About Synthesis-Net (english)




Transcript of About Synthesis-Net (english)

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Our experience in mobile technologies predates the smart phone. Before

the advant of the iOS and Android phones, we developed solutions for

PDAs and other mobile devices. Currently, we develop apps for all major

platforms. For us, mobile development has been a way of stepping away

from our traditional source of revenue – outsourcing – and tapping into

the creativity of our team to come up with new apps serving a variety of

purposes. Despite our current focus on our own apps, we are always glad

to help others realize their own creative potential. Let us help you develop

your app, be it a solution for making your business better or „the next big

thing to rock the mobile world”...

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The bread and butter for Synthesis-NET has traditionally been outsourcing and IT consulting. Providing nearshore and offshore

development services has allowed our company to grow from 5 to 90 employees over the past decade and growth in this area

continues unabated.

The key to our success in outsourcing has been our team’s remarkably low attrition rates. There is nothing more frustrating

than spending weeks or even months training staff in the ins and outs of your business only to lose them as they move on to

other jobs. As a company we pride ourselves in paying as much attention to the needs of our employees as to those of our

clients. The result: stable teams that are dedicated to ensuring the clients’ needs are met.

We offer expertise in a range of areas including coding, testing, analysis, design, project management, translation and

localization using a variety of technologies. Our clients range from small start-ups to international publicly traded companies

operating in areas ranging from eHealth to the textile industry.



• .NET

• J2SE

• Web /HTML5




• WIFI Direct


• Augmented Reality

• Vuforia SDK

• Bullet Physics

• J2ME


• Visual Studio

• Eclipse

• NetBeans

• XCode

• Unity



• Microsoft IIS

• Apache HTTP Server


• C# / C++ / C

• Core Java





• Objective C


• MS SQL Server


• PostgreSQL

See more: www.synthesis-net.com

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The world is experiencing waves of technological revolution at an

unparalleled pace. Every day greets us with new innovations and technical

and business solutions. Those who fail to keep pace with and take advantage

of these innovations will ultimately fall behind the competition. For example,

a growing number of businesses have realized that constantly expanding

and modernizing internal IT infrastructure is a futile effort and have started

to shift such infrastructure and services into the Cloud. By adopting Cloud

services, companies essentially externalize their IT resources and capacities

to providers that can customize them to fit their needs. This process

allows for unprecedented cost efficiencies as companies no longer have

to make large investments in redundant IT infrastructure that will quickly

become obsolete. A key advantage of Cloud infrastructure lies in the fact

that resources can be scaled to the real-time needs of companies without

jeopardizing the availability of resources or security of their data. However,

taking full advantage of the possibilities offered by the Cloud requires careful

planning and special technical competencies. If you would like to migrate

existing infrastructure to or develop new infrastructure in the Cloud,

Synthesis-Net LLC has the know-how and resources to help you take full

advantage of all the possibilities the Cloud can offer.


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Our multinational team has extensive experience managing complex

IT projects for clients operating in various business sectors in Europe,

North America and the Caribbean. In order to provide our clients with

comprehensive and state-of-the-art solutions, we keep our staff well-versed

in the newest technologies. This is achieved through extensive internal and

external training programs and our long-term R&D arrangements with the

István Széchenyi University of Győr (Hungary) and the Central European

Institute of Technology in Schwechat (Austria).

Synthesis-NET aims to support its clients with high quality yet affordable

services related to every aspect of the software development process.

History and background: Established in September 2003. Affiliated with

one of Central Europe's top IT firms. Located in one of Europe's fastest

growing and most dynamic regions: West Pannonia, Hungary (an hour's

driving distance from Vienna, Budapest, and Bratislava). Quality Control:

Synthesis-NET is ISO 9001 certified. Infrastructure and organization: Our

headquarters is a centrally located 180 m2 office just a five minute walk from

the international train and bus stations and next door to the headquarters

of the Szintézis Group. We also have a large (600 m2) state-of-the-art

development facility located a short distance from the main office.

