Accounting The Concentration: You might like this concentration if

Accounting The Concentration: The accounting program provides students with a thorough knowledge of conceptual and technical aspects of accounting, along with an understanding of corporate responsibility and accountability. The accounting faculty members have extensive field and research experience enabling them to bring a wealth of knowledge pertaining to accounting, finance and economics to the classroom. Completion of the Professional Accounting Program fulfills the academic requirements to sit for the CPA (Certified Public Accountant) examination in the State of Vermont. You might like this concentration if… … you want to study the structure and analysis of financial reports, IRS regulations, product costing, budgeting, auditing, accounting information systems, and international accounting. … you want to enhance your study of accounting with computer knowledge. … you are interested in identifying, measuring and communicating economic information to encourage informed decisions by users of the information. Transferable Skills Fostered: Critical Thinking Skills Leadership and Administration Skills Communication Skills Use logic to solve problems Make sound judgments to quantitative problems Adapt well to frequent changes Efficiency and thoroughness Lead, supervise, and direct others Explain financial information to others Communicate clearly orally and in writing Research and Investigation Skills Design and Planning Skills Information Management Skills Analyze and interpret information gathered Conduct research experiments Prepare and conduct tests of procedures Design improvements to existing accounting processes Computer literacy Maintain organized information and materials Interpersonal Skills Skills and Assessing Values Specialized Skills Work collaboratively with colleagues Develops close professional relationships across departments Commit to professional and ethical standards Work with diverse groups of people Numerical computation skills Knowledge needed to compile accurate financial data Ability to prepare tax returns

Transcript of Accounting The Concentration: You might like this concentration if

Page 1: Accounting The Concentration: You might like this concentration if

Accounting The Concentration: The accounting program provides students with a thorough knowledge of conceptual and technical aspects of accounting, along with an understanding of corporate responsibility and accountability. The accounting faculty members have extensive field and research experience enabling them to bring a wealth of knowledge pertaining to accounting, finance and economics to the classroom. Completion of the Professional Accounting Program fulfills the academic requirements to sit for the CPA (Certified Public Accountant) examination in the State of Vermont.

You might like this concentration if… … you want to study the structure and analysis of financial reports, IRS regulations, product costing, budgeting, auditing, accounting information systems, and international accounting. … you want to enhance your study of accounting with computer knowledge. … you are interested in identifying, measuring and communicating economic information to encourage informed decisions by users of the information.

Transferable Skills Fostered:

Critical Thinking Skills Leadership and Administration Skills

Communication Skills

Use logic to solve problems Make sound judgments to quantitative problems

Adapt well to frequent changes Efficiency and thoroughness Lead, supervise, and direct others

Explain financial information to others Communicate clearly orally and in writing

Research and Investigation Skills

Design and Planning Skills Information Management Skills

Analyze and interpret information gathered Conduct research experiments

Prepare and conduct tests of procedures Design improvements to existing accounting processes

Computer literacy Maintain organized information and materials

Interpersonal Skills Skills and Assessing Values Specialized Skills

Work collaboratively with colleagues Develops close professional relationships across departments

Commit to professional and ethical standards Work with diverse groups of people

Numerical computation skills Knowledge needed to compile accurate financial data Ability to prepare tax returns

Page 2: Accounting The Concentration: You might like this concentration if

Accounting Career Brainstorm: Auditor Claims Adjuster Financial Analyst International Trade Specialist Bookkeeper Insurance Broker Financial Aid Director IRS Investigator Actuary Computer Programmer Fund Raiser Commodities Trader Industrial Buyer Teacher Audit Manager Contract Administrator Employment Agency Counselor

Tax Accountant Estate Planner Stockbroker Commercial Banker Collection Agent Student Affairs Manager Television Producer Treasurer Underwriter Loan Administrator Payroll Manager Lawyer Chief Financial Officer Entrepreneur Sales Manager Systems Analyst Securities Broker

Experiences at UVM: The Peer Mentors are a group of upper-level business students trained to help first-year students adjust to life and study at UVM. Under the guidance of a Student Services Advisor, the Peer Mentors offer help on a range of issues, from small lifestyle questions such as where to get a pizza, to more important things like learning to manage course workloads or adjusting study habits to suit a particular course or professor. For students, it provides an additional channel within the advising system to help find a tutor, join a study group or work through the registration process. For Peer Mentors, it provides an opportunity to demonstrate leadership skills while sharing practical experience with students in need of helpful advice. The Finance & Investment Club at UVM is sponsored by the Student Government Association and is open to all UVM students. During meetings, members discuss the current trends of the market, key in on the hot stocks to watch, and learn a little more about how to become a responsible investor. Members participate in a virtual online investment competition with fake money and real time stocks as well as utilize Thomson terminals to conduct financial market research. This allows members to learn the investing ropes on their own as well as to make their own decisions without the risk of losing real capital. The club also brings in guest speakers from different firms once or twice a semester to provide insight into the investment industry and answer members’ questions.

