Access Consciousness - Chen Clarke

This is Google's cache of . It is a snapshot of the page as it appeared on 25 Apr 2012 07:14:12 GMT. The current page could have changed in the meantime. Learn more Text-only version CHEN CLARKE RE-IGNITE YOUR PASSION FOR JOYFUL, COLOURFULL LIVING... BLOG « Back to Blog ( Affirmations have a good reputation in new age and self-development circles???how well do they really work? ( apps/blog/show/9398517-affirmations-have-a-good-reputation-in-new-age-and-self-development-circles-how-well-do-they-really-work-) ( Posted by Chen Clarke ( on October 15, 2011 at 4:00 AM comments (0) ( affirmations-have-a-good-reputation-in-new-age-and-self-development-circles-how-well- do-they-really-work-#comments) Image How can you change what you’re saying to get better results? The reason that affirmations do not always work for everyone, according to Gary Douglas, best selling author and founder of Access Consciousness, is that they contain a judgment within them. That very polarity which is required for judgment to exist is the key to their failure. Douglas’s target through Access Consciousness is to step out of polarity, to create a world where consciousness without judgment or polarity is the norm. If you’ve been observing the crashing and burning of your affirmations you may be experiencing exactly that. All judgment is polarity, notes Douglas. Because judgment prevents us from perceiving and receiving anything that doesn’t agree with it, it limits us from the very oneness we’re seeking. Only in oneness without polarity is it possible to have do be and receive everything we’ve been seeking with our affirmations. Where’s the polarity in affirmations? You may be wondering. What is wrong with being positive? Nothing is wrong with it at all. In fact, the difficulty with being positive is that you can only determine what’s positive by judging, and then despite your best intentions, you’re back in the land of polarity.


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Affirmations have a good reputation in new age and self-development circles???how well do they really work? (


( Posted by Chen

Clarke ( on October

15, 2011 at 4:00 AM

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How can you change what you’re saying to get better results?

The reason that affirmations do not always work for everyone, according to Gary Douglas, best

selling author and founder of Access Consciousness, is that they contain a judgment within them.

That very polarity which is required for judgment to exist is the key to their failure.

Douglas’s target through Access Consciousness is to step out of polarity, to create a world where

consciousness without judgment or polarity is the norm. If you’ve been observing the crashing

and burning of your affirmations you may be experiencing exactly that.

All judgment is polarity, notes Douglas. Because judgment prevents us from perceiving and

receiving anything that doesn’t agree with it, it limits us from the very oneness we’re seeking. Only

in oneness without polarity is it possible to have do be and receive everything we’ve been seeking

with our affirmations.

Where’s the polarity in affirmations? You may be wondering. What is wrong with being positive?

Nothing is wrong with it at all. In fact, the difficulty with being positive is that you can only

determine what’s positive by judging, and then despite your best intentions, you’re back in the

land of polarity.

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Practically speaking, whenever you put out that intense positivity into the world, you are at the

same time pushing what you’ve labeled negative away. That works for a while, but what happens

to that negativity you’ve been resisting? Eventually it has to rain back down on you like a pile of

space debris.

Douglas has neatly avoided this trap with the Access mantra, which he is quite clear is NOT an

affirmation. “All of life comes to me with ease and joy and glory!” Note there is no judgment in it—

all of life, the good, the bad, and the ugly—comes with ease and joy and glory! What if everything,

even the “bad” or “negative” stuff came into your life with ease and joy and glory? Could you still

make your life difficult or a struggle?

One way you can invite more ease, joy, and glory into your life is by saying the mantra, “All of life

comes to me with ease and joy and glory!” 10 times in the morning and 10 times in the evening.

That alone will change your life, and additional action steps may be required to create everything

you would truly like. Glory, by the way, has no religious connotations, despite what you may have

been taught in Sunday school. Glory means exuberant abundance and expression of life.

Another way to invite what you’d like into your life is to ask questions. Questions empower,

answers disempower, notes Douglas. Could affirmations be the answers to what you’ve decided

would solve your problems? How much judgment of yourself do you have to have to even see

yourself as having a problem?

In tune with Douglas’s target of creating oneness instead of polarity, the questions he

recommends are open-ended.

Some of the questions he recommends to invite the universe to send you what you’d like are,

“What would it take for x to show up?” “What else is possible?” and “What are the infinite

possibilities of (whatever you’ve been asking for) showing up?”

In those times when what shows up does not appear to be what you’ve asked for or even would

like, Douglas has another great question. “What’s right about this I’m not getting?” If you’ve ever

suffered a loss, whether of a love or a job, for example, which felt like the end of the world, only to

find years later that it was actually much to your benefit, you might see how this question fits in. It

functions like a fast forward so you can see what’s right about the undesirable situation without

having to judge yourself or the situation as wrong and wait years or months for the information.

“How does it get any better than this?” is a great question to ask for those negative events,

obviously. You would like it to get better, right? Isn’t that what you’ve been using those

affirmations for so diligently? But what about the good stuff, wouldn’t you like it to keep getting

better? If you were to ask “how does it get even better than this?” for every bit of money you

receive, you are actually inviting the universe to send you bigger and better sums! Now really, how

does it get any better than that?

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So how about it? Would you be willing to try some ease joy and glory instead of the work of those

affirmations? How could everything in your life get even better?

Could You Be Confusing the Universe with Your Attempts to Manifest? (


( Posted by Chen Clarke

( on October 14, 2011 at 2:45


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Have you been doing “everything right” in your attempts to manifest what you’d like to have in

your life, without seeing the results you think you’re asking for show up?

