Acculturation Chinese Symbol on Madura Batik Motif

Asian Social Science; Vol. 12, No. 4; 2016 ISSN 1911-2017 E-ISSN 1911-2025 Published by Canadian Center of Science and Education 200 Acculturation Chinese Symbol on Madura Batik Motif Ong Mia Farao Karsono 1 & Lintu Tulistyantoro 2 1 School of Chinese Literature, Petra Christian University, Indonesia 2 School of Interior Design, Petra Christian University, Indonesia Correspondence: Ong Mia Farao Karsono, School of Chinese Literature, Petra Christian University, Siwalankerto 121-131, Surabaya, Indonesia. E-mail: [email protected] Received: November 13, 2015 Accepted: March 9, 2016 Online Published: March 23, 2016 doi:10.5539/ass.v12n4p200 URL: Abstract This study has two chief purposes. Firstly, to introduce the Madurese Batik from Indonesia which has not yet been widely studied, and secondly, to show the acculturation of the Chinese culture in the motif of Madurese Batik. Research method employed in this study was descriptive qualitative, because our topic involves cultural and humanity sciences. The writers interview batik makers from the towns of Pamekasan, Tanjung Bumi, Sumenep, and Sampang, as research informants. We take two batik makers as representatives of each town. The four towns are selected because those towns are the centers of batik in Madura. To crosscheck the information obtained from the batik makers, also interview two collectors of Madurese batik who have good knowledge of Madurese batik. The data from the interviews and the photographic documentation of Madurese batiks are sorted and then analyzed by relating them to the theories about Madurese culture, acculturation process, and Chinese culture. The discussions and conclusions of the analyses correspond with the hypotheses proposed at the beginning of the study, which states that there are acculturations of the symbols on Madurese Batik motifs, which can be seen in the paintings of phoenix, butterfly, fish, bamboo trees on the batik, and that the acculturation process occurs naturally without conscious knowledge of the Madurese. Keywords: acculturation, Madurese batik, motif, Chinese culture symbols 1. Introduction Batik is a very valuable cultural product of Indonesia. All the more, in 2009 the United Nations has decreed that Indonesian batik is a cultural heritage which should be preserved. The UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) has included batik in world cultural heritage. The decree is really significant for Indonesian nationalists. The Indonesian Government has worked hard to gain this acknowledgement, and has struggled to protect batik from motif thefts by other nations. At present the government has also obtained the copyrights of 300 Indonesian batik designs. Most of these copyrights were obtained after 2007. Thus, it is quite appropriate for us as Indonesian citizens to study Madurese batik motifs and present the study in international journals with the hope of introducing Madurese batik motifs to more people. Why do we study the acculturation of Chinese culture in Madurese batik? The answer is because both Indonesia and China have batik crafts and both crafts have a long history. The Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the State Council (2007) states that Chinese motif cloth printing and batik is a traditional technology product of the Chinese people. Chinese art craft has a very long history (p. 204 & 186). Gǔ (2014) also states that Chinese batik craft has existed in China since the time of Xià dynasty (21 BC-16 BC), Shāng dynasty (16 BC-11 BC), and Zhōu dynasty (11 BC-221 AD), and reaches its peak in the Táng dynasty. During the Sòng dynasty, batik making in China dropped greatly because of the long time it took for the coloring process and the color produced was mono color. Batik making still survives in southwest and central China which is the dwelling place of ethnic minorities in China (pp. 1-3). The ethnic minorities have high skills in handycrafts including batik making (Hán, 2002, p. 32). From this background we make the hypothesis that the motif of Chinese batik significantly influences the motif of Indonesian batik. Concerning the history of Indonesian batik, Batik Market (2015) reports that batik has been known in Indonesia since the seventeenth century, when batik was painted on palm leaves. The batik motif at that time were mostly paintings of animals and plants. On further developments, abstract motifs were added such as cloud motif, temple reliefs, Javanese puppets, and so on. Then, by combining the painting style with cloth decorating,

Transcript of Acculturation Chinese Symbol on Madura Batik Motif

Page 1: Acculturation Chinese Symbol on Madura Batik Motif

Asian Social Science; Vol. 12, No. 4; 2016 ISSN 1911-2017 E-ISSN 1911-2025

Published by Canadian Center of Science and Education


Acculturation Chinese Symbol on Madura Batik Motif

Ong Mia Farao Karsono1 & Lintu Tulistyantoro2 1 School of Chinese Literature, Petra Christian University, Indonesia 2 School of Interior Design, Petra Christian University, Indonesia

Correspondence: Ong Mia Farao Karsono, School of Chinese Literature, Petra Christian University, Siwalankerto 121-131, Surabaya, Indonesia. E-mail: [email protected]

Received: November 13, 2015 Accepted: March 9, 2016 Online Published: March 23, 2016

doi:10.5539/ass.v12n4p200 URL:

Abstract This study has two chief purposes. Firstly, to introduce the Madurese Batik from Indonesia which has not yet been widely studied, and secondly, to show the acculturation of the Chinese culture in the motif of Madurese Batik. Research method employed in this study was descriptive qualitative, because our topic involves cultural and humanity sciences. The writers interview batik makers from the towns of Pamekasan, Tanjung Bumi, Sumenep, and Sampang, as research informants. We take two batik makers as representatives of each town. The four towns are selected because those towns are the centers of batik in Madura. To crosscheck the information obtained from the batik makers, also interview two collectors of Madurese batik who have good knowledge of Madurese batik. The data from the interviews and the photographic documentation of Madurese batiks are sorted and then analyzed by relating them to the theories about Madurese culture, acculturation process, and Chinese culture. The discussions and conclusions of the analyses correspond with the hypotheses proposed at the beginning of the study, which states that there are acculturations of the symbols on Madurese Batik motifs, which can be seen in the paintings of phoenix, butterfly, fish, bamboo trees on the batik, and that the acculturation process occurs naturally without conscious knowledge of the Madurese.

Keywords: acculturation, Madurese batik, motif, Chinese culture symbols

1. Introduction Batik is a very valuable cultural product of Indonesia. All the more, in 2009 the United Nations has decreed that Indonesian batik is a cultural heritage which should be preserved. The UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) has included batik in world cultural heritage. The decree is really significant for Indonesian nationalists. The Indonesian Government has worked hard to gain this acknowledgement, and has struggled to protect batik from motif thefts by other nations. At present the government has also obtained the copyrights of 300 Indonesian batik designs. Most of these copyrights were obtained after 2007. Thus, it is quite appropriate for us as Indonesian citizens to study Madurese batik motifs and present the study in international journals with the hope of introducing Madurese batik motifs to more people.

