, perform thefollowin g p rocedu re:

1 . Power the n otebook off; disconn ect th e AC ad ap ter from th e n otebook (if at ta ched) and r emove th e batter y pack(s) as described in Para graph6.5.1.

2 . Loc a te th e flop p y r ele a se b u t ton . Pr es s a n d h o ld t h e bu t t on i n t h edirection of th e ar row while sliding th e flopp y drive (or oth er ins ta lleddevice su ch as CD-ROM drive or ba t tery) out of th e n otebook b ay.

c Caution: When removing the floppy drive assembly or CD-ROM driveassembly, grasp i t by i ts s ides; otherwise damage to the f loppy drivecan oc cur.

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3 . Th e floppy drive as sem bly can be fu rth er disas sem bled by removin gth e Phillips-h ead screws from th e sides of the f loppy drive as sem bly;lifting off th e cover an d lifting ou t th e floppy dr ive a n d ca bleconn ector (ZIF conn ector type). Unp lu g the cable a t th e ZIF conn ector.

6 . 5 . 3 Remo ving/ Replac ing th e Hard Drive

Th e procedu re for removin g and replacin g the ha rd dr ive as sem bly is asfollows:

1 . Power d own t h e n o te book , re m ove t h e ba t ter y p a ck s , a n d d is con n e ctth e AC ad ap ter, if ins ta lled.

2 . D is c on n e c t a n y p e rip h e r a l d e vic e in t e r fa c e c a b le s fr om t h e e xt er n a lin terface conn ectors a nd rem ove an y in sta lled PCMCIA options .

3 . Loc a t e t h e HD D r e le a s e b u t t on o n th e s id e of t h e n ot eb ook com p u t e r ;pres s an d h old th e releas e bu tton in th e direct ion of th e arrow whilesl iding th e HDD as sem bly ou t of its bay.

4 . Replacem ent is essen tially th e reverse of Steps 1 th rou gh 3.

6 . 5 . 4 Remo ving/ Replac ing Dual In l ine Mem oryMo dule s (DIMMs )

To remove an d replace th e expan sion mem ory, u se th e followin g procedu re:

1 . Pow er d own t h e n o te b ook ; d is c on n e c t t h e AC Ad a p t er (if a t t a ch e d ) a n dremove th e notebook ba t te ry packs as descr ibed in Paragraph 6 .5 .1 .

2 . Using a sm all Phillips hea d screw driver, rem ove th e two screws th atsecu re th e RAM Access Door to the ba se a nd remove the door.

3 . Push the two p las t ic spr ings away from the board edge an d removeth e board u sing a sl ight rocking motion.

4 . Wh e n in s t a llin g a D IMM b oa r d , in s e r t t h e e d ge of t h e b oa r d in t o t h erear of its conn ector us in g a sl ight rocking motion a t an an gle to thesurface of the board.

5 . Once th e DIMM is fu lly inserted in the conn ector, pu sh downwa rd onboth s ides of th e board t o sna p i t in p lace.

6 . Repeat s teps 4 an d 5 for each DIMM modu le being in sta lled. Th en

replace h ardware ear lie r removed in Steps 1 a nd 2 .

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6 . 5 . 5 Rem oving/ Replac ing the Key board Asse m blyThe pr ocedur e for removin g and replacin g the keyboard a ss emb ly is a sfollows:

1 . Power th e n oteb ook o ff ; disconn ect th e AC Ada pter from th e n otebook (if at ta ched) and r emove th e batter y pack(s) as described in Para graph6.5.1.

2 . Th e t op e dge of t h e k eyb oa r d is h e ld in p la c e b y la t ch e s a b ove th ePrtSc a n d F2 keys. Slide th e latch es toward th e outer edges of th enotebook.

3 . Us in g a s m a ll s tr a igh t - bla d e s c r ew dr ive r, lift t h e r e a r ed ge of t h ekeyboard a nd lay th e keyboar d over on th e glidepad.

4 . Un loc k th e k eyb oa r d ZIF con n e ct or on t h e m a in b oa r d a n d r em oveth e keyboard ca ble; l ift th e keyboard ou t of th e u n it .

