Abstract Form Surgical

ABSTRACT FORM Deadline for submission January 31 st , 21! Please type in capital letters: Absrta"t Title# $resentin% Aut&or# ' ()ame* (Surname* Aut&or+s Title# nstitution-.os/ital# De/artment# Address # 0i/ Code# City# Tele/&one# (/lease in"lude "ountry and "ity "odes* Fa # -mail #  

Transcript of Abstract Form Surgical

7/23/2019 Abstract Form Surgical

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ABSTRACT FORMDeadline for submission January 31st, 21!

Please type in capital letters:

Absrta"t Title#

$resentin% Aut&or# '''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''''''''

()ame* (Surname*

Aut&or+s Title#



Address # 0i/ Code# City#


(/lease in"lude "ountry and "ity


Fa # -mail #


7/23/2019 Abstract Form Surgical

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Preferred Type of Presentation (choose only one):

 Oral  Poster  Choice of Scientic Committee

Categories(please indicate only


Update in the state of Laparoscopic/Rootic S!rgery The role of s!rgery in endocrine disease The e"ol!tion of the management of colorectal cancer

#epatoPancreatico$iliary %isease: the role of s!rgery in

the therape!tic armamentari!m&astric and esophageal cancer: 'here do 'e stand

 Tra!ma systems in a changing 'orld

C!rrent management of hernias

 The changing paradigm in the management of reastdisease

 Trends in ariatric s!rgery

S!rgical Oncology principles

 The role and "al!e of s!rgical technology

S!rgical d!cation and training programs

*nesthesia and intensi"e care of the s!rgical patient+odern concepts in gynecologic s!rgeryChallenges in ne!ros!rgical practice The e"ol!tion of "asc!lar s!rgery

 Registration fee enclosed    Registration fee has een paid

%ate :,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Signat!re : ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 

Con%ress Se"retariat# Tel # 3 231 2!443!56OBA6 7)TS 6td Fa# 3 231 2!44!89A Stadiou Street -mail# info:%lobale;ents<%r999 39 T&essaloni=i -5ree"e &tt/#>>???<%lobale;ents<%r

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 The astracts 'ill e p!lished y copying of the original te-t. 'itho!t anycorrection Please follo' the elo' instr!ctions:

•  Type the astract single0spaced !sing an electric type'riter 'ith clean 120pitchtype 'ithin the margins sho'n on the astract form *stracts not conforming tothe instr!ctions 'ill e ret!rned to the a!thors for retyping

•  Type the astract in nglish:

1 Start 'ith the astract title !sing a lo'er case old letters (s3ip a line)2 Type name(s) of a!thor(s) on a ne' line and !nderline the name of thespea3er  (s3ip a line)4 5n the ne-t line yo! type the 5nstit!tion. #ospital. etc6 The te-t of the astract shall e a single paragraph. starting 'ith a threespace indentation Clarity in presentation is re7!ested O8ecti"es. methods.res!lts. and concl!sions sho!ld e stated meaningf!lly and concisely5ncl!de only a rief description of e-perimental proced!res Res!lts m!stincl!de date or statements related to ndings -cl!de references *!thors are

responsile for the content and 7!ality of astract preparation 9o editing 'ill

e done

• %o not fold Protect *stract reprod!ction form 'ith cardoard if possile

• *fter the astract s!mission. no corrections are accepted

• *stracts not completed. per ao"e instr!ctions. 'ill not e accepted

or any 7!estions. concerning s!mission of astracts. please contact theCongress SecretariatAbstra"ts sent by fa ?ill not be a""e/ted<

  ;o! can send yo!r astract y email to 3aterina<gloale"entsgr  orinfo<gloale"entsgr 

• The Congress Secretariat 'ill ac3no'ledge receipt of the astracts

• *stracts 'ill e accepted !nder the condition that one. at least. a!thor 'ill eregistered 5n case of non0acceptance and if the a!thor does not 'ish toparticipate to the Congress. the registration fees 'ill e ref!nded

• Please indicate yo!r preference on the type of presentation The ScienticCommittee has the right of the nal decision on the forms of presentation

 The Scientic Committee=s decision ao!t acceptance of the astracts. 'ill eanno!nced to the a!thors !ntil February 2t&, 21!< 5f yo! ha"e not recei"ed

7/23/2019 Abstract Form Surgical

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an ans'er !ntil the ao"e date. please contact the Congress Secretariat. tel(>4? 241?) 26@@46