ACE 2013 Summer Catalog

Q S 2         0         1         3         /         2         0         1         4  June 17-July 26  L  E  A   R   N   I   N  G    f  o  r    l   i    f  r   F  O   R    L   I   F    E Featured Classes:

Transcript of ACE 2013 Summer Catalog

7/30/2019 ACE 2013 Summer Catalog 1/10


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  June 17-July 26


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Featured Classes:

Teen Fitness Workout - P90X (13-19yrs)Ikebana for Teens (13-17yrs)Live Gluten Free with Ease

Traveling Through Asia

Hawaiian Pupus

7/30/2019 ACE 2013 Summer Catalog 2/10



Registration or SeptemberPreschool Classes is Open

Class inormation is available on ourwebsite: 

Register in person or by phone:408-522-2707

Summer Session classes are 6 weeks. Classes on Thursdays are 5 sessions.

No school on Thursday, July 4th, 2013. No refunds. $20 fee for all transfers. 

 Bright Beginnings Preschool


CALL 408 522-2707

Office Closed 12 - 1pm Friday

Site Class Title Instructor Course # Rm Day Dates Reg Fee Time

ACE Parents & 14-20 mos Hoeke 073171 4 B Tu 6/18 -7/23 $85 11:00 AM - 1 :00 PM

ACE Parents & 18-26 mos Hoeke 073271 4 B Tu 6/18 -7/23 $85 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM

ACE Parents & 2’s T. Robertson 076071 4 B W 6/19 - 7/24 $85 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM

ACE Parents & 2’s T. Robertsonn 076072 4 B W 6/19 - 7/24 $85 11:00 AM - 1 :00 PM

ACE Parents & 2 +3’s Bitanga 076073 4 D Th 6/20 -7/25 $70 12:00 PM - 2 :00 PM

ACE Parents & 3 +4’s Bitanga 076271 4 D TWTH 6/18 -7/25 $300 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM

ACE Kindergarten Readiness Visvanathan 076473 4 C M - Th 6/17 - 7/25 $400 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Site Class Title Instructor Course # Rm Day Dates Reg Fee Time

ACE Gym Kids 9-18mos Soffa-Richardson 075222 2 Tu 6/18-7/23 $50 10:00 - 11:00 AM

ACE Gym Kids 12-24mos Hoeke 075241 2 Th 6/20-7/25 $42 9:00 - 10:00 AM

ACE Gym Kids 1.5- 3 yrs Hoeke 075443 2 Th 6/20-7/25 $42 11:00AM -12::00 PM

ACE Gym Kids 1 1/2-2.5 Soffa-Richardson 075523 2 Tu 6/18-7/23 $50 11:00AM -12::00 PM

ACE Gym Kids 11/2-21/2yr Anderson 075531 2 W 6/19-7/24 $50 9:00 -10:00 AM

ACE Gym Kids 1.5-3yrs Soffa-Richardson 075621 2 Tu 6/18-7/23 $50 9:00 -10:00 AM

ACE Gym Kids 2-3yrs Hoeke 075642 2 Th 6/20-7/25 $42 10:00 -11:00 AM

ACE Gym Kids 2-3yrs Anderson 075132 2 W 6/19-7/24 $50 10:00 - 11:00 AM

ACE Gym 1-4yr Family Soffa-Richardson 075726 2 Tu 6/18-7/23 $50 5:00 - 6:00 PM

ACE Gym Kids 1-4yr Soffa-Richardson 075727 2 Tu 6/18-7/23 $50 6:00 - 7:00 PM

ACE Gym Kids 1-4yr Markley 075747 2 Th 6/20-7/25 $42 6:00 - 7:00 PMACE Gym Kids 1-4yr Markley 075748 2 Th 6/20-7/25 $42 7:00 - 8:00 PM


Parent Education Preschool & Gym

7/30/2019 ACE 2013 Summer Catalog 3/10

Cupertino Co-op Nursery SchoolLocated on the Fremont High School campus at

563 W Fremont. Ave, Sunnyvale, Ca 94087 

For more inormation call 408 739-8963

Evening Preschool (2- 4 yrs)  Join your child or an evening preschool class lledwith un and learning. Each class eatures art projects,music, motor movement and playtime with specializedpreschool toys. Evening preschool provides yourchild with an enriched learning environment and anopportunity to play and grow. Parents learn aboutchild development through observation, participation.and teacher discussion. Please bring a snack or yoursel & your child. No school 7/4/13.Instructor: rammell 5 sessionsLocation: ACE / Rm 4 B Reg Fee: $70076580 2-4yr T 6-8pm 6/20-7/25

 Preschool Adventures (1.5 - 5 yrs)Experience the adventure o hands-on learning. Eachweek will eature a dierent theme and a variety o preschool activities with an emphasis on un, music,movement, dramatic play, science and learning! Tisclass provides a unique preschool adventure or you andyour child.**Please bring lunch and water or your child.Enroll a second child or $50Instructor: . Robertson 6 sessionsLocation: ACE / Rm 4 A Reg Fee: $85

076574 1.5-5yr u 9-11am 6/18-7/23076575 1.5-5yr u 11am-1pm 6/18-7/23

 Preschool & Music Fun 

(1.5 - 4 yrs)Designed or children 1.5 - 4 years old, this un classcombines our one hour Mostly Music and Preschoolprograms. Each class has exploration time, music, snack and one art activity. Music activities include movement,rhythm instruments, singing and a variety o musicalstyles, rhythms and orms. Parents will learn how to usemusic to stimulate their child’s learning through bothobservation and active participation. No class 7/4/13.Instructor: Harord 5 sessionsLocation: ACE / Rm A Reg Fee: $70076578 1.5-4yrs T 9-11am 6/20-7/25076579 1.5-4yrs T 11am-1pm 6/20-7/25