For more information about Accounting at UVM:

School of Business Administration Kalkin Hall

55 Colchester Avenue Burlington, VT 05405-0158

Tel: (802) 656-3175 Fax: (802) 656-8279

Career Services Living/Learning E140

633 Main Street Burlington, VT 05405-0390

Tel: (802) 656-3450 Fax: (802) 656-0126

Page 3: Accounting The Concentration: You might like this concentration if

Engineering Management

The Major: The Bachelor of Science in Engineering Management is housed jointly in the College of Engineering and Mathematics and the School of Business Administration. Engineering Management prepares majors to be managers who understand engineering principles and possess the skills to manage technical projects and professionals. Students choose among three engineering disciplines (civil, electrical, or mechanical) and follow a curriculum that combines engineering with courses in economics, accounting, quality control, decision analysis, and other management concepts.

You might like this major if… … you want to gain a solid engineering base in addition to business preparation. … you are dedicated to making things work better, more efficiently, quicker and less expensively. … you want to master the ability to design, produce, sell and service quality products in today's marketplace.

Transferable Skills Fostered:

Critical Thinking Skills Leadership and Administration Skills

Communication Skills

Good judgment Makes appropriate decisions to solve problems creatively Applies logical reasoning to reason through problems

Works well under pressure Ability to lead groups of people and give clear instructions Builds and leads teams effectively

Ability to write and speak clearly and concisely to technical and non-technical audiences Communicates ideas and concepts to others

Research and Investigation Skills

Design and Planning Skills Information Management Skills

Conduct experiments Test and develop solutions to open ended problems

Designs, develops, and coordinates research activities Analyze and design mechanical components, systems, and processes

Experience with production modeling and computer simulation Organizes people, materials, and activities

Interpersonal Skills Skills and Assessing Values Specialized Skills

Inspires productivity from teammates and colleagues Works on in a group collaboratively to brainstorm solutions

Comprehends ethical responsibilities Works with diverse populations Assesses the needs of different communities

Understands organizational development, policy, strategy, and structure Understands engineering principles

Page 4: Accounting The Concentration: You might like this concentration if

Engineering Management Career Brainstorm: Plant Supervisor Project Manager Process Engineer Quality Assurance Specialist Purchaser Production Planner Systems Analyst Inventory Manager Technical Sales Representative Governmental Consultant Technical Sales Facilities Planner

Executive Manager Software Developer Quoting Engineer Planning Analyst Mechanical/Structural Design Industrial Engineer General Contractor Consulting Engineer Field Engineer Scheduling Engineer Work Simplification Consultant Statistical Analyst

Experiences at UVM: The Society of Women Engineers (SWE) aims to expand and promote the effectiveness and acceptance of women in engineering by addressing the issues that women and men will face in the workplace. SWE stimulates women to achieve full potential in careers as engineers and leaders, expands the image of the engineering profession as a positive force in improving the quality of life, and demonstrates the value of diversity. The American Society of Engineering Management (ASEM) has an active UVM chapter where students organize guest speakers in order to provide information about the role of engineering management in the changing business environment and offer the opportunity for majors to develop professional and personal networks.

For more information about Engineering Management at UVM:

Engineering Management Program

33 Colchester Avenue 109 Votey Building

Burlington, VT 05405-0156

Career Services Living/Learning E140

633 Main Street Burlington, VT 05405-0390

Tel: (802) 656-3450 Fax: (802) 656-0126

Page 5: Accounting The Concentration: You might like this concentration if


The Concentration: Students of entrepreneurship will learn about the imaginative process that underlies all successful entrepreneurial decision making and will discuss examples where imagination led individuals to develop remarkably successful ventures. They will learn to develop their own creative and entrepreneurial impulses, along with learning a set of tools to help them turn their ideas into a feasible plan and onto a success venture. The program includes an experiential element, which will make up the majority of the concentration. In the experiential section, students will learn directly the nature of the entrepreneurial process, the risks involved, and hopefully the joy of seeing a seed of an idea start to blossom.

You might like this concentration if… … you want to pursue development of your own business ideas and opportunities. … you want to gain basic business knowledge, human resource skills, management skills, marketing skills, and accounting skills that can be applied to successful entrepreneurial endeavors. … you are interested in generating and evaluating new business ideas and learning about creating a business plan.

