Abdulla H. Said.docx


Transcript of Abdulla H. Said.docx

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ADM.NO: 110343231195


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DECLARATIONI Abdulla H. Said, declare that, the project presented here as partial fulfillment of Bachelor

Engineering in Electrical Engineering course, is my original work and has not been copied

anywhere or presented elsewhere, except where explicitly indicated otherwise.

.……………….... .……………….

Abdulla H. Said Date


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DEDICATIONThis work is dedicated with love to my family for their support and encouragement during the

preparation of this project.


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ABSTRACTThe parking procedure at Mlimani city employs parking cards that are used to authenticate

vehicles owners upon exit. The parking cards used do not indicate vehicle type and name of

vehicle owner. This exposes the cards to forgery, eventually leading into a person leaving with a

vehicle that belongs not to him or her.

This is project intends to implement automatic control for opening and closing of the gate to

improve the verification of vehicle owner ship by matching the driver bio data and registration

number of vehicles.

This system comprises of two major parts, hard ware part and software part. The hard ware part

is divided into three units the input unit, controlling unit and output unit. The input unit is keypad

and finger print reader, the controlling unit comprised of microcontroller and switching circuit

and the output part comprises motor. The software part is installed in the microcontroller and is

used to provide decision capability for this system.

Therefore the use of this system will prevent person from leaving with vehicles that does not

belong to them.


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AKNOWLEDGMENTI would like to thank my supervisor and my project coordinator Dr. A. Kilimo, for firstly giving

me support throughout the project. I would like to say that their faith give me confidence in my

ability to be an Engineer. I would like to acknowledge all lectures of Electrical Engineering

Department of Dar es Salaam Institute of Technology, for their assistance, advice and

cooperation, which made this project to be in this present form. I would like to especially thank

Eng. Mr. N. Gregory for all his support.

Also I would like to thank my family, my friends and my fellow colleagues who contributed

their potential ideas and advice.



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DECLARATION.......................................................................................................................................... i

DEDICATION............................................................................................................................................ ii

ABSTRACT............................................................................................................................................... iii

AKNOWLEDGMENT............................................................................................................................... iv

LIST OF ABBREVIATION.....................................................................................................................viii

S I UNIT..................................................................................................................................................... ix

LIST OF SYMBOLS...................................................................................................................................x

LIST OF TABLES......................................................................................................................................xi

LIST OF FIGURES...................................................................................................................................xii

CHAPTER ONE..........................................................................................................................................1


1.0 Background.......................................................................................................................................1

1.1 Problem Definition............................................................................................................................1

1.2 Project objective................................................................................................................................2

1.2.1 Main objective............................................................................................................................2

1.2.2 Specific objective........................................................................................................................2

1.3 Significance of the project.................................................................................................................2

1.4 Methodology.....................................................................................................................................2

CHAPTER TWO.........................................................................................................................................3

LITERATURE REVIEW............................................................................................................................3

2.0 Introduction.......................................................................................................................................3

2.1 Existing system..................................................................................................................................3

2.1.1 Disadvantage of existing system.................................................................................................3

2.2.0 The proposed system..................................................................................................................4

2.2.1 Principle operation of proposed system..................................................................................4

2.2.2 Advantage of proposed system...................................................................................................4

2.3 Power supply.....................................................................................................................................5

2.3.1 AC/DC Converter.......................................................................................................................5

2.3.2 Transformer................................................................................................................................5

2.3.3 Bridge rectifier............................................................................................................................5

2.4 Switching circuit................................................................................................................................6

2.5 Electric Motor....................................................................................................................................6


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2.5.1 Alternating current (AC) motors.................................................................................................6

2.5.2 Direct current (DC) motor..........................................................................................................6

2.5.3 Comparison of AC motor and DC motor....................................................................................7

2.6 Microcontroller..................................................................................................................................7

2.6.1 Advantages of microcontroller....................................................................................................8

2.6.2 The Microcontroller Components...............................................................................................8

2.7 Programmable Interface Controller (PIC)..........................................................................................9

2.7.1 Factors that determine which PIC to use.....................................................................................9

2.7.2 Some of the PIC Specification..................................................................................................10

2.8 keypad.............................................................................................................................................10

2.8.1 Some Specification of matrix keypad.......................................................................................11

2.8.2 Operation of the keypad............................................................................................................11

2.9 Finger print reader...........................................................................................................................12

2.9.1 Features of the Fingerprint Reader............................................................................................12

2.9.2 Interface between finger print and microcontroller...................................................................12