 Adventures in Science (2.5-5yrs)Discover the exciting world o science through un,hands-on activities. Parents will learn how to encourageand stimulate the natural curiosity children have orscience. Help your child develop science concepts and

skills in this educational class. Each class will eaturea variety o age-appropriate science activities as wellas play time and circle time. Tis class is designed orchildren ages 2.5 - 5 yrs. Please bring a healthy snack &water or your child.Instructor: . Robertson 6 sessionsLocation: ACE / 4 A  Reg Fee: $85076571 2.5-5yr M 9-11am 6/17-7/22076572 2.5-5yr M 11am-1pm 6/17-7/22

 Preschool Arts & Crafts (2 - 5 yrs)Art, art and more art! Tis class is lled with projectsthat are designed to encourage, stimulate and developcreativity through a wide variety o media and hands-on activities. Each class will include both art & cratprojects suitable to young children. Please dressyoursel and your child in clothes that can get messy.Come, play and encourage your child’s artistic spirit.Tis class is designed or children 2 - 5 years old.

Registration ee is $85 or the rst child. Additionalsiblings can register or $50.Instructor: Bitanga 6 sessionsLocation: ACE / Rm 4 D Reg Fee: $85076576 2 - 5 yrs u 12-2pm 6/18-7/23 

Specialty Classes

Kids in the Kitchen: Healthy Foods (2. 5-5yrs)Tis un & interactive class will give your childrenthe opportunity to experience a variety o cooking methods as they create delicious, healthy dishes eachweek. Children will measure and mix ingredients,smell and explore new tastes, use a variety o kitchentools and equipment, ollow simple recipes, learn thebasics o etiquette,and nutrition.Te ocus o this classis to introduce young children and their parents to theun and learning that occurs through the preparationand eating o healthy oods. 

A $15 materials ee or the ood used in class is includedin the registration ee. A sibling may enroll or $50.Please contact the oce i your child has ood allergiesbeore registering.Instructor: Bitanga 6 sessionsLocation: ACE / Rm 4 D Reg Fee: $100076577 2.5-5yr W 12-2:00pm 6/19-7/24

Wiggles & Rhymes (5- 12 mos) Play and have un with your child while you network with other parents. Tis class is designed to stimulateyour child’s mental and motor development throughthe use o music, movement, and rhyme. Babies olderthan 12 months who are not walking may attend.Instructor: Sofa-richardson 6 sessionsLocation: ACE / Rm 2 Reg Fee: $50075125 5-12mos u 12-1pm 6/18-7/23

Parenting Classes CALL 522-2707

Office Closed 12 - 1pm Friday 

7/30/2019 ACE 2013 Summer Catalog 4/10

MS WordMS Excel

MS PowerPointMS Access

MS Publisher

Office Assistant 1Office Assistant 2Transition to MS OfficeKeyboarding LabIntro Quick Books Pro

Introduction to Google DriveDid you know that Google oers a complete online set o document, presentation, spreadsheet tools, and more? Oncecalled “Google Docs” the suite o tools is now called “GoogleDrive” and lets you develop, store, use, and share your inormation

via the Web. We will review the tools which make up the set andexplore their eatures. You need to have a Google account (gmailor PicasaWeb) so that you can use the tools. A general knowledgeo your computer is expected, and laptops are welcome.Instructor: Laskowski 2 sessionsReg Fee: $20  Location: ACE/Rm 10251342 T 6:30-9pm 6/18-6/20

Google Drive Documents & PresentationsHaving taken the introductory class we will now dive intodeveloping documents and presentations. We will use in-class exercises to create them and then share them with

others. Basic knowledge o the Google Drive ramework isexpected. (Introduction class above.)Instructor: Laskowski 5 sessionsReg Fee: $50  Location: ACE/Rm 10251344 T 6:30-9pm 6/25-7/11

Google SpreadsheetsYou will learn the many eatures o Google spreadsheetsusing in-class activities. Once the spreadsheets aredeveloped, we will see the many ways that they can be usedelsewhere. Basic knowledge o the Google Drive ramework is expected. (Introduction class above.)

Instructor: Laskowski 4 sessionsReg Fee: $40 Location: ACE/Rm 10251346 T 6:30-9pm 7/16-7/25

Web Design, Level 1Tis class is a comprehensive course that gives you hands-onexperience in how to plan, organize, and create a web site romstart to nish. Each week students will create a web page thatintegrates the topics covered during lectures. By the end o 

class, you will have created your own web site containing 6-10web pages. Prerequisites: Computer operation skills is a must.No prior knowledge o HML programming is necessary.Instructor: Phan No class 7/2 & 7/4 8 sessionsReg Fee: $75 Location: ACE /Rm 9064502 T 6-9pm 6/18-7/18

E-Learning Computer Lab See website or detailsEnroll in a sel-paced computer course with online assignments.Tis is a teacher-assisted computer lab, no lecture. Studentsmust know Windows and how to use the mouse. No

exceptions. Order books beore class starts! Books may bepurchased directly rom Book delivery takes7 to 10 days. Book prices range rom $28-$70. Advancedlearning opportunities are available. See website or course codes.Instructor: Jacobs, Nguyen 11, 6 sessionsReg Fee: $30, $20 Location: ACE /Rm 10, 9 162990 T Day 12:30-2:30pm 6/18-7/25162992 u Eve 6-9pm 6/18-7/23