Is it actually possible that you have been confusing the universe in your attempts to manifest what

you’ve been asking for?

How is this possible? Have all your treasure map posters and religiously recited affirmations been

in vain?

“What you say is what you get,” says Douglas. If what you’d really like is not what’s showing up in

your life, is it possible you’ve been asking incorrectly, or asking using words that cannot get you

what you’re really asking for, because you have been using them incorrectly?

A common example of such misuse of words in the metaphysical community is that darling word,

manifest. How many people have you heard say, “I want to manifest more money, or my soul-

mate, or the job of my dreams”?

The difficulty with this, Douglas points out, is that the correct meaning of the word manifest is

“how it shows up.” So when you say, “I want to manifest more money,” you are actually saying, “I

want to how it shows up more money.” Is it surprising that the universe doesn’t honor a request,a

which is so nonsensically phrased?

A further complication is that the energetic meaning of the word want, which was listed in

dictionaries until 1946, is “to lack.” So when you say, “I want to manifest more money,” what

you’re actually saying is, “I lack of how it shows up more money.” How well can that possibly


Most people don’t really value words, Heer points out. For most people,

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“You sort of throw things together when you’re talking.” Somehow words have acquired a

reputation for being of interest only to PhD candidates and teachers, without relevance to the rest

of us. If we’d really like to have what we’re asking for in life, it might be worth considering

changing our point of view on the relevance and value of words.

“Words have a vibration which will create things,” says Douglas. “When you say, ‘I want to

manifest more money,’ you’ll never get more money! ‘I’m going to have more money is more

correct,’ cause that’s what you’d really like to have show up in your life.”

When you do not know what the words you are using really mean, you have to be functioning

from a fantasy of what they mean, say Douglas and Heer. Unfortunately, that means what you’re

asking for will continue to live in the fantasy world instead of the real one, as well.

Not knowing the exact and real energetic definitions of the words you are using can create

confusion, in those you are speaking to as well as the universe which will grant you what you’ve

asked if it could possibly get your meaning.

“If you don’t use the words that match the energy, you’re always confusing people and they always

discount you,” says Heer. “It’s the same thing when you’re asking for things from the universe. If

you don’t use the words that match the energy, you’re confusing it, and it can’t give you what you


Having this awareness and looking up these words in a dictionary prior to 1946 is a way of getting

clarity on what you desire and what’s going on now and how you can move from what’s going on

now to what you’d actually like to have. If you’re clear on both, you know where you’re starting.

“Say you’d like to go to Rome. If you think you’re in Greenland, but you’re really in Tahiti, it’s a

totally different trip. If you’re in the wrong place to start from, you don’t ever get to where you’re

going,” says Heer.

Douglas used these very methods on another word commonly used in the metaphysical

community, passion. “Every time I heard it, something didn’t feel right,” he recalls. He looked it

up and discovered the accurate energetic meaning of the word passion was “to be attached to the

cross as was Christ.” He’s now much more willing to follow his bliss than his passion.

If you’re feeling a little disheartened by the scope of the miscommunication you’ve been involved

in, take heart. It’s a common problem. You are not alone. “Most of the problems in the world are

based on miscommunication. If we didn’t have that one concept, no movie that had any drama or

comedy would exist, because they’re all based on somebody not saying something when they

could have, or somebody communicating inappropriately,” Heer observes.

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Douglas and Heer consult their dictionaries all the time when consulting with clients. Sometimes

they find the client is using the word entirely correctly, but with a meaning different than the one

they are familiar with. Other times, the client is using the word incorrectly, creating the confusion

about which they are consulting the Access Consciousness leaders.

Heer attributes their success in working with clients on their ability to hone in on the actual

problem people are consulting them about, which is based on the energy and the true energetic

meaning of the words, not the assumed contemporary “meaning” of words. Often they find their

clients live in that constant state of confusion because they won’t take the time to look up words.

“Part of the dynamic nature of the result we get is that we’ll hone in on what is the actual nature of

the problem based on the energy.”

Making things even worse, some of the miscommunication occurs through deliberate confusion,

Douglas observes. “How many times have you had a conversation with people and at the end of it

you go, ‘What does that mean?’ ‘What did they say?” People use words to create confusion so you

won’t know what’s going on in their universe, which is why they misuse words intentionally.”

Living in such a sea of confusion, is it any wonder that your messages are not getting through to

the universe, which is just waiting to grant your wishes?

What if you could cut through the fog of confusion language has been creating around you?

Might the universe give you faster service at delivering what you’ve asked for?

How Often Does Setting Your Intention Really Get You What You Want? (


( Posted by Chen Clarke

( on October 13, 2011 at

2:40 AM

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Have you been religiously setting your intention as a way to get what you would like to have in

life? If so, how well is it working?

Access Consciousness™ has a different way of creating: it’s called asking the universe. “Ask and

you shall receive” is one of the truths in the Bible, observes Access Consciousness founder and

best-selling author Gary Douglas.

Is it just semantics? The words you speak and think do create the reality that shows up for you,

Douglas points out. “What you see is what you get.”

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What’s the difference between asking and setting your intention?

Actually the difference is substantial. First of all, asking is a question, while setting your intention

is usually a statement. A statement is a kind of answer. It assumes everything is known and

nothing outside of what is known is of any value. A question, on the other hand, is an invitation to

the universe to show us what else, that we haven’t yet considered, could be possible.

Or, as Douglas has been saying for years, “Questions empower, answers most often disempower.”

Most statements are expressions of decisions or judgments that you have decided are true. When

you have decided they are true, is it even possible for you to perceive anything that is outside of

that box of pre-conceptions you have built for yourself?