Transferable Skills Fostered:

Critical Thinking Skills Leadership and Administration Skills

Communication Skills

Make knowledgeable judgments and decisions when solving quantitative problems Ability to use logic to develop creative and innovative solutions to old problems

Attention to detail Ability to lead a group effectively Give clear instructions Work well under pressure and meet deadlines

Ability to explain complex financial and economic data to non-technical audiences Communicate clearly orally and in writing

Research and Investigation Skills

Design and Planning Skills Information Management Skills

Conduct research Observe and analyze information gathered

Develop innovative ideas and design implementation plans that will ensure success

Organize data, people, and materials Computer literacy

Interpersonal Skills Skills and Assessing Values Specialized Skills

Forge relationships with individuals Work with colleagues to solve problems and develop new solutions

Relate to people of various backgrounds and personalities Work in diverse communities

Knowledge of financial and economic theory, practices, and trends

Page 6: Accounting The Concentration: You might like this concentration if

Entrepreneurship Career Brainstorm: Account Executive Banker Real Estate Agent Sales Representative Payroll Manager Loan Officer Job Analyst Insurance Agent Land Developer Corporate Business Manager Purchasing Agent Residential Property Manager Industrial Relations Manager Labor Relations Specialist Employee Training Manager Public Relations Specialist Writer Small Business Owner Strategic Planner Training Specialist Human Resource Specialist

Special Events Coordinator Product Manager Marketing Director Information Systems Manager Personnel Administrator Market Research Analyst Labor Relations Specialist Hotel Manager Franchise Specialist Financial Advisor Desktop Publisher Consultant Communications Manager Facilities Planner Customer Service Manager Corporate Trainer Business Development Manager Broker Lawyer Advertising Copywriter Appraiser

Experiences at UVM: The Student Advisory Committee (SAC) to the Dean and Associate Dean of the School of Business Administration is dedicated to increasing communication between students and faculty in order to improve the quality of education and the general atmosphere at UVM. The Committee has an anonymous feedback system by which students may send comments and criticisms about the program. The SAC reviews these issues and presents its findings to the Deans of the School of Business. The Committee is able to address student concerns as well as to raise the Deans’ awareness of these concerns. All students (including first-year students) are welcome to be part of the Student Outreach Committee. The members of this organization act as ambassadors to high school students who are interested in studying business administration at UVM. Members of the Student Outreach Committee staff tables at academic fairs and provide a student’s point of view to interested high school seniors and their families. They serve on panels addressing potential students, talk to visitors one-on-one, provide mini-tours and participate in Open Houses for newly admitted students.

For more information about Entrepreneurship at UVM:

School of Business Administration Kalkin Hall

55 Colchester Avenue Burlington, VT 05405-0158

Tel: (802) 656-3175 Fax: (802) 656-8279

Career Services Living/Learning E140

633 Main Street Burlington, VT 05405-0390

Tel: (802) 656-3450 Fax: (802) 656-0126

Page 7: Accounting The Concentration: You might like this concentration if


The Concentration: The Finance concentration provides majors with a strong foundation in theory that allows them to continue learning after graduation and keep pace with new developments in the field. Students consider how businesses raise, spend and invest capital; how individuals and firms allocate their resources among varying investment alternatives; and how financial markets function. The Finance option through the School of Business Administration provides students with the required background to interview with high-level financial services internships during their junior year for summer placement between junior and senior years.

You might like this concentration if… … you are interested in the way people, institutions, markets, and countries generate and transfer wealth. … you want to provide advice to consumers on the management of their personal financial affairs. … you want to study things like commercial and investment banking, forecasting and budgeting, and assets and liability management.

Transferable Skills Fostered:

Critical Thinking Skills Leadership and Administration Skills

Communication Skills

Make knowledgeable judgments and decisions when solving quantitative problems Use logic to develop solutions to problems

Attention to details Works well under pressure and meets deadlines Ability to lead a team and give instructions

Simplify financial information for non-technical audiences Active listening Communicates clearly in writing and verbally

Research and Investigation Skills

Design and Planning Skills Information Management Skills

Gather information Analyze and interpret data Monitor stocks and finances Examine records

Plan and administer budgets Estimate funding costs and expected returns

Maintain organized numerical data, financial information, and Use computers Derive information from a variety of sources

Interpersonal Skills Skills and Assessing Values Specialized Skills

Work collaboratively with teammates to develop effective solutions to practical problems

Ability to analyze a situation from multiple perspectives Assess the needs of diverse communities and individuals

Understand business management, accounting principles, and financial structures of an organization Forecast future financial needs

Page 8: Accounting The Concentration: You might like this concentration if

Finance Career Brainstorm: Cost Manager Credit Counselor International Trade Specialist Institutional Buyer Bookkeeper Audit Manager Actuary Foreign Exchange Trader Systems Analyst Mutual Fund Trader Business Analyst Finance Writer Rate Analyst Real Estate Developer Securities Broker Mergers Manager Financial Economist Loan Officer Financial Aid Director Market Research Analyst