Medical Interpreter See website or detailsTis 40-hour training provides qualied bilingual studentswith the skills required to deliver accurate and completeinterpretation in a health care setting. Te curriculum is basedon the standards o the Caliornia Health Care Interpreting.Te Curriculum or the Health Care Interpreter Certicate isdesigned to train bilingual and bicultural students to developthe awareness, knowledge and skills necessary or eective orallanguage interpretation in health care settings.Instructor: Johnsen * 40 CE Units. 10 sessionsReg Fee: $250 Location: ACE/ Rm 11068800 WT F 10am-2:30pm 7/10-7/31

Basic First AidTis course is designed or non-clinical people who may

need to administer rst aid in an emergency. Te techniquestaught ollow recommendations rom the American Saetyand Health Institute and are highly recommended orteachers, parents, coaches and babysitters.Instructor: Staf  * 3 CE Units. 1 sessionReg Fee: $33 Location: : ACE/Rm 18167000 F 12:30-3:30pm 6/21

CPRInstruction includes adult, child and inant resuscitation,Automated External Debrillator (AED) or adults, childrenand inants and choking techniques. Te American Saety and

Health Institute CPR courses are great or parents, babysittersor anyone who is interested in CPR skills and techniques.Instructor: Staf  * 3 CE Units. 1 sessionReg Fee: $39 Location: : ACE/Rm 18167000 F 9am-12pm 6/21

Medical Terminology Level 1Tis is a complete course in modern medical terminologyand is suitable or all health occupation students so they caneectively communicate with medical proessionals. Tecourse includes basic anatomy, pathology and diagnosticprocedures as well as the language used in the medical

proessions. ext Book: Te Language o Medicine 9thedition ISBN 978-1-4377-0570-6.Instructor: Yuhara 13 sessionsReg Fee: $140 Location: ACE/ Rm 8069605 L1 T 5:30-7pm 6/18-7/25

CNA Certificate Program See website or detailsAs a Certied Nursing Assistant (CNA) you will be working closely with patients, and responsible or basic care servicessuch as bathing, grooming and eeding patients, assisting nurses with medical equipment, and checking patient vitalsigns. Individuals should contact [email protected] orphone (408) 522-2730 to pick up the registration packet.Instructor: Yuhara 27 sessions166100 MW 6/10-8/9Reg Fee: $700 Location: ACE/ Rm 8Teory: 9am-2:30pm Clinical: 11am-7:30pm

Certified Home Health Aide See website or detailsTis training program was developed ollowing theDepartment o Health Services guidelines or the education o nurse assistants to become certied home health aides. It wasdesigned as a 40-hour add-on course to ollow a nurse assistantcurriculum that meets Federal and State training regulations.Instructor: Yuhara *26 CE Units 7 sessions166400 MTW F 6/4-6/12Reg Fee: $180 Location: ACE/ Rm 8Teory: 9am-2:30pm Clinical: 11am-7:30pm

Future 2013 Class Dates: September 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11

Dementia and Alzheimer’s DiseaseEncouraging ADL’s Independence

Prevention o Inection SepsisHospice in Long erm Care

Dementia and ADL

We are an approved CaliorniaCertifed Nurse Assistant (CNA)

Continuing Education ( CE) Provider.

NutritionEnd o Lie

CommunicationInection ControlHazards o Immobility

See website or details

  Career Courses

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  ESL Summer & ESL Placement Testing

 Placement Test for High School Diploma, GED & Bridge

 291031 Tuesday 8/20/13 9 a.m. $40 ACE Rm 6 Day

291032 Tuesday 8/20/13 10 a.m. $40 ACE Rm 6 Day 291041 Wednesday 8/21/13 4:30 p.m. $40 ACE Rm 6 Night

291042 Wednesday 8/21/13 5:30 p.m. $40 ACE Rm 6 Night

Placement Testing for 2013 - 2014 Dear New ESL Student, Registration starts July 16, 2013. Space is limited! We are oering a limited amount o ESL classes this September. I you would like to enroll or a class,you must rst take a listening test at the Adult School. Tis will reserve your place or all. Tere is a$ 40 non-reundable testing and processing ee or the 2013- 2014 school year.

*est dates and times are listed below. You may register or the listening test in one o the ollowing ways:Phone:  (408) 522-2700 M-T 8-4:30pm,

Fri 7:30-4pm (12-1pm oce closed or lunch)Requires a Visa or MasterCard.


