ABN: 22 761 278 122 Principal: Mrs M Crelley Issue No: 6 ... · the expectations for mobile...

RESPECTFUL RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS Principal: Mrs M Crelley Issue No: 6 Term: 2 Monday 6 th May, 2019 Welcome Back Welcome back to all students and staff for a positive, productive and peaceful term. I would also like to welcome our newest students and families who have recently joined us. ANZAC Day March Thank you to all students who attended the ANZAC March on the last Thursday of the school holidays. We continue to have pleasing student participation at this very solemn and significant event and we commemorated this occasion as a school at our assembly last Friday 3 rd May. Thank you to Mrs Lourigan for again overseeing the organisation of our ANZAC Day remembrance services. Staffing I am excited to officially welcome Mrs Alanya Skewes as Head Teacher English/Creative and Performing Arts who has been permanently appointed to this position. Likewise, I also officially congratulate Ms Simone Crossley as a permanent appointment to the role of Head Teacher Teaching and Learning. Mr Dan McKenzie has been successful in his application for the role of Support Teacher which will commence Term 3. Mr Pat Hubatka will also remain teaching the Support Class until a replacement can be found for Mr McKenzie who will remain with his PDHPE classes until such time. Mr Mark Elliott has accepted a position at another school and we wish him all the best. Mrs Locke has also relocated to another position further afield. Mr Harry Smout will join the Mathematics faculty to replace Mrs Locke. Ms Erika Collins will temporarily be taking Mr Elliott’s classes until the position is filled. Special Programs Term 2 This term we commence the running of some fantastic programs to support and engage identified students. Police School Liaison Officer Constable Alex Davies will be working with Mr Joey Longford and a select group of students from Year 7-9 building self-esteem and respectful relationships through increased collaboration and teamwork opportunities available within these groups. This will be a ‘hands on’ experience with students working on projects such as bicycle restoration together as a group. Headspace will be offering in-school small group sessions from mid-way through this term to support emotional and social wellbeing of identified students, which is a unique and valuable partnership between our school and this fantastic service. Updated Mobile Phone/Electronic Device Policy 2019 This term will see the introduction of an updated Mobile Phone/Electronic Device Policy to safeguard our environment from unnecessary disruptions and distractions due to the unauthorised use of mobile phones and electronic devices in the classroom. The classroom is a place for learning and as a school this is our core business. This policy aims to clearly state the expectations for mobile phone/electronic device use while at school in keeping with our Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) behaviour management processes. In short, mobile phones/electronic devices are only to be seen and used in a classroom for educational purposes when asked by the teacher. The use of a mobile phone in class may be warranted if the teacher, for example, requires students to look up a particular website for learning, to access a shared class drive on the computer or to film a performance for feedback. When not used for educational purposes at the direction of the staff member, phones and devices should be “Off and Away.” The school will reinforce the “Off and Away” message through signage and regular reference. Our PBL lessons will also be used to go through the updated Mobile Phone/Electronic Device policy with students so there is a clear understanding of expectations and consequences and to promote positive behaviour in relation to the responsible use of this technology. This information will also be delivered to students at assemblies, some of which occurred last term. Most of our students are exceptionally responsible and respectful in their use of phones and devices at school and this is much appreciated. This new policy acts as a constant reminder of the P.O Box 843, LEETON 2705 Ph: 69532122 Fax: 69535085 [email protected] ABN: 22 761 278 122 Educating young people for active and responsible citizenship” ~~ PRINCIPAL’S REPORT~~

Transcript of ABN: 22 761 278 122 Principal: Mrs M Crelley Issue No: 6 ... · the expectations for mobile...

