Academic integrity for graduate students

At a loss for words? 214 Evans Library | 205 West Campus Library | 979-458-1455


A review of citation and documentation basics in academic writing.

Transcript of Academic integrity for graduate students

  • 1. At a loss for words?214 Evans Library | 205 West Campus | 979-458-1455

2. Avoiding Plagiarism2 3. Name that tune!3 4. Name that tune!4 5. The ArtistsDiamonds are ForeverDiamonds from Sierra LeoneShirley Bassey Kanye West 19712005 5 6. Name that tune!6 7. Name that tune!7 8. The Artists Georgia on my Mind Georgia Ray Charles Field Mob feat. Ludacris 1960 2005 9. Name that tune!9 10. Name that tune!10 11. The Artists Under PressureIce Ice BabyQueen & David BowieVanilla Ice 1981 1990 3/iceman.jpg7a4f805b71a72.jpg 11 12. Is This Plagiarism?While researching for yourpaper on dance club musicsales, you find a chart thatsupports your mainargument. You downloadthe chart and add it to yourpaper withoutdocumenting the source. prmd=imvns&tbnid=I8rfvsiXda9ATM:&imgrefurl= imgurl= chart.jpg&w=499&h=799&ei=jF3_T66VM6Si2gXP9s2hBA&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=1405&vpy=147&dur=158&hovh=284& hovw=177&tx=141&ty=168&sig=106090041932312229745&page=1&tbnh=147&tbnw=91&start=0&ndsp=32&ved=1t:429,r :7,s:0,i:162 iz-khalifa-hip-hop-rookie-of-the-year/12 13. Is This Plagiarism?You are writing a paperabout African Americanspirituals and rock nroll. When you find anarticle that supportsyour argument, yousummarize the article inyour own words and citeit in-text and in the 13 14. Is This Plagiarism?While researching therhetoric of anti-war folksongs, you find an article thatis perfect. To avoid copyingthe article word-for-word inyour paper, you insteadexchange key words andrearrange sentences. Youinclude a complete citationwith the page number and source.14 15. TAMU Student RulesPlagiarismThe appropriation ofanother persons ideas,processes, results, orwords without givingcredit to the source.From: 16. Plagiarism isCopying and pasting from a source into your paperTurning in someones work as your ownUsing someone elses ideas without giving creditMaking up sourcesResubmitting the same paper to different professorswithout permission16 17. The Consequences You may not go to jail but . . . A zero for the assignment An F on your transcript Suspension, dismissal, or expulsion from the University Mandatory participation in an academic integrity course17 18. How Do We Avoid Plagiarism?WeCite!18 19. Why Do We Cite?Give credit to the authorProtect intellectual propertyAllow readers to cross-reference sourcesAdd credibility toyour argumentHelp defend your research19 20. Common KnowledgeIt can be easily found in general reference sources.Ex: Americas independence day was July 4th, 1776.It includes generally known facts, such as the names ofleaders of prominent nations, basic scientific laws,famous historical events, or common observations.Ex: Barack Obama is the president of the United States.20 21. YES 1. Is this informationsomeone mightdisagree with? NOYou YESCite! 2. Would a generalaudience know thisprobably dont need information? to cite. NO3. Would youraudience know andaccept thisNO information? YES21 22. Which of the following would beconsidered common knowledge? A. Smiths study on brain development had600 participants, aged 5 to 10. B. Ke$ha is the best female pop singer today. C. The capital of Tennessee is Nashville. D. 9,073 people attended a Dave MatthewsBand Concert in 2006. 22 23. Citing YourSources23 24. The Big Three1. Summarized information2. Paraphrased information3. Direct quotations 24 25. SummarizingGives a broad overview of the materialFocuses on what the author is saying generallyOnly highlights the main argumentREMEMBER:Include a citation when summarizing! 25 26. SummarizingOriginal SourceSummaryAccording to researchersat the University ofHerefordshire, illegaldownloading is morecommonplace amongteenagers than originallythought, with half of 14-to 24 year-olds sharingmusic (Sabbagh, 2006).26 27. ParaphrasingMore detailed than a summaryRequires understanding of the work beingparaphrasedKeeps you from directly quoting too muchExplains someone elses essential ideas in your ownwordsREMEMBER:Include a citation when summarizing!27 28. ParaphrasingOriginal SourceParaphraseThe average digital musicResearchers foundplayer carries 1,770 songs, that, on average, 61%meaning that 48 per cent of teenagers musicof the collection is copiedillegally. The proportion of library was illegallyillegally downloaded tracksdownloaded and one inrises to 61 percent amongseven CDs were14- to 17-year-olds. Inillegally copiedaddition, 14 percent of CDs(Sabbagh, 2006, p. 25).(one in seven)in a young personscollection are copied. 28 29. Paraphrase ExerciseOriginal SourceChildhood lead poisoning has declined steadily since the 1970s,when cars stopped spewing leaded exhaust into the environmentand lead paint was formally banned. Yet 40 percent of thenations homes still contain lead paint from the first half of the20th century, and 25 percent still pose significant health hazards.Cowley, Geoffrey. 