Fremont Union High School

District Board of Trustees Nancy A. Newton, President

Jeff Moe Barbara Nunes

Hung Wei Bill Wilson

Superintendent, Polly Bove

Peggy Raun-Linde, Ed.D., Principal

Liz Ambra, Vice Principal

Adrienne Moberly, Vice PrincipalJerilyn Lightfoot, Publication Specialist

High Intermediate ESL 12, 11 sessionsIn this class, high intermediate students will engagein ace-to-ace conversations about their personalhistories and other interesting subjects. Tey willread authentic materials, such as newspaper articleson current events, and write short paragraphs aboutsuch topics as their daily activities or past events.Grammar will be stressed and will be an integralpart o the lessons. No class 7/4/13.Location: ACE/ Rm 10 Reg Fee: $80290024 T 9-11am 6/18-7/25

Location: FHS/ Rm 84  Reg Fee: $85290025 MW 6-8pm 6/17-7/24

Low Intermediate ESL 12, 11 sessions

Students will practice ace-to-ace conversationabout basic topics. Tey will practice asking andanswering questions in the present, past andutures tenses on amiliar topics. Tey will alsoread paragraphs and answer questions about theinormation in them. No class 7/4/13.Location: ACE/ Rm 17  Reg Fee: $80290022 T 9-11am 6/18-7/25

Location: FHS/ Rm 125  Reg Fee: $85290023 MW 6-8pm 6/17-7/24

Low Beginning ESL 12 sessions

Students will work on writing the letters o the alphabet, learning the sounds o the letters,answering simple questions, lling out simpleorms, and using the simple present and past tenseso grammar. Tey will also ocus on reading simpletexts and talking about lie.Location: ACE/ Rm 17  Reg Fee: $85290018 MW 9-11am 6/17-7/24

Location: FHS/ Rm 82 Reg Fee: $85290019 MW 6-8pm 6/17-7/24

High Beginning ESL  12 sessionsHigh beginning ESL students will practice simpleconversations and writing sentences in the simplepresent, simple past, and in the uture tenses o English. Also, they will practice writing notesand short messages. High beginning students willpractice reading and understanding paragraphs. Location: ACE/ Rm 10 Reg Fee: $85 290020 MW 9-11am 6/17-7/24

Location: FHS/ Rm 83  Reg Fee: $85290021 MW 6-8pm 6/17-7/24



o enroll in Adult Diploma and GED, you must take a placement test. Ater testing, you will need to schedulea counseling intake appointment with our ransition Counselors. During this appointment you will developa personal goal- setting and transition plan and placed in a class. Bring all High School and College transcriptsat the time o your placement test. $ 40 non-reundable testing ee. o register, call (408)522-2700.

Walk in: Sunnyvale-Cupertino Adult School (ACE)591 W. Fremont Avenue, Sunnyvale, CA 94087

027030 Tuesday 8/20/13 11 a.m. $40 ACE Rm 6 Day 027031 Wednesday 8/21/13 6 p.m. $40 ACE Rm 6 Night o


7/30/2019 ACE 2013 Summer Catalog 6/10

Reading and ConversationAre you a high-level ESL student who enjoys reading andwants to improve English fuency in conversation andwriting? Tis class is open to all students who wish toimprove their reading and writing comprehension and theability to converse both ormally and inormally. Fiction,non-ction, articles rom media, and lms will be used ordiscussion. Grammar needed or eective communicationwill also be covered.

Instructor: Berryhill 6 sessionsReg Fee: $71 Location: ACE / Rm 6228461 All u 6-8pm 6/18-7/23

Oral CommunicationDoes the thought o speaking in public make you uneasy?Aterwards, do you wish you had said things dierently?Te art o public speaking is one that can be learnedthrough preparation and practice. We will be covering topics such as: developing condence, essential elementsin successul speaking, how to open/close a speech,diction, and much more.

Instructor: Berryhill 6 sessionsReg Fee: $70 Location: ACE / Rm 6230194 u 12:30-2:30pm 6/18-7/23

English FluencyWould you like to be able to eel comortable in youreveryday control o the English language? We will reviewreading and writing undamentals, as well as tips on oralconversation, both ormal and casual. Communicating eectively is the key to achieving your goals, dreams anddesires. Whether you would like to read the newspaper orhave meaningul social interactions, a solid understanding o the English language will help you achieve that knowledge.Instructor: Berryhill 6 sessions

Reg Fee: $70 Location: ACE / Rm 5B230198 Int/Adv W 9:30-11:30am 6/19-7/24

Let's Talk!Tis course is designed to teach practical and useulEnglish conversation, both or everyday lie and or theworkplace. You will learn how to speak fuently in varioussituations, including phone conversations, interviews andcommunicating with teachers. Listening and reading comprehension will be improved. Tis is a sae, un,

interactive conversation class. Materials ee o $10 ispayable to the instructor at the rst class.Instructor: Mori *$10 materials ee 12 sessionsReg Fee: $100 Location: FHS / Rm 86230192 MW 6-8pm 6/17-7/24

Let's Talk: Viewpoints on American CultureTis course is designed to teach practical and useulEnglish conversation, both or everyday lie and or theworkplace. You will learn how to speak fuently in varioussituations, including phone conversations, interviewsand communicating with teachers. Listening and reading comprehension will be improved. Tis is a sae, un, interactiveconversation class. $5 materials ee payable to the instructor.Instructor: Mori 6 sessionsReg Fee: $70 Location: ACE / Rm 9229979 u 10:45am-12:45p 6/18-7/23

Expand Your VocabularyHaving a good vocabulary is essential or conidentcommunication. his course will expand your skills o speaking and listening by helping you to learn vocabularyand use it properly, both at work and in social situations.

hrough activities and exercises, you will have opportunitiesto speak in class.New extbook: Barron’s 1100 Words you Need to Know,5th Edition, Barron’s Educational Services, 2008 ISBN#978-0-7641-3864-5.Instructor: Berryhill 6 sessionsReg Fee: $70 Location: ACE / Rm 5A230176 u 10am-12pm 6/18-7/23

Accent Improvement - EveningSpeak better and sound better to succeed! Accentreduction may help you to advance your career. Tisclass will give you guidance on intonation, pronunciationand word connections, and get you on the right road tospeaking American English. New textbook: Mastering the American Accent, Lisa Mojsin, M.A., book plus 4Audio CDs; Barron’s 2009, ISBN # 978-0-7641-9582-2 .

