About Prostate Cancer by The Prostate Centre Victoria, BC

Helping Vancouver Island and the Gulf Helping Vancouver Island and the Gulf Islands Islands www.TheProstateCentre.org The Prostate Centre


The Prostate Centre offers unbiased information and support to men on Vancouver Island and the Gulf Islands re prostate health and prostate cancer treatment options. For more information visit the website at http://theprostatecentre.org

Transcript of About Prostate Cancer by The Prostate Centre Victoria, BC

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Helping Vancouver Island and the Gulf IslandsHelping Vancouver Island and the Gulf Islands



Prostate Centre

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Did you know…

Prostate Cancer is the most frequently diagnosed cancer in Canadian men, excluding basal cell carcinoma.Prostate Cancer represents 34% of all newly diagnosed cancers in BC men.1 in 6 men will get Prostate Cancer and 1 in 4 will die of the disease.BC has the highest incidence of Prostate Cancer in Canada.

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Did you know…

In 2009, it is estimated that 775 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer on Vancouver Island. 116 of those men will die from the disease.

The good news? Prostate Cancer can be curable if it is detected and treated at an early stage. There is a 90% success rate for a cure for those men who are caught early!

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What can you do?

Get tested on an annual basis! Visit your doctor once a year for a Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) blood test and a Digital Rectal Exam (DRE). Knowing your PSA number yearly creates a baseline so if there is a jump in the PSA level , this will warrant further testing or follow up.

Visit The Prostate Centre

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The Prostate Centre

About nine years ago, Dr. Gary Steinhoff, Head of Urology on Vancouver Island and Dr. Ludgate, a

Radiation Oncologist, had a vision to provide unbiased medical information to men diagnosed with prostate cancer. On November 1, 2000 the Prostate Centre opened its doors to the Capital

Region and later, the Centre expanded to include all of Vancouver Island to have a border contiguous with the Health Authority.

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What do we do and how we do it

Community Education and Awareness

Through events like our annual Men’s Health Day, we are working towards increasing public education of prostate cancer and early diagnosis at a curable stage. By raising the level of community awareness of the incidence of prostate cancer, we are encouraging earlier detection and more effective treatment of the disease.

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What we do and how we do itPatient Counselling

By trying to reduce the impact of prostate cancer on men, their partners, and families, we offer help with decision making process through the treatment journey of prostate cancer.

The Tara Bhalla Prostate Cancer Follow-Up ProgramThrough following up with men who have started, are currently in treatment and those finished with active treatment for prostate cancer, we are trying to coach men to commit to maintaining their health goals and adhering to post treatment disease monitoring.

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What we do and how we do itCollaboration and Research

By participating in the SELECT Trial, the Selenium and Vitamin E Cancer Prevention Trial research study, The Prostate Centre is playing a role in active research to help prevent prostate cancer. In addition, we will continue our funding commitment for Immune Response research for prostate cancer through the Smith Fund at the Deeley Centre, BC Cancer Agency.

Annual Father’s Day Walk / Run for Prostate CancerIn 2009, The Prostate Centre’s Father’s Day event saw 650 participants come together to raise an astonishing $85,000. 100% of the money raised at our Father’s Day event stays on Vancouver Island for education and research.

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We need your help.

Through activities and programs we stimulate public awareness about prostate health and prostate cancer and through collaboration with other organizations, support groups, and medical professionals we strive to enhance

quality of care and initiate and fund research programs that seek a cure for prostate cancer.

But We Can’t Do It Alone

The funding for The Prostate Centre has come from individuals, corporations, special events and

entrepreneurial activity. We need the assistance of committed supporters who believe passionately about this

cause as much as we do.

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Where does the money go?100% of the money donated to The Prostate Centre stays on

Vancouver Island to support programs and services available to all men and their families.

52% of all money raised goes towards the prevention of prostate cancer and finding a cure for the disease.

48% of all money raised goes towards our community outreach and education programs, and enhancing our counseling and follow up services for men.

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We need to act now.There is now a real sense that, for the cause of

prostate cancer, the time has come.

Over 3,000 men and their families are touched by our services annually and with the generosity of

donors like you we are able to offer the education and support to alleviate their stress. Your ongoing support is vital to the work we do everyday and

your gift has a bearing on future generations through ongoing research.

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The bottom line is…

Prostate Cancer is personal. It affects the lives of all of us and The Prostate Centre is making a tangible difference. With your support this year we will continue to provide programs and leading edge research in our ambitious campaign to eliminate prostate cancer.

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The Prostate Centre100, 1900 Richmond Road

Victoria, BC V8R 4R2250-388-0214

Toll Free on Van Isle 1-866-388-0214www.TheProstateCentre.org

Knowledge and information guide the healing process…