Page 1: ABN: 22 761 278 122 Principal: Mrs M Crelley Issue No: 6 ... · the expectations for mobile phone/electronic device use while at school in keeping with our Positive Behaviour for


Principal: Mrs M Crelley Issue No: 6 Term: 2 Monday 6th May, 2019

Welcome Back Welcome back to all students and staff for a positive, productive and peaceful term. I would also like to welcome our newest students and families who have recently joined us. ANZAC Day March Thank you to all students who attended the ANZAC March on the last Thursday of the school holidays. We continue to have pleasing student participation at this very solemn and significant event and we commemorated this occasion as a school at our assembly last Friday 3rd May. Thank you to Mrs Lourigan for again overseeing the organisation of our ANZAC Day remembrance services. Staffing I am excited to officially welcome Mrs Alanya Skewes as Head Teacher English/Creative and Performing Arts who has been permanently appointed to this position. Likewise, I also officially congratulate Ms Simone Crossley as a permanent appointment to the role of Head Teacher Teaching and Learning. Mr Dan McKenzie has been successful in his application for the role of Support Teacher which will commence Term 3. Mr Pat Hubatka will also remain teaching the Support Class until a replacement can be found for Mr McKenzie who will remain with his PDHPE classes until such time. Mr Mark Elliott has accepted a position at another school and we wish him all the best. Mrs Locke has also relocated to another position further afield. Mr Harry Smout will join the Mathematics faculty to replace Mrs Locke. Ms Erika Collins will temporarily be taking Mr Elliott’s classes until the position is filled. Special Programs Term 2 This term we commence the running of some fantastic programs to support and engage identified students. Police School Liaison Officer Constable Alex Davies will be working with Mr Joey Longford and a select group of students from Year 7-9 building self-esteem and respectful relationships through increased collaboration and teamwork opportunities available within these groups. This will be a ‘hands on’ experience with students working on projects such as bicycle restoration together as a group. Headspace will be offering in-school small group sessions from mid-way through this term to support emotional and social wellbeing of identified students, which is a unique and valuable partnership between our school and this fantastic service. Updated Mobile Phone/Electronic Device Policy 2019 This term will see the introduction of an updated Mobile Phone/Electronic Device Policy to safeguard our environment from unnecessary disruptions and distractions due to the unauthorised use of mobile phones and electronic devices in the classroom. The classroom is a place for learning and as a school this is our core business. This policy aims to clearly state the expectations for mobile phone/electronic device use while at school in keeping with our Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) behaviour management processes. In short, mobile phones/electronic devices are only to be seen and used in a classroom for educational purposes when asked by the teacher. The use of a mobile phone in class may be warranted if the teacher, for example, requires students to look up a particular website for learning, to access a shared class drive on the computer or to film a performance for feedback. When not used for educational purposes at the direction of the staff member, phones and devices should be “Off and Away.” The school will reinforce the “Off and Away” message through signage and regular reference. Our PBL lessons will also be used to go through the updated Mobile Phone/Electronic Device policy with students so there is a clear understanding of expectations and consequences and to promote positive behaviour in relation to the responsible use of this technology. This information will also be delivered to students at assemblies, some of which occurred last term. Most of our students are exceptionally responsible and respectful in their use of phones and devices at school and this is much appreciated. This new policy acts as a constant reminder of the

P.O Box 843, LEETON 2705 Ph: 69532122 Fax: 69535085 [email protected] ABN: 22 761 278 122

“Educating young people for active and responsible citizenship”


Page 2: ABN: 22 761 278 122 Principal: Mrs M Crelley Issue No: 6 ... · the expectations for mobile phone/electronic device use while at school in keeping with our Positive Behaviour for


expectations and consequences if the use of these devices causes a negative impact to the teaching, learning and wellbeing environments within our school. Phones and devices used in an inappropriate manner in the playground will also attract penalties in accordance with our PBL behaviour management process. The new policy is available on our school website and is attached to this newsletter. Thank you for your support in implementing this policy in the best interest of teaching, learning and wellbeing at Leeton High School. Semester 1 Reports This semester we will report student achievement via the common grade scale A-E descriptors and reporting terminology to convey what the student knows and can do in relation to syllabus standards in each course. Year 12 reports will contain an overall course achievement grade (A-E), a mark for effort (5-1) and an assessment rank. Years 7-11 reports will contain an overall course achievement grade (A-E) and a mark for effort (5-1). Any queries, please feel free to contact the school on 0269532122. Reporting dates are as follows:

Year 12 Reports to students Friday 17th May. Year 11 Reports to students Friday 31st May. Year 11 and 12 Parent/Teacher Interviews Tuesday 4th June. Years 7-10 Reports to students Friday 28th June. Years 7-10 Parent/Teacher Interviews Tuesday 2nd July.

