Abortion is the Termination of a Pregnancy

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  • 8/14/2019 Abortion is the Termination of a Pregnancy


  • 8/14/2019 Abortion is the Termination of a Pregnancy


  • 8/14/2019 Abortion is the Termination of a Pregnancy


  • 8/14/2019 Abortion is the Termination of a Pregnancy


  • 8/14/2019 Abortion is the Termination of a Pregnancy


  • 8/14/2019 Abortion is the Termination of a Pregnancy


    sure that your baby is going to agood home.


    Another option for dealing with anunwanted pregnancy is abortion, orthe termination of your pregnancy.Many women are just not ready forthe physical and emotionrepercussions of being pregnant. Findout what you need to know beforechoosing abortion, such as abortionmethods, how to choose an abortion

    doctor, the psychological effects ofabortion, and about the non-invasiveherbal abortion. Learn more nowabout how you can have a safeabortion.

    How Can You Decide?

    Making a decision about how to

    handle your unwanted pregnancy willnot be easy. For each individualthere are many things to consider andno right decision will be the same foreveryone. Deciding what is best foryou can be very stressful andconfusing. Consider visiting apregnancy center and talking with atrained counselor for free so that you

    can have as much support as youneed when deciding what is best foryour body.