5 . Wh e n in s t a llin g th e r ep la c em e n t k eyb oa r d , e s s en t ia lly r e ve rs e S te p s 1th rough 4 .


Left side releaselatch (behind F2 Key)

Right side releaselatch (behind PrtSc Key)

Figure 6-3 Removing/ Replac ing the Keyboard Asse mbly

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6 . 5 . 6 Remo ving/ Replac ing the Display Asse mblyTo access FRUs in the d isplay as sem bly, remove th e display as sem bly asdescribed in the following procedure:

1 . Remove the keyboard a ssem bly as d escr ibed in Para graph 6 .5 .5 .

2 . Le a n t h e LC D p a r t ia lly ba c k (d o n o t le a n t h e LC D c om p le te ly b a c k a s

it ma y cau se th e LCD statu s cover to bind ).3 . Us in g bot h t h u m b s , p re ss t h e fr on t e dge of t h e LCD s ta t u s c ove r to

releas e two latch es on the rear edge of th e cover. With a rockingm otion , gently rem ove th e LCD cover ( Note : You m ay h ave to adjus tth e LCD cover an d l ift u pward on th e front edge of th e LCD sta tu scover).

4 . Re m ove th e s cr ew t h a t s ec u r es t h e gr ou n d c a b le to t h e Ma in B oa r d(locat ed d irectly below the p rocess or).

5 . Loca t e t he d isp lay in t e r conn ect (h inge ) boa rd (p lugs ve r t ica lly in toth e ma in board ju st to the left of th e CPU).

6 . Us ing two pa ir s of p lie r s , lift upwards on the le ft and r igh t s ide of t hedisplay cable interface board and remove the board from the unitwhile pu ll in g the grou nd cable from th e bas e ass emb ly.

7 . La y t h e Dis p la y As s e m b ly c om p le te ly b a c k a n d r em o ve t h e fou rPhillips-hea d screws th a t s ecure th e d isp lay h inges to the Base Cas eAssembly.

8 . E n s u r e t h a t th e d is p la y c a b le s a r e fr e e fr om t h e Top Ca s e As s e m b lyan d rem ove th e Display Ass emb ly.

9 . Rep la c em e n t is t h e r eve rs e of S te ps 1 t h r ou gh 8 a b ove .

6 . 5 . 7 Removing and Replacing the LCD StatusAssembly

To remove the LCD Status Assembly, perform the following procedure:

1 . Remove the k eyboard a ssem bly as descr ibed in pa ragraph 6 .5 .5 .

2 . Lean th e LCD pa rt ial ly back (do n ot lean th e LCD completely back asit ma y cau se th e LCD statu s cover to bind ).

3 . Us in g bot h t h u m b s , p re ss t h e fr on t e dge of t h e LCD s ta t u s c ove r toreleas e two latch es on t he r ear ed ge of th e cover. Press down at airven t wh ile lifting ta bs in fron t. With a rocking m otion , gently removeth e LCD cover ( Note : You m ay h ave to ad jus t th e LCD cover a n d liftu pward on th e front edge of th e LCD statu s cover).

4 . Remove the two Phillips-head screws an d c lips tha t secure the s ta tu sLCD assem bly to the ba se.

5 . Lower th e LCD cover as sem bly an d u n lock th e ZIF conn ector on theback of th e LCD statu s as sem bly u sing a plast ic s t ick.

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4 . Lift u p o n t h e fr on t e d ge of t h e m a in b o a r d u n t il it cle a rs t h e b a t te rycavity; then pu ll th e ma in board forward a n d out of th e plast ics.

5 . Reassem bly is th e reverse of s teps 1 th rough 4 above.

6 . 5 . 1 4 Remo ving/ Replac ing HDD Conne ct or BoardTo remove an d replace th e HDD conn ector board Ass emb ly, perform th efollowin g p rocedu re:

1 . Re m ove th e top ca s e a s s em b ly a s d es cr ib ed in P a ra gr a p h 6 .5 .8 .