Synthesis-NET aims to support its clients with high quality yet affordable

services related to every aspect of the software development process.We

have provided services for companies ranging from small start-ups to multi-

national publicly traded companies operating in various business sectors in

Europe, North America and the Caribbean. We have also worked with public

sector clients and on EU funded international R&D projects.


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Eastern Europe has for the past couple decades been a dominant player in IT outsourcing. By volume, the region outranks all

other regions including Southeast Asia and South America (according to ranking such as IDC and THOLONS). Although some

other regions do have cost advantages compared to Eastern Europe, these advantages are generally offset by the added costs

associated with their geographical location and ease of access, infrastructural issues, and even cultural differences. Eastern

Europeans are culturally and educationally little different than their Western European counterparts and have the advantage

of being EU members or partners and in the same time zone. Even compared to North America, the cultural and educational

similarities far outweigh the differences…

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These facts have led many European and North American companies to seek offshore and nearshore services from partners in

Eastern Europe. Hungary holds a prominent place among outsource destinations with only Ukraine and Romania having higher

market volumes. Budapest, for example, is ranked in the top three of European outsourcing hubs (IDC, THOLONS, Fortune 500,

Business Week, and Computerweekly).

Synthesis-NET is located in Győr in western Hungary which from a number of perspectives has advantages compared even to

the capital city, Budapest. The town is a major logistical hub located on major East-West, North-South rail, road and even water

(the Danube) transportation corridors. It is a mere hour by train or car to central Europe’s most important international airport –

Vienna International Airport. The town enjoys a high standard of living, low unemployment rates and yet is more affordable than

Budapest. Additionally, the town is home to a university that is not only an attractive R&D partner, but also offers a continuous

flow of skilled labor in a variety of disciplines.

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Ever since Synthesis-Net LLC was founded, it has been

in partnership with Haemonetics Software Solutions, a

leading multinational company providing blood management

solutions, mostly in the US, but also in Canada and Europe.

Our company is involved in the development of software that

are used in the largest blood centers and blood banks around

the world. Software developed by us traces the blood’s path

from the moment the blood is drawn until it gets to a patient,

while the blood is analyses and several tests are carried out

on it. Such development requires extraordinary precision,

because malfunction may lead to a patient’s death. Besides

the development teams, there are several teams specialized

in testing, who ensure the proper operation of the specific

software modules. Our company is extremely proud to have

grown from a simple partnership to a strategic partner over

the years. This is a great example of how Synthesis-NET got

everything it takes to succeed, and with which we can also

contribute to the success of our partners.

HSS ARCHITECTURE: Java-based software framework for plasma

EQUE: self-administered donor registration system, health history questionnaire and assessment tool

LOGIC: integrated software solution for the tracking, managing and reviewing the disposition of health care products and related

compliance issue information

BLOODTRACK: a management system for use of blood products in hospitals.

SAFETRACE TX: a transfusion service management system, which maintains a complete test and transfusion history for the

patient, and comprehensive management of blood products and supplies from receipt to final shipment and disposition.

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The development of a company's IT infrastructure is no easy

task, in addition, measuring its effectiveness takes complex

and expensive solutions. We have developed a system that

can monitor virtual infrastructures running in a VMware

environment that, compared to the similar solutions on the

market, does not require an IT specialist to operate. The key to

our system is an intuitive user interface that virtually anyone

can manage. By processing historical data and analyzing

current load information, VIMfacilitates decision-making

regarding the optimization of the use of a company’s virtual

infrastructure capacity.


• Historical and real-time monitoring (and graphical

representation) of physical (host) and virtual (VM)

resources in a VMware-based virtual infrastructure

• Generation of warnings and alerts based on user-defined


• Automated E-mails and generation of reports based on

user-defined criteria

• Support for Active Directory as user database

• Configurable access management system allowing the

assignment of users to resources

• Supported by most browsers and mobile devices



The application is available preinstalled on a virtual machine

or a microcontroller.The advantage of the microcontroller is

that the system also processes and displays sensor data of

ambient conditions near the controller (e.g., temperature,

humidity, etc.).Users only need to analyze results. Changes

to the virtual infrastructure - such as structural changes

and the detection of new hosts and virtual machines – are

automatically tracked by the system obviating the need to

install additional modules (agents).

