ACADEMIA Middle Section Class- VI, Sub-Bangla Lesson plan...

ACADEMIA Middle Section Class- VI, Sub-Bangla Lesson plan -2019-20 (June-December) BENGALI (Time: 2.00 hrs) Full marks: 40+60=100 ÒচাcvVÓ M`¨ : আকাশ evsjv e¨vKiY I iPbv : বাগধারা ছবব দেখে বণনা `yB evsjvi †QvU‡`i †kªô Mí : Day Subject + chapter Class work Home work 1g PviæcvV/gv`vi †Z‡imv wiwWs I evbvb cove wiwWs evbvb I kãv_© co‡e 2q Ó evbvb kãv_© wjLve 1g Ó evK¨ MVb I g~jfve wjLve g~jfve †kl Ki‡e 2q Ó ‡QvU cÖt/Dt wjLve 1g Ó Am¤ú~Y© KvR †kl Ki‡e 2q PviæcvV/Rb¥f~wg KweZv KweZv co‡e I wjL‡e KweZv I kãv_© gyL¯’ Ki‡e 1g Ó kãv_© I evK¨ MVb wjLve 2q Ó ‡QvU cÖt/Dt g~jfve wjLve g~jfve †kl Ki‡e 1g Ó e¨vL¨v Kive 2q Ó Am¤ú~Y© KvR †kl Kive 1g PviæcvV/AvKvk Mí wiwWs I evbvb cove evbvb I kãv_© gyL¯’ 2q Ó evbvb I kãv_© wjLve 1g Ó evK¨ MVb I g~jfve wjLve g~jfve †kl Ki‡e 2q Ó ‡QvU cÖt/Dt I e¨vL¨v wjLve 1g Ó Am¤ú~b© KvR †kl Ki‡e 2q PviæcvV/gvbyl RvwZ KweZv co‡e I wjL‡e KweZv I kãv_© gyL¯’ Ki‡e 1g gvbylRvwZ kãv_© I evK¨ MVb wjLve 2q Ó ‡QvU cÖt/Dt g~jfve wjLve g~jfve †kl Ki‡e 1g Ó e¨vL¨v Kive

Transcript of ACADEMIA Middle Section Class- VI, Sub-Bangla Lesson plan...

Page 1: ACADEMIA Middle Section Class- VI, Sub-Bangla Lesson plan … · 2019. 8. 18. · republic vs. empire), the rule of Augustus,


Middle Section

Class- VI, Sub-Bangla

Lesson plan -2019-20 (June-December)

BENGALI (Time: 2.00 hrs) Full marks: 40+60=100

ÒচারুcvVÓ M`¨ :


evsjv e¨vKiY I iPbv :


৯ ছবব দেখে বর্ণনা

`yB evsjvi †QvU‡`i †kªô Mí :

Day Subject + chapter Class work Home work 1g PviæcvV/gv`vi †Z‡imv wiwWs I evbvb cove wiwWs evbvb I kãv_© co‡e

2q Ó evbvb kãv_© wjLve

1g Ó evK¨ MVb I g~jfve wjLve g~jfve †kl Ki‡e

2q Ó ‡QvU cÖt/Dt wjLve

1g Ó Am¤ú~Y© KvR †kl Ki‡e

2q PviæcvV/Rb¥f~wg KweZv KweZv co‡e I wjL‡e KweZv I kãv_© gyL ’̄ Ki‡e

1g Ó kãv_© I evK¨ MVb wjLve

2q Ó ‡QvU cÖt/Dt g~jfve wjLve g~jfve †kl Ki‡e

1g Ó e¨vL¨v Kive

2q Ó Am¤ú~Y© KvR †kl Kive

1g PviæcvV/AvKvk Mí wiwWs I evbvb cove evbvb I kãv_© gyL ’̄

2q Ó evbvb I kãv_© wjLve

1g Ó evK¨ MVb I g~jfve wjLve g~jfve †kl Ki‡e

2q Ó ‡QvU cÖt/Dt I e¨vL¨v wjLve

1g Ó Am¤ú~b© KvR †kl Ki‡e

2q PviæcvV/gvbyl RvwZ KweZv co‡e I wjL‡e KweZv I kãv_© gyL¯’ Ki‡e

1g gvbylRvwZ kãv_© I evK¨ MVb wjLve

2q Ó ‡QvU cÖt/Dt g~jfve wjLve g~jfve †kl Ki‡e

1g Ó e¨vL¨v Kive

Page 2: ACADEMIA Middle Section Class- VI, Sub-Bangla Lesson plan … · 2019. 8. 18. · republic vs. empire), the rule of Augustus,

2q Ó Am¤ú~Y© KvR †kl Kive

1g Ó Am¤ú~Y© KvR †kl Kive

2q Ó Am¤ú~Y© KvR †kl Kive

1g Ó c~biv‡jvPbv K¬vm

2q Ó c~biv‡jvPbv K¬vm

1g Ó c~biv‡jvPbv K¬vm

3q e¨vKib/Mí mgMÖ fvlv I fvlvi iƒc wjLve I eySve Ôevev MíwU wiwWs co‡eÕ

Ó Ó fvlvi ‡kÖYx wefvM I evev M‡íi

evbvb wjLve

Ó Ó fvlvi Dci cixÿv †be

Ó Ó mwÜ we‡”Q` evev M‡íi cwifvlv


cwifvlv mn evK¨ MVb Ki‡e

Ó Ó mwÜ we‡”Q` gyLv¯’ I cÖt/Dt wjL‡e

Ó Ó ï× Aï× wjLve I †mvbvjx †gŠgvwQ

wiwWs cove

wiwWs I evbvb co‡e

Ó Ó ï× I Aï× gyLv ’̄ wjLve I evbvb


Ó Ó evM&aviv I †mvbvjx †gŠgvwQi

cwifvlv wjLve

evM&aviv gyL ’̄ I evK¨ MVb


Ó Ó evM&aviv gyL¯’ wjL‡e Mí mgMÖ †_‡K

Am¤ú~Y© KvR¸‡jv †kl Ki‡e

Ó Ó ‡mvbvjx †gŠgvwQi cÖt/Dt wjL‡e

cixÿv wbe

4_© Abyev` Bs‡iRx †_‡K evsjvq Abyev` Kive

Ó iPbv (1)iPbv ïiæ Ki‡e iPbv †kl Ki‡e

Ó Ó iPbvi Am¤ú~b© Ask †kl Kive

Ó wPwV wPwV Kive

Ó Abyev` Bs‡iRx †_‡K evsjvq Abyev` Kive

Ó Aby‡”Q` Aby‡”Q` Kive

Ó iPbv (2)iPbv ïiæ Ki‡e iPbv †kl Ki‡e

Ó iPbv (2)iPbvi Am¤ú~b© Ask †kl Kive

Ó wPwV (2)wPwV wjLve

Ó Abyev` Bs‡iRx †_‡K evsjvq Abyev` Kive

Ó Aby‡”Q` Aby‡”Q`wU c‡o cÖkœ¸‡jvi DËi


Ó iPbv (3)iPbv ïiæ Kive

Ó Ó (3)iPbv †kl Kive

Ó Ó Am¤ú~b© KvR †kl Kive



Page 3: ACADEMIA Middle Section Class- VI, Sub-Bangla Lesson plan … · 2019. 8. 18. · republic vs. empire), the rule of Augustus,

Ó Ó Rev. Test wbe

iPbv, wPwV, Abyev`, Aby‡”Q` t-

iPbv i) †Uwjwfk‡b †Zvgvi wcÖq Abyôvb|

ii) bZzb †kÖbx‡Z DVvi Avb›` cÖKvk K‡i iPbv|

iii) loFZzi †`k evsjv‡`k|

wPwV t- i) Mixe I mgv‡R Ae‡nwjZ gvbyl‡`i wKfv‡e mvnvh¨ Ki‡Z PvI Zv Rvwb‡q †Zvgvi `v`y/bvby‡K

GKUv GKUv wPwV wjL|

ii) evwl©K cixÿvi ci wKfv‡e †Zvgiv QzwU KvUv‡j Zv Rvwb‡q †Zvgvi eÜz‡K GKUv wPwV wjL|

* Abyev` I Aby‡”Q` B”QvgZ Kiv‡Z cvi‡e|

Page 4: ACADEMIA Middle Section Class- VI, Sub-Bangla Lesson plan … · 2019. 8. 18. · republic vs. empire), the rule of Augustus,


⸙ Half-yearly Syllabus: June-November 2019 ⸙

Subject: History

Class: VI

“Study the past if you would define the future.”

― Confucius

⸙⸙⸙ HISTORY: (Time: 2.00 hrs) Full marks: 40+60=100

Human Heritage: A World History – Part: 2, Cox Greenblatt, Seaburg Hindle.

Unit: 5 ; Chapter – 13, 14, 15 Unit: 6 ; Chapter – 17 and 18.

Day Book / Topic Classwork Homework

Cover of history


Human Heritage


Cox, Greenblatt, Seaburg, Hindle

The Roman senate

was against him,

they were afraid of

his personality cult.

In the name of

‘democracy’ (read

aristocracy) Caesar

was assassinated on

the Ides of March.

History is not a

thankless forgetful

stream of

knowledge; it is

history which

preserved the loving

memories of Julius

Caesar over the


transformed him as

a time-honored

statesman. Actually,

history controls the

grand narratives of

our shared present,

past & future from

time immemorial.

Julius Caesar

(100 BC - 44 BC)

Day 1 Day:

Unit 5, The Romans,

An introductory class: a short speech

Word meanings:

Page 5: ACADEMIA Middle Section Class- VI, Sub-Bangla Lesson plan … · 2019. 8. 18. · republic vs. empire), the rule of Augustus,

Date: Teacher’s Signature:


to be delivered on the significance of learning history. Copies Classwork (1 copy, pp. 120), Class test (1 copy), Homework (1copy)

Pope, phalanx, gladiator, fasces and triumph.

Day 2 Day: Date: Signature:


A reading & discussion will be held on pages 4-7.

Q. & A. 1. How did the Roman orator Cicero define the civil law? Ans. See page 4.

Day 3 Day: Date: Signature:


Q. & A. 1. From where did the Latins come? 2. Where did they settle? 3. How did they live?

Learn these three answers and read the text (pp. 4-7) thoroughly.

Day 4 Day: Date: Signature:


A reading & discussion will be focused on the Etruscans, daily life, religious beliefs and the map of Italy (pp. 7-11).

Read the text thoroughly (pp. 7-11) at least three times.

Day 5 Day: Date: Signature:


Q. & A. 1. From where did the Etruscans come? Where did they settle? 2. What were some features of the Etruscan army? 3. What was the Etruscan view of the universe?

Read the text thoroughly and learn all these answers from the classwork copy.

Day 6 Day: Date: Signature:


Contributions to Roman civilization will be discussed. Q. & A.

Read the text repeatedly.