2 . Re m ove th e m a in b oa r d a s se m b ly a s d es cr ib ed in P a ra gr a p h 6 .5 .1 3 .

3 . Tu r n t h e m a in b oa r d over a n d la y on a fla t su r fa ce.

4 . Us in g a s m a l l Ph illip s s c r ewd r ive r, r em o ve t h e tw o s c re ws s e c u r in gthe HDD connector board to the main board .

5 . Rep la cem en t is t h e r ever s e of S te ps 1 t h rou gh 4 .

New P/SBoard

Remove all other boardassemblies; then remove fourHex Standoffs and four screws.

Main BoardAssembly

Figure 6-4 Replacing the Main Board Ass em bly

6 -14 Field Service

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6 . 5 . 1 5 Remo ving/ Replac ing Inverte r BoardTo remove an d rep lace th e inverter b oard as sem bly, per form th e followin gprocedure :


Caution : Prior to remo ving th e LCD bezel , e nsu re that th e AC adapteri s d iscon nec ted and tha t a ll in terna l ba t te ry packs are rem oved. Fa i l-ure t o observe th is precaut ion co uld expose you to dangerous h ighvol tages .

1 . Re m ove th e top ca s e a s s em b ly a s d es cr ib ed in P a ra gr a p h 6 .5 .8 .

2 . Re m ove th e m a in b oa r d a s se m b ly a s d es cr ib ed in P a ra gr a p h 6 .5 .1 3 .

3 . Tu r n t h e m a in b oa r d over a n d la y on a fla t su r fa ce.

4 . Un p lu g t h e s p ea k e r c a b le a s s em b ly c on n e c te d t o t h e d is p la y in t e r fa c eboard .

5 . Re m ove th e fou r r u b b er s cr ew cove rs a n d t h e fou r s c re ws b en e a th t h e

covers.6 . Pu l l on t h e i n s id e ed ge s of t h e b eze l t o r em o ve it s t a r tin g wit h t h e

bottom of th e bezel.

7 . D is c on n e c t t h e c on n e c tor s a t t h e top a n d b ot t om o f t h e in ve r te r b oa r d .

8 . Us e a s m a ll P h illip s -h e a d s c re wd r ive r t o r e m ove th e t wo s cr e wsholding th e inverter boar d to th e plast ics. Remove th e inverter board .

9 . To re pla ce th e in ve rt er b oa r d , r eve rs e St ep s 1 t h rou g h 8 .

Field Service 6 -15

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Appe n dix ASe lf Te s t Erro r Me s s age s

A.1 Introduct ionThis appendix contains reference data useful in diagnosing and correcting self tester rors .

Table A-1 Se lf Tes t Error Mes sage s

Erro r Me s s age Co rre c t ive Ac t io n

CMOS Ba t t ery Ba d Rep la ce m a in boa rd

CMOS Ch ecks u m Er ror Cycle p ower to Notebook ; if problem pers is ts , replace mainboard .

Dis k Boot Fa ilu re In s er t a s ys tem d is k in d rive A

Diskette Drive Controller E rror or NoController Present

Cycle power to Noteb ook; if problem pers is ts , replace mainboard .

Dis ket te Dr ive Er ror In s er t Dis k et te a n d r et ry; if prob lem p ersists, r eplace drive.

Dis ket te Dr ive Typ e Mis m a tch Pres s Ctrl-Alt-Esc to r econfigu rethe sys t em.

Equ ip m en t Con figu ra t ion Er ror Pres s Ctrl-Alt-Esc to recon figu rethe sys t em.

Ha rd Dis k 0 Er ror Cycle p ower to Noteb ook ; if problem pers is ts , replace mainboard and / o r ha rd d r ive .

Ha rd Dis k 0 Exten d ed Typ e E rror. Cycle p ower to Noteb ook ; if problem p ers is ts , replace ha rddrive.

Ins er t sys tem disket te and press k ey toreboot

Ins er t a s ys tem disk in d r ive A

I/ O Pa rity Er ror Cycle p ower to Noteb ook ; if problem pers is ts , replace mainboard .