Instructor: Berryhill 12 sessionsReg Fee: $88 Location: FHS / Rm 87230055 MW 6-8pm 6/17-7/24

Accent Improvement - DaySpeak and sound better to succeed! Accent reductionmay help you to advance your career. Tis class will giveyou guidance on intonation, pronunciation and wordconnections, and get you on the right road to speaking American English. extbook: Mastering the AmericanAccent Paperback with CDs (April 1, 2009)

ISBN-13: 978-0-7641-9582-2 .Instructor: Green 11 sessionsReg Fee: $81 Location: ACE / Rm 10230058 T 11:45am -1:45pm 6/18-7/25

Practice Makes Perfect:

Improve Your English Speaking SkillsTis course is designed to give students additional practicein speaking. Learn to be eective and clear in everydayconversation, as well as in more ormal situations. Wewill discuss topics taken rom dierent media: television,newspapers, magazines. We will also cover cultural issuesand nuances. June Chen has had years o experienceteaching English in both high school and the communitycollege level.Instructor: Chen 6 sessionsReg Fee: $70 Location: ACE / Rm 6230175 W 9-11am 6/19-7/24

Let's Talk: Even More PracticeIn this course students will develop greater condenceand learn strategies in the combined skills o speaking,pronunciation and listening. Students will have practiceusing English as part o discussion groups, panel

presentations and in inormal speeches. Practice theintonation, rhythm and sentence stress that natives use.Students will hear a variety o speakers and develop skillsin identiying and listening or the main idea, details,contrasting ideas and time order. Tis course will beappropriate or upper-intermediate to advanced ESLstudents. extbook: alk It Over-Listening, speaking and Pronunciation (Second Edition) by Joann RishelKozyrev ISBN: 0-618-14401-3.Instructor: Mori *$10 materials ee 11 sessionsReg Fee: $90 Location: ACE / Rm 6230189 MT 9:45-11:45am 6/17-7/25

Improve your English skills and meet new friends! 

  English Enhancement 

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Arts & Crafts

OA Classes are for Active Adults 50+.

Writing EffectivelyLearn to write eectively rom a proessional writer. Good

written communication is the key to achieving your goals inbusiness, in the classroom, or in your personal lie. Learn aboutthe writing process, organizing ideas and ghting writers’ block.Learn how paragraphs work, and how sentence structure andsentence variety can help you express your ideas with clarityand make your writing clear, concise and interesting. Alsolearn how to write in the persuasive, expository and narrativestyles. A materials ee o $20 is payable to the instructor at therst class; no additional book required.Instructor: Wiehe 6 sessionsReg Fee: $70 Location: ACE / Rm 16230178 u 7-9pm 6/18-7/23

Creative Writingap into your imagination and learn the art o creative writing rom proessional writer Fred Wiehe (author o the BBSB#1 2010 Bestseller Holiday Madness and Aleric: MonsterHunter). Learn how to tell a story-whether it’s a true story orction. Learn secrets o the Show/Don’t ell rule and othertechniques to write sparkling prose. Learn to combat writers’block; avoid common beginner mistakes, create unorgettablecharacters, develop plot, and much more. Required book:Creative Writing by Fred Wiehe payable at the rst class.Instructor: Wiehe 6 sessionsReg Fee: $70 Location: FHS / Rm 72230101 M 7-9pm 6/17-7/22

Painless GrammarYou want to communicate better, but the mere thought

o taking an English grammar class sounds painul, scaresyou, or puts you to sleep. Tis class will improve yourcommunication and grammar skills in a riendly and livelyatmosphere. Learn all those nasty rules-parts o speech,building sentences, proper punctuation, subject and verbagreement, verb tense, and more-while having un doing it.A materials ee o $20 will be payable to the instructor therst night o class; no additional book required.Instructor: Wiehe 6 sessionsReg Fee: $70 Location: FHS / Rm 72230190 W 7-9pm 6/19-7/24

Advanced Creative WritingTis class is or students who have completed Fred Wiehe’sCreative Writing class or who already have a basic knowledgeo creative writing and needs proessional eedback. Tis is amore hands on approach; students read rom their projectsand get critiques rom the instructor and their peers. I you’re having problems with your prose, plot development,character motivation, point o view, or maybe just getting started and staying motivated then this class will help.No material ee or required book. Fred Wiehe’s e-book Creative Writing is optional and is available rom the author.Instructor: Wiehe 6 sessionsReg Fee: $70 Location: ACE / Rm 16230191 T 7-9pm 6/20-8/1

This section of our flyer features many great classes from Watercolor to Oil Painting to Calligraphy. Inspire your creative talents this summer! 

