acceLrys inventory ·...

2 DATASHEET 1 All GLP/GMP laboratories prepare, store, manage and control laboratory materials, consumables and equipment including chemical reagents, standards, stock solutions, columns, plates and devices. Laboratories typically manage these items in notebooks, paper binders, logbooks or forms that are not only inefficient but also prone to transcription errors resulting from manual data entry and management. Accelrys Inventory Management (IM) provides a centralized electronic environment for the paperless management of laboratory material and supplies. Predefined workflows automatically capture all data and Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) steps during acquisition, preparation, storage and usage, ensuring full electronic documentation of events involving materials and supplies. Full audit trails and comprehensive, dynamic and static management reports support the technical requirements for 21 CFR Part 11 compliance and facilitate the tracking and tracing of materials used in the context of SOPs and analytical test method execution. BOOST LAB PRODUCTIVITY WHILE MINIMIZING ERRORS Accelrys Inventory Management improves lab productivity and reduces errors by eliminating manual record keeping and logbook entries. Track consumables and materials by type, name, date and location and create audit trails for user- definable events. Significantly reduce inventory waste and save analyst’s time by: Verifying in-stock consumables and materials before starting experimentation ACCELRYS INVENTORY MANAGEMENT ELECTRONICALLY TRACK, TRACE AND MANAGE ALL MATERIAL, CONSUMABLES AND EQUIPMENT WITHIN REGULATED ENVIRONMENTS FOR EFFICIENT AND COMPLIANT OPERATIONS Accelrys Inventory Management helps regulated labs consistently comply with compliance guidelines. Out-of-the-box capabilities minimize customization and configuration while a web-based interface supports rapid deployment and system validation for tracking, tracing and reporting laboratory inventory across all cGxP operations. Figure 1: Audit trail history for prepared Caffeine Standard

Transcript of acceLrys inventory ·...

Page 1: acceLrys inventory · DATASHEET 1 All GLP/GMP laboratories prepare, store, manage and control





All GLP/GMP laboratories prepare, store, manage

and control laboratory materials, consumables

and equipment including chemical reagents,

standards, stock solutions, columns, plates and

devices. Laboratories typically manage these items

in notebooks, paper binders, logbooks or forms

that are not only inefficient but also prone to

transcription errors resulting from manual data entry

and management.

Accelrys Inventory Management (IM) provides a

centralized electronic environment for the paperless

management of laboratory material and supplies.

Predefined workflows automatically capture all data

and Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) steps

during acquisition, preparation, storage and usage,

ensuring full electronic documentation of events

involving materials and supplies. Full audit trails and

comprehensive, dynamic and static management

reports support the technical requirements for 21

CFR Part 11 compliance and facilitate the tracking

and tracing of materials used in the context of SOPs

and analytical test method execution.

Boost LaB Productivity WhiLe MiniMizing errors

Accelrys Inventory Management improves lab

productivity and reduces errors by eliminating

manual record keeping and logbook entries.

Track consumables and materials by type, name,

date and location and create audit trails for user-

definable events. Significantly reduce inventory

waste and save analyst’s time by:

• Verifying in-stock consumables and materials

before starting experimentation

acceLrys inventory ManageMenteLectronicaLLy track, trace and Manage aLL MateriaL, consuMaBLes and equiPMent Within reguLated environMents for efficient and coMPLiant oPerations

accelrys inventory Management helps regulated labs consistently comply with compliance

guidelines. out-of-the-box capabilities minimize customization and configuration while a

web-based interface supports rapid deployment and system validation for tracking, tracing and

reporting laboratory inventory across all cgxP operations.

Figure 1: Audit trail history for prepared Caffeine Standard

Page 2: acceLrys inventory · DATASHEET 1 All GLP/GMP laboratories prepare, store, manage and control

DATASHEET: AccElryS InvEnTory MAnAgEMEnT © 2012 Accelrys Software Inc. All brands or product names may be trademarks of their respective holders.


• Preventing the opening, preparation or ordering of new

consumables or materials when existing supply is available

• Monitoring and setting business rules around lab inventory

materials, controlled or radio-labeled substances and full audit

trails of inventory preparation and management.

• Preventing the use of expired consumables

• Providing contextual association with actual use in regulated

environments for track-and-trace purposes

easiLy access and rePort inventory inforMation

Laboratory and management staff benefit from having up-to-date,

real-time inventories. Accelrys Inventory Management checks

expiration dates, monitors and reports usage rates in real-time

and tracks consumable batch IDs. Built-in dashboards display

investigations and audits in addition to business unit performance.

When used in conjunction with the Accelrys Lab execution System

(LES) or Accelrys Electronic Lab Notebook (ELN), materials can be

automatically sourced and documented within the context of the

experiment or SOP being executed. Removal of error-prone manual

transcription minimizes compliance risk.

To learn more about Accelrys Inventory Management, go to

Figure 3: Dashboard widget for Accelrys Inventory Management.

Figure 2: Sending data from Accelrys Inventory Management to Accelrys Lab Execution System to execute standard preparation procedure.