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ERP SYSTEMSIn the life of every business, there comes a day when the processes can no longer be managed in an excel file, and the solution

to manage different processes with different software solutions becomes disturbing. That is when the need of changing to

an ERP system arises. Our company has extensive experience in this area and we are glad to help in the planning and

implementation stages, whether it is a unique solution or not.

Some of the modules of the systems developed by us:

• a module supporting financial processes

• a module supporting storage processes

• solutions supporting management decisions

TIMESHEET MANAGERWhen the company was founded, we have spent a lot of

time figuring out a system with which our employees can

easily register their time, and can provide useful information

for the management. As no software meeting our needs

were available on the market, we began developing our own

software. The development has grown tremendously over the

years with more and more features added to the system. Our

latest plan is a mobile application into which our enterprise

security system and time-tracking software is integrated. This

mobile app would facilitate work-related administration for

our employees even more. With over 10 years of experience

in time-tracking software, we can provide expertise to our

partners from the easiest to the most complex systems.

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ENTERPRISE SECURITY SYSTEM WITH INNOVATION TECHNOLOGYEnterprise Security System, ESS developed by our company

is an innovative access control system that is cheap and

easy to implement. The innovative nature of this system

is the possibility to enter the building not only by entering

a unique code, but also by using a mobile phone. The app

can be installed on your device by a centrally generated QR

code, which the system can recognize and automatically

suggest door opening when approaching the entrance. The

door opening can then be validated by pressing a button.

Besides several useful information, the app also monitors the

way we arrive at work (by car, by bike or on foot). The latest

devices can even open the front door by using NFC (Near

Field Communication) technology. ESS user authorization

request can be managed in the central user database (Active

Directory, LDAP).

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SHARING ECONOMYWhat do Uber, Airbnb, HomeAway, and Lending Club have in common besides their billion dollar valuations? They are all

pioneers in the same collaborative revolution which isreshaping consumer behavior and economies across the globe. So, what

is collaborative consumption? The collaborative or sharing economy’s growth is closely associated with coming of age of the

newest generation of workers – the millennials. The movement is very much grounded in the circumstances of this generation

– high unemployment, underemployment, stagnant wages, limited assets, increasing pressure on the world’s resources, etc.

Synthesis- Net has been involved in sharing economy research for nearly a decade. We have helped our partners develop

solutions in this area and now plan on launching are own solution that we have been using for the benefit of our employees for

some time.

ABOUT SHARENDIPITYSharendipity is not unique in terms of its functionality and goals. Many thousands of sharing platforms are in operation across

the globe and the sharing economy is growing at a rate of 25% per annum. However, our approach to the sharing economy

makes us unique in Hungary and probably internationally as well. Sharendipity evolved at Synthesis-NET as a way to enable

our employees to use and benefit from the considerable amount of resources and infrastructure that the company owns, but

does not use on an everyday basis. In addition, Sharendipity gives us a means to reward our staff by offering them items that

would be unnecessary or prohibitively expensive for them to purchase on their own. By allowing users to vote on items to be

procured from the profits generated by the platform (through rental fees) and contributions of the company, costs related to

such procurements can be more evenly distributed and all employees have a chance to use the items.

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WHAT MAKES SHARENDIPITY BETTER?Many sharing platforms attempt to create communities

from disparate strangers leading to mediocre results or

even outright failure. By focusing on a smaller existing

community, Sharendipity not only overcomes trust issues,

but also improves the logistics of the platform – users do not

have to travel to pick up and return items. In addition, since

Sharendipity caters to existing communities of users, it offers

benefits to those communities who, in turn, play an important

role in promoting the growth of the platform.

ADVANTAGES FOR THE EMPLOYEE• increasing the utilisation of company assets

• extending employee benefits

• motivational tool

• additional income from dormant company assets

• expansion of company assets based on real employee


• affordable opportunities to use otherwise expensive items

(tools, appliances, electronics, etc.)