Site Class Title Instructor Course # Rm Day Dates Reg Fee Mat Fee Time

ACE Watercolor Chiu 211015 14 W 6/19-7/24 $80 $4 12:30 - 3:30 PM

ACE Oil Painting with Judy Chiu 282028 14 Tu 6/18-7/23 $80 $0 12:30 - 3:30 PM

ACE Brush Painting on Silk Chiu 282029 6 Tu 6/25-7/2 $50 TBD 9:30 - 12:30 PM

ACE Chinese Brush Painting Chiu 211020 14 F 6/21-7/26 $80 $4 12:30 - 3:30 PM

ACE Open Studio Oil Painting Goodman 210019 6 Th 6/20-7/25 $65 $0 5:30 - 8:30 PM

ACE Copperplate Calligraphy Loesch-Frank 210017 6 Tu 6/18-7/16 $65 $5 7:00- 9:00 PMACE Drawing & Watercolor Loesch-Frank 294174 14 W 6/19-7/17 $65 $5 9:00- 12:00 PM

ACE Oil Painting Landscapes Mendieta 211019 14 Th 6/20-8/1 $75 $0 12:45 - 3:15 PM

ACE Sumi Ink and Beyond Shei 210418 14 M 6/17-7/22 $75 $0 12:00 - 3:00 PM

FHS Mosaic Grudsky 211018 Art Rm 3 M 6/17-7/22 $80 $15 6:00 -9:00 PM

ACE Watercolor: Int/Adv OA Gillette 0 8 1 3 1 1 14 M 6/17-7/22 $60 $5 8:30 - 11:30 AM

ACE Sumi Ink and Beyond - OA Shei 080834 14 M 6/17-7/22 $60 $0 12:00 - 3:00 PM

ACE Watercolor - OA Chiu 081314 14 W 6/19-7/24 $60 $4 12:30 - 3:30 PMACE Drawing & Waterclr - OA Loesch-Frank 080414 14 W 6/19-7/17 $50 $5 9:00AM- 12 PM

ACE Oil Pntg Landscapes - OA Mendieta 080034 14 Th 6/20-8/1 $50 $0 12:45 - 3:15 PM

ACE Chinese Brush Painting - OA Chiu 080514 14 F 6/21-7/26 $60 $4 12:30 - 3:30 PM

No refunds.



Campus Sites

7/30/2019 ACE 2013 Summer Catalog 8/10


Home ArtsLearning adds blossoms to the garden of life.

Summer culinary explorations featuring Hawaiian Pupus, Thai Salads and sumptuous Sushi! 

SushiI you love to eat sushi at restaurants, learn how to make it athome. Or, even i you have mastered the basics o sushi, wewill be preparing dierent kinds o sushi rolls that you mayencounter in Japanese restaurants. We will be making hand-rolled sushi such as Futomaki (traditional wide roll), Uramaki(inside out roll) and emaki (hand roll cone), and Hosomaki(traditional thin roll). Tis is a hands-on class, so come ready toroll your own sushi and host your own sushi party! $20 ood eeis payable to the instructor and covers ood and supplies.Instructor: Nagase 1 sessionReg Fee: $30 Location: FHS / Kitchen229853 W 6-9pm 6/26

Thai SaladsLearn how to prepare healthy and delicious Tai saladswhich will tantalize your appetites. You will learn how toblend spicy, sour, savory and sweet with ingredients to createdelicious and rereshing salads perect or summer. In thisclass, you will make a green papaya salad, spicy shrimp andmung bean noodle salad and grilled bee salad. Fei will tellyou where and how to shop or the reshest ingredients, aswell as what kind o spices you will need. Food ee o $15 ispayable to the instructor.

Instructor: Nagase 1 sessionReg Fee: $30 Location: FHS / Kitchen229977 W 6-9pm 7/3

Hawaiian PupusHawaiian Appetizers areknown as “pupus” in the islands. It is more than a vegetableor relish tray, can be hot or cold, cooked or raw and consisto a variety o oods. It is usually an assortment o smallmeat and seaood dishes and can oten be enough or a meal.Sandy will prepare a tantalizing array o easy-to-make pupusor you to prepare at home. $20 ood ee is payable to theinstructor.Instructor: Mori 1 sessionReg Fee: $30 Location: FHS / Kitchen229984 u 6-9pm 7/16

Learn the Basics of SewingIn this class, you will learn how to adjust a commercial pattern

to t your body correctly! You will learn to start your sewing project on the muslin abric. Beore you actually cut yourabric, you will choose to make a skirt and/or a top. You maybring your own sewing machine or share a classroom machinethat is available in the classroom. You will need to bring theollowing to the rst class: simple A-line skirt pattern, muslinabric (2 yards), ruler, sewing chalk, tape measure, scissors,seam ripper, clipper, needle, thread, silk pins, and thimble.Te instructor has years o experience working in all acets o the clothing and ashion industry.Instructor: Kucsak 6 sessionsReg Fee: $70 Location: ACE/ Rm 5B

226387 u 6-9pm 6/18-7/23

Open SewDo you have a sewing project that has run into a problem?Do you like to sew in the company o others and enjoy thecreative energy? Open Sew encompasses all interestsand we welcome stitchers o every ability. Please note that

Open Sew will have the instructor ready to assist but is not“teaching” class, but a way to get together to sew with othersand socialize while you sew. Bring you sewing machine andsupplies to class. Tere are a ew sewing machines available inthe classroom to share.Instructor: Kucsak 6 sessionsReg Fee: $70 Location: ACE/ Rm 5B227688 u 9:30am-12:30pm 6/18-7/23

Ikebana, Int/Adv with Fusako HoyrupTe Art o Ikebana taught by Fusako Hoyrup. She holds theShukan Degree, the highest degree presented by HeadmasterWau eshigahara o Waukai School. Anyone who hastaken 4 or more sessions o Beg/Int is eligible or Int/ AdvIkebana. Lab ee covers the cost o fowers. No class 7/9, 7/11.Instructor: Hoyrup 5 sessionsReg Fee: $70 Lab Fee: $55 Location: ACE/14