Why do we study the acculturation of Chinese culture in Madurese batik? The answer is because both Indonesia and China have batik crafts and both crafts have a long history. The Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the State Council (2007) states that Chinese motif cloth printing and batik is a traditional technology product of the Chinese people. Chinese art craft has a very long history (p. 204 & 186). Gǔ (2014) also states that Chinese batik craft has existed in China since the time of Xià 夏 dynasty (21 BC-16 BC), Shāng 商 dynasty (16 BC-11 BC), and Zhōu 周 dynasty (11 BC-221 AD), and reaches its peak in the Táng 唐 dynasty. During the Sòng 宋 dynasty, batik making in China dropped greatly because of the long time it took for the coloring process and the color produced was mono color. Batik making still survives in southwest and central China which is the dwelling place of ethnic minorities in China (pp. 1-3). The ethnic minorities have high skills in handycrafts including batik making (Hán, 2002, p. 32). From this background we make the hypothesis that the motif of Chinese batik significantly influences the motif of Indonesian batik.

Concerning the history of Indonesian batik, Batik Market (2015) reports that batik has been known in Indonesia since the seventeenth century, when batik was painted on palm leaves. The batik motif at that time were mostly paintings of animals and plants. On further developments, abstract motifs were added such as cloud motif, temple reliefs, Javanese puppets, and so on. Then, by combining the painting style with cloth decorating,

Page 2: Acculturation Chinese Symbol on Madura Batik Motif Asian Social Science Vol. 12, No. 4; 2016


emerged the hand painted batik that is known today. The motif of hand painted batik usually contains the philosophy of each region from where the batik comes. Formerly batik was only made within the palace community and was worn only by the royal family and the court people. Because many of the court people lived outside the palace, they brought batik art out of the palace and then they also made batik in their own places. Today, batik is worn by the public (

The term “batik” comes from the word “hamba-tik” which means ‘titik’. This titik motif is the oldest batik motif (Samsi, 2011, p. 3). The tools needed in batik painting are mori cloth (made of silk, cotton, or polyester mix); pencil (for drawing the design); canting made of metal (bronze, brass, or zinc) with a mouth (which is used for scooping hot melted wax); wax for covering the painting on the cloth; dye; a pan; a small stove for heating the wax; gawangan (for hanging the cloth). The procedure of making hand painted batik as outlined by Batik Market (2015) includes three steps. The first step is drawing the design of the motif on mori cloth with a pencil. The second step is using canting which has been filled with hot melted wax to cover the design. When the wax has dried, the cloth is dipped into a dye solution, the part of the cloth which has been covered by the wax will not be affected by the dye solution. The third step is nglorot, in which the cloth which has changed color is boiled to take off the wax from the cloth so that the motif which has been drawn on the cloth is seen more clearly. The dipping in a dye solution will not change the color of the part of the cloth where the motif is drawn since it is covered by a thin layer of wax (the wax does not wear off entirely). A batik that is made by this process is called hand painted batik. Besides hand painted batik there is also printed batik. Both hand painted batik dan printed batik use hot melted wax. The difference lies in the way of putting the wax on the cloth: in printed batik the wax was stamped on the cloth, while in hand painted batik the wax was drawn on the cloth using canting. (Batik Market, Tuesday, April 14, 2015

The hypothesis that there has been an acculturation of Chinese culture in the motif of Madurese batik in the form of religious symbols is based on the fact that Chinese culture has entered Indonesia since year 1172, especially during the reign of King Sriwijaya. This is confirmed by Kǒng (1999) who stated that in year 1172 King Sriwijaya ordered roof tiles from the government of the Sòng 宋 dynasty (p. 349). Then the entrance of Chinese immigrants to Indonesia several centuries ago has also made a great impact. These Chinese immigrants bring forth the peranakan (descendant) culture which is the fusion of two cultures namely the Chinese culture and the local culture to form a new culture which is called peranakan (descendant) culture. This descendant culture has reached all realms in Indonesian community, among others, fashion (kebaya/Javanese blouse, batik, shoes, and so on), culinary (soto, kecap, kue tok, lumpia, and so on), daily expressions and daily habits. If we trace back the descendant culture, we see clearly that the culture has developed within the community of the descendants of the Chinese immigrants and is different from the original foreign culture and also from the local culture. Thus the cultural acculturation in batik motif is an interesting topic to be studied.

We select Madurese batik as our research topic because in comparison to the Javanese communities in general, the Madurese are known to have a unique culture and character. The acculturation in their culture has occured since the sixteenth century as can be seen in the variety of keris (Javanese traditional knife) decorations, ladies’ jewelry such as bracelet, binggel/gold ring worn around the ankle, pending/pin, and so on; daily utensils (cooking pan, ladle, tray, and so on); stone carving (tomb stone, statue, roof decoration); wood carving (bed, ship decoration, furniture) (Sunaryo, 2009). Wiryoprawiro (1986) states that Madura has a comparably large number of Chinese citizens, which was officially recorded in history in the eighteenth century after the Pecinan riot in Surakarta, when a large group of Chinese people arrived in Madura from Java. One of them was Lauw Koen Thing family who were skilled in construction building. Later they were trusted by the local dignitaries to perform works according to their skill. The results among others were the building of Sumenep Palace (1764) and Sumenep Grand Mosque (1781), which was built by Lauw Pia Ngo, the grandson of Lauw Koen Thing (pp. 32-35).

The urgency of this study lies on the fact that there are still very few studies on Madurese batik. The more popular topics of batik studies are about batik from the towns of Central Java, such as Yogyakarta, Solo, Cirebon, and so on. Besides, there has been a study on the acculturation of Javanese culture, European culture, and Chinese culture on Madurese community, performed by Tulistyantoro (2009). These backgrounds encourage us to make a study on the Madurese batik, especially the acculturation of Chinese culture in the motif of Madurese batik. It has been widely known that China is rich with symbols with high philosophical values.

As presented by Setyorini et al. (2013), batik-making business has given a considerable contribution to medium business trade. Thus, studies on batik are worthy to be developed more widely. Moreover, at present we have the Association of Central Java batik and Southern Java batik such as Yayasan Batik Indonesia (Indonesian Batik Foundation) which promotes national and global batik-making business. Indonesian Batik-Making Business

Page 3: Acculturation Chinese Symbol on Madura Batik Motif


needs to bproposes tmade in Mis worth st

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n Social Science


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Vol. 12, No. 4;

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Page 4: Acculturation Chinese Symbol on Madura Batik Motif


In China, fan as a syto face lifelive in anytree.