2.9.3 Operation of the fingerprint reader...........................................................................................13

2.10 Barrier gate....................................................................................................................................13

2.11 Liquid crystal display....................................................................................................................14

2.11.1 Advantages of display.............................................................................................................14

CHAPTER THREE...................................................................................................................................15

3.0 DATA COLLECTION....................................................................................................................15

3.1: Data collected from the site............................................................................................................15

CHAPTER FOUR.....................................................................................................................................16

4.0 DATA ANALYSIS AND DESIGNING.............................................................................................16

4.1 Introduction.....................................................................................................................................16

4.2 Proposed circuit diagram for the system..........................................................................................16

4.2.0 Size of motor................................................................................................................................17

4.2.1 Switching Circuit Design..........................................................................................................18

4.2.2 Selection of Relay.....................................................................................................................18

4.2.3 Selection of transistor...............................................................................................................19

4.2.4 Determination of input voltage to the PIC Microcontroller......................................................20

4.2.5 Transformer specification.........................................................................................................20


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4.2.6 Selection of capacitor for filtering..........................................................................................20

CHAPTER FIVE.......................................................................................................................................22

5 0 RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS........................................................................................................22

5.1 Introduction.....................................................................................................................................22

5.2 Circuit diagram simulation results...................................................................................................22

5.2.1 Simulation result of the system before entering the car plate number and finger print.............22

5.2.2 Simulation result after entering the car plate number................................................................23

5.2.3 Simulation result after entering correct information.................................................................24

CHAPTER SIX.........................................................................................................................................25

6.0 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION...................................................................................25

6.1 Conclusion.......................................................................................................................................25

6.2 Recommendation.............................................................................................................................26

6.3 ESTIMATION COST OF THE PROJECT.....................................................................................27


LIST OF ABBREVIATIONAC Alternating current


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CRT Cathode ray tube

CPU Central processing unit

DC Direct current

EEPROM Electrically erasable programmable read only memory

EPROM Erasable programmable read only memory

I/O Input/output

LCD Liquid-crystal display

RAM Random access memory

RISC Reduced Instruction Set Code

MCU Microcontroller Unit

ROM Read only memory

PIC Programmable Interface Controller

VFDs Variable Frequency Drives

S I UNIT MHz Megahertz


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mA milliamp

V Voltage


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Table 1: Specification of programmable interface controller (PIC)..............................................10

Table 2: Specification of 4×4 matrix keypad................................................................................11

Table 3: Shows specification of gate.............................................................................................15

Table 4: Cost Estimation...............................................................................................................27

LIST OF FIGURESFigure 1: Block diagram of existing system....................................................................................3


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Figure 2: Block diagram of the proposed system............................................................................4

Figure 3: Block diagram of AC/DC converter................................................................................5

Figure 4: shows the structure of the keypad..................................................................................11

Figure 5: interface between finger print and microcontroller........................................................12

Figure 6: Show type of automatic gate..........................................................................................13

Figure 7: Switching circuit............................................................................................................18


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INTRODUCTION1.0 Background

Mlimani City is a shopping mall in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. It is the largest mall in the country,

with an area of 19,000 m2 (200,000 sq ft). It was opened in November 2006, and is Tanzania's

first indoor air conditioned mall. The mall has several stores, restaurants and a movie theater,

Century Cinema, which has the biggest screen in East Africa. Among the stores are the South

African chains Shoprite, Game and Mr. Price. There are also several telecommunications outlets

in the mall, like Airtel, Tigo and Vodacom. There are also multiple banks and ATMs. The mall is

also connected with the Mlimani City Conference Centre and the Mlimani Meadow Villas,

which are all part of Mlimani Holdings.

In order to handle the large number of visitors, the vehicles place is provided with a big parking


Before a vehicle can park, at it must pass through the entrance gate and obtain a card from the

gate keeper, upon leaving the parking area, one must pass through the exit gate and submit the

card given earlier to the gate keeper. Both gate (the entrance and exit gates) rely on the manually

operation of the gate keepers.

1.1 Problem Definition

Mlimani city is a famous shop mall located in Dar es Salaam city. The mall is a furnished with a

huge vehicle parking area.

The parking procedure at Mlimani city employs parking cards that are used to authenticate

vehicles owners upon exit. The parking cards used do not indicate vehicle type and name of

vehicle owner. This exposes the cards to forgery, eventually leading into a person leaving with a

vehicle that belongs not to him or her.


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1.2 Project objective

The objectives of this project are divided into main objective and specific objective.