Page 6: ACADEMIA Middle Section Class- VI, Sub-Bangla Lesson plan … · 2019. 8. 18. · republic vs. empire), the rule of Augustus,

1. What were some of the contributions the Etruscans made to Roman civilization?

Day 7 Day: Date: Signature:

Chapters 13 BEGINNINGS

{In a nutshell}

The important parts as well as the ideas of this chapter will be reviewed. Worksheet 1 will be given.

View all the images including the captions from this chapter. By doing this, students’ knowledge and imaginations on the historical facts will mold into a concrete shape.

Day 8 Day: Date: Signature:

Marking classwork 1 syllabus: Chapter 13 (Beginnings).

Marking classwork 1 will be held on the due date.

Day 9 Day: Date: Signature:


A careful reading and discussion will go hand in hand (pages 16-22).

Learn word meanings below from the pages of glossary section: republic, patricians, plebians, consuls, latifundias and triumvirate.

Day 10 Day: Date: Signature:


Q. & A. 1. What was the role of the consuls in the government of the Roman republic? 2. What was the role of the senate? 3. Why did the Romans conquer Etruscan cities?

View the images from the pages of history textbook.

Day 11 Day: Date: Signature:


The discussion will focus on the agricultural changes, decline of the Roman republic and Julius Caesar (pages 23-29).

It is expected that the students will read the text carefully. A project on Julius Caesar will be submitted on the due date.

Day 12 Day:


Q. & A. 1. What were some

Page 7: ACADEMIA Middle Section Class- VI, Sub-Bangla Lesson plan … · 2019. 8. 18. · republic vs. empire), the rule of Augustus,

Date: Signature:

features of the Roman legion? 2. What kind of rulers were the Romans? 3. Why was Caesar killed?

Day 13 Day: Date: Signature:


{In a nutshell}

All the important facts of this chapter will be discussed. Worksheet 2 will be given.

Day 14 Day: Date: Signature:


A reading session will focus on mostly a conflict between two sets of ideas ( republic vs. empire), the rule of Augustus, the Pax Romana, law and census (31 – 35).

Read the text carefully. Find the meaning of the words below: freedman, census, tariffs, juris prudentes and inflation.

DAY 15 Day: Date: Signature:


Reading & discussion will be held on fall of the empire and end of the empire.

Read the text critically.

Day 16 Day: Date: Signature:


Q. & A. 1. How did Augustus make the people think Rome was still a republic? 2. How did Augustus strengthen his authority? 3. What happened to law during the Pax Romana?

Day 17 Day: Date: Signature:


Q. & A. 1. What were some of the legal principles that developed during the Pax Romana? 2. What were three major reasons for

Page 8: ACADEMIA Middle Section Class- VI, Sub-Bangla Lesson plan … · 2019. 8. 18. · republic vs. empire), the rule of Augustus,

the fall of the Roman Empire? 3. How did the Germanic invaders gain control over the empire?

Day 18 Day: Date: Signature:


{In a nutshell}

All the important information on imperialism and how it worked will be discussed. Worksheet 3 will be given.

View the map of ancient Roman empire.

Day 19 Day: Date: Signature:

Unit 6 Chapter 17 THE GERMANS

German village life and warriors will be discussed (pp. 64-69).

Learn some important words and their meanings: blood feuds and vandalism.

Day 20 Day: Date: Signature:

Chapter 17 THE GERMANS

Q. & A. 1. Where did the Germans live? 2. How did they earn their living? 3. How was the German language influenced by the Romans?

Read the text.

Day 21 Day: Date: Signature:

Chapter 17 THE GERMANS

A discussion will be held on the Goths and the Vandals (pp. 70-74).

Learn all the answers.

Day 22 Day: Date: Signature:

Chapter 17 THE GERMANS

Q. & A. 1. What were some strengths of German law? What were some weaknesses? 2. What did the Vandals do to Rome?

Practice all the answers.

Day 23 Day: Date: Signature:

Chapter 17 THE GERMANS

{In a nutshell} After a discussion, Worksheet 4 will be given.

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Day 24 Day: Date: Signature:

Chapter 18 THE FRAKNS

Discussion on Clovis, Charles the Hammer and Charlemagne will be held (pp. 76-80).

Read the text carefully. Word meanings: converted and anointed.

Day 25 Day: Date: Signature:

Chapter 18 THE FRANKS

Q. & A. 1. Why were the Franks more successful at governing than other Germanic peoples? 2. What did Charles Martel want to do? 3. Why was the Battle of Tours important?

Learn all the answers at home.

Day 26 Day: Date: Signature:

Chapter 18 THE FRANKS

A discussion will be held on a Christian empire and education.

Read the text at least three times.

Day 27 Day: Date: Signature:

Chapter 18 THE FRANKS

Q. & A. 1. Why did Charlemagne object to the Pope crowning him emperor? 2. What led to the creation of a new form of writing? How was it different from Roman writing?

Learn the answers.

Day 28 Day: Date: Signature:

Chapter 18 THE FRANKS

{In a nutshell} A discussion will be followed by a test on Worksheet 5.

Revise the whole text.

Day 29 Day: Date: Signature:

According to the history revision-work plan.

Revision class 1. Various topics from the half-yearly syllabus will be serially discussed. 2. Important ideas and historical concepts will be asked repeatedly. 3. Quiz 4. Board works

Page 10: ACADEMIA Middle Section Class- VI, Sub-Bangla Lesson plan … · 2019. 8. 18. · republic vs. empire), the rule of Augustus,

5. Completion of the incomplete works 6. Corrections 7. Homework 8. Review worksheet

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1. Book report 1.format discussion with notes Revise the format

2. Book report

practice Use format to fill up with information from a

sample story.

Complete the report

Teacher’s Comments:

January 2019

1. Narrative writing Do you think that humans will ever travel to

another planet? Why or why not?

Learn 15 synonyms

from the chart in the

classroom display

2. Formal and

informal letters Sentences and phrases for formal and informal

letters. Vocabularies for formal and informal


Learn C.W

3. Informal Letters Write a letter to your younger brother about

the benefits of good health and how can we

maintain a good health.

4. Application (formal

letter) Write an application to your Principal

requesting him to provide some new

computers in your lab.

Complete C.W

Teacher’s Comments:

February 2019

1 Application

(formal letter) Write an application to your Principal for

allowing you to arrange inter section quiz


Complete C.W

2. Revision Revision and discussion

3. Descriptive writing Do you believe time travel is possible? Learn the words and

write one synonym

of each word.

4. Descriptive writing Write about a great female role model. Why is

she inspirational?

Complete C.W

Teacher’s Comments:

March 2019

1 Descriptive writing Write about a time when you had to make a

tough choice? How did you decide what to do?

Complete C.W

2 Descriptive writing What is the best gift you have ever received?

How did you feel when you opened it?

Complete C.W

3 Narrative writing Imagine you are invisible whenever you

wanted to?

Complete C.W

Teacher’s Comments:

April 2019

1 Report writing Write a report on Science Fair arranged by

your school

Revise the format

Page 12: ACADEMIA Middle Section Class- VI, Sub-Bangla Lesson plan … · 2019. 8. 18. · republic vs. empire), the rule of Augustus,
Page 13: ACADEMIA Middle Section Class- VI, Sub-Bangla Lesson plan … · 2019. 8. 18. · republic vs. empire), the rule of Augustus,

Academia, Middle Section ECA plan for the months of July to November- 2019

Date Topics

18.07.19 Cultural Competition:

Extempore Speech selection round (1st half of the students)

Class: V to VII

25.07.19 Cultural Competition:

Extempore Speech selection round (2nd

half of the class)

ECA teacher will tell the students to take preparation of news presentation for next class

(Students will prepare the news in an offset paper)

01.08.19 Class V to VII News presentation by first half of the students.

H.W.: Second half of the students will prepare news presentation for next class. (topic:

any current affair/ event, their favourite event etc. - Students will prepare the news in an offset


08.08.19 News presentation by second half of the students.

22.08.19 General knowledge about our Father of Nation & freedom fighters; And

How the students celebrated Eid ul-Adha holidays

29.08.19 Students will make a chart of Country, Capital, and Currency.

Class-V: Asia Class-VI: Asia & Europe Class-VII: Asia, Europe & Africa ( Min. 20


05.09.19 V to VII: Math Race selection round.

12.09.19 Students will finish the chart of Country, Capital, and Currency, teacher will select the

best five charts

19.09.19 G.K practice for next class selection round

26.09.19 V to VII: Written Quiz- Select first five winners for “Final School Quiz Competition”.

N.B. tell the students to bring Atlas for next ECA class.

03.10.19 Random Acts of Kindness (Topics: Write a positive note to a classmate)

10.10.19 V to VII: Subject Quiz (English, Bangla, Science, History, Geography, ICT)

17.10.19 Spelling Competition: ask them to write 50 spellings according to their grade.

24.10.19 Islamic Quiz.

31.10.19 Random Acts of Kindness (Topics: Make card for your favorite teacher )

07.11.19 Class V-VII: Monthly Subject Quiz..

Page 14: ACADEMIA Middle Section Class- VI, Sub-Bangla Lesson plan … · 2019. 8. 18. · republic vs. empire), the rule of Augustus,

Academia Middle Section ECA class planning for the months of January to May- 2015

Date Topics

13.01.15 Islamic Quiz

20.01.15 School survey

27.01.15 Islamic Quiz

03.02.15 Class V & VI- Kerat Competition

Class VII: Kerat Competition & written Quiz Competition

10.02.15 Annual Supplication (Dua) & Prize Distribution for Islamic Competition.

Class V, VI & VII: Essay Competition in Bangle and English creative

writing classes.

17.02.15 Art, Craft and Project Exhibition of Middle Section. Students will visit and

vote for the best work.

Classes-V, VI & VII: Math Race .

24.02.15 Classes-V, VI & VII: Written Quiz about Bangladesh. Inform the students

about Science presentation.

03.03.15 Class-V, VI & VII: Academia Math Olympiad.

10.03.15 Art Competition: Theme- Independence Day. Will be held during art classes

They will complete in ECA class. They take preparation for Science


24.03.15 Class-V, VI & VII: Science project presentation.

31.03.15 Class-V, VI & VII: 2nd

Round Quiz Competition.

07.04.15 Boishakhi Preparation

14.04.15 Boishakhi Fair.

21.04.15 Extempore Speech. Tell the students to be prepared for ‘Final Quiz


28.04.15 ‘Final Quiz Competition’. Tell the students to be prepared for ‘Subject Quiz


05.05.15 ‘Subject Quiz Competition’.