Nowadayscompetitiospontaneoumakers onlocally, reg

The other and small they draw the butterfof flowersbackgrounwhich we living creacloth. Ther




fan symbolizeymbol of goode’s problems. y season. Figur


s most batik mons they incluusly according

nly think aboutgionally, or nat

motifs which asakura flowerthe animals va

flies without eys. The fish mond). Figure 3 take from bati

atures are not refore, the pain

n batik with “thdraw

an batik with “few

3. Pamekasan

es cleverness ad things. WhileThis also fits re 2 is a photo

gure 2. Pameka

makers do not ude the philosog to the creatit the philosophtionally.

are often founrs. The Pamekaguely, for exayes. Their elepotifs are drawshows the phoik makers in Psimilar to the nting of living

he Dawn” motwn vaguely

“Phoenix” motw feathers

n and Tanjung


and dignity (Ye reng-pereng (the Chinese pgraph docume

asan Batik wit

think of philoophical aspectivity of the pahy of their bati

d in Pamekasakasan batik maample when thphant motifs a

wn with line anotographs of t

Pamekasan wh real ones bec

g creatures in b

tif, the peacock

tif, the tail has

Bumi classica

n Social Science


Yáo, 2013), thu(bamboo) sym

philosophy. Thent of Pamekas

th fan and reng

osophy when ts in their batainter or accoik when they p

an batik are birakers have thehey draw butterare usually not nd dot isen (ithe motifs of

hile we are makcause of the prbatik are not th

k is Pame

a Batik T

l batik with va

us both Indonembolizes a pershe Chinese likesan batiks with

g-pereng (bam

they design thtik. The motifording to the wparticipate in b

rd, per-keper (e the habit of nrflies, they onllarge and som

inside fill in bPamekasan b

king observatirohibition to de same as the r

ekasan batik wdrawing o

Tanjung Bumi

arious bird mot

esians and Chson’s ability toe the bamboo h the symbols

mboo) motifs

heir batik. Onfs of Pamekaswish of the cubatik-making c

(butterfly), largnot drawing thly draw the ou

metimes the hebatik which isbatik with variions and intervdraw a living creal ones.

with “the Dawnof a pair of pea

i with peacockgathered

tifs (Karsono,

Vol. 12, No. 4;

inese acknowlo live diligently

tree because iof fan and bam

nly in batik-masan batik are mustomer. The competitions, e

ge chrysanthemhe real animalutlines or they eads are in the s generally useious bird painviews. The mocreature on a

n” motif and thacocks

k motif, the tail

2015, pp. 8-10


ledge y and t can


aking made batik


mum, s but draw form ed as

ntings tif of batik


l is


Page 5: Acculturation Chinese Symbol on Madura Batik Motif


The pair ois a classicclassical bfew featheor just “Biin Pameka


From Figumotif we a(Waves) mand fish. Tbutterfly mbutterfliescultural aclove betwe(a pair of bcouple. Fig



of birds motif ical batik. This batik, it has theers, then the mird”. This showasan batik we a

Pamekasan bati(Lines)

ure 4 we find thalso see the dr

motif. While inThe basic momotif is even , is used in thecculturation. Teen a pair of lobutterflies) mogure 5 shows t

Classical Pamek-Keper” (a pair


odern Pamekasuely drawn but


in Pamekasan motif is simil

e philosophy omotif is called “ws that there isalso find Liris

ik with “Liris”) motif


hat batik is namrawing of birdn Pamekasan botifs in Madur

used for spece marriage cereThe Chinese cuovers, and whiotif in Pamekathe photograph

kasan batik r of butterfliesf

an batik with tterfly motif asion

Figure 5.


batik as showlar to the batikof joy in the m“Phoenix”. If ts an acculturati(Lines) motif,

” Pamekasa“(C

re 4. Pamekasa

med accordingds. There are abatik with Okera and Pamekacial occasions,emony. The simulture is well ach is popularly

asan batik alsohs of the batik.

) Pamekasa

pair of m

s Modern butterfl

Pamekasan ba

n Social Science


wn in Figure 3 k from other pl

morning or the zthe bird’s tail iion of ChineseBem-ombek (W

an batik with “OCurves) motif

an batik with v

g to its main paalso drawings el (Curves) moasan batik oft, for example milarity in moacquainted wity known throu

o has the same.

an batik “Per-Kbutterflies) mo

modern colorin

Pamekasan baly motif as dec

atik with variou

is called Fajalaces such as Szeal for life. Inis not spread, te culture in MaWaves) motif,

Okel Pam“Bek-o

various motifs

attern. In the Pof birds in Pa

otif we can finten represent p

the Per-Kepeotif and in cereth the symbol

ugh the “Sampe philosophy, it

Keper” (a otif in a

ng “

atik with coration


us butterfly mo

r MenyingsingSidoarjo and Inn Figure 3, if tthe the motif iadurese batik. and Okel (Cu

mekasan batikombek” (Wav

Pamekasan batiamekasan batind drawings oplants, birds,

er motif, whicmonial use indof butterfly w

ek Ingtai” leget symbolizes tr

Modern Pam“Butterfly” mo

Modern Pamekbutterfly and f



Vol. 12, No. 4;

g (the dawn) wndramayu. Bethe bird’s tail his called “PeacBesides bird m

urves) motif.

k with es) motif

ik with Liris (Lik with Bek-omof birds, butter

or means a padicates a very which signifiesend. The Per-Krue love betwe

mekasan batik tif as decoratio

kasan batik witflower motif aration


which ing a has a

cock” motif,

Lines) mbek rflies, The

air of close s true Keper een a


th s

Page 6: Acculturation Chinese Symbol on Madura Batik Motif


The commlanguage iwhich mea

The modeblack. Figu

The main used as babatik clothcommonlykobhung, cusually taka batik. In

mon floral motis usually calleans flower with

rn Pamekasanure 7 shows th


Dark Pamek

elements of background. Path. Concerningy used isens achicken featheken from plantFigure 8 we c

if in Madura ied buketan, is h a lot of varia


n batik are usuhe photographs

ge modern Pam

blue on whitekasan batik (na

Figure 7.

