About Cosmetic Dentistry in Vancouver

What cosmetic dentists can do for you? www.kerrisdaledental.co


Cosmetic dentistry is the most convenient and effective way for complete smile makeover. Know some of the important cosmetic dentistry procedures here. For advanced cosmetic dentistry in Vancouver, visit http://kerrisdaledental.com/

Transcript of About Cosmetic Dentistry in Vancouver

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What cosmetic dentists can do for you?


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Cosmetic dentists provide wide array of advanced treatments thus, helping you smile confidently. Here are few ways how cosmetic dentists can provide your smile a lift.


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Teeth gets stained or discolored with time. This may be due to smoking, consuming foods and beverages such as coffee, tea, red wine, etc. or even due to certain medications. Teeth whitening is the least expensive and simple treatment to enhance your smile. Researches have revealed that professional tooth whitening is safer and effective compared to DIY remedies.



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Dental veneers treats conditions such as slightly crooked teeth, discolored or chipped teeth and even it covers the spaces between the teeth. Veneers are custom made that are adhesively bonded to the front side of the tooth.



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Implants are long-term solution for missing teeth and an alternative to bridges. A metal device made of titanium is surgically placed into the jawbone where the tooth is missing. The result is more youthful appearance and enhanced smile.



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Crowns are also known as caps usually made of acrylic or porcelain that has been fused to metal in order to bear the biting pressure. The custom made crowns treat conditions such as poorly shaped, badly decayed, broken or chipped teeth.



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For the best cosmetic dentistry in Vancouver, contact Kerrisdale Dental Centre

Phone : (604)261-9304

Website : www.kerrisdaledental.com