More information about accessing the parent portal through Sentral, to book appointments with teachers, will be provided closer to the scheduled interview dates. Positive Behaviour for Learning Term 2 Our Positive Behaviour for Learning focus lessons for this term will feature information and activities on: the appropriate use of technology; digital citizenship; right place, right time; following instructions; avoiding non-compliance; respect and speaking politely. PBL tickets are given to students who exhibit our core values and expectations – being respectful, responsible learners. Students can choose to enter their tickets in our PBL draws in Weeks 3, 6 and 9 each term or accumulate 25 tickets for a merit award in pursuit of our ultimate merit honour – the Platinum jacket. There is also a major prize draw at the end of each term. Congratulations to Jackson Bullivant who won the end of term major prize - a UE Boom 3. World’s Greatest Shave 5th April Our generous students raised a grand total of $2383.44 participating in the World’s Greatest Shave to help fight blood cancer. A huge thank you to our six participants, volunteer hairdressers and those who donated their time, baked goods and money to support this cause. Year 6 into 7 Transition Program Term 2 Our Year 6 Transition Program will commence in Week 4 Term 2 and continue for the remainder of Term 2 on Wednesday afternoons. We look forward to providing you with more information about this great program in the coming weeks and can’t wait to meet our newest students! Any questions regarding our Transition Program, please contact us on 0269532122. Breakfast Club and Homework Centre @ Leeton High School Breakfast Club will run Tuesday and Friday mornings. Toast and a variety of spreads and fresh fruit is available. A huge thank you to the Golden Apple for supporting us with this great start to the day. Our Homework Centre will run on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons from 3.30pm – 4.30pm in the Library. Teachers will be available to support students with homework, assignments and assessment tasks. Students are welcome to access the internet for educational purposes via the computers in the library. Leeton High School recognises and values the importance of communication between home and school. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call the school on 69532122. Stay in touch with the happenings at Leeton High School via the School Website http://www.leeton-h.schools.nsw.edu.au/ or our Facebook page - https://www.facebook.com/LeetonHS .

Mrs Meagan Crelley Principal

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At the recent attendance barbeque held at the end of Term 1 we had just under 50% of our students enjoy the event as their attendance rate was over 95%. We also had a smaller segment of students of approximately 20% receive a certificate of acknowledgement for attendance rates between 90% and 95%. We had about 50 students which fell just shy of the 90% attendance rate. We acknowledge that student attendance is a complex issue and therefore requires a range of strategies which acknowledges that it is a shared commitment by students, parents, care givers, the school itself and the community. Research also demonstrates that there is a strong correlation between attendance and student learning outcomes. I therefore take this opportunity to communicate our school attendance target and will in forthcoming newsletters report on progress towards our target.

As can be seen in the above chart, Leeton High School (green bars) has pleasingly, albeit slowly improved its attendance over the last four years when compared to ‘Statistical Similar Schools’ (black bars) and also the attendance rate compared to the NSW average (red bars).

The above graph displays attendance rates for Term 1 2019

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For Term 1, 2018 only the Year 7 cohort were above the 85% benchmark that we as a school set ourselves to achieve. This year we have three cohorts above our 85% target – they include 7, 8 and 12 (refer to chart above). Well done to these cohorts. Year 10 is below our expectations with their attendance, but this is a similar story when looking historically at Leeton High School and also the NSW average. Despite saying this, an improvement in their overall attendance rate has occurred this year compared to last year (refer to green arrows) and a decline has unfortunately been seen in Year 7 and 9 when compared to 2018. As a school we will reinstate regular messages to parents about whole school absences and we will start communicating to parents if their son or daughter is marked away for a particular lesson without a reason. This will occur from Week 4 this Term. The school will also hold attendance barbeques on a termly basis to celebrate the achievement of students with attendance rates over 95% and certificates will be handed out to all of those students with rates above 90%. Employers look very favourably on them if students make mention of these in their resumes. Parents are encouraged to notify the school if their children are to miss a day of school. We understand the need if your son or daughter is sick and they require time to recover, but we also wish to emphasise to students who sit below our 85% school wide target that - missing one day each week means that you miss out on about 2 weeks of lessons each term, which equates to nearly a Term (8 weeks) of schooling over the year. Glenn Duggan Deputy Principal (Teaching and Learning)