1.2.1 Main objective

Improve the verification of vehicle ownership by matching the driver’s bio data and the

registration number of vehicle leaving the car park.

1.2.2 Specific objective

(i) To design a system this will store driver information to be matched upon exit gate

(ii) To design an interface between microcontroller and the motor which responsible for opening

and closing the gate.

(iii) Building the prototype of the system.

(iv) Testing the prototype of the system.

1.3 Significance of the project

It will prevent the possibility of people from leaving with vehicles that does not belong to them.

1.4 Methodology

The method will be used to complete this project are:

(i) Literature review.

(ii) Data collection.

(iii) Data analysis.

(iv) Designing the circuit.

(v) Building the prototype.

(vi) Testing the prototype.

(vii) Report writing.


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LITERATURE REVIEW2.0 Introduction.

This chapter deals with review which gives an overview or act as a stepping stone of the project.

It introduces the various information relevant to the project that act as the key starting point of

understanding the ways that will be used to attain the project objectives.

The literature review focus on various existing systems and their basic principles of operations,

description of the current entrance and exit system that is used at Mlimani City parking area and

the proposed system.

2.1 Existing system

Before a vehicle can park it must pass through the entrance gate and obtain a card from the gate

keeper after that the gatekeeper to open the gate manually.

Upon leaving the parking area must pass through the exit gate and submit the card given at the

entrance gate to the gate keeper for verification purpose and allow the owner of vehicle to go

Figure 1: Block diagram of existing system

2.1.1 Disadvantage of existing system

It is unable to identify authentic vehicle’s owner


Pass card Security Guard


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2.2.0 The proposed system

The proposed system permit the vehicle owner only leaving at the parking place.



Figure 2: Block diagram of the proposed system

2.2.1 Principle operation of proposed system

When the vehicle arrived at the entrance gate the security guard enter registration number of

vehicles and the driver swipes his/her finger print on the finger print reader, than after entering

this information the gate of the car park is opened.

Upon leaving the parking area the security guard enter the registration number of vehicle and the

driver swipes again finger print on the finger print reader than after authentication the gate of the

2.2.2 Advantage of proposed system

It is able to identify authentic vehicle’s owner


D C Supply

Microcontroller Switching circuit



Finger print reader

MotorLCD Display

Power Supply

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2.3 Power supply

This is ac power supply which provides power to the system.

AC power is the energy that is used to drive the electric appliances like air conditioners, fans and

so on.

2.3.1 AC/DC Converter

This device convert ac supply to dc supply, it comprises step down transformer, bridge rectifier,

filter and voltage regulator.

Figure 3: Block diagram of AC/DC converter

2.3.2 Transformer

A transformer is a static electrical equipment (machine) operating under the principle of mutual

induction. It is used to step down voltage or current of alternating supply (AC supply) desired

level of output.

2.3.3 Bridge rectifier

A diode bridge is an arrangement of four or more diodes in a bridge circuit configuration that

provide the same polarity of the output for the either of input when used in its most common

application for conversion of an alternating current (AC) input into a direct current (DC) output,

it is known as bridge rectifier .A bridge rectifier provides a full wave rectification from a two

wire ac input, resulting in lower and weight as compared to a rectifier with a three wire input

from transformer with a center tapped secondary winding.

Filter The function of the filter is to remove ripples presents in the output voltage supplied by

rectifier. Most of rectifier output has pulsating signal which means it has dc value with some ac

components called ripples. Capacitor can be used as input filter for smoothing out dc voltage

variation in the out power supply circuits.

2.4 Switching circuit

This is an interface between Microcontroller and electric gate; since the microcontroller cannot

drive electric gate because its output voltage is not enough to drive the motor. So there is a need

to provide this interface that actually contains the relay switch and relay driver.


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The switching circuit enables the microcontroller to drive the motor without this interface motor

cannot drive by the microcontroller.

2.5 Electric Motor

Motor is a device which converts electrical energy into mechanical energy.

Electric motors are classified into two types, which are:

(i) Alternating current (AC) motor.

(ii) Direct current (DC) motor.

2.5.1 Alternating current (AC) motors

These are the motors that driven by an alternating current supply. They are classified as;

(i) Induction motor.

(ii) Synchronous motor.

Induction motor

This is the most rugged and most widely used machine in the industries. It has the rotor mounted

on the stator supported by the bearings so as to allow rotations.

This motor can be single phase or three phases depending on the user requirements.

Synchronous motor

When synchronous motor is used in the system, in must be connected to the power supply like

other motors. However the synchronous motor is not self-starting, it must be started until it gain

the synchronous speed then get deeded power from the external sources.