atik are motif,ttern is the strug isen characteare cecek (doers, and so onts or nature aro

can see the exa


is the flower malso common

ations. Figure 6

ure 6. Pamekas

ually of bright/s of Pamekasan

mekasan batik

e base modern amed kelengan

Modern Pame

, pattern, and mucture of the dreristic, from t

ot), rawan (lin. Thus we canound them. Th

amples of isen.

n Social Science


motif. The main here. The Ma6 shows mode

san batik with

/strong colors n batik with its

Dark g

) Bro

ekasan batik w

main motif. Israwing, while the interviews nes), spilled rn conclude thahe type and the

in motif in theadurese also crn Pamekasan

flower motif

such as red, bs color.

green modern batik

ownish dark redPamekasan b

with various co

sen is the insidthe main motiwith informa

rice, half mooat the theme oe elegance of t

e form of bouqall the flower batik with var

blue, orange, p


d modern batik


de fill in batik if is the most dant (1) and (2on, okel (curvf the isen of Pthe isen determ

Vol. 12, No. 4;

quet, which in motif “kembh

rious flower fo

pink, green, ye

which is genedominant moti2) we find thaves), bang gedPamekasan bamines the quali


local hang” orms.


erally f in a

at the dung, tik is ity of

Page 7: Acculturation Chinese Symbol on Madura Batik Motif

Gringseng ise

cludes amonghers pring sedaon of the batik isen. Certain icomes from

Indonesia andf also means bch implies varimbolizes the bowery with colves until the used in the ma2004, p. 80) (F

o comply with Pamekasan a

otifs are change

also modern mse people (Onicates that the.

en of classical P


g others liris, apur, buketan, maker. If one

isens such as SDutch which

d all the which fiety is represen

beauty and the lor variation inpresent time

arriage ceremoFigure 9).


h market requialso produce bed into garis b

Figure 10

motifs with fishng, 1993, p. 24re has been na


Pamekasan ba

Figure 8. The is

bek ombek, ktong centong,batik cloth hasSekar Jagad mmeans map, w. Sekar Jagad

fascinates anyonted in repeategreatness of t

n each sectionbecause it is

ony of young c

9. Pamekasan

irements of cubatik with conbangun motif a

0. Pamekasan

h drawing in P44). Fish drawatural accultur

n Social Science


atik Circul

sens of Pamek

kobhung, kar j per keper, ands several isens

motif is commwhile jagad cmotif means v

one who sees ied geometricalthe life in the w

n. This motif stbeautiful and

couples, which

batik with Sek

ustomers who ntemporary mas seen in Figu

batik with con

Pamekasan batwing is also poration which o

ar isen of mod

kasan batik

jagad, and so d so on. Somes, the batik wil

mon in Java, whcomes from Javariety, both init (Wolody & Cl form which iworld. The aptarted to devel

d attractive. Bh signifies their

kar Jagad mot

do not like thmotifs. In conteure 10, while th

ntemporary mo

tik. Fish drawiopular and use

occurs without

dern Pamekasa

on. While metimes batik ml be named acchich symbolizavanese whichn Indonesia anChian, 2004, pis drawn alonepearance of Selop in the eigh

Batik with Sekr true love to e


he motifs of clemporary mothe colors are u


ing symbolizesed as batik mt the conscious

Vol. 12, No. 4;

an batik

main motif inclotif is based ocording to the es world map

h means the wnd in all the wp. 80). Sekar Je or in pairs sidekar Jagad bahteenth centurykar Jagad moeach other (Wo

lassical batik, tifs the flower

usually bright.

s prosperity amotif in Pameks knowledge o


ludes n the most . The

world, world. Jagad de by tik is y and tif is


batik r and

mong asan,

of the

Page 8: Acculturation Chinese Symbol on Madura Batik Motif


There is aprosperity painting thprosperity.look carefvehicle to heron painpainted wi

Figure 12

Although philosophyJagad motPer Keperpresent frolove and abetween thdeath, Meabundant fFigure 13 motifs.


Thus, thercan be seeMadurese

a difference bein the Chines

he fish is dra. Besides fish,fully, we will s

western heavnted accordingith one leg lifte

. The similarit

from the intervy of the batik, tif and Reng-Pr, Melate Setoom the bridegrability to take che bridegroomlate Seto’or sfood because cwe can see th

gure 13. Classi

re has been an en from the lain Pamekasan

Figure 11. Th

etween the fishse culture. Th

awn jumping u there is also hsee that one o

ven for the soug to Chinese ped, too. Thus th

ty between the

views with theclassical Pam

Pereng motif. To’or and Tongroom to the brcare of the brid

m and the bridymbolizes thecentong or entohe photograph

ical Pamekasan

acculturation arge number on are quite flex


he fish motif in

h motif of mohe fish motif iupward. The heron in the mf the heron’s lul of a dead pphilosophy, wihe Madurese p

Chinese symb

e research infomekasan batik m

There are alsog Centong. Thride, because tde in the futur

de, Per-Kepere true love of ong is a kind ohs of Pamekas

n batik with Sa

from Chineseof bird, butterfxible, they can

n Social Science


n local batik an

odern Pamekasin Madurese bChinese symb

motif of Madurleg is lifted wperson (Williaith one leg lifpaint the heron

bol of the heromotif

ormants we finmotifs generalo other classicaese motifs arethey have the pre. Sabet Manik

symbolizes ththe couple. T

of ladle used fsan batik with

abet Manik, To

e culture in Pafly, and dragonn suit their cus

nd in Chinese

san batik and batik is paintedbol is painted rese batik, wh

which in the Chams, 1993, pp.fted. The heron according to

on and the mod

nd that they maly have philosal motifs such e only used inphilosophical k symbolizes the strength of Tong-Centongfor taking cookh Sabet Manik

ong Centong, a

mekasan batikn motifs. In thstomer’s wish.


the fish motifd horizontallyupward to re

hich symbolizehinese culture . 101-102). Fion in Pamekasthe Chinese pa

dern Pamekasa

ake batik withsophical meanias Sabet Man

n the marriagemeaning abouthe promise wf love which csymbolizes pr

ked rice from tk, Tong Centon

and Melate Set

k, both in colohe coloring ofIf the custom

Vol. 12, No. 4;

f which symboy, while in Chepresent increaes a long life. I

is the symbolgure 12 show

san batik is alainting.

an batik with h

hout thinking oings, such as S

nik or Sabet Rae ceremony, aut the bridegrohich binds the

can not stopperosperous life the cooking pang, Melate Se

to’or motifs

or and motif, wf modern batik

mer wants red c


olizes inese asing If we l of a

ws the ways


of the Sekar antai, s the

oom’s love

ed by with

an. In to’or

which k, the color,

Page 9: Acculturation Chinese Symbol on Madura Batik Motif


they will malso the faAccordingthe doors house, anddrive away

4.2 The Ac

The town research inthe husbanbook releasays that bsomeone wfind someoits men areor other sethe photogthe town.