226157 Int/Adv u 6:30-9:30pm 6/18-7/23Reg Fee: $70 Lab Fee: $55 Location: ACE/14226381 Int/Adv u 9:15am-12:15pm 6/18-7/23

Reg Fee: $70 Lab Fee: $55 Location: ACE/14226357 Special T 6:30-9:30pm 6/20-8/1

Ikebana, Beg/Int with Tova Learn the art o Japanese fower arrangements. In thisbeginning class, you will gain an appreciation o Ikebana thatis designed to show the beauty o each fower/plant. I you

have a fat bottom container that is at least 2-3 inches deep(similar to a pyrex baking dish), you may use it as a “vase”or your initial foral arrangements. You will need to havean Ikebana pin rog and scissors; these supplies. Te lab eepays or the fowers. No class 7/5.Instructor: Matatyaou 5 sessionsReg Fee: $70 Lab Fee: $55 Location: ACE/14226149 Beg/Int F 9:15am-12:15pm 6/21-7/26

Reg Fee: $70 Lab Fee: $55 Location: ACE/Cae226383 Beg/Int T 6:30-9:30pm 6/20-7/25

Reg Fee: $70 Lab Fee: $55 Location: ACE/14

226384 Beg/Int T 9am-12pm  6/20-7/25

Make Your Own AlterationsLearn how to make your own alterations and save lots o money! You will learn how to shorten your pants, skirts, and

 jacket sleeves and how to take in or let out your clothes . Youwill need to bring the ollowing to class: clothing that needsalterations, tape measure, ruler, needle, thread, scissors, silk pins, seam ripper and thimble. You may bring your ownsewing machine or use one available in the classroom. Teinstructor has years o experience in high couture ashion.

Instructor: Kucsak 5 sessionsReg Fee: $60 Location: ACE/ Rm 5B228057 T 6-9pm 6/20-7/25

Ikebana for Teens (13-17yrs)Tis class is designed or the student, (ages 13-17) whowould like an introduction into the art o Japanese fowerarrangements. Have un creating beautiul arrangements totake home. Bring a container with a fat bottom to use as avase, an oasis or pin rog; pin rog can be purchased rom theinstructor or approximately $40. Te lab ee pays or thefowers. A waiver (provided at the rst class) must be signedby a parent or guardian.

Instructor: Matatyaou 4 sessionsReg Fee: $40 Lab Fee: $40 Location: ACE/ Rm 6226386 Ages 13-17 u 1-3pm 7/2-7/25

7/30/2019 ACE 2013 Summer Catalog 9/10

Site Class Title Instructor Course # Rm Day Dates Reg Fee Mat Fee Time

ACE Ultimate Wiorkout -P90X Anderson 292959 15 MW 6/17-7/24 $100 $0 6:00 - 7:00AM

ACE Ultimate Wiorkout -P90X Anderson 292960 15 TuTh 6/18 -7/25 $95 $0 6:00 - 7:00AM

ACE Teen Fitness - P90X Anderson 292757 15 TuTh 6/18 -7/25 $80 $0 11:30 - 12:30PM

ACE Ultimate Wiorkout -P90X Anderson 292961 15 TuTh 6/18 -7/25 $95 $0 8:30 - 9:30PM

ACE Self Defense for Everyone Neeley 292260 15 M 6/17-7/22 $70 $0 10:15 - 11:45AM

ACE Self Defense for Women Neeley 293146 15 Tu 6/18-7/23 $70 $0 6:45 - 8:15PM

ACE Zumba Workout with Rie Tamaki 292957 15 Th 6/20-7/25 $60 $0 5:30 - 6:30PM

ACE Yoga Made Easy Wakimoto 292817 15 Th 6/20-7/25 $40 $0 6:00 - 7:00PM

ACE Yoga Wakimoto 292956 15 Th 6/20-7/25 $40 $0 7:15 - 8:15PM

ACE Afternoon Yoga Wakimoto 292752 15 Tu 6/18-7/23 $60 $0 4:30 - 5:30PM

ACE Zumba Step-by-Step Wakimoto 240112 15 Tu 6/18-7/23 $45 $0 5:45 - 6:30PM

FHS Basketball Chase 292048 Sm Gym M 6/17-7/22 $70 $0 7:00 - 9:30PM

FHS Fencing for Fitness INT Chow 292217 Sm Gym W 6/19-7/24 $80 $5 6:30 - 9:30PM

FHS Zumba Made Easy Wakimoto 240111 Dance W 6/19-7/24 $50 $0 6:00 - 7:00PMFHS Zumba Wakimoto 240110 Dance W 6/19-7/24 $50 $0 7:15 - 8:15PM

FHS Volleyball Open Gym Yee 295023 Lg Gym MW 6/17-7/24 $5 $0 6:30 - 8:00PM

FHS Volleyball Yee 292023 Lg Gym MW 6/17-7/24 $85 $0 8:00 - 9:30PM

OLF Aikido for Beginners Blackburn 292755 F 6/21-7/26 $70 $0 7:30 - 9:00PM


Special Interest


For detailed course listing and descriptions or to learn more, or by calling 408 522-2713.