Keyboard Err or or No KeyboardConnected

Cycle power to Noteb ook; if problem pers is ts , check keyboardcable conections to main board; if problem persists, replace keyboardand o r ma in boa rd .

Error Messages A-1

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Erro r Me s s age Co rre c t ive Ac t io n

Keyb oa rd In ter fa ce Error Cycle Power to Noteb ook ; if p rob -lem pers is ts , check k eyboard cableconect ions to ma in board; i f problem pers is ts , r eplace keyboardand o r ma in boa rd .

Mem ory Size Mis m a tch En ter a n d th en exit th e Sys temConfigurat ion Setup in the Setu pu tility.

Mis s in g opera t in g s ys tem Cor rect th e HDD typ e in th econfigu rat ion m enu an d reboot .Refer to the specification labelpas ted on th e back s ide of thenotebook or a t tach ed to hard d isk drive.

Non-s ystem d isk or disk error. Replaceand s t r ike any key when r eady

Remove disk in d rive A an d p ressany key

Poin t in g Device Er ror Cycle Power to Notebook ; if problem pers is ts , check cab leconnections from glidepad board toma in board; i f problem pers is ts ,replace glidepa d boar d; if problempers is ts , replace ma in b oard .

Poin tin g Device In ter fa ce Er ror Cycle Power to Noteb ook ; if problem pers is ts , open up th enotebook an d check th e glidepadcabling

Protected Mod e Tes t Fa il Cycle p ower to Noteb ook

RAM BIOS Ba d Cycle p ower to Notebook

RAM Pa r ity E rror Cycle p ower to Noteb ook ; if problem pers is ts , replace mainboard an d/ or DIMM modu le (if u s e d )

Rea l-Tim e Clock Er ror Pres s Ctrl-Alt-Esc to r econfigu rethe sys t em.

Video RAM BIOS Ba d Cycle p ower to Noteb ook ; if

problem p ers is ts , rem ove an dreplace the m ain board .

Table A-2 POST Che ck point List

A-2 Error Messages

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Checkpoin tNo .

Descr ip t ion

D4 h Nor m a l POST s ta r t

FCh CMOS a n d BIOS ROM ch ecks u m tes t s k ip orcomplete

01 h 80 28 6 regis ter tes t in -p rogres s

0 2 h CMOS write/ r ea d tes t in -p rogres s or fa ilu re

0 3 h BIOS ROM ch ecks u m in -p rogres s or fa ilu re

0 4 h Progra m m a b le In terva l Tim er tes t in -p rogres s orfailur e

0 6 h DMA pa ge r egis ter write/ r ea d tes t in -p rogres s orfail

0 8 h RAM refres h ver ifica t ion in -p rogres s or fa ilu re

0 9 h 1s t 6 4K RAM tes t in -p rogres s

0Ah 1s t 6 4K RAM ch ip or d a ta lin e fa ilu re - m u lt i-b it

0 Bh 1s t 6 4K RAM odd / even logic fa ilu re

0 Ch 1s t 6 4K RAM a d dres s lin e fa ilu re

0 Dh 1s t 6 4K RAM p a r ity tes t in -p rogres s or fa ilu re

10 h 1s t 6 4K RAM ch ip or da ta lin e fa ilu re b it 0

2 0 h Sla ve DMA regis ter tes t in -p rogres s or fa ilu re

21 h Ma s ter DMA regis ter tes t in -p rogres s or fa ilu re

2 2 h Ma s ter in ter ru pt m a s k regis ter tes t in -p rogres sor fail

23 h Sla ve in terru pt m a s k r egis ter t es t in -p rogres s orfail

25 h In ter ru p t vector loa d in g in -p rogres s

2 7 h Keyb oa rd con troller t es t in -p rogres s or fa ilu re

2 8 h CMOS power -fa il a n d ch ecks u m ch eck s in -progress

29 h CMOS con fig in fo va lida t ion in -p rogres s

2 Bh Screen m em ory tes t in -p rogres s or fa ilu re

2 Ch Screen in it ia liza t ion in -p rogres s or fa ilu re

2 Dh Screen ret ra ce tes ts in -p rogres s or fa ilu re

2 Eh Sea rch for vid eo ROM in -p rogres s

30 h Screen b elieved op era b le

3 4 h Tim er t ick in terru pt tes t in -p rogres s or fa ilu re

Error Messages A-3

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Checkpoin tNo .