2.5.2 Direct current (DC) motor

A DC motor is a mechanically commutated electric motor powered from direct current (DC).

The stator is stationary in space by definition and therefore the current in the rotor is switched by

the commutation to also be stationary in space. This is how the relative angle between the stator

and rotor magnetic flux is maintained near 90 degrees, which generates the maximum torque.

DC motors have a rotating armature winding (winding in which a voltage is induced) but non-

rotating armature magnetic field and a static field winding (winding that produce the main

magnetic flux) or permanent magnet. Different connections of the field and armature winding

provide different inherent speed/torque regulation characteristics. The speed of a DC motor can

be controlled by changing the voltage applied to the armature or by changing the field current.

The introduction of variable resistance in the armature circuit or field circuit allowed speed


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control. Modern DC motors are often controlled by power electronics systems called DC drives.

It is classified into three main types, namely

(i) Shunt motor

(ii) Series motor

(iii) Compound motor

2.5.3 Comparison of AC motor and DC motor

(i) The main advantage of a DC motor over an AC motor is that it can operate directly from a

battery, so its power supply is more reliable because it can be stored.

(ii) The speed of a DC motor can be controlled with a less complicated control unit that the unit

required for an AC motor. In DC motor only the armature voltage needs to be controlled.

With a small motor, that can be done by inserting a resistor in series with the armature. The

speed control units that provide the best performance with AC motors are those that

electronically control both the frequency and voltage supplied to the motor. They are called

variable frequency drives (VFDs).

(iii) DC motors may be better for some very small precision motion control applications while

the AC motor are widely used in the application where the load requires low starting torque,

otherwise the complexity way of inserting resistance in series with the rotor is used but it

increases the amount of power loss.

2.6 Microcontroller

A microcontroller is a single-chip computer. Micro suggests that the device is small, and

controller suggests that it is used in control applications.

Another term for microcontroller is embedded controller, since most of the microcontrollers are

built into (or embedded in) the devices they control.

A microprocessor differs from a microcontroller in a number of ways. The main distinction is

that a microprocessor requires several other components for its operation, such as program

memory and data memory, input-output devices, and an external clock circuit. A microcontroller,

on the other hand, has all the support chips incorporated inside its single chip. All

microcontrollers operate on a set of instructions (or the user program) stored in their memory.

A microcontroller fetches the instructions from its program memory one by one, decodes these

instructions, and then carries out the required operations.


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A microcontroller is a very powerful tool that allows a designer to create sophisticated

Input output data manipulation under program control. Microcontrollers are classified by the

number of bits they process. Microcontrollers with 8 bits are the most popular and are used in

most microcontroller-based applications. Microcontrollers with 16 and32 bits are much more

powerful, but are usually more expensive and not required in most small- or medium-size

general purpose applications that call for microcontrollers

2.6.1 Advantages of microcontroller

(i) It can take large input parameters and compute the proper output with only a few external


(ii) Portability and Precision: it is compact containing several built-in components and so reduces

the number of components of the board. The microcontroller itself doesn’t take so much space

on the board.

(iii) High durability and reliability: the advantages of microcontrollers are that all MCU’s have

on-chip resources to achieve a higher level of integration and reliability.

Built- in resources increase reliability because they do not require any external circuitry to be

working for the resource to function.

(iv) Flexibility: it allows for easy re-programming when the need arises and it allows the use of

additional features to the system design.

(v) Low power consumption: the overall power consumption of the project design is very low.

(vi) Cost effectiveness: the design has components that are few and not complex. This will result

to an inexpensive and affordable product.

2.6.2 The Microcontroller Components

Microcontroller has the following components:-

CPU, RAM, EPROM, EEPROM, Digital I/O ports, Timers, Serial communication, A/D


Central Processing Unit

The CPU executes the software stored in ROM and controls all the microcontroller components.

Random Access Memory (RAM)


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During execution of the instructions all manipulation of data is done in the register. This kind of

memory is known as Random Access Memory (RAM) and is volatile memory, meaning that data

get lost with absence of power.

Read Only Memory (ROM)

The ROM is used to store the program and any permanent data. A designer can have a program

and data permanently stored in a ROM by the chip manufacture.

Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory (EPROM)

Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory can be programmed erased, and reprogrammed.

The EPROM chip has a small window on top allowing it to be erased by shining ultra-violet light

on it. After reprogramming the window is covered to prevent new contents being erased.

Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory (EEPROM)

Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory Reprogrammed electrically without

using ultraviolet light

2.7 Programmable Interface Controller (PIC)

Programmable Interface Controller (PIC) was developed by the microchip Technology. The

microchip Technology is a manufacturer of microcontroller, memory and analogue

semiconductors. Programmable Interface Controller (PIC) is another modern Reduced

Instruction Set Code (RISC) development and has many features that are similar to AVR. The

PIC family devices are larger and more capable than the AVR.

Programmable Interface Controller (PIC) series range from a really simple 8 pin 4MHz

microcontroller up to a 40 pin 25MHz device.

2.7.1 Factors that determine which PIC to use

The following are the factors to be considered when choosing which PIC to use.

(i) The amount of memory an application needs to run a program.

(ii) Power consumed by the microcontroller and its form factor that the size and characteristic of

the physical package that must reside on the target design.

(iii) The peripherals which include serial communication peripherals, timer etc clock frequency,

this determines the speed at which the instructions are executed. With higher frequency the

microcontroller will finish one task and start another.

(iv) Number of interrupts and timer circuits required, for instance, how many number of data.


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2.7.2 Some of the PIC Specification

Table 1: Specification of programmable interface controller (PIC)

Product type Data EEPROM


RAM Bytes I/O pins Maximum

Speed MHz

PIC16F83 64 36 13 10

PIC16F84A 64 68 13 10

PIC16F872 64 128 22 20

PIC16F873 128 192 22 20

PIC16F874 128 192 22 20

PIC16F876 256 368 33 20

PIC16F877 256 368 33 20

2.8 keypad

The Keypad is one that is designed making use of push-buttons. By definition, a keypad is a set

of buttons arranged in a block which usually bear digits and other symbols but not a complete set

of alphabets letters. If it mostly contains numbers then it can also be called a numeric keypad.

These keys on the keypad enable the user to enter the car plate number. The keypad is regularly

scanned by the Microcontroller Unit (MCU) for data collection after which it prompts the user to

swipe his/her fingerprint and if successful. The keypad is connected in a matrix form. Each row

and column is connected to a pull-down resistor before it’s connected to the Microcontroller Unit

(MCU) in order to prevent floating point values. The keypad works on the principle of column

select and row detect. The microcontroller sends a voltage of 5V across the column sequentially.

2.8.1 Some Specification of matrix keypad

Table 2: Specification of 4×4 matrix keypad

Columns × Rows 4×4

Contact rating 20mA,24V DC


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Contact resistance 200Ω

Operating temperature -200°C to 60°C

2.8.2 Operation of the keypad

Figure 4: shows the structure of the keypad

Figure 4 shows the structure of the keypad which consists of sixteen switches formed in a 4 by 4

array and named numerals 0–9.

The operation of the keypad is as follows:

A logic1 is applied to the first column via RB0. Port pins RB4 to RB7 are read. If the data is

nonzero, a switch is pressed. If RB4 is 1, key 1 is pressed, if RB5 is 1, key 4 is pressed, if RB6 is

1, key 9 is pressed, and so on.

A logic1 is applied to the second column via RB1. Again, port pins RB4 to RB7 are read. If the

data is nonzero, a switch is pressed. If RB4 is 1, key 2 is pressed, if RB5 is 1, key 6 is pressed, if

RB6 is 1, key 0 is pressed, and so on.

This process is repeated for all four columns continuously.

2.9 Finger print reader

Finger print refers to the automated method of verifying a match between two or more human

finger prints. Finger prints are one of many forms of biometrics used to identify individuals and

verify their identity.


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Finger print sensor is an electronic device used to capture a digital image of the finger print


2.9.1 Features of the Fingerprint Reader

(i) Easy restructure,

(ii) Powerful functions,

(iii) Compatible with PC and multiple-functions in one module:

(iv) Finger print enrollment, image process, characters acquisition,

2.9.2 Interface between finger print and microcontroller

Figure 5: interface between finger print and microcontroller

This module has three functions; these are;

i) Add function;

This function is used to introduce new finger inside a list of finger array.

ii) Search function;

This function is used to check whether the finger print is present or not inside a numbers of

stored fingers print.

iii) Empty function;

This function is used to delete all finger print present inside a module.

The above three functions can be called from a remote microcontroller by using switch that

produce 0 (low) bit for latest 0.5sec when pressed.


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2.9.3 Operation of the fingerprint reader

The fingerprint reader captures the fingerprint image as the input to the MCU which tags the

corresponding car plate number already entered through the keypad with the fingerprint read

from the fingerprint reader. This data is stored at the EEPROM of the Microcontroller Unit

(MCU) and used to verify at the exit gate.