Rehearsals are back in full swing for our 2019 school musical, Back To The 80’s. With over 60 students involved in the cast and a further 20 involved in the band and crew, it’s gonna be totally awesome! Although the rehearsal schedule is gruelling (different rehearsals 6 days a week including before and after school), there’s still plenty of fun to be had, as demonstrated by the pictures below. There will be 2 matinee and 2 evening performances from 2nd-3rd July so keep an eye out for our posters and tickets, which will be out soon.

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Riverina Dance Festival 2019 Last week we received news that two LHS Dance Ensembles have been selected to participate in the Riverina Dance Festival following auditions at the end of last term. As a result 22 students will have the opportunity to perform in this fantastic showcase of dance from schools across the Riverina. Our Representative Dance Ensemble will perform a work entitled ‘Unity’ that focuses on coming together as one. Congratulations to all the girls on their hard work and to Ella Saddler of Year 12 who choreographed the piece. Our newly formed Junior Dance Ensemble will perform ‘Stick it to the Man’, a piece that explores teenagers rebelling as they fight for greater independence. This group of Year 7 and 8 students have worked hard in their recess and lunch breaks throughout Term 1 to prepare their audition and should also be congratulated. The Riverina Dance Festival will take place on Friday 21st June at the Griffith Regional Theatre. Tickets will be available from the theatre from Monday 13th May. Those students wishing to purchase Riverina Dance Festival jackets will need to return their order form and money by Wednesday 15th May. Forms can be collected from Mrs Goman

2019 NAPLAN Online Testing A letter was recently sent home with Yr 7 and Yr 9 students to inform parents of the 2019 arrangements for NAPLAN testing. NAPLAN assesses literacy and numeracy – important skills that each child needs to succeed in school and life. The NAPLAN tests are designed to help us make sure students are on track with their literacy and numeracy development. Students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 participate in NAPLAN tests for reading, writing, conventions of language (spelling, grammar and punctuation) and numeracy. Between 14th May and 24th May 2019, our school will participate in NAPLAN Online. Students do not need to be computer experts to take the NAPLAN test online. Making sure students have computer skills is part of our school curriculum, and our teachers will ensure your child is familiar with the online format. To see the types of questions and interactive features of NAPLAN Online, visit the public demonstration site: http://www.nap.edu.au/online-assessment/public-demonstration-site

All students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 are expected to participate in the annual NAPLAN assessment. Students with disability may qualify for adjustments that reflect the support normally provided for classroom assessments. To apply for the use of any disability adjustments for your child or if you have any questions about NAPLAN Online, please contact the school and speak to Mrs Meagan Crelley, Principal or Mrs Naomi Butler, Learning and Support Teacher.

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ENGLISH DEPARTMENT JUNIOR ENGLISH Congratulations to all English students from Year 7-10 who submitted quality, creative and thoughtful assessment tasks at the conclusion of Term 1. Junior classes will be receiving feedback this week. Year 10 English classes completed a discursive piece of writing in the form of a feature article; presenting opinions and thoughts on the concept of belonging or not belonging. Below are extracts of some exemplary student work…

Extract 1: It’s Human Nature to Feel the Need to Belong. But Why Fit in When You Were Born to

Stand Out? To conform or not to conform, that is thy question. We all have our own individuality however, we tend to subject ourselves to criticism in an attempt to meet social expectations of ‘normal’. In other words, ‘to fit the mould’. I myself being no exception. It’s human nature to feel the need to belong. When we feel as though we

don’t belong, we can become alienated by not only others, but also ourselves. The sense of wanting to belong is always with us, if we are aware of this is a different question. People can become confused or unsure of where they fit in ‘the grand scheme of things’. To some, the feeling of belonging and acceptance is more important than following their heart and staying true to themselves.