2003. Getting the Lead Out. Newsweek, February , 54-56.Paraphrase 1:Lead poisoning in children has been in decline since 1970because cars stopped using leaded gas, and lead paint was nolonger allowed; still, 40 percent of American homes still containlead and 25 percent are still dangerous (Cowley, 2003, p. 55).Paraphrase 2:Although, according to Cowley (2003, p. 55), there has been adecline in lead poisoning in children since 1970, dangers remain.Even now, 25 percent of American homes contain enough lead tothreaten the health of their occupants.29 30. Direct QuotationsUse direct quotes sparinglyAlways introduced by a tag phrase or smoothlyintegrated into your own sentenceIf necessary, should include follow-up commentaryto explain the quoteREMEMBER:Include a citation when summarizing!30 31. Short QuotationsAs Easterly (2003) argues, the goal of having thehigh-income people make some kind of transfer tovery poor people remains a worthy one, despite thedisappointments of the past (p. 40).Despite the enduring controversy over the both thepurpose and the efficacy of foreign aid, its goal ofhaving the high-income people make some kind oftransfer to very poor people remains a worthy one(Easterly, 2003, p. 40).31 32. Long QuotationsEasterly (2003) discusses one of the long-standing controversiesin U.S. foreign aid: If some of the flaws noted in this article can be corrected, the international aid agencies could evolve into more effective and more accountable agencies, much as national governments in the now-rich countries gradually evolved from gangs of venal scoundrels to somewhat more effective and accountable civil servants (with plenty of further evolution still desirable in both cases!). In any case, improving quality of aid should come before increasing quantity. This step is difficult but not impossible. (p. 40)32 33. Is this Plagiarism?33 34. Original Sample of Student WorkFrom its humble origins some Strictly defined, the term30 years ago in New Yorks refers to the entirebombed-out, poverty-ravagedcultural constellation thatSouth Bronx, hip-hop has accompanies rap music,risen to become a dominant which in 2001 surpassedcultural force both here and country music as the mostabroad. Strictly defined, thepopular musical genre interm refers to the entirethe United States.cultural constellation thataccompanies rap music,which in 2001 surpassedcountry music as the mostpopular musical genre in theUnited States. 34 35. Original Sample of Student WorkFrom its humble origins some Piekarski (2004) believes30 years ago in New Yorks that hip-hop refers to thebombed-out, poverty-ravagedentire cultural constellationSouth Bronx, hip-hop has that accompanies rap music,risen to become a dominant which in 2001 surpassedcultural force both here and country music as the mostabroad. Strictly defined, thepopular musical genre in theterm refers to the entireUnited States(p. 47).cultural constellation thatThough Piekarski makes anaccompanies rap music, important point, he fails towhich in 2001 surpassedexplain what this culturecountry music as the mostconsists of.popular musical genre in theUnited States. 35 36. Original Sample of Student WorkFrom its humble origins some Piekarski (2004, p. 47)30 years ago in New Yorks argues that hip-hopbombed-out, poverty-ravagedencompasses more than justSouth Bronx, hip-hop has rap music; he argues insteadrisen to become a dominant that hip-hop is bettercultural force both here and defined by the culture thatabroad. Strictly defined, thesurrounds it.term refers to the entirecultural constellation thataccompanies rap music,which in 2001 surpassedcountry music as the mostpopular musical genre in theUnited States.36 37. Ask Yourself Where did I find this information? Who is the audience? Have I used the proper citation style? When in doubtCITE!37 38. Strategies to Avoid PlagiarismWhen writing READ and fully understand any text you want to cite. Take detailed, accurate notes. Label whether youve summarized, paraphrased, or quoted. Write down all citation information when you first decide to use a source. Color code your sources in the text.38 39. Strategies to Avoid PlagiarismWhen the paper is finished Read your paper aloud. Double check yourparaphrasing/summarizing against thesources. Make sure that every in-text citation has afull citation in your reference list. Consider using a resource 40. For More Help Visit our website or call us to schedule an appointment. We can help you find answers to your plagiarism and citation questions.40 41. Well help you find the writewords.U N I V E R S I T YJ X I G Z P O E N HB W D E T L Q I L RD R C K K K P P T RCheck us out onT I V R M X S T X JP T B C Z P B Y O UC I S K E W V J D AE N S I N N Q O G PE G I C J C T O B YP X E G K G V E F GB S R M C E V Q R M214 Evans Library | 205 West Campus | 979-458-1455