Investment Banker Credit Manager Chief Financial Officer Budget Analyst Stockbroker Management Accountant Trust Analyst Treasury Management Specialist Portfolio Analyst Bond Manager Special Agent Public Practice Accountant Marketing Representative Investment Researcher Inventory Data Manager Government Official External Auditor Customer Service Representative Collection Agent Attorney

Experiences at UVM: The Finance & Investment Club at UVM is sponsored by the Student Government Association and is open to all UVM students. During meetings, members discuss the current trends of the market, key in on the hot stocks to watch, and learn a little more about how to become a responsible investor. Members participate in a virtual online investment competition with fake money and real time stocks as well as utilize Thomson terminals to conduct financial market research. This allows members to learn the investing ropes on their own as well as to make their own decisions without the risk of losing real capital. The club also brings in guest speakers from different firms once or twice a semester to provide insight into the investment industry and answer members’ questions. All students (including first-year students) are welcome to be part of the Student Outreach Committee. The members of this organization act as ambassadors to high school students who are interested in studying business administration at UVM. Members of the Student Outreach Committee staff tables at academic fairs and provide a student’s point of view to interested high school seniors and their families. They serve on panels addressing potential students, talk to visitors one-on-one, provide mini-tours and participate in Open Houses for newly admitted students.

For more information about Finance at UVM:

School of Business Administration Kalkin Hall

55 Colchester Avenue Burlington, VT 05405-0158

Tel: (802) 656-3175 Fax: (802) 656-8279

Career Services Living/Learning E140

633 Main Street Burlington, VT 05405-0390

Tel: (802) 656-3450 Fax: (802) 656-0126

Page 9: Accounting The Concentration: You might like this concentration if

Human Resources Management

The Concentration: The Human Resource Management (HRM) concentration is designed to develop technical and conceptual skills in students which will prepare them for a variety of future jobs and educational opportunities. Courses aim to enhance the student's leadership capability, increase the student's sensitivity to the interpersonal aspects of management, enhance the student's problem-solving and decision-making capabilities, prepare students for staff and line positions in administration, and provide a solid academic grounding for further graduate studies.

You might like this concentration if… … you are interested in studying the behavior of people at work. … you want to learn how to handle employment issues such as staffing, training, pay, and health and safety in the workplace. … you are a team player who genuinely enjoys working with other people.

Transferable Skills Fostered:

Critical Thinking Skills Leadership and Administration Skills

Communication Skills

Process new information quickly Good judgment Use logical thinking to solve problems

Inspires productivity and loyalty from teammates Works well under pressure Builds effective teams and leads aptly

Ability to communicate clearly both orally and in writing Explains ideas and concepts to others

Research and Investigation Skills

Design and Planning Skills Information Management Skills

Conduct independent research studies Gather and interpret information

Plan and administer a budget Organize and coordinate activities

Strong computer skills Organize information, materials, and people

Interpersonal Skills Skills and Assessing Values Specialized Skills

Conflict resolution skills Ability to work collaboratively on a team to solve problems

Work with people of various backgrounds and educational levels Adheres to professional and ethical standards

Understand operational systems, organizational development, policy, strategy, and structure Understanding of the global marketplace

Page 10: Accounting The Concentration: You might like this concentration if

Human Resources Management Career Brainstorm: Labor Relations Specialist Human Resources Information Systems Manager Selection and Placement Director Mediator Employment Lawyer Job Analyst Performance Appraiser Teacher Recreation Director Employment Agency Counselor Facilities Manager IRS Investigator Urban Planner Sales Representative Television Producer Financial Planner Merchandise Manager Management Consultant

Organizational Change Specialist Industrial Trainer Management Developer Consultant Customer Service Coordinator Non-Profit Volunteer Coordinator Benefits Assistant Advertising Executive Database Administrator Corporate Trainer Business Credit Administrator City Manager Contract Administrator Entrepreneur Purchasing Agent Systems Analyst Convention Manager Personnel Administrator

Experiences at UVM: The Student Advisory Committee (SAC) to the Dean and Associate Dean of the School of Business Administration is dedicated to increasing communication between students and faculty in order to improve the quality of education and the general atmosphere at UVM. The Committee has an anonymous feedback system by which students may send comments and criticisms about the program. The SAC reviews these issues and presents its findings to the Deans of the School of Business. The Committee is able to address student concerns as well as to raise the Deans’ awareness of these concerns. The Peer Mentors are a group of upper-level business students trained to help first-year students adjust to life and study at UVM. Under the guidance of a Student Services Advisor, the Peer Mentors offer help on a range of issues, from small lifestyle questions such as where to get a pizza, to more important things like learning to manage course workloads or adjusting study habits to suit a particular course or professor. For students, it provides an additional channel within the advising system to help find a tutor, join a study group or work through the registration process. For Peer Mentors, it provides an opportunity to demonstrate leadership skills while sharing practical experience with students in need of helpful advice.