Some of the questions that could create greater possibilities include:

What if this could turn out even better than I could ever imagine?”

What are the infinite possibilities?”

How does it get even better than this?”

Who am I and what grand and glorious adventures await me today?

One client of Douglas’s, when asked why she was not participating in an activity she loved,

replied, “I ran out of money.” A facilitator trained by Douglas asked her, “Is that a question?” Her

reply: “Really, I used up my savings!” Could the most diligent universal fairy of financial miracles

find her even if she wanted to? No, the fairy of financial miracles would have to pass by the

woman’s bank account because she had stated her judgment and decision: her savings were gone,

she was out of money.

Even if you don’t believe in the fairy of financial miracles, surely you do know that the universe is

a big place. It has possibilities available to it that you may not have considered. What if asking a

question enables the universe to arrange things so that you receive what you’re asking for?

“You have imagined that the universe doesn’t like you,” observes Douglas. “Has it ever occurred to

you that the universe may like you more than you like you? It hasn’t dropped a crane on your head

yet, has it?”

Sometimes it does take time for the universe to orchestrate what’s required to send you what

you’re asking for, so patience is recommended.

What’s NOT recommended is coming to a conclusion like, “I asked for it and it didn’t work!” Is

there any question in “It didn’t work!”? That conclusion alone can turn off the universe’s efforts to

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flow whatever you’re asking for towards you—and who knows, what if it might have been the very

next drop to come out of the tap if you had only not come to the conclusion that stopped it


Consider the wording of “set an intention.” Doesn’t the word “set” remind you of something that

is literally ‘set’? Such as concrete for example? You can only set an intention that’s as great as

what you can imagine. What if the universe had far greater possibilities available?

When setting your intention, how often are you vested in the outcome of it? Do you ever feel like

there are only a certain number of choices available? And in that how easy is it to come to

conclusion about how you would like only outcome A to occur, not outcome B, C, or D? If you

have a preference as to how it shows up, and have decided that A is the best outcome, then have

you created a situation in which you will consider yourself a success only if option A turns up? Is

that really your best choice?

Douglas has noticed that when using consciousness to manifest, being vested in the outcome is

often a way to guarantee that things will not turn out as you would like them to. To be vested in an

outcome means you have judgments and decisions as answers to the situation you’re working on,

and that very process of deciding on the answer is often what creates the limitations.

Would you consider un-setting all those intentions now? It might make the ground under you feel

a lot less solid, but it could be a lot more fun. What if the universe could truly send you outcomes

that were greater than you could imagine?

What a terrible world that would be!

Could Answers to our Health Care Challenges Come from an Unexpected Source? (


( Posted by Chen

Clarke ( on October 12,

2011 at 5:15 AM

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The naked man lies on a table surrounded by gloved surgeons’ hands holding scalpels, ready to

cut on the word ‘Go’.

“ONE WORD THAT WILL SAVE YOUR LIFE” screams the headline of that paragon of generic

American thought, Newsweek magazine, dated August 22, 2011.

Even more interesting is what that word is: “NO!” The next line of the article continues, “New

research shows how some common tests and procedures aren’t just expensive, but can do more

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harm than good.” The article opens with examples of medical doctors declining tests for

themselves because they are aware of this.

A later example in the article tells the story of a woman “with chest pain (who) had so many

interventions, she needed a heart transplant.” Though we decry its cost, Americans tend to believe

that we still have the best health care in the world. We attribute this to our widely available tests,

advanced imaging, and multiplying technologies that are available to us, at least to those of us

who have good enough insurance or can afford it.

But when life expectancy in America ranks among the lowest in developed nations, we could ask

what our expenditures are actually giving us. Expenditures for health care are currently up to

twice as large a percentage of our gross national product as they are in other developed nations

such as Australia and Britain.

A University of Texas geriatrician at the University of Texas Medical Branch says, “We’re killing

more people than we’re saving with these procedures. It’s as simple as that.” The procedures he

refers to include PSA tests for prostate cancer, surgery for chronic back pain to simple antibiotics

for sinus infection to what Newsweek calls “a remarkable number and variety of tests and

treatments that are no proving either harmful or only as helpful as a placebo.”

If ever increasing tests and diagnostics are not predictive of the maintained and improving health

we all seek, then what is?

As Einstein is so often quoted as saying, “We will never solve a problem from within the

consciousness that created the problem.”

Is it time to develop a new paradigm of health and health care? A study by Columbia University

researchers published by the Commonwealth Fund suggests it is the American health care system

itself that is damaging our health, rather than obesity, smoking, and other “risk factors” usually

assumed to decrease life expectancy.

Of course at this point we’re legally required to suggest you consult your medical doctor before

making any changes in your health care practices or medications.

The public is clearly weary of relentless news about newly discovered carcinogens, as well as

miracle cures in the form of one supplement or another. What would a new approach to caring

for our bodies really look like? Would we recognize it when we saw it?

Gary Douglas, best-selling author and founder of Access Consciousness™, and his business

partner, Dr. Dain Heer, suggest a radically different approach: considering the greatness of

embodiment. As they describe it, this includes a sense of oneness with one’s body, a gratefulness

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for it, and a willingness to consult it about matters concerning it. In Douglas and Heer’s view, we

are infinite beings, and our bodies are in us. There is a difference between us and our bodies,

though we the beings constantly over-ride the wisdom of the body.

One of the effects of recognizing this difference would be to recognize what activities are actually

in the realm of the body, rather than of us the beings.

“You don’t eat, your body does,” says Heer. “You don’t exercise, your body does.” “You don’t have

sex, your body does.”