Fish an

Concerninif the birdAlthough elephant m

make batik witavorit color ofg to legend, in and windows

d then it wouldy calamity. Be

cculturation of

of Tanjung Bnformant (4) shnds go to sea ased by the Mbatik makers arwho is willing one who is wie mostly fisherea creatures. Wgraphs of Tanju

ck with long ta

nd Bird classic

Bird motif


ng the bird mot’s tail does noTanjung Bum

motifs, as show

th a red color, f the Chinese bancient China of a house w

d leave the villsides, they also

f the Chinese C

umi lies abouhows that Tanjto catch fish,

Minister of Toure generally lato paint batik

illing to make rmen, however

When we ask aung Bumi batik

ail motif

cal motif

e 14. The phot

tifs in Madureot spread, then mi batiks are mwn in Figure 15


and in fact thbecause it symlived a strang

were covered wlage. Since theo believe that r

Culture on Tanj

ut 50 km from jung Bumi is athe wives hav

urism and Creadies, both mark on both sides

batik with an r the batik mot

a research infork with bird mo

Fish and Bcharacteristic

Bird classical

Bird motif w

tographs of Tan

ese batik, whetit is a peacoc

mostly of bird5 and 16.

n Social Science


here are many Pmbolizes prospge animal whicwith red paperen the Chinese red color symb

jung Bumi Bat

m the town of Ba coastal town ve time to makative Economrried and youn

s of the cloth, tunknown or ntifs of the townrmant about thotifs which we

Bird motif whi of Tanjung Bu

l motif with ge

with Kembangisen

anjung Bumi ba

ther from Pamck; if the bird’sd motifs, there

Pamekasan baperity and powch liked to scarr, the strange believe that re

bolizes power


Bangkalan in whose people

ke batik. This my of the Repu

ng ones (p. 41)the inside and

new motif. Tann are mostly phis, he can note take when we

ich is a umi batik.


e-toge isen

g Gadung

atik with vario

ekasan, Tanjuns tail spreads, e are also bat

atiks with brighwer, and it drivre the village panimal did noed color can band courage (W

Madura. The e are mostly fisagrees with th

ublic of Indon). Nowadays itthe outside. It

njung Bumi is painting of birdt tell the reasone are visiting t

Phoenix classicramuk

Phoenix c


ous Bird motifs

ng Bumi, Sumthen it is a ph

tiks with butte

Vol. 12, No. 4;

ht red color. Rves away calapeople. Howevot dare to entering prosperityWáng, 2012).

interview withshermen, and whe statement in

nesia (2009), wt is difficult tot is also difficua coastal town

ds, not of fish, n. Figure 14 shtwo batik make

cal batik motifk akar isen

classical motif

rd motif


menep, or Samphoenix from Cerfly and mod


Red is mity.

ver, if er the y and

h our when n the

which o find ult to n and crab, hows ers in

f with

pang, hina.


Page 10: Acculturation Chinese Symbol on Madura Batik Motif


As in Pamalso lifts oresearch inChinese ph

The differ(2010). Fadifference of Pamekathe subjecconsistent color is mo

In the isen18 shows t


mekasan batik, one leg. This shnformants can hilosophy. Figu

rences and simadilah states th

lay in the factasan batik was t of our studyin color, whil

ore varied and

n of Tanjung Bthe photograph


Figure 16. Tan

in Tanjung Bhows that therenot tell the reaure 17 gives th

Figure 17. T

milarities of Phat both Pamekt that in Tanjun not so intricat

y (9) who saysle Pamekasan bd its motif does

Bumi batik therh of this batik.

Figure 18. T


15. Tanjung B

njung Bumi bat

Bumi there aree has been an ason why the hhe photograph

Tanjung Bumi b

Pamekasan batkasan batik andng Bumi batikte as the motifs that the motibatik has beens not follow the

re is a swastika

Tanjung Bumi

n Social Science


Bumi batik with

tik with contem

also batiks wacculturation o

heron does nots of the batik w

batik with hero

tik and Tanjund Tanjung Bum

k the motif waf of Tanjung Bif and color ofn impregnated e strict rule as

a or banji mot

i batik with Pa

h butterfly mot

mporary eleph

with heron andof Chinese cult stand on its twwith heron and

on and chicken

ng Bumi batikmi batik use pls stronger and

Bumi batik. A mf Tanjung Bumby elements fTanjung Bum

tif which is der

anji (Swastika)


hant motif

d chicken motilture on Tanjunwo legs, but lifd chicken moti

n motif

k have been slant and anima

d the color wasmore specific cmi batik is difffrom outside it

mi batik.

rived from Ch


Vol. 12, No. 4;

ifs. The heron ng Bumi batikfts one leg as iifs.

studied by Faal motifs, whils thicker. The mcause was give

fferent becausets region so th

hinese motif. F


here . Our in the

dilah le the motif en by e it is hat its


Page 11: Acculturation Chinese Symbol on Madura Batik Motif


The MaduChinese, aconnotatiodifferent mbeen used associatedcentury ma

Besides cljasmine flshows the

The name leres, taek (chicken fmotifs are 20 we can

4.3 The Ac

As in Pamphoenix),

urese call the as the symbol oon, while in reameaning from

by Hinduist, d the symbol wany Westerner

lassical batik lowers called Bphotograph of


of Tanjung Buk melaya, and sfeather), bhang

per keper (busee Tanjung B




cculturation of

mekasan batik forest chicken

Swastika (卍of luck, while ality it is not sowhat is underBuddhhist, an

with positive rs considered s

with Panji mBhang Melatef this batik.