Page 15: ACADEMIA Middle Section Class- VI, Sub-Bangla Lesson plan … · 2019. 8. 18. · republic vs. empire), the rule of Augustus,

ACADEMIA (Middle Section)

Lesson Plan from June2019 –November,2019(HY)

Class: VI Sub: English Language

ENGLISH LANGUAGE (Time: 2.00 hrs.) Full marks: 40+60=100 Grammar Builder (Book- 4):

Unit 1: Verbs- 1.1 to 1.3 Unit 2: Subject – Verb agreement-2.1 to 2.4 Unit 3.1: Tenses: Simple Present

and Present Continuous tenses Unit 3.2: Simple Past Unit 3.3: Past Continuous tenses Unit 3.4:

Present Perfect tenses Unit 8: Subject and Predicate

Nelson English Book - 6:

Unit – 2 (Sandra Street); Unit – 3 (Nuclear Disaster); Unit – 5 (Lilliput) Unit – 8 (Moral Tales) Unit –

10 (African Childhood)

Creative Writing & Comprehension: Similar to work done in the class.

Day Topic/Book Work forecast Homework

16/6/19 Stationary submission, Introduction,

checking the Books and copies.

17/6/19 Nelson Book-6


Read the passage’ Sandra Street”

carefully and underline the unknown

words from the

Write the meanings of the

unknown words from the

passage ‘Sandra Street’

and write them in your

CW copy for the next


18/6/19 Nelson Book-6


Answer the questions from ‘Sandra





Unit-1.1 verbs with base form.

Discussion, and board work with

examples. Ex-A will be done


due : next class




Recap gr. Rules then ex-B, and C will

be done.



23/7/19 Nelson


Language skill from ‘Sandra Street’ pg-

12 will be done.

Write the answer of no-7

in your H.W copy.

Due: next class

24/6/19 Nelson


M/S with the unknown words from

‘Sandra Street’/

memorize the meanings

of the proverbs.

Page 16: ACADEMIA Middle Section Class- VI, Sub-Bangla Lesson plan … · 2019. 8. 18. · republic vs. empire), the rule of Augustus,

4-7-19 Nelson Book-6


Language Skill from ‘Nuclear

Disaster’ pg-16 will be done.

Make sentences with the

unknown words from

‘Nuclear Disaster’

8-7-19 Nelson Book-6


word forms or fill in the blanks to

develop language skill (from a

reference book)

9/7/19 Gr. Builder


Recap gr. Rules then ex-B and C will

be done.


Due: NC

discussion on some proverbs

25/6/19 Gr. Builder


Verbs with ‘S’ and ‘ing’ ending.

Discussion, and board work with

examples. Ex-A will be done

26/6/19 Gr. Builder


Verbs with ‘S’and ‘ing’ ending-Ex-B

and ‘C’ will be done.


due : next class

27/6/19 Cr. Wr Paragraph writing on ‘My Area’

(take idea from ‘Sandra Street’)



30/6/19 Nelson



Read the passage’ Nuclear Disaster”

carefully and underline the unknown

words from the

Write the meanings of the

unknown words from the

passage ‘Nuclear

Disaster’ and write them

in your CW copy for the

next class





Answer the questions from ‘Nuclear


Memorize the meanings


the proverbs for SMCW

2/7/19 Gr. Builder


Discussion on verb-1,- verb-2,verb3

W/S will be given to memorize./

SMCW will be done on ‘verb table’

memorize all the present,

past and past participle

forms of the regular and

irregular verbs from the

verb list given to you.

3/7/19 Gr. Builder


‘Subject verb agreement’

Discussion, and board work with

examples. Ex-A will be done.

4/7/19 Cr. Wr



Page 17: ACADEMIA Middle Section Class- VI, Sub-Bangla Lesson plan … · 2019. 8. 18. · republic vs. empire), the rule of Augustus,

10/719 Gr. Builder Unit-2.1

Recap gr. Rules then ex-E will be done. All previous corrections,

incomplete CW will be done.

Practice all previous c exercises for Gr. Quiz

11-7-19 Cr. Wr

Directed writing (see pg-17,Nelson




14-7-19 Nelson Book-6


Read the passage’ Lilliput” carefully

and underline the unknown words

from the

Write the meanings of the

unknown words from the

passage ‘Lilliput’ and

write them in your CW

copy for the next class

15-7-19 Nelson Book-6


Answer the questions from

‘Lilliput”pg-26. Section-A

Make sentences with the

unknown words from


16/7/2019 Gr. Builder

(Unit 2.1)


17/7/19 Gr. Builder

(Unit 2.2)

Discussion, and board work with

examples. Ex-A will be done


Due: NC

18/7/19 Cr. Wr paragraph writing with the idea from

writing skill’unit -5 Nelson Book



21/7/19 to 31/7/19 1st CA



Nelson Book-6


Answer the questions from

‘Lilliput”pg-26. Section-B pg-26

M/S with the selected words


Nelson Book-6


Language Skill from ‘Lilliput’ pg-

27 will be done

23/7/19 Gr. Builder


Discussion, and board work with

examples. Ex-C will be done.

All incomplete CW

Due: Next class

24/7/19 Gr. Builder


Recap gr. Rules then ex-D and E

will be done.

Practice all previous

exercises for

Gr. Quiz/MCW

25/7/19 Cr.Wr



28/7/19 Nelson Book-6 Vocabulary skill from “Lilliput” Memorize the

Page 18: ACADEMIA Middle Section Class- VI, Sub-Bangla Lesson plan … · 2019. 8. 18. · republic vs. empire), the rule of Augustus,

Unit-5 pg-30. vocabulary

29/7/19 Nelson Book-6


Grammar, punctuation and

spellings from ”Lilliput: pg-31

Do all previous

corrections and

incomplete CW

and prepare for a


30/7/19 Gr. B,U-2.3 Discussion on grammar rules

ex-A in book will be done.

ex-D (pg-25)

due; Next class


Gr. B,U-2.3 Recap of previous discussion

Ex-c in copy and ex-e in book

will be done.

Practice all previous c

exercises for

Gr. Quiz/MCW

1/8/19 Cr.Wr

T. Comm. + Sign

4/8/19 Nelson Book-6


book )

Discussion on the techniques

of reading and writing



Nelson Book-6



Follow up the rules,

techniques, and guidance in a


6/8/19 Gr.B, U-2.3 Revision on unit-2.3

Practice all previous

exercises for

Gr. Quiz/MCW

7/8/19 Gr.B, U-2.3 Gr. Quiz/MCW

8/8/19 Cr. Wr.

Page 19: ACADEMIA Middle Section Class- VI, Sub-Bangla Lesson plan … · 2019. 8. 18. · republic vs. empire), the rule of Augustus,

T.Comm. + Sign

9/8/19 to 17/8/19 Holidays for Eid-ul-Azha

18/8/19 Nelson Book-6



Read the passage carefully and

underline the unknown words

from the passage. (Unseen


Write the meanings of

the unknown words

from the passage and

write them in your

CW copy for the next


19/8/19 Nelson



Answer the questions from the

passage given you to read.

Memorize the w/m

20/8/19 Gr. B, u-2.4 Gr. Rules from unit2.4 will be

discussed and board work will

be done.

Go through the Gr.

Rules from pg.26 for

tomorrow’s Cw

21/8/19 Gr. B, u-2.4

Ex-A in the book and ex-C in

the copy will be


(Point out your confusions to be discussed in the next class

ex-B (pg-28-28)

due:Next class

22/8/19 Cr.Wr ‘’

T.Comm. + Sign

25/8/19 Nelson Book-6


Read the passage ‘African

Childhood’( pg-52)carefully

and underline the unknown

words from the passage.

Write the meanings of

the unknown words

from the passage and

write them in your

CW copy for the next


26/8/19 Nelson Book-6


Answer the questions from the

passage’ African


Make sentences with

the unknown words

from ‘African

Page 20: ACADEMIA Middle Section Class- VI, Sub-Bangla Lesson plan … · 2019. 8. 18. · republic vs. empire), the rule of Augustus,


27/8/19 Gr. B, U- 2.4 Recap the Gr.rules then Ex-D

(pg-28)in book and ex-E ( pg-

29)in copy will be done. (Point

out your confusions to be

discussed in the next class

Do all previous

corrections and

incomplete C.W and

point out your

problematic areas to

be discussed in the

next class

28/8/19 Gr. B, U- 2.4 MCW on unit-2.4

29/8/18 Thursday Cr. Wr./

T. Comm. +Sign:


Nelson Book-6


Language Skill from ‘African


2/9/19 Nelson Book-6


Language Skill from ‘African


3/9/19 Gr. B., U-2.4 Revision Subject Verb


Go through all the

exercises from unit

2.1,2.2,2.3,2.4 for


4/9/19 Gr. B, U- 2.4 W/S on Subject-Verb


Prepare for the M.T

5/9/19 Thursday Cr.Wr follow the writing skill from ‘African Childhood’pg-56 (how to

write autobiography)

T. Comm. +Sign !st mid-term 8th-19th September

8/9/19 Nelson Book-6


Read the passage ‘Moral

Tales’ (pg-78) carefully and

underline the unknown words

from the passage

Write the meanings of

the unknown words

from the passage and

write them in your

CW copy for the next

Page 21: ACADEMIA Middle Section Class- VI, Sub-Bangla Lesson plan … · 2019. 8. 18. · republic vs. empire), the rule of Augustus,


9/9/19 Nelson Book-6


Answer the questions from the

passage’ Moral Tales’pg-79

Make sentences with

the unknown words

from ‘Moral Tales’

10/9/19 Tuesday closed for


11/9/19Wednesday Grammar


Unit 3.1

Gr. Rules from unit-3.1will be

discussed and board work will

be done.( pg-30)

Go through the Gr.

Rules from pg.30 for

for tomorrow’s C.W

12/9/19 Thursday cr.wr

T. Comm. +Sign

15/9/19 Nelson Book-6


Language skill from ‘Moral


16/9/19 Nelson Book-6

Ist Mid-Term Test


Gr. B, U-3.1 Recap Gr.rules then Ex-A(pg-

31)in book and ex-B ( pg-32)in

copy will be done..)


due: Next Class

Point out your

confusions to be

discussed in the next


18/9/19 Gr. B, U-3.1 Recap of previous discussion

Ex-c in copy and ex-e in book

ex-D (pg-33)

Page 22: ACADEMIA Middle Section Class- VI, Sub-Bangla Lesson plan … · 2019. 8. 18. · republic vs. empire), the rule of Augustus,

will be done. due: Next class

19/9/19 Cr.Wr

T. Comm. +Sign

Math Olympiad this week

22/9/19 Reference


An Unseen comprehension will

be done.


23/9/19 Reference


Work sheet on ‘Using the


Try Thinking

Due: N/C

24/9/19 Gr. B,U-3.1 Work sheet will be done/

MCW on unit-3.1

Go through all the

exercises you have

done from U-,3.1

25/9/19 Gr. B, U-3.2 Gr. Rules from unit-3.2will be

discussed and board work will

be done.( pg-34)

Go through the Gr.

