abinitio faqs3-1

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Transcript of abinitio faqs3-1

  • 8/16/2019 abinitio faqs3-1


    QuestionWhat is the default layout of a component ?

    Is it mandatory to set the layout of a component ?

    AnswerLayout determines the location of a resource.

    A layout is either serial or parallel.

    A serial layout specifies a single computer and a single directory onthat computer.

    A parallel layout specifies multiple computers with multiple directories

    across the computers. It is permissible for the same computer to be


    its not mandatory.........its optional


    Questionhow does deadlock occur?

    AnswerIF TWO A! "O! T#!A$% WAITI&' TO !L!A%! A !%O()!*W#!&

    $!A$LO)+ I% O))(.

    Answer#i kanaga" asking for abinitio grpahs

    when does deadlock occur

    Answer$eadlock occurs when a program cannot progress* causing a

    graph to hang. The likelihood of deadlock occurring depends

    on the patterns of data flows. A graph carries a potential

    for deadlock when flows di,erge and con,erge within a single

    phase. If the flows con,erge at a component that reads its

    input flows in a particular order* that component may wait

    for records to arri,e on one flow e,en as the unread data

    accumulates on others* because components ha,e a limited

    buffering capacity. -efore '$! ,ersion ./* deadlock was a

    common problem. It is now a rare occurrence due to theautomatic flow buffering feature added in ,ersion ./.


    Answerwhen two or more components using the same resource* then u

    will get dead lock


    AnswerIt is the condition* where the graph will stop processing

    due to mutual dependency of data.

    For !01

    Let2s consider a concatenate component* ha,ing three

    inputs. Let2s say first i3p recei,es 45 million records*

    second i3p recei,es 555 records* third i3p recei,es 655


    &ow e,en though the concatenate recei,es i3p2s at second

    and third i3p port* the concatenate won2t work until it

    recei,es all the i3p2s at it2s first i3p port. %o the

    graph2ll stop processing until the first i3p port recei,es

    all its data. This condition is called $!A$LO)+.

  • 8/16/2019 abinitio faqs3-1


    This is now minimised 7not pre,ented8 by 9Automated flow

    buffering:. This will in turn pro,ide more workspace in

    network resource allocation. %o that the processing2ll be


    The Automated flow buffering is a,ailable from ./ ,ersion.

    Questiondifference betwween check point and phase?

    Answercheck point is the reco,ery points created.........whene,er the graph

    fails in middle. we can get the data from the failed checkpoint and try

    to e0ecute it from that point after the correction.

    phase1when graph created with phases part of memory will allocated to

    each phase one by one..;memory managment< phase will always be runing

    one after the other.


    What is the difference between reformat and redefine format?AnswerThis was the answer i ga,e........

    reformat performs the deri,ing new data by adding fields

    dropping fields redefine format using for rename fields

    The difference between eformat and edefine Format is that

    eformat can actually change the bytes in the data while

    edefine Format simply changes the record format on the data

    as it flows through* lea,ing the data unchanged.

    but then i was asked that renaming the feild and creating it

    into a single record can be done bby reformat as well.then

    waht is the use of redefine.

    Answerin define format we cant change the dml.

    it is used in merge *concate

    QuestionWhat is the language used in Ab Initio ?

    Answer$ata $efinition Language 7$$L8


    basically when graph runs* it is e0ecuting .run file on

    that ser,er