The input data from the finger print to the microcontroller is 5volts and the binary data stored for

verification at the exit gate.

2.10 Barrier gate

Barrier gates are the ideal solution if you need to control vehicle transit in public parking areas,

car parks, private and block of flats entrances, even when the traffic is heavy. They are made of a

motor body and control unit, protected by a case with different finishes, in particular in stainless

steel for applications in critical environment conditions, like heavy traffic areas or near the sea.

There are motorizations powered by 230 V and by 24V dc, which ensure high performances and

safety, making them ideal for the automation of private and public car parks which are subject to

frequent vehicle transit during the day.

The choice of the model of automatic barrier gates depends on the width of the entrance and the

type of use.

Figure 6: Show type of automatic gate


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2.11 Liquid crystal display

A liquid-crystal display (LCD) is a flat panel display, electronic visual display, or video display

that uses the light modulating properties of liquid crystals. Liquid crystals do not emit light


LCDs are available to display arbitrary images (as in a general-purpose computer display) or

fixed images which can be displayed or hidden, such as preset words, digits, and 7-segment

displays as in a digital clock. They use the same basic technology, except that arbitrary images

are made up of a large number of small pixels, while other displays have larger elements.

LCDs are used in a wide range of applications including computer monitors, televisions,

instrument panels, aircraft cockpit displays, and signage. They are common in consumer devices

such as video players, gaming devices, clocks, watches, calculators, and telephones, and have

replaced cathode ray tube (CRT) displays in most applications. They are available in a wider

range of screen sizes than CRT and plasma displays, and since they do not use phosphors, they

do not suffer image burn-in. LCDs are, however, susceptible to image persistence.

The LCD screen is more energy efficient and can be disposed of more safely than a CRT. Its low

electrical power consumption enables it to be used in battery-powered electronic equipment.

2.11.1 Advantages of display.

i) Very compact and light.

ii) Very little heat emitted during operation, due to low power consumption.

iii) No geometric distortion.

iv) The possible ability to have little or no flicker depending on backlight technology.

v) Usually no refresh-rate flicker, because the LCD pixels hold their state between refreshes

(which are usually done at 200 Hz or faster, regardless of the input refresh rate).

vi) Is very thin compared to a CRT monitor, which allows the monitor to be placed farther

back from the user, reducing close-focusing related eye-strain.

vii) Razor sharp image with no bleeding/smearing when operated at native resolution.

viii) Can be made in almost any size or shape.

ix) No theoretical resolution limit.


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3.0 DATA COLLECTIONThe following procedure has been adopted to accomplish this project.

Data collection was done through the following method;-

Site visiting

Under this aspect data collected from site visit by visual observations.

3.1: Data collected from the site

Table 3: Shows specification of gate

Type of gate Barrier gate

Weight of gate 50kg

Car parking capacity 1600

Security guard 3@gate


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This chapter describes the usage of all data that have been collected and designing of the system.

It comprises the mathematical analysis together with circuits design and appropriate circuit

components values for the entire system.

4.2 Proposed circuit diagram for the system

Operation of the proposed circuit diagram

The power supply provides power to the system in order for it to function properly. The keypad

and finger print is used as a means of input that is used to input the car park number and finger

print to the microcontroller, after putting it to the system then the microcontroller compares the

received car park number and fingerprint with the stored ones, if the car park number and

fingerprint matches with the stored ones then it sends signal to the switching circuit to allow it to

open the gate


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4.2.0 Size of motor

Design analysis of motor

The size of the motor

Data given

Density of aluminum =2770kg/m

Let volume be V

Let coefficient of friction to be (μ) = 0.045




Gravitational force = 9.81

Factor of safety=1.2 (1.1 up to1.3)


Volume = Length × Breath × Height

Volume = 4 × 0.1 × 0.12 = 0.048m3



Mass = Volume × Density

Mass = 0.048 x 2770 =132.96kg

Effective belt pull = μ × g × mass

= 0.045 × 9.81 × 132.96 = 58.7N

Maximum belt pull = effective belt pull × factor of safety

= 58.7 × 1.2 = 70.4N



Distance¿2 πr


Distance=2 π × 4

4 =6.283m



Output power¿Maximum belt pull×Velocity


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Output power¿70.4 × 2.094

Output power¿147.45Watts.





Output power¿0.198hp

Since a motor of 0.198hp doesn’t exist because is not standard so, we take 0.5hp motor.