Extract 2: Judgement vs Belonging

The human race strives to find one thing. No, I’m not talking about love or money or happiness and this

isn’t about the meaning of life. Instead; we spend our lives trying to ‘fit in’. Some will defy this in an

attempt to stand out, but in reality, we all belong to the human race. The human race is judgemental, a

flaw we are not born with but instead taught from parent to child, through all generations. As a community, we choose to judge others and ultimately this is what decides how we react and interact with

those around us.

Extract 3: The Power of Belonging In the 1930’s drinking while pregnant was not only common but unquestioned. If you saw a pregnant woman drinking excessively today I’m sure you would be concerned. A doctor operating in the 1930’s would

prescribe smoking cigarettes and cigars to patients with lung problems. If you heard this from a doctor today, you would question his medical certificate. So, why is it that society is still ignorant about racism, even today? If society is as technologically advanced as we claim, why are we still stuck in the mindset of the 1930’s? We brag about how much we have accomplished, how far we have come, but have we truly advanced at all?

Alanya Skewes

HT English/CAPA

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NSW CHS SWIMMING CHAMPIONSHIPS During Week 11, nine students from Leeton High School represented the Riverina at the NSW CHS Swimming Championships. Both Dion DeMamiel and Hayden Gilmour were commendable in their individual events over the three days doing themselves and their school proud. Dion was joined by Blayne Thompson, Angus Crelley and Lachlan Holden in the 16 Years Boys 4x50m Freestyle relay with all boys performing well at the meet. Reece Grundy, Jhi Grundy, Thomas Heins and Raith Henman joined both Dion and Hayden in the 6x50m All-Age Relay. Again all of the boys should be proud of their efforts. Congratulations to all our representatives.

OPEN GIRLS SOCCER On Wednesday 10th April, the Open Girls Soccer Team travelled to Hillston to compete in the first round of the CHS Soccer comp. Within the first 10 minutes of the game, Tahlia Barton–Roden had scored the first of 4 goals by LHS. With strong defence, led by Charlie Lamont in goals, our ‘rookie’ midfielders, Grace Korovata and Paris Crelley worked well together to mystify Hillston in the middle, resulting in a goal to Grace in the 20th minute. Jade Cooper chipped in with another goal just before half time (after taking a few practise shots at the school bus) to make the score 3-0. In the second half, our girls, though tired, continued to work hard and experiment with different positions on the field. Hillston scored their first goal before Grace Korovata scored her second of the match, keeping a 2 goal buffer. In what seemed like the longest half ever, Hillston scored their second goal just before full time, but it was too little, too late with LHS coming out on top 4-2. It was a great match by a team with quite a few inexperienced players and several Year 8 students stepping up to play in the Opens age group. Sarah Seymour was solid in defence throughout the match, while Hannah Pianca had a few good runs early on and Bella Franz gave great support from the sideline towards the end of the match. Big shout out to the parents who came along to watch and to Charlie Lamont for captaining the girls and leading by example both on and off the field. Congratulations to all involved. LHS will progress through to round 2 where they will take on Yanco Ag in early Term 2.

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Attendance BBQ

DATES TO REMEMBER Wed 8th May – LHS Cross Country Tue 4th June – Years 11 & 12 Parent Teacher Interviews Tue 21st May – SW Cross Country Fri 21st June – Riverina Dance Festival Wed 22nd May – Yr 6 Transition Commences Tue 2nd July – Years 7-10 Parent Teacher Intervies

P&C STREET STALL Saturday 18th May

Please help with donations of baked goods and produce to sell to raise funds to support students at LHS. If you do not like to bake donations of lollies to bag up to sell are also greatly appreciated. Drop off at the street stall (next to Deez) from 8.30am on Saturday 18th May, please attach a note listing ingredients of baked items, (This can be found at the end of this newsletter). Helpers to staff the stall are also needed (even 1/2hr helps). Call Fiona Cain-McAliece – 0437 536 804 or email [email protected] to nominate a time to attend or organise pick up of items. If any family would like to donate a raffle prize this would be a terrific help. Thank you for your assistance.