Rules from pg.34 for

for C.W

Due: NC

26/9/19 Cr.Wr

T. Comm. +Sign


1st Mid-term result

last two periods

Reference Book

S.Eng Book-2


Reading the passage

‘Firestorm’ and Q/A will be


Memorize the

meanings of the new

words from the



Reference Book

S.Eng Book-2


Q/A from ‘Firestorm” will be


Memorize the

meanings of the

dictionary words and

new words from the

Page 23: ACADEMIA Middle Section Class- VI, Sub-Bangla Lesson plan … · 2019. 8. 18. · republic vs. empire), the rule of Augustus,


1/10/19 Gr.B, Unit-3.2 Recap Gr.rules then Ex-A(pg-

35)in book and ex-B ( pg-

35)in copy will be done..)

Go through the Gr.

Rules from pg.34 for

for C.W

Due: NC

2/10/19 Gr. B, U-3.2 Recap Gr.rules then Ex-E(pg-

37)in copy and ex-F( pg-37)in

copy will be done.

Go through all the

exercises done from

U-,3.2 for MCW

3/10/19 Cr.Wr

T. Comm. +Sign 4th to 8th October Holidays for Durga Puja

6/10/19 Closed

7/10/19 Closed

8/10/19 Closed

9/10/19 Gr. B,U-3.2 Discuss problems for 20 min.

Then a worksheet will be

given./ MCW

Do all previous

corrections and

incomplete C.W

10/10/19 Cr. Wr

T. Comm.+ Sign 13th To 24th October 2nd CA

13/10/19 Reference


S.Eng Book-2

Language skill from


14/10/19 Reference


S.Eng Book-2

Language skill from


Memorize the W/M

.due: N/C

Page 24: ACADEMIA Middle Section Class- VI, Sub-Bangla Lesson plan … · 2019. 8. 18. · republic vs. empire), the rule of Augustus,

15/10/19 Gr. B,U-3.3 Gr. Rules from unit-3.3will be

discussed and board work will

be done.( pg-38)

Go through the Gr.

Rules from pg.38 for

the next C.W

Due: NC

16/10/19 Gr. B,U-3.3 Recap Gr.rules then Ex-B(pg-

39)in book and ex-E ( pg-41)in

copy will be done. (Point out

your confusions to be

discussed in the next class.)


due: Next Class Go

through all the

exercises you have

done for W/S or


17/10/19 Cr.Wr.

T. Comm.+ Sign

20/10/19 Reference


An Unseen comprehension will

be done.

Memorize word

meanings from the


21/10/19 Reference


Q/A from ‘The passage” will

be completed.

22/10/19 Gr.B,U-3.3 Worksheet on unit 3.3/SMCW

23/10/19 Gr.B,U-3.4 Gr. Rules from unit-3.4will be

discussed and board work will

be done.( pg-42)

Go through the Gr.

Rules from pg.42 for

the next C.W

Due: NC

24/10/19 Cr. Wr. Format for paragraph essay ,

letter and application writing

will be revised

T. Comm.+ Sign

27/10/19 Reference Language skill will be done

Page 25: ACADEMIA Middle Section Class- VI, Sub-Bangla Lesson plan … · 2019. 8. 18. · republic vs. empire), the rule of Augustus,


(From News paper)

28/10/19 Reference


Language Quiz will be done

29/10/19 Gr.B,U-3.4 Recap Gr.rules then Ex-B(pg-

44)in book and ex-E ( pg-44)in

copy will be done. (Point out

your confusions to be

discussed in the next class.)


due: Next Class.

Go through all the

exercises you have

done for MCW

30/10/19 Gr.B,U-3.4 Revision unit 3.4. an

Worksheet will be given

31/10/19 Cr.Wr Format for paragraph essay ,

letter and application writing

will be revised

Teacher's comment

3/11/19 to 13/11/19 revision period.

17th November -28th November HY Exams

3/11/19 Nelson Book-6 Practice W/S will be done

4/11/19 Nelson Book-6 Practice W/S will be done

5/11/19 Gr. Builder

Practice W/S will be done

6/11/19 Gr. Builder

Practice W/S will be done

7/11/19 Cr.Wr Format for paragraph essay ,

letter and application writing

will be revised

Page 26: ACADEMIA Middle Section Class- VI, Sub-Bangla Lesson plan … · 2019. 8. 18. · republic vs. empire), the rule of Augustus,

Teacher's comment


14th November to 16th November study leave

closed for

Eid-E- Miladunnabi

11/11/19 Study leave

12/11/19 Study leave

13/11/19 Study leave

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(Middle Section)

Lesson Plan for Half Yearly-2019

Class: VI Subject: Geography

GEOGRAPHY: (Time: 2.00 hrs) Full marks: 40+60=100

Voyage Geography- Class 7

(i) Locating places on Earth (ii) Motions of the Earth (iii) Antarctica (iv) North America Location, area, political and physical features (v) North America – Utilization of Resources (vi) North America: People,

Transport and Communication and Trade.

Month – June Date/Day Topic / Book Work forecast Home work

Day 1 Chapter-1 locating

Places on the Earth (First class for introduction) Then

will start the new chapter from pg-7

to 8.

Day 2 Chapter-1 Discussion on the important topics of

page 7 and 9. Mark the important


Day 3 Chapter-1 Reading and Discussion from pg-10

to12. And mark the important points.

Solve the Ex- 1 and 2

from pg-13.

Day 4 Chapter-1 Solve the following questions:

1. What is latitude and lines of


2. The 180 degree longitude is neither

east nor west. Explain. Why?

3. Write the significance of the lines

of latitude & the lines of longitude.

4. What is meant by the International

Date Line? Explain why it is called

by that name.

5. What are heat zones? How many are there?

6. Write short notes on:

a) Torrid Zone.

b) Temperate Zone.

c) Frigid Zone.

Go through the whole

chapter very thoroughly

for W/S next class.

T. Comm.+


Month – July Date/Day Topic / Book Work forecast Home work

Day 1 Chapter-1 Solve the W/S and Show them how

to calculate time related to

Greenwich Mean Time.

Solve Ex-5 pg-14

Day 2 Chapter- 2 Motions of

the Earth.

Start the new chapter.

Reading and discussion from pg-15

Go through the important


Page 28: ACADEMIA Middle Section Class- VI, Sub-Bangla Lesson plan … · 2019. 8. 18. · republic vs. empire), the rule of Augustus,

to 16 and mark the important points.

Day 3 Chapter- 2 Reading and discussion from pg-17

to19 and mark the important points.

Solve the Ex- 1 and 2

from pg-20

Day 4 Chapter- 2 Solve the following questions:

1. Identify the main factors that cause


2. What is Circle of Illumination?

How is it different from the earth‟s


3.What is Leap year? Which month

of a year is affected in during Leap

year and how?

4. The northern and southern

hemispheres experiences different

seasons at the same time of a year.

Give reasons.

5.How does an equinox differ from


6. What the effects of rotation and

revolution? State them separately.

7. Write a short note on the

following: a) Rotation

b) Revolution

Draw the diagram from

pg-18 in a A4 size paper.

Submit next class. MHW

Day 5 M.C.W - 1 Tell them to bring 10

important facts/features

about the continent

“Antarctica” next class

Day 6 Chapter-16


Start of a new chapter.

Review the 10 facts.

Reading and discussion from pg- 134

to 135 and mark some important


Day 7 Chapter-16 Reading and discussion from pg-136

to 138 and mark some important


Day 8 Chapter-16 Reading and discussion from pg- 139

and mark some important points.

Solve the Ex-1, 2, 3 and 4 from pg-

140 to 141.

Learn the important terms

from pg-140.

Day 9 Chapter-16 Solve the following questions:

1. Name all the oceans that surround

the „White continent‟.

2. List a few birds found in


3. List a few wildlife found in


4.Write a short note on the ice cap of


5. Describe how penguins have

adapted to the environment of

Go through the whole

chapter for MCW/WS

next class.

Page 29: ACADEMIA Middle Section Class- VI, Sub-Bangla Lesson plan … · 2019. 8. 18. · republic vs. empire), the rule of Augustus,

Antarctica. 6. Name the only ice-free land that

lies in the center of Antarctica.

7. What is the Antarctic Treaty?

When was it signed?

Day 10 Chapter-16 W/S on chapter 16

T. Comm.+


Month – August Date/Day Topic / Book Work forecast Home work

Day 1 Chapter- 6 North

America- Location,

Area, political and

physical features.

Start the new chapter. Reading and

discussion from pg-51 to 53 and mark

the important points.

Day 2 Chapter- 6 Reading and discussion from pg-54

to 56. Mark some important points.

Memorize the table of

country and capital from

pg-53. Learn the

important terms from pg-


Day 3 Chapter- 6 Reading and discussion from pg-57

to 58 and mark the important points.

Solve the Ex-1 from page-58

Eid Holiday H.W

Tell them to bring 10

important facts/features

about the continent “North

America” next class.

Day 4 Chapter- 6 Solve the questions from pg-59

Ex-3(a, b, c) 4(a, c, d, e)

Read the whole chapter

thoroughly for W/S next


Day 5 Chapter- 8 North

America: Utilization of


W/S on ch-6

Reading and discussion from pg-69

to 71 and mark the important points.

Day 6 Chapter- 8 Reading and discussion from pg-72

to 74 and mark the important points.

T. Comm.+


Month – September Date/Day Topic / Book Work forecast Home work

Day 1 Chapter- 8 Reading and discussion from pg-75

to 76 and mark the important points.

Solve the Ex-1 and 2 pg- 77

Day 2 Chapter- 8 Solve the following questions:

Pg-78 Ex- 4(b) 5(a, b, c, d, e)

Take preparation for MT.

Day 3 1st MidTerm Exam

Day 4 Chapter- 9 North

America: People,

Reading and discussion from pg-79

to 81 and mark the important points.

Page 30: ACADEMIA Middle Section Class- VI, Sub-Bangla Lesson plan … · 2019. 8. 18. · republic vs. empire), the rule of Augustus,

Transport and

Communication and


Day 5 Chapter- 9 Reading and discussion from pg-82

to 84 and mark the important points.

Day 6 Chapter- 9 Reading and discussion from pg-85

and mark the important points.

Solve the Ex- 1 and 2 from pg-85 to


Day 7 Chapter- 9 Solve the following Questions:

Ex- 3(c, e) 4(b, d, e)

Day 8 Re-discussion and correction work

class on Half Yearly syllabus.

Day 9 Re-discussion and correction work

class on Half Yearly syllabus.

T. Comm.+


Month – October

Date/Day Topic / Book Work forecast Home work

Day 1 Re-discussion and correction work

class on Half Yearly syllabus. Puja Holiday

Day 2 M.C.W – 2

Day 3 Re-discussion and correction work

class on Half Yearly syllabus.

Day 4 Re-discussion and correction work

class on Half Yearly syllabus.

Day 5 W/S on HY syllabus

Day 6 Re-discussion and correction work

class on Half Yearly syllabus.

Day 7 Re-discussion and correction work

class on Half Yearly syllabus.

Day 8 Re-discussion and correction work

class on Half Yearly syllabus.