The opinion of your body on these activities could be very different from yours, they point out.

The remedy for this is to consult your body on these issues. Clearly, this is something that most

have not even considered. Yet Douglas and Heer can point to some stunning successes with those

who have used this.

This is not a totally novel approach, as those practicing muscle testing or applied kinesiology have

been using it for years. This approach can certainly provide a way to get answers from your body.

Muscle testing is also subject to influence by the pre-conceived notions of those performing the

test and those upon whom the test is performed. The belief that sugar is harmful to all bodies, for

example, is so prevalent among the naturally-inclined who perform and use muscle testing that

finding refined sugar could make a body stronger under any circumstances is virtually

inconceivable to most.

Douglas and Heer approach this process of asking the body with less pre-conceived notions. In

their approach, asking the body is asking the body and listening to the answers it give, no matter

what they are. These answers can change moment by moment, even in the case of remedies and

prescriptions given on a standardized basis.

“If what your body really requires is sugar, isn’t it just as cruel to deny your body sugar as it is to

give it too much sugar when it doesn’t require it?” asks Heer.

Douglas underscores this lack of prejudice against this vilified (and surely often over-consumed)

substance. He met with a biochemist who informed him that the body requires glucose, the

majority of which is used by the brain. “The body doesn’t care what form that glucose comes in,”

the biochemist told him.

Never having mastered muscle testing himself, Douglas recommends methods of tapping into the

body’s wisdom that are even simpler. While they may seem strange or foreign at first, they are

skills that can be developed. Your body is used to you ignoring it. It might take you both a little

while to get back on the same page.

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When going into a restaurant, Douglas lets his body let him know what to eat by ordering

whatever first pops out of the menu at him—whether he thinks it’s what he would like to eat or

not. He has had so many experiences when he noted his body’s request, ordered something else

because he thought he didn’t like his body’s choice, and had the server bring his body’s original

choice anyway that now he just goes along with his body’s opinion. The result, he has found, is

usually delicious no matter what he the being might have thought of the choice.

Your body will easily tell you when it’s finished eating, too. Far from wishing to belong to the

clean plate club, your body may require far less food than you’re currently jamming into it.

Douglas recommends chewing each bite slowly, circulating the food so it contacts every taste bud

on your tongue. After less bites than you might suspect—usually 3 to 9—suddenly the food that

was previously delicious will taste like cardboard. That is your body’s message to stop eating. It

may not be as “scientific” as counting calories but it’s a whole lot easier and doesn’t require any

charts to carry with you to count those calories.

Another way to ask your body what it would like to eat is to put your feet together and stand

holding the food you’re asking about in front of you. Ask your body, “Body, would you like to

ingest this?” If your body leans towards the food, that’s a yes. If it leans backwards, that’s a no. If

it leans backwards you need to ask a different or more precise question.

One of Douglas and Heer’s clients used this method for a medication he was given. When he

asked his body if it wanted the medication, it leaned back so forcefully that he was practically

thrown against the wall behind him. This 70-year-old called Douglas, asking what to do, and

Douglas recommended getting a second opinion from another medical doctor. It turned out the

man required an immediate coronary by-pass, and if he had taken the medication prescribed by

the first doctor, it would have killed him.

Another thing Douglas and Heer have found in their years of listening to bodies, and teaching

others worldwide to do the same, is that bodies hate to exercise.

“It sounds like you’re saying ‘exorcise’ to them,” notes Douglas. But bodies love to move, they

have found. So selecting an exercise program that you might enjoy and stay with long enough to

benefit from could be as easy as asking your body how it would like to move.

Douglas and Heer have also developed a plethora of hands-on energy healing methods for the

body. These can be used to multiply the effects of exercise, while lessening the amount of time

required to get a similar result. These methods are taught by licensed facilitators worldwide in the

basic core classes of their seminars in Access Consciousness, as well as in three-day classes

specializing in hands-on work.

One of Douglas’s employees recently shared just one of these methods with her father, who was

on a list to receive a heart transplant after his heart was determined to be working at only 30% of

its capacity, despite the 49-year-old’s dedication to healthy living and exercise. He used these

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techniques on himself for 6 weeks, to the amazement of his doctors who recently diagnosed his

heart as now functioning at 100%.

Controversial? Certainly. Recommended for everyone? Only if it feels right to you. But when the

number of people killed by medical errors in the US alone surpasses the number killed in the

entire history of the Vietnam war—the equivalent of two jumbo jets crashing every single day—

mightn’t it be time to start looking at keeping our bodies healthy from a different angle?

Dr. Dain Heer is the author of Embodiment, the Manual You Should Have Been Given When You

Were Born, as well as the recently released Being You, Changing the World which combines his

unique approach to consciousness with physical and energetic work on bodies. Buy the books here( He and Douglas facilitate classes worldwide. Their schedules can

be found on

Winning the Lottery (

( Posted by Chen Clarke (http:// on October 11, 2011 at 2:25 PM

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Would you be willing to wake up tomorrow morning and not know who you were?

No? Well, this may seem far fetched, but what if that unwillingness were stopping you from being

able to win the lottery, and keeping you from having everything else you’ve asked for in life as


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How can this be so? The willingness to wake up and not know who you are forces you to live in the

question, say Gary Douglas, best-selling author and founder of Access Consciousness, and his

business partner, Dr. Dain Heer. This state was dramatized in the comedy with Drew Barrymore,

“Fifty First Dates,” which Douglas recommends to his clients.