Site Class Title Instructor Course # Rm Day Dates Reg Fee Mat Fee TimeACE Belly Dance 1 Abbott 241346 15 W 6/26-7/24 $50 $0 6:00 - 7:00 PM

ACE Belly Dance 2 Abbott 241447 15 W 6/26-7/24 $50 $0 7:00 - 8:00 PM

FHS Guitar Beg Deshiro 240100 Band M 6/17-7/25 $70 $0 6:00 - 8:00 PM

FHS Guitar Int/ Adv Deshiro 240102 Band W 6/19-7/24 $70 $0 6:00 - 8:00 PM

Site Class Title Instructor Course # Rm Day Dates Reg Fee Mat Fee Time

ACE Traveling Through Asia Bong 204250 6 Th 7/11-7/18 $35 $0 6:00 - 8:00 PM

ACE Live Gluten Free with Ease Goodman 204254 5A Tu 7/9-7/9 $30 $10 6:00 - 8:30 PM

FHS Fun with Magic Sieler 204247 81 M 6/17-7/22 $55 $15 6:00 - 8:00 PM

Music & Dance

Special Interest classes are unique and vary each quarter. For summer we are offering Fun with Magic, Live Gluten Free, and Travel to Asia! 

All of our instructors have extensive expertise in their fields and are motivated, reveved up for our summer program! 

Have you ever wanted to learn the art of Belly Dancing? Would you like to learn how to play an acustical guitar? 

drop in

  Physical Fitness

7/30/2019 ACE 2013 Summer Catalog 10/10

Use the registration orm to register or classes. Register at least one week prior to the beginning o class.Walk in registrations are on a space available basis. I there is not sucient enrollment or the class, yourcheck will be returned, or your credit card charge will not be processed. No conrmation will be sent.

1) online.... .... 2) by mail.... Complete registration orm. Enclose payment by a check, money order or charge card inormation.A separate check payable to FUHSD is required or EACH CLASS. I you wish to receive aconrmation, send a stamped sel addressed envelope. Consider yoursel registered i you do not hearrom us. Mail in orm.

  3) by phone ....(408) 522-2700   4) by fax ...(408) 522-2799 Requires a Visa or Master Card. Requires a Visa or Master Card.

5) in person.... Stop by our room 1 office.

Oice Hours:Monday hursday- 8:00 am- 4:30 pmFriday 7:30am – 12 pm, 1 pm- 4 pm


Last Name First Name iNitiaL reg Fee

street No street 

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Lab Fee

book Fee

TOTAl FEECourse titLeCourse Code

iNstruCtor CLass date CLass time LoCatioN



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exp date Name oF CardHoLder

sigNature oF CardHoLder

make CHeCks payabLe to F.u.H.s.d - separate CHeCk For eaCH CLass (reg Fee + Lab Fee)

seNd to: aduLt eduCatioN CeNter/pre-registratioN, 591 W. FremoNt aVe., suNNyVaLe Ca 94087



Sunnyvale - Cupertino Adult School591 W. Fremont Avenue

Sunnyvale, CA 94087


New & Featured ClassesTraveling Through Asia Are you planning a trip to Asia? Do you know whatcountries you would like to visit? Ki has travelledextensively and can oer insights and travel tips to Korea,

 Japan and China. He will point out the “not to be missed”sights and activities in these three countries. Ki will also

cover local dishes, customs and native estivals, as well asthe “do’s and don’ts” as you experience dierent cultures.Instructor: Bong 2 sessionsReg Fee: $35 Location: ACE / Rm 6204250 All T 6-8pm 7/11-7/18

Live Gluten Free with EaseHave you been told to eliminate gluten rom your diet? Or are you just curious about the benets o gluten-reeliving? Learn how easy it can be to live gluten ree with creativity and patience. Te class will help you identiy whichoods are already gluten-ree, which oods to avoid and how it is possible to nd substitutes that you can enjoy. Wewill provide several gluten-ree oods or students to sample, along with handouts containing recipes and tips. A $10ood ee is due to the instructor at the rst class.

ACE Live Gluten Free with Ease Goodman 204254 5A u 7/9 $30 6:00 - 8:30 PM

Teen Fitness Workout-P90X (13-19yrs)Help your teen stay active this summer with a workoutand exercise class that is un and motivating. eens willstrengthen their cardiovascular system, tone and stretchmuscles and improve mental tness. Easy to learn andall equipment provided. Bring a water bottle. A waiver

(provided at the rst class) must be signed by a parent orguardian.Instructor: Anderson 11 sessionsReg Fee: $80 Location: ACE / Rm 15292757 Age 13-19 T 11:30am-12:30pm 6/18-7/25

Ikebana for Teens (13-17yrs)Tis class is designed or the student, (ages 13-17) whowould like an introduction into the art o Japanese fowerarrangements. Have un creating beautiul arrangementsto take home. Bring a container with a fat bottom to use

as a vase, an oasis or pin rog; pin rog can be purchasedrom the instructor or approximately $40. Te lab eepays or the fowers. A waiver (provided at the rst class)must be signed by a parent or guardian.Instructor: Matatyaou 4 sessionsReg Fee: $40 Lab Fee: $40 Location: ACE/ Rm 6226386 Ages 13-17 u 1-3pm 7/2-7/25

Hawaiian PupusHawaiian Appetizers are known as “pupus” in the islands.It is more than a vegetable or relish tray, can be hot orcold, cooked or raw and consist o a variety o oods. Itis usually an assortment o small meat and seaood dishesand can oten be enough or a meal. Sandy will prepare a

tantalizing array o easy-to-make pupus or you to prepareat home. $20 ood ee is payable to the instructor.Instructor: Mori 1 sessionReg Fee: $30 Location: FHS / Kitchen229984 u 6-9pm 7/16