T. Comm.+


Month – November

Date/Day Topic / Book Work forecast Home work

Day 1 Wrap up Syllabus

Day 2 Revision work

Day 3 Revision work

Day 4 Revision work

T. Comm.+


Page 31: ACADEMIA Middle Section Class- VI, Sub-Bangla Lesson plan … · 2019. 8. 18. · republic vs. empire), the rule of Augustus,

EL Academia

Half-yearly Lesson Plan: July – November 2019

Class: VI, Subject: English Literature


John Keats (1795 – 1821)

Teacher’s name: _________________________________________

ENGLISH LITERATURE (Time: 2.00 hrs.) Full marks: 40+60=100 Oxford Reading Circle - 6:

(i) The Window (ii) Thank You, Ma’am (ii) Rice-bowl Wishes (iv) The Clockwork Mouse

(v) The Selfish Giant

Collection of Poems-6: (i) The Solitary Reaper (ii) Hope (iii) A Poison Tree

Day & Date Book / Topic Classwork Homework Prose

Oxford Reading Circle Book 6

Nicholas Horsburgh

Claire Horsburgh

Poetry Book of Poems

Book 1

Day 1 Day: Date: Signature:


An introductory class will be held on literature, textbooks & copies.

Before bed-time touch your textbook very softly and feel the vibrations of some of the great ideas and sweet imaginations coming through the book.

Day 2 Day: Date: Signature:

Oxford Reading

Circle (ORC)

Prose 1 The Window: reading and discussion will be held on pp.


Read the text (aloud) and correct your pronunciation.

Day 3 Day:


Prose 1 The Window: discussion on

Read the text carefully and learn the words and

Page 32: ACADEMIA Middle Section Class- VI, Sub-Bangla Lesson plan … · 2019. 8. 18. · republic vs. empire), the rule of Augustus,

Date: Signature:

pages 135-136. their meanings.

Day 4 Day: Date: Signature:


Prose 1 The Window: discussion on

pages 137-138.

Read the text.

Day 5 Day: Date: Signature:


Prose 1 The Window: discussion on pages


Learn the spellings. Write & pronounce every single word at home.

Day 6 Day: Date: Signature:


Prose 1 The Window: spelling test.

Learn the word


Day 7 Day: Date: Signature:


Prose 1 The Window: written works on word meanings.

Read whole text for the Q & A.

Day 8 Day Date Signature:


Prose 1 The Window: written works on Q & A

Learn the answers.

Day 9 Day: Date: Signature:


Prose 1 The Window: written work on Q & A

Learn these answers.

Day 10 Day: Date: Signature:


Prose 1 The Window: exercises B (reference to context) to be done.

Get prepared for the Quiz.

Day 11 Day: Date: Signature:


Prose 1 The Window: Quiz. Ask some beautifully crafted questions and add a no-fear-let’s-celebrate-literature feeling into it.

Day 12 Day: Date: Signature:


Prose 1 The Window: completion of the incomplete works and corrections.

Day 13 Day: Date: Signature:


Prose 2 Thank You, Ma’am: discussion on pp. 123-124.

Read the text.

Day 14 Day: Date: Signature:


Prose 2 Thank You, Ma’am: discussion on pp. 125-126.

Find out the meaning of the words (unknown & difficult).

Day 15 Day: Date: Signature:


Prose 2 Thank You, Ma’am: Discussion on pp. 127-128.

Read the pages (word by word).

Day 16 Day:


Prose 2 Thank You, Ma’am:

Read the text thoroughly.

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Date: Signature

Discussion on pp. 129-130.

Day 17 Day: Date: Signature:


Prose 2 Thank You, Ma’am: a discussion will be held on the full text.

Get prepared for the spelling test.

Day 18 Day: Date: Signature:


Prose 2 Thank You, Ma’am: a Spelling test will be taken.

Learn the words and their meanings.

Day 19 Day: Date: Signature:


Prose 2 Thank You, Ma’am: writing task on word meanings.

Read the text critically for the Q. & A..

Day 20 Day: Date: Signature:


Prose 2 Thank You, Ma’am: written works to be done (Q. & A.).

Improve your answers and develop your prose through a rigorous practice.

Day 21 Day: Date: Signature:


Prose 2 Thank You, Ma’am: written works on some carefully selected questions (Q. & A.)

Don’t copy the text directly, use your own imaginations and diction when you’re re-interpreting the text.

Day 22 Day: Date: Signature:


Prose 2 Thank You, Ma’am: exercises B (reference to context).

Get prepared for the next-day Quiz on this text.

Day 23 Day: Date: Signature:


Prose 2 Thank You, Ma’am: Quiz. Ask some crisp and witty questions from the text.

Day 24 Day: Date: Signature:


Prose 2 Thank You, Ma’am: incomplete works.

Day 25 Day: Date: Signature:


Book of Poems Book 1

Poem 1 The Solitary Reaper by William Wordsworth (1770 - 1850). Recitation & discussion.

Recite this poem repeatedly at home. THE SOLITARY REAPER IS A TIMELESS CLASSIC


Day 26 Day: Date: Signature:


Book of Poems Book 1

Poem 1 The Solitary Reaper: a discussion will be followed by summary writing.

Read the poem. If it is possible memorize some beautiful lines from the poem.

Day 27 Day: Date: Signature:


Book of Poems Book 1

Poem 1 The Solitary Reaper: complete the summary.

Summary writing 1. Don’t copy the text. 2. Don’t distort the facts. 3. Use more synonyms.

Day 28 Day: Date: Signature:


Book of Poems Book 1

Poem 1 The Solitary Reaper: discussion on explanations (some of the most striking lines of the

Get prepared for the Quiz on THE SOLITARY


Page 34: ACADEMIA Middle Section Class- VI, Sub-Bangla Lesson plan … · 2019. 8. 18. · republic vs. empire), the rule of Augustus,


Day 29 Day: Date: Signature:


Book of Poems Book 1

Poem 1 The Solitary Reaper: Quiz.

Day 30 Day: Date: Signature:


Prose 3 Rice-bowl Wishes: reading & discussion on pp. 105-106.

Read the text. Pronounce every single word carefully.

Day 31 Day: Date: Signature:


Prose 3 Rice-bowl Wishes: reading & discussion on pp. 107-108.

Start collecting some beautiful thought-provoking lines from this text.

Day 32 Day: Date: Signature:


Prose 3 Rice-bowl Wishes: reading & discussion on pp. 109-110.

Read the text & analyze the prose style of this beautifully-written story.

Day 33 Day: Date: Signature:


Prose 3 Rice-bowl Wishes: reading & discussion on pp. 111-112.

Learn all the spellings.

Day 34 Day: Date: Signature:


Prose 3 Rice-bowl Wishes: a spelling test will be taken.

Learn meaning of the difficult words.

Day 35 Day: Date: Signature:


Prose 3 Rice-bowl Wishes: word meanings have been written.

Read the text & learn more synonyms of the words which have been used in the story.

Day 36 Day: Date: Signature:


Prose 3 Rice-bowl Wishes: writing tasks (Q. & A.) have been given.

Improve your writing through a rigorous alterations and corrections.

Day 37 Day: Date: Signature:


Prose 3 Rice-bowl Wishes: Q. & A.

Try to make your answers more polished and subtle.

Day 38 Day: Date: Signature:


Prose 3 Rice-bowl Wishes: exercises B (reference to context) to be done.

Read the text for the Quiz.

Day 39 Day: Date: Signature:


Prose 3 Rice-bowl Wishes: Quiz.

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Day 40 Day: Date: Signature:


Prose 3 Rice-bowl Wishes: do the corrections.

Always remember the sunny side of the story.

Day 41 Day: Date: Signature:


Prose 4 The Clockwork Mouse: reading and discussion will be held on pp. 76-77.

Read the pages.

Day 42 Day: Date: Signature:


Prose 4 The Clockwork Mouse: reading and discussion will be held on pp. 78-79.

Read the story and examine the prose-style.

Day 43 Day: Date: Signature:


Prose 4 The Clockwork Mouse: keep reading (actually a balanced combination of reading + discussion; pp. 80-81).

Try to narrate the whole story by using more brilliant adjectives-adverbs and synonyms of the words which have been used in the original text.

Day 44 Day: Date: Signature:


Prose 4 The Clockwork Mouse: reading and discussion will be held on pp. 82-83.

Learn all the spellings.

Day 45 Day: Date: Signature:


Prose 4 The Clockwork Mouse: spelling test.

Word meanings: find out the meaning of words from the text and make it sure that one day these words would be an integral part of your diction.

Day 46 Day: Date: Signature:


Prose 4 The Clockwork Mouse: write down some carefully chosen* words and their meanings. *Basically the key words from the text

Read the text thoroughly and keep memorizing one of the striking lines from the story.

Day 47 Day: Date: Signature:


Prose 4 The Clockwork Mouse: writing task (Q. & A.).

When you’re writing go through a rigorous editing until it turns into a beautiful piece of writing.

Day 48 Day: Date: Signature:


Prose 4 The Clockwork Mouse: writing task (Q. & A.).

Learn the answers.

Day 49 Day: Date: Signature:


Prose 4 The Clockwork Mouse: exercises B to be done.

Get ready for the Quiz.

Date 50 Day: Date: Signature:


Prose 4 The Clockwork Mouse: Quiz – ask some thought-provoking questions rather than general-knowledge-flavored-quizzing.

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Day 51 Day: Date: Signature


Prose 4 The Clockwork Mouse: do all the incomplete and correction-work properly.

Day 52 Day: Date: Signature:


Book of Poems Book 1

Poem 2 Hope by Emily Dickinson (1830 – 1886) will be recited & discussed.

Read the poem, then recite it repeatedly.

Day 53 Day: Date: Signature:


Poem 2 Write down a simple but nuanced summary of this time-honored literary gem.

It’s an American poem. Find out the differences between British and American expressions.

Day 54 Day: Date: Signature:


Poem 2 Finish rest of the summary. Polish it, give a dreamy-look that means the students have to create a soundscape by carefully chosen adjectives.

Read and feel the poem HOPE; try to unveil its inner messages.

Day 55 Day: Date: Signature:


Poem 2 This poem has altogether three quatrains. Choose some philosophy-inflected striking lines and tell them to explain those line in a befitting manner.

Day 56 Day: Date: Signature:


Poem 2 Quiz on Hope.

Day 57 Day: Date: Signature:


Prose 5 The Selfish Giant by Oscar Wilde: reading and discussion will be held on pp. 49-50.

Read the text. It’s an Oscar-Wilde-classic. Oscar Wilde was one of the finest prose writer of his time.

Day 58 Day: Date: Signature:


Prose 5 The Selfish Giant: reading and discussion (pp. 51-52).

Read the text. Collect some information on Chinese civilization for a better understanding of the story.

Day 59 Day: Date: Signature:


Prose 5 The selfish Giant: reading and discussion (pp. 54-55).

Learn meaning of the important words.

Day 60 Day: Date: Signature:


Prose 5 The Selfish Giant: wrap-up of the reading session (pages 56-57).

Do practice all the (hard-nut-to-crack-type) spellings from the story.