For more information about Human Resources Management at UVM:

School of Business Administration Kalkin Hall

55 Colchester Avenue Burlington, VT 05405-0158

Tel: (802) 656-3175 Fax: (802) 656-8279

Career Services Living/Learning E140

633 Main Street Burlington, VT 05405-0390

Tel: (802) 656-3450 Fax: (802) 656-0126

Page 11: Accounting The Concentration: You might like this concentration if

International Management

The Concentration: Today, all business is international and with a concentration in International Management students will be prepared through classes at UVM and abroad. During the required semester abroad study will include topics in International Finance, International Marketing, Comparative Economics and International Management. Success in the international arena is enhanced through the possession of basic business knowledge and skills including an understanding of international business markets and operations, the development of cultural understanding and sensitivity, and a willingness to operate in a highly dynamic environment requiring flexibility and adaptability.

You might like this concentration if… … you want to be equipped to meet the challenges of global competition. … you want to develop the skills and background needed to understand and work within the management structure of multinational organizations. … you want to study abroad, learning how money and credit flow between borders and about managing the finances of companies that do business in more than one country.

Transferable Skills Fostered:

Critical Thinking Skills Leadership and Administration Skills

Communication Skills

Use logical reasoning to develop solutions and make informed decisions Good judgment

Work well under pressure Ability to lead groups effectively Meet deadlines

Presents information effectively to various audiences Strong public speaking skills Clear writing

Research and Investigation Skills

Design and Planning Skills Information Management Skills

Spend time conducting individual research Gather, observe, and interpret information

Design and adhere to a budget Organize and coordinate activities

Organize materials, people, and information Maintain accurate records

Interpersonal Skills Skills and Assessing Values Specialized Skills

Work collaboratively with teammates to develop solutions to problems and brainstorm courses of action

Sensitive to the needs and customs of other cultures Operate in diverse communities and interact with diverse people

Understand the global economy and the international environment Language skills

Page 12: Accounting The Concentration: You might like this concentration if

International Management Career Brainstorm: Foreign Trade Consultant Customs Inspector Information Technology Specialist Staff Consultant International Sales Manager Marketing Representative Research Analyst Global Sourcing Specialist Export Sales Representative International Business Development Manager International Finance Officer Commodities Broker International Banker Foreign Specialist

Labor Relations Specialist Human Resources Information Systems Manager Organizational Change Specialist Currency Dealer International Trader Bilingual Educator International Treasurer Customs Broker International Tax Accountant Trade Documentation Specialist Customer Service Coordinator Immigration Officer International Business Analyst Travel Agent

Experiences at UVM: The program in international management requires at least one semester of overseas study. Students usually go abroad during the spring semester of their junior year. Approved programs are located in: Seville, Spain; Grenoble, France; London, England; Vienna, Austria, and Australia. In addition, many students identify programs on their own. In the past few years students have attended and received Business Credit for courses in Korea, Denmark, China, Chile, and Germany. Through the Office of International Education, UVM students have the opportunity to Study Abroad in more than 80 countries on six continents. All students (including first-year students) are welcome to be part of the Student Outreach Committee. The members of this organization act as ambassadors to high school students who are interested in studying business administration at UVM. Members of the Student Outreach Committee staff tables at academic fairs and provide a student’s point of view to interested high school seniors and their families. They serve on panels addressing potential students, talk to visitors one-on-one, provide mini-tours and participate in Open Houses for newly admitted students.

For more information about International Management at UVM:

School of Business Administration Kalkin Hall

55 Colchester Avenue Burlington, VT 05405-0158

Tel: (802) 656-3175 Fax: (802) 656-8279

Career Services Living/Learning E140

633 Main Street Burlington, VT 05405-0390

Tel: (802) 656-3450 Fax: (802) 656-0126

Page 13: Accounting The Concentration: You might like this concentration if

Management and the Environment

The Concentration: The concentration in Management and the Environment is designed to provide students with the opportunity to study issues related to the degradation of the natural environment and its implications for management. Regardless of one's personal feelings about the magnitude of environmental problems or the social responsibility of business with respect to these problems, managers need to think systematically about appropriate responses to environmental matters that impact their business. The focus of this concentration is on how economic objectives and environmental goals can be reconciled and achieved in the modern business world.