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Tuesday 18

th June 2019

Western Riverina Careers Expo

The Western Riverina Careers EXPO with take place at Leeton High School on Tuesday 18th June 9.30am-1.30pm. The event is bigger and better than last year with over 80 exhibitors for the students to visit and gain valuable information relating to their career path choices. This year we have a wide variety of local industries as well as job networks, gap year options, volunteer experiences and a huge presence of

tertiary providers. Leeton High School’s Years 10-12 will have allocated time slots to attend during the day and all other years have the opportunity to participate during lunch. EXPO is ‘Open to the Public’ and we encourage all parents and carers to come and experience what the EXPO has to offer. WIN PROGRAM

Group 1 students involved in the WIN Program commenced their work placement last week. We wish them all the best for the 10 weeks of placement. A reminder your work journals must be placed in the tray in the Front Office for checking each week.

Group 2 now have their calendar of events with a Registration Day and Work Ready Day over the coming weeks. Please make sure your permission notes are returned as soon as possible to the Front Office. RSA COURSE

Leeton Shire Council is offering the RSA course at the discounted price of $60 (normally $160). The course will run on this Sunday 5th May from 9am-4pm and also Thursday 16th May from 4.30pm. Limited spots available.

You must be 17yrs old at the date of the course.

Contact Natalie O'Leary on 6953 3777 Western Riverina Community College.

With Mrs Goring & Mrs Palmer

WIN Program Students

Group 1 All the best for your Work

Placement for the term

Leeton High School Careers

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Leeton High School Mobile Phone and Electronic Device Policy 2019

Introduction This policy covers the appropriate use of electronic devices at Leeton High School as well as appropriate use of the network resources, internet and email system provided at Leeton High School. All of these have the potential to be incorporated appropriately into lessons, opening exciting new approaches to learning. When these technologies are misused by students, they can be very disruptive to teaching and learning and in some cases cause harm. For the wellbeing of students, electronic devices should at all times be used respectfully and responsibly. Devices should not be distracting students from their learning or negatively impacting on student success and a healthy classroom environment through missed or unfinished tasks, being caught up in negative comments or being focused on their device instead of people or other parts to their life. The expectation is that our students use technology responsibly and respectfully and as a tool for learning when asked by the teacher. It is required that while in class, all devices are OFF and AWAY unless explicitly directed by the teacher. It is also an expectation that our students do not engage in behaviour that harms their wellbeing or the wellbeing or others. Leeton High School acknowledges that:

Students may need to be in possession of an electronic device at school for reasons relating to their safety when travelling to and from school.

There may be some times during school that electronic devices may be used for lesson delivery and educational engagement. The decision to use an electronic device will be made under the explicit direction and supervision of the classroom teacher.

Electronic devices include:

Portable devices

Network, Internet and email usage. Portable devices include:

Mobile phones, digital cameras, MP3 players/iPods, iPads, tablets, game consoles and other similar devices.

During class, all devices must be turned OFF and AWAY in the student’s bag.

The device is the student’s responsibility. Leeton High School does not accept any responsibility for the security, loss or damage of the device while it is in the student’s possession.

Students must not use the device to record images, video or sound (unless under explicit teacher instructions for learning).

Students must not use a device for accessing, downloading or sending inappropriate, offensive or prohibited material.

Students must not share passwords or login details. Students are responsible for what sites their device accesses or information sent under their login.

Students must not use a device to contact a parent/carer during class time. All such calls or messages must be made through the front office. Emergency contact may only be made through the front office of the school.

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Junior Students (Years 7 – 10)

When not used for educational purposes during class, all devices must be turned OFF and AWAY in the student’s bag.

Devices may only be used in accordance with teacher instructions and only used for educational purposes. For example: research, filming sport activities or drama performances for feedback.

Senior Students (Years 11 – 12)

When not used for educational purposes during class, all devices must be turned OFF and AWAY in the student’s bag.

Devices are only to be used in accordance with teacher instructions.

Students may listen to music during iStudy periods provided that students remains focused on their learning. Headphones are required to maintain a quiet environment conducive to concentration and learning.

Texting, playing games or disturbing others from their learning is not permitted in iStudy and will attract penalties.