Descr ip t ion

D4 h Nor m a l POST s ta r t

3 5 h Sh u tdown tes t in -p rogres s or fa ilu re

36 h Ga te A20 fa ilu re

37 h Un exp ected in t erru p t in p rotected m ode

38 h RAM tes t in -p rogres s or fa ilu re a b ove a d d res s0FFFFh

3 Ah In terva l t im er ch a n n el 2 tes t in -p rogres s orfailur e

3 Bh Tim e-Of-Da y clock tes t in -p rogres s or fa ilu re

3Ch Ser ia l p or t t es t tes t in -p rogres s or fa ilu re

3 Dh Pa ra llel p or t tes t tes t in -p rogres s or fa ilu re

3 Eh Ma th Cop roces s or tes t in -p rogres s or fa ilu re

50 h In it ia l M1 42 9

5 2 h Dyn a m ic Mem ory Con figu ra t ion a n d ch eck external Cache size

53 h Sh a dow BIOS

54 h Per for m PCI d evice in it ia liza t ion

55 h Ch eck CMOS ch eck s u m

5 6 h Ch eck CMOS con fig a ga in s t a ctu a l

5 7 h En a b le/ dis a b le en ter n a l ca ch e

5 Fh In it ia l Pn P d evice n od es

9 0 h En a b le/ dis a b le exter n a l ca ch e

70 h For PCI

71 h For PCI

72 h For PCI

73 h For PCI

74 h For PCI

75 h For PCI

7 6 h Begin PCI d evices in it ia liza t ion

7 7 h Con figu res PCI VGA d evices

78 h Excep t VGA

7 9 h Begin PCI s ervice rou t in es

7Ah PCI Opt ion ROM in it ia liza tion

A-4 Error Messages

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Checkpoin tNo .

Descr ip t ion

D4 h Nor m a l POST s ta r t

E0h Sh a dow PCI n on -VGA op t ion ROM

E1h Sh a dow PCI VGA op t ion ROM to C0 00 s egm en t

E3h Sta r t to fin d PCI op t ion ROM

E4h Begin to s h a d ow PCI op t ion ROM

1 Fh Begin to con figu res PCI VGA d evices

D1 h Alloca te Sp a ce for op t ion ROM

Error Messages A-5

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BPC-Doctor Diagnost ics

B.1 Introduct ionThe Extens a Series Notebooks a re sh ipped with PC-Doctor, a p owerfu l diagn osticstool that can help you determine the hardware configuration of a local or remotesystem, bench ma rk i t s performa nce, an alyze the perform an ce of a l l su bsystems,an d p erform a su ite of in tera ct ive an d n on- interact ive tes ts on a t tached devices(su ch a s pr inter s, joystick devices, SVGA m onitors , SCSI devices, CD-ROM drives).The tes t r esu lts a re s tored in a log which ca n be pr in ted ou t (by press ing F2 ) orsa ved in a d isk file (by pres sing F3 ).

Featur es of the d iagnost ic program are a ccessed throu gh a ser ies of pul l-downmen u s a nd bas ic keyboard keys (curs or keys to move highlighted pointer, En te r k eyto select a highlighted featu re, Es c key to can cel a funct ion an d m ove back on elevel.)

PC-Doctor is typically us er friendly but if you don ’t u n ders tan d a featu re,context-sen sit ive "help" inform ation is availab le at an y t ime b y press ing the F1fu nct ion key; press ing th e F1 function key twice accesses the online Technical

Referen ce Man ua l for PC-Doctor .

