Accurate dna an efficient way to determine family relationship


Transcript of Accurate dna an efficient way to determine family relationship

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Accurate DNA : An Efficient Way to Determine Family Relationship

DNA testing can help you to verify biological paternity, maternity and other family relationships. Whether you are just curious to know about your alleged father or have a legal challenge to resolve. Accurate DNA lab is always ready to help. There are numerous kind of family relationship DNA testing present in the market to determine the genetic relationships, such as Grandparentage DNA testing, sibling DNA test, maternity testing, twin test, etc.

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Grandparent test or an avuncular DNA test can substitute a paternity DNA test. Siblings may also do a sibling test that will establish the extent of the sibling relationship. It is mainly classified into two types: Half sibling DNA test and Full sibling DNA test.

Need of Family Relationship Test

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A grandparent DNA test determines whether the couple could be the biological grandparents of the child. It is an indirect way to determine the family relationships when an alleged father is not available for a paternity test. Grandparent test results may be used as proof in social security benefit and other inheritance claim as well as in some immigration cases. In this test, a child DNA is compared with the DNA of his/her grandparents, as the child inherits half of the property from his alleged father and half from the father.

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Sibling DNA Test

Sibling DNA test or full sibling DNA test. If you are a half sibling, then you will share around half of your genetic material and shares only one parent. If you are full siblings, then you will share a large bulk of your genetic material and thus, sharing both biological parents.

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Accurate DNA provides a reliable Family Relationship DNA Testing to determine biological family ties between a child and his paternal and maternal relatives when the alleged father is not available for testing. It is typically used as an indirect method to determine the child paternity and maternity.

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