Accounts Payable - Bizagi · Accounts Payable | 2 Table of Contents Process Model ... Account...

Accounts Payable Construction Document

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Accounts Payable

Construction Document

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Table of Contents

Process Model ............................................................................................................................................. 3

Return Invoice to Supplier sub process. .................................................................................. 4

Data Model ................................................................................................................................................... 5

Parameter Tables ................................................................................................................................ 5

Define Forms ................................................................................................................................................ 7

Receive Invoice Form........................................................................................................................ 7

Validate Invoice Form ...................................................................................................................... 8

Business Rules............................................................................................................................................. 11

Define Expressions ............................................................................................................................ 11

Activity Actions.................................................................................................................................. 13

Performers ................................................................................................................................................... 17

Integrate ....................................................................................................................................................... 19

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Process Model

As your business grows the large number of bills to be processed daily, can become a

critical and complicated task. The impacts generated when they are incorrectly

processed or no one remembers to take care of them makes this activity a problem.

Eventually this will cause late payments, incorrect payments, lost discounts, among

other things.

Therefore Bizagi offers the solution with the Accounts Payable process.

It will help to improve the process of receiving, verifying and approving invoices,

reducing processing time and avoiding misinformation. Accounts Payable supports you

through the invoice reception, validate and approval task, reducing process time and

avoiding incorrect information.

This document will guide you through the construction of the Accounts Payable


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It begins when an invoice is received. The received invoice is associated with the

Purchase Order which generated it, and its Number, Due date and the scanned Invoice

file must be entered.

Part of the process is to avoid paying incorrect invoices. It is very important to review

that the Invoice’s Products, Prices, Taxes, Dates, etc. match with the Supplier


In some cases the applicant´s approval is required, either because the applicant

requested it from the Purchase Request or because the person who reviewed the

Invoice requested it. If this happens, there will be an activity assigned to the Applicant.

Finally the Accounting entry is made through an interface in the company ERP.

Return Invoice to Supplier sub process.

Account Payable seeks to avoid paying incorrect invoices, if the Invoice has incorrect

information or the products or services invoiced do not meet the requirements, the

Invoice and the Products (if necessary) must be returned to the Supplier.

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Data Model

For a better information flow the Business Process entity is Invoice; its main attributes

are: Invoice Products, Total Cost, Taxes, Invoice Number, Purchase Order, Cost Center,

Supplier information, Payment Options, Payment Terms, Due Date and Discount


Invoice has a relationship with the Purchase Order and Invoice Products entities.

An Invoice can hold many products, thus, there is a one-to-many relationship, or

Collection, with Invoice Products.

An Invoice is directly related to one Purchase Order.

Parameter Tables

The process allows to gain access to frequently used information through the

Parameter Tables . For example the Supplier Information, Payment Options, Payment

Terms, or Cost Center.

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Each of the Parameter Tables contain useful information, for example the Supplier

Entity holds all the information about the company´s suppliers, the Address, Telephone

Number, E-mail, Payment Options. All suppliers must be created in the Supplier entity

in order to use them in the Process. If they are not, an Administrator user must create


Payment Options and Payment Terms include the different Company payment


Finally the Cost Center includes all the company´s Cost Centers.

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Define Forms

Receive Invoice Form

The first task form include a Join Search Dialog called Purchase Order, which enables

the user to search for the received invoice by several search criteria, Order Number,

Orden Date, Supplier, Amount.

The search form contains four renders:

Only the unpaid Purchase Orders are shown.

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Invoice Number, Due Date and Invoice File renders are required.

Validate Invoice Form

The Validate Invoice form includes four groups:

Invoice Information: Record date, Invoice Number, Invoice Date, Payment

Options, Cost Center and discount information.

Supplier information: Name, Id, Payment Options

Invoice Products: Quantity, Unit Price, Total Price.

Approval Information

The data can be entered in two ways. If the Invoice has been associated with a Purchase

Order, the Invoice information is loaded automatically. If not, all the information is

entered by the user.

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The form includes two tabs. The first shows the Invoice information and the second the

Purchase Order information. If the Invoice does not have a Purchase Order, the second

tab is not visible.

A button is used to calculate the Total Cost and the Tax. The renders are editable for

the necessary changes.

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The Approve Products/Services form includes all the invoice information as non-

editable. The Approval Invoice and Approval Comments are required.

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Business Rules

Define Expressions

The process uses exclusive Gateways to indicate the process work flow.

The first Gateway checks if the Invoice can continue the process or if it´s necessary to

return the Invoice to the supplier. If the Invoice data is correct the Invoice goes to the

next Gateway.

The second Gateway validates if the products or services need the applicant´s approval.

If this occurs, the case will be assigned to the Purchase Request Applicant; otherwise it

should upgrade the company's ERP.

If the Invoice is not related to any Purchase Order, the Approval Products/Services

activity is not available.

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The last Gateway evaluates if the products have to be returned to the supplier, if this is

not necessary, the case ends.

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Activity Actions

The process includes several business rules, the most important ones are:

Set Today as Date of Record, the rule is executed on enter in the Receive Invoice


If the Purchase Order Render is filled, the Purchase Order is related to the

Invoice that generated it, and vice versa, also the Cost Center, Supplier and

discount information is loaded automatically.

The rule only applies when the Invoice is associated with a Purchase Order.

The rule is executed on enter in the Validate Invoice task.

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When the Purchase Order exists, the Quoted and Purchased Products have to be

included in the Invoice as Invoice Products.

If a discount is available, the Total Cost is calculated applying the Discount. If not

the Rule does not apply.

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The last rule is executed on exit in Justify the Rejection. This rule set the Purchase

Order as not Invoiced, because it is necessary that the Purchase Order is available

for future searches.

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In the Inform Supplier task, an E-mail is sent to the Supplier with the rejection

justification of the Invoice

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To define the Performers in the process, the Wizard is used. In the fifth step of the

Wizard click on Define Performers

In the first activity, the assignee will be the person with Receptionist Role.

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The Validate Invoice, Justification of the Rejection and Return Products tasks are

performed by the person with Financial Assistant role.

The Approval Products/Services task is performed by the person who made the

Purchase Request.

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Integrate The process includes one automatic task, Update Financial ERP. Updating is performed

via an interface.