About romania

COMENIUS Multilateral school partnerships Gender Role Inequalities ROLUL INEGALITATILOR INTRE FEMEI SI BARBATI 2012-2014 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein Liceul Tehnologic “Nicolae Ciorãnescu” Târgovişte Technological High School “Nicolae Cioranescu” Targoviste


Informatii despre Romania, judetul Dambovita si orasul Targoviste

Transcript of About romania

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COMENIUS Multilateral school partnerships



This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein

Liceul Tehnologic “Nicolae Ciorãnescu” Târgovişte

Technological High School “Nicolae Cioranescu” Targoviste

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LOCATION- SoutheasternEurope- North of the Balkan Peninsula


Geographiccoordinates:46 00 N25 00 E

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Romania’ three vital landscape features:



3. Concentricallyrelief forms

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Variation and proportionality combined

mountains (31%) hills and plateaus (33%)

plains (36%)

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CLIMATE IN ROMANIA - Continental temperate

Cold, cloudy winters withfrequent snow and fog

Sunny summers

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And at the end of the rainbowyou’ll find a pot of gold….

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BUCHARESTRomania's capital was once known as the "Little Paris."

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Romanian Athenaeum

Triumphal Arch

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Press Building

The National Opera

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The People House

Is the second biggestbuilding in the worldafter the Pentagon

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And other treasures…


Peles Castle


The Casino in Constanta


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245 km of RomanianBlack Sea Coast

Black Sea resorts – some of the finest tourist attractions in the country

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The Danube Delta

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Danube Delta – UNESCO heritage

The largest wetland in Europe with over 1,200 species of trees and plants

and the richest ornithological fauna on the continent

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stones in an

“Egyptian style”

the Sphinx

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The Carpathians preservetraces from the glacial period

and the valleys and the glacial lakes increasing the beauty of the landscape

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Muddy volcanoes

Found in the region where the mountains take a turn towards West

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Scarisoara cave entrance

… and interior

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Dâmbovița County

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Dâmboviţa county has a total area of 4,054 km².

The county's landscape has three main forms. In the north there are mountains from the Southern Carpathians group – the Bucegi Mountains and the Leaota Mountains. In the center there are the sub-Carpathian hills and the southern area is part of the Romanian Plain.

The county's main river gives it its name: the Dâmboviţa River. Also the Ialomiţa River flows in the county's northern and eastern regions, while the Argeş River flows in the south.

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Târgoviște- the County seat of the Dâmbovița County

One of the most important cities in the history of Wallachia, it was its capital between early 15th century and 17th century.

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Dealu Monastery

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Târgoviște-city of romance songs

Gold Chrysanthemum Festival

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