Figure 19. Clas

umi batik is baso on. The iseng gadhung (g

utterfly), reng pBumi batik wit

njung Bumi baakar (root ra

njung Bumi bat(bean spro

Figure 20. Tanj

f the Chinese C

k and in Tanjun, and butterfl


卍) symbol Panthe German uo. According trstood today. Ind Yudaism sithoughts and

swastika as the

motif, there aree which symb


ssical Tanjung

ased on its pattns are ramok aadhung flowepereng (bamboth various isens

atik with ramokamok) isen

tik with ge-togout) isen

jung Bumi bat

Culture in Sum

ung Bumi batily motifs, as c

n Social Science


nji. This symbsed it as the syto Prasetyo (20In Sanskrit theince ancient ti

wise traditione symbol of luc

e also classicaolizes the pur

asmine flowers

g Bumi batik w

tern, isen, and akar (root ramer), pi kopi (cooo), kar jagads.

k Tanjung

ge Tanjung


tik with variou

menep Batik

ik, in Sumenecan be seen in

bol is known ymbol of Nazi014) the swastie swastika meimes. When Enal values. Inck.

al Tanjung Bure love betwee


with Bhang Me

main motif. Thmok), ramok ke

offee flower), d (world map),

g Bumi batik w

(whitish) ise

g Bumi batik wti (jasmine flow

us isens and ma

ep batik we an Figure 21. T

by many peo, which gives ika symbol in eans prosperity

Europeans migrn the beginnin

umi batiks wien husband an

late motif

he patterns areerang (scallop

kobhung, and half moon, an

with potehan


with kembang

wer) isen

ain motifs

also find manyThe customers

Vol. 12, No. 4;

ople, includingit a dark (negaSanskrit has ay. This symborated to Asia,

ng of the twen

ith the paintinnd wife. Figur

e topa, jung drramok), bulu ad so on. The nd so on. In F

y bird (peacocs from Jakarta


g the ative) very l has they


ng of re 19

ajad, ayam main igure

ck or a and

Page 12: Acculturation Chinese Symbol on Madura Batik Motif


Surabaya wisen. The pbird motif for exampprocess wsame as tcoloring. Tbrown colotingi.

Customersform of ga

Besides ab(cow race)which are known amfor forest chicken m

who come froprice is around

f is distinguishple, they will c

will be done bythose of otherThe blue color or is made from

s in Sumenep aris bangun as

bstract motifs, ) and mosque,high quality c

mong bird lovechickens (p. 7


om Chinese ethd Rp. 150.000

hed from the pcomply willingy the Sumenepr Madurese bais made from

m jaran wood


also like abstin Pamekasan

Figure 22

nowadays we as shown in Fcows. The for

ers in Indonesi7). It also cau


hnic like to or0,- The colorinphoenix motif igly when a toup batik makeratiks. The difindigofera tre

d, dark brown c

21. Sumenep b

tract contempon batik, but in t

2. Modern Sum

also find motiFigure 23. Wirrest chickens fia. This fact enuses Sumenep

n Social Science


rder batik withng is natural coin the tail. Baturist from Chinrs. The characfference is in ees, greenish brcolor is made f

batik with vari

orary motifs. Tthe form seen i

menep batik w

ifs which tells ryoprawiro (19from Kangean ncourage peop

batik makers

h white backgolor from leavtik makers in na wants to pa

cteristics of Sucoloring, Sum

rown color is mfrom jolawe, w

ious bird motif

The abstract min Figure 22.

with abstract mo

a local story o986) says that Island in the

ple whose craf to use karap

ground and floves which are bSumenep are aint his own mumenep batik menep batik mmade from the

while blackish


motifs in Sume


or tradition, suSumenep is fdistrict of Sum

ft is wood carvpan sapi (cow

Vol. 12, No. 4;

wer motif, wiboiled to foreig

motif. The coloare principally

makers use nae leaves of jati color is made

enep are not in

uch as karapanfamous for its menep is also ving to make c

racing) and f


thout . The

gners, oring y the atural trees, from

n the

n sapi cows well

cages forest

Page 13: Acculturation Chinese Symbol on Madura Batik Motif


In Sumeneof Chinesethe bambo

Nowadays(Figure 25

Thus, Summotifs in Smotifs (Fig


ep batik we cane culture in Suoo motif Reng-p



s, in Sumenep 5).

menep batik is Sumenep batikgure 26) are gr

Sumenep bsapi (co


Figure 23. Sum

n also find draumenep batik. F-pereng.

n motif

ure 24. Sumene

customers can

Figure 2

open to customk, although noreater in numb


batik with karaow racing) mot

p batik with natf (bonsai trees)

menep batik wi

agon and bambFigure 24 show


ep batik with d

n require batik

25. Sumenep b

mer’s requiremot as many as ber.

n Social Science


apan tif


ture )


ith motifs of na

boo motifs. Thws batik with

ragon motif

dragon and ren

k motifs accord

batik with figh

ments, and introin Pamekasan

enep batik withpi (cow racing)

menep batik witami (mosque) m

ature and local

is indicates thadragon and ba


ng-pereng (bam

ding to their w

hting tigers mo

oduces local trn batik and Ta

h karapan ) motif

th masjid motif

l tradition

at there has beamboo motifs.

-Pereng (bamb

mboo) motifs

wishes, as the fi


raditions. Theranjung Bumi b

Vol. 12, No. 4;

een an acculturThe Madurese

boo) motif

ighting tigers m

re are also buttbatik. While fl


ration e call


terfly ower

Page 14: Acculturation Chinese Symbol on Madura Batik Motif


Although tis similar batik. Figu

The contem

The isen misen motiftree, eler (taste or mo

the motifs of Sto other Madu

ure 27 shows th

mporary motif

motifs of Sumefs in Sumenep (chain), scallopore contempor


Sumenep batikurese batik, nahe photograph


fs in Sumenep

Figure 2

enep batik arebatik are in t

p, grass, and srary. Figure 29


ure 26. Sumene

k are more attuamely Sekar Jah we take of thi

27. Sumenep

batik have fre

28. Sumenep b

different fromthe form of fisso on. The isen shows the ise

n Social Science


ep batik with f

uned to customJagad, with difis batik.

batik with Sek

e design and a

batik with cont

m the ones in Psh scales, gadun motifs in Sun motifs of Su

flower motifs

mer’s taste, the fferent isen an

kar Jagad moti

are usually with

temporary mot

Pamekasan batung flower, okumenep batik iumenep batik.

classical motind coloring fro


hout isen (Figu


tik and Tanjunkel (curves), flis more compl

Vol. 12, No. 4;

f of Sumenep om other Madu

ure 28).