You might like this concentration if… … you want to study concepts and techniques that can assist management in addressing environmental issues and which support a firm's environmental strategy. … you want to learn how to lead an organization successfully into the future. … you are interested in understanding how managers accomplish organizational objectives through the coordination of people and other resources.

Transferable Skills Fostered:

Critical Thinking Skills Leadership and Administration Skills

Communication Skills

Use logic to solve problems Make informed decisions under pressure

Supervise, direct, and assess productivity Advising others Give clear instructions

Writes clearly and communicates information to non-technical audiences Public speaking skills

Research and Investigation Skills

Design and Planning Skills Information Management Skills

Gathering information and conducting research Analyzing, interpreting, and evaluating data

Develop new methods to solve old problems Design and adhere to a budget Organize and coordinate activities

Applying formulas to calculate environmental impact Maintain organized information, materials, and records

Interpersonal Skills Skills and Assessing Values Specialized Skills

Work collaboratively with members of a team to brainstorm solutions and improvements to problems

Work with diverse populations Assess the needs of different communities

Understanding of the policy and decision process surrounding environmental issues

Page 14: Accounting The Concentration: You might like this concentration if

Management and the Environment Career Brainstorm: Financial Planner Management Trainer Systems Analyst City Manager Consultant Merchandise Manager Human Resource Assistant Job Analyst Personnel Administrator Product Manager Industrial Relations Manager Insurance Agent Manufacturer

Community Educator Policy Analyst Lobbyist Plant Manager Professor Environmental Agency Director Non-Profit Organization Director Researcher Technical Sales Representative Grant Coordinator Convention Manager Real Estate Agent Banker

Experiences at UVM: The Student Advisory Committee (SAC) to the Dean and Associate Dean of the School of Business Administration is dedicated to increasing communication between students and faculty in order to improve the quality of education and the general atmosphere at UVM. The Committee has an anonymous feedback system by which students may send comments and criticisms about the program. The SAC reviews these issues and presents its findings to the Deans of the School of Business. The Committee is able to address student concerns as well as to raise the Deans’ awareness of these concerns. All students (including first-year students) are welcome to be part of the Student Outreach Committee. The members of this organization act as ambassadors to high school students who are interested in studying business administration at UVM. Members of the Student Outreach Committee staff tables at academic fairs and provide a student’s point of view to interested high school seniors and their families. They serve on panels addressing potential students, talk to visitors one-on-one, provide mini-tours and participate in Open Houses for newly admitted students.

For more information about Management and the Environment:

School of Business Administration Kalkin Hall

55 Colchester Avenue Burlington, VT 05405-0158

Tel: (802) 656-3175 Fax: (802) 656-8279

Career Services Living/Learning E140

633 Main Street Burlington, VT 05405-0390

Tel: (802) 656-3450 Fax: (802) 656-0126

Page 15: Accounting The Concentration: You might like this concentration if

Management Information Systems

The Concentration: Management Information Systems (MIS) professionals are interested in using the computer to solve business problems. The Management Information Systems concentration emphasizes learning skills and concepts which are transferable to numerous settings and situations. The focus is on using computers and related technologies to solve organizational problems and to take advantage of opportunities, rather than on becoming computer specialists. Many MIS courses require projects with real world organizations where students apply the theory and practice as presented in the classroom.

You might like this concentration if… … you are interested in the application of technology to various environments. … you want to be part of one of the most dynamic and influential areas for businesses today, with almost daily changes in technology permitting creative approaches to address constantly changing environments. … you want to study organizations and how they function.

Transferable Skills Fostered:

Critical Thinking Skills Leadership and Administration Skills

Communication Skills

Analyze information, make informed decisions, and solve problems logically Work well under pressure

Adapt well to change Attention to accurate details Give clear directions Lead teams Self-motivated

Effectively communicate with technical and non-technical colleagues Excellent verbal and written communication skills

Research and Investigation Skills

Design and Planning Skills Information Management Skills

Develop research interests Gather information and interpret findings Analyze data

Ensure organizational effectiveness through the design, development, and implementation of computer-based information systems

Learn about new information and technology on a regular basis Maintain organized materials, information and systems

Interpersonal Skills Skills and Assessing Values Specialized Skills

Work with colleagues to solve problems and brainstorm new improvements for old systems Inspire productivity from teammates and colleagues

Work with diverse individuals and populations Assess the needs of different communities

Understand computer language, equipment, and application programs Combine quantitative methods and analytical approaches to solve business problems utilizing current technology