Day 61 Day: Date:


Prose 5 The Selfish Giant: spelling test.

Read the text including the word meanings.

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Day 62 Day: Date: Signature:


Prose 5 The Selfish Giant: writing task ( word meanings).

Read the text critically.

Day 63 Day: Date: Signature:


Prose 5 The Selfish Giant: some important answers to be written (Q. & A.).

Writing is an unending continuous process, keep improving your answers.

Day 64 Day: Date: Signature:


Prose 5 The Selfish Giant: write more (Q. & A.)

Read the text and try to decode the techniques which made this story a timeless classic over the decades. There is no deny, everyone wants to read this story again & again. It nourishes our soul so poignantly (because end of the day we mourn for the giant).

Day 65 Day: Date: Signature:


Prose 5 The Selfish Giant: writing task ( exercises B).

Get ready for the tomorrow’s Quiz session.

Date 66 Day: Date: Signature:


Prose 5 The Selfish Giant: Quiz – ask some thought-provoking questions and amplify the power of imagination.

Date 67 Day: Date: Signature:


Prose 5 The Selfish Giant: do the corrections.

Date 68 Day: Date: Signature:

Poetry Book of Poems

Book 1

Poem 3 A Poison Tree by William Blake (1757-1827): recitation and discussion will be held.

Read the poem carefully, a British-inflected pronunciation (not accent) is expected; every single quatrain has a different tone, so shift your tone promptly when you’re reciting the poem; reduce the choppy-effect, don’t waste much time during the transition moments (one quatrain to another quatrain).

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Day 69 Day: Date: Signature:


Poem 3 A Poison Tree: write down a summary.

Read the poem critically.

Day 70 Day: Date: Signature:


Poem 3 A Poison Tree: complete your summary.

Day 71 Day: Date: Signature


Poem 3 A Poison Tree: explain the extracted lines / quatrain from the poem.

Read the full poem.

Day 72 Day: Date: Signature


Poem 3 A Poison Tree: Quiz.

Day 73 Day: Date: Signature:


Review-work 1. Every single topic will be discussed. 2. Board work 3. Quiz 4. Group discussion 5. Classwork 6. Homework 7. Incomplete works 8. Corrections


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ACADEMIA (Middle Section)

Half Yearly

Lesson Plan for the Months of June to November 2019

Class: VI Sub: Bangladesh Studies

BANGLADESH STUDIES: (Time: 2.00 hrs) Full marks: 40+60=100

Bangladesh and Global Studies- Class 6

Chap– 1: History of Bangladesh. Chap-2: Bangladesh and world civilization. Chap–3: Bangladesh in

the Global Geographical Environment.

Date Topic/Book Work forecast Homework

Day 1 History of


Teacher will introduce herself in

the class. Ask them about earlier

lessons which they were read in

class-v. Give basic idea of chapter-


Read chapter-1

Day 2 Students will read pages (1-5)from

chapter-1. Teacher will explain

about the history of society and

how is it formed?

Read pages 1-4 from

chapter-1. Next class




and sign:

Day 1


Oral test will be taken on o/w/a

from previous lesson.

Discussion will be going on from


Go through whole ch-1

for w/s

*Collect picture of and

liberation war and make

an album.

Day 2 Ch-1 W/S will be given and (1-3) Q/S

will be given as home work.

Q.1. How was the Pala reign


2.How did Kaivartya Mutiny come

and take place in the kingdom?

3.Shortly describe about the Sena


Do (1-3) Q/A at home.



and sign:

*Project work will be given on “Ancient Bangladesh: Architecture ,Sculpture

And Fine Arts.”

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Date Topic/Book Work forecast Homework

Day 1 Ch-1 Q/A (1,2,3) home work will be


And (4,5) will be done in the class.

Q.4.Describe how did the Mughal

Empire come to the power?

5. Make a list of the Muslim

dynasties in Bangladesh in the

Middle age.

Learn Q/A (1-3)

Day 2 Ch-1 Oral work will be done on Q/S (1-

3) and (6,7) Q/S will given to do

in the class.

6. Write about the literary works

of Pala and Sena Era.

Q.7. Write a short note cottage .


Memorize Q/S (4,5)



and sign:

Day 1 Ch-2. Bangladesh

and World


Discussion from pg(14-16)

Day 2


Discussion from pg:(17-19)

Go through CH-2 for

O/W/A and F/B



and sign:

Day 1


Q/A (1-3)

Q. 1. Where is the most ancient

monument of Bangladesh


2. Why are the ancient Buddhist

Viharas compared with residential


3. Write a short note on Uari-


4. Make a list of the relics found at

Uari Bateshwar.

Q.5. Identify the names,

time and important

contributions of t

Egyptian and Persian


6. Write about the city of


Day 2 Worksheet will be given for C.A Learn Q/A (1-3)


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comment and sign:

Date Topic/Book Work forecast Homework

Day 1 Ch -3

(Bangladesh in

the Global



Discussion pg:(21-24)

Day 2 Ch-3. Discussion pg:(24-30) Go through pg:(21-30)



and sign:

Day 1 Ch 3 Q/A 1,2

Q.1. Write a short note on Asia.

2. Describe the physical features

of Asia.

Day 2 CH-3 W/S will be given from whole ch



and sign:

Day 1 Q/A (3,4,5)

3. Write a short note on Ocean.

4. Give a serial of reasons why the

Bay of Bengal is important to


5. What are the main resources on

which the economy of various

Asian countries is dependent?

Go through ch-3 for C.A

Day 2

Work sheet will be given for C.A

Learn Q/A



and sign:

Day 1 Revision worksheets given for

half yearly exam

One practice mock exam can be

taken on all chapters

Day 2 Making sure all copies returned

are checked. Making sure all

students have taken the MCWs

and marks are noted down.



and sign:

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Final Term

Lesson Plan for the Month of January 2016

Class: VI Sub: Bangladesh Studies

Date Topic/Book Work forecast Homework

Day 1 Chapter-13


Day 2 teacher will ask question orally Students will read

Chapter-10 and 12 for


Day 3 MCW on Chapter 10 and 12 Students will read

chapter 10 and 12 for

question answer.

Day 4 Chapter-13


Day 5 Teacher will ask question orally students will read

chapter-10 and 12 for


MCW on chapter 10 and 12 students will read

chapter-10 and 12 for

question answer.

Day 1 students will write question answer

Day 2 students will do question answer on


Day 3 teacher will start chapter 14

Lesson Plan for the Month of February 2016

Class: VII Sub: Bangladesh Studies

Date Topic/Book Work forecast Class



Day 1 Underline the important lines

and discuss question answer.

students will read

the whole chapter

for MCW

Day 2 Teachers will take MCW. Students will read

the question answer

of chapter 14.

Day 3 Thursday will write question


Day 4

Lesson Plan for the Month of March, 2016

Class: V Sub: Bangladesh Studies

Date Topic/Book Work forecast Class Work Homework

Day 1 Question answer discussed

Day 2 Students will write question

answer on chapter 13, 14.

Students will read

chapter 13, for T/F

and F/B (MCW)

Day 3 (MCW) on Chapter-13 Students will read

chapter 13, ( all the

F/B that has been

done so far

Day 4 Chapter-13 F/B class Read chapter -13


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Day 5 Discussion on chapter-13

Day 1 Discussion on chapter-13

for the C.T

Day 2 C.T taken

Day 3 Chapter-14 Q/A

Day 4 Chapter-14 F/B and T/F

Day 5

Lesson Plan for the Month of April, 2016

Class: VI Sub: Bangladesh Studies

Date Topic/Book Work forecast Homework

Day 1 Chapter-8 oral test

Day 1 Chapter-10 oral test Chapter-12

Day 2 Chapter-12 Chapter-13

Day 3 Chapter-13 oral test Chapter-14

Day 4 Chapter-14 worksheet Students will read chapter-

8,10 for oral test

Day 5 Oral test Chapter-8, 10 Chapter-12, 13

oral test chapter-12,13 Chapter-14

Day 1 Oral test chapter-14

Day 2

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Lesson Plan for Half Yearly (2019-20)


Class: VI

ICT: (Time: 2.00 hrs.) Full marks: 40+60=100

Terabytes Connect with Computers – Book- 6: by Vaishali Sharma

Chap-1: Computer System Chap-2: Create and Send Invitations Chap-3: Computer Malware Chap-4: Create a

Spreadsheet in MS Excel [Book Exercises: Q/A, True/False, Short Q/A, F/B & Practical, Matching, Tick the correct

answer, Value Words]

Date/Day Topic/Book Work forecast Home work

Introductory Class

Orientation Teacher will introduce herself. Give the students basic idea about the book and copy set up.


Day-1 Chapter-1(Types of software)

Discussion on computer hardware, system software Pg:1-10

Day-2 Lab Lab

Day-1 Chapter-1(Types of software)

Discussion on features of windows, Application software, Programming LanguagePg:11-20

Go through the pages

Day-2 Lab Lab

Day-1 Chapter-1(Types of software)

Q/A-1: Classify Hardware and software. Give examples.

Q/A-2What is the purpose of utility software? Name two commonly utilities.

Day-2 Lab Lab


Day-1 Chapter-1(Types of software)

Q/A-3: How will you define the backup of a file? What is it advantages?

Q/A-4: What is the difference between compiler and interpreter?

Ex. A,B,C

Day-2 Chapter-1(Types of software)

Q/A-5: Give examples of programming languages used across generations.

Ex. A,B,C

Day-1 Chapter-2( Create and send invitations)

Discussion on Modifying page layout, Track changes, different markups, accepting and

rejecting changes, inserting comments, Deleting comments. Pg:24-32

Go through the pages

Day-2 Lab Lab


Day-1 Chapter-2( Create and send invitations)

Discussion on Checking spelling and grammar, Using mail merge. Pg:33-40

Go through the pages

Day-2 Lab

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Day-1 Chapter-2( Create and send invitations)

Q/A-1: Do you think Track changes is an effective features? If yes, Why?

Q/A-2: What are comments? How is it a useful feature?

Day-2 Lab Lab


Day-1 Chapter-2( Create and send invitations)

Q/A-3: What do you understand by the term Mail Merge?

Q/A-4: Give examples how you can use Mail Merge in everyday life?

Ex. A, B,C

Day-2 Chapter-2( Create and send invitations)

Q/A-5: Name the software that is used to create an address book.

Ex. A, B, C

Day-1 Chapter-3( Computer malware)

Discussion on Virus, Worms, Trojan horse, Spyware, Malware, Pg:45-48

Go through the pages

Day-2 Chapter-3( Computer malware)

How does malware get into a computer, How does keep malware away, Data recovery Pg: 49-50


Day-1 Chapter-3( Computer malware)

Q/A-1: What is malware? What does it do?

Q/A-2: Define Virus, Worm and Trojan Horse.

Discussion (Ex. A, B,C)

Day-2 Lab Lab

Day-1 Chapter-3( Computer malware)

Q/A-3: Define payload. Give three payloads of Virus infections. Q/A-4: List advantages of antivirus software.