ng Bumi batiklower of the clying to custom


batik urese

. The offee mer’s

Page 15: Acculturation Chinese Symbol on Madura Batik Motif




Figure 29 Pamekasansmeared ouse colors leaves of jthan batikmeaning o

Sumenep batik


Sumenep batik isen

Sumenep batthe coffee

shows that thn batik and Ta

over the cloth, from nature, s

jati trees and js with chemic

of a batik also d

with contemp

n motif

with contempn motif

tik with flowertree isen motif



he isen motifs anjung Bumi bit is broken so

such as blue frjaran wood. Hcal coloring. Bdetermines the


orary Sume

orary Su

r of f


Sumenep batik

29. Sumenep b

of Sumenep bbatik. Remekao that it will drom indigofera

Hand painted bBesides, the leve price of the b

n Social Science


enep batik wit(curves)

isen motif

umenep batik wcontemporary

isen motif

nep batik with flower isen mo

k with fish scal

batik with vari

batik is more an isen is maddraw thin irrega, black from tbatiks with colvel of difficul


th okel

with y


gadung otif

Su ise

les isen motif

ious isen motif

simple and node in this way:gular lines. In tingi, brownishloring from nalty in painting

Sumenep bacontempo

isen mo

menep batik wisen mo

umenep batik wen motif and p



ot so dense as: On the nightcoloring, Sumh from jolaweature are usual

g the motif and

Vol. 12, No. 4;

atik with orary otif

with remekanotif

with giwangphoenix main f

the isen motit when the col

menep batik ma, greenish fromlly more expend in expressin


ifs of lor is akers m the nsive g the

Page 16: Acculturation Chinese Symbol on Madura Batik Motif

cculturation of

ct of Sampang

ber of batik mauces batiks wim Pamekasan, ily distinguish

are more variouproduced in aobeyed. Sampare too monoto

turation in Samulture with theigure 30.

ird motifs therint ladies’ nail

f the Chinese C

lied around 90


akers in Sampith classical anTanjung Bum

hed by new batus and colorfu

a coastal regionpang batiks do onous.

mpang batik ce Madurese cul


Bird m

Figure 30. S

re are also Cars. In Figure 31


Culture in Samp

0 km from Sur


pang is fewer tnd modern mo

mi, Sumenep, antik lovers. Pamul. Tanjung Bumn have also benot experienc

can also be seelture in Sampa

k motif



Sampang class

r Cena motif w1 we can see th

n Social Science


mpang Batik

rabaya, the cap


than in Pamekotifs. The batind Sampang ar

mekasan batiks mi batiks still

een impregnatece much innova

en in its motifang batik in th

acock motif

sical batik with

which is taken he photograph

pital of East Ja

kasan, Tanjungk collector were a little diffehave been impretain their rul

ed by outside eation so they a

fs. We find thae form of phoe

Phoenix mo

Phoenix mo

h various bird m

from pacar ciof Sampang b

ava Province.

g Bumi, and Se interview starent from one pregnated by oles and colorinelements so thare more origin

at there is an aenix motifs. T




ina flowers whbatik with Car

Vol. 12, No. 4;

Sumenep. Samates that Maduanother, which

outside elemenng. Sumenep bhat the rules arnal but on the

acculturation ohe photograph

hich are commCena motif.


mpang urese h can nts so batiks e not other

of the hs are


Page 17: Acculturation Chinese Symbol on Madura Batik Motif


Figure 31

The charakembang jkembang g


Kembang Bumi batikthe isen is

1. Sampang ba

acteristics of tjeruk (orange gadung (gadun




32. Sampang b

gadung (gaduk or Pamekasapainted in stra


atik with sruni

the isen in Saflower), raw

ng flower) and

g gadung (gadu

g gadung (gadu

ng jeruk (orang

batik with kem

ung flower) isean batik, becauaight lines. We


Seruni motif


ampang batik wan (straight a

kembang jeru

ung flower) ise

ung flower) ise

ge flower) isen

mbang gadung

en of Sampanguse in Sampane can see the ex

n Social Science


Isen bhan

um flower) mot

lie on the foand curving liuk (orange flow

en Kemban

en Kemban

n Kemba

(gadung flowe

g batik is diffe

ng batik the isexamples of the

ng Gadung mo

tif and kemban

orms like kemines). Sampanwer) isens (Fig

ng gadung (gad

ng gadung (gad

ang jeruk (oran

er) and kemban

erent from thoen is painted inese isens in Fig


ng gadung (ga

mbang gadungng batik isens ure 32).

dung flower) is

dung flower) is

nge flower) ise

ng jeruk (oran

ose of Sumenen circles whilegure 33.

Vol. 12, No. 4;

dung flower) i

g (gadung floware dominate




ge flower) isen

ep batik or Tane in the other b



wer), ed by


njung batiks

Page 18: Acculturation Chinese Symbol on Madura Batik Motif


Figure 33.

The modebuketan on

In SampanThe philoscourageouwhich is towhich symMadurese Ing Tai or acculturati

Other motcan also secan see the


The differenc

ern Sampang bn black backgr

ng we also finsophical mean

usly and never o symbolize th

mbolizes the trubatik remindsin bin yin spe

ion process in

Sampanreng-permotif and

Figure 35.

tifs are also fouee bird motif ie photographs

g gadung (gadu

in Sampang

e between kem

batik has no isround (Figure 3

Figure 34.

nd classical baning of the bam

give up. The he joy of a youue love betwee us of the Chinelling Liángshthe motifs of S

ng batik with reng (bamboo)d rawan (lines


Batik Sampan

und in Sampanin Sampang baof this batik.


ung flower) ise


mbang gadung

sen, only main34).

. Sampang bati

atik motifs sucmboo tree is, aphilosophical

ung couple. When the bridegronese legend w

hānbó yǔ ZhùySampang batik

) s)


ng with bambo

ng batik, amonatik. This show

n Social Science


en Kemba

(gadung flowebatik

n motif in the

ik with flower

h as bamboo, as has been givmeaning of se

hile per-keperoom and the br

which tells of thyīngtái 梁山伯k. The photogr

pang batik witheper (butterfly)


oo, sekar jagad

ng others sea cws that the Ma

ang gadung (g

in Sumen

er) isen of Sam

form of flowe

r motif without

sekar jagad, ven previouslyekar jagad hasis the Madureride for as longhe love betwee

伯与祝英台. Thaphs can be se

h )



d, and per-kepe

creature motifsadurese really

gadung flower)

nep batik

mpang batik and

ers or bouquet

t isen

and per-kepery, to advice ths also been expese term for kupg as they live. en a pair of lovhis proves thateen in Figure 3

mpang batik wit

kar jagad motif

er (butterfly) m

s like crab and like bird moti

Vol. 12, No. 4;

) isen

d modern Sum

ts which are c

r (butterfly) mhe Madurese toplained previopu-kupu (buttePer-keper mo

vers titled Samt there has bee





shrimp motifsif. In Figure 3




otifs. o live ously, erfly) otif in m Pek en an

s. We 6 we

Page 19: Acculturation Chinese Symbol on Madura Batik Motif


In Sampanvarious locbird, the bkembang j

Figure 37.