If you were willing to wake up in the morning with no idea that there was a yesterday, you would

have to be “true generative energy.” This is the energy that people are refusing to be, observe

Douglas and Heer. This generative state they are refusing to be is exactly the energy that creates

money. Yet most of us resist this apparently “brainless” state of complete creativity Douglas and

Heer call generation because we are afraid it means we’re getting Alzheimer’s disease. That very

resistance to being willing to live in the question blocks our ability to actually have everything

we’re asking for—including great wealth.

Actually having what we’ve been asking for would require us to give up the limitations that we’ve

identified as who we really are. It would require us to change who we think we are so much that

most of the time we’re simply not willing to do it. If we were willing to give up these limitations

that we believe define and identify us, we would be forced to live in the question.

Living in the question creates the very generative state from which money is created, they say.

Even those who actually win the large lottery jackpots often suffer from this unwillingness to have

as much change as is required to have the wealth they were asking for and even won, as the

majority of them tend to return to a state of financial struggle 2-5 years after winning the jackpot.

Because money is a parameter that is measurable, it is an especially dramatic demonstration of

how much your life changes when your finances change.

This is the change that lottery winners can’t handle, and it’s also the amount of change that many

others of us refuse as well. “They believe they’re losing their whole being if they change their

financial situation,” observes Heer. For this reason, we hold onto who we are at night when we go

to bed, instead of waking up to a whole new perspective every day. If you would now consider

being somebody totally different tomorrow, you might be able to take advantage of some of the

other wisdom Douglas and Heer have regarding business and finance.

They identify three different required stages in the creation of anything, from a single project to

great wealth. Those stages are generation, creation, and institution.

Generation is the most apparently creative stage. It’s the original idea that’s the spark or

inspiration for the project.

Creation is the action steps required to bring your brilliant idea into existence.

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Institution is what’s required on a daily basis to maintain and continue your creation in existence.

Even that state of generation that creative types most love can become an obstacle to creating the

wealth you’re looking for.

If what you love most is the generative, creative state, you can keep yourself back at the beginning

of projects where that creative state is required. You can become addicted to starting projects,

because that’s where the generative state you love so much is prevalent. Your love of generation

can keep you from following through with creation and institution, thus robbing you of the

success, which your inspired ideas could truly bring you.

Institution is the step that creative types often balk at. But ignore it at your peril, says Douglas.

That very daily activity that you resist is what creates the platform on which your next generation,

creation and institution are built. Without it, your brilliant ideas will not find fruition, or at least

not the fruition that could be possible if you paid attention to those devilish details.

All of these things would actually be more creative if you were willing to forget everything you

thought you knew about what you were already doing. Then you’d have to find out what your life is

every single morning. You would start creating because you had no idea what you had to create,

and to institute because you’d have no idea what you were instituting yesterday.

Would you be willing to make your life that much of an adventure? How about now?

Can Bars save your Brain? (

( Posted by Chen Clarke (http:// on October 11, 2011 at 3:30 AM

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Nothing is as vital to the enjoyment of your later years and your quality of life than the three

pounds of gray matter between your ears. Yes, your brain.

This was dramatically illustrated by the state of Ronald Reagan, once considered one of the most

powerful men in the world, who was reduced to lying in bed wearing diapers before his death

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from Alzheimer’s disease, the disease that perhaps best demonstrates how essential the brain is to

quality of life.

Naturally, as baby boomers age, the question arises: how best to maintain the viability of the

brain? The key to activities that improve brain function is something called transferability.

According to Newsweek, doing crossword puzzles improves your ability to do crossword puzzles

and not much else. Which kinds of activities transfer from that specific activity into general brain

health and alertness?

Newsweek narrows it down to three types of activities: exercise, meditation, and playing one well-

researched computer game called Space Fortress.

What do practitioners of Access Consciousness, dedicated to taking a different point of view on

everything, know about this subject that publications such as Newsweek magazine, that also

covered this topic, doesn’t know yet?

Access has a different point of view on exercise. Newsweek states that 45 minutes of aerobic

exercise 3 times a week is enough to stimulate formation of new neurons and neurotransmitters,

as well as the chemicals that promote neuron formation. What can Access’s awareness contribute

towards this step toward anti-aging?

“Bodies hate to exercise,” observes Access Founder and #1 best-selling author Gary Douglas. “But

they love to move.” The word “exercise” sounds suspiciously like “exorcise” to our bodies. If we

changed our points of view on exercise, might we be more likely to engage in this life-enhancing

activity? What if describing it as movement and enjoying the process of it could make it a lot more

fun and inviting that something that sounds so much like exorcise?

Another factor in creating anti-aging effects is meditation, described as “mindfulness-based

mind-fitness training, which requires concentration on one object.” A neuroscientist has found

that this can enhance mental agility and attention by creating more efficient brain processes. If

mindfulness-based mind-fitness training is not available on a street corner in your neighborhood,

how else might you give your brain the anti-aging effects of meditation?

One process that is available nearly worldwide is a simple hands-on practice called “the Bars.” In

a typical bars session, a trained practitioner places their fingers on a series of 32 different points

on your head over the period of about an hour. In that one-hour session, up to 10,000 years of

accumulated thoughts, feelings, and emotions that are creating limitations and obstacles to your

life can be released.


Page 15: Access Consciousness - Chen Clarke

During the Bars session, practitioners claim that the electrical functioning of the brain is

changed. Doctors of different disciplines who are trained in biofeedback have confirmed this, by

reporting the changes in their own brain wave function while receiving a Bars session. Activity

typically moves from the normal waking state of Beta through Alpha into Theta brain waves of

deep relaxation.