Day-2 Chapter-3( Computer malware)

Q/A-5: What are the precautions that should be taken to protect a compute from malware? Ex.A,B,C


Day-1 Chapter-4( Create a Spreadsheet in MS

excel 2010)

Discussion on starting MS Excel 2010, Components, Entering data in a worksheet, Types of data. Pg:55-60

Go through the pages

Day-2 Lab Lab

Day-1 Chapter-4( Create a Spreadsheet in MS

excel 2010)

Discussion on Navigating a worksheet, Working with worksheets, Save a workbook, Open a workbook. Pg:61-65

Day-2 Lab Lab


Day-1 Chapter-4( Create a Spreadsheet in MS

excel 2010)

Q/A-1: What is the purpose of MS Excel as an

application software?

Q/A-2: Define worksheet and workbook.

Day-2 Lab

Day-1 Chapter-4( Create a Spreadsheet in MS

excel 2010)

Q/A-3: Show the components of MS Window. Q/A-4: Write the description of the different types of components of MS Excel.

Ex. A, B,C

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Course Content: (Half Yearly)

Chapter-1: Computer System, Chapter-2: Create and send invitations, Chapter-3: Computer Malware, Chapter-4:

Create a spreadsheet in Microsoft Excel 2010

Day-2 Chapter-4( Create a Spreadsheet in MS

excel 2010)

Q/A-5: Give examples of different data types you can enter in a worksheet. Q/A-6: Write the steps to insert and rename a worksheet. Ex. A,B,C


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Mathematics Lesson Plan for Half-Yearly-2019-20

Class: VI Subject: Algebra

Algebra: (i) Algebraic Expression: Ex: 6.1, 6.2 & 6.3


Days Topics Home Work

Day- 1 A warm welcome to the new students and

discussion about the previous class.

Day-2 Explain about Monomial, Binomial and

Polynomial terms and Factors of term

Ex- 6.1- Q1, Q2, Q3




Day- 1 Ex- 6.1- Q4, Q5

Day-2 Explain about operations on algebraic


Ex-6.1- Q6(i, iii, v, vii, ix)

Ex- 6.1- Q1(ii, iv,

vi, viii, x)

Day-1 Ex- 6.1- Q7 (all) , Q8, Q9, Q10, Q11, Q12

Day-2 Ex- 6.1- Q16

Day-1 Correction and incomplete work of ex-6.1 Practice Ex- 6.1

Day-2 MCW from Chapter- 6.1

Teacher’s Comments:


Day-1 Discussion about different types of rules of


Ex- 6.2: Q1 (iii-vi)

Ex- 6.2- Q1(i, ii)

Day-2 Ex- 6.2- Q2 (all)

Day-1 Ex- 6.2- Q3, Q4, Q5, Q6 Practice Ex- 6.2

Day-2 M.C.W from Ex- 6.2

Teacher’s Comments:


Day-1 Ex- 6.3- Q1(v-x) Ex- 6.3 Q1( i-iv)

Day-2 Ex- 6.3- Q2, Q3, Q4

Day-1 Correction and incomplete work of ex- 6.3

Day-2 M.C.W from Ex- 6.3

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Teacher’s Comments: October

Day-1 Discussion about the rules of division

Ex- 6.4- Q1( all)

Day-2 Ex- 6.4- Q2, Q3, Q4

Day-1 Ex- 6.4- example- 14, 15, 16 Practice Ex- 6.4

Day-2 Correction and incomplete work of Ex- 6.4

Teacher’s Comments:

Day-1 M.C.W from Ex- 6.4

N.B. More H. W. should be given.

Revision Period:

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Mathematics Lesson Plan for Half Yearly-2019-20

Class: VI Subject: Arithmetic

Arithmetic: i) Integers: Ex- 1.1, 1.2 & 1.3 (ii) Fractions: Ex- 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4 & 2.5 (iii)

Decimals: Ex: 3.3, 3.4, 3.5 iv) Rational Numbers: Ex - 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 4.5 & 4.6


Days Topics Home Work

Day- 1 A warm welcome to the new students and

discussion about the previous class.

Day-2 Ex- 1.1-INTEGERS: Q1(i) ,(v), Q4, Q6 (iii),





Day-1 Ex- 1.2-INTEGERS: Q1(iv), (v), Q2 (iii),

(iv), Q3 (i-v)



Day-2 Ex- 1.2-INTRGERS: Q4, Q5, Q6

Day-1 Ex- 1.3-INTEGERS: Q1, Q2, Q4

Day-2 MCW from Chapter- 1

Teacher’s Comments:

Day-1 Chapter-2 Integers: Discussion about

different types of fractions. Q3 (i)& Q4 (i)

Day-2 Ex-2.1-Fraction: Q5(v, vi,vii), Q6 (iii, iv) Ex-2.1-Q5 (ii, iii),

Q6( i, ii)

Day-1 Ex-2.1-Fraction: Q7(v,vi), Q8( iv, v, vi)

Day-2 Ex-2.1-Fraction: Q9, Q10, Q11, Q12

Teacher’s Comments: August

Day-1 Ex-2.2-Fraction: Q1 (i-v), Q2(v, vi) Ex- 2.2- Q1(vi-x),


Day-2 Ex-2.2-Fraction: Q4, Q5, Q6, Q8

Day-1 Ex-2.3-Fraction: Q1, Q2 (vi-x)

Day-2 Ex-2.3-Fraction: Q3, Q4, Q5, Q8

Teacher’s Comments:

Day-2 MCW from Chapter 2

Day-1 Ex- 3.3- Decimals: Q1, Q2 (iv,v), Q4

Day-2 Ex- 3.3- Decimals: Q6, Q7, Q8, Q9

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Teacher’s Comments: September

Day-1 Ex- 3.4 - Decimals: Q1 (vii, viii, xix, xx) Q2

(ix, x, xv)

Day-2 Ex- 3.4- Decimals:Q3 (v), Q5, Q6 Ex-3.4- Q1(iv,

v),Q2(v, vi)

Day-1 Ex- 3.5- Decimals: Q1 (iv, v), Q2( iii, vi, viii)

Q4 (ix, x)

Day-2 Ex- 3.5- Decimals: Q5 (v, vi), Q6, Q7, Q8

Teacher’s Comments:

Day-1 Correction and incomplete work of chapter


Day-2 Surprise Test on Chapter 3

Day-1 Ex- 4.1- Rational Numbers: Q13, Q14, Q15 Ex- 4.2 Q3(I, ii),

Q4 (I, ii)

Day-2 Ex- 4.2- Rational Numbers: Q3 (iii, iv), Q4

(iii, iv)

Teacher’s Comments:


Day-1 Ex- 4.3- Rational Numbers: Q3(iii, iv, v, vi)

Day-2 Ex- 4.4- Rational Numbers: Q3(viii, ix,x),

Q4(iv, v, vi)

Day-1 Ex- 4.4- Rational Numbers: Q5, Q6, Q7 Ex- 4.5 : Q2( iii, iv)

Day-2 Ex- 4.5- Rational Numbers: Q1(iii, iv),

Q2(v, vi)

Teacher’s Comments:

Day-1 Ex- 4.6- Rational Numbers: Q2 (iv, v, vi, vii,


Day-2 Ex- 4.6- Rational Numbers: Q3, Q4, Q5, Q6

Day-1 Correction and incomplete work of chapter


Day-2 Surprise test from chapter 4

Teacher’s Comments:

Revision Period:

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Mathematics Lesson Plan for Half Yearly-2019-20

Class: VI Subject: Geometry

Geometry: (i) Lines & Angles: Ex-12.1 (ii) Parallel Lines: Ex- 13.1 & 13.2 (iii) Triangles and

their Properties: 14.1, 14.2, 14.3, 14.4 & 14.5


Days Topics Home Work

Day- 1 A warm welcome to the new students and discussion

about the previous class.

Day-2 Discussion about lines and different types of angles

Day-1 Ex-12.1- Lines and angles: Q4, Q5(I, ii), Q6(I, ii),


Ex-12.1- Q4(iv, v),

Q5(iv, v), Q8, Q9

Day-2 Ex- 12.1-Lines and angles: Q10 (all)




Day-1 Correction and incomplete work of Ex-12.1

Day-2 M.C.W on Ex- 12.1

Day-1 Discussion about Parallel Lines, Transversal and its


Day-2 Ex-13.1- Parallel Lines: Example- 1, 2



Day-1 Ex-13.1- Parallel Lines: example-3, Q5

Day-2 Ex- 13.1- Parallel Lines: Q4, Q6

Day-1 Correction and incomplete work of Ex- 13.1 Practice Ex-13.1

Day-2 M.C.W on Ex- 13.1




Day-1 Discussion about different types of triangles (14.2)

Day-2 Discussion about different properties of triangles


Day-1 Ex- 14.1-Triangles and their Properties: Q2(I, ii,

iii), Q3(I, ii,iii)

Ex- 14.1- Q4, Q5

Day-2 Correction and incomplete work of Ex- 14.1 Practice Ex- 14.1

Day-1 Discussion about the angle properties of triangle.

Page- 184, 185

Day-2 Example- 1, 2, 3, 4- Page- 186, 187


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Day-1 Example 7, page- 189

Day-2 Ex- 14.2- Triangles and their properties: Q3, Q4

Day-1 Triangular Inequality; page- 186- example- 9; pg-


Day-2 Ex- 14.2- Triangles and their properties: Q8, Q9



Day-1 Correction and incomplete work of Ex- 14.2 Practice Ex- 14.2

Day-2 M.C.W on Ex- 14.1 & 14.2

Day-1 Pythagoras Theorem; page- 193

Day-2 Example-11, 12; page- 194




Day-1 Example- 14, 15; page- 196

Day-2 Example- 16, 17; page- 197

Day-1 Ex- 14.3- Triangles and their properties: Q2, Q3

Day-2 Ex- 14.3- Triangles and their properties: Q4 Practice Ex- 14.3



Day-1 Ex- 14.3- Triangles and their properties: Q5, Q6

Day-2 Correction and incomplete work

Day-1 M.C.W. on Ex- 14.3



Revision Period:

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Academia Half Yearly Lesson Plan-2019

Class: VI

Sub: Religious Studies

RELIGIOUS STUDIES: (Time: 2.00 hrs) Full marks: 40+60=100

Studies in Islam

Chapter– 1. The Quran is the Truth Chapter– 2. Allah is the Sustainer of the worlds Chapter– 5. No one can count

Allah’s Blessings Chapter– 7. A Muslim Chapter– 11. Obedience to Parents

Surahs: (i) Surah al-Kawthar (ii) Surah Quraysh.