Thus motor of 0.5hp=373Watts

Therefore Power of motor=373Wats

Power (P) = I×V

I = PV

I = 37312

Current = 31.08Amps

Current of motor=31.08Amps

4.2.1 Switching Circuit Design

The switching circuit comprises of relay and transistor which act as a switch in this circuit. A

relay is an electrical switch that opens and closes under the control of another electrical circuit.

Figure 7: Switching circuit


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4.2.2 Selection of Relay

Due to the current of motor Choosing relay R52-1D40-12, which has Nominal voltage 12 Volts

DC, Coil resistance 120 Ohms, Max contact current 40 Amps and maximum contact voltage 14

Volts DC (from the specification sheet data)

4.2.3 Selection of transistor

Taking the coil resistance of the relay to be RC =120Ω as standard coil resistance of relay. The

collector current will flow, during saturation condition.

During saturation condition the value of Vce = 0. NB: The transistor in this case is operating as

a switch so voltage drop across it is considered to be negligible.

Assume that the V BE remains constant at 0.7V silicon NPN transistor


RB= Resistor base

I C = Collector current

IB = Base current

V CC = input voltage to relay coil/ collector voltage

V BE = Base emitter voltage

Voltage of dc coil (Vcc) =12V

Vcc= I C RC+V CE (sat), but V CE=0



I C=12


I C = collector current = 0.1Amps

Then Choosing transistor 2N2222A, materials silicon, NPN which has current gain hfe (β) =100

(from the specification sheet data)




I B=0.1100 = 1mA

Therefore the base current is 1mA


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Since the input voltage is 5V (the output from PIC), then the value of base resistor (RB) can be

calculated through the expression;



RB = (5−0.7)


RB = 4.3kΩ

From the specification data sheet, the standard resistor will be 4.7kΩ Selected

4.2.4 Determination of input voltage to the PIC Microcontroller

The input voltage required to the microcontroller is 5V regulated power supply.

The power source comes from utility power supply 230 ac at frequency of 50Hz. A step down

transformer lowers is required for lowering the voltage to required output. A full wave bridge

rectifier converts this alternating voltage to a pulsating DC version. The capacitors filter the

output waveform to smooth the ripples.

A voltage regulator is used for maintaining the terminal voltage of the dc supply even when ac

input voltage to the transformer varies.

I have selected two IC regulator 7812(input voltage +14.6V and output +12V) and 7805(input

+7.3V and output +5V) dc with load current not exceed 1A. (From the specification data sheet).

4.2.5 Transformer specification

4.2.6 Selection of capacitor for filtering

The output voltage of the rectifier circuit contains ripples which should be filtered

before the voltage goes to regulator. The simplest method of ripple filtering is the use of Shunt



V r(rms) ¿I dc

4√3 fC

C ¿I dc

4√3 fVr (rms)


I dc=¿DC output current from the filter

Vr(rms)¿rms value of the ripple voltage


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f ¿ frequency

C ¿ filter capacitor

Designing of the capacitor input filter with maximum current of not exceeding 1A and

the ripple voltage V of 2.887V with supply frequency of 50Hz.

The value of capacitor filter found as;

C¿ I dc

4 √3 fVr (rms)

C ¿1

4 × 50× 2.887 ×√3


C¿ 1000μF

A filter capacitor of 1000μF is selected and used in a circuit because large capacitor

eliminates large amount of ripples and also a low value capacitor of 0.1μF is incorporated

for reducing interference of the audible signal.

Transformer specifications

The peak primary voltage =230×√2=325.27Volts

The dc output voltage V dc=12Volts

Capacitor C=1000μF

Frequency f= 50HZ

Resistance r= 10Ω


V dc=V P

[1+ (2 fcr )]

12=V p

1+( 12 ×50 ×1000 ×10−6× 10


V p=12 ×2=24Volts

The peak voltage V p=24Volts

Voltage drop of the diode V D=2 ×0.7

= 1.4Volts

Therefore the secondary peak voltage¿V P+V D

V PS= 24+1.4 = 25.4Volts


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The secondary voltage¿V PS


√2=18 volts

Therefore A 230V, 50Hz ac supply is stepped down by a transformer to a secondary voltage of

about 18V



This chapter describes the results of different parts of the system and a briefly discussion of those

results. It shows the simulation results of the system.

5.2 Circuit diagram simulation results.

5.2.1 Simulation result of the system before entering the car plate number and finger print

The simulation result of the system before the car plate number was entered is shown hereunder.