While Newsweek assumes that it was the focusing aspect of meditation, which created the anti-

aging effects on the brain, studies done by Dr. Carl and Stephanie Simonton on cancer survivors

suggest that the act of relaxation, which is provided effortlessly and to a very high degree by the

bars, is a key to survival.

If relaxation is truly a key contributor to longevity, then clearly the Bars process can make a major

contribution. Bars practitioners say the worst thing that can happen during your session is that

you’ll feel more relaxed than after a fabulous massage. The best that can happen is your whole life

can change.

Learning to do the Bars is available to everyone. No anatomy or medical training is required; in

fact, children can be trained to do them, and often do so even more effectively than adults! Some

400 Bars facilitators are available to provide individual sessions, with more being added around

the world every day. Their locations range from Abu Dhabi to Turkey, with more available in the

US, Canada, Australia, Sweden, UK, Ireland and Turkey. Check out the classes in Ireland and UK

here (

When was the Last Time you Experienced True Relaxation in your Body? (


( Posted by Chen Clarke

( on September 8, 2011 at

7:15 AM

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“As I fell from the top of the mountain, I tried to slow myself down, jabbing with my feet and my hands. It

didn’t work. I went over a 100-foot drop,and I was free-falling and gaining speed all over again. What ensued

was a mess of tumbling, falling head first, feet first, on my back, then on my front. My body twisted in every

possible way. I don’t even remember going over the second cliff, but for some reason I do recall the third, it

knocked me out.” At the end of the fall he was still standing. “This was going to muck up my trip to Everest,”

he thought. Then he passed out...

Page 16: Access Consciousness - Chen Clarke

This is the incredible but true story of a veteran mountain climber Adam Potter’s fall 1000 vertical feet from

an icy mountain peak, not only surviving but standing up at the end of it. Only when they winched him up into

the rescue helicopter, did he collapse.

Does this bear any resemblance to YOUR life?

Are you bruised, battered, but still standing, because you’re functioning on the adrenaline pump? Is

relaxation a foreign land, one you may have heard about but never visited, even on vacation? Like the

mountain climber in free-fall, do you have two speeds:hyper-alert and complete black out, with or without

chemical assistance?

What if relaxation WERE possible, here, now, in this body, and even on a regular basis? What if relaxation

were a state you functioned from on a regular basis? Sounds good, you may say, but how do I get there? Can I

log it in as a destination on my favorite travel site?

Curiously enough, you can travel to this destination or even take up residence there while inhabiting this

physical body, without even stepping into an airport. Your nearest Access Consciousness class, offered now in

26 countries worldwide, can show you the way. In fact,the WORST that can happen in your first Access class,

“the Bars,” is that you can feel that elusive relaxation, “more relaxed than after the greatest massage,”is how

many people have described it.

What if relaxation were only the first stop? What if through relaxation, you could discover much more that

could be possible for your life? “What creates more, frantic-ness or relaxation?” asks Access Consciousness

founder and Bestselling author, Gary Douglas. The relaxation that is facilitated by the bars not only feels great

(another benefit of relaxation that I forgot to mention) but it can also totally change your life. One doctor who

was contemplating suicide so seriously that he’d even picked a date for the event, got a bars session, laughed

through the whole session, and never contemplated suicide again. That was 11 years ago. Receiving the bars

changes the electrical function of the brain,says Douglas, who developed the technique 20 years ago.

Doctors of different disciplines who are experts in biofeedback have corroborated this information. These

doctors were able to describe changes in their brainwaves, one of the measures of the electrical functioning of

the brain, after receiving a bars session. Their brain waves changed from beta through alpha tothe relaxed

state of theta, they reported. The Bars can be learned in a relaxing, fun one-day class. During the class, you

receive and gift two complete sessions, which qualifies you to do it after class for friends, relatives, and even

paying clients if you wish.

Continuing further with Access can yield further relaxation. Dozens of hands- on energetic body processes

can “change just about anything we can come up with,” says Douglas.The energies these methods use are

unique to Access Consciousness. They are included in the further Access classes, Foundation and Level 1, both

of which are two days in duration. A smorgasbord of these methods can also be learned in three-day body

classes offered world-wide, and evening classes where several techniques are taught are widely available from

many Access facilitators world-wide.

Page 17: Access Consciousness - Chen Clarke

Many people have used these energetic body processes to heal all kinds of incurable conditions, ranging from

psychological bi-polar disorder to cancers of many kinds, arthritis, and other degenerative and traumatically

induced complaints.These miraculous healings are just a side effect, in Douglas’s point of view. His target is

consciousness. Those who are interested in consciousness tend to experience phenomenal healing in their

bodies both from the verbal processes taught in the classes beyond the bars, as well as from the hands on

body work. “Consciousness creates healing, healing does not create consciousness,” Douglas has found. The

bodies of those in his classes continue to improve, becoming more fun to inhabit and even taking up residence

in that foreign land, otherwise known as relaxation.

For information on Bars classes etc in your area check out the calendar here (


For facilitators and classes worldwide go to

Source of article -

Change your words , Change your world.... video (

( Posted by Chen Clarke

( on April 5, 2011 at 7:55 PM

comments (0) (


The Power of Words...

[Multimedia object]

Do you ever wonder why the words you use dont get the response you were hoping for?

What if by changing your words you could change your whole world?

Page 18: Access Consciousness - Chen Clarke

Allowing yourself to be seen and heard, speaking in your own voice without the judgements or interesting points of views of others

interfering and modifying what you say and how you say it....

Do you notice we edit much of what we want to say for fear of ridicule, exclusion, being seen as needy, of being weird and the host of

other judgements we hold of ourselves....