A powerful set of ut i li t ies within PC-Doctor (th at can be ru n locally or rem otely)simplify the task of determining system configuration data, allocating and usingsystem mem ory, IRQ an d DMA u se, wha t device drivers a re insta lled, wha t COMand LPT ports are assigned and what ports are available, identifying parti t ioningda ta for fixed d isk dr ive(s), deter mining th e VGA setu p informa tion, read ing thesoftware in ter ru pts / in ter ru pt vectors , etc .

B.2 Start ing PC-DoctorPC-Doctor comes pre-installed on your Extensa Series Notebook Computer. To runthe uti l i ty, reboot your computer.

The s ys tem cont inu es th e boot process an d a u tomat ica lly d isplays the PC-DoctorDiagnost ics main menu.

PC-Doctor Diagn ostics B-1

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B.3 Keyboard NavigationThe keys sh own in Table B-1 can be u sed to na vigate through th e PC-Doctor menu s:

Table B-1 PC-Doc tor Key Assignm en ts

In addition, when you select All Tes ts from th e Diagnost ics m enu , the TestSe lec t ion Menu tha t app ears u ses th e keys l is ted in Table B-2:

Table B-2 Tes t Selec t ion Menu Spec ial Keys

B.4 Mous e Navigat io nYou can a lso use a m ouse with th e us er in ter face . Use the left mou se bu t ton tochoose objects (men u entr ies and a ct ion codes in s qua re brackets). Use the r ightmouse bu t ton a s you wou ld the Es c key to take you back to your previous s tep .Click on th e ? in th e u pper left corn er of th e screen for context-sen sit ive helpMenus .

Ke y De s c ript ion

Cu rs or Keys Moves th e h igh ligh ted p oin ter.

En te r Selects th e highlighted opt ion.

Es c Cancels current fun ct ion an d goes back ones t ep .

F1 Activates context-sen sit ive h elp.

F1 (twice) Activates the online documentation.

PageUp/ PageDn Moves th e screen one pa ge a t a t ime

F2 Prints t he log.

F3 Sa ves th e log to a file.

Key Des cr ip t ion

Sp a ce Ba r En a b les / Dis a b les th e s elected tes t .

En te r Ena bles / Disab les the se lec ted tes t .

F2 Activates Test Options Menu

F5 Run s th e se lec ted tes ts .

F1 0 Disables all tests .

B-2 PC-Doctor Diagn ostics

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PC-Doctor produces a test result f i le at the end of testing if an error wasdetected.

• Switch LCD - lets you change your video output to either the internal LCD,extern al monitor, or Simu lSCAN mod e. If you r system does not su pportSimulSCAN, both the external monitor and the built- in LCD screen gob lank .

Cache Control - allows you to leave th e level 1 an d level 2 cach e ena bleddu r ing m emory tes t ing. This as s is ts in t racking down cache t iming issu es .

B.5.3 Interact ive Tests MenuIn teractive tests a re diagnos tics th at n eed us er in teraction to complete. In teractivetes ts include:

• Keyboard - tes ts the keyboard keys , LEDs, an d repeat ra t e

• Video - tes ts th e chara cter se ts , colors , mon itor, and VGA

Speaker - tests th e volu me res pon se at d ifferent frequ encies• Mouse - tes ts the m ous e dr iver, bu t tons , an d fun ct ional ity

• J o y s t i c k - ca l ibra tes th e joyst ick an d tes ts the bu t tons . Dur ing the tes t , the joystick(s) shou ld first be ca libra ted. To calibra te th e joystick, m ove th e stick tothe ext remes in each di rect ion. PC-Doctor regis ters th e coordina te data an dadjus ts the screen display a ccordingly.

• Disket te Drive - checks diskette d rive fu nctiona lity

• Maximum Syste m Load - bu rn- in tes ts a sys tem. This fu nct ion s imu lates theopera t ing cond i t ions th a t a re p roduced by opera t ing sys t ems su ch a s OS/ 2 a nd

Wind ows NT. Some sys tems a re not compa t ib le with the Maximu m s ystemLoad test .