Page 16: Accounting The Concentration: You might like this concentration if

Management Information Systems Career Brainstorm: Contract Administrator Industrial Buyer Advertising Account Executive Computer Systems Manager Consultant Inventory Control Specialist Government Official Actuary Operating Systems Programmer On-line Services Manager LAN Manager Communications Specialist CAD/CAM Engineer Network Designer Business Application Developer Webmaster Technical Service Provider Corporate Trainer

Customer Service Representative Database Administrator Entrepreneur Financial Aid Director Securities Broker Treasury Management Specialist Systems Analyst Risk Analyst Training Instructor Computer Security Specialist Inventory Control Specialist Technical Writer Market Research Analyst Specification Writer Support Technician Intranet Administrator Hardware Designer Tutor

Experiences at UVM: The MIS (Management Information Systems) Club is a student-run, faculty-advised organization designed for students concentrating in management information systems. The purpose of the club is to increase the opportunities for those students interested in MIS careers to meet with successful MIS professionals. The club brings in guest speakers throughout the school year and also arranges career/resume-building workshops. The club sponsors an annual trip to the Boston area to meet with alumni and MIS professionals who have created successful careers as business analysts/designers/programmers, consultants, and IT managers. All students (including first-year students) are welcome to be part of the Student Outreach Committee. The members of this organization act as ambassadors to high school students who are interested in studying business administration at UVM. Members of the Student Outreach Committee staff tables at academic fairs and provide a student’s point of view to interested high school seniors and their families. They serve on panels addressing potential students, talk to visitors one-on-one, provide mini-tours and participate in Open Houses for newly admitted students.

For more information about Management Information Systems at UVM:

School of Business Administration Kalkin Hall

55 Colchester Avenue Burlington, VT 05405-0158

Tel: (802) 656-3175 Fax: (802) 656-8279

Career Services Living/Learning E140

633 Main Street Burlington, VT 05405-0390

Tel: (802) 656-3450 Fax: (802) 656-0126

Page 17: Accounting The Concentration: You might like this concentration if


The Concentration: As defined by the American Marketing Association, marketing is the process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion and distribution of ideas, goods and services to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational objectives. The concentration in Marketing prepares students to engage in analysis, planning, implementation, and control of programs in a dynamic and often unstructured environment. For students interested in marketing research there are courses in statistics; for those interested in physical distribution, there are courses in production; for those interested in international marketing, there are courses in Political Science, Economics, and Geography. In addition, the Marketing Research Practicum allows students to perform a significant marketing research project for a local business.

You might like this concentration if… .. you want to learn to create and sell new products and services in ways that will build a large and loyal group of customers. … you are creative and willing to ask "what if" questions. … you are interested in determining how to increase profits by developing new markets and by serving existing markets more effectively.

Transferable Skills Fostered:

Critical Thinking Skills Leadership and Administration Skills

Communication Skills

Recognize problems and develop action plans for solution Use logical reasoning and creativity to solve practical problems in new ways

Motivate and lead teams effectively Give clear directions Work well under pressure and adapt to changing environments

Effectively communicate orally and in writing Use various media to get ideas and information across Public speaking skills

Research and Investigation Skills

Design and Planning Skills Information Management Skills

Research business problems and develop solutions Gather, interpret, and analyze information

Plan and administer budgets Develop policies and programs Generates new and creative ideas

Manage and direct people and programs Organize materials, information, and records

Interpersonal Skills Skills and Assessing Values Specialized Skills

Mediate disputes Work within a team to brainstorm solutions and negotiate policy problems

Work with diverse populations Assess the needs and interests of different communities and individuals

Use rules and principles of business to solve problems Discover relationships between and among business phenomena

Page 18: Accounting The Concentration: You might like this concentration if

Marketing Career Brainstorm: Public Practice Accountant Claims Examiner Consultant Assistant Buyer Advertising Account Executive Market Research Analyst Online Marketer Technical Writer Stockbroker Sales Promoter Pharmaceutical Sales Representative Consumer Loan Officer International Marketer Buyer Distribution Manager Employment Agency Counselor Lobbyist Marketing Field Coordinator Franchise Specialist

Advertising Copywriter Economist Fund Raiser Human Resources Manager Insurance Agent Market Research Interviewer Media Buyer Personnel Specialist Package Designer Art Director Public Relations Manager Sales Worker Supervisor Survey Researcher Management Consultant Internet Marketing Specialist Brand Manager Commercial Artist Promotions Director Traffic Coordinator

Experiences at UVM: The American Marketing Association (AMA) is a student-run, faculty-advised organization whose purpose is to increase the opportunities for students to network with marketing professionals. The club brings in guest speakers throughout the school year and also hosts career/resume-building workshops. AMA offers its members an opportunity to build their contacts, improve their networking skills, and increase their knowledge of the marketing profession as each student is required to activate a membership with AMA. The Finance & Investment Club at UVM is sponsored by the Student Government Association and is open to all UVM students. During meetings, members discuss the current trends of the market, key in on the hot stocks to watch, and learn a little more about how to become a responsible investor. Members participate in a virtual online investment competition with fake money and real time stocks as well as utilize Thomson terminals to conduct financial market research. This allows members to learn the investing ropes on their own as well as to make their own decisions without the risk of losing real capital. The club also brings in guest speakers from different firms once or twice a semester to provide insight into the investment industry and answer members’ questions.