The simulation results of the below circuit show that when the system is ON the display requests

the user should put the car number in the system through the keypad. The output voltage from

the microcontroller to the transistor is zero when the number was not entered, so the relay does

not make so the gate will not open and remain closed.


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5.2.2 Simulation result after entering the car plate number

The simulation results of the below circuit show that when the system is ON the display requests

the user should put the finger in the system through the finger print reader. The output voltage

from the microcontroller to the transistor is zero, so the relay does not make so the gate remain



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5.2.3 Simulation result after entering correct information

The simulation results of the below circuit show that when the correct information was entered in

the system the display shows the message that the gate is open and the output voltage from the

microcontroller to the transistor is 4.9V, so the relay makes and the gate will be open


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6.1 Conclusion

This project has successfully taken an initial idea of designing the entrance and exit control

system. All potential data needed for the design of the system were successfully collected and

analysed. The collected data led to the design of the hardware and software parts of this project.


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During simulation of the system, the matrix keypad was used as means of putting the car plate

number to the system

Finger print module in this project is used to swipe the finger after entering the car plate number.

The finger print module used in this project is R 305 This module is able to save different

biometric signal with their respective ID from hex 00 to hex FE.

However, this type and even any other type have not been included inside a library of micro c

pro and even in a component library of proteus professional software.

Therefore, the simulation was difficult by using the actual finger print module.

Though, to ensure that nothing goes wrong I came up with which helped work as a finger print

module. This method involves creating array that will contain a list of predefined finger prints ID

inside a microcontroller used.


Originally, I was hoping to build automatic opening and closing of gate by using the key pad and

the finger print.

The finger print module used in this project is R 305 This module is able to save different

biometric signal with their respective ID from hex 00 to hex FE. Due to lack of this type of

finger print in the marketplace of Tanzania.

I have end up with opening and closing gate by using key pad.

Therefore I can conclude that project objective and its designing considerations have been met.

6.2 Recommendation

In the course of designing this project, lots of new ideas were birthed and further research

showed that many improvements can be made on the car parking and monitoring system. Some

of these recommendations could not be worked on due to time and cost constraints nonetheless

they are given here as possible improvements to be considered later in the future.

(i) I-Catcher Digital CCTV Software: This comes as an excellent idea to help improve the

security in general. I-Catcher can be configured to keep all the images over a specified period

allowing you to keep the last 2 weeks (or however long you choose) of image information on


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hard disk for examination should be needed. The use of cameras to capture all cars including

number plate recognition that visit the car park is a good idea that can be implemented in a car

parking monitoring and security system. With this, safety of cars is enormously increased.

(ii) A billing system: This idea is exceptionally competent if the car park is to be located in very

busy vicinity like a public access car park like a shopping mall or an airport as it goes a long way

to improve the car parking system. A ticketing system can be put in a place whereby every user

can pay on their way out and have tickets given to them automatically.

6.3 ESTIMATION COST OF THE PROJECTOverall cost of the project evaluated after completing a Senior Project two.

Table 4: Cost Estimation


Flash Disk for files

storage(back up)

1 10,000 10,000

Printing 3 10000 30,000


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Binding 7 2000 14,000

Photocopy 7 1000 7,000

Capacitor 5 1500 7,500

Crystal 1 1500 1,500

Transistor(NPN) 2 2500 5,000

Resistors 2 1000 2000

Microcontroller 1 45,000 45,000

Relay 2 3,000 6,000

Transformer 1 12,000 12,000

LED 4 500 2,000

Bridge rectifier 1 1500 1,500

Circuit board 1 5,000 5,000

Regulator 2 2,000 4,000

LCD 1 2500 2,500

Keypad(3×4) 1 30000 30,000

Soldering wire 1 roll 4000 4,000

Push button switch 2 2000 4,000

Finger print 1 250,000 250,000

Total cost 443,000

REFERENCE [1] Programming 8-bit PIC microcontrollers in C. Author; Martin P. Bates. Inc www.sribd.com.

[2] John Tovine(2000). “PIC Microcontroller Project Book”, McGraw-Hill Companies.

[3] Electronics Control in Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, 3rd Edition (2003) by W.


[4] R.M.Jalnekar, N. M Pasalkar. Power Electronics-II, Technical puplications.

[5] http//www.oddparts.com/motorturns

[6] http//www.fingerprint.com.


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[7] http//www.keypad.com.

Work schedulles




Project title selection

Literature review and



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Data collection

Data analysis


Proof reading of project report

Project report writing

Submission of project report