Besides thacculturati

Figure 38.

The batik Chinese leand windodiscussed (Figure 39

ng batik we alscal isens. The

beauty of its tajeruk (orange f

The accultura

he acculturationion in the form

The accultura

makers in Saetters 喜喜, reows on the maabove, there a



so see an acculphotograph o

ail symbolizes flower) isen.

ation of Chines

n in the form om of dragon wit

ation of Chineson the ba

ampang whomead shuāngxǐ, arriage day, ware also other m


36. Sampang

lturation of Chof this batik is

the beauty and

se culture in Sa

of phoenix comth Chinese lett


se culture in Saackground of lo

m we interviewwhich means

which symbolimotifs from ot

n Social Science


batik with sea

hinese culture igiven in Figu

d elegance of

ampang batik i

mbined with loters on the bac

uf Letters 喜喜

ampang batik iocal flowers in

w tell us that b

double happinzes abundant ther regions of

creatures mot

in the form of ure 37. The bira girl in the C

in the form of p

ocal isen, in Sackground of loc

in the form of dnside a sling cl

besides the Finess. These lethappiness. Bef Madura such


phoenix motifrd in this batik

Chinese culture

phoenix combi

ampang batik wcal flower isen

dragon with Cloth

igure of dragotters are usualesides the moth as fan, jung

Vol. 12, No. 4;

f accompaniedk is not Indone. While the is

ined with local

we can also finn. (Figure 38)

hinese letters

on there is alsolly pasted on dtifs that have derajad, and s


with esian

sen is

l isen

nd the


o the doors been

so on

Page 20: Acculturation Chinese Symbol on Madura Batik Motif


We can stiphilosophialso no rulwish or his

Concerninby the motprocess is also influeprice will rarely do tthe isen an

4.5 The DMadurese

From obseTanjung BThe creatioin the accubetween cumotifs whacculturatilocal Madudo not havMadurese philosopicmotif, sabe

Accordingreign of Kbuilt, it wa



ill detect the pical meanings,le in painting ms own creativit

ng the price of tif and the colocarried out. Co

enced by the tebe more expenthis. So the prind the number

Determinant FBatik

ervation amonBumi, Sumenepon of the motiulturation of thustomer and b

hich contain Cion in batik murese culture.

ve certain rulesbatik makers o

cal meanings. Tet rantai motif

g to WiryoprawKing Amangkuas impregnate

pang batik with

rawan (line

nep batik with

(jasmine flow


philosophical m, while modernmodern motifsty.

batik, not onlyoring process, oloring substan

echnique of mansive, becauseice of this batiof isens painte

Factors in the

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Page 21: Acculturation Chinese Symbol on Madura Batik Motif Asian Social Science Vol. 12, No. 4; 2016


whose name was Lauw Pia Ngo. Since then wood carvings with Chinese characteristics flourished in Sumenep. (pp. 158-159). Thus the acculturation process has taken place since a long time ago, therefore we find many motifs of Madurese batik with Chinese symbols such as phoenix, butterfly, bamboo, heron, fish. Koentjaraningrat also states that acculturation in Indonesian culture has taken place since ancient times (1990, p. 248-249). The acculturation of European culture in Indonesia has occured since the entrance of VOC to Indonesia. Thus, the acculturation, both of European culture and Chinese culture has occured naturally since acient time up to the present time in the Madurese community.

The acculturation of the Chinese culture in Madurese batik occurs naturally because both the Madurese and the Chinese have the same preferences, both like the Figure of bird, butterfly, and bamboo. The Madurese and Indonesians of Chinese origin consider a pair of butterflies as the symbol of a pair of lovers. The acculturation of the phoenix motif is supported by the fact that the Madurese also like the Figure of birds, that is why many of their batik motifs have the Figure of birds. When the bird’s tail is not spread, it becomes peacock motif, when the bird’s tail spreads beautifully, it becomes phoenix motif. This acculturation process is also strengthened by the openness of Madurese batik makers in developing the motifs of their batiks. They allow customers, including foreign ones, to create their own motifs, or to order motifs according to their own wishes, and even to paint the motifs themselves, and after that the batik makers will do the coloring process.

5. Conclusions After observing the motifs of Madurese batik from the towns of Pamekasan, Tanjung Bumi, Sumenep, and Sampang, and analyzing the information obtained from the interviews with batik makers and batik collectors, we conclude that there is much acculturation of the Chinese culture in the motifs of Madurese batik. This acculturation process has occured since ancient times and does not only touch batik making, but also influences other fields including architecture and building ornaments. The batik motifs which have experienced acculturation are mostly plant and animal motifs. The plant motifs which are adopted into the motif of Madurese batik among others is the bamboo tree, because both the Madurese and the Chinese believe that the bamboo tree can live in any season, thus giving us example to do likewise. The animal motifs which have been adopted are among others butterfly, phoenix, fish, and heron.

Concerning the animal motifs adopted from the Chinese culture, both the Chinese and the Madurese consider that these animals symbolize positive things. The Chinese and the Madurese believe that per-keper or a pair of butterflies motif symbolizes the true love between a pair of lovers. The Chinese consider the phoenix motif as the symbol of a girl’s beauty and elegance, while the Madurese like birds, especially in Sumenep which is famous for its forest chickens. Thus we find the phoenix in the motif of Madurese batik. The fish motif in the Chinese community symbolizes abundant food, while the Madurese like the Figure of fish because many Madurese husbands work as fishermen. The heron with one leg uplifted is taken as such by the Madurese from the Chinese motif.

The panji (swastika) isen motif which symbolizes a balanced life also indicates an acculturation of Chinese culture in Madurese batik.

Acknowledgements We would like to express our gratitude to Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi (Directorate General of Higher Education in Indonesia) for the moral and financial support given to us so that we can perform this study smoothly and sucessfully, and can publish it in an international journal.

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