• Printe r Test - tests for the correct acceptance and execution of commonprinter control comma nds . Pr in ter tes t informat ion is s tored in pr in ter tes tfi les with a n extens ion of .PDP .

• SCSI Test - PC-Doctor conta ins S CSI device testing featu res th at work if youh ave an ASPI or CAM device dr iver load ed. You ca n s elect wh ich SCSI hostada pter to work with if you ha ve more tha n one SCSI adapter presen t .

• CD-ROM Test - tests CD-ROM drives u sing th e Microsoft CD-ROM Extensions(MSCDEX) an d th e sta nd ar d CD-ROM device drivers.

B.5.4 Hardware Info Me nuThis menu conta ins fu nct ions th at determine and repor t on th e se tu p of thecomputer. None of these functions perform diagnostic tests; however any errors arein clu ded in the report s. The following fu nct ions are availab le from th e Hardwa reInfo menu :

• System Configurat ion - lis t s ma in sys tem configurat ion d ata .

• Memory Contents - sh ows a llocat ion a nd u se of sys tem m emory

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• IRQ an d DMA u se - ident ifies int erru pts for all stan da rd IRQ an d DMA devices

• Device Drivers - sh ows all essen tial data on DOS residen t an d ins tallab le devicedrivers

• COM and LPT ports - displays information about the installed serial andpa rallel ports . On ly ports th at a re iden tified by BIOS are l isted

• Physical Disk Drives - sh ows th e ba sic char acterist ics for each insta lled fixeddisk d rive inclu ding the con ten ts of pa rti t ion ta bles

• Logical Disk Dr ives - displays informa tion a bou t each drive tha t is availablean d h as a d isk in it . If Stacker or DoubleSpace disk compres s ion software hasbeen insta lled, deta ils a bou t each "sta cked" or "doubled" drive is sh own

• VGA In form at ion - iden tifies th e type of in st alled VGA ch ip

• Software In terru pts - d isplays s oftware in ter rup t vectors an d th e area of mem ory they point to

• SCSI Devices - l ists informa tion ab out SCSI devices a nd in terface ca rds if a

CAM or ASPI compliant SCSI device driver is present

B.5.5 Utility MenuPC-Doctor h as a dedicated m enu for uti li ty fu n ctions . These fu nctions includ e:

• Run External Tests - ru ns o ther programs from PC-Doctor

• Edit CMOS RAM - gives access to CMOS RAM data

• File Edito r - a llows ed iting of configur at ion files

• Surface Scan Hard Disk - checks for defects on the hard disk

• Benchmark Sys t em - measures sys tem performance

• DOS Sh ell - opens a DOS prom pt from with in PC-Doctor

• Terminal - gives access to devices connected to a serial port (such as a modem)

• Memory Debugger - displays memory contents in either hexadecimal, decimal,or ASCII form

• Remot e Operat ion - ena bles rem ote contr ol if availab le

• Tech Support Form - allows you to collect informa tion abou t th e curr entsys tem

• Bat tery Rundown - quickly deep-disch arges th e NiMh ba ttery of a laptopcompute r.

PC-Doctor Diagn ostics B-5

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B.6 Quitt ing PC-DoctorYou ca n qu it PC-Doctor in t h e followin g ways:

• Exit (Alt-F4 ) -

• Reboot - performs a cold boot. PC-Doctor flush es all fi les an d at temp ts toflush write-caches

• Park HD - prepares a compu ter for t rans por t

B.7 Rem ot e Opera t ionThis selection only appea rs in th e Util ity men u if you r PC-Doctor su pports rem otecontrol. This entry opens the Remote Operation menu if you are not yet online, orcloses th e remote conn ection if th e system is already remotely controlled.

Wh en PC-Doctor is opera ted rem otely, it is poss ible to perform a r emote reb oot.Remote reboot ing is a comp licated pr ocedu re th at re loads the opera t ing sys tem a ndma kes cha nges to CMOS RAM an d configu rat ion fi les. For fu rth er informa tion on

remote operations, refer to online documentation or help.

B-6 PC-Doctor Diagn ostics

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