For more information about Marketing at UVM:

School of Business Administration Kalkin Hall

55 Colchester Avenue Burlington, VT 05405-0158

Tel: (802) 656-3175 Fax: (802) 656-8279

Career Services Living/Learning E140

633 Main Street Burlington, VT 05405-0390

Tel: (802) 656-3450 Fax: (802) 656-0126

Page 19: Accounting The Concentration: You might like this concentration if

Production Operations Management

The Concentration: The Production and Operations Management (POM) concentration provides students with the opportunity to develop a program of study focusing on the needs of modern organizations for technically oriented managers of productive systems. The specific objectives are threefold: to provide students with a curriculum oriented toward working-world practicalities, to prepare students for entry-level positions in manufacturing, service and government organizations, and to provide students with an academic foundation for graduate studies. Students electing this concentration will be expected to demonstrate insight into the effective use of modern methods for planning, analyzing and controlling basic operations of organizations, and insights into the proper design of systems to support operations.

You might like this concentration if… … you want to become an expert on getting the best products and services to consumers as quickly and cheaply as possible. … you want to study factory management, labor relations, and quality control. … you are a creative, flexible, and practical thinker who can dream up several different solutions to any problem

Transferable Skills Fostered:

Critical Thinking Skills Leadership and Administration Skills

Communication Skills

Use logic and creativity to solve problems and improve conditions

Work well under pressure and meet strict deadlines Motivate teammates

Ability to speak to large audiences Clear written communication

Research and Investigation Skills

Design and Planning Skills Information Management Skills

Investigate and research data to solve problems Gather and interpret information Strong math and science skills Observation skills

Design systems to increase efficiency and solve problems Plan and implement system improvements

Analyze how a business can streamline production and transportation of goods Understanding of computer programs

Interpersonal Skills Skills and Assessing Values Specialized Skills

Work collaboratively with colleagues to solve problems and create innovative improvements to current procedures

Work with diverse communities Assess needs of different populations and devise solutions to various problems that achieve stated goals

Understand how to adjust production and inventory levels according to consumer demand Give business or research advice

Page 20: Accounting The Concentration: You might like this concentration if

Production Operations Management: Product Forecaster Auditor Communications Specialist Inventory Control Specialist Plant Manager Product Estimator Operations Manager Internet Marketing Analyst Production Manager Technical Sales Representative Underwriter Urban Planner Systems Administrator Construction Manager Labor Relations Manager Industrial Production Manager

Logistics Manager Operations Researcher Production Line Manager Consultant Production Scheduler Risk Analyst Insurance Specialist Financial Planner Distribution Manager Data Security Analyst Management Analyst Materials Controller Purchasing Agent Quality Assurance Analyst Food Service Manager Benchmark Surveyor

Experiences at UVM: The Peer Mentors are a group of upper-level business students trained to help first-year students adjust to life and study at UVM. Under the guidance of a Student Services Advisor, the Peer Mentors offer help on a range of issues, from small lifestyle questions such as where to get a pizza, to more important things like learning to manage course workloads or adjusting study habits to suit a particular course or professor. For students, it provides an additional channel within the advising system to help find a tutor, join a study group or work through the registration process. For Peer Mentors, it provides an opportunity to demonstrate leadership skills while sharing practical experience with students in need of helpful advice. The Finance & Investment Club at UVM is sponsored by the Student Government Association and is open to all UVM students. During meetings, members discuss the current trends of the market, key in on the hot stocks to watch, and learn a little more about how to become a responsible investor. Members participate in a virtual online investment competition with fake money and real time stocks as well as utilize Thomson terminals to conduct financial market research. This allows members to learn the investing ropes on their own as well as to make their own decisions without the risk of losing real capital. The club also brings in guest speakers from different firms once or twice a semester to provide insight into the investment industry and answer members’ questions.

For more information about Production Operations Management at UVM:

School of Business Administration Kalkin Hall

55 Colchester Avenue Burlington, VT 05405-0158

Tel: (802) 656-3175 Fax: (802) 656-8279

Career Services Living/Learning E140

633 Main Street Burlington, VT 05405-0390

Tel: (802) 656-3450 Fax: (802) 656-0126