Students are generally discouraged from bring an electronic device/mobile phone on an excursion. The same expectations for electronic device/mobile phone use are enforced by supervising teachers while on excursion. When not used for educational purposes, all devices must be turned OFF and AWAY in the student’s bag.

Note: Supervising teachers may choose to prohibit students bringing phones away on excursions.

Network, Internet and Email usage Network Resources Leeton High School provides students with secure storage on the school’s network as well as access to some networked printers throughout the school.

Students must only use the network storage for school-based work and resources.

Students must not save inappropriate or offensive material or games on the school’s network.

Students must not store programs on the school network.

Printing must only be done with the permission of a teacher.

Internet Leeton High School provides filtered internet access for students across the school for use in class. This internet service is filtered by the NSW Department of Education (DoE) and is intended for research, learning and communication between students and staff.

The internet is only to be used for educational purposes.

Students must not access, download, or distribute inappropriate, offensive or prohibited material.

Students must not download any material that represents a breach of copyright law.

Students must not use Wi-Fi to connect devices to unfiltered internet.

Students must use only their own log-on details and must not share their log-on details with another person.

Computers should be logged off when work is complete. Email Usage The NSW Department of Education provides each student with their own email address and webmail service. This is accessible through the DoE student portal. The conditions for use of this service are outlined in the DoE’s internet and email usage policy https://education.nsw.gov.au/policy-library/policies/online-communication-services-acceptable-usage-for-school-students.

Email must only be used for educational and learning purposes.

Students must use only their own log-on details and must not share any person’s log-on details (whether staff or student, including their own) with another person.

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Students must not access, download or distribute inappropriate offensive or prohibited material.

DoE email must not be used to harass, bully or threaten any person or group. Consequences of a breach of this policy may include:

Placement on a Student Improvement Plan, a Level 2 Faculty Monitoring Card or a Level 1 Deputy Monitoring Card.

Confiscation of the device for collection from the Deputy Principal or Principal at the end of the school day.

Confiscation of the device until such time as a parent/carer can attend the school to collect the device, or pending an interview between the student, parent/carer and the Deputy Principal or Principal.

Loss of internet and network privileges for a period of time.

In cases of bullying, harassment or threatening behaviour, school-based management (detentions, meetings, suspensions), as well as outside agencies such as the police will be involved.

In cases of refusal to hand over the device, school-based management will be involved as outlined in the chart below.

Devices confiscated will be:

Turned off by the student.

Collected by the confiscating teacher, Head Teacher or Deputy Principal.

Stored by Administration staff, Deputy Principal or Principal in the school safe.

Picked up at the end of the school day from the Office by the student or parent/carer in accordance with chart below.

Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) and Technology As a Positive Behaviour for Learning school, we aim to promote positive, respectful and responsible behaviours that enhance our learning environment. Using mobile phones and devices appropriately is an expectation of Leeton High School in all environments. When these devices are used to harm self or others or to disrupt the learning environment then consequences will be applied. The table below highlights examples of negative behaviours. The Mobile Phone/Electronic Device Flowchart outlines the consequences of negative behaviours that compromise our learning and our wellbeing. Please note: Misuse of technology, including mobile phones in the playground will also attract penalties as per our PBL Minor and Major management chart.

Minor Behaviour Violations

Major Behaviour Violations

Behaviour Examples Behaviour Examples Inappropriate technology use Student uses their phone or other technological device against expectations

Student has their phone or other device out in class and does not follow instructions to put away

Playing games


Unacceptable technology use Using a phone or other device to film/photograph inappropriate behaviour, to harass, intimidate or harm.

Filming a fight and/or publishing footage

Taking images/footage of other students or staff without permission

Serious cyberbullying

Using technology to harm someone else



Related information: Legal Issues Bulletin no 35 (March 2013); DoE Policies: Online Communication Services: acceptable usage for school students; Student Discipline in Government Schools Policy.

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pg. 1

Electronic Device/Mobile Phone Management Flowchart

Fifth and Final Offence Principal interviews student and contacts


Principal confiscates device and secures it in the school safe.

Parent collects device at the end of the day.

SUSPENSION for Continued Disobedience.