• option to suggest new shared company assets

• opportunity to add personal items to the shared inventory

and specify their own fees so they can even earn extra


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In the age of industrialized farming, chemical pesticides and GMOs – and rising health concerns - people are beginning to pay

more attention to the food they eat. In addition to the growing number of gardens (both suburban and urban), window farms,

balcony planters, and herbs growing in the living room or kitchen window are gaining popularity. These mini gardens can range

from a tomato plant in a pot, to several plants on a plant stand or even a hydroponic or aquaponic system. Especially in the

latter form, these gardens require regular supervision, since the plants are not cultivated in a natural environment and, therefore,

factors such as lighting, water supply, pH value and nutrients become important considerations.

This Web and mobile-based plant monitoring system was

developed by our R&D team, together with our partners.

How’s my plant? system consists of a microcontroller that

manages various sensors and output devices. Sensors are

used to measure parameters (temperature, humidity, pH, etc.),

while an output device can be a smart connector to which

different devices are connected (an irrigation system, a fan, a

humidifier, additional CFL or a LED lighting, etc.). The sensors

transmit data to the microcontroller, which then forwards this

information to a cloud-based server. Users receive readings

from the sensors via the Web or mobile client. The Web or

mobile interface also allows users to control the connected

output devices. The interface can be used to set alerts, which

users can receive (via Email, SMS, etc.) if certain thresholds

are exceeded for various parameters. Users can then intervene

- even remotely - in cases where thresholds are exceeded (e.g.

turn the humidifier on if humidity levels are low). With How’s

my plant? your plants need never be left untended again.

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THE SOLUTION IS UNIQUE IN A NUMBER OF WAYS• intuitive user interface: easily interpreted real-time and

historical data

• customizable Web and mobile client templates

• customizable plug-and-play solution

• supports a variety of microcontrollers

• sensors can be individually set allowing tracking of

specific needs of each plant (e.g. temperature thresholds

for tomato plants and orchids would be set differently

reflecting their preferred microclimates).

• the sensors can be placed independently from each other

• management of output devices: the system can control

different output devices such as an irrigation system or an

external webcam connected to a smart connector

• automated events and alerts: configure instructions to be

sent by the system automatically to output devices (e.g.

to start a fan) when a threshold is exceeded

• user-defined alerts: if the conditions set by the users are

met, the system sends a message to a specified phone

number or Email address

• multi-platform support: data can be monitored via mobile

devices (smart phones, tablets, smartwatches/Android,

iOS and Windows Phone) or the Web interface

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MULTIMEDIA TELEVISION WITHOUT CABLESNowadays, big TV screens lining the walls of stores entice

customers with their advertisements. In many places, the

overall picture is destroyed by the DVD player and all the

cables hanging down the wall. USB drives are a better option

but the main drawback of both solutions is that the content is

put on a storage device, which makes it extremely difficult to

make any changes in it when needed. Synthesis-NET offers

a unique solution to this problem, where the information is

streamed to the TV screen and the content can be easily edited

via a web-based interface. Besides stores, the system can be

used in corporate environments, where, in addition to news

and common information, birthday wishes for employees can

be displayed, for example.

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In today’s digital era, a new revolutionary technology arises every now and then, of which we have seen quite a few examples in

the previous decades. Our goal is to acquire an up-to-date knowledge of such new technologies, and thereof, be able to provide

our partners exciting, alternative options.

The iBeacon protocol was recently developed by Apple and

implemented in iOS 7. The iBeacon holds the potential for

pioneering a range of new applications that may boost the

indoor positioning system and indoor marketing soon enough.

Bluetooth Low Energy: a new standard that enables

communication between devices with an extremely low

energy consumption. Our references: ESS (our own enterprise

security system), Gyro Mouse (using the smartphone as a

mouse), Computer Locker (if we step away from the computer

at a certain distance, it gets automatically locked).

Augmented Reality: completing the real-world environment

with virtual elements that can be seen through your phone’s

camera. Our references: 3D BlockMastAR is a game based

on physics that allows players to build structures using

virtual building blocks. This app is a small foretaste of the

possibilities the Augmented Reality technology has to offer.