Day/Date Topics Class Work H.W

1st Day Cahp-1 Reading done C,D,E done in book


Day Chap-1 A(1-4), E done in copy MH.W. C,D do in H.W



Day Chap-1 A (5-9) done in copy

Day-4 Chap-2 Reading done C done in book Go through the chapter



Day-5 Chap-1 MCW taken

Day-6 Chap-2 A,B done in copy

Day-7 Chap-2 C,D done in copy

Day-8 Chap-1,2 Incomplete and correction work done



Day-9 Chap- CT taken on chap-2

Day-10 Chap-5


Reading done chap-5,

A done in copy

Day-11 Chap-5 C (1) done in copy

Day-12 Mid test taken on chap-2,5



Day-13 Incomplete and correction work done Chap-5 C(2) do in H.W


Day-14 Chap-7 Reading and explain done

Day-15 Chap-7 B,C done in Copy

Day-16 Chap-7 A done in copy

(selected ones)



Day-17 MCW taken on chap-7

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Day-18 CT Taken

Day-19 R.W done



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Lesson Plan for the Month of June 2019

Class: VI Sub: SCIENCE

SCIENCE: (Time: 2.00 hrs.) Full marks: 40+60=100

Science Voyage 6

Unit: 1; Chap: 1 - Food and its Sources, Chap: 2 – Components of Food; Unit:

2; Chap: 3 – Separation of Substances Chap: 5 – Sorting Materials into Groups,

Chap: 6 – Changes around us

Unit: 3; Chap: 9 – Plants and Function

Lesson Plan for the Month of June 2019

Date Topic/Exercise Work forecast Homework

Day 01 General discussion

Day 02 Unit-1

Food variety, Functions of food and

Ingredients of food.

(From page 2 & page 3)

Read the Chapter

Day 03 Unit-1

Sources of foods

(From page 4 & page 5)

Read the Chapter



Read the Chapter

Day 04 Unit-1

Food from animal sources,

Food habits of animals

(From page 6 & page 7)

Make a chart about

different sources of


Day 05 Unit-1

Scavengers and Decomposers.

(From page 8)

Day 06 Unit-1

Food chain

(From page 9 & page 10)

Day 07 Unit-1

Objectives types Questions

1 & E

Key words & summary

(From page 10, 11 & 12)

Complete the


1 & 2

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Day 08 Unit-1

Short Answer Questions

Q. No. 1,3,4 & 5

(From page-12)

Lesson Plan for the Month of July 2019

Class: VI Sub: SCIENCE

Date Topic/Exercise Work forecast Homework

Day 09 Unit-1 Long Answer Questions

Q. No. 1,2,4 & 5

(From page-12)

Read Unit- 1 for W/S

Day 10 Unit-1

Work Sheet from Unit-1

Day 11 Unit-1

Group Quiz from Unit- 1



Day 12 Unit-2

Components of food

(From page 15 )

Read the Chapter

Day 13 Unit-2

Carbohydrates & Fats

(From page 16 & 17 )

Read the Chapter

Day 14 Unit-2

Proteins & Vitamins.

(From page 18 & 19 ) Complete checkpoint 1

Day 15 Unit-2

Functions and sources of Vitamins

(From page-19)



Day 16 Unit-2

Functions and sources of Minerals

(From page-20)

Page 58: ACADEMIA Middle Section Class- VI, Sub-Bangla Lesson plan … · 2019. 8. 18. · republic vs. empire), the rule of Augustus,

Day 17 Unit-2

Dietary Fibers or Roughage &


(From page-21)

Complete checkpoint 2

Day 18 Unit-2

Balanced Diet & Nutritional value of


(From page-22)

Day 19 Unit-2

Deficiency diseases

(From page-23)



Day 20 Unit-2

Deficiency diseases of

Vitamins & Minerals

(From page-24)

Day 21 Unit-2

Objectives types Questions No 1 & C

Key words & summary

(From page 25)

Day 22 Unit-2

Short Answer Questions

Q. No. 1,2,3,4 & 5

(From page-27)

Day 23 Unit-2

Long Answer Questions

Q. No. 1,2,3, 4 & 6

(From page-28)

Read Unit- 1 for W/S



Day 24 Unit-2

Work Sheet from Unit-2

Day 25 Unit-2

Group Quiz from Unit- 2

Day 26 Unit 3 Separation of substances

(From page-31)

Read the Chapter

Page 59: ACADEMIA Middle Section Class- VI, Sub-Bangla Lesson plan … · 2019. 8. 18. · republic vs. empire), the rule of Augustus,

Lesson Plan for the Month of August 2019

Class: VI Sub: SCIENCE

Date Topic/Exercise Work forecast Homework

Day 27 Unit 3 Pure & Mixed substances

Properties of mixtures

(From page-32)

Read the Chapter



Day 28 Unit 3 Need for separating of mixtures

(From page-33)

Read the Chapter

Day 29 Unit 3 Methods of separation

Separating solids from solids


(From page-33)

Day 30 Unit 3 Separating solids from solids

(Winnowing & Hand-picking)

(From page-34)

Day 31 Unit 3 Separating solids from solids

(Sieving & Magnetic separation)

(From page-35)



Day 32 Unit 3 Separating Insoluble solids from


(Sedimentation, Decantation &


(From page-36 & 37)

Complete checkpoint 1

From page 35

Day 33 Unit 3 Separating Soluble solids from


(Evaporation & Condensation )

(From page-38)

Day 34 Unit 3 Separating Soluble liquids from

their solutions.

(From page-38 & 39)

Draw a diagram of distillation process

Day 35 Unit 3 Purification of drinking water

(From page-40) Complete checkpoint 2

From page 41

Page 60: ACADEMIA Middle Section Class- VI, Sub-Bangla Lesson plan … · 2019. 8. 18. · republic vs. empire), the rule of Augustus,



Day 36 Unit 3 Solution and Solubility

Water As Solvent

(From page 41 & 42)

Day 37 Unit 3 Objectives types Questions No 1, B &


Key words & summary

(From page 43 & 44)

Day 38 Unit 3 Short Answer Questions

Q. No. 1,2,3,4 & 5

(From page-45)

Day 39 Unit 3 Long Answer Questions

Q. No. 1,3,5 & 7

(From page-45)

Read Unit- 3 for W/S



Lesson Plan for the Month of September 2019

Class: VI Sub: SCIENCE

Date Topic/Exercise Work forecast Homework

Day 40 Unit 3 Work Sheet from Unit-3

Day 41 Unit 3 Group Quiz from Unit- 3

Day 42 Unit-5

Grouping of classification

(From page-58)

Read the Chapter

day 43


Properties of materials for grouping

(From page-59)

Read the Chapter



Day 44 Unit-5

Composing of matter

Roughness, Hardness, Lustre

(From page 60& 61)

Page 61: ACADEMIA Middle Section Class- VI, Sub-Bangla Lesson plan … · 2019. 8. 18. · republic vs. empire), the rule of Augustus,

Day 45 Unit-5

Transparency, Solubility & Flotation

(From page 62& 63) Complete checkpoint 1

From page 62

Day 46 Unit-5

Conduction of heat,

Conduction of Electricity &

Magnetic property

(From page 63& 64)

Complete checkpoint 2

From page 64



Day 47 Unit-5

Objectives types Questions No 1

(A, B & C)

Key words & Summary

(From page 65 & 66)

Read the Chapter

Day 48 Unit-5

Short Answer Questions

Q. No. 1,2,3,4, 6,7 & 8

(From page-67)

Read the Chapter

Day 49 Unit-5

Long Answer Questions

Q. No. 1,2,3 & 4

(From page-67)

Day 50 Unit-5

Group Quiz from Unit- 5 Read Unit- 5 for W/S



Day 51 Unit-5

Work Sheet from Unit-5

Day 52 Unit-6 Reversible & Irreversible changes

(from page-69)

Complete checkpoint 1

From page 70

Day 53 Unit-6 Types of changes

Characteristics of Physical changes

(From page- 70 & 71)

Read the Chapter

Day 54 Unit 6 Chemical Changes

Characteristics of Chemical changes

(From page 72 & 73)

Complete checkpoint 2

From page 74

Page 62: ACADEMIA Middle Section Class- VI, Sub-Bangla Lesson plan … · 2019. 8. 18. · republic vs. empire), the rule of Augustus,

Teacher’s Comment

Day 55 Unit 6 Expansion and Contraction

(From page 74 & 75)

Read the Chapter

Day 56 Unit 6 Common causes of Physical and

Chemical changes

(From page 76)

Read the Chapter



Lesson Plan for the Month of October 2019

Class: VI Sub: SCIENCE

Date Topic/Exercise Work forecast Homework

Day 57 Unit-6 Objectives types Questions No 1.A &


Key words & Summary

(From page 76 & 77)

Day 58 Unit-6 Short Answer Questions

Q. No. 1,2,3,4 & 7

(From page-78)



Day 59 Unit-6 Long Answer Questions

Q. No. 1,2,3, 4 & 8

(From page-78)

Day 60 Unit-6 Group Quiz from Unit- 6 Read Unit- 6 for W/S



Day 61 Unit-6 Work Sheet from Unit-6

Day 62 Unit-9 Plants – Form & Function

(Form page-104)

Read the Chapter

Page 63: ACADEMIA Middle Section Class- VI, Sub-Bangla Lesson plan … · 2019. 8. 18. · republic vs. empire), the rule of Augustus,

Day 63 Unit-9 Root system & Shoot system (From page-105)

Draw a diagram of parts of a plant

Read Unit-9

Day 64 Unit-9 Function of the Root &

Modifications of Roots

(From page-106 & 105)

Complete checkpoint 1

From page 107



Day 65 Unit-9 The shoot system

Function of stem

Modifications of stems

(From page 108 & 109)

Day 66 Unit-9 The Leaf

Parts of Leaf

( From page 110)

Day 67 Unit-9 Function of Leaf

Formula of Photosynthesis

Modifications of Leaves

(From page 111 & 113)

Complete checkpoint 2

From page 113

Day 68 Unit-9 The Flower

Parts of a flower

Draw a diagram of cross-section of a

flower and its parts

(From page 113 & 114)



Day 69 Unit-9 Pollination, Functions of flower and

The fruits and seeds.

(From page 115 & 116)

Day 70 Unit-9 Draw a diagram of how a fruit

develops from flower

(From page 116)

Day 71 Unit-9 Objectives types Questions No 1 (A&


Key words & Summary

(From page 117 & 118)

Page 64: ACADEMIA Middle Section Class- VI, Sub-Bangla Lesson plan … · 2019. 8. 18. · republic vs. empire), the rule of Augustus,

Day 72 Unit-9 Short Answer Questions Q. No. 1,2,4,6, & 7

(From page-119)



Day 73 Unit-9 Long Answer Questions

Q. No. 1,2,3, 4,5 & 6

(From page-119)

Read Unit- 9 for W/S

Day 74 Unit-9 Work Sheet from Unit-6

Day 75 Revision W/S from Unit-1

Day 76



Day 77 Revision W/S from Unit-2

Day 78 Revision W/S from Unit-3

Day 79 Revision W/S from Unit-5

Day 80 Revision W/S from Unit-6



Day 81 Revision W/S from Unit-9