What if being YOU is all thats required?, what if being you exactly the way you are without the editing is what people need to see and


What if you were never wrong ? (novel idea, I know)

What if by speaking in your authentic voice, lowering all barriers, being vulnerable and allowing others to see and hear the real you, do

yotu think it would be easier to get the response you truly desire from people?

Would you be willing to play with that?

Is Your Life On Hold Due to the Economic Slowdown? How You Can Speed Your Life Back Up! (


( Posted by Chen

Clarke ( on November 16,

2010 at 3:40 AM

comments (0) (




Have you noticed that almost everyone and everything is in slow motion lately? Does everyone

from the driver in front of you to the postal clerk to the waiter seem to be moving at a glacial pace?

Isn’t it interesting that at a time when change is accelerating and we are required to deal with this

change in new ways, everything seems to be on hold?

Page 19: Access Consciousness - Chen Clarke

As much as you would like to, you cannot do much to speed up these people marching to the dirge

like music they hear. Albert Einstein, one of the creators of massive change in the last century,

commented that insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting to get different


You can, however, step out of the insanity of the sleepwalkers around you and create a life, which

is bigger and different. If you would like to step into a different reality, one that is actually

managing and even thriving during these changing times, you can! It does require you to be

different and do things differently than those around you.

Access Consciousness, a 20-year-old self-improvement modality like the other, the target of

which is facilitating consciousness everywhere in the world, has a different approach to

functioning in the world, one which enables you to do just that. Wouldn’t you like to be on the

leading edge, ahead of the slow pokes, where the new and the different are being created?

One very different viewpoint on the world developed by Access Consciousness is to recognize that

there are two types of people in the world-the creative dynamic movers and shakers who question

everything, and the more stable reliable linear types who are more at home within the structure

and function of society as it currently exists.

If you’re a creative, questioning type, the kind of person who would read this far in this article,

then much of the conventional business and success advice you’ve read is actually the opposite of

what will work for you. For the most creative people do not create from logic and linearity, but

from an undefined state much more akin to chaos. The business advice to do one thing at a time

and to focus are a prescription for a trip to hell for most of these creative types.

Most likely, you can speed from A to Z in your projects, while your logical co-workers are trudging

away on their linear journey through B, C, D, and so on. The same social slowdown that’s driving

you crazy suits them just fine. They may even have accused you of making them look bad by being

so efficient!

Another characteristic of creative people is their tendency to judge and blame themselves when

this linear logical advice admonishes them to do something that just isn’t them. These kinds of

people extrapolate-they take bits of inspiration seemingly from the ethers and everywhere else to

create something creative which hasn’t previously existed. This place from which they create can

look truly chaotic to the logical linear types. But how creative are those linear types really? Do they

really create dynamic contributions to the world, or do they spend their time telling you how

wrong you are for how you have done it?

Page 20: Access Consciousness - Chen Clarke

Yet the creative types, the ones chaffing at the bit during the social slow down accompanying in

the economic slowdown, blame themselves because the state of chaos from which they function

best is frowned upon by the linear types. What if you weren’t wrong, just different?

Another characteristic of creative types is the tendency-the requirement, even-to multi-task

obsessively. Creative types in children’s bodies are the ones who require the television, radio,

game boy, and cell phone all going full blast in order to complete their homework. Often to the

amazement of adults, eliminating this stimulation actually makes it harder for them to do their

schoolwork, not easier.

Creative adults likewise require a level of challenge and stimulation that would make a more

linear type flip into overwhelm. Gary Douglas, the Santa Barbara-based founder of Access

Consciousness, describes his clients who are creative types as OCCC-Obsessive Compulsive

Creators of Crap. The way out of this tendency to create disasters in their lives to keep themselves

entertained is to add more projects to their plate. The added attention required by those

additional projects keeps them from creating the disasters they can create to keep themselves

entertained and to demonstrate how potent they are at pulling things out of the fire at the lat


A question Douglas recommends to those attempting to change or enrich their lives is, “What else

can I add to my life that would create lots more money, more fun than I could possibly imagine, or

whatever other outcome you’re looking to create?”

Another tool that can speed up your trip to the top is for you to stop judging yourself for being

different from those logical linear folks. How much energy do you spend beating yourself up for

not fitting in and being like them? How much more could you get done if you weren’t blaming

yourself for not fitting into their fixed model of how things are supposed to be?

How about it?

Would you be ready to move back into the fast lane where you belong, where your innate

creativity can flourish?

All it takes is the choice to go at your own dynamic speed, regardless of whether anyone else is

willing to keep up with you or not. Chances are, many of them will want to come along once they

see the momentum you develop!

What's the Secret that the Law of Attraction is Missing? (


( Posted by Chen Clarke

( on November 16, 2010 at 3:00

comments (0) (


Page 21: Access Consciousness - Chen Clarke

( on November 16, 2010 at 3:00





The Law of Attraction is a growth industry, as the number of places it’s mentioned and coaches promoting its use demonstrate.Yet its

success isn’t stunning for all of its followers, if the number of google searches under “law of attraction isn’t working” is any indication. A

recent search turned up 775,000 entries on this subject.

So what’s missing from the Law of Attraction? “Just think that you want something and it will appear” seems to be the essence of its

message. But is that enough? Is it more than mere positive thinking 101 with a new age gloss on it? Does it really work? The legions of

dissatisfied seekers on the Internet could suggest it isn’t.

Access Consciousness, a 20-year-old self-improvement modality the target of which is consciousness, has some different points of view

and tools that can be used to make the Law of Attraction work even better-and explain why it doesn’t work when it’s not working.