Return From Suspension agreement (uploaded to

Sentral) has clear expectations for appropriate

device use at school - Level 1 card displays PBL

values for appropriate device use. Note: Serious

inappropriate use of technology e.g filming a

fight, watching pornography, inciting violence will

be treated as a final offence.

Repeated serious misuse may require the

student’s phone to be left at the office at the

beginning of the school day and collected at the


First Offence Teacher reads PBL Informal Warning script –


Student turns device off and puts it in their

bag. (Refusal to do so constitutes a Second


No further action taken.

Second Offence Teacher reads PBL Formal Warning script to

reinforce expectation of OFF and AWAY and

warns of referral to Head Teacher and


Teacher notes the Second Offence on Sentral.

Student turns device off and puts it in their

bag. (Refusal to do so constitutes a Third


Third Offence Teacher reads PBL Final Warning script to

reinforce expectation of OFF and AWAY

and refers student to Head Teacher.

Teacher adds the Third Offence to the

incident notes made on Sentral.

Head Teacher has the discretion to caution

or confiscate the device. If confiscation

occurs, the Head Teacher gives it to the

Office/Deputy Principal at first opportunity

to be stored in the school safe.

Parent contacted by the Head Teacher to

inform them of the inappropriate device use

as recorded on Sentral by the Teacher and

notes that contact on Sentral.

Faculty Monitoring Card focusing on

respectful responsible use of devices in a

learning environment issued and entered

on Sentral.

If confiscated, student collects their phone

from the office at the end of the day.

If the student refuses to surrender the device then the Deputy Principal is called to confiscate it and reinforces OFF and

AWAY. (Refusal to surrender the device to

the Head Teacher or Deputy Principal

constitutes a Fourth Offence.)

Deputy Principal stores the device in the school safe.

Student collects device at the end of the

day from the Deputy Principal, who

interviews the student and makes notes on


Fourth Offence If the Fourth Offence occurs in class, then

the Teacher/Head Teacher sends the

student to the Deputy Principal for device


Teacher/Head Teacher adds the Fourth

Offence to the incident notes made on


Parent/carer contacted by the Deputy

Principal to inform of the repeated

inappropriate device use resulting in a Level

1 card and letter and a Suspension

Warning letter.

Parent to collect device from the Office at the end of the day.

Page 14: ABN: 22 761 278 122 Principal: Mrs M Crelley Issue No: 6 ... · the expectations for mobile phone/electronic device use while at school in keeping with our Positive Behaviour for


ITEM: _________________________ Made on:__________

Flour Coconut

Sugar Eggs

Nuts Dairy

Oil Other


ITEM: _________________________ Made on:__________

Flour Coconut

Sugar Eggs

Nuts Dairy

Oil Other


ITEM: _________________________ Made on:__________

Flour Coconut

Sugar Eggs

Nuts Dairy

Oil Other


ITEM: _________________________ Made on:__________

Flour Coconut

Sugar Eggs

Nuts Dairy

Oil Other


ITEM: _________________________ Made on:__________

Flour Coconut

Sugar Eggs

Nuts Dairy

Oil Other


ITEM: _________________________ Made on:__________

Flour Coconut

Sugar Eggs

Nuts Dairy

Oil Other


ITEM: _________________________ Made on:__________

Flour Coconut

Sugar Eggs

Nuts Dairy

Oil Other


ITEM: _________________________ Made on:__________

Flour Coconut

Sugar Eggs

Nuts Dairy

Oil Other


ITEM: _________________________ Made on:__________

Flour Coconut

Sugar Eggs

Nuts Dairy

Oil Other


ITEM: _________________________ Made on:__________

Flour Coconut

Sugar Eggs

Nuts Dairy

Oil Other


ITEM: _________________________ Made on:__________

Flour Coconut

Sugar Eggs

Nuts Dairy

Oil Other


ITEM: _________________________ Made on:__________

Flour Coconut

Sugar Eggs

Nuts Dairy

Oil Other


ITEM: _________________________ Made on:__________

Flour Coconut

Sugar Eggs

Nuts Dairy

Oil Other


ITEM: _________________________ Made on:__________

Flour Coconut

Sugar Eggs

Nuts Dairy

Oil Other