In short, Access Consciousness has taken a more rigorous and pragmatic look at how things actually get generated in the world. Access

founder Gary Douglas, who has developed additional tools to make creation of our desires more effective, has discovered some of what

the Law of Attraction has missed.

One thing that Douglas has noticed is the role that language plays in what we create. “Everything that we are not happy with, we create,”

says Douglas. “Be aware of being exact in how you speak your language,” he continues, “because exactly what you speak and think is

what you’ll get.”

One word that is counter-productive in our efforts to have what we’d really like is the word “want.” In the movie “The Secret,” Bob

Proctor very sincerely stares right into the camera and says repeatedly, “What do you WANT? What do you WANT?”

What Douglas has noticed is that words have energetic meanings, whether the users of those words are aware of the energetic meanings

or not. The word “want,” for example, historically has 27 meanings which mean “to lack” and just one that means “to desire.” Even

though what’s written in dictionaries has been changed to reflect common usage of “want” to mean “desire,” that does not change the

energetic meaning of the word. Want energetically means to lack. Whenever we say, “I want x,” we are correct, we lack it.

Don’t believe this? Try this: say, “I don’t wantmoney 10 times.” At the end of saying it, do you feel heavier or lighter? It’s a law of

the universe that what’s true for you will make you feel lighter, whereas what’s not true for you will make you feel heavier. If saying “I

don’t want money,” makes you feel lighter, then that’s true for you. You don’t lack money.

People who actually have money, Douglas observes, seldom use the word “want.” It’s not part of their vocabulary, and lack is not part of

their lives. They simply choose what they’ll have, and say they’ll have it. In their universe, no other outcome is possible and no other

outcome turns up!

A second discovery of Douglas’s is that thinking, far from holding the solution to your problems, only reinforces your limitations. “If

thinking about what’s keeping you stuck were really the way out of it,” he says, “wouldn’t you have solved all your problems a long time


All that thinking can do for you, according to Douglas, is to define the limitations of what you already know. “If you’re thinking, you’re

stinking!” he reminds clients in his seminars. “Your mind is a terrible thing, waste it!”

Page 22: Access Consciousness - Chen Clarke

By mind, Douglas means our logical thinking mind. One source of our difficulties does lie in our mind, Douglas admits, but it’s in our

crazy mind. The crazy mind answers “make no sense” but they are how we create our entire reality and our lives.

One way in which Douglas uses this distinction between the logical thinking mind and the crazy mind is in working with people who

have incurable diseases. Whenever something shows up in our lives again and again, there must be something we love about it, he

points out. Otherwise we wouldn’t keep creating it.

When someone consults him about a disease like cancer, Douglas asks him or her what they love about it. The logical mind answer

comes up first. “Of course I don’t love having cancer!” they will insist. Douglas persists, asking the question again and again, looking for

the crazy mind answer and until the energy of what is being discussed matches what comes out of their mouth. Often the crazy mind

answer is that their disease is a way to get out of their relationship, or some other aspect of their life that isn’t working for them, that

they feel they have no way to change.

If his client is willing to find and dare to say the “crazy mind” answer, then the prognosis for changing the cancer is good, Douglas has

found. Identifying the “crazy mind” cause allows them to make a different choice. People who will not look at that or express it are those

unlikely to recover, whether from using the tools Douglas teaches or from any other approach or treatment.

Yet another tool Douglas has discovered that goes far beyond The Secret and the Law of Attraction is something he calls the clearing

statement. “Ask and it shall be given,” is one of the truths in the Bible, he points out. The clearing statement he uses is a set of phrases,

each of which represents an energy that he asks the universe to clear. These phrases have the effect of going far beyond here and now to

the real source of the problem, the point of creation where it began.

We are addicted to asking the question “Why?” he observes, in the deluded belief that if and only if we know WHY we are doing

something can we change it. Not true, says Douglas. All you have to do to change something is to make another choice.

Similarly, you do not need to know the point of creation of what you’re trying to change or get rid of. All you have to do is ask the

universe to go to the point of creation of the problem and change it. It’s like going to the seed of a tree, he says. If you’re having a

problem with a big tree and you travel in time and space to where the seed of that tree is and make it vanish, none of the subsequent

problems with the tree can continue to exist. The seed is the point of creation of the tree. Using the clearing statement goes to the point

of creation of your difficulties, without you ever having to know where or what that point of creation was.

Another block to success with the Law of Attraction that Douglas has discovered is something called secret agendas. Secret agendas are

some decision or conclusion you have settled upon, and then made secret even from yourself. This very secrecy makes them difficult to

find and change. Do you remember every such decision you made as a child this lifetime? How about past lifetimes?

If you cannot remember every single past life you have had, then you have secret agendas that are keeping you stuck in that particular

area. Like the point of creation, you do not need to know what every secret agenda is to change them. Just ask for all the secret agendas

you have in the particular area you’re looking at and destroy and uncreate all of them. (Douglas uses destroy AND uncreate because

uncreate is actually the opposite of create, and destroy has a similar but energetically slightly different meaning. It’s like getting

different facets of a diamond.)

What would you like for your life? What if it were really possible to have it, using these tools, and it was easier than you imagined

possible-you could even stop wanting it!

Classes in Access Consciousness are taught worldwide by Douglas, his business partner Dr. Dain Heer, and 200 licensed facilitators.

Information about these classes, which teach you to use the tools mentioned above and hundreds more, is available at the website, Books and recorded seminars are also available from the website.

Page 23: Access